Pandemic Drive Lesson

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(Give Me the Gist Summary)

“In order to keep your balance, you have to keep moving”.

The quotation above is one of the lessons I learned during pandemic. I started to realize
it when I began practicing to drive our single motorcycle. During pandemic, it seemed to me
that the world stopped moving. All the people got stucked. Our lives were entangled.
So, I was looking for something beneficial to do. My interest in learning to drive
motorcycle awakened then. Since I got plenty of time, I was able to practice driving like from
sunrise to sunset. My rest time was only during every meal and when my parents had
commands. It took several days before I got the confidence to drive outside our zone. I was able
to go out and drive at highways with my parents’ permission.
T’was also the time when the above-mentioned quotation entered to mind. Thus, life is
really just a balance. And in order to maintain it, just continue to move along. Do not allow
anything nor any circumstances in the world to stop you from moving especially in achieving
your goals that would benefit your life.
(Fable Short Story)

Who is the What did When did the Where did Why did the How did the
story about? they do? action take the story main main
place? happen? character do character do
what s/he what s/he
did? did?
The Fox He disobeyed Not specified. At the lion’s The lion The fox
the request of cave. pretended to be observed that
the cunning, sick and he all the animals
greedy lion and requested all entered the
saved his life. the animals to cave never
visit him in his came out
cave for the last anymore, so he
time but he just just stayed
wanted to eat outside.
all the animals.

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