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1. Which of the following forms of writing is “art that is a product of one’s imagination and emotions?

Correct answer

creative writing
academic writing
professional writing
technical writing

Creative writing is also known as imaginative writing, or “writing as an art” (Stegner, n.d.). In the academic
setting, it is the act of producing texts under the four different genres of literature: poetry, fiction, drama, and
creative nonfiction.

2. Which of the following forms of writing serves as the way of communication among the members of a
particular company, agency, or organization?

Correct answer

academic writing
imaginative writing
technical writing
professional writing

Professional writing is also known as business writing. This writing form is one of the ways people inside a
specific business entity communicate with one another. It may also be used to contact outside entities on
behalf of the organization.

3. Richard is reading the first volume of The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, which introduces the main
characters, who are halflings, elves, dwarves, wizards, and humans. What literary genre does this story fall

Correct answer

creative nonfiction

The highly-acclaimed novel The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien falls under the fiction genre since it is a high
fantasy novel. It is divided into three books. What Richard is reading is the first volume of the novel titled The
Fellowship of the Ring.

4. Isabella needs to write an essay that will help her classmates understand why volcanoes erupt. What kind of
text does she need to create?

Correct answer

technical text
imaginative text
academic text
professional text

What Isabella wants to write is a type of an academic text. It will give information to her classmates about the
science behind volcanic eruptions. It might also help them to understand that volcanic eruptions can, directly
and indirectly, benefit human beings.

5. Clarence has volunteered to write a newsletter to advertise one of the products of the company in which he
is currently employed. What kind of text has he volunteered to create?

Correct answer

academic text
imaginative text
technical text
professional text

What Clarence has volunteered to write is a customer newsletter, a type of professional text. It gives the target
readers, or the customers, the opportunity to learn more about a product or a service.

6. Sierra is creating an outline to organize her thoughts for the sonnet she plans to write. She is in which stage
of the writing process?

Correct answer

generating ideas
creating a draft

Outlining is a prewriting strategy. It enables writers to organize their ideas before creating a draft. Therefore,
Sierra is currently generating ideas.

7.Francis is trying to detect capitalization and punctuation errors in the narrative he wants to publish. He is in
which stage of the writing process?

Correct answer

creating a draft

Francis is proofreading the narrative. It is the act of correcting mechanical mistakes and inconsistencies within
the text, such as errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

8. Is creative nonfiction an imaginative text?

Correct answer

Yes, because it is purely based on one’s imagination.

Yes, because it is bound by rules of meter and rhyme.
Yes, because it uses literary techniques we see in other literary genres to retell real-life events.
No, because it is based on real-life events and imaginative texts should be purely fictional.

Creative nonfiction is considered an imaginative text because the writers of this genre use their imagination
and linguistic skills to retell a real-life event. It does not mean that imagination is only vital in creating a
nonexistent world. It may also be used to narrate a situation that really happened.

9.Jasper is a Grade 11 student. His teacher tasked him to create a fable about an animal that is unique to the
Philippines. He also encouraged Jasper to follow the creative writing process in order to be successful in
creating the said text. However, when Jasper submitted his text, the teacher said that the story has a plot hole.
Moreover, the teacher noticed a lot of inconsistencies with regard to the personality of the main character.
What should Jasper do to correct these problems?

Correct answer

He should revise the text.

He should proofread the text.
He should edit the text.
He should publish the text.

Jasper should revise the text in order to resolve the plot holes and the inconsistencies his teacher noticed in
the text. Revising is the act of reexamining and changing the content or parts of the content of the text to
achieve unity and completeness. This happens after creating the draft of the text.


Single Answer

Jasper’s teacher rejected his output. However, Jasper's teacher said that he will give Jasper the time that he
needs to revise the fable. Should Jasper be discouraged by what happened?

Correct answer

No. He should remember that committing errors is a part of the writing process.
No. He should remember that his teacher might not appreciate his text, but others will.
No. He should remember that it is his teacher’s fault if he cannot understand the plot of the story.
No. However, this proves that the teacher is unfair and close-minded.

Jasper should bear in mind that committing writing errors is part of his journey as an imaginative writer. He
should not be disheartened because of the rejection he experienced from his teacher. This will also help him
appreciate the importance of revising a work in order to improve its quality and allow Jasper to truly convey
what he wishes to in his work.

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