21BCC031 HRM 2

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Class: III B.Sc CSA
Roll No: 21BCC031
Assignment No: 2


Key Factors Contributing to Perceived Lack of Career Advancement


a. Limited Growth Opportunities: Employees may feel that there are few
vertical or lateral career paths available within the organization. This could be
due to a lack of structured career development programs or clear paths for

b. Poor Communication: If employees are unaware of available opportunities

or the criteria for advancement, they may perceive a lack of advancement
options. Lack of transparent communication from management about career
paths and development opportunities can contribute to this perception.

c. Skill Gap: Employees may feel that they lack the necessary skills or
qualifications for advancement. If the organization does not provide adequate
training or support for skill development, employees may feel stuck in their
current roles.
d. Favoritism or Bias: Perceptions of favoritism or bias in promotion decisions
can significantly impact employees' motivation to pursue advancement
opportunities. If employees believe that promotions are based on factors other
than merit, such as personal relationships or favoritism, they may become

e. Inadequate Recognition and Rewards: Employees who do not feel

adequately recognized or rewarded for their contributions may be less motivated
to pursue advancement within the organization.

Strategies and Initiatives to Improve Career Planning and Development:

a. Implement Clear Career Paths: Company Y should establish clear and

transparent career paths for employees, outlining the skills, experience, and
milestones required for advancement in various roles.

b. Provide Regular Feedback and Development Opportunities: Implement a

regular performance feedback system that includes discussions about career
goals and development opportunities. Offer training programs, mentorship
opportunities, and job rotations to help employees develop the skills needed for

c. Promote a Culture of Meritocracy: Ensure that promotion decisions are

based on merit, performance, and qualifications rather than favoritism or bias.
Implement objective criteria for evaluating candidates for promotion and
provide training for managers on fair and unbiased decision-making.

d. Enhance Communication: Improve communication channels to ensure that

employees are aware of available career opportunities, development programs,
and the criteria for advancement. Regularly communicate the organization's
commitment to employee growth and development.

e. Recognize and Reward Achievement: Implement a system for recognizing

and rewarding employee contributions, whether through promotions, bonuses,
or other incentives. Ensure that recognition is tied to performance and aligned
with the organization's values and goals.

Potential Impact of Strategies:

a. Employee Retention: By providing clear career paths and development

opportunities, Company Y can increase employee engagement and motivation,
leading to higher retention rates. Employees are more likely to stay with the
organization if they see opportunities for growth and advancement.

b. Job Satisfaction: Improved career planning and development initiatives can

lead to higher job satisfaction among employees. When employees feel
supported in their career goals and see a clear path for advancement, they are
more likely to feel satisfied with their work and committed to the organization.
c. Organizational Performance: A focus on career planning and development
can have a positive impact on overall organizational performance. Engaged and
motivated employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to
achieving the organization's goals, ultimately contributing to its success and
competitiveness in the market.

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