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Q- Critically evaluate the model of Davision Cycle of

W M Davis was an American geographer. He gave the cycle of
erosion in 1899 based on the erosion pattern of American
mountainous Valleys.
As per Davis, in the beginning, there was a flat surface and due
to endogenic force sudden landmass uplifted then the process
of landform development started.
During landform development, uplifted landmass undergo in
sequence order changes over time from young, mature, to old
stages. At the old stage, end product development is peneplain.
The development of Peneplain will be the same under uniform
climatic conditions. Landform development is in the form of
"slope decline".

What is the trio of Davis?

As per Devis, landform development is the function of the
structure, process, and time.

Landform development =F(structure, process, time)

Trio Means:
•Structure of landmass means rock types such as hard rock
& soft rocks and features of landmass such as fault, join,
fracture, etc.
• Process means the agent of erosion and weathering involved
in landmasses such as water, wind, ice, etc.
• Davis's model is based on sequential development over time
passing from Youth, Mature, and Old stages.

Erosional activities only start after upliftment stops.
The following image explains the Davis cycle of erosion:

The following are the Characteristics of Stages:

Young Stage:
• Vertical erosion of the valley and summit does not erode in
this stage. The gap between the summit and valley increases.
Steep slope emerged at the youth stage.
•In this stage, steep river valley or "V" shaped valley formed
due to vertical erosion, for example, valleys in the Himalayan

Mature Stage:
•Lateral erosion of the valley is greater than vertical erosion at
this stage.
•The Summit of the valley erodes more as compare to the
bottom erosion of Valleys.
•Gentler slope emerged.
• In this stage, the " V" shaped valley gets converted to a "U"
shaped valley.
•U shaped valleys are found in southern Indian.

Old stage:
• Vertical erosion stopped due to valley base become base
•Open Valley, Meanders, and flood plains are examples in this
• Formation of peneplain (base level plain, no further erosion)
takes place.

Criticism of Davis erosion cycle:

• Overemphasizing the time: Davis relatively ignored the
importance of structure and process which are important
factors of landform development.
•The initial phase, sudden upliftment, and erosion start only
after completion of upliftment are not practical.
• Davis ignored the role of deposition and weathering in
landform development and overemphasized the erosion factor.
• As per Davis, the erosional cycle gets completed after the old
stage and peneplains formation, but actually, landform
development is a never-ending process.
• Ignored the role of climate in landform development.

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