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“Working on Cloud, AWS and DevOps”

A Case Study - Time Table Management System

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree
B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering

Abhilash B N 4BD19CS001
Adarsh T N 4BD19CS005
Arun kumar Siddaram Teradal 4BD19CS015
Dinesh Narayanan S 4BD19CS025


Dr. Chetana Prakash Ph.D, Mr. Santosh Navale,
Professor, Dept. of CS&E, Program manager,
B.I.E.T. Davangere Destination, Bengaluru

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Davangere- 577004
Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Davangere - 577004

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

This is to certify that Abhilash B N, Adarsh T N, Arun kumar Siddaram Teradal, Dinesh
Narayanan S bearing USNs 4BD19CS001, 4BD19CS005, 4BD19CS015, 4BD19CS025
respectively of Computer Science and Engineering department have satisfactorily submitted the
Internship Project Report entitled “Working on Cloud, AWS and DevOPs with Time Table
Management System” in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science & Engineering, under the VTU during the
academic year 2022-23.


Dr. Chetana Prakash Ph.D Mr. Matheiyarashan T

Internal Guide External Guide

Dr. Arun Kumar G H Ph.D. Dr. Nirmala C R Ph.D. Dr. H B Aravind Ph.D.
Internship Co-ordinator Head of the Department Principal

External Examination

Name of the Examiners Signature with Date

1. 1.
2. 2.
Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere-577004

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Vision and Mission of the Department

To be a center of excellence in imparting state-of-the-art technology in the field of
Computer Science and Engineering education enabling the students to become professionally
sound and ethically strong.


M1 Adapting best teaching and learning techniques that cultivates Questioning and
Reasoning culture among the students.
M2 Creating collaborative learning environment that ignites the critical thinking in
students and leading to the innovation.
M3 Establishing Industry Institute relationship to bridge the skill gap and make them
industry ready and relevant.
M4 Mentoring students to be socially responsible by inculcating ethical and moral values.


The graduates will be able to

To apply the skills acquired in the field of computer science and engineering in
solving the societal and industrial problems with technology intervention.
To continue their career in industry, academia and to pursue higher studies and
To become successful entrepreneurs, innovators and job creators to design and
develop software products and services to meet the societal, technical and business
To work in diversified environment by acquiring leadership qualities with strong
Communication skills along with professional and ethical values

Analyze and develop solutions for problems that are complex in nature but applying
the knowledge acquired from the core subjects of this program.
To develop secure, Scalable, Resilient and distributed applications for industry and
Societal requirements.
To learn and apply the concepts and construct of emerging technologies like
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Big Data Analytics, IOT,
Cloud Computing, etc for any real time problems.

Salutations to our beloved and highly esteemed institute, “BAPUJI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND
TECHNOLOGY” for having well-qualified staff and labs furnished with the necessary equipment.

Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Matheiyarashan , Program manager, i sans
technology, Bengaluru, for his guidance and knowledge sharing throughout this journey to carry out the internship
project work successfully.

We express our sincere thanks to our guide Dr. Nirmala C R, who is also our respected
H.O.D of Department of Computer Science & Engineering for giving us constant encouragement, support and
valuable guidance throughout the course of the project without whose stable guidance this project would not have
been achieved.

We express wholehearted gratitude to our Internship Coordinator Dr. Arun Kumar G H. We wish to acknowledge
him, who made our task easy, by providing with his valuable help and encouragement.

We also express our whole hearted gratitude to our principal, Dr. H B Aravind for hismoral support and

We would like to extend our gratitude to all staff of Department of Computer Science and Engineering
for the help and support rendered to us. We have been benefited a lot from the feedback, suggestions given by

Abhilash B N 4BD19CS001
Adarsh T N 4BD19CS005
Arun kumar Siddaram Teradal 4BD19CS015 Dinesh
Narayanan S 4BD19CS025
Agile is a method of software development that aims to deliver functional software consistently
through brief iterations. Time Table Management System project is implemented in terms of agile
to deliver in sprints. Team has collected requirements and created product backlog. Sprint planning
has been done by team, user stories delivered in sprints. Database size estimations and peak
operations size has been identified.

The Time Table Management System is a critical application used by educational institutions to
manage their course schedules. The objective of this project is to improve the delivery speed,
quality, and reliability of the Time Table Management System. Aim of our work is to implement
DevOps practices for a Time Table Management System.

The project involved the creation of a continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline
for the Time Table Management System. The pipeline included various stages such as code
compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment. The pipeline was implemented using popular
DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins and cypress.

To ensure the quality of the Time Table Management System, several automated tests were
integrated into the pipeline using cypress. These tests included unit tests, integration tests, and
acceptance tests. The pipeline was also configured to trigger automatic builds and deployments
whenever changes were made to the source code repository.

The cloud computing known for on-demand availability of computer system resources, data
storage, and processing power. Virtual instance on AWS is been used to deploy the application.

As a result of the implementation, The Time Table Management System achieved faster and more
reliable releases, with reduced deployment time and increased productivity. The project
demonstrated the benefits of DevOps practices in improving the software development and
deployment processes.


Chapter 1: Introduction 01-03

1.1 About the Company

1.2 Agile Methodology
1.3 DevOps
1.4 Fullstack with java
1.5 Java Introduction

Chapter 2: Tasks Performed 04-06

2.1 Task Performed in Week 1 and 2
2.2 Task Performed in Week 3 and 4

Chapter 3: System Requirements 07

3.1 Tools and Technologies Identified

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements

3.1.2 Software Requirements

3.1.3 Tools Identified

Chapter 4: System Design 08

4.1 System Architecture
4.2 Flow Diagram
Chapter 5: Methodology 09-11

5.1 Description of the Project Work

5.2 Steps to be followed

Chapter 6: Results and Discussion 12-14


Fullstack with java


1.1 About the Company/ Resource Person

i Sans Technologies is into software consulting which handles system migration and
maintenance of legacy systems as consultants, Also into data analysis of the systems to create
dash boards using business intelligence tools. It provides a platform for the students that
bridge the gap in the transition phase from academics to workplace.

Santosh Navale is an entrepreneur leader with twenty plus years of experience in data
analytics, bigdata, development of innovative products and solutions and traditional databases
in Telecom and Financial verticals. He has good knowledge in SDLC, agile & lean
methodologies, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and cloud services. He was
working with Huawei in a technical architect role. He is one of the co-founders of Fresher
Profiles Private Limited; he held director technology strategy position. He holds degrees in
BE and MBL (National Law School).

1.2 Agile Methodology

Agile is an iterative approach of project management and software development that

helps team members deliver significance to their clients more rapidly and stress-free. An
agile team produces work in small, digestible increments as opposed to placing all of their
eggs in one massive "big bang" launch. Due to the regular evaluation of needs, plans, and
results, teams have a technique for responding quickly to change.
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development: The programmers describe a novel
approach to creating software as well as 4 crucial characteristics they believe should take
precedence over other factors. As they put it, agile software development teams should value:
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
• Responding to change over following a plan

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1.3 DevOps

A Specific team that works to design, create, and deliver secure software quickly is known as
a DevOps team. With automation, teamwork, quick feedback, and iterative improvement,
DevOps principles allow software development (dev) and operations (ops) teams to expedite
Stemming from an Agile approach to software development, a DevOps process expands
on the cross-functional approach of building and shipping applications in a faster and more
iterative manner. In adopting a DevOps development process, one can make a decision to
improve the flow and value delivery of their application by encouraging a more collaborative
environment at all stages of the development cycle.

DevOps represents a change in mindset for IT culture. In building on top of Agile, lean
practices, and systems theory, DevOps focuses on incremental development and rapid
delivery of software. Success relies on the ability to create a culture of accountability,
improved collaboration, empathy, and joint responsibility for business outcomes.

1.4 Fullstack with java

1.5 Java Introduction


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2.1 Task Performed During Week 1 and 2


Learn about HTML syntax, elements, and attributes.
Practice creating a basic HTML document.
Understand the purpose of HTML tags like <head>, <body>, <p>, <h1>, etc.
Study form elements such as <form>, <input>, <select>, <textarea>.
Learn about form validation and attributes like required.
Explore embedding images and videos using <img> and <video> tags.
Understand the <audio> tag for embedding sound files.
Learn to create tables using <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> tags.
Understand how to merge cells and create accessible tables.
Semantic HTML:
Familiarize yourself with semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <footer>.
Understand their roles in improving website structure and accessibility.

Selectors and Styling:
Learn about CSS selectors and how to apply styles to HTML elements.
Practice using properties like color, font-size, margin, padding, etc.
Study different layout techniques like Flexbox and Grid.
Learn about positioning and the box model.
Responsive Design:
Understand media queries for creating responsive designs.
Learn about viewport units and flexible layouts.
Transitions and Animations:
Explore CSS transitions and animations for adding interactivity to your designs.
CSS Preprocessors (Optional):
Learn a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less for more organized and maintainable stylesheets.

Basic Concepts:
Understand variables, data types, and operators.
Learn about control structures: if, else, switch, loops (for, while).
Study function declarations, expressions, and the concept of scope.
Learn about parameters and return values.
DOM Manipulation:
Understand how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript.
Practice selecting and modifying HTML elements dynamically.
Learn about handling user events (click, submit, etc.).
Understand event delegation for efficient event handling.
AJAX and Fetch API:
Study asynchronous JavaScript and how to make HTTP requests using Fetch API.
Learn about promises and async/await.

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2.2 Task Performed During Week 3 and 4


Java Basics:
Understand the syntax, data types, and control flow structures.
Study object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and

Java Advanced Concepts:

Learn about exception handling, multithreading, and file I/O.
Study collections framework, generics, and lambda expressions.

Java EE (Enterprise Edition):

Explore Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) for web development.
Understand the basics of JavaBeans and how to use them in a Java EE environment.

Learn about servlet and http request and response protocol
Explore other popular libraries and tools in the Java ecosystem.

Build Tools and Version Control:

Familiarize yourself with build tools like Maven or Gradle.
Understand version control systems, such as Git.

Database Basics:
Learn the fundamentals of databases, including concepts like tables, rows, columns, and relationships.

MySQL Installation and Setup:

Install MySQL on our machine.
Learn to navigate the MySQL command-line interface.

SQL (Structured Query Language):

Study SQL queries for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Understand complex SQL queries involving joins, subqueries, and indexing.

Database Design:
Explore concepts of normalization and denormalization.
Design a database schema for a given problem.

MySQL in a Programming Environment:

Integrate MySQL with Java applications using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).

Database Administration:
Understand basic database administration tasks, such as backup and recovery.
Study user management, permissions, and security.

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3.1 Tools and Technologies Identified

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The hardware required for the development of this project is:

 Processor : Intel 5th generation(i3)

 Processor Speed : 2.4 GHz

 RAM Size : 4GB

 Hard Disk Capacity : 250 GB(min)

 System Type : X64-based Processor

3.1.2 Software Requirements

The software required for the development of this project is:
 Operating System : Windows 10(and any other higher version)
 Editor : Eclipse
 Server : Apache Tomcat 9.0

3.1.3 Tools Identified

 Git
 Java Eclipse Enterprise Edition
 Apache Tomcat
 MySQL workbench

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4.1 System Topology

Web Browser Request Web Server


Front End Back End

Respon Mysql
(HTML,CSS,JS) (Java,Servelet)

Fig 4.1 System Topology

Figure 4.1 shows the system architecture of the project.

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4.2 Flow Diagram







Fig 4.2: Flow diagram

The Figure 4.2 describes the process flow of the project.

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4.1 Schema Diagram

Fig 4.3: Schema diagram

The Figure 4.3 describes the database schema of Time Table Management System

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5.1 Description of the Project work

The main objective of the project is to know fundamental concepts and can work on Agile
methodology and DevOps frameworks, to gain a broad understanding build cycles.
The project flows as users create multiple projects in Jenkins to fetch the code, build,
prepare data in database, run the automation tests, and deploy the code webserver.

To accomplish this, we have worked on the activities and tasks like Requirement analysis, User
Story creation, and Story board on Trello, Write automation tests in Cypress, create projects in

5.2 Steps to be followed

The following steps are used for each activity under each method:

Method Activities Task Description

Understand the "Time Table Management
System" requirements and create a
requirement list for waterfall and agile
Understand the "Time Table Management
Requirement Analysis System" requirement and create a product
backlog using the template
Create sprint backlog from product backlog
using the same template.
Waterfall and Agile Create Story board in Trello for sprint
concepts handling
Conduct sprint planning meeting and pick-up
the stories for sprint 1
Create user stories with acceptance criteria
Daily Standup Meeting
Sprint Preparation, Design and
Implementation Create story cards in Trello in To Do status
Move the cards to Doing, Done based on
Table size and average row size calculation
using MySql commands
Ec2 instance specification determination
using AWS price calculator

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Understand Creation Of EC2 Virtual machine
Creation of EC2 instance with OS, RAM, CPU
Basic Cloud Concepts Assignment of Security groups and VPC to
AWS Services Introduction instance
and Implementation
Launch of instance and start and stop
Connecting to EC2 instance via Remote
Analyze Requirements and prepare list
Plan phase
Write detail design for all requirements
Create a github account or use existing
Download and install Tortoise GIT
Perform or execute Git bash commands
Version control and
Static Code Check Review Create a new repository in github for "Time
Table Management System"
Add "Time Table Management System" code
to repository using Git Bash
Install XAMPP in local for dev and test
Install / Check Mysql or MariaDB
Create all tables in DB
Install XAMPP in cloud for production
Setup Dev, Test Environment
DevOps Concepts and
Install Cypress in local for system test
Implementation environment
Install Jenkins in local
Write system Test cases using test case sheet
Execute all test cases manually
Write Automation scripts for all test cases
Analyze and Submit the Test Report
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to
Environment Setup
prepare data base environment
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to fetch
Release files from
git fetch
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to copy
Deploy files to \htdocs folder
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins run
Run Cypress Test cypress automation script
Record the deleted members in
Customer Request other table Provide the requirement analysis and Design
Change the title Change heading in index.php

Commit and push in Git thru git bash

Observe the task execution jenkins

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Observe the changed Heading in the portal
Table 5.1: Task and activity Table

5.2.1 Waterfall Method

Sl. Requirement
No Requirements Description Type Priority Responsible
Provide an interface for the users to GUI High
1 Admin Login enter user id and password Adarsh T N
Redirect to Add teachers Page GUI, Back-end High
Provide an interface for Teachers to GUI High
2 Teachers Login Adarsh T N
Redirect to Teachers TimeTable GUI, Back-end High
Provide an interface to import GUI High
details of teacher
Provide an interface to add details GUI High
of the teacher
Create a Empty TimeTable for each GUI, Back-end, Medium
3 Add Teachers teacher DB Abhilash B N
Store the details of the teacher in Back-end, DB High
Display the teacher table GUI High
Provide a button to delete existing GUI Low
Provide an interface to import the GUI High
Provide the interface to enter the GUI High
details of the subject Dinesh S
4 Add Subject
Store the details of the subject in Back-end, DB High
Display the subject table GUI High
5 Provide an interface to add GUI Medium
Add classrooms Store the classroom in classroom Back-end DB Medium Abhilash B N
Display the classroom table GUI High

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Provide an interface to choose the

allotment type(Theory, Practical, GUI
Classrooms) High
Provide an interface to select
subject and teacher for theory
course GUI High
Provide an interface to select Arun kumar
6 Allotment
subject and teacher for Practical GUI Teradal
courses High
Provide an interface to select the
course and classroom GUI High
Store the details of allotment to High
corresponding subjects Backend,DB
Provide an interface to select
teacher and semester GUI High
Provide an interface to view
Generate TimeTable GUI High Arun kumar
TimeTable Teradal
Provide an interface to generate
timetable GUI High
Display the TimeTable GUI,Backend High

5.2.2 Agile Method

Sl Requirem Acceptance Requirement

no ents Description User Stories Criteria Type Priority
Provide an interfaceAs an admin I want GUI High
for the admin to to login to access
enter user id and and manage Validate the
password teachers, subjects credentials
1 System should GUI, Back-end High
validate the I should be
Redirect to Add credentials and logged in to
teachers Page redirect to teacher the Teachers
page Page
As a teacher I want GUI High
Provide an interface to login to see my Validate the
Teachers for Teachers to login timetable credentials
Login System should I should be GUI, Back-end High
Redirect to Teachers validate the logged in to
TimeTable Page credentials and Teachers

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redirect to teachers TimeTable

timetable Page
Details of the GUI High
should be
Provide an interface I need a button/link imported and
to import details of to import the details should be
teacher from my local available in
system the teachers
Entered GUI High
As an admin I need a teachers
Provide an interface form which should Details
to add details of the pop-up to enter the should be
teacher details of teacher displayed in
the table
Empty table GUI, Back-end, Mediu
System should should be DB m
Create a Empty create an empty created for
Add TimeTable for each time table each time each
Teachers teacher a new teacher added semesters
Entered Back-end, DB High
details of
The data of the teacher
Store the details of teacher should be should be
the teacher in stored in the available in
database database the database
Using the data in the GUI High
database, it should
automatically Timetable
Display the teacher generate the should be
table timetable accurate
The details of GUI Low
the teacher
should be
Provide a button to A delete button to removed
delete existing delete the from
teacher unnecessary details database
Provide an interface I need a button/link GUI High
Add to import the to import the details It should
Subject subjects from my local accept only
system excel sheets

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Provide the interface It should GUI High

to enter the details accept the
of the subject As an admin I need a details and
form which should update the
pop-up to enter the database and
details of subject display it in
the table
Store the details of The subject's Back-end, DB High
the subject in details
database The data of the should be
subjects should be available in
stored in the the
database appropriate
Subject's High
The subjects should details GUI
Display the subject be displayed in the should be
table form of table accurate
5 As admin I need an Accept the Mediu
Provide an interface interface to add entered GUI m
to add classrooms classrooms classrooms
Store the classroom Store the Mediu
Add class in classroom table The classrooms details in the Backend DB m
rooms should be added to appropriate
the database table
Display the The classrooms Classroom GUI High
classroom table should be displayed table should
in the form of a table be accurate
Provide an interface
to choose the
allotment As an admin I need Necessary
type(Theory, an interface to options
Practical, choose among should be High
Classrooms) allotment types displayed
The available
6 Allotment teachers and
Provide an interface I need an interface subjects
to select subject and to select the subject should be GUI High
teacher for theory and teacher for displayed in
course theory courses the

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The available
teachers and
Provide an interface I need an interface subjects
to select subject and to select the subject should be GUI
teacher for Practical and teacher for displayed in
courses practical courses the
menu High
The available
and courses
should be
Provide an interface I need an interface displayed in GUI High
to select the course to select the course the
and classroom and classroom dropdown
Store the details of System should store should be
allotment to the details of stored in the High
corresponding allotment in the appropriate Back-end, DB
subjects database table
The available
teachers and
Provide an interface I need a interface to should be
to select teacher and select teacher and displayed in GUI High
semester semester the
Generate As an admin I need a should be
7 Provide an interface button to view the displayed at GUI High
Time Table
to view Time Table time table one press
Provide an interface As an admin i need a should be
to generate button to generate generated at
timetable time table one press GUI High
System should timetable
Display the Time display the should be
Table generated time table displayed GUI, Back-end High

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Fig 6.1: Jenkins Dash Board

The Figure 6.1 shows the free style projects executed on Jenkins dash board.

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Fig 6.2: Automation test results in Cypress

The Figure 6.2 shows that execution status of cypress test of the project

Fig 6.3: Story Board on Trello

The Figure 6.3 shows story board on trello

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Fig 6.4: AWS Ec2 Price Calculation

The Figure 6.4 price calculation for Ec2 instance is shown

Max size of each row in No of total size required in table in

Table Name rows bytes tables bytes
Admin 5 60 1 300
Classrooms 30 15 1 450
Semester 6 190 8 54720
Subjects 100 140 1 14000
TeacherTimetable 6 190 100 114000
Teachers 100 150 1 15000
Total 198470

Fig 6.5: Database size estimation for EC2

The figure 6.4 DB size estimation

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Time Table Management System

Fig 6.6: Commits on repository

The Figure 6.6 showing commits made by teammates.

Fig 6.6: Apache and MySQL server

The Figure 6.6 showing initialization of apache and mysql server using xampp.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Time Table Management System

Fig 6.7: Jenkins Time Table Mangement job

The Figure 6.7 showing the output for Jenkins job to pull code from github.

Fig 6.8: Jenkins Time Table Mangement Deploy job

The figure 6.7 showing the output for Jenkins job to put code into xampp-apache server.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Time Table Management System


The activities on Agile methodology, DevOps concepts and cloud computing have been learnt
and demonstrated. By considering a case study of a “ Time Table Management System” project,
the Agile process, DevOps workflow have been implemented.
The detailed understanding of concepts on CI and CD has made. Working with cloud concepts
on a case study has given a deep insight from the AWS service perspective. Git facilitated
distributed version control and access control, it enabled us to work on different parts of our
project Individually. Jenkins facilitated Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, we
used it to create jobs to automatically update the changes every time a teacher was added or a
new Time Table was created. Automation in testing was facilitated through Cypress, it checked
for the correctness of the main page and helped to validate Admin and Teacher Login forms
were working perfectly.

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Text books:
 DevOps for Beginners – Joseph Joyner
 Effective DevOps with AWS: Implement continuous delivery and
integration in the AWS environment, 2nd Edition – Yogesh Raheja
 Modern DevOps Practices: Implement and secure DevOps in the public
cloud with cutting-edge tools, tips, tricks, and techniques – Gaurav Agarwal

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