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MSM 112 - Mathematical Methods II

Tutorial Sheet #:7- Applications for Differentiation - 2023


1. (i) Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve y = 4ex at the point (0, 4). Find
also the equations of the two tangents to the curve which are parallel to the normal.
x2 +1
(ii) Find coordinates of all the points on the curve f (x) = x
at which the gradient is −3.
(iii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve with equation y = x + x

2. Find the coordinates and nature of the turning points of the curve with the equations
(i) y = x3 − 18 (ii) y = x3 − 18lnx. (ii) y = x(x − 4)2
Hences, in each find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curves at x = 2.
3. Find the relative maximum and relative minimum of the following equations
(i) f (x) = x + x
(ii) f (x) = x − x3 (iii) f (x) = x3 − 3x + 6
Hence, sketch each of the functions stating clearly the range where f (x) is increasing and decreas-
4. Find the relative extrema of the following functions using the second derivative test.
16 x
(i) f (x) = x3 − 3x2 − 24x + 32 (ii) f (x) = x2 − x
(iii) f (x) = 1+x2

5. For what value of t is s = t3 − 9t2 + 15t − 10

(i) a maximum (ii) a minimum (iii) dt
a minimum
6. The function y = x3 + ax2 − 7x − 1 has a stationary value where x = 1. Find
(i) the value of a and (ii) the type and position of the stationary points.

7. Find dx
by implicit differentiation. Then find the slope of the graph at the given point.
x2 −49
(i) xy = 6, (−6, −1) (ii) 3x3 y = 6, (1, 2) (iii) y 2 = x2 +49
, (7, 0)
x2 −36
(iv) 4y 3 = x3 +36
, (6, 0) (v) (x + y)3 = x3 + y 3 , (−1, 1) (vi) x3 + y 3 = 6xy − 1, (2, 3)
2, π3

(vii) tan(x + y) = x, (0, 0) (viii) x cos y = 1,
8. (i) (a) Use implicit differentiation to find an equation of the tangent and normal line to the
2 2
ellipse x2 + y8 = 1 at (1, 2).
x2 y2
(b) Show that the equation of the tangent line to the ellipse a2
+ b2
= 1 at (x0 , y0 ) is
x0 x
+ yb02y = 1.
(ii) (a) Use implicit differentiation to find an equation of the tangent line to the hyperbola
− y8 = 1 at (3, −2).

x2 y2
(b) Show that the equation of the tangent line to the hyperbola a2
− b2
= 1 at (x0 , y0 ) is
x0 x
− yb02y = 1.
(iii) Find the points at which the graph of the equation has a vertical or horizontal tangent line.
(a) 25x2 + 16y 2 + 200x − 160y + 400 = 0.
(b) 4x2 + y 2 − 8x + 4y + 4 = 0.

9. (i) From a rectangular piece of thin cardboard 16cm by 10 cm, the shaded squares each of sides
x cm are removed as shown in the figure below. The remainder is folded up to form a tray.

(a) Show that, the volume V cm3 of this tray is given by V = 4(x3 − 13x2 + 40x).
(b) Hence, find a possible value of x which will give the maximum value of V .
(ii) A piece of wire 48 cm long is divided into two parts. One part is formed into the shape of a
circle of radius rcm while the other part is form into a square of sides x cm.
(a) Show that r = π

(b) Find an expression interns of x for the total surface area A of the two shapes and hence
calculate the values of x for which A is a minimum.
(iii) The figure below shows a framework in the shape of a rectangular box made from straight
pieces of wire. The total length of these pieces is 60 cm.

(a) Show that y = (15 − 5x)cm

(b) Find an expression for the volume enclosed by the framework in terms of x
(c) Find the value of x which makes this volume maximum

(d) Find the maximum volume
10. A piece of wire, 100 cm in length is divided into two parts. One part is bent to form an equilateral
triangle of sides x cm and the other is bent to form a square of sides y cm.
(i) Express y interns of x and hence, show that A cm2 , the total area enclosed by the two shapes
is such that

3x (100 − 3x)2
A= +
4 16
(ii) Calculate the value of x for which A has a stationary value
(iii) Determine whether this value of x makes A maximum or minimum.
11. A cylinder is placed inside a circular cone of radius 18 cm and height 12 cm so that its base is
level with the base of the cone, as show in the figure below

Figure 1:

(i) If the radius of the cylinder is r cm, show that its height h cm is given by h = 23 (18 − r)
(ii) Hence, find the value of r to give the maximum possible volume of the cylinder and find this
volume in terms of π.
12. A can is in the shape of a closed cylinder with a hemisphere at one end. Its volume is 45π cm3 .
Taking r cm as the radius of the cylinder and h cm as its height,

Figure 2:

Show that
(i) r2 h + 3
= 45
(ii) the external surface area A of the can is given by

5πr2 90π
A= +
3 r
(Volume of a sphere = 3
and surface are of a sphere = 4πr2 )
13. (a) For a particle moving in a straight line, its displacement s meters from a point O on the line
is given by s = t2 − 5t + 6, where t is the time in seconds from the start. find
(i) the initial distance of the particle form O. (ii) its initial velocity and acceleration.
(iii) when it is at instantaneous rest. (iv) at what time(s) after the start it
passes through O.
(v) the distance travel in the first 3 seconds.
(b) A particle moves along the x-axis and its x-coordinate at time t seconds after the start is
given by x = 2t3 − 9t + 12t − 1 for t ≥ 0.
(i) Find its x coordinate and velocity at the start.
(ii) At what time does the particle move to instantaneous rest?
(iii) What is its maximum velocity in the direction of the negative x-axis?
(iv) When is its acceleration zero?
14. (i) If y = x2 − x + 1, find the approximate change in y when x is increased from 4 to 4.025.

(ii) The radius of a circle is increased by 5%. Calculated the approximate percentage increase
in the circumference and also area of the circle.
(iii) For the function y = 3x2 + ax + b, where a and b are constants, when x changes from 2 to
2.02, y changes from 2 to 2.12 approximately. Find the values of a and b.
(iv) In an experiment to find the values of T form the formula T = x22+4 , the values of x are
read from a measuring device. A value of x is read as 2.04 but should be 2. What is the
approximate error in the value of T ?
(v) The y-coordinates of a point in the first quadrant on the curve y = 3x2 − 8x − 1 is 2. Find
its x-coordinate. What is the approximate change in x if the point is moved to a position on
the curve where y = 2.04.
15. (i) x and y are connected by the equation y = x x−3 . If x is changing at a rate of 0.3 units per
second, find the rate of change of y when x = 3.
(ii) A closed cylinder is of fixed length 10cm but its radius is increasing at the rate of 1.5 cms−1 .
Find the rate of increase of its total surface area when the radius is 4cm.
(iii) A hollow cone of radius 15 cm and height 25 cm, is held vertex down with its axis vertical.
Liquid is poured into the cone at the rate of 500 cm3 s−1 . How fast is the level of the liquid
rising when the radius of its surface is 10cm?
(v) Liquid escapes from a circular cylinder of radius 5 cm at a rate of 50 cm2 s−1 . How fast is
the level of the liquid in the cylinder falling?
16. Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function at the given point.
1 π 1 1 π
(i) y = 2 arcsin x, ,
2 3
(ii) y = − 4
arccos x, − 2
, − 6
2 π
(iii) y = arctan x2 , 2, π4

(iv) y = arcsec 4x, 4 4
1 π

(v) y = 4x arccos(x − 1), (1, 2π) (vi) y = 3x arcsin x, ,
2 4

17. Find any relative extrema of the function.

(i) f (x) = arcsec x − x (ii) f (x) = arcsin x − 2x
(iii) f (x) = arctan x − arctan(x − 4) (iv) h(x) = arcsin x − 2 arctan x

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