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Establishing the Constitution-Chapter Notes

DIRECTIONS: Use pages 182-187 to answer the following questions.

1. What was the purpose of the Costitutional Convention (pg.182)?

2. Why did the Convention not reflect the diverse U.S. population at that time (pg.183)?

3. Fill in the table below to show the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey Plans (pg.183):

Virginia Plan New Jersey PLan

4. Which plan appealed more to the smaller states? Explain why (pg.183)
5. What problem did the delegates struggles with with these plans (pg.183)?

6. How did the Great Compromise solve this problem (explain what the Great Compromise was) (pg.183)?

7. Under the ⅗ Compromise, how would each state’s population be counted (pg.184)?

8. How did the delegates compromise on the issue slavery (pg.184)?

9. Fill in the table below about the three branches of government (pg.185):

Branch of Government Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch

Who makes up this


What does this branch

10. Why did the framers of the Constitution create the ability to add amendments (pg.185)?

11. What did the Federalists support? List some famous Federalists (pg.185-186)

12. List THREE reasons why Anti-Federalists oppose the Constitution (pg.186):

13. When was the Constitution officially ratified? Which states ratified the Constitution (pg.186)?

14. Why was the ratification by Virginia especially important (pg.186)?

15. What was the Bill of Rights (pg.187)?

16. Why was the Bill of Rights so important to the Constitution (pg.187)?

17. Why is limited government important for maintaining popular sovereignty (your brain)?

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