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Brain & Development 35 (2013) VII–XI

Guide for Authors

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VIII Guide for Authors / Brain & Development 35 (2013) VII–XI

Ethics search being submitted. The Editors reserve the right

to choose different referees from the ones suggested.
For all manuscripts dealing with experimental work You may also suggest reviewers you do not want to
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Article Types
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Unless you have written permission from the patient
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structured abstract and 3-9 keywords separately. Up
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patientphotographs. Reviews may concern either clinical or laboratory
scientific topics. Relatively brief reviews of between
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Guide for Authors / Brain & Development 35 (2013) VII–XI IX

Publication will be at the discretion of the editors. Print- sists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which
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As an approximate guide to authors judging the changes. Therefore, it is an ideal medium for citing
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Manuscript format j.braindev.2007.12.013

The manuscript should be set out with the following Exceptions:

sections beginning on a new page:
(1) List all authors or editors, but if there are more
(i) Title page (title taking up to 80 spaces; full names than six, list first six plus et al.
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ducts/promis_misc/BRADEV_TitlePageSample.pdf references.
(ii) Structured abstract and 3-9 key words;
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(iv) References; See concrete examples at http:// correctly, not from the database, but from the original paper if possible.
BRADEV_SupplementInformation.pdf Japanese journals should appear with the full Japa-
(v) Figure legends; nese name in Roman letters, e.g. No To Hattatsu. To re-
(vi) Tables with their legends. fer to a book or journal article written in Japanese, the
Abstracts for original articles or reviews should be phrase ‘‘(in Japanese)’’ should be added after the title of
approximately 250 words long; case reports and the book or article. References written in a language
communications may be shorter. The abstract should other than English should be used minimally, the fewest
summarize the methods, results and conclusions of the possible.
article. Structured format is preferable. An abstract is
often presented separate from the article, so it must be Examples of journals
able to stand alone.
[1] Okanishi T, Saito Y, Ohno K. Acute encephalitis
with refractory, repetitive partial seizures
References (AERRPS). Brain Dev 2009;31:92–3.
References to literature must be indicated by Arabic [2] Barnerias C, Boddaert N, Pascale G, Isabelle D,
numerals in square parentheses which run consecutively Pannier LH, Dulac O, et al. Unusual magnetic reso-
through the paper. Where a reference is cited more than nance imaging features in Menkes disease. Brain
once in the text the same number should be used each Dev 2008;30:489–92.
time. Reference style should follow the ‘‘Vancouver’’
style described in the ‘‘Uniform Requirements for
Electronic publication ahead of print
Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals’’ (further
information can be found at [3] Gunji A, Inagaki M, Inoue Y, Takeshima Y, Kaga M.
The titles of journals should be abbreviated according Event-related potentials of self-face recognition in
to the style used in Index Medicus. See concrete examples children with pervasive developmental disorders.
at Brain Dev 2009, in press. Doi: 10.1016/
mis_misc/BRADEV_ SupplementInformation.pdf j.braindev.2008.04.011.

Digital Object Identifier Journal article in Japanese

The digital object identifier (DOI) may be used to [4] Ogawa A, Hamamoto K, Hirose S, Fujikawa M,
cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI con- Mitsudome A. Sympathetic skin response in
X Guide for Authors / Brain & Development 35 (2013) VII–XI

patients with severe motor and intellectual disabili- simple as possible and wherever possible a graphical
ties (in Japanese). No To Hattatsu (Tokyo) representation used instead. Table titles should be com-
2007;39:347–50. plete but brief. Information other than that defining the
data should be presented as footnotes.
Examples of books and other monographs Please refer to the generic Elsevier artwork instruc-
Personal author(s) tions:

[5] Aicardi J. Diseases of the Nervous System in Colour reproduction

Childhood. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons
Inc; 2009. Brain & Development is now also included in a new in-
itiative from Elsevier: ‘Colourful e-Products’. Through
Editor(s), compiler(s) this initiative, figures that appear in black & white in
print can appear in colour, online, in ScienceDirectÒ
[6] Armstrong DL, Halliday W, Hawkings C, Taka- at There is no extra
shima S, editors. Pediatric Neuropathology: A charge for authors who participate.
Text-Atlas. New York: Springer; 2007. For colour reproduction in print, you will receive in-
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Guide for Authors / Brain & Development 35 (2013) VII–XI XI

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