Bamboost Essential Final Manuscript

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A Business Plan Presented

to the

Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc


Qeenie Arsel M. Inso

Nova Mae D. Aurigue

BIDA Awards Qualifiers

Technology Category

Misamis University, Ozamiz City

COVER PAGE . . . . . . . . i
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . ii
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . iv
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . v
LIST OF SCHEDULES . . . . . . . vi
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . 1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . 4
Market Plan . . . . . . . . 8
Business Description . . . . . . . 8
Product Description . . . . . . . 8
Target Market . . . . . . . . 10
Demand . . . . . . . 12
Demographic Profile of Respondents . . . . 13
Frequency of Respondents Owning a Flask
and Frequency of Utilization . . . . . 14

Types of Water Consumed . . . . . 16

Product Market Acceptability . . . . . 18
Respondents Frequency of Purchase for Kawayan Quench . 19
Customers’ Willingness to Purchase Kawayan Quench . 21
Expected Customer/Target Market . . . . 22
Projected Demand of the Industry . . . . 23
Projected Demand of Each Product . . . . 24
Supply . . . . . . . . . 26
Demand and Supply Analysis. . . . . . 27
Demand and Supply for Each Product Size . .. . . 28
Price Study . . . . . . . . 29
Factors Affecting the Market . . . . . . 39
Marketing Programs . . . . . . . 41
Business Model for Bamboost Essentials . .. . . 45
Production and Operational Plan . . . . . . 46
Product Description . . . . . . . 46
Business Process . . . . . . 46
Manufacturing Process . . . . . . 48
Equipment and Supplies . . . . . . 51
Building and Facilities . . . . . . 63
Product Transportation . . . . . . 63
Location . . . . . . . . 63
Layout . . . . . . . . . 65
Utilities . . . . . . . . 71
Waste Disposal . . . . . . . 72
Labor Requirements . . . . . . . 72
Gatnt Chart . . . .. . . . 74
Financial Plan . . . . . . . . 75
Major Assumptions . . . .. . . . 75
Projected Total Cost . . . . . . . 76
Source of Financing . . . . . . . 76
Financial Statements . . . . . . . 77
Statement of Comprehensive Income . . . . 77
Statement of Financial Position . . . . 78
Statement of Cash Flow. . . . . . 79
Statement of Changes in Equity . . . . 80
Schedules 1-18 . . . . . . 81-91
Financial Analyses . . . . . . . . 92
Gross Profit Rate . . . . . . 92
Gross Profit Margin . . . . . . 92
Net Profit Margin . . . . . . 93
Organization and Management Plan . . . . 95
Form of Business Organization . . . . . 95
Organizational Chart . . . . . . . 96
Labor Requirement . . . . . . . 97
Salary . . . . . . . . 101
Recruitment and Training Program . . . . . 103
Management Policies . . . . . . . 105
Business Partnership Agreement . . . . . 106
Social Impact . . . . . . . . 108
Social Issues . . . . . . . . 108
Business Purpose . . . . . . . 110
Business Contribution. . . . . . . 111
REFERENCES . . . . . . . 112
CURRICULUM VITAE . . . . . . . 114
GRAMMARLY RESULT . . . . . . . 116
TURNIT IN RESULT . . . . . . . .

Tables Page
1 Sample Size of the Study 12
2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents 14
3 Frequency of Respondents Owning a Flask and Frequency of 16
4 Types of Water Consumed 18
5 Market Acceptability for Standardized and Customized Flasks 19
6 Frequency of Purchase for Kawayan Quench 21
7 Customers Willingness to Purchase Kawayan Quench Over Other 21
8 Expected Customer/target Market of the Product 23
9 Projected Demand of the Industry 24
10 Annual Demand for Each Product 25
11 Competitor Analysis 26
12 Market Size Preference for Kawayan Quench 28
13 Demand and Supply Gap Analysis for Each Product Size 29
14-21 Prices for Customized and Standard Design 31-38
22 Product Capacity of Bamboost Essentials 51
23 Manufacturing Area Equipment 54
24 Manufacturing Area Equipment Supplies 54
25 Personal protective Equipment (PPE/Safety Supplies) 57
26 Office Equipment 59
27 Stall Equipment 61
28 Stall Supplies 62
29 Raw Materials 67
30 Advertisement 69
31 Depreciation Expense 70
32 Annual Utilities Cost 71
33 Gantt Chart 74
34 Labor Requirements 97
35 Recruitment and Training Program 104

Figures Page

1 Product Image 10
2 Business Model 45
3 General Process 50
4 Transportation 63
5 Location on Google Map 64
6 Location on Google Map 64
7 Manufacturing Area and Office Layout 65
8 Stall Layout 65
9 Manufacturing Area and Office Location 66
10 Stall Location 66
11 Organizational Chart 96

Schedules Page
1 Sales 81
2.1.1 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Unit 81-82
2.2 Cost of Goods Sold 83
3 Inventory 84
4 Operating Expenses 84
5 Supplies Expense 85
6 Advertising Expense 86
7 Miscellaneous Expense 86
8 Utilities Expense 86
9 Depreciation Expense 87
10 Rent Expense 87
11 Salaries Expense 88
12 SSS Contribution 89
13 PhilHealth Contribution 89
14 Permits and Licenses 89
15 Repairs and Maintenance 90
16 Tax 90
17 Property and Equipment 90
18 Accumulated Depreciation 91

Executive Summary

Bamboost Essentials is a partnership form of business that advocates a forward-

thinking approach toward enhancing both environmental sustainability and individual

well-being. The name "Bamboost" cleverly combines "bamboo" and "boost,"

encapsulating the core concept of maximizing the advantages of bamboo as the primary

material for its products. "Essentials" in the business's name reflects its commitment to

producing a practical and relevant item that enhances people's lives. The business is

driven by its impacts on health, the economy, the environment, and society.

Relatively, Bamboost Essentials' mission is to promote the health and well-being

of the community. Its flagship product, the Kawayan Quench, encourages regular

consumption of safe and clean water while offering a multitude of health benefits.

Equipped with UV-C LED technology, the Kawayan Quench ensures water sterilization,

reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses while creating this innovation to empower

individuals in accessing safe drinking water anytime, anywhere, and foster better health


Strategically, the business will be situated inside Gaisano Capital Ozamiz for

accessibility and visibility. Relatively, it targets the residents of Ozamiz City especially

those who are environmentally and health-conscious individuals. The product is designed

to detoxify and cleanse contaminated or unsafe water, making it a reliable source of safe

drinking water. The market size is estimated based on a sample study, revealing that a

significant portion of the population is interested in the product. This is merely supported

by the survey results which indicate a strong inclination towards using flasks for daily

water consumption. Additionally, the survey highlights a concern about consuming


unpurified water, with a significant percentage of individuals using tap water and spring

water. This has been supported by its market research that demonstrates a high

acceptability of Kawayan Quench among its target market which denotes that they are

willing to purchase both standard and customized designs of the product. This favorable

response suggests that the business can cater to a wide range of preferences. Meanwhile,

the projected demand calculations show a steady increase in demand over the next few

years which asserts that it is expected to capture a substantial portion of the market share,

given its unique features, quality, and market acceptance.

However, to ensure a relative pricing approach, the business will employ value-

based and cost-based pricing strategies, ensuring that the product remains affordable

while offering exceptional quality and considering raw material costs, direct labor, and

additional fees for customization to determine a competitive selling price. Nevertheless,

economic conditions, government policies, customer demand, weather fluctuations, and

competition are key factors that can impact the business. By staying compliant with

regulations, addressing customer needs, and adapting to market changes, Kawayan

Quench aims to maintain a strong position in the market.

Subsequently, the business employs effective comprehensive marketing strategies

which include direct selling, advertising, and public relations efforts to raise awareness

and generate interest among potential customers. In this vein, the business is poised to tap

into the growing demand for eco-friendly and health-conscious products with a unique

selling proposition, a well-researched market approach, and a strategic marketing plan to

effectively position its offering in its chosen market while contributing positively to the

environment and community health. Furthermore, to operationalize the business, it needs


to have a capital requirement amounting to Php 363,000.00 to defray all the required

business expense which will be shouldered by the business partners with an expected

Return on Investment of 32.36%.

Significantly, the business plays a pivotal role in the economy, particularly

through its competitive presence in the flask and tumbler market. This not only signifies

economic growth but also creates job opportunities in manufacturing and generates

additional revenue streams for suppliers. The business contributes to a flourishing

economic landscape while addressing essential needs. With the use of reusable flasks and

reducing reliance on plastic water bottles, Bamboost Essentials actively minimizes

environmental harm, fostering a cleaner and greener future while providing a trend-

setting approach to customers by aligning their preferences with eco-friendly practices.

Therefore, Bamboost Essentials epitomizes a business that seamlessly blends

innovation, environmental responsibility, health consciousness, and societal awareness.

Through products like the Kawayan Quench, the business empowers individuals to make

impactful choices that benefit themselves, their communities, and the environment at



Water is a valuable, limited resource that is necessary for life. Only 3.5% of the

water on earth is freshwater that can be used by humans, and only 1% of that freshwater

is found in rivers, lakes, or streams that flow freely (Moorthy & Bibi, 2023).

Nevertheless, there is enough drinking water on the earth to suit everyone's needs.

However, not every family has access to or availability of safe drinking water that is free

from microorganisms and priority chemical contaminants (Hans, 2023). One of the

biggest problems that humanity is currently experiencing is providing for these

fundamental necessities.

The UN General Assembly recognized the human right to water and sanitation on

July 28, 2010, stating that these rights must be upheld for all other human rights to be

realized (Ki-moon & General, U. S. 2010). The 2030 Agenda action plan's Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) asserted to aim the 17 SDGs which is to "end poverty in all

its forms,” but the six particular SDGs on water are included in these new goals, which

are the replacements for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) adopted in 2000.

SDG6 has eight global targets for the management of freshwater resources, wastewater,

and the environment (Cf, 2015; Garrido-Ruso et al., 2022). Its goal is to "Ensure

availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all." Since 29% of

mankind does not have access to reliable drinking water, the first goal is to "Achieve

access to safe and affordable drinking water" before 2030 (García-Gil et al., 2021).

Approximately, there are 844 million people who do not have access to clean water, and

every day, almost 1000 children die which is why the importance of securing this

fundamental necessity cannot be overstated (Mohammed et al., 2023).


The World Health Organization defines safe drinking water as not only free from

immediate health hazards but also free from any long-term microbiological, chemical, or

radioactive threats. Tragically, this crucial resource remains inaccessible to a significant

portion of the global population, highlighting an urgent need for innovative solutions

(Geall & Al'Afghani, 2019).

In the post-Covid-19 era, the desire for clean and uncontaminated drinking water

in various homes and public areas has evolved from a personal preference into a global

priority. Because of the pandemic's widespread effects, it is more important than ever to

strengthen our immune systems against all potential dangers, including the virus itself as

well as other watery illnesses like cholera, amoebic infections, and more (Spearing et al.,


Even though the issue of water shortage and accessibility has received a lot of

attention in recent years, there is still a need for more research on how to effectively

adopt novel solutions to the urgent problems of providing everyone with access to safe

and clean drinking water (Desye, 2021). Despite the fact that international organizations

like the United Nations recognize access to clean water as a basic human right, many

people around the world still lack it, especially in places that are economically

underdeveloped and isolated geographically (Hans, 2023).

The majority of recent study has been devoted to examining the severity of water

scarcity, its effects on public health, and the socioeconomic implications. However, there

are still few thorough studies that objectively review and evaluate the viability and

effectiveness of creative initiatives, including the combination of cutting-edge technology

with environmentally friendly materials, in providing clean drinking water to underserved


groups. Further research is needed on the concrete results of such efforts, both in terms of

the influence on human health and the sustainability of the ecosystem through product

development (Geall & Al'Afghani, 2019)..

The ongoing water accessibility problem and its wide-ranging effects serve as a

stark reminder of the urgent need to close this research gap. Despite the fact that there is

enough freshwater to meet everyone's needs, millions of people still go without access to

sources of safe and clean water. The 2030 Agenda's inclusion of Sustainable

Development Goal 6 (SDG6), which aims to ensure the accessibility and sustainable

management of water and sanitation for all, emphasizes the necessity.

In this vein, Bamboost Essentials seeks to establish an enterprise ready to

confront the persistent problems associated with access to clean and safe water. The

Kawayan Quench, a clever tumbler made of sustainable bamboo, stainless steel, and

fortified with UV-C technology, as the center of their mission. It is not only a drinking

vessel, but also an epitome of their dedication to providing people with clean, detoxified,

and truly refreshing water regardless of where they live or their socioeconomic status.

The driving force behind Bamboost Essentials' Kawayan Quench is disarmingly

simple yet profoundly impactful as it creates resounding answers to the pressing

challenges of water safety and purity without distracting our fragile environment. By

seamlessly merging advanced technology with eco-conscious materials which is the UV-

C LED technology, the company embarks on a journey to redefine not only how we

consume water but how we safeguard our planet and create a more sustainable future.

As we stand to address the pressing concern for environmental preservation,

public health, and ethical commerce, Bamboost Essentials emerges as a beacon of hope

and practicality. This business intentionally addresses water accessibility issues through

the ingenious Kawayan Quench and serves as a forward-thinking venture that charts a

course towards not only rectifying a global predicament but also inspiring a significant

effect of positive change. With Bamboost Essentials, the vision for a world where safe,

clean, and revitalizing water is within everyone's grasp inches closer to reality.

Market Plan

Business Description

Bamboost Essentials is an innovative partnership form of business venture that is

committed to balance individual and environmental well-being. By combining the words

"bamboo" and "boost," the business represents the fundamental idea of utilizing bamboo's

environmental advantages to improve everyday necessities. The proposed business

venture aims to promote health, elevate lifestyles, and contribute to a greener future,

while empowering people with seamlessly integrated sustainable products. Its main goal

is to provide useful product while embodying environmental awareness, having a positive

impact on people's well-being, economic development, and planetary vitality. The

Kawayan Quench as its main sophisticated tumbler represents excellence and innovation

which is made of sustainable bamboo, stainless steel, and supplemented with UV-C LED

technology assure to provide a water sanitation and detoxification as the focal features of

its product.

Product Description

The Kawayan Quench is seamlessly designed to improve safe water consumption.

Primarily, its main components are composed of bamboo and stainless steel to create a

minimalist yet fashionable flask that promotes both sustainability and health. The outer

wall is painstakingly crafted from bamboo, a rapid-growth and sustainable resource that

boasts lightweight durability - ideal for flask production without harmful runoff (Shen et

al., 2019).

The Kawayan Quench's revolutionary UV-C LED technology, a game-changer in

water detoxification and sterilization, is its most notable product feature. UV-C LEDs are

a potent force in water disinfection, sterilizing containers, food goods, and even surgical

equipment (Santhosh and Yadav, 2019). The eco-friendly mindset is perfectly aligned

with this technology because it provides water purity without producing waste.

Additionally, stainless steel, a substance chosen for its remarkable qualities, is

incorporated into the Kawayan Quench. Stainless steel stands out for its superior to other

metals and unmatched resistance to corrosion and rust (Xie et al., 2019). Its amazing

ductility makes it possible to shape and sculpt it without sacrificing structural integrity.

Stainless steel is perfect for producing containers because it has a strong tensile strength

that guarantees longevity. Furthermore, Li's research (2022) noted that its ability to adapt

to changing temperatures makes it a useful material for creating water containers that can

easily store both hot and cold beverages.

Using the Kawayan Quench to access safe water has a number of benefits

including enhanced overall well-being and defense against waterborne diseases like

cholera, typhoid, and skin infections. In addition to improving health, this ground-

breaking flask spurs economic expansion by reducing the expense of treating illnesses

caused by contaminated water. Notably, it helps reduce the discharge of untreated

wastewater, which is essential in metropolitan contexts where aquatic bodies are at risk.

More so, the product will be created to meet the needs of a wide range of water

enthusiasts looking for secure hydration while on the road. This flask, which comes in

sizes from 350 ml to 1,000 ml, suits people of all ages and lifestyles, whether they choose

it as a travel companion or a house necessity. It guarantees a constant supply of clean,

secure hydration because it can maintain the temperature of both hot and cold water. The

idea of Kawayan Quench is the importance of everyone having access to clean water.

Through this product innovation, it can help to transform how we hydrate while

protecting the environment and our health.

Figure 1. Product Image (Kawayan Quench)

Target Market

Bamboost Essentials are tailored to meet the needs and preferences of a diverse

and conscious consumer base. The product is designed for individuals who prioritize both

their health and the environment, seeking innovative solutions that align with their


1. Health-Conscious Consumers: Kawayan Quench tumblers are ideal for health-

conscious individuals who recognize the significance of safe and clean water

consumption. This includes fitness enthusiasts, wellness seekers, and those who are

looking to maintain a balanced lifestyle by incorporating purified hydration into their

daily routines.

2. Environmental Advocates: Kawayan Quench Tumblers resonate with

environmentally conscious consumers who actively support sustainable practices. Those


who are committed to reducing single-use plastic waste and lowering their carbon

footprint find value in this eco-friendly bamboo and stainless steel construction.

3. Urban Professionals: Busy urban dwellers who are constantly on the move require

convenient and reliable hydration solutions. Tumblers offer a stylish yet practical

accessory for office-goers, commuters, and individuals navigating fast-paced city life.

4. Students and Educators: Students and educators alike appreciate the convenience of

a tumbler that provides safe and clean drinking water throughout their busy academic

days. The durability and portability of the products make them an attractive choice for

school and university environments.

5. Travel Enthusiasts: Travellers seeking sustainable and portable hydration options

find Kawayan Quench tumblers to be a reliable companion on their journeys. The ability

to store hot and cold beverages in a single tumbler enhances their travel experiences.

6. Gift Shoppers: Kawayan Quench tumblers make thoughtful and impactful gifts for

various occasions. Consumers looking for meaningful presents for birthdays, holidays,

and special events choose this to share the message of health, sustainability, and


7. Socially Responsible Consumers: Individuals who prioritize making ethical and

responsible purchasing decisions are drawn to products that contribute to positive societal

and environmental changes. The business venture’s commitment to health, environmental

sustainability, and social impact resonates with these conscious consumers.

8. Wellness Retreats and Events: Health and wellness retreats, seminars, and events

often attract attendees who are receptive to holistic lifestyles. Bamboost Essentials

Tumblers can serve as event merchandise or giveaways that align with the themes of such



Using information from the 2020 Ozamiz City population census, Bamboost

Essentials calculates the size of its sample of the market to assess the potential market's

characteristics and size. As a result, Ozamiz City's population was estimated to be

140,334 at the time of the 2020 census. The beginning point for figuring out the possible

customer base for the Bamboost Essentials company is this entire population. The

project planners in this instance chose the sample size using the Raosoft Calculator. They

sought a 95% confidence level, which means that if they conducted the study more than

once, they could anticipate the outcomes to fall within a specific range 95% of the time.

The 5% margin of error represents the maximum allowable difference between the

sample results and the true population value. There were 384 people in the estimated

sample size which asserted that this number finds a balance between accumulating

sufficient information to draw useful conclusions and limiting the resources needed for

information gathering and processing. The project planners wanted to capture the

diversity of potential consumers' interests and opinions regarding the Kawayan Quench

product by surveying this sample of 384 people from the population of Ozamiz City (see

Table 1).

Table 1 Sample Size of the Study

Ozamiz City Population (2020) Confidence Level Margin of Error Sample

Total 140,334 95% 5% 384

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 2 shows the demographic profile of respondents; the 384 respondents that

made up the sample's demographic profile offer important information about the traits of

the Kawayan Quench company's potential market. The profile contains elements like sex

and age, providing insight into the demographics and preferences of those who were

polled. According to the survey, there is a clear gender difference among the respondents.

In the entire sample, 295 people identified as female (76.20%), while 89 people identified

as male (23.20%). This gender gap in favor of women shows that women make up the

majority of responders who are interested in the Kawayan Quench product. This finding

would suggest that women in Ozamiz City are especially drawn to Kawayan Quench's

eco-friendly and health-conscious qualities.

Meanwhile, another crucial component of the demographic profile is the

respondents' age distribution. With 245 respondents, or 63.80% of the sample, in this age

range, the bulk of respondents are between the ages of 18 and 22. The next significant

group, with 33.07% (127 people), is made up of people between the ages of 23 and 27.

Older age groups have smaller percentages of responders, with 28–32 years old

comprising 2.34% (9 people) and 33–34 years old representing 0.78% (3 people). The

overwhelming number of responders among 18–22 age range asserted that Kawayan

Quench is very popular with the younger generation. This could be linked to younger

generations' propensity to accept trendy and cutting-edge products as well as their

common environmental consciousness. A remarkable 96.87% of all responders were in

the 18–27 age bracket, showing that young individuals make up the majority of Kawayan

Quench's potential client base.


A comprehensive picture of the target market for the Kawayan Quench company

in Ozamiz City is given by the demographic profile findings. Given that the majority of

potential customers are women between the ages of 18 and 27, it is likely that the

product's innovative, environmentally friendly, and health-conscious qualities will appeal

to people in this age group. These findings are helpful for product positioning and

marketing tactics. For instance, the company may focus its marketing initiatives on

highlighting Kawayan Quench's attraction to younger consumers while simultaneously

promoting the product's health advantages and environmental sustainability. The

possibility for successful market penetration is increased by the company's ability to

create focused campaigns, design elements, and content that appeal to the identified

customer preferences to the awareness of the demographic make-up.

Table 2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents n=384

Variables Frequency Percentages

Male 89 23.20%
Female 295 76.80%
18-22 years old 245 63.80%
23-27 years old 127 33.07%
28-32 years old 9 2.34%
33-34 years old 3 0.78%

Frequency of Respondents Owning a Flask and Frequency of Utilization

The data provided in Table 3 sheds light on how many respondents owned flasks

and how frequently they were used. These results help the project planners understand the

current habits of potential customers, which is essential for developing marketing plans

and product offerings that are in line with consumer behavior. The data indicates that 270

respondents, or 70.30%, own flasks, compared to 114 respondents, or 29.70%, who do


not. This result implies that the assessed community in Ozamiz City already has a large

demand for flasks. Due to Kawayan Quench's eco-conscious design elements, the need of

using reusable and environmentally friendly containers is becoming more widely

recognized, which may account for its high ownership rate.

The use of flasks varies depending on who owns them: The data asserts a 16.40%

(63 people) of flask owners use their containers 1-2 times each week.; while 3–4 times

per week: about three to four times per week, 25.50% (98 people) of flask owners utilize

their containers.

Relatively, there were 58.10% (223 people) of flask owners, or a large share, utilize their

containers five to seven times per week.

The stipulated results assert that having a flask is a popular practice among the

respondents, and a sizable percentage of them actively utilize their flasks on a regular

basis. This suggests that there is a constant need for a portable and environmentally

sustainable container that goes beyond simply owning one.

The high percentage of flask ownership among the respondents points to a market

that is open to green goods like Kawayan Quench. The frequent use of flasks shows that

consumers are looking for portable and practical beverage carrying solutions, which

creates an ideal setting for the launch of a product like Kawayan Quench. The ease,

portability, and eco-friendliness of Kawayan Quench should be emphasized in marketing

initiatives to create more appeal to the established flask usage patterns.


Table 3 Frequency of Respondents Owning a Flask and Frequency of Utilization

Variables Frequency Percentages
Did you own a flask?
Yes 270 70.30%
No 114 29.70%
Frequency of Utilization for
Flask Tumblers
1-2 times a week 63 16.40%
3-4 times a week 98 25.50%
5-7 times a week 223 58.10%

Types of Water Consumed

Table 4 shows the types of water that the respondents usually drank which sheds

vital knowledge on their preferences and drinking routines. It is essential to comprehend

the sources and options for drinking water to properly market the health and cleansing

benefits of Kawayan Quench. For tap water, there were 231 respondents, or 44%, said

that they drink tap water. This finding indicates that a sizable proportion of the

population uses tap water as their main source of hydration. In this vein, it is crucial to

remember that tap water could not always be devoid of impurities, which might increase

demand for products with detoxifying capabilities like Kawayan Quench.

Meawnhile, there were 146 people, or 27.80%, drink spring water. This mainly

asserts that many people consider spring water to be a more healthy and natural option

than tap water. The proportion of people who drink spring water shows a desire for pure,

healthy sources of hydration, which is consistent with the benefits the product offers in

terms of health. Relatively, for distilled water, there were 117 people, or 22.30%, prefer

mineral water. Due to the natural minerals it contains, mineral water is frequently

connected with health advantages. A market segment that values the health advantages

and purity of the water they consume is indicated by their preference for mineral water.

However, there were 25 people, or 4.80%, choose distilled water because contaminants

are removed during the distillation process, distilled water is regarded as being pure.

Drinking distilled water indicates a desire for the purest type of water, which may

coincide with the target market’s interest in detoxifying and health-conscious lifestyle


Comparatively, there were 5 people, or 1%, of the respondents who drink alkaline

water. Alkaline water is well known for its possible health advantages, including

controlling the pH levels of the body. The existence of people drinking alkaline water

indicates a market group interested in water that provides extra health benefits beyond

simple hydration. While there were 0.20% (1 person) said they used a water pump to get

their water. A tiny subgroup of people who have access to untreated or only lightly

treated water sources may be represented by this response.

In this vein, the findings asserted that across all of the different water sources

used, there is a clear desire for water that is safe, clean, and detoxified. Those who love

spring, mineral, and distilled water will appreciate Kawayan Quench's focus on health

and cleansing benefits. Thus, to appeal to a wide range of customer tastes, marketing

campaigns might highlight Kawayan Quench's capacity to purify and improve the quality

of various sorts of water sources. By incorporating these insights into marketing

messages, Kawayan Quench may be positioned as a product that guarantees secure, pure,

and environmentally responsible hydration regardless of the water source, appealing to

people looking for health advantages and clean water consumption.


Table 4 Types of Water Consumed n=384

Types of Water Consumed Frequency Percentages

Tap Water 231 44%
Spring Water 146 27.80%
Mineral Water 117 22.30%
Distilled Water 25 4.80%
Alkaline Water 5 1%
“Tubig sa Poso” (Water from water
pump) 1 0.20%

Market Acceptability for Standardized and Customized Flasks n=384

Table 5 shows information on the market acceptance of standardized and

customized flasks among the respondents. In order to customize product offers to

optimize appeal and market penetration, it is crucial to understand customers' preferences

for product variations and designs. A standard flask shows that 363 (94.50%) respondents

were willing to buy the standardized flask, whereas only 21 (5.50%) respondents replied

negatively. This significant level of interest in buying standardized flasks points to a high

level of demand for this product category. The popularity of standardized flasks may be

due to their timeless and adaptable appearance, which appeals to a wide range of

customers who value simplicity and functionality.

Meanwhile for personalized flask 70.60% (271 respondents) said they would be

willing to buy personalized flasks, while 29.40% (113 respondents) say they are not. The

success of the customized flask industry implies that a sizable section of the target market

is drawn to one-of-a-kind and bespoke product possibilities. Customers can express their

uniqueness through customization, which enhances the attraction and personalization of

the product.

Thus, this mainly purports that the widespread acceptance of both standardized

and custom flasks on the market suggests a broad consumer base with a range of

preferences. Moreover, the great level of interest in purchasing standardized flasks

emphasizes the significance of providing timeless and practical designs that appeal to a

wide range of customers.

In addition, the popularity of customized flasks offers a chance to market to those looking

for distinctive and personalized goods that complement their specific preferences.

Nevertheless, focusing on the distinctive selling characteristics of both standard and

bespoke flasks can be successful for marketing campaigns.

Thus, emphasizing the standardization, dependability, and ageless nature of flasks

helps draw customers looking for dependable and adaptable products. People who are

looking for distinctive and personalized products may be interested in learning more

about the customizable features, design possibilities, and self-expression potential that

speaks about the flasks.

Table 5 Market Acceptability for Standardized and Customized Flasks n=384

Product Category Willingness to Market Acceptability

Purchase percentage
Yes No
Standardized Flask 363 21 94.50%
Customized Flask 271 113 70.60%

Respondents’ Frequency of Purchase for Kawayan Quench

Table 6 shows the respondents' projected frequency of Kawayan Quench

purchases over the course of a year. This information allows for a deeper comprehension

of consumer engagement with the product by providing insights about the prospective

market demand and consumer behavior. Relatively, there were 18.20% (or 70 people)

who said that they would buy Kawayan Quench once a year. It was followed by a

substantial majority of 68.80% (264 respondents who want to buy Kawayan Quench

twice a year. Meanwhile, there were Three 9.90% (38 respondents) anticipate that they

will buying Kawayan Quench three times in a calendar year. While, 12 respondents (3.10

%), have said that they would not buy the product.

The findings revealed that majority of the target market likely to buy Kawayan

Quench twice a year indicating a steady demand for the product. However, the portions

for "Once a Year" and "Thrice a Year" show that there are people who are interested in

both infrequent and frequent purchasing. From the stipulated respondents' projected

frequency of purchases, the demand prediction can be generated, giving information

about possible sales statistics. Relatively, Kawayan Quench has the ability to keep a

steady client base with a repeat buying behavior. Furthermore, the different buying

patterns emphasize the significance of providing adaptable product selections and

marketing approaches that satisfy both irregular and frequent buyers.

Thus, the results show that there is considerable interest in Kawayan Quench,

with most respondents saying they would be ready to buy two or more bottles within a

year. This information further demonstrates the product's capacity to generate sustainable

revenue from its devoted customers, supporting the feasibility of the business offering.

The adoption of a product and its potential for income can be maximized by adjusting

marketing initiatives to account for the varied purchasing frequencies.


Table 6 Respondents’ Frequency of Purchase for Kawayan Quench (n=384)

No. of Respondents Frequency of Purchase in a year Percentage

70 Once 18.20%
264 Twice 68.80%
38 Thrice 9.90%
12 I won’t purchase 3.10%
Total 100%

Customers Willingness to Purchase Kawayan Quench Over Other Flask

Table 7 provides insights with regard to the willingness of potential market in

buying “Kawayan Quench” over other existing flask offered in different retail outlets.

Significantly, there were 378 respondents (98.4%) who showed their willingness to buy

the said product while, there were only 6 respondents (1.60%) who do not want to

purchase “Kawayan Quench”. The relative number for significant difference asserted an

overwhelming positive response which denotes the high level of preference for

“Kawayan Quench” over competing products which draws attention to its distinctive

selling factors, which include eco-friendliness, health advantages, and aesthetic appeal. In

this vein, it has a competitive advantage in terms of consumer perception and preference.

Thus, the product can be well-positioned in the market, as seen by the high proportion of

willingness. This encouraging response confirms that the product is viable and future

success as a sought-after and popular flask option within the target demographic.

Table 7 Customers Willingness to Purchase Kawayan Quench Over Other Flask


Willingness to Purchase No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 378 98.40%
No 6 1.60%
Total 384 100%

Expected Customer or Target Market of the Product

Table 8 shows the estimation of the expected customer or target market size based

on the survey responses and statistical calculations. This information sheds light on the

potential reach and market size for the Kawayan Quench product. In getting the target

market of the product, total population of Ozamiz City was considered which is reported

as 140,334 individuals and was multiplied by the percentage of willingness for

respondents who would like to purchase Kawayan Quench which is figured out as

96.90% and a 5% margin of error which is subtracted from the percentage of respondents

who answered positively to determine a more concise estimate of the potential market

size. The calculated result after subtracting the margin of error from the percentage of

respondents is 129,185 individuals.

This relatively asserts that the high percentage (96.90%) of respondents

expressing a positive willingness to purchase Kawayan Quench indicates a strong market

interest and demand for the product and provides a valuable metric for the business to

plan its production, marketing, and distribution strategies. Therefore, the positive

willingness of respondents to purchase Kawayan Quench supports the assumption that

there is a significant demand for eco-friendly, health-conscious flask options in Ozamiz

City. Nevertheless, it provides a valuable insight into the potential scale of the business

indicating a sizable market demand for the product, reinforcing the viability of the

business proposition and suggesting a promising market opportunity for Kawayan

Quench in Ozamiz City.


Table 8 Expected Customer or Target Market of the Product

Target Percentage of Less: Margin of Error Expected

Population Respondents (YES) Customer or
Target Market
140,334 96.90% 5% 129,185

Projected Demand of the Industry

Table 9 shows the projected demand of the industry synergizing with the expected

customers or target market. A strategic growth is delineated, with both the target

population and annual demand escalating by 2% annually. The inaugural year's projected

customer base stands at 129,185 individuals, calculated by multiplying the city's target

population (140,334) by the positive response rate (96.90%) and deducting the 5%

margin of error. This represents the initial reach and potential market size for Kawayan


In calculating the projected annual demand, the percentage of respondents who

are willing to purchase (96.90%) from Table 8 is taken into account. This percentage is

then multiplied by the projected target market (129,185) and the highest frequency of

purchase (2 times). This calculation offers an informed approximation of the product's

anticipated annual demand for each year.

Therefore, this approach envisions a well-calibrated growth strategy where both

the target market and subsequent annual demand experience a steady and calculated

ascent. This data-driven projection holds the promise of steering Kawayan Quench

towards sustained market penetration and enduring popularity. The comprehensive

analysis encapsulated in Table 8 unveils the road to market expansion and sustenance,

backed by statistical insights and a solid grasp of consumer behavior.


Table 9 Projected Demand of the Industry

Year Market Target Market Frequency Annual

Acceptability Demand
2024 96.90% 129,185 2 258,370
2025 96.90% 131,769 2 263,537
2026 96.90% 134,404 2 268,808
2027 96.90% 137,092 2 274,184
2028 96.90% 139,834 2 279,668

Projected Demand for Each Product

Table 10 shows the total projected demand for every product yearly for both

standard and customized flasks over a five-year period. This projection is based on

the percentage of respondents willing to purchase each type of flask, as well as the

anticipated growth of the target market. Relatively, the demand for standard flasks

is calculated based on the percentage of respondents willing to purchase (94.50%).

In this vein, it is projected that the demand of standards flasks gradually increases

over the years from 244,160 in 2024 to 264,286 in 2028. This further signifies that

the ascending trend postulates a positive response from the market, indicating an

enduring appeal of the standard flask option.

However, the calculation for customized flasks follows the same principle,

with the percentage of respondents willing to purchase (70.60%). In a similar vein,

the demand for customized flasks also shows a consistent upward trajectory: from

182,409 in 2024 to 197,446 in 2028. This further asserts that the steady increase

reflects an ongoing interest in personalized and unique flask options.

In this vein, both standard and customized flasks exhibit a similar trend of

increasing demand over the five-year period. Moreover, the consistent growth

pattern demonstrates the sustained market acceptance of both product categories.


The alignment of the percentages for each type of flask with their respective annual

demand figures indicates a strong connection between market preferences and

actual purchase behavior.

Thus, the parallel growth of demand for standard and customized flasks

underscores the importance of offering diverse product options to cater to different

consumer preferences and serving as valuable insights for resource allocation,

production planning, and inventory management. Nevertheless, the annual demand

projection for both standard and customized flasks, as portrayed in Table 10,

presents a promising outlook for Kawayan Quench's market journey. The upward

trajectory of demand reaffirms the business's potential for sustainable growth,

fostering customer engagement and satisfaction throughout the projected years.

Table 10 Annual Demand For Each Product

Standard Flask Customized Flask

94.50% 70.60%
2024 244,160 182,409

2025 249,043 186,057

2026 254,024 189,779

2027 259,104 193,574

2028 264,286 197,446


Table 11 provides a thorough insight of the competitive landscape for all

enterprises, including Kawayan Quench, in terms of production capacity, yearly output,

and related market share. The information clarifies the relative positions and strengths of

each competitor in the market. Relatively, Business A (G.C.) has a manufacturing

capacity of 3,360 units per year, or 70 units per week with an estimated market share of

24.56%. Meanwhile, Business B (T.W.) has a weekly output capacity of 75 units, this

company produces 3,600 units annually. They control a 26.32% market share. On the

other hand, Business C (O.H.) can also produce 35 units each week, for a total production

of 1,680 units per year. 12.28% of the market is represented by them. Subsequently,

Business D (N) has a weekly manufacturing capacity of 45 units and a yearly production

capacity of 2,160 units. They own a 15.79% market share. While the Kawayan Quench

can produce 60 units per week, for a total output of 2,880 units per year with an estimated

market share of 21.05%.

The combined weekly manufacturing capacity of all competitors is 285 units, for

a total output of 13,680 units per year. Accordingly, among the rival businesses, Business

B (T.W.) has the highest weekly production capacity and annual output. Despite not

having the biggest production capacity, Kawayan Quench maintains a competitive market

share at 21.05%, making it a noteworthy participant in the industry.

Table 11. Competitor Analysis

Quantity that could be Quantity that could Market Share

Competitors Produced (Weekly) be Produced
Business A (G.C.) 70 3,360 24.56%
Business B (T.W.) 75 3,600 26.32%
Business C (O.H.) 35 1,680 12.28%
Business D (N) 45 2,160 15.79%
Kawayan Quench 60 2,880 21.05%
Total 285 13,680 100%

Demand and Supply Analysis

Table 12 shows the preferences of the market based on the sizes of the Kwayan

Quench. The data informs decisions about product offerings and production scheduling

by revealing the target markets preferred size alternatives. Relatively, there were 27

respondents (7.00%) who said that they preferred the 350ml size of Kawayan Quench.

Meanwhile, the 500ml size is the most popular choice, garnering the preference of 186

respondents (48.40%); in contrast, the 750ml size earned the preference of 149

respondents (38.80%), placing it in a close second. Whereas, there were 22 respondents

(5.70%), a smaller percentage, indicated a preference for the 1000ml size.

The inclination for various sizes among consumers highlights the need of

providing a wide range of options to satisfy a variety of demands and tastes. According to

market behavior, consumers’ value having a variety of flask sizes to choose from, that

match their usage preferences and needs. In a similar vein, the distribution of market

preferences informs strategic choices on the division of labor and inventory control. The

most popular sizes (500ml and 750ml) should be the focus of production to expand

market penetration and improve consumer satisfaction.

The results imply that Kawayan Quench can succeed in the market by

customizing its product offering to accommodate various size preferences. This relatively

purports that understanding size preferences offers useful insights for successful product

promotion and marketing activities. Thus, Kawayan Quench may maximize its product

offering and appeal to a wider audience by leveraging the popularity of the 500ml and

750ml sizes and taking customer preferences into account, which will ultimately

contribute to its success and market expansion.


Table 12 Market Size Preference for Kawayan Quench

Product Category Respondents Market Preference

350ml 27 7.00%
500ml 186 48.40%
750ml 149 38.80%
1000ml 22 5.70%
TOTAL 384 100%

Demand and Supply Gap Analysis for Each Product Size

Table 13 shows the anticipated demand, supply, and gap for each flask size. This

will aid in identifying potential supply and demand gap and serves as a decision-making

tool for production scheduling and inventory control. This further shows that the demand

for the 350ml flask will increase steadily each year, reaching 19,577 units in 2028. The

supply is constant despite the rising demand, which causes the gap between supply and

demand to expand over time. However, for 500ml Flask the 125, 051 units in 2024 to

135,359 units in 2028 will continuously increase making the 500ml flask in high demand.

Similar to the 350ml flask, the supply is unchanging, so there is always a discrepancy

between supply and demand.

Meanwhile, the demand for 750ml flasks is steadily increasing and will total

108,511 units in 2028. Consequently, even though the supply is gradually growing, there

is still a gap because the demand is outpacing supply. While the demand for the 1,000ml

flask will increase yearly, reaching 15,941 units in 2028 yet, there is still a discrepancy

between supply and demand.

In this vein, the continuous discrepancies between supply and demand for each

flask size point to possible distribution or production capacity enhancements. To avoid

customer dissatisfaction and potential revenue loss, business planning should take the

growing demand into account when raising supply. Proactive measures like improving

distribution routes, increasing manufacturing capacity, or modifying inventory levels are

necessary to close the demand and supply gaps.

Table 13 Demand and Supply Gap Analysis for Each Product Size

350ml 500ml
Year Demand Supply Gap Demand Supply Gap
2024 18,086 756 17,330 125,051 5,227 119,824
2025 18,448 771 17,676 127,552 5,332 122,220
2026 18,817 787 18,030 130,103 5,438 124,665
2027 19,193 802 18,391 132,705 5,547 127,158
2028 19,577 818 18,758 135,359 5,658 129,701

750ml 1,000ml
Year Demand Supply Gap Demand Supply Gap
2024 100,248 4,190 96,057 14,727 616 14,111
2025 102,253 4,274 97,978 15,022 588 14,433
2026 104,298 4,360 99,938 15,322 1,163 14,159
2027 106,384 4,447 101,937 15,629 1,067 14,561
2028 108,511 4,536 103,975 15,941 944 14,997

Price Study

The pricing strategy and justification for Kawayan Quench's selection of

bamboo-based flasks are laid forth in this section. Pricing becomes a critical

component influencing customer choices and business performance in a competitive

market environment. Kawayan Quench has a thorough pricing strategy to make sure

that its products are still appealing and profitable.

The study highlights the significance of product pricing as a measure of

value, particularly in respect to varying sizes and designs. Effective pricing reduces

corporate risks while simultaneously enhancing customer appeal. With a pricing

strategy based on penetration pricing, Kawayan Quench positions its products

favorably in comparison to rivals by providing quality at reduced costs.


Relatively, it is widely known that economic and market variables play a

significant role in determining product pricing. The pricing structure is heavily

influenced by production costs, running costs, and customer purchasing power.

Customer expectations are met by Kawayan Quench's dedication to both high

quality and competitive pricing, which maintains a balance between perceived value

and affordability.

The breakdown of prices for various flask sizes and designs is extremely

thorough. The price of raw materials, direct labor costs, and other expenditures like

packing and adhesive are taken into account. The final unit price is calculated using

a markup percentage that takes both production costs and profit margin into account.

Kawayan Quench's approach to value-based pricing demonstrates their

commitment to client pleasure. The business makes sure that its products provide

customers excellent value by basing selling pricing on a thorough analysis of

manufacturing costs and market dynamics. In addition, the inclusion of customizing

costs demonstrates Kawayan Quench's dedication to accommodating various

customer requirements.

Thus, Kawayan Quench's price strategy is shown in Price Study to be in line

with the company's overarching objectives of customer satisfaction, market

competitiveness, and sustainable growth. The company's strategy highlights its

dedication to innovation, affordability, and quality, placing it for success in a

competitive marketplace while giving customers' needs top priority.


Table 14 Price for 350ml Standard Design

Standard Design Flask (350ml)

Materials Qty Unit Amount
Bamboo 1 4 diameters x 20 ₱ 5.00
Stainless Steel 1 500 ml 60.00
Direct Cost (Raw (Bottle)
Materials) UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood 5 Grams 20.00
Direct Labor Cost for Manufacturer
₱400.00 rate per 30 units 13.33
TOTAL 243.33
Mark-up 100% 243.33
Total ₱ 486.67
Value- based Pricing
Price) ₱ 500.00

Table 15. Price for 500ml Standard Design

Standard Design Flask (500ml)

Materials QTY Unit Amount
Bamboo 1 4 diameters x 20 ₱ 5.00
Direct Cost Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 500 ml 70.00
(Raw UV-C LED 1 Piece 100.00
Materials) Packaging 1 Piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 Grams 20.00
Total Wood Protectant 5 Grams 20.00
Cost for Manufacturer 13.33
Direct Labor ₱400.00 rate per day 30 Units
TOTAL ₱ 253.33
Mark-up 100% 253.33
Total ₱ 506.67
Value- based
(Selling ₱ 550.00

Table 16. Price for 750ml Standard Design

Standard Design Flask (750ml)

Materials Qty Unit Amount
Bamboo 1 6 diameters x ₱ 7.00
20 inches
Direct Cost Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 750 ml 80.00
(Raw Materials) UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood Protectant 5 grams 20.00
Cost for Manufacturer
Direct Labor ₱400.00 rate per day 30 units 13.33
TOTAL ₱ 265.33
Mark-up 100% 265.33
Total ₱ 530.67
Value- based
Pricing (Selling
Price) ₱ 600.00

Table 17. Price for 1000ml Standard Design

Standard Design Flask (1,000ml)

Materials Qty Unit Amount
Bamboo 1 6 diameters x ₱ 7.00
20 inches
Direct Cost (Raw Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 1,000 ml 90.00
Materials) UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood Protectant 5 grams 20.00
Cost for Manufacturer
Direct Labor ₱400.00 rate per day 30 units 13.33
TOTAL ₱ 275.33
Mark-up 100% 275.33
Total ₱ 550.67
Value- based Pricing
Price) ₱ 650.00

Table 18 Price for 350ml Customized Design

Customized Design Flask (350ml)

Materials Qty Unit Amount
Bamboo 1 4 diameters x 20 ₱ 5.00
Stainless Steel 1 350 ml 60.00
Direct Cost (Raw UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
Materials) Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood 5 grams 20.00
Cost for
Direct Labor ₱400.00 rate 30 units 13.33
per day
TOTAL ₱ 243.33
Mark-up 100% 243.33
Total ₱ 486.67
Value-based ₱ 500.00
Add: ₱ 50.00
Fee (10%)
Selling Price ₱ 550.00

Table 19 Price for 500ml Customized Design

Customized Design Flask (500ml)

Materials Quantity Unit Amount
4 diameters x 20
Bamboo 1 inches ₱ 5.00
Stainless Steel
(Bottle) 1 500 ml 70.00
Direct Cost UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
(Raw Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Materials) Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood
Protectant 5 grams 20.00
Cost for
Direct Labor • ₱400.00 rate 30 units 13.33
per day
COST ₱ 253.33
Price 100% 253.33
Total ₱ 506.67
Pricing ₱ 550.00
Customization ₱ 55.00
Fee (10%)
Selling Price ₱ 605.00

Table 20 Price for 750ml Customized Design

Customized Design Flask (750ml)

Materials Quantity Unit Amount
6 diameters x 20
Bamboo 1 inches ₱ 7.00
Stainless Steel
(Bottle) 1 750 ml 80.00
Direct Cost UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
(Raw Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Materials) Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Total Wood
Protectant 5 grams 20.00
Cost for
Direct Labor 30 units 13.33
• ₱400.00 rate
per day
TOTAL COST ₱ 265.33
Mark-up Price 100% 265.33
Total ₱ 530.67
Pricing ₱ 600.00
Customization ₱ 60.00
Fee (10%)
Selling Price ₱ 660.00

Table 21 Price for 1,000ml Customized Design

Customized Design Flask (1,000ml)

Materials Quantity Unit Amount
6 diameters x 20
Bamboo 1 inches ₱ 7.00
Stainless Steel
(Bottle) 1 1,000 ml 90.00
Direct Cost UV-C LED 1 piece 100.00
(Raw Packaging 1 piece 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams 20.00
Materials) Total Wood
Protectant 5 grams 20.00
Cost for
Direct Labor • ₱400.00 rate per 30 units 13.33
COST ₱ 275.33
Price 100% 275.33
Total ₱ 550.67
Pricing ₱ 650.00
Customization ₱ 65.00
Fee (10%)
Selling Price ₱ 715.00

Factors Affecting the Market

Numerous variables affect the Kawayan Quench Bamboo Essentials Flask market,

collectively affecting supply, demand, and market dynamics. These variables include

everything from consumer preferences and economic influences to environmental

considerations. For Kawayan Quench to effectively position its products, customize its

marketing strategy, and react to shifting market conditions, it is crucial to comprehend these

elements. The primary elements influencing the market for Kawayan Quench Bamboo

Essentials Flask are described as follows:

1. Environmental Awareness and Sustainability: The demand for products made from

bamboo has increased as consumer awareness of environmental sustainability and the use of

eco-friendly goods has increased. Due to bamboo's renewable and degradable qualities,

which make it a desirable option for ecologically aware consumers, Kawayan Quench's flask

fits with this trend.

2. Consumer Preferences and Lifestyle Trends: The demand in the market is

significantly influenced by consumer preferences. The attraction of Kawayan Quench's

flask, manufactured from organic bamboo, is anticipated to increase as more people

embrace better lifestyles and place a higher value on natural goods. Additionally, buyers

looking for distinctive and fashionable alternatives may be drawn to the flask's visual appeal

and connection to nature.

3. Product Quality and Innovation: The durability, use, and design of the bamboo flask

have a direct impact on how consumers perceive it and what they choose to buy. Focusing

on producing high-quality goods that satisfy customer expectations is essential for

Kawayan Quench to keep a competitive edge.

4. Competitive Landscape: Market share and pricing tactics may be impacted by the

presence of competitors selling comparable goods. Kawayan Quench is able to

differentiate its products and present attractive value propositions by keeping an eye on the

products and prices of competing brands.

5. Raw Material Availability and Sourcing: The availability of bamboo as a raw material

directly affects production and supply. Kawayan Quench must ensure a stable and

sustainable supply of bamboo to avoid disruptions in its manufacturing process.

6. Economic Factors: Consumer propensity to spend on items like bamboo flasks is

influenced by economic factors including income levels and overall purchasing power.

Market penetration requires pricing methods that may be adjusted to account for different

consumer segments.

7. Technological Advancements: Technological advancements impact various aspects of

the product, from production efficiency to marketing strategies. Incorporating innovative

features, such as advanced coatings or customization options, can enhance the product's

appeal and value proposition.

8. Regulations and Standards: Adherence to relevant regulations, quality standards, and

certifications is essential for gaining consumer trust and ensuring product safety.

Kawayan Quench's compliance with industry standards can contribute to its market


9. Cultural and Social Factors: Cultural perceptions and social trends can influence

product preferences. Understanding the cultural context and aligning marketing efforts

accordingly can foster stronger connections with target consumers.

10. Distribution Channels: Effective distribution channels, whether through physical

stores or online platforms, determine the product's accessibility to consumers. Strategic

partnerships and optimal distribution networks ensure wider market reach.

11. Marketing and Branding: Successful marketing strategies, including branding,

advertising, and promotions, significantly impact consumer awareness and brand loyalty.

Emphasizing the unique features and benefits of Kawayan Quench's bamboo flask can

differentiate it from competitors.


Thus, a complex interplay of environmental, consumer, economic, technological, and

cultural factors affects the market for Kawayan Quench Bamboo Essentials Flask.

Kawayan Quench can successfully traverse the market, foresee changes in demand, and

guarantee that its products remain relevant and appealing to its target audience by

remaining aware of these elements and adjusting its plans accordingly.

Marketing Programs

Planning is vital in the market, particularly when the business has competitors. A

thorough marketing strategy helps the company to reach the target customers and promote

the product. Customers become aware of the business's existence through different means

of advertising. Customers might be drawn to the brand and are interested in purchasing.

Tested ways of effective promotion are direct selling, advertising, and public relations.

Additionally, Bamboost Essentials will be using these tactics to promote and meet the

satisfaction of our customers' needs.

1. The Product Strategy

Bamboost Essentials establishes products mainly made from bamboo; its primary

product, Kawayan Quench, is an eco-friendly and health-friendly flask with a UV-C LED

that purifies water. The product entails a new water container or flask for the target

market. It addresses the rampant consumption of unpurified water, in the sense that most

flasks that do not have a water purifier are less likely to give a person health advantages

for its absence of safety and cleanliness. By that, Kawayan Quench will adhere to its

benefits once used and obtained.

Furthermore, Bamboost Essentials will expand its product offerings to the public

as the business develop and evolve. It will cater to home and personal essentials that

enhance individuals' daily lives, especially fostering an environmental approach. Future

products will be the following:


1. "Kawayan Eats" - a set of fine utensils consisting of spoons and forks.

2. "Kawayan Chug" - a selection of cups and mugs ideal for sipping

beverages in style.

3. "Kawayan Contain" - exquisitely constructed spice and food containers.

4. "Kawayan Cuts" - high-quality blades for culinary connoisseurs.

5. "Kawayan Sip" - a variety of reusable bamboo straws for people wishing to

include sustainability into their drinking habits.

6. "Kawayan Serve" - a collection of food containers and bowls to suit the

demands of eco-conscious food storage, providing a sustainable alternative

to single-use plastic.

The expansion of Bamboost Essentials into these different product categories

illustrates their commitment to providing environmentally friendly solutions without

sacrificing aesthetics or performance.

2. The Price Strategy

With an environmentally friendly and durable product, the project planners

opted to sell Kawayan Quench at a reasonable price to the public. The proposed

business ensures that everyone would have a chance to own one because it is

affordable with many health advantages. Kawayan Quench's variations of designs

and sizes will justify the prices. Ideally, the proposed business will implement the

following pricing strategies:

 Cost-Based Strategy

This price strategy is a matter of acknowledgment of the cost given to the

production of the product. The cost-based strategy helps the project planners

determine their selling prices. This matter considers adding a fixed profit figure or

a markup cost toward the product's total cost. Kawayan Quench gives assurance

that even with the constant changes taking over matters, the prices of its offered

products will remain just and fair to its customers. Prices based on costs will

remain authentic to keep customers' fair existence, and price wars against

competitors will be prevented.

 Value-Based Pricing

Bamboost Essentials will incorporate value-based pricing as a marketing

approach to charge customers for products and services at a price they believe they

are willing to pay. Bamboost Essentials can use value-based pricing to market

their eco-friendly bamboo items since it demonstrates their dedication to providing

environmentally friendly options without sacrificing aesthetics and utility.

Furthermore, Bamboost Essentials can set their prices at the most significant

amount their clients are prepared to pay. Nevertheless, customers are happy with

what they are paying, given that they believe the price is satisfactory for what they


3. The Place Strategy

The chosen location of Bamboost Essential must be concentrated with a

significant number of people to be immediately visible to the public. The business must

be noticeable in the eyes of the target market. With such consideration, the project

planners chose a location that centralizes the city proper: Gaisano Capital, Ozamiz City.

This location, where many people are passing by across the hallway, is the right location

to generate where the product will potentially get high demand.


In addition, Bamboost Essentials will use online platforms as a distribution

channel to reach a larger audience and maximize sales. Online selling has multiple

benefits, notably lower costs and the option to customize the buying experience

based on past sales and preferences. By offering online products, Bamboost

Essentials may broaden its reach and give sustainable bamboo items to a broader


4. The Promotion Strategy

Promoting Kawayan Quench is a must-have aspect for the business to foster and

thrive. The proposed business must have its own identity and persona in the eyes of the

public. The project planners thoroughly comprehended that without promotion, the target

market would likely have 0% of an idea that the business exists.

With the advent of modern technology, project planners will also display the items

online so they will be able to reach more customers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

TikTok, and any possible social media platforms will be used to introduce Kawayan

Quench from a broader perspective.

Kawayan Quench's printed flyers and posters will be given into consideration. It

will be paramount to inform individuals without the internet that Kawayan Quench is in

the market.

Furthermore, discounts will be given to the public to keep the target market's

willingness. Discount sales during important seasons like Christmas, New Year, and even

Valentine's Day could be implemented for its adherence to celebration gifts for the said

events. The proposed business could build traction in the target market through this

promotion strategy.

Figure 2 Bamboost Essentials Business Model

Value Customer Customer

Key Partners Key Activities
Propositions Relationships Segments
 Suppl  Product  Eco-  Personalized  Eco-
iers Design & Friendly & Shopping Conscious
(Bamboo, Development Stylish Experience Consumers
Materials)  Manufa Bamboo  Educational  Health &
 Retail cturing & Products Content & Wellness
Partners Quality  Customizati Sustainability Tips Enthusiasts
(Physical Control on Options  Responsive  Aesthetic &
Stores)  Marketi for Customer Support Design
 Eco- ng & Personalizat Seekers
Friendly Promotion ion  Corporate
Organization  Custom  Supporting Clients
s er Engagement Sustainable (Promotional
(Collaboratio & Support Lifestyles Items)
ns, Key Resources Channels
Initiatives)  Sustainable  E-Commerce
Bamboo Website
Sources  Physical Retail
 Manufacturin Partnerships
g Facilities &  Social Media
Equipment (Instagram,
 Design & Facebook)
Creative  Eco-Friendly
Team Events & Markets
 E-Commerce
 Marketing
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
 Raw Materials & Production Costs  Product Sales
 Labor Costs (Design, Manufacturing,  Customization Fees
Marketing)  Bulk Sales for Corporate Clients
 E-Commerce Infrastructure (Website,
Hosting, Security)
 Marketing & Promotion Expenses

Key Metrics
 Total Sales Revenue
 Customer Acquisition & Retention Rates
 Website Traffic & Conversion Rate

 Social Media Engagement Metrics

Production and Operational Plan

Product Description

Kawayan Quench by Bamboost Essentials is an eco-friendly bamboo tumbler that

comes in four sizes: 350 ml (diameter: 7 cm), 500 ml (diameter: 7.5 cm), 750 ml

(diameter: 8 cm), and 1,000 ml (diameter: 8.5 cm). The tumbler's exterior is 100%

organic bamboo, giving it an elegant appearance that appeals to environmentally

conscious consumers. Bamboo is a long-lasting and robust material, making it a good

alternative for individuals looking to lessen their environmental impact. Additionally, its

interior matter is made from stainless steel, which keeps its water hot or cold, according

to their preferences. It also has a cover with a UV-C LED to help sterilize the tumbler and

keep it clean and sanitary. The UV-C LED kills bacteria and viruses safely and

effectively, making it crucial for those wishing to stay healthy.

Business Process

Acquiring Raw Materials

 The first stage for Kawayan Quench is the acquisition of raw materials. Since

the business promotes safe and clean water consumption, raw materials were

chosen to be durable, eco-friendly, and free from toxins that could harm an

individual's health. Profitability would be a significant factor to be considered

during the acquisition. Project planners see that profit margins are constant and

gradual in the presence of changes in seasons, location, and demand in the


 Bamboos that mature will be purchased from Grace's Sticks and Lumber at

Calabayan, Ozamiz City. Bamboo poles have many benefits, such as strength

and durability, eco-friendly existence, lightweight, and aesthetic appearance.

The strength and durability of bamboo enable Kawayan Quench to be reliable

for long-term utilization. Additionally, its eco-friendly existence with rapid

growth assures Kawayan Quench has enough supply of bamboo throughout

the progressing years. Not only that, but bamboos are also lightweight. By this,

Kawayan Quench is easy to handle for all ages. Lastly, bamboos give off an

essential appeal on the market for its aesthetic appearance.

 Kawayan Quench will use stainless steel bottles already available in bottle

form to reduce the manufacturing process and workforce. Using stainless steel

bottles has various benefits for the proposed business. First, stainless steel is a

highly durable material resistant to rust, corrosion, and impact or drop damage.

Second, stainless steel bottles are hygienic due to their non-porous nature,

making them easy to clean and keeping bacteria and odor away. Furthermore,

stainless steel is completely recyclable, making it an environmentally

beneficial choice (Northrop, 2022). It is important for businesses looking to

reduce environmental issues and appeal to environmentally conscious


 UV-C LED will be the product's distinguishing feature, which can be

purchased on Alibaba. The LED light gives individuals access to safe and

clean drinking water through sterilization and disinfection. Consuming

contaminated or unpurified water can cause diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and


hepatitis A. Individuals can lower their risk of developing these diseases and

enhance their general health by cleaning their water (Nicolau et al., 2022).

 Additionally, with Kawayan Quench, individuals no longer have to rely on

bottled or boiling water to make it safe for consumption. They can turn on the

tap, access safe and clean water, and dispose of plastic water bottles. By using

a water purifier, individuals can reduce their reliance on bottled water and the

rampant usage of plastic bottles that harm the environment.

Manufacturing Process

Step 1: Selecting.

The selection of mature bamboo comes first from Grace's Sticks and

Lumber. Two sizes will be allocated to the purchase: 4 diameters and six

diameters, both 10 feet long.

Step 2: Cutting.

Using the cut-off saw, equal cutting of bamboo comes next. The size per

cutting is 20 inches long.

Step 3: Treating.

After cutting, treating the bamboo is very important. Water leaching must

be done to remove unwanted starch from the bamboo to keep it insect-free

and durable. According to Kaur et al. (2016), water leaching is a traditional

way for villagers to preserve and prepare bamboo for crafting. With the

treatment, bamboo's starch lessens up and becomes fungal resistant. Water

leaching usually takes 3-4 weeks, with a constant water change every


Step 4: Drying.

After treating the bamboo, it must be dried up for about 3-5 days.

Step 5: Marking.

Make markings on bamboo-cut poles by drawing the stainless-steel bottle

circumference on the bamboo.

Step 6: Adjusting.

Adjust the circumference of the bamboo to the marked circumference of

the stainless-steel bottle using a hammer and chisel.

Step 7: Polishing

Polish the bamboo inside using an electric drill with a sanding drum.

Step 8: Sticking.

Apply Epoxy adhesive to the inner portion of the bamboo.

Step 9: Inserting.

Insert the stainless-steel bottle into the bamboo.

Step 10: Sanding.

Using the lathe, sanding the bamboo polishes the outer body of the flask.

Step 11: Additional Polishing

For retouches and residue removal, polishing the flask with sandpaper

comes next.

Step 12: Attaching

Attach the UV-C LED by holing-insertion method with the help of

adhesive glue.

Step 13: Water proofing.

Coat the product with Total Wood Protectant to make it shiny and water-


Step 14: Testing.

Testing of the product for leakage and waterproofness comes next. It is

important to investigate the products carefully.

Step 15: Customizing.

If the product is to be customized, the laser engraving machine marks the

customer's preferred design to the bamboo flask.

Step 16: Packaging.

After all the procedures and product packaging will wrap the entire

manufacturing process.


 Set up a stall in Gaisano Capital Ozamiz City, which is a location that

guarantees the presence of the target market

 Create an online persona with the use of social media platforms.

 Distribute flyers, posters, and pamphlets to the public.

Raw Materials Manufacturing Marketing


Figure 3. General Process


Bamboost Essentials will operate from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm from Monday to

Saturday, giving Sunday a rest day. Seven days of customer engagement will be

implemented for the shopping mall, Gaisano Capital. On the other hand, for Bamboost

Essentials' manufacturing processes, production will only be twice a week, Monday and

Wednesday, considering the business will produce and deliver the products to the stall on

the same day. Regarding holidays, it will be acknowledged so the business will close for a

day. The production capacity of Bamboost Essentials for the different sizes is projected


Table 22. Production Capacity of Bamboost Essentials

Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

350ml 2 4 16 192
500ml 14 28 112 1,344
750ml 12 24 96 1,152
1,000ml 2 4 16 192
Total 30 60 240 2,880

Equipment and Supplies

Kawayan Quench will use different equipment and supplies for the processes and

transactions. Equipment and supplies will be divided into four categorical tables below:

Manufacturing Area, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Supplies, Office,

and the stall for selling the product.


Manufacturing Area Equipment and/or Supplies

Table 23. Manufacturing Area Equipment

Equipment Description Quality Price

Cut-off Saw  It is a sturdy, heavy-duty Light and
machine with a circular blade portable
designed for precise and
efficient cutting of various
materials. Blade size:
 It lets you cut the bamboo 8-12
quickly and easily while inches ₱1,850.00
giving accurate measures.

1200 watts

Lathe  It is a large, cylindrical Aluminum

machine with rotating parts spindle
for shaping and turning wood (40mm to
or metal. 55mm)
 It furnishes bamboo by
rotating it into an axis. It has a
stationary tool that removes Speed
the unwanted surface of the range of
bamboo to create a desired 500-
structure. 5,000rpm ₱1,299.00

500 watts

Electric Drill  It is a handheld tool with a Eagle ₱1,015.00

rotating drill bit. (Brand)
 It is useful for easy sanding of
the bamboo.
450 watts

Laser Engraving  It is a sleek, high-tech device Engraving ₱4,950.00

that uses laser technology to speed =
Machine etch intricate designs onto 8000 r/min.
various materials.
 It engraves customers'
preferred designs on the Bakelite +
bamboo wall. profile

25 watts
4-piece set of  These are compact small 4 channel
cameras mounted on walls. CCTV
CCTVS  It entails surveillance for the Installation ₱10,300.00
location. Ensures recording with 1 TB
footage is possible crimes HDD
would occur.
68 watts

Total Manufacturing Area Equipment ₱ 19,414.00


Table 24. Manufacturing Area Supplies

Supplies Description Quality Price

Sanding Drum Set  It consists of cylindrical drums Cylindrical ₱ 79.00
with abrasive surfaces used for
smoothing and shaping wood or
metal. 50 pieces
 It helps a rotary tool to become a set
versatile high-speed sander that
furnishes that the bamboo.

Long Chisel  It is a is a slender, elongated tool Eagle ₱ 65.00

with a sharp blade, ideal for (Brand)
precise carving or cutting tasks.
 It is a hand-tool for cutting and
shaping the bamboos with the 14 inches
help of a struck of a hammer. long
Hammer  It is a handheld tool with a heavy Rubberized ₱ 105.00
metal head and a handle, Handle
designed for driving nails or
striking objects.
 It is used for general carpentry Metal
such as assembling and striking. Head

Sandpaper  It is flexible sheet with abrasive 60-80 grit ₱ 10.00

 It is used for polishing or
removing unwanted residue.

Water Drum  It is a large, cylindrical container 170 liters ₱ 699.00

used for storing and transporting
water, often made of durable
 It is used for storing big portions
of water.

Paint Brush  It is a handheld tool with nylon Hi Tech ₱ 14.50

bristles. Nylon
 It is used for application of paint
or coatings. Synthetic

Omni Bulb  It is compact and versatile light Less heat ₱ 295.00

bulb that emits bright and emission
omnidirectional illumination.
 It produces high quality services
for providing lighting 27 watts (9
requirements. each)

3-piece set

Garbage Bins  These are large containers made Large (85 ₱ 650.00
of durable plastic
 It keeps the location spotless of liters)
spread-out garbage or trash.

Big Baskets  These are spacious, open Plastic ₱ 40.00

containers made of woven
materials, suitable for holding
and organizing various items.
 Keeps materials or things
(bamboo cuts, stainless steel
bottles, and water filters) store in
one container.

Total Manufacturing Area Supplies ₱ 1,918.40


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and/or Safety Supplies

Table 25. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and/or Safety Supplies

Supplies Description Quality Price

Safety Work  It is made from made from sturdy High ₱ 25.00
woven materials, designed to
Gloves safeguard the hands during resistance to
manual work.
 It is used to keep manufacturing cuts and
workers’ hands safe and secured
from its thick barrier protection. chemicals.

Safety Glasses  It is a protective eyewear with 3mm thick ₱ 80.00

impact-resistant lenses,
 It is a tight-fitting protection for polycarbonate
the eyes of the workers.

Fire Extinguisher  It is a cylindrical device filled Cylinder- ₱

with fire-suppressing agents.
 A movable apparatus for shaped 1,399.00
emergency uses (small fires).

Hose or



First Aid Kit  It is a compact case or bag 1 bottle – 60 ml ₱ 150.00

containing medical supplies and
equipment to provide basic first Rhea Isopropyl
aid in case of injuries or
emergencies. Alcohol
 It is a kit that holds supplies for
treating minor injuries or 1 bottle – 120ml
Rhea Hydrogen


1 bottle – 15ml

Rhea Povidone


1 roll – 10gm

Cleene Cotton

1 box –


Plastic Strip

6 pcs – 3x3,

2x2, 2x6


Gauze Pads

1 roll –

1.25”x9m. Paper


Total PPE and Safety Supplies ₱ 1,654.00


Office Equipment and/or Supplies

Table 26. Office Equipment

Equipment Description Quality Price

Airconditioner  It cools down the temperature Astron R-32 ₱ 6,999.00
of a room. It removes heat in
an enclosed space. Window-type

580 Watts

Office Table and  These are functional furniture 140cm Office ₱ 2,300.00
pieces for workspaces, often Table &
Chair featuring sturdy construction Chair Set
and ergonomic design.
 Essential for smooth
transactions and managerial Adjustable
works. Makes the office seat
comfortable and work
table structure

Computer Set  It includes a desktop or Acer ₱ 15,995.00

laptop computer, monitor,
keyboard, and mouse, Aspire
essential for computing
tasks. XC-840
 A machine that
electronically keep records (Pentium
and important information
for the business. Silver)

8gb RAM






65 watts

Total Office Equipment ₱ 25,294.00


Stall Equipment and Supplies

Table 27. Stall Equipment

Machinery/Equipment Description Quality Price

Printing Calculator  It is a specialized calculator with Casio ₱ 899.00
a built-in printer
 It allows a person to easily Printing
compare the total sales of the
day without having to calculate Calculator
it again for amount verification.

Computer Set  It includes a desktop or laptop Acer ₱

computer, monitor, keyboard,
and mouse, essential for Aspire XC- 15,995.00
computing tasks.
 It is a machine that 840
electronically keep records and
important information for the (Pentium

8gb RAM



Total Stall Equipment ₱ 16,894.00


Table 28. Stall Supplies

Supplies Description Quality Price

Receipt Paper Roll  It is a specialty paper that 57mm x 50mm ₱ 15.00
does not require any ink upon
printing. OD

Pos Thermal

Small Garbage Bin  It is a plastic compact Orocan Small ₱ 59.99

container for paper scratches
or wastes and other small (5 liters)

Chair  It is a durable plastic seat and UNO Bristo ₱ 310.00

 It is a seat for a person to rest Chair

White (color)

Total Stall Supplies ₱ 384.99


Building and Facilities

Bamboost Essentials will rent a place for its manufacturing area. A stall area in

Gaisano Capital will also be rented for its selling transactions. It will be a partnership

business considering four individuals with the same interests will invest.

Product Transportation

To deliver the products from the manufacturing area on Gomez Street to the store

in Gaisano Capital, Bamboost Essentials will purchase and utilize a Bajaj RE. Products

will be placed in boxes, and the boxes will be organized inside the vehicle.

Figure 4. Transportation

Location (Google Map of the Business Location)

The manufacturing area will be at Abanil Street, 50th District, Ozamiz City. The

location is selected for its city proper location for easy access to supply deliveries. The

manufacturing area is 100 square meters which would suit the manufacturing processes

and equipment. The area is chosen because it is near public safety establishments and

facilities. In emergencies, there will be easy access to hospitals, fire stations, and police


Figure 5. Location on Google Map

The proposed business stall will be located inside Gaisano Capital, Ozamiz City.

The area of the stall will be 8 square meters. The location is chosen for its public display

and exposure to the target market. Gaisano Capital is one of the most-visited malls in

Ozamiz City, creating a path of introduction for Bamboost Essentials' Kawayan Quench.

The mall comprises different clothing stores, food stalls, grocery areas, appliances, and

more, making it a market suitable for all ages. Kawayan Quench is a product offered to

kids, teenagers, middle-aged, and older adults.

Figure 6. Location on Google Map



The manufacturing area will be where the products will be made, and the

unfinished products will be stored. A room inside the manufacturing area will be a

double- walled office where documents and essential information are being settled. The

vehicle for transporting goods from the area to Gaisano Capital will be parked outside the

manufacturing area.

Figure 7. Manufacturing Area and Office Layout

The stall will be the selling location for the products. Kawayan Quench will be

shared with the public as a clean-surfaced location to promote safe water consumption.

Figure 8. Stall Layout


The following picture shows the manufacturing area's location with an office

room. It is where manufacturing procedures and office work will be performed and


Figure 9. Manufacturing Area and Office Location

The stall in Gaisano Capital will be enough space for Kawayan Quench's precise

and manageable selling location. It is located where most people pass by. The stall is on

the ground floor, in line with various establishments except for direct competitors.

Figure 10. Stall Location


Raw Materials

Table 29. Raw Materials

Materials Description Quality Price Supplier

Bamboo  It has a smooth, fibrous 4 inches ₱80.00 Grace’s
Poles surface texture with (101.60mm) Sticks and
obvious nodes or
segments along the length diameter x 10ft Lumber
of it.
 The durable structure of
6 inches ₱100.00
the bamboo will be the
outer wall of the flask. (152.40 mm)
diameter x 10ft

Stainless  It has a screw-on cap with 350ml ₱ 60.00 Gloria

Steel Bottles a leak-proof seal and is Bazar
cylindrical in shape.
 It will be used as the inner 500ml ₱ 70.00
container of the product.

750ml ₱ 80.00

1,000ml ₱ 90.00

UV-C LED  It is a rechargeable light Rechargeable ₱ 500.00 Alibaba

that fits within the lid.
 It is a technology-based
water purifier. It kills Minimum of 5
water borne pathogens by
the help of germicidal
ultraviolet wavelengths.

Epoxy  It is an environmentally Pioneer Epoxy ₱ 20.00 Handyman

friendly type of glue. It
Adhesive comes in liquid form and All Purpose
is made up of two parts: a
resin and a hardener, Structural
which must be mixed
together before usage. Adhesive tube
 It will be used to stick the
stainless bottle to the

Total Wood  It is a liquid wood 1 can for 30 ₱ 600.00 Guia

protectant Hardware
Protectant  It will serve as a coating tumblers
to the product. It will give
a shiny appearance to the
flask. The polish adds up
to the products durability
and also making it

Packaging  A cardboard box that Printed ₱ 25.00 Cardboard

wraps the actual product. Cardboard Box Co. Online
 It will be printed with the
business’s logo and will
serve as the product’s

Table 30. Advertisement

Materials Description Quality Price

Posters  It will be printed on a 2X3 ₱3,000.00
tarpaulin concept.
 It will serve as a visual
medium that provide
information and impression 50 tarps
that can caught the attention
of the target market.

Brochures  It will be printed on a glossy 1 ream ₱250.00

 It will serve as a marketing
instrument to promote
Bamboost Essentials’
Kawayan Quench.

Total Advertisment Cost ₱3,250.00



Table 31 Depreciation

Materials Expected Years of Usage

Cut-off Saw 5 years

Lathe 5 years

Electric Drill 5 years

Laser Engraving Machine 5 years

CCTVs 5 years

Computer Set (1) 5 years

Computer Set (2) 5 years

Office Table and Chair 5 years

Air conditioner 5 years

Printing Calculator 5 years

Bajaj RE 5 years


 Telecommunication and Internet

Telephones and internet usage are the most used medium for communication and

connection. With such utilization, Bamboost Essentials can contact clients and suppliers.

It can be used when employing social media marketing programs.

 Electricity

Since Bamboost Essentials will be manufacturing its products, electricity usage is

an essential factor to consider. Electricity makes the production of the business by giving

power to the equipment that the proposed business will use. With proper utilization and

consumption, Bamboost Essentials will have satisfactory electricity utilization.

 Water

Water consumption is a big part of the manufacturing process of Kawayan

Quench. It is an essential aspect of treating bamboo (water leaching). It will clean and

remove the unwanted starch from the material.

Table 32. Annual Utilities Costs

Items Supplier Quantity Unit Cost Annual Cost

Electricity MOELCI II 1 ₱ 14.75/kwh ₱ 3,725.57
Water MOWD 1 ₱ 30.00/ mᶟ ₱ 3,000.00
Internet PLDT 1 ₱1,299.00/15 mbps ₱ 15,588.00
Total Annual Utilities Costs ₱ 22,313.57

Waste Disposal

Bamboost Essentials' Kawayan Quench produces many bamboo wastes upon

making the products. Bamboo cuts and strips will be used for charcoal making, giving the

environment more benefits and advantages. Bamboost Essentials will connect to charcoal

makers to make bamboo charcoals. Bamboo charcoals are reliable sources for heat


Charcoals pertain to different purposes. These purposes include domestic uses,

agricultural uses, and industrial uses. In this vein, bamboo charcoal will be an alternative

to wood charcoal. By this, the number of tree cuttings to have wood felled for charcoals

will lessen. It has an excellent fuel characteristic which makes it suitable for charcoal

purposes. Bamboo charcoals obtain the needed hotness, ease of spark, and long burning

time for various home uses. There is a constant increase in forest destruction to have

charcoals. However, with bamboo wastes turning into bamboo charcoals, this problem

will be addressed and solved (Twum et al., 2019).

Labor Requirements

1. Bamboo Flask Manufacturer

 He/she can pay attention to the details of the product.

 He/she knows how to operate and check maintenance for basic production


 He/she works well with management and other employees

 He/she is punctual to operation days and time

 He/she is at least a high school degree

 He/she is trustworthy

2. Salesperson

 He/she has a degree in sales, marketing, or any related business course.

 He/she has excellent communication skills

 He/she is approachable to customers and coworkers

 He/she has basic math skills

 He/she has an experience in retailing

 He/she is trustworthy

3. Manager

 He/she has a degree in Business and Management or any related courses.

 He/she has exemplary communication skills

 He/she works well under pressure

 He/she has leadership skills

 He/she has great decision-making skills

 He/she is trustworthy

4. Delivery Driver

 He/she is a professional licensed driver

 He/she has good navigation skills

 He/she acquires proper driving skills

 He/she is patient and responsible

 He/she follows the rules and regulations of driving


Gantt Chart (Monthly Activities)

Table 33. Gantt Chart

Task Task name June July August Sept. Oct. Nov.

1 Planning the business

Acquiring permits,
clearances, and other
Renovating and
bordering the
manufacturing area
and office area
4 Building the stall

5 Hiring of employees

Purchase of raw
materials, supplies,
and equipment
Start of business
8 Marketing

Financial Plan

A.Major Assumptions

1. Bamboost Essentials is a form of partnership business organization. It is

owned by four individuals interested in this kind of business.

2. The initial investment is ₱ 363,000.00

3. Goods available for sale will have a 10% allotment for being unsold.

4. The business will utilize all the raw materials allotted for the production day.

5. The business will have a rental cost for the manufacturing area computed

monthly, which is ₱ 6,500.00. Therefore, an annual rent of ₱ 78,000.00.

6. The tax rate is 30% based on the updated tax rate in the Philippines.

7. Supplies, Miscellaneous, Utilities, Rent, Repairs and Maintenance

expenses will gradually increase by 2% annually.

8. Advertisement Expenses will only be applicable for two (2) years,

assuming that the business is already known to the public by the

subsequent years.

9. Straight-line method will be the basis for computing the assets' depreciations.

10. The business will employ 4 product makers, one delivery driver, one

salesperson, and one manager.

11. The business will produce the products two (2) days a week, but

customer transactions or product selling will operate for five (5) days.

12. Profits or losses made by the business will be divided equally among its partners.

B. Projected Total Cost

C. Source of Financing

The source of financing will come from the contribution that came from

the business partner's contribution to establish and begin the business operation,

amounting to

₱ 363,000.00.

Name of Partners Amount

Qeenie Arsel Inso ₱181,500.00
Nova Mae Aurigue ₱181,500.00


Bamboost Essentials
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Years Ended 2024-2028

Schedule 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Sales 1 ₱ 1,480,550.00 ₱ 1,510,161.00 ₱ 1,540,364.22 ₱ 1,571,171.50 ₱ 1,602,594.93
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 2.2 ₱ 669,448.80 ₱ 757,220.98 ₱ 772,365.40 ₱ 787,812.70 ₱ 803,568.96
Gross Profit ₱ 811,101.20 ₱ 752,940.02 ₱ 767,998.82 ₱ 783,358.80 ₱ 799,025.98
Less: Operating Expenses 4
Supplies Expense 5 ₱ 7,264.79 ₱ 7,410.09 ₱ 7,558.29 ₱ 7,709.45 ₱ 7,863.64
Advertising Expense 6 ₱ 4,690.00 ₱ 4,783.80 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Miscellaneous Expense 7 ₱ 12,000.00 ₱ 12,240.00 ₱ 12,484.80 ₱ 12,734.50 ₱ 12,989.19
Utilities Expense 8 ₱ 22,313.57 ₱ 22,759.84 ₱ 23,215.04 ₱ 23,679.34 ₱ 24,152.93
Depreciation Expense 9 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40
Rent Expense 10 ₱ 198,000.00 ₱ 201,960.00 ₱ 205,999.20 ₱ 210,119.18 ₱ 214,321.57
Salaries and Wages 11 ₱ 268,800.00 ₱ 274,176.00 ₱ 279,659.52 ₱ 285,252.71 ₱ 290,957.76
SSS Contribution 12 ₱ 45,030.00 ₱ 45,930.60 ₱ 46,849.21 ₱ 47,786.20 ₱ 48,741.92
PhilHealth Contribution 13 ₱ 21,120.00 ₱ 21,542.40 ₱ 21,973.25 ₱ 22,412.71 ₱ 22,860.97
Permits and Licenses 14 ₱ 6,750.00 ₱ 6,885.00 ₱ 7,022.70 ₱ 7,163.15 ₱ 7,306.42
Repairs and Maintenance 15 ₱ 16,000.00 ₱ 16,320.00 ₱ 16,646.40 ₱ 16,979.33 ₱ 17,318.91
Total Expenses ₱ 643,288.76 ₱ 655,328.13 ₱ 662,728.81 ₱ 675,156.97 ₱ 687,833.71
Net Income Before Tax 16 ₱ 167,812.44 ₱ 97,611.90 ₱ 105,270.02 ₱ 108,201.83 ₱ 111,192.27
Less: Income Tax Payable 16 ₱ 50,343.73 ₱ 29,283.57 ₱ 31,581.01 ₱ 32,460.55 ₱ 33,357.68
Net Income After Tax ₱ 117,468.71 ₱ 68,328.33 ₱ 73,689.01 ₱ 75,741.28 ₱ 77,834.59

Bamboost Essentials
Statement of Financial Position
For the Years Ended 2024-2028
Schedule 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents ₱ 291,147.64 ₱ 348,248.54 ₱ 434,037.97 ₱ 520,431.43 ₱ 608,904.83
Inventories 3 ₱ 74,383.20 ₱ 75,870.86 ₱ 77,388.28 ₱ 78,936.05 ₱ 80,514.77
Total Current Assets ₱ 365,530.84 ₱ 424,119.40 ₱ 511,426.25 ₱ 599,367.48 ₱ 689,419.60
Non-Current Assets:
Property and Equipment 17 ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ 206,602.00
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 18 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 82,640.80 ₱ 123,961.20 ₱ 165,281.60 ₱ 206,602.00
Total Non-current Assets ₱ 165,281.60 ₱ 123,961.20 ₱ 82,640.80 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ -
TOTAL ASSETS ₱ 530,812.44 ₱ 548,080.60 ₱ 594,067.05 ₱ 640,687.88 ₱ 689,419.60
Current Liabilities:
Income Tax Payable 16 ₱ 50,343.73 ₱ 29,283.57 ₱ 31,581.01 ₱ 32,460.55 ₱ 33,357.68
Total Current Liabilities ₱ 50,343.73 ₱ 29,283.57 ₱ 31,581.01 ₱ 32,460.55 ₱ 33,357.68
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Total Non-Current Liabilities ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
TOTAL LIABILITIES ₱ 50,343.73 ₱ 29,283.57 ₱ 31,581.01 ₱ 32,460.55 ₱ 33,357.68

Owner's Equity ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 518,797.04 ₱ 562,486.05 ₱ 608,227.33 ₱ 656,061.92
TOTAL OWNER'S EQUITY ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 518,797.04 ₱ 562,486.05 ₱ 608,227.33 ₱ 656,061.92
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY ₱ 530,812.44 ₱ 548,080.60 ₱ 594,067.05 ₱ 640,687.88 ₱ 689,419.60

Bamboost Essentials
Statement of Cash Flow
For the Years Ended 2024-2028
Schedule 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Net Income ₱ 117,468.71 ₱ 68,328.33 ₱ 73,689.01 ₱ 75,741.28 ₱ 77,834.59
Depreciation Expense 9 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40
Add: Increase in Income Tax Payable 16 ₱ 50,343.73 -₱ 21,060.16 ₱ 2,297.44 ₱ 879.54 ₱ 897.13
Less: Increase in Inventories 3 -₱ 74,383.20 -₱ 1,487.66 -₱ 1,517.42 -₱ 1,547.77 -₱ 1,578.72
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities: ₱ 134,749.64 ₱ 87,100.90 ₱ 115,789.43 ₱ 116,393.46 ₱ 118,473.40


Purchase of Property & Equipments 17 ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Net cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities: ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -


Initial Investment ₱ 363,000.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Less: Drawing ₱ - ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities: ₱ 363,000.00 -₱ 30,000.00 -₱ 30,000.00 -₱ 30,000.00 -₱ 30,000.00

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash ₱ 291,147.64 ₱ 57,100.90 ₱ 85,789.43 ₱ 86,393.46 ₱ 88,473.40

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beg. ₱ - ₱ 291,147.64 ₱ 348,248.54 ₱ 434,037.97 ₱ 520,431.43
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End. ₱ 291,147.64 ₱ 348,248.54 ₱ 434,037.97 ₱ 520,431.43 ₱ 608,904.83

Bamboost Essentials
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Years Ended 2024-2028
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Owner's Equity
Beginning ₱ - ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 518,797.04 ₱ 562,486.05 ₱ 608,227.33
Add: Investment ₱ 363,000.00 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Add: Net Income ₱ 117,468.71 ₱ 68,328.33 ₱ 73,689.01 ₱ 75,741.28 ₱ 77,834.59
Total ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 548,797.04 ₱ 592,486.05 ₱ 638,227.33 ₱ 686,061.92
Less: Withdrawals ₱ - ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00
Total ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 518,797.04 ₱ 562,486.05 ₱ 608,227.33 ₱ 656,061.92
Equity End. ₱ 480,468.71 ₱ 518,797.04 ₱562,486.05 ₱ 608,227.33 ₱ 656,061.92

E. Schedules
PRODUCTS PRICE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
350ml 181 ₱ 500.00 ₱ 90,500.00 ₱ 92,310.00 ₱ 94,156.20 ₱ 96,039.32 ₱ 97,960.11
500ml 1255 ₱ 550.00 ₱ 690,250.00 ₱ 704,055.00 ₱ 718,136.10 ₱ 732,498.82 ₱ 747,148.80
750ml 1006 ₱ 600.00 ₱ 603,600.00 ₱ 615,672.00 ₱ 627,985.44 ₱ 640,545.15 ₱ 653,356.05
1,000ml 148 ₱ 650.00 ₱ 96,200.00 ₱ 98,124.00 ₱ 100,086.48 ₱ 102,088.21 ₱ 104,129.97
TOTAL ₱ 1,480,550.00 ₱ 1,510,161.00 ₱ 1,540,364.22 ₱ 1,571,171.50 ₱ 1,602,594.93


Standard Design Flask (350ml) Standard Design Flask (500ml)
Materials Quantity Unit Amount Materials Quantity Unit Amount
4 diameters x 4 diameters x
Bamboo 1 ₱ 5.00 Bamboo 1 ₱ 5.00
20 inches 20 inches
Direct Cost Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 350 ml ₱ 60.00 Direct Cost Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 500 ml ₱ 70.00
(Raw (Raw
UV-C LED 1 Piece ₱ 100.00 UV-C LED 1 Piece ₱ 100.00
Materials) Materials)
Packaging 1 Piece ₱ 25.00 Packaging 1 Piece ₱ 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 Grams ₱ 20.00 Epoxy Adhesive 5 Grams ₱ 20.00
Total Wood Protectant 5 Grams ₱ 20.00 Total Wood Protectant 5 Grams ₱ 20.00
Direct Cost for Manufacturer Direct Cost for Manufacturer
30 Units ₱ 13.33 • ₱400.00 rate per day 30 units ₱ 13.33
Labor • ₱400.00 rate per day Labor

₱ 243.33 ₱ 253.33


Standard Design Flask Standard Design Flask
(750ml) (1,000ml)
Materials Quantit Unit Amount Materials Quantit Unit Amount
y y
6 diameters 6 diameters
Bamboo 1 ₱ 7.00 Bamboo 1 ₱ 7.00
x x
Direct Cost 20 inches Direct Cost 20 inches
(Raw (Raw
Stainless Steel (Bottle) 1 750 ml ₱ 80.00 Stainless Steel 1 1,000 ml ₱ 90.00
Materials) Materials) (Bottle)
UV-C LED 1 piece ₱ 100.00 UV-C LED 1 Piece ₱ 100.00
Packaging 1 piece ₱ 25.00 Packaging 1 Piece ₱ 25.00
Epoxy Adhesive 5 grams ₱ 20.00 Epoxy Adhesive 5 Grams ₱ 20.00
Total Wood Protectant 5 grams ₱ 20.00 Total Wood 5 Grams ₱ 20.00
Direct Cost for Manufacturer Direct Cost for
30 units ₱ 13.33 Manufacturer 30 units ₱ 13.33
Labor Labor
• ₱400.00 rate per • ₱400.00 rate per
day day
TOTAL ₱ 265.33 TOTAL ₱ 275.33


PRODUCTS COST 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
350 202 ₱ 243.33 ₱ 49,056.00 ₱ 50,037.12 ₱ 51,037.86 ₱ 52,058.62 ₱ 53,099.79
500 1394 ₱ 253.33 ₱ 353,126.40 ₱ 360,188.93 ₱ 367,392.71 ₱ 374,740.56 ₱ 382,235.37
750 1117 ₱ 265.33 ₱ 296,494.08 ₱ 302,423.96 ₱ 308,472.44 ₱ 314,641.89 ₱ 320,934.73
1,00 164 ₱ 275.33 ₱ 45,198.72 ₱ 46,102.69 ₱ 47,024.75 ₱ 47,965.24 ₱ 48,924.55
GOODS AVAILABLE FOR SALE ₱ 743,875.20 ₱ 758,752.70 ₱ 773,927.76 ₱ 789,406.31 ₱ 805,194.44
BEGINNING INVENTORY - ₱ 74,387.52 ₱ 75,875.27 ₱ 77,392.78 ₱ 78,940.63
LESS: INVENTORY END. ₱ 74,387.52 ₱ 75,875.27 ₱ 77,392.78 ₱ 78,940.63 ₱ 80,519.44
TOTAL ₱ 669,487.68 ₱ 757,264.95 ₱ 772,410.25 ₱ 787,858.46 ₱ 803,615.63

SCHEDULE 3 (Inventory - 10% of Finished Goods)

QUANTITY COST 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
20 ₱ 243.33 ₱ 4,915.33 ₱ 5,013.64 ₱ 5,113.91 ₱ 5,216.19 ₱ 5,320.51
139 ₱ 253.33 ₱ 35,314.67 ₱ 36,020.96 ₱ 36,741.38 ₱ 37,476.21 ₱ 38,225.73
112 ₱ 265.33 ₱ 29,637.73 ₱ 30,230.49 ₱ 30,835.10 ₱ 31,451.80 ₱ 32,080.84
16 ₱ 275.33 ₱ 4,515.47 ₱ 4,605.78 ₱ 4,697.89 ₱ 4,791.85 ₱ 4,887.69
TOTAL INVENTORY ₱ 74,383.20 ₱ 75,870.86 ₱ 77,388.28 ₱ 78,936.05 ₱ 80,514.77

SCHEDULE 4 (Operating Expenses)

ACCOUNT TITLES 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Supplies Expense ₱ 7,264.79 ₱ 7,410.09 ₱ 7,558.29 ₱ 7,709.45 ₱7,863.64
Advertising Expense ₱ 4,690.00 ₱ 4,783.80 ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
Miscellaneous Expense ₱ 12,000.00 ₱ 12,240.00 ₱ 12,484.80 ₱ 12,734.50 ₱ 12,989.19
Utilities Expense ₱ 22,313.57 ₱ 22,759.84 ₱ 23,215.04 ₱ 23,679.34 ₱ 24,152.93
Depreciation Expense ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40
Rent Expense ₱ 198,000.00 ₱ 201,960.00 ₱ 205,999.20 ₱ 210,119.18 ₱ 214,321.57
Salaries and Wages ₱ 268,800.00 ₱ 274,176.00 ₱ 279,659.52 ₱ 285,252.71 ₱ 290,957.76
SSS Contribution ₱ 45,030.00 ₱ 45,930.60 ₱ 46,849.21 ₱ 47,786.20 ₱ 48,741.92
PhilHealth Contribution ₱ 21,120.00 ₱ 21,542.40 ₱ 21,973.25 ₱ 22,412.71 ₱ 22,860.97
Permits and Licenses ₱ 6,750.00 ₱ 6,885.00 ₱ 7,022.70 ₱ 7,163.15 ₱ 7,306.42
Repairs and Maintenance ₱ 16,000.00 ₱ 16,320.00 ₱ 16,646.40 ₱ 16,979.33 ₱ 17,318.91
TOTAL ₱ 643,288.76 ₱ 655,328.13 ₱ 662,728.81 ₱ 675,156.97 ₱ 687,833.71

SCHEDULE 5 (Supplies Expense)

ITEMS QUANTITY COST 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Sanding Drum Set 2 ₱ 79.90 ₱ 159.80 ₱163.00 ₱166.26 ₱169.58 ₱172.97
Long Chisel 4 ₱ 65.00 ₱ 260.00 ₱265.20 ₱270.50 ₱275.91 ₱281.43
Hammer 4 ₱ 105.00 ₱ 420.00 ₱428.40 ₱436.97 ₱445.71 ₱454.62
Sandpaper 50 ₱ 10.00 ₱ 500.00 ₱510.00 ₱520.20 ₱530.60 ₱541.22
Water Drum 2 ₱ 699.00 ₱ 1,398.00 ₱1,425.96 ₱1,454.48 ₱1,483.57 ₱1,513.24
Paint Brush 4 ₱ 14.50 ₱ 58.00 ₱59.16 ₱60.34 ₱61.55 ₱62.78
Omni Bulb 1 ₱ 295.00 ₱ 295.00 ₱300.90 ₱306.92 ₱313.06 ₱319.32
Garbage Bins 2 ₱ 650.00 ₱ 1,300.00 ₱1,326.00 ₱1,352.52 ₱1,379.57 ₱1,407.16
Big Baskets 4 ₱ 40.00 ₱ 160.00 ₱163.20 ₱166.46 ₱169.79 ₱173.19
Safety Work Gloves 4 ₱ 25.00 ₱ 100.00 ₱102.00 ₱104.04 ₱106.12 ₱108.24
Safety Glasses 4 ₱ 80.00 ₱ 320.00 ₱326.40 ₱332.93 ₱339.59 ₱346.38
Fire Extinguisher 1 ₱ 1,399.00 ₱ 1,399.00 ₱1,426.98 ₱1,455.52 ₱1,484.63 ₱1,514.32
First Aid Kit 1 ₱ 150.00 ₱ 150.00 ₱153.00 ₱156.06 ₱159.18 ₱162.36
Receipt Roll Paper 25 ₱ 15.00 ₱ 375.00 ₱382.50 ₱390.15 ₱397.95 ₱405.91
Small Garbage Bin 1 ₱ 59.99 ₱ 59.99 ₱61.19 ₱62.41 ₱63.66 ₱64.94
Plastic Chair 1 ₱ 310.00 ₱ 310.00 ₱316.20 ₱322.52 ₱328.97 ₱335.55
TOTAL ₱ 7,264.79 ₱7,410.09 ₱ 7,558.29 ₱7,709.45 ₱7,863.64

SCHEDULE 6 (Advertising Expense)

ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Posters 50 ₱ 60.00 ₱ 3,000.00 ₱ 3,060.00
Brochures 250 ₱ 1.00 ₱ 250.00 ₱ 255.00
Facebook Ad. 12 ₱ 120.00 ₱ 1,440.00 ₱ 1,468.80
TOTAL ₱ 4,690.00 ₱ 4,783.80

SCHEDULE 7 (Miscellaneous Expense)

MONTHS AMOUNT 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
12 ₱1,000.00 ₱ 12,000.00 ₱ 12,240.00 ₱ 12,484.80 ₱ 12,734.50 ₱ 12,989.19
TOTAL ₱ 12,000.00 ₱ 12,240.00 ₱ 12,484.80 ₱ 12,734.50 ₱ 12,989.19

SCHEDULE 8 (Utilities Expense)

2024 2025 2026 2027 202
Electricity ₱ 3,725.57 ₱ 3,800.08 ₱ 3,876.08 ₱ 3,953.60 ₱ 4,032.68
Water ₱ 3,000.00 ₱ 3,060.00 ₱ 3,121.20 ₱ 3,183.62 ₱ 3,247.30
Internet ₱ 15,588.00 ₱ 15,899.76 ₱ 16,217.76 ₱ 16,542.11 ₱ 16,872.95
TOTAL ₱ 22,313.57 ₱ 22,759.84 ₱ 23,215.04 ₱ 23,679.34 ₱ 24,152.93


ITEM COST 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Cut-off Saw ₱ 1,850.00 5 ₱ 370.00 ₱ 370.00 ₱ 370.00 ₱ 370.00 ₱ 370.00
Lathe ₱ 1,299.00 5 ₱ 259.80 ₱ 259.80 ₱ 259.80 ₱ 259.80 ₱ 259.80
Electric Drill ₱ 1,015.00 5 ₱ 203.00 ₱ 203.00 ₱ 203.00 ₱ 203.00 ₱ 203.00
Laser Engraving Machine ₱ 4,950.00 5 ₱ 990.00 ₱ 990.00 ₱ 990.00 ₱ 990.00 ₱ 990.00
CCTVs ₱ 10,300.00 5 ₱ 2,060.00 ₱ 2,060.00 ₱ 2,060.00 ₱ 2,060.00 ₱ 2,060.00
Computer Set (1) ₱ 15,995.00 5 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00
Computer Set (2) ₱ 15,995.00 5 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 3,199.00
Office Table and Chair ₱ 2,300.00 5 ₱ 460.00 ₱ 460.00 ₱ 460.00 ₱ 460.00 ₱ 460.00
Air conditioner ₱ 6,999.00 5 ₱ 1,399.80 ₱ 1,399.80 ₱ 1,399.80 ₱ 1,399.80 ₱ 1,399.80
Printing Calculator ₱ 899.00 5 ₱ 179.80 ₱ 179.80 ₱ 179.80 ₱ 179.80 ₱ 179.80
Bajaj RE ₱ 145,000.00 5 ₱ 29,000.00 ₱ 29,000.00 ₱ 29,000.00 ₱ 29,000.00 ₱ 29,000.00
TOTAL ₱ 206,602.00 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 41,320.40

SCHEDULE 10 (Rent Expense)

MOTNHLY 2024 2025 2026 2027 202
Manufacturing Area ₱ 6,500.00 ₱ 78,000.00 ₱ 79,560.00 ₱ 81,151.20 ₱ 82,774.22 ₱ 84,429.71
Stall (Mall) ₱ 10,000.00 ₱ 120,000.00 ₱ 122,400.00 ₱ 124,848.00 ₱ 127,344.96 ₱ 129,891.86
TOTAL ₱ 198,000.00 ₱ 201,960.00 ₱ 205,999.20 ₱ 210,119.18 ₱ 214,321.57

SCHEDULE 11 (Salaries and Wages)

PERSONNEL NO. OF RATE PER DAY 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Manager 1 ₱ 600.00 ₱ 144,000.00 ₱ 146,880.00 ₱ 149,817.60 ₱ 152,813.95₱ 155,870.23
Salesperson 1 ₱ 380.00 ₱ 91,200.00 ₱ 93,024.00 ₱ 94,884.48 ₱ 96,782.17 ₱ 98,717.81
Delivery Driver 1 ₱ 350.00 ₱ 33,600.00 ₱ 34,272.00 ₱ 34,957.44 ₱ 35,656.59 ₱ 36,369.72
TOTAL ₱ 268,800.00 ₱ 274,176.00 ₱ 279,659.52 ₱ 285,252.71 ₱ 290,957.76

SCHEDULE 12 (SSS Contribution)

PERSONNEL 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Manager 1 ₱ 12,000.00 ₱ 1,140.00 ₱ 13,680.00 ₱ 13,953.60 ₱ 14,232.67 ₱ 14,517.33 ₱ 14,807.67
Manufaturer 4 ₱ 3,200.00 ₱ 380.00 ₱ 18,240.00 ₱ 18,604.80 ₱ 18,976.90 ₱ 19,356.43 ₱ 19,743.56
Salesperson 1 ₱ 7,600.00 ₱ 712.50 ₱ 8,550.00 ₱ 8,721.00 ₱ 8,895.42 ₱ 9,073.33 ₱ 9,254.79
Delivery Driver 1 ₱ 2,800.00 ₱ 380.00 ₱ 4,560.00 ₱ 4,651.20 ₱ 4,744.22 ₱ 4,839.11 ₱ 4,935.89
TOTAL ₱ 45,030.00 ₱ 45,930.60 ₱ 46,849.21 ₱ 47,786.20 ₱ 48,741.92

SCHEDULE 13 (PhilHealth Contribution)

PERSONNEL 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Manager 1 ₱ 600.00 ₱ 7,200.00 ₱ 7,344.00 ₱ 7,490.88 ₱ 7,640.70 ₱ 7,793.51
Manufacturer 4 ₱ 160.00 ₱ 7,680.00 ₱ 7,833.60 ₱ 7,990.27 ₱ 8,150.08 ₱ 8,313.08
Cashier 1 ₱ 380.00 ₱ 4,560.00 ₱ 4,651.20 ₱ 4,744.22 ₱ 4,839.11 ₱ 4,935.89
Delivery Driver 1 ₱ 140.00 ₱ 1,680.00 ₱ 1,713.60 ₱ 1,747.87 ₱ 1,782.83 ₱ 1,818.49
TOTAL ₱ 21,120.00 ₱ 21,542.40 ₱ 21,973.25 ₱ 22,412.71 ₱ 22,860.97


PARTICULARS 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
BIR Registration ₱ 500.00 ₱ 510.00 ₱ 520.20 ₱ 530.60 ₱ 541.22
DTI Registration ₱ 600.00 ₱ 612.00 ₱ 624.24 ₱ 636.72 ₱ 649.46
Mayor’s Permit ₱ 4,500.00 ₱ 4,590.00 ₱ 4,681.80 ₱ 4,775.44 ₱ 4,870.94
Police Clearance ₱ 150.00 ₱ 153.00 ₱ 156.06 ₱ 159.18 ₱ 162.36
Barangay Clearance ₱ 100.00 ₱ 102.00 ₱ 104.04 ₱ 106.12 ₱ 108.24
City Engineering ₱ 900.00 ₱ 918.00 ₱ 936.36 ₱ 955.09 ₱ 974.19
TOTAL ₱ 6,750.00 ₱ 6,885.00 ₱ 7,022.70 ₱ 7,163.15 ₱ 7,306.42

SCHEDULE 15 (Repairs and Maintenance)

2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Manufacturing Area ₱ 10,000.00 ₱ 10,200.00 ₱ 10,404.00 ₱ 10,612.08 ₱ 10,824.32
Stall ₱ 6,000.00 ₱ 6,120.00 ₱ 6,242.40 ₱ 6,367.25 ₱ 6,494.59
Total ₱ 16,000.00 ₱ 16,320.00 ₱ 16,646.40 ₱ 16,979.33 ₱ 17,318.91


2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Net Income Before Tax ₱ 167,812.44 ₱ 97,611.90 ₱ 105,270.02 ₱ 108,201.83 ₱ 111,192.27
Tax Rate (30%) 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Income Tax Payable ₱ 50,343.73 ₱ 29,283.57 ₱ 31,581.01 ₱ 32,460.55 ₱ 33,357.68

SCHEDULE 17 (Property & Equipment)

Manufacturing Area
₱ 19,414.00
Office Equipment ₱ 25,294.00
Stall Equipment ₱ 16,894.00
Delivery Vehicle ₱ 145,000.00
TOTAL ₱ 206,602.00


ITEM 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Cut-off Saw ₱ 370.00 ₱ 740.00 ₱ 1,110.00 ₱ 1,480.00 ₱ 1,850.00
Lathe ₱ 259.80 ₱ 519.60 ₱ 779.40 ₱ 1,039.20 ₱ 1,299.00
Electric Drill ₱ 203.00 ₱ 406.00 ₱ 609.00 ₱ 812.00 ₱ 1,015.00
Laser Engraving Machine ₱ 990.00 ₱ 1,980.00 ₱ 2,970.00 ₱ 3,960.00 ₱ 4,950.00
CCTVs ₱ 2,060.00 ₱ 4,120.00 ₱ 6,180.00 ₱ 8,240.00 ₱ 10,300.00
Computer Set (1) ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 6,398.00 ₱ 9,597.00 ₱ 12,796.00 ₱ 15,995.00
Computer Set (2) ₱ 3,199.00 ₱ 6,398.00 ₱ 9,597.00 ₱ 12,796.00 ₱ 15,995.00
Office Table and Chair ₱ 460.00 ₱ 920.00 ₱ 1,380.00 ₱ 1,840.00 ₱ 2,300.00
Air conditioner ₱ 1,399.80 ₱ 2,799.60 ₱ 4,199.40 ₱ 5,599.20 ₱ 6,999.00
Printing Calculator ₱ 179.80 ₱ 359.60 ₱ 539.40 ₱ 719.20 ₱ 899.00
Bajaj RE ₱ 29,000.00 ₱ 58,000.00 ₱ 87,000.00 ₱ 116,000.00 ₱ 145,000.00
TOTAL ₱ 41,320.40 ₱ 82,640.80 ₱ 123,961.20 ₱ 165,281.60 ₱ 206,602.00

F. Financial Analysis

I. Gross Profit Rate


2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Gross Profit ₱ 810,673.92 ₱ 752,499.88 ₱ 767,549.88 ₱ 782,900.87 ₱ 798,558.89
Net Sales ₱ 1,480,161.60 ₱ 1,509,764.83 ₱ 1,539,960.13 ₱ 1,570,759.33 ₱1,602,174.52
Gross Profit 55% 50% 50% 50% 50%

Table 5 shows that the business's gross profit rate will be 55% in 2024. Moreover,

throughout 2025-2028, the business will maintain a consistent 50% gross profit rate. The

consistent gross profit rate of 50% over the years 2024 to 2028 implies that the company

has been able to maintain a relatively stable level of profitability relative to its net sales,

which could suggest effective cost management and pricing strategies during this period.

II. Gross Profit Margin

2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Net Income Before
₱ 167,812.44 ₱ 97,611.90 ₱ 105,270.02 ₱ 108,201.83 ₱ 111,192.27
Net Sales ₱ 1,480,550.00 ₱ 1,510,161.00 ₱ 1,540,364.22 ₱ 1,571,171.50 ₱ 1,602,594.93
Gross Profit
11% 6% 7% 7% 7%

The declining trend in the gross profit margin from 11% in 2024 to 7% in 2028 suggests that the

company's ability to generate profit from its core operations relative to its sales has weakened, possibly

indicating increased production costs or pricing pressures that could impact overall profitability.

III. Net Profit Margin


2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Net Income ₱ 117,468.71 ₱ 68,328.33 ₱ 73,689.01 ₱ 75,741.28 ₱ 77,834.59
Net Sales ₱ 1,480,550.00 ₱ 1,510,161.00 ₱ 1,540,364.22 ₱ 1,571,171.50 ₱ 1,602,594.93
Net Profit Margin 8% 5% 5% 5% 5%

In 2024, the company's net profit margin will be 8%. Subsequently, from 2025 to 2028, the corporation will

maintain a consistent 5% gross profit margin. It signifies that the company is profitable after deducting all sales and

expenses. Furthermore, it shows that Kawayan Quench controlled the business operations after realizing the income over


Initial Investment ₱ 363,000.00
1st Year Ending Cash Flow ₱ 291,147.64
Net Income ₱ 117,468.71
Initial Investment ₱ 363,000.00
ROI 32.36
The payback period of 1.25 years suggests that it takes approximately 1.25 years for the initial investment of ₱363,000.00 to be

recovered from the 1st year ending cash flow of ₱291,147.64, which indicates a relatively quick return on the investment. Meanwhile,

the return on investment (ROI) of 32.36% reflects that the net income of ₱117,468.71 generated is

equivalent to 32.36% of the initial investment of ₱363,000.00, indicating a favorable return relative to

the investment made. This ROI figure could be considered a positive indication of the investment's

profitability, but it's important to compare it with industry benchmarks and the company's cost of capital

for a comprehensive evaluation.


Organization and Management Plan

The management framework of Bamboost Essentials specifies clear roles and responsibilities

among its line of command. The company's owners hold the authority to make decisions and shape the

overall strategy, overseeing the company's operations and growth. The office staff plays a pivotal role by

facilitating seamless coordination between departments, fostering effective communication, and aiding in

the implementation of company plans. Meanwhile, laborers constitute a crucial part of the workforce,

directly contributing to the production and distribution of goods and services. Their tasks can range from

bamboo product manufacturing to equipment maintenance, packing, and transportation.

Bamboost Essentials underscores its commitment to its employees by providing them with two

days off each month, acknowledging the significance of work-life balance for productivity and well-

being. These allocated days offer individuals a chance to recharge, attend to personal matters, and step

away from work. As full-time employees at Bamboost Essentials, the workforce dedicate their time and

energy to fulfilling their responsibilities effectively. This dedication to productivity ensures the seamless

functioning of the business, while also ensuring that customers receive exceptional products and services.

In general Bamboost Essentials' comprehensive management structure, well-defined

responsibilities, emphasis on staff well-being, and pursuit of efficiency collectively contribute to a

positive work environment. By upholding these principles, the company aims to ensure its long-term

success while fostering employee retention, satisfaction, and overall growth.

A. Form of Business Organization

Bamboost Essentials is organized in general partnership structure to manage and organize the

company, a decision driven by the need to streamline the process of securing initial funding for the

company's launch. The decision was prompted by unanimous agreement among the four partners to pool

their financial resources, assets, and existing business ventures into a shared cash pool. The underlying

objective of this collaborative endeavor is to equitably distribute earnings among the partners in

accordance with the established guidelines.


For the business venture to establish clarity and a strong foundation for their partnership, each

partner is required to agree upon on the business partnership agreement. This legally binding document

outlines a comprehensive framework detailing the responsibilities and organizational roles of each

partner. It also outlines the protocol for making crucial decisions and lays down the principles governing

effective governance and collaboration among the parties involved. Moreover, the agreement stipulates

the timeline for handling and distributing the partnership's earnings and obligations among its members,

fostering a culture of fairness and transparency within the company's operations.

B. Organizational Chart



Salesperson Manufacturer Driver

Figure 11. Organizational Chart


C. Labor Requirements

Table 34. Labor Requirements

Position Job Qualifications Job Description Job Specifications

Manager  He/she has a bachelor's He/she handles the  He/she manages a
or master's degree in a organization's variety of factors,
related discipline, such as operations and such as
business or management. administration while environmentally
 He/she understands overseeing those friendly production
sustainability principles, related work procedures, the
environmental problems and creation of products,
legislation, and best activities and team
practices for eco-friendly management.
production.  He/she oversees the
 He/she has excellent workflow and guides
business acumen and new hires.
financial management  He/she is in charge of
abilities. coming up with
 He/she has excellent schedules
leadership and  He/she provides
communication abilities recommendations and
comments on what
needs to be improved.

Salesperson  He/she is at least The person in His/her responsibilities will

a high school charge is of the include the following:
diploma utmost  Greets clients
 He/she has previous significance in enthusiastically.
sales expertise with advertising and  Provides
great interpersonal selling Kawayan comprehensive details
communication Quench. regarding functions,
skills designs, and
 He/she is environmental benefits.
knowledgeable of  Accepts cash or check
marketing payments and ensures
techniques with a price accuracy.
capacity to thrive in  Verifies pricing and
a swift, competitive apply any that are
environment. offered discounts or
 He/she has basic promotional offers.
computing abilities
and understanding
of sales tracking
 He/she has a
positive frame of
Bamboo  He/she is at least a The person in His/her responsibilities
high school diploma. charge is will include the following:
Flask  He/she has experience responsible for  Operates, monitors,
of running industrial operating and maintains
Manufacturer machinery and machinery, manufacturing
equipment. complying with equipment.
 He/she pays attention production  Adheres to the
to specifics. procedures, manufacturing
 He/she knows the sustaining the timeline.
fundamental quality of the  Works alongside
troubleshooting and product, and the production
problem-solving contributing to the team.
abilities. economical  Configures Kawayan
and long- Quench following the
 He/she has endurance
time manufacturing instructions provided.
and a willingness to
of Kawayan
stand for extended  Put the final touches
periods and handle on the products.
weighty objects.
 He/she has strong
interpersonal and
collaborative abilities.
Delivery  He/she is at least 18 The person in His/her responsibilities will
years old charge gathers include the following:
Driver  He/she has a valid the materials  Loads and unloada
driver's license. required for supplies onto the
 He/she has a clean production. delivery vehicle, paying
driving record. Furthermore, caution to safeguard and
he or she will secure items
 He/she knows local
deliver the appropriately.
roads, routes, and
products from  Checka orders for
traffic regulations.
the producing delivery for the
 He/she has strong area to the correctness and
organizational and Gaisano
time management guarantee that the correct
Capital stall. products have been sent
abilities required to
meet time constraints to the meant receivers.
for delivery.  To keep a clean driving
 He/she has record, followa traffic
comprehensive rules, rules and
knowledge regarding regulations, and safe
vehicle repair and driving practices.
 Have the dedication
to detail and keeping
records accurate.
D. Salary

Bamboost Essentials seeks to attract and keep qualified workers for each role by

offering competitive wages. The salaries will be issued monthly and subjected to local

labor legislation and market norms. Moreover, the business demonstrates its dedication to

providing financial security for its staff by adhering to a consistent monthly salary


The following are the daily wages for various positions at Kawayan Quench:

 Delivery driver will receive a daily wage of ₱350.00, which aligns with

the minimum wage for an average worker in Northern Mindanao.

 Salesperson will earn a daily wage of ₱380.00.

 Manufacturers will receive a daily wage of ₱400.00.

 Managers will have a higher daily wage of ₱600.00.

Additionally, employees can access benefits such as SSS and PhilHealth. In this

regard, Bamboost Essentials emphasizes the importance of fair compensation for its


 Working Hours

Bamboost Essentials will adhere to the usual weekday policy of eight hours. The

business stall, where customer engagement occurs, is open from nine (9) morning until

five (5) in the afternoon. From Monday to Friday, giving it 40 weekly working hours.

However, regarding the production and delivery process of the product, it will only

happen on Mondays and Wednesdays, making it two-working days per week for the

manufacturers and the delivery driver. Additionally, the company does not
conduct any business on Saturdays and Sundays. Due to this decision, employees can

recover and relax. By adhering to these standards, Bamboost Essentials fosters work-life

balance, employee well-being, and a healthy work environment.

 Manufacturing Area and Store Property

The business property includes essential assets such as supplies and

equipment. These resources are intended for business purposes,

guaranteeing their best use and contributing to Bamboost Essentials'

general effectiveness and profitability.

 Personal Files

The business's stores keep vital files, such as accounting,

inventories, documentation, and staff records. These files contain

imperative data that must be stipulated as necessary.

 Working Environment

Bamboost Essentials prioritizes its employees' well-being by

providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment. The

business believes in fairness, equality, and respect, and we actively

encourage a diverse society. The business's goal is for the employees to be

treated with respect and empowerment.

Furthermore, Bamboost Essentials will be dedicated to cleanliness

and sanitation in our facilities. Strict cleaning norms shall be implemented

to keep facilities, work, and communal areas in good condition.

E. Recruitment and Training Program

Before Bamboost Essentials commences its operations on Kawayan Quench, the

management team will proactively undertake the recruitment process to build the

professional personnel needed to ensure the seamless operation of the business. The

management will design and disseminate thorough job descriptions to attract suitable

people necessary abilities and credentials by meticulously spelling out the job


Once prospective employees have been identified and discovered, the management

will conduct an extensive interview to identify individuals who best fit the positions at

Bamboost Essentials. This process may include evaluating resumes, retaining interviews,

and evaluating the candidates' abilities and specialization. Furthermore, after identifying

employees within the team, Bamboost Essentials will provide them with a complete

training program. The training program will include:

 Different areas of our company's daily operations;

 Covering topics like product knowledge;

 Customer service;

 Sustainability practices;
Table 35. Recruitment and Training Program

Orientation The orientation will familiarize the freshly hired employee with the

business environment, organizational structure, hierarchy, job

responsibilities, coworkers, and amenities. During their work shifts, they

will be informed of the dos and Don'ts and the required duties they

should perform within the firm.

On-boarding The newly hired employees gradually integrate into the business's

Training culture. It encompasses initiatives that allow new staff members to

undergo an initial orientation process while acquiring knowledge

regarding the organization's framework, lifestyle, culture, purpose, and


Technical These freshly hired employees of the Bamboost Essentials company will

Skill go through training to learn how to fulfill their jobs and polish their

Development talents. Product expertise, customer service tactics, sustainability

Training practices, operational processes, and any other abilities required for their

positions are examples of such qualifications.

Soft Skills Employees at Bamboost Essentials will be taught to deal with the types

Development of customers. Hands-on activities, scenarios, and case studies will

Training provide real-world learning opportunities through the training program.

Employees will also be able to apply their interpersonal skills, enhance

their ability to solve problems talents and gain trust when handling a

variety of customers; as a result of these types of tasks.

F. Management Policies

The owners are completely accountable for the overall success of this well-

established company. However, with the requisite people, it will be possible. To govern

the firm, the owners will establish regulations and sanctions to run it impartially and

smoothly. Furthermore, the proprietors' willingness to resolve any issues that may occur

demonstrates their devotion to the development and sustainability of Bamboost


Employee Code of Conduct

Employees at Bamboost Essentials are expected to be typical

professionals. As such, workers are expected to be organized and practice basic

workplace etiquette. To establish a healthy and non-toxic atmosphere at work,

employees must be honest, unbiased, and unprejudiced in the workplace, have a

sense of accountability for what they do, and have an engaging demeanor.

Generally, maintaining a pleasing personality is essential to creating a thriving,

positive work environment.

Safety and Sanitation

This company is mostly concerned with cleanliness. Employees are trained

to ensure that the space is fully clean and appealing to potential customers' eyes.

As a result, daily cleaning, disinfection, and cleanliness are required. In addition,

cleanliness demonstrates the business's dedication to professionalism, standards of

excellence, and care for detail.

G. Business Partnership Agreement


This PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT is made and agreed upon on June 16, 2023,

by and between the undersigned partners: Nova Mae D. Aurigue and Qeenie Arsel M.


Partners agree as follows in consideration of the mutual pledges stated in this agreement:

1. Name and Business. "Bamboost Essentials" will be the name of the collaboration.

Unless the partners agree to relocate it, the principal production area of the

business will be situated in Abanil Street, 50th District, Ozamiz City, Misamis

Occidental, Philippines. At the same time, the retail outlet will be placed at

Gaisano Capital, Ozamiz City.

2. Term. The partnership will be actualized as soon as the partnership agreement is


3. Capital. The partners must contribute cash to the partnership's capital in a certain

order: every partner must open and oversee their capital account. The withdrawals

are completely prohibited from any partner's capital account.

4. Profit and Loss Statements. The partnership's net income and losses will be split

evenly between the partners. Each partner must keep a separate income account in

which a portion of the profits and losses of the partnership are allocated.

5. Salary and Drawing. No partner is going to be paid for activities provided to the

partnership. Each partner must refrain from withdrawing funds from their accounts

for five years to assist the company's expansion.

6. Interest. Online payments for the partnership's initial capital commitment or

future contributions will not be accepted.

7. Management Duties and Constraints. The partners will have an equal role in

how the partnership's business is run, and each member is expected to devote all of

their time to it.

8. Banking. The partnership funds should be placed in the partnership's name assets

in a bank account or accounts stated by the partners.

9. Books. The partnership's financial records must be kept at its main office, where

each partner has continuous access.

Voluntary Termination. The relationship can be dissolved at any moment by the mutual decision of the

partners. In such a case, the partners must immediately begin liquidating the partnership's business.
Social Impact

A. Social Issues
 Water Sanitation

As stated by the National Water Resources Board (NWRB), around 11

million Filipino families still have trouble accessing safe drinking water in the

Philippines. Even though the Philippine economy is rapidly increasing, there are

still substantial impediments to accessing safe drinking water and sanitation.

Furthermore, according to a recent Philippine Statistics Authority research,

waterborne diseases such as typhoid and paratyphoid fever, bloody diarrhea,

cholera, viral hepatitis, and leptospirosis killed 53,066 Filipinos between 2010 and

2019 (Flores, 2023). In such cases, communities are finding it challenging to

provide the basic sanitary demands of new residents in a country where

urbanization is rapidly rising.

The goal of creating Kawayan Quench is to provide people with a friend to

protect them from diseases that can be contracted from the water they drink, such

as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Because it features

a detoxifier and encourages people to drink more water, this product will assist in

alleviating concerns about where they can acquire safe drinking water at any time

and from any location.


 Environment Degradation

Plastics have long been an alarming contributor to global pollution. The

Philippines is third in the world for a breakdown from plastic, with a minimum of

2.7 million kilograms of plastic garbage generated annually. 20% of this plastic

garbage is anticipated to escape into aquatic ecosystems (Schachter & Karasik,


As a result, this issue must be addressed. Bamboost Essentials' Kawayan

Quench is a recyclable tumbler that aims to reduce the utilization of disposable

water bottles. Its bamboo structure helps advance the cause of saving the earth

from the country's severe plastic pollution. Bamboost Essentials is committed to

environmental conservation and preservation with its sustainable and eco-friendly

design and benefits, particularly because its fundamental material, bamboo, does

not require chemical substances to grow.

 Climate change

Changing weather patterns are creating catastrophic weather events,

unpredictable water availability, growing shortages of water, and water

contamination. Such effects can majorly impact the quantity and quality of water

individuals require to survive. When disasters occur, the danger of diseases like

cholera and typhoid, to which children are especially vulnerable, increases because

they can damage or pollute entire water systems. As temperatures rise, freshwater

supplies may get contaminated with dangerous viruses, making them unsuitable

for humans to drink (UNICEF, 2022).


In line with the issue, Kawayan Quench has to detoxify and sterilize

substances; UV-C Light Emitting Diodes have been tested to clean and safeguard

water consumption and containers successfully.

B. Business Purpose

The business aims to provide products manufactured from bamboo, a durable and

sustainable material. Bamboo is a natural building material found in tropical to mild

temperate locations, as Manandhar et al. (2019) stated. It has been utilized for its innate

strength and flexibility since ancient times. Bamboo has many environmental benefits,

making it a popular ecologically friendly manufacturing material.

Furthermore, the business is not only for profit but also contributes to the benefits

of using Kawayan Quench. The firm establishes a strong hold on environmental issues

and individual health concerns. Not only have that, but Kawayan Quench products allow

individuals to sip safe and cleansed water with UV-C lighted at affordable prices.

 Durability

Bamboo grows relatively quickly and sustainably compared to other

materials used to make tumblers or flasks. Bamboo's durability and rapid growth

contribute to its popularity as a popular and ecological building material.

 No chemical needed

Bamboo is a naturally abundant plant that, even cultivating it, does not

necessitate chemicals or fertilizers. Pesticides are not required to keep bad bugs

away from a bamboo stand. It ensures that no chemicals will enter the soil or

groundwater due to bamboo farming.


C. Business Contributions

 As to Employees

Employees are important to the Bamboost Essentials business because they

ensure everything runs well. The company needs these personnel to function and

distribute the product to the market. It would also benefit the employees, as they

will be able to receive justifiable compensation for their efforts in marketing and

promoting our goods.

 As to the community

This company will greatly assist the community by sharing a few ideas

about the incredible benefits of utilizing the product and how it mixes nature into

it using bamboo as one of the primary components. These ideas and information

will soon be shown in many barangays to extensively spread the value of earth-

friendly products, especially as climate change approaches.

 As to the government

Bamboost Essentials is fully aware of its duties and responsibilities in all

government-related concerns, such as paying taxes and obtaining business permits

and licenses from the local government unit where it is located. It also rigorously

conforms to local government norms and regulations, ensuring the firm meets all

needs. This company will also contribute to the local economy.



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Name : Qeenie Arsel M. Inso

Age : 21 yrs. old
Sex : Female
Address : Purok 9, Banadero, Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental
Mobile No. : 0938-212-0528
Religion : Roman Catholic


Bachelor of Science in Business and Management Major in Financial Management
Misamis University
S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Senior High School

Accountancy, Business, and Management
Misamis University
S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Junior High School:

Special Program in the Arts
Ozamiz City National High School
S.Y. 2017 – 2018

Special Science Curriculum
Ozamiz City Central School SPED Center
S.Y. 2013 – 2014


CSC – LSC Leadership Seminar (2022)


Name : Nova Mae D. Aurigue

Age : 21 yrs. old
Sex : Female
Address : Clarin, Misamis Occidental
Mobile No. : 0970-072-8189
Religion : Roman Catholic


Bachelor of Science in Business and Management Major in Financial Management
Misamis University
S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Senior High School

Accountancy, Business, and Management
Clarin National High School
S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Junior High School:

Clarin National High School
Clarin, Misamis Occidental
S.Y. 2017 – 2018

Special Science Curriculum
Ozamiz City Central School SPED Center
S.Y. 2013 – 2014


CSC – LSC Leadership Seminar (2022)




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