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v 6 Ktmtemont Claus fu lo transfer haok from cold bed het body wfthout any externs Worle Heat Engine tH fo a _device which convent Wot Quan very fuse mechanical erergy 4 Th concfst three parts: ______ UP couree Tt fe = hot bogey vi constant Fensp. Catgn) anct IF supply heat to Wertengiye: Y mf ee UiWWorkfinge sues nce ae Fe CGatact’gas, pores! adfesel = Gee adteseh . fe suppited wtto eet SO — mechantcat werk: Hw Subs Fad J) wurch fe wre fe a eld be gd with eee zl é temp . Tt AbSoL hs Crefec. - Re - = ~ 1 4, = (= Oy Santon | \ Qa) ) il Qycan RON Sr PL BRP: 109 "f= 5 oO Tyres t+ Hest] Bing t Hh I | | = 4)/exrernat Combels Hon Sngtoes Tn thts engie, heat qeesea for Spine [is predeses by bur aha Mek ©vistdo ot cylinder. eq. Steam engiue CU 212 - lev. J | <3 | + | ead 4 3) Tnternat Combous Han _En + f {Tn Hots _ Lp Pre hoot + feugias fs _preduced by bornivg foal te CY (Paden. ge dfeset Crop ate bes. Eee Pee 4 |Sadf Carnot 2 le AD [3 vi - #[ Teed feat i Mdeot reversible hoot 3 + angrve. 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