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Theory of Electromagnetic Fields

Menoufia University
Faculty of Engineering
Academic Year: 2023/2024
Electrical Eng. Dept.
Second Semester

Exercise Sheet # 2: Coulomb's Law and Electric Field Intensity (part#1)

Q1- Three equal charges of 200 nC are placed in free space at (0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), and (0, 2, 0). Determine
the total force acting on a charge of 500 nC at (2, 2, 0).

Q2- Two small plastic spheres, shown in the Figure 1, are arranged so that they can slide freely along the
insulation fiber. Each a mass of 0.1 g. The spheres are given identical positive charges. If the lower
sphere is resting against the lower knot while the upper sphere moves to a location 60 mm distant from
the knot,
a) find the charge on each.
b) If the charges remain the same, what angle should the fiber make with the horizontal to double
the separation?

Figure 1
Q3- it is required to hold four equal point charges q in equilibrium at the corners of a square. Find the
point charge Q which will do this if it is placed at the center of the square.
Q4- Point charges 1 mC and 22 mC are located at (3,2,-1) and (-1,-1,4), respectively. Calculate the electric
force on a 10 nC charge located at (0,3,1) and the electric field intensity at that point.

Q5- A charge of -10 nC is located at the origin in free space. What charge must be located at (2,0,0) to
cause Ex to be zero at (3,1,1)?

Q6- Compute the electric field intensity midway between two point charges: number 1 of +30 C, number
2 of +40 C, when the charges are 10 cm apart in air.

Q7- A point charge QA= 1 𝜇C is at A (0,0,1), and QB= -1 𝜇C is at B(0,0,-1). Find 𝐸𝑟 , 𝐸𝜃 , 𝐸∅ 𝑎𝑡 𝑃(1,2,3)

Q8- Eight 25 nC point charges are located symmetrically on a circle of radius 0.2m centered at the origin
in the z=0 plane.
a) At what point on the z axis is |𝐸| a maximum?
b) What is |𝐸|max?

Q9-A 100 nC point charge is located at A(−1, 1, 3) in free space.

a) Find the locus of all points P (x, y, z) at which Ex = 500 V/m.
b) Find y1 if P (−2, y1, 3) lies on that locus.

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