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1, MARCH 1996

Micro Mechatronics and Micro Actuators

Hidenoni Ishihara, Fumihito Arai, Member, IEEE, and Toshio Fukuda, Fellow, IEEE

(Invited Paper)

Abstract-Micro mechatronics is the synergetic integration of Micro mechatronics consists in the development of micro
both mechanical and electronic systems based on scaling effects devices, as well as their integration and control. Micro devices
in the micro world. A micro mechatronics system is expected have been developed by using micro machining, such as silicon
to be the key component of the mechanical system, such as in
electronic automotive technologies. Micro mechatronics requires micro fabrication, and conventional machining. However, the
the organic combinationof micro devices such as micro processor, integration and control of these devices have been rarely seen
micro sensor, and micro actuator. Among the micro devices, the except in the integration of micro processor and sensors for au-
micro processor and micro sensor have been widely employed tomotive technologies. The evolution of micro mechatronics,
in advanced mechatronics products, but not the micro actuator. the integration with micro actuators and other micro devices
This paper surveys the state of the art of micro mechatronics and
deals with micro actuators as new devices for micro mechatronics especially is considered to be needed.
and advanced mechatronics, which play an important role in When considering micro mechatronics, the scaling effect
today’s integrated mechanical products. Since micro actuators is important for designing micro mechatronic systems and
are still under development, we focus on micro actuators for controlling these systems. When the objects are miniaturized,
further research and development in this paper. physical phenomena are different from the macro world. For
example, viscosity force and friction force become more
I. INTRODUCTION effective than inertial force. This scaling effect requires a dif-
ECENT developments in mechatronics expand their ap- ferent approach between micro mechatronics and conventional
plication fields. Mechatronic devices and systems have mechatronics.
been introduced into various fields, industrial applications, In this paper, we survey micro mechatronics, and introduce
medical devices, and others. micro actuators for micro mechatronics and some applications.
The evolution of mechatronic systems requires superior Among micro devices such as the micro processor, micro
functions. Also, their structures and mechanisms become more sensor, and micro actuator in micro mechatronics, the micro
complex. As each element in constructing the complex inte- processor and micro sensor have been widely employed in
grated mechanical system becomes miniaturized, it requires advanced mechatronics products, but not the micro actuator.
advanced functions and higher reliability, especially in organic Since micro actuators are still under development, we focus
combinations of multiple miniaturized actuators and sensors on the micro actuators in this paper.
that can construct mechanical systems to perform complex
motions. However, the improvement of mechanical systems
is not achieved by only miniaturization of those devices, but 11. MICROMECHATRONICS
combinations of them based on the effects of miniaturization. Micro mechatronics is considered to need the following
Micro technologies are becoming key and crucial to system elements and the organic combination of them as shown in
performance, such as seen in electric automotive technologies. Fig. 1 [2].
Micro processors and micro sensors have been introduced as
units in pressure control of the fuel injection system.
To realize the organic combination of micro devices, micro A. Micro Processor
mechatronics has been proposed. We define micro mechatron- Micro processors control the micro mechatronics system.
ics as “Synergetic integration with mechanical engineering Control method is classified as a simple control by sequential
and electronic engineering base on scaling effects in the logic, and a more complex control by superior functions such
micro world.” In mechanical systems, the elements produced as judgment and deduction. The control method decides kinds
according to micro mechatronics become the key component of micro processor such as logic devices and CPU.
for control of the system performance. Micro mechatronics is
expected to be applied in a number of fields, such as medical,
B. Micro Sensor
bio-engineering, industrial, and service fields. Table I shows
the application fields of micro mechatronics and their examples In micro mechatronics, to intellectualize its systems, there
[I]. are requirements such as developing sensors to dctcct the
environmental situation. Micro machining functionalizes mi-
Manuscript received November 13, 1995, revised December 20, 1995 cro sensors, and facilitates constructing new types of micro
The authors are with the Department of Micro System Engineenng, Nagoya
University, Nagoya, 464-01 Japan. sensors. Especially, in micro machining, the micro fabrication
Publisher Item Identifier S 1083-4435(96)02294-6. technologies have introduced micro structure into the micro
10834435/96$05.OO 0 1996 IEEE


Mcdical Ficld

Industrial Ficld

sensors, and integrated them with electric circuits. Micro system and the operator makes it smoother to transfer the
fabricated micro sensors have been developed as follows: information between them.
1) pressure sensors [31;
2) acceleration sensors [4]; E. Energy
3) chemical sensors [5].
All micro devices, such as micro actuators, micro sensors
Some of these micro sensors have been already introduced
and micro processors, require energy to drive themselves, and
as a pressure controller of the fuel injection system in auto-
electrical energy is usually used for driving the devices. To de-
velop the micro mechatronic system, it must be clarified what
energy is used as the driving energy, and how it is supplied.
C. Micro Actuator In previous micro mechanical systems, electrical energy was
supplied through electric cables. However, the supply cables
Micro actuators employ the motion of the micro mecha- become the obstacle in the system’s performance, because
tronic systems. There have been proposed various kinds of the the resistance of the cable becomes larger than the working
micro actuators such as the follows: force required of those systems when miniaturizing. Therefore,
1) electromagnetic micro actuators [6]-[101; several investigations on the energy supply system have been
2) electrostatic micro actuators [ 1114181; carried out, and a typical method to supply the energy is the
3) piezoelectric micro actuators [ 191-[241; following.
4) optical micro actuators [24]-[28]; 1) Noncontact energy supply: As the medium of trans-
5 ) others [29]-[38]. porting the energy, this supply method uses the energy
Such micro actuators have been developed by the com- spreading in air or in water such as light, magnetic field,
bination of micro machining and conventional technologies. and ultrasonic waves [42].
However, there are large differences between theoretical de- 2) Energy supply from a battery: The battery inside the
signs and properties of the prototype, so that previous micro body supplies the energy for each device. A typical
actuator cannot be used without evaluation of the properties battery is a chemical battery such as a Lithium battery,
after construction. To apply micro actuators into some fields, a Silver Oxide battery or a Nickel-Cadmium battery.
the design method and the machining technologies must be However, since the capacity of a chemical battery is
improved for the micro actuator to perform the expected dependent on its size, it is difficult to miniaturize the
motion. chemical battery.

D. Interfuce F. Materials
Two types of interface are considered to be important Materials for micro mechatronics are classified as structural
for micro mechatronics: One is the interface between the materials and functional materials in constructing micro actu-
micro devices and another is between the micro mechatronics ators and micro sensors. Structural materials, such as metal,
system and the operator [39]-[41]. The interfaces between the silicon, and polymers have been used. Functional materials
elements help to convert signals between the different physi- have an ability to aid in developing new mechanisms for micro
cal amounts. The interface between the micro mechatronics actuators and micro sensors.


Micro Actuator Micro Sensor

Micro Sphere Micro Sphere
(b) (C)
Fig. 2. Attraction force between micro objects. (a) van der Waals. (b) Liquid
Fig. 1. Organic combination of micro devices. bridge force. (c) Electrostatic force.

G. Machining For a rough estimate of the miniaturization effects on

The evolution of micro devices is partially dependent on performance, scaling law is frequently used. For example,
improvements in machining. Micro devices are produced by performance of the micro actuator is so much influenced by
micro machining such as silicon technologies, photo fabrica- miniaturization. Oln the basis of on the scaling analysis, we can
tion, and LIGA process [43]-[46]. These machining methods estimate a suitable principle for actuation. Scaling law is also
make it possible to develop micro structure whose dimensions a powerful tool for designing the micro mechatronics system,
are less than a 1-mm cube, but it is still impossible to assemble which includes micro mechanisms, energy supply components,
these micro devices produced by micro machining. To develop and so on. In this paper, we focus on the micro actuators, which
the micro mechatronics systems of the future, it is necessary become a key component to attain good system performance,
to improve micro machining and develop micro assembling and introduce suitable actuation principles that come from
technologies. scaling advantage when miniaturizing.
In this survey, we introduce the micro actuator for micro
mechatronics and some applications of those micro actuators.
Also, we show other problems in micro physics, having much A. Attraction Forces
influence in initial design. Attraction forces are dominant in the micro world compared
to gravitational force. Typical attraction forces that have great
influence in the air can be summarized as follows:
111. MICROPHYSICS 1) Van der Waals forces;
Differences of dimensions between the macro and micro 2 ) electrostatic forces;
3 ) surface tension forces.
world cause a difference in the influential physical phenomena,
motion of the objects, and relative change of the system Fig. 2 shows the model of these attraction forces. Rela-
performance between those worlds. Here, we define “micro tionship of these forces is fully dependent on environmental
physics” as the natural science to study motion, structure of the conditions, such as humidity, temperature, surface condition,
objects, thermal, optical, electrical, and magnetic effects that material, and relative motion. We have studied reduction and
change or become dominant when the objects are miniaturized. control methods of these forces to control and manipulate
Micro physics is very important in the design, fabrication small objects smoothly [47]-[49].
and control of the micro mechatronics system because of the
miniaturization of the key components. For example, attraction
forces are dominant in the micro world compared to gravita- B. Scaling Efsects of Micro Actuators
tional force. Brownian motion is not negligible in a liquid. Differences of dimensions between the macro and micro
Since the dominating physical laws are completely different world cause a difference in the physical phenomena and the
between the macro and micro world, we must consider micro motion of the objects between those worlds. Table I1 shows the
physics in designing, fabricating, and controlling miniaturized dimensions of several forces. As shown in Table 11, each force
objects. However, these problems have not been treated so has different dimension, and is influenced by miniaturization.
seriously before. Especially, study on the attraction forces is For example, the viscosity forces and friction forces become
an essential matter in handling small objects. In this section dominant for the motion of small objects compared with
we introduce typical attraction forces that must be considered the inertial forces. From this table, we can evaluate suitable
in controlling and manipulating miniaturized objects. actuation methods for the micro actuators.



Equation IEffect I
-Sm B p : permeability b : magnetic field density
2P sm : area of cross section of coil

Electrostatic Force

Thermal Expansional

4 I 1 Lo
E : permittivity
V : applied voltage
S: surface area
d gap between electrodes
e : Young's Modules L : length
Flhermal I. T : temDerature AL: strain
eS ~
W E )
I r,2 I e : Young's Modules L : length
T : temDerature AL: strain
m : mass I : time
Inertial Force
x : disdacement

I Viscosity Force
c : viscosity coefficient S: surface area
x : displacement L : length I : time I
1 Elastic Force 1 Fe e$-
1 1 L2
e : Young's Modules S: cross section area
AL: strain L : lennth I
In Table 11, the electrostatic force Fstatic is represented by Since the electromagnetic force also depends on the power of
the following equation: the electromagnetic field, it isn't said that the electromagnetic
force is not suitable for the micro actuator. However, it is true
ES v2 that the efficiency of the electromagnetic force generated in the
Fstatic = --
2 d2 micro structure is questionable, because the electromagnetic
where E is dielectric coefficient, S is surface area of electrode, field depends on the size of the magnetic elements.
V is applied voltage, and d is distance of gap between
electrodes. Dimension of ( 1) is represented by the following IV. MICROACTUATOR
Many types of micro actuators have been proposed in
[Fstaticl = [-
s previous studies. Design of the actuator is decided by how
to obtain the physical energy required. The relationship of the
energy transformation is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the basic
energy is classified as optical, electric, thermal, mechanical,

=.[LO] (. = T). and chemical energy. The actuator is defined as the device
converting the energy between the basic energies as shown in
Fig. 4. As the micro actuator, an electrostatic micro actuator
Equation (2) shows that electrostatic force is generated in and an electromagnetic micro actuator have been proposed.
proportion to S/d2, [LO].That is, if S/d2 is constant in minia- However, these micro actuators have the following problems:
turizing the electrostatic actuator, the generated electrostatic 1 ) Output Force: Electromagnetic force and electrostatic
force isn't changed. Therefore, the electrostatic force is said force are often used for the driving force of a micro actuator.
to be suitable for the driving force of the micro actuator. However, both forces generated from a micro structure of less
Dimension of electromagnetic force generated in a solenoid than 1 mm cube are too weak to move other objects. For
coil is shown as following equation: example, electrostatic micro motors have not been reported
able to rotate gears. Because of this, to apply micro actuator
[Fmagneticl = [-]
in micro mechanical systems, a new mechanism to generate
larger power is required.
2) Structure: In an electrostatic or electromagnetic actu-
ator, the rotor must be held in its position by the ball
B bearings or by other methods. The reason is that the positions
(3) of its movable parts are controlled by the balance between
the driving force and external forces such as elastic forces.
where Sm is surface area of cross section of the solenoid However, a holding structure instead of the ball bearing has
coil, B is magnetic field density, and PO is permeability. not been developed for micro systems. Fig. 5 shows typical
Equation (3) shows that the solenoid coil generates the elec- structures holding the rotor in the micro actuator [ 111, [ 161.
tromagnetic force in proportion to L2. Because of that, the Among holding methods proposed in previous studies, we
electromagnetic force decreases in miniaturizing the structure. survey two methods. One is holding the movable parts by

Fig. 5. Electromagnetic motor for micro car.

Kl ~ Frlct'on -pGG&-li
Thermal ExpPruwn
proportion to the voltage applied, and when the applied voltage
is turned off, piezoelectric element returns to its original
shape. Because of that, the functional elements do not need
Fig 3. Energy transformation between basic energies
a holding mechanism. Also, stacked piezoelectric elements
generate more power than the electromagnetics force does.

Elastic beam , A. ClussiJications of Micro Actuator

Fixed element
Movable element
Table I11 shows typical micro actuators and their character-
istics. The micro actuators are classified by their mechanisms:
One is driven by the force produced according to electromag-
netics, and the other uses a functional element. The micro
actuators generating the mechanical force according to the
electromagnetics convert the energy from electric energy to
mechanical energy, and are typically an electrostatic micro
actuator and electiromagnetic actuator. Micro actuators using
functional elements convert from the peculiar energy of their
material to mechanical energy, and typical micro actuators
using functional elements are a piezoelectric element, giant
magnetic alloy (GMA), optical actuator, shape memory alloy
(SMA), polymer actuator, and so on. Typical micro actuators
with their application examples are introduced here.

(b) B. Micro Actuator Using Electromagnetics Force

Fig 4. Holding mechanisms (a) By elastic beam. (b) By coating with rigid
material 2) Electromagnetic Micro Actuator: Electromagnetic force
has been used as the driving force of conventional actuators
produced by popular machining, since the electromagnetic
the elastic beams (Fig. 5(a)), and the other is coating the force is able to be controlled by the electric signals such
surface of the contact face with rigid elements (Fig. 5(b)). as an electric current. However, an electromagnetic actuator
The elastic beam is effective for holding the position of the requires a long cable to make the electric coil that generates
rotor, and makes it easy to design its structure. However, the the magnetic field, and has large resistance with large Joule
structure of the elastic beams restricts movement, so that it is loss, so it is not suitable for miniaturization. Electromagnetic
difficult to increase the motion of the rotor. The other is used actuators have been frequently used for the focusing system
for holding the rotating rotor around the shaft instead of the of an optical disk drive and the magnetic head positioner of
ball bearings, and keeps the rotor and the shaft from binding the hard disk drive.
by heat generated by friction. Hisanaga and Teshigawara developed the electromagnetic
Recently, a functional element has been proposed as a new motor into a micro car, whose dimension is 4.6 mm in length
material expected to solve the problems related to output force [6],[7]. This motor has similar structure to a stepmotor used
and structure for micro actuator. Functional elements are the in a quartz watch and it consists of a small rotating permanent
materials that convert the energy from their physical condi- magnet, a small coil, and a small core shaft as shown in
tion to mechanical energy. A characteristic of the functional Fig. 5. The rotating magnet, whose dimensions are 1 mm
elements is that their transformation is a reversible process. in diameter and 01.5 mm in thickness, is a SmCo permanent
When the piezoelectric element, a typical functional element, magnet 4-pole magnetized in radial direction. The magnetized
has voltage applied, the piezoelectric element expands in intensity is estimated about 600 Gauss or larger. The coil,


tion for the conventional actuator except in the micro actuator.

In a micro structure, since objects approach each other, an
electrostatic force influences the objects effectively. Because
of that and scaling effect, an electrostatic micro actuator is
suitable for micro actuators and is easy to miniaturize. The
problem in using electrostatic force as the driving force is
that high voltage is needed to generate it. In previous reports,
electrostatic actuators were almost driven by high voltage of
over 100 V. Because of that, isolation and an energy source are
important problems in developing the electrostatic actuators.
Electrostatic force can be used both in linear and in rotary
motors. For an electrostatic micro actuator with liner motion,
Fig. 6. Electromagnetic micro mobile actuator. there has been proposed a parallel type [Ill-[12], quad type
[13], and comb type of electrostatic actuators [14]. In these
actuators, the movable parts are connected to the substrate
whose dimensions are 1 mm in diameter and 2.5 mm in length, by an elastic joint as shown in Fig. 7(a). Fig. 7(a) shows
is coiled more than 1000 turns. the electrostatic micro gripper with three degrees of freedom
Itoh et al., have developed a small dc motor, that is a [13]. This micro gripper is constructed with a quad type
cylindrical shape, 3 mm in external diameter, and 5 mm in electrostatic actuator consisting of a movable electrode, four
length [SI. This motor has three thin coils within the motor case fixed electrodes, two spacers and four elastic beams as shown
and a rare earth permanent magnet rotor supported by bearings. in Fig. 7(b). The pattern used to apply the voltage into the
Moreover, the rotor size is reduced by using a sensorless and fixed electrodes controls the motion of the movable electrode.
brushless dc driving method, and electro motive force (EMF) This actuator needs high voltage, more than 300 V to move
is used to observe the rotor position. The starting torque of the movable electrode to its maximum position.
the motor is 2 x lop5 Nm and the maximum output power is Electrostatic rotary micro actuators are classified as top-
98 mW when the applied voltage is 2 V. drive, side-drive, and wabble (harmonic) type. UCB succeeded
Fig. 6 shows the design of a micro mobile actuator driven in rotating a side-drive electrostatic micro motor [ 151, and the
by electromagnetic force [9], [lo]. The motion principle of MIT group improved the rotation speed to more than 10000
this actuator is that the elastic spring in the electric coil r/min and its life span to more than one week [16]. The
vibrates by alternative electromagnetic fields generated in the MIT group also developed the wabble type electrostatic micro
center of the electric coil. This unit is applied to the moving motor. The reason for success in developing the micro motor
mechanism, which converts the vibration to the propelling and improving it was said to be solving the friction problems
force by the inclining cloth. The inclining cloth has inclining between the rotor and the core shaft. The diameter of the rotor
wires implanted on basic cloth, and converts vibration into the is about 150 pm, and its rotation speed is more than 15000
propelling force. This moving mechanism is suitable for micro r/min. By coating the contact surface of the core shaft and
mechanism because this mechanism does not need the rotating rotor with rigid material, SiZN3, they accomplished a higher
mechanism and other complex mechanisms. However, since rotation speed and improved its life span.
the properties of this actuator depend on the characteristics of Other examples of electrostatic micro actuators are elec-
the inclining cloth, it is difficult to develop them with constant trostatic film actuator [12], insect type micro robot [17],
properties. and air levitated electrostatic actuator system [ 181. Suzuku
2) Electrostatic Actuator: Since an electrostatic force is et al. developed the flapping mechanism of an insect by
generated between the approaching objects, there is no applica- fabrication, using polysilicon and polyimide, and simulated the

Piezoelectric Element

Mobile Object
I / Mass

(1) Initial
dx condition

(2) Rapid

Movable electrode (4)Sudden


Fixed electrode
Fig. 8. Principle of precise positioner using PZT.

Fig. 7. Electrostatic micro gnpper with three degrees of freedom. (a)
Prototype of electrostatic micro gripper. (b) Structure of electrostatic micro

wing joints and muscles of an insect type micro robot [17].

Pister et al. controlled the levitated particle by electrostatic
force in noncontact [ 181. They accomplished the nonfriction
condition by using an air bearing, and achieved movement by
electrostatic force.

C. Micro Actuator Using Functional Elements

I ) Piezoelectric (PZT)Actuator: The piezoelectric actua-
tor has high resolution (order of nm) and good response (order
of kHz), and generates a large force. Therefore, the piezoelec-
tric actuator is often applied in servo-positioning mechanisms
such as the precision positioning of X-Y automatic table [19].
For example, it is quite popular to use PZT (PbZrO3PbTiO3 :
52/48) for the precise positioner of a micro manipulator and
STMIAFM. Higuch et al., proposed the precise positioner with
the repetitive control of quick deformation of PZT [20]. Fig.
8 shows the principle of this precise positioner, which applies
the impact force and the difference between the inertial forces
of the mass on both sides of PZT at quick deformation. Fukuda (b)
et al. developed the micro manipulator with multi-degrees of Fig. 9. Micro fish. (a) Micro fish with two degrees of freedom. (b) Magni-
freedom using stacked-type PZT, and force experiments were fication mechanism of Type 11.
conducted to show its effectiveness [21]. Since the PZT has
the problems of hysteresis and creep phenomena, they should mechanism (Type 11). These robots employ the stacked type
be considered properly to control them. PZT actuator using the magnification mechanism expanding its
On the other hand, the piezoelectric actuator has the char- displacement up to 250 times (theoretically). Fig. 9(b) shows
acteristic that a high voltage is needed to drive it, and that the magnification mechanism of the fish with two degrees of
its strain is small (about 0.1%). Because of that, the PZT freedom. This micro fish moves backward at the first resonant
actuator is used with magnification mechanisms. Fig. 9 shows frequency (100 Hz in water) and moves forward at the second
a micro fish with 2 degrees of freedom using the steering resonant frequency (275 Hz in water).

Fig. 11. In-pipe micro mobile robot.

generates the strain. The GMA has large force output and large
Fig. 10. Optical micro gripper using bimorph PLZT.
displacement compared with a piezoelectric element (about
As another example of stacked-type PZT actuator, Ikuta two times), and the weight per unit stress of the GMA is so
et al. proposed the cybernetic actuator combined with the small that it can be its great advantage as an actuator [29].
continuous actuation of the PZT, sliding mechanism, and a Fig. 11 shows an in-pipe micro mobile robot actuated by the
brake actuated by electromagnetic force 1241. The mechanism GMA, dimensions of 6 mm in diameter and 4 mm in length.
of continuous actuation and the sliding mechanism are as same To drive this robot, we provide an alternative magnetic field
as the precise positioner proposed by Higuchi et al. from outside of the pipe, and achieve the cableless mobile
Except for the stacked-type PZT, bimorph-type PZT has robot. Maximum speed of this robot is about 0.5 m d s .
been applied in several micro actuators. Exceptionally, thin 4 ) Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuator: The shape mem-
films of PZT are promising for the future application of the ory alloy (SMA, ex., TiNi) has a shape memory effect, which
micro actuator. Morita et al. developed an ultrasonic motor deforms itself by external force and returns to its original
based on PZT thin film. This film is made on a titanium shape at a specific temperature. The maximum strain is usually
cylinder by the hydrothermal method [25], and its thickness is set around 2%, so that the shape memory effect will not be
about 7-9 pm. A screw bolt was rotated by this motor of 300 partially lost. Heat capacity decreases and heat radiation from
r/min at about 33 driving voltage. the surface of the SMA relatively increases by miniaturization
2) Optical Micro Actuator: The optical actuator is driven of the SMA, so we can expect to improve the response speed.
by light, and does not need an electrical connection. Because The SMA is applied in several fields, such as medical operation
of that, the optical actuator does not experience the influence tools [30]-[32]. Fig. 12 shows an active catheter with multi
of electrical noise, so it may become a desirable actuator. The degrees of freedom using SMA wires in the lumina, and multi
deformation principle of the optical actuator is effected by a degrees of freedom by serial-parallel structure. This catheter
combination of the following three phenomena: is a tool used in medical surgery, and is expected to improve
1) photostrictive effect of generating the photostrictive volt- operationability during minimum invasive surgery. Trimmer et
age, and the strain caused by the piezoelectric effect; al. developed the switching system of optical fiber by SMA
2) pyroelectric effect of generating pyroelectric current by actuator [33]. Thin film SMA actuator has various qualities to
the temperature difference, and the strain caused by the expand its application field. Walker et al. developed the curled
piezoelectric effect; SMA thin film actuator that extends the film at 20 Hz [34].
3) thermal deformation caused by applied heat fluctuation. 5) Polymer Actuator: Polymer actuator is defined by such
The PLZT (LdPbZr03PbTi03 : 3/52/48) is applied to the characteristics as a) being strong against impact, force and
actuator to convert from a light energy to a displacement [26]. moment; b) easy to be produced; and c) lightweight. Most of
The PLZT generates pyroelectric current caused by UV ray the polymer actuators are slow to respond, so that a polymer
(375-nm wave length peak with narrow spectral band width) actuator that has a fast response with low driving energy is
irradiation. Fig. 10 shows the optical micro gripper using the desired.
bimorph of PLZT [27], [28]. The prototype consists of two As medical use of drug delivery, a micro pump using
bimorphs of PLZT, two mirrors, two fingers, and two light thennoresponsive polymer gel has been proposed [35]. The
guides. When the light illuminates the surface of the bimorph thermoresponsive polymer expands its volume by absorbing
of PLZT, the bimorph bends itself and then the manipulator water when heat is applied. As another application of the
performs a grasping motion. In another experiment, the re- polymer actuator, the ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF)
sponse and the controllability of the bimorph of PLZT have has been of interest recently [36],[37]. ICPF is made from a
been ascertained. film of perfuorosolfonic acid polymer (Nafion 117, duPont and
3) Giant Magnetostrictive Alloy Actuator: The giant mag- company) chemically plated on both sides with platinum. The
netostrictive alloy (GMA) is the magnetic material that gen- ICPF is driven by low voltage (about 1.5 V) in liquid without
erates strain when the magnetic field is applied. The GMA electrolysis, and is bent into anode side when the voltage is
extends along the line of the magnetic field direction and applied to it. The ICPF has quick response with low driving

the three chambers in a flexible tube, and is bent by the

change of pressure in the chambers. This actuator has good
controllability, and performs a number of tasks.

Application fields of micro mechatronics and their examples
have been shown in Table I. In this paper, we introduce
examples of applying micro mechatronics.

A. Micro Active Catheter System

Recently, neurosurgery using micro catheters has been car-
ried out. These micro catheters have multiple functions, but

the inserting operation depends on the skill of operator. When
the micro catheter is inserted into a narrow blood vessel, it
is very difficult to insert it into a selected vessel smoothly. It
takes considerable time and the patient is stressed. To reduce
the burden to patients, the micro catheter must be improved in
order to insert more it smoothly. However, since the diameter
of a micro catheter for neurosurgery is about 1 mm, there has
not been an effective method of improving the micro catheter.
Fig. 12. Active catheter with multi degrees of freedom using SMA wires. Use of the micro actuator has been yet proposed as a method
(a) Prototype (single unit). (b) Configuration.
to improve it. Figs. 12 and 13 show the prototypes of micro
active catheters using SMA wired actuators and active guide
wire using polymer actuator.

B. Micro Scanner
Improvements in optical engineering have created precision
optical systems, and laser beams whose diameters is less
than 1 mm. This evolution also requires developing precision
optical instruments. Yasseen et al. developed the diffraction
grating micro scanners using the polysilicon micromotor [50].
This micro scanner applies use of the side-drive electrostatic
micro motor produce by Mehregany et al. Diameter of this
micro scanner is 500 pm, and the roughness of its polysilicon
rotor is reduced from 420 A to 17 A by chemical-mechanical
polishing. The gratings are tested at visible wavelengths (633
nm) and are verified to have spatial periods of 1.80 pm and
Lead wire Micro tube Electrode 3.86 bm, closely matching their design. This micro scanner
can be operated with a maximum operational speed of 1100
r/min at voltage as low as 18 V. They have goals such as use
in the preliminary bar code scanning without an external lens

C. Focusing System of the Optical Disk Drive
Fig. 13. Active guide wire using ICPF actuator. (a) Prototype. (b) Config- Properties of the optical disk drive and hard disk drive are
uration. decided by the quality of head positioning. Recent position-
ing systems use the precision positioner of electromagnetic
voltage and is superior to a conventional polymer actuator. actuators. Fig. 14 shows the moving coil type electromagnetic
Fig. 13 shows the active guide wire using ICPF actuator. actuator for the focusing system of the optical disk drive.
This kind of actuator consisting of a permanent magnet and
an electromagnetic coil is controlled by the Flemming’s law.
D. The Other Micro Actuator Since the output power strongly depends on the permanent
Suzumori et al. proposed a type of pneumatic actuator, magnet, the size and power of the permanent magnet effect
they call flexible micro actuator (FMA) [38]. The FMA has I the dimension of this actuator.

Disk i Electro-
Magnet magnetic
Elastic,Spring \ 1

1 Force Coil1 ‘ i 1 MagneticFlux
Fig: 14. Moving coil type electromagnetic actuator for focusing system of
optu:al disk drive.

Heater Element

Fig. 15. Principle of bubble jet method.
Fig. 16. Micro autonomous robotic system. (a) Prototype of micro au-
tonomous robotic system (b) System architecture.
D. Ink Jet Printer
memorize its motion and transcribe the memorized motion.
Recently, printing quality has been improved by introducing
This micro robot is produced by conventional machining and
the ink jet method. Bubble jet method and piezoelectric method
assembling as for a watch.
are as well known as the ink jet method. Fig. 15 shows the
Fukuda et al. developed the micro autonomous robotic
principle of the bubble jet method. Bubble jet method uses
system (MARS) as shown in Fig. 16 [51]. MARS consists
surface evaporation phenomena. The surface of the heater is
of the MPU including a processing chip, two stepmotors,
heated from 2OOOC to 5OOOC in a couple of microseconds,
several sensors, communication unit, batteries, and interfaces.
and the ink around the heater rapidly expands. Then, a drop
MARS can perform a number of motions according to the
of ink is spouted by rapid thermal expansion. This method
program downloaded by an operator. Fig. 16(b) shows a
is suitable to speed up the printing time according to the
system architecture of MARS.
miniaturization of ink jet nozzles, and recent ink jet frequency
is realized for about a couple of kHz order. Thermal sensitivity
becomes higher and thermal response time will be improved
by the miniaturization. By introducing micro machining and In this paper, we survey micro actuators for micro mecha-
miniaturizing the mechanism, its response can be improved to tronics. Recently developed mechanical systems consist of
more than 10-kHz frequency. complex structures, and may become more complex in the fu-
ture. Micro mechatronics can improve the mechanical systems
of the next generation. Especially, the micro actuator that may
E. Micro Autonomous Mobile Robot becomes the new mechanism to drive mechanical systems.
Seiko Co. Ltd. developed the micro autonomous mobile The combination of micro mechatronics and conventional
robot “Monsieur” series. Monsieur consists of two small mechanical systems will be greatly increased in the future.
stepmotors, the same structure as used in quartz watches, two To improve the micro actuator, there are many problems
optical sensors, rechargeable battery, and the processing chip. to solve such as improving the energy supply, machining
It includes ninety-eight kinds of micro parts inside a 1-cm3 and assembly. The PZT actuator, for example, needs a high
body. Monsieur moves by chasing light, and a new type can voltage supply to drive itself, and the electrostatic actuator

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[513 N. Mitsumoto et al., “Self-organizing micro robotic system (biologically Fumihito Arai (M’91) received the M.E. degree
inspired immune network architecture and micro autonomous robotic from the Science University of Tokyo in 1988. He
system),” in Proc. IEEE Micro Mach., Human Sci., 1995, pp. 261-270. received the Doctor of Engineering degree from
Nagoya University in 1993.
From 1988 to 1990, he was a Research Fellow at
Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd., Japan. He joined Nagoya
University, Japan, in 1990. At present, he is an
Assistant Professor of the Department of Micro
System Engineering, Nagoya University. His current
research interests are in the area of micro robotics
Hidenori Ishihara graduated from the Nagoya Uni- based on micro physics, intelligent robotic systems
versity, Japan, in 1991, and received M.Eng. degree and control, and intelligent human machine interface with multimedia.
from Nagoya University in 1993. He received the Dr. Arai was the General Affairs Chair of the 1995 IEEE International
Ph.D. degree in engineering from Nagoya Univer- Conference on Robotics and Automation and the Program Co-chair of the
sity in 1995. International Symptom on Micro Machine and Human Science in 1995.
At present, he is a Research Associate of the
Department of Micro System Engineering and the
Department of Mechano-Informatics and Systems,
Nagoya University, Japan. He is mainly engaging
in the research fields of micro robotics and micro Toshio Fukuda (M’83-SM’93-F’95), for a photograph and biography, see p.
mechatronics. 4 of this issue of this TRANSACTIONS.

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