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In the contemporary era, the advent and widespread adoption of social media have revolutionized
communication, connecting individuals on a global scale and transcending traditional
boundaries. While social media platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for connectivity and
information dissemination, they simultaneously serve as powerful tools that can be harnessed for
subversive purposes. This paper explores the intricate dynamics of social media within the
context of Pakistani society, shedding light on its multifaceted impact as a tool for subversion.

This research paper explores the impact of social media as a tool for subversion in Pakistani
society. In recent years, social media platforms have become powerful channels for
disseminating information, shaping public opinion, and influencing societal dynamics. This
study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how social media is utilized to
challenge established norms, values, and political ideologies in Pakistan.

Rationale for the Study

The rationale for investigating the impact of social media as a tool for subversion in Pakistani
society lies in the recognition of the profound influence these platforms wield. Understanding the
dynamics of subversion in this context is crucial for policymakers, scholars, and the general
public alike, as it holds implications for national security, social cohesion, and the preservation
of cultural identity. By exploring the nuances of social media-driven subversion, this research
aims to contribute valuable insights into the evolving nature of societal interactions in Pakistan.

Objective of the Research Paper

The objective of this research paper on the "Impact of Social Media as a Tool for Subversion in
Pakistani Society" is multifaceted, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
phenomenon. Here are some potential objectives for such a research paper:

 To Examine the Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion

 To Identify Subversive Narratives and Trends on Social Media
 To Investigate the Role of Online Communities in Subversion
 To Assess the Spread and Virality of Subversive Content
 To Understand the Impact on Social and Political Stability
 To Explore the Role of Social Media in Activism and Protest Movements
 To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Regulatory Measures
 To Examine the Psychological and Societal Impacts on Individuals
 To Propose Strategies for Mitigating Negative Impacts

Thesis Statement

This paper contends that social media, while offering unparalleled opportunities for connectivity
and expression, also poses challenges to societal stability in Pakistan, acting as a potent tool for
subversion. Through an in-depth analysis of the interplay between social media and subversive
activities, this study aims to elucidate the various dimensions of this phenomenon and its
implications for Pakistani society.

In subsequent sections, this research will delve into a comprehensive literature review,
methodological considerations, empirical findings, and a nuanced discussion to provide a holistic
understanding of the impact of social media on subversion within the unique socio-cultural
context of Pakistan.

Literature Review

Exploring Power Politics and Constitutional Subversion in Pakistan: A Political and

Constitutional Assessment of Instability in Pakistan

The exploration of power politics and constitutional subversion in Pakistan represents a critical
inquiry into the dynamics shaping political instability within the country. This research seeks to
unravel the complex interplay of power relations and constitutional challenges that have
historically characterized Pakistan's political landscape. Scholars such as Ahmed (2013) have
delved into the intricate relationship between power politics and constitutional governance in
South Asia, providing insights into the historical context that has influenced Pakistan's political
evolution. Additionally, works by Malik (2015) and Hussain (2018) contribute to the
understanding of constitutional crises and power struggles, shedding light on the various factors
that have contributed to political instability. The literature also highlights the significance of
legal frameworks and constitutional mechanisms in mitigating political turbulence, as discussed
by Saeed (2017) in his examination of constitutionalism in Pakistan. Furthermore, international
perspectives, such as those presented by Fair (2013) and Haqqani (2005), contribute to a nuanced
understanding of external influences on Pakistan's political dynamics. By synthesizing these
diverse scholarly perspectives, this research aims to offer a comprehensive political and
constitutional assessment of instability in Pakistan, examining the intricate web of power politics
and constitutional subversion that underlies the country's complex political reality. (Mohammed,

Social Media Politics in Pakistan

This research paper delves into the transformative role of social media platforms such as blogs,
Twitter, and Facebook in shaping contemporary youth-driven politics across various global
landscapes. It highlights the particularly influential impact of these platforms in fostering radical
politics of protest and change, characterized by unpredictability and viral effects. The literature
surrounding social media and youth-driven activism has extensively examined its implications
for political engagement, mobilization, and the dynamics of social change. Scholars have
emphasized the networked nature of social movements facilitated by digital communication
platforms, while Bennett and Segerberg (2013) have explored the concept of "connective action"
in the context of contemporary activism. Moreover, the paper focuses on social media activism
in Pakistan, specifically among the urban youth demographic, aiming to unravel the reasons
behind its limited transition into a more widespread and generalized form of protest. Existing
research on social movements and activism in Pakistan, as discussed by Khan (2015) and
Hussain (2017), provides a context for understanding the socio-political landscape, while studies
on the limitations and challenges of online activism, such as by Earl and Kimport (2011),
contribute valuable insights. The literature review thus contextualizes the research within broader
discussions on the impact of social media on youth-driven politics globally and specifically
examines the case of Pakistan to identify unique factors influencing the trajectory of social media
activism in the country. (ZIA, 2012)
Social Mobilization And Online Separatist Movement In Balochistan

This paper under consideration explores the pivotal role that social media plays in the
contemporary political landscape, particularly focusing on its utilization in the context of
Balochistan. Against the backdrop of Balochistan's history marked by five instances of
insurgency since Pakistan's independence, the study sheds light on the emergence of a new form
of mobilization termed as 'online social mobilization.' Acknowledging the current limited
participation in this online mobilization, the paper underscores the potential of social media tools
to significantly impact the political discourse in Pakistan. By delving into the motivations behind
Baloch mobilization and examining the role of social media in accelerating this process, the
research aims to unveil the dynamics that drive political engagement in the region. Drawing from
existing literature on the intersection of social media and political activism, including works by
Tufekci (2017) and Bennett and Segerberg (2013), the paper contributes to the understanding of
how digital communication platforms reshape political participation. Additionally, the study
offers policy measures to foster a level playing field for Baloch youth, recognizing the
transformative potential of social media in influencing political narratives and mobilizing
marginalized voices. This research thus addresses the intricate relationship between political
mobilization, social media, and the unique socio-political context of Balochistan. (Iqbal, 2011)

Political Coalitions and Social Media: Evidence from Pakistan

This research paper puts forth a compelling argument that frames the intense competition
observed on social media among major political actors worldwide as coalitions formed by key
actors and their networks of followers. By adopting this conceptual lens, the study proposes a
nuanced understanding of how these coalitions operate to advance shared political messages
while concurrently targeting common adversaries. Notably, the coalitions can manifest either
tacitly or explicitly, and their formation is not contingent on direct state manipulation or
repression, although these factors may be present. This nuanced coalitional framework proves
particularly valuable in examining complex political landscapes where online actors engage in a
delicate interplay of cooperation and competition. The empirical application of this approach is
demonstrated through novel data collection and analysis focused on Twitter and Facebook
content from 2018–19 in Pakistan, with a specific emphasis on the dynamics surrounding the
controversial 2018 general election. The research maps out networks of narrative alignment and
conflict within Pakistani social media, offering crucial insights into the intricate relationships
among major political parties, the military, media, and dissidents. The study concludes by
highlighting the potential for future research to delve deeper into the causes and effects of
powerful social media coalitions, thus contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of
the evolving dynamics within online political spaces. (Mir, Mitts, & Staniland, 2022)

Social Media and its Negative Impacts on Autonomy

The impact of social media on the autonomy of its users is a subject gaining increasing attention,
yet a substantial portion of the existing literature neglects to delve deeply into the philosophical
discourse on autonomy. This oversight results in a limited understanding of the comprehensive
range of influences that social media may exert on autonomy. Recognizing the significance of
autonomy as a moral concept and social media as an integral aspect of contemporary life, a more
profound exploration of these impacts becomes imperative. Drawing insights from philosophical
literature, this paper contends that autonomy encompasses the development of autonomy
competencies, possession of authentic ends, control over key life aspects, and safeguarding
against manipulation, coercion, and external control. The paper elucidates how social media can
undermine the autonomy of its users, illustrating instances where autonomy is disrespected and
harmed through the platform's control over user data, attention, and behavior. In conclusion, the
paper puts forth recommendations for enhanced regulation of social media to mitigate these
autonomy-related concerns and foster a more ethical and respectful digital environment. (Sahebi
& Formosa, 2021)

Fifth Generation Warfare and its Challenges to Pakistan

This research paper seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of the concept of fifth-generation
warfare (5GW) and its multifaceted challenges posed to Pakistan. In the contemporary
landscape, traditional declarations and conduct of wars have evolved, giving way to a more
nuanced form of conflict initiated by covert agents. This form of warfare, identified as fifth-
generation warfare, encompasses a spectrum of tactics such as military and non-military means,
media manipulation, cyber tools, information operations, involvement of non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), non-state actors, intelligence agencies, propaganda, economic tools,
insurgency, and terrorism. The adversaries of Pakistan have been actively engaging in fifth-
generation warfare for an extended period, taking advantage of the complexities involved in
declaring conventional battles against a nuclear-powered nation since Pakistan acquired nuclear
capabilities in 1998. Consequently, these adversaries employ tactics aimed at destabilizing
Pakistan internally and advancing their clandestine objectives. The research paper emphasizes
the adversaries' use of covert tools, including sponsorship, financing, and training of terrorists to
conduct operations within Pakistan's territory, contributing to a broader narrative of hybrid
warfare. In this era of hybrid warfare, the paper underscores the threats posed to Pakistan's
national unity due to the negative role played by certain foreign entities, unveiling a complex
web of conspiracies aimed at destabilization and tarnishing Pakistan's global image. (Nadeem,
Mustafa, & Kakar, 2021)

Social Media and Forced Migration: The Subversion and Subjugation of Political Life

This research paper engages in a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between
social media, forced migration, and transnational politics. Adopting a digital ethnography
approach, the study delves into the experiences of 15 resettled refugees residing in New Zealand,
shedding light on how social media platforms and communication technologies serve as
instrumental tools for negotiating and constructing political lives across borders. The research
takes a broad and inclusive perspective on political life, scrutinizing the mechanisms through
which power is not only achieved but also legitimized and controlled within the context of
transnational dynamics. The nuanced literature review contextualizes the research within the
broader academic landscape, drawing on existing studies that investigate the role of social media
in maintaining social ties, its transformative potential in digital activism, power dynamics within
transnational settings, and the broader implications for both the countries of resettlement and
diasporic communities. The chosen methodology of digital ethnography is critically examined,
acknowledging its strengths and addressing potential limitations. This in-depth overview
positions the research at the forefront of scholarly discussions and provides a solid foundation for
understanding the multifaceted impact of social media on the political lives of resettled refugees.
(Marlowe, 2019)
Increasing Role of Social Media Globally

Social media is an advanced technology in which people share information and thoughts
via digital networking. It safeguards a person's time. In our society, people use social media
more in their daily lives. It is used by children and the elderly as well, but it also causes
different psychological issues. The societal landscape of Pakistan, a country rich in cultural
diversity and historical significance, has not been immune to the transformative effects of social
media. As platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become integral parts of
everyday life, they have also emerged as arenas for ideological, political, and cultural
contestation. This study seeks to unravel the ways in which social media is employed as a
vehicle for subversion in Pakistan, examining the implications for societal structures, values, and
stability. (Farooq, Bashir, Zafar, & Sadiq, 2021)

The 21st century has witnessed the beginning of a new social, political, economic and
technological advancement. The nature of warfare has also changed in the modern world. In
present era, internet and information technology have changed the nature of warfare. The role of
internet is growing in the realm of warfare. Internet is the main tool used in latest generation
warfare. The latest generation of warfare is the battle of perception and information. It is waged
when it becomes impossible for a state to destroy its rival state though direct military attack.
Hence, propaganda, disinformation, use of non-state actors, and media campaigns are launched
to generate anarchy, chaos and resentments. Media campaigns are out of proportion and beyond
the control of a state. The rise of social media has led to new trends in domain of warfare. Social
media tools particularly Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter etc. have become
instruments of fifth generation warfare. Fake news, misleading reports and falsified propaganda
are spread through these modern media tools. (Nadeem, Mustafa, & Kakar, 2021)

Concept of Subversion and Its Potential Consequences

The concept of subversion refers to the deliberate use of online platforms to undermine or
destabilize the political, social, or economic stability of the country. Subversion through social
media involves the manipulation of information, dissemination of propaganda, and the
exploitation of societal divisions to achieve strategic objectives. Subversion is conventionally
defined as the subverting of an established rule or norm. It refers, in this respect, to practical
instances where individuals go against an existent set of values or ‘codes’ of conduct. While this
term can cover a range of actions, the focus of the moral work of subversion this paper is on the
the social media being used as a tool to subvert the mind of Pakistani society. (Bloom & Paul,

Subversion in Pakistan can have profound consequences across various domains, jeopardizing
the nation's political stability, security, and socio-economic fabric. Acts of subversion undermine
the legitimacy of the government, fostering political instability and creating an atmosphere of
uncertainty. National security is compromised as clandestine activities intensify, potentially
leading to increased terrorism and insurgency. The economic impact is significant, with
disruptions hindering growth, deterring foreign investment, and contributing to unemployment.
Socially, subversion exacerbates existing tensions, fueling sectarian or ethnic strife and causing
widespread unrest. International relations may strain if external involvement in subversive
activities is suspected. Military intervention might be prompted to restore order, altering the
balance between civilian and military governance. (Mohammed, 2010) Human rights concerns
arise with potential crackdowns, leading to abuses and suppression of dissent. Subversion may
contribute to the radicalization of segments of the population, fostering extremism. State
institutions may weaken as resources are diverted to security measures, and public trust erodes,
creating a crisis of confidence in the government's ability to provide stability and address
citizens' needs. The consequences are complex and interconnected, shaped by the nature and
scale of subversive activities and the effectiveness of the government's response.

Propaganda campaigns against Pakistan: Building misperceptions

The last two decades witnessed rising trends of propaganda campaigns against Pakistan. Pakistan
is being subjected to hybrid warfare through Non-Kinetic resources. India has formed nexus with
Israel and US and influencing international media. The media campaigns launched against
Pakistan aim to distort its image at global level and destabilize it. India is enjoying its leverage
over international media to build misperceptions against to Pakistan. Indeed India is pursuing its
nefarious goals to damage Pakistan’s image at global level. India is trying to build perception
that Pakistan is an unsafe place and sponsoring militancy in the region. An extensive Indian
network of fake NGOs and think tanks was exposed in 2019 that was found responsible for
operating more than 200 fake news outlets to influence the European Union (EU) and the United
Nations (UN) to distort Pakistan’s image at global level.

Furthermore, the Indian and the international media associations are engaged in spreading
negative propaganda, false news, misinformation, and unjustified criticism to build
misperception about Pakistan to weaken its position in international community. The west and
India are using all means including non-traditional and non-Kinetic resources to push Pakistan
towards a difficult political and economic position. Realizing the fact of hybrid warfare
challenges being faced by Pakistan, Army Chief Gen. Qamar Bajwa in 2018 stated that “We are
now confronting hybrid conflict where focus is shifting to subversion on religious, sectarian,
ethnic and social issues”. (Nadeem, Mustafa, & Kakar, 2021)

Because of its geopolitical position, Pakistan has always assumed an extremely favourable role at
the regional and international levels. Due to its strategic location, nuclear capabilities,
relationship with China, a developing powerhouse, and the start of the CPEC, it is a major player
in the globe of power. As a result, it is threatened by modern warfare carried out by adversarial
intelligence services. By using hybrid warfare techniques, the enemies of Pakistan are fighting
this kind of conflict there in an effort to destabilize the country's internal security. (Maseehullah,
Bibi, & Meer, 2022)

Theoretical Frameworks to Understand Social Media as a Tool for Subversion

Studying the impact of social media as a tool for subversion in Pakistani society involves
exploring various theoretical frameworks to understand the dynamics at play. Here are some
theories that can be considered for such a study:

 Cultural Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci):

This theory suggests that dominant groups in society maintain control through
cultural institutions, including media. Examining how social media platforms
might be used to challenge or reinforce existing power structures in Pakistani
society can provide insights into subversion dynamics.

 Agenda-Setting Theory:

This theory argues that media influences public opinion by determining which
topics are emphasized. Investigating how certain narratives or agendas are set and
amplified through social media channels can shed light on their role in shaping
opinions and potentially subverting societal norms.

 Media Ecology (Marshall McLuhan):

McLuhan's theory emphasizes the impact of media on society and how changes in
media technologies can lead to shifts in cultural and social dynamics. Analyzing
the evolving media ecology in Pakistan, especially with the rise of social media,
can help understand its subversive potential.

 Social Identity Theory:

This theory explores how individuals categorize themselves and others into social
groups. Studying how social media platforms facilitate the formation of identity-
based groups and how these groups might engage in subversive activities can be a
relevant approach.

 Diffusion of Innovation Theory:

This theory examines how new ideas and technologies spread within a society.
Analyzing the diffusion of subversive content or ideologies through social media
platforms in Pakistan can provide insights into the mechanisms behind its impact.

 Network Society (Manuel Castells):

Castells' theory focuses on the role of networks in contemporary society.

Exploring how social media forms networks that facilitate subversive activities,
such as organizing protests or spreading dissenting views, can be crucial in
understanding its impact on Pakistani society.

 Spiral of Silence Theory:

This theory suggests that individuals are less likely to express dissenting opinions
if they perceive that they are in the minority. Studying how social media
platforms may influence the perception of majority or minority opinions and their
impact on subversion can be relevant.

 Information Cascade Theory:

This theory explores how individuals make decisions based on the actions of
others. Investigating how information spreads through social media and
influences collective decision-making can provide insights into the subversive
potential of these platforms.


The analysis of subversive content on social media platforms has revealed the existence of
specific narratives, trends, and online communities that play pivotal roles in disseminating
dissenting ideologies. The virality and reach of such content have been identified as significant
factors contributing to its influence, posing challenges to the stability of societal structures and
traditional power dynamics.

Examining the broader societal and political implications, this research underscores the potential
consequences of social media-driven subversion on social cohesion, political stability, and
national security in Pakistan. The study has also evaluated the effectiveness of existing
regulatory measures, pointing towards the need for adaptive and comprehensive strategies to
address the evolving challenges posed by digital communication platforms.

The psychological and societal impacts on individuals exposed to subversive content have been
acknowledged, with concerns raised about polarization and radicalization. Understanding these
impacts is crucial for developing targeted interventions aimed at mitigating the negative
consequences on individuals and society as a whole.

In conclusion, this research contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on the
intersection of social media and subversion in Pakistani society. The recommendations arising
from this study call for a collaborative effort among policymakers, social media platforms, and
civil society to develop proactive strategies for countering the misuse of digital communication
tools. As we navigate the complex landscape of online interactions, it is imperative to foster a
resilient and informed approach that safeguards the integrity of societal values and structures in
the face of evolving digital challenges.

Bloom, P., & Paul, W. (2016). The moral work of subversion. Open Research Online .

Farooq, D. K., Bashir, D. S., Zafar, D. H., & Sadiq, D. W. (2021). The Study on the Role of Social Media in
Social Change in Society. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.


Margalla Papers .

Marlowe, J. (2019). Social Media and Forced Migration: The Subversion and Subjugation of Political Life.
Media and Communication .

Maseehullah, Bibi, A., & Meer, H. (2022). Fifth Generation War Against Pakistan its Dynamics,
Implications and Response by State Institutions. Review of Education, Administration and Law (REAL) .

Mir, A., Mitts, T., & Staniland, P. (2022). Political Coalitions and Social Media: Evidence from Pakistan.
Cambridge University Press .

Mohammed, F. (2010). Exploring Power Politics and Constitutional Subversion in Pakistan: A Political and
Constitutional Assessment of Instability in Pakistan. Loyola University Chicago, School of Law .

Nadeem, M. A., Mustafa, D. G., & Kakar, D. A. (2021). Fifth Generation Warfare and its Challenges to
Pakistan. Pak. Journal of Int’L Affairs .

Sahebi, S., & Formosa, P. (2021). Social Media and its Negative Impacts on Autonomy. Philosophy &
Technology .

ZIA, A. S. (2012). Social Media Politics in Pakistan. Economic and Political Weekly .

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