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1. Define correctly what is meant by the term verification after

2. Explain accurately 2 methods to verify data without
assistance from peers;
Data verification is a process
whereby a person checks that
data has been correctly entered
into a computer system.
When data is being entered, two types of errors can occur:

Typographical errors: typing errors that are made when the wrong
key is hit.
Transposition errors: when numbers or characters are entered in the
wrong order.

Typographical errors Transpositional errors

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friends playing football. my friends playing football.
Double Entry Verification
In this method, the same data is entered twice, sometimes by a
different person and the computer system checks each data
item entered the second time against the first data entry.

In this method someone carefully reviews and examining
written content to identify and correct errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, formatting, and overall clarity.
1. Define correctly what is meant by the term validation after
2. Explain correctly at least 5 validation types using examples
after class discussion;
Data validation is any check
carried out by a computer system
when data is entered, to identify
data that cannot be correct.

The main purpose of data

validation is to check that the
data is reasonable. It should
identify some errors that will not
be picked up by data verification.
Range check
These check whether numerical data is within expected limits.

Data type checks

These check whether the data is of the correct type, such as number,
date, or text.

Inconsistency checks (consistency checks)

These check one piece of data against another. E.g. if data includes
both gender (M or F) and title (Mr., Mrs., or Miss). If someone entered
M and Miss, then the two data items are inconsistent.
Reasonableness Check:
Reasonableness checks evaluate
whether a value falls within a
reasonable or expected range.

Presence Check:
A presence check verifies whether a
required field contains a value or if it is
empty or null. It ensures that essential
information is provided and not left
A format check
Validates whether a value adheres to a specific format or pattern. It
ensures that the entered data matches the expected format, such as
phone numbers, postal codes, or social security numbers.
Length check
A length check verifies if the length of a data field or input meets a certain
criteria. It ensures that the data entered is within the specified length
For example, you have a form where users are required to enter their
username, you could enforce a minimum and maximum length for the

· Minimum Length: The username must be at least 4 characters long.

· Maximum Length: The username must not exceed 20 characters.

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