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The Journal of Neuroscience, September 6, 2017 • 37(36):8581– 8582 • 8581

Journal Club

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Laughter as a Neurochemical Mechanism Aimed at

Reinforcing Social Bonds: Integrating Evidence from
Opioidergic Activity and Brain Stimulation
X Fausto Caruana
Unit of Neuroscience, University of Parma, 43125 Parma, Italy
Review of Manninen et al.

After more than two millennia of theoriz- Second, laughter involves grimaces, vocaliza- dition. Subsequently, the authors compared
ing, a unified view of how laughter works is tions, and postural movements that produce the amount of social laughter recorded in
still lacking. Over the years, philosophers artifacts when using imaging techniques. the pre-experimental manipulation with ce-
have proposed three predominant hypoth- Hence, it is not surprising that most correla- rebral MOR availability, finding that the
eses to explain this peculiar human behav- tive studies of laughter focus on the visual or amount of social laughter was correlated
ior: laughter is triggered by a feeling of auditory perception of others’ laughter. with baseline MOR availability (i.e., the
superiority (superiority theory), by the ap- In a recent study, Manninen et al. (2017) number of unoccupied receptors) in the
preciation of something that violates our took a different approach to studying the ACC, PCC, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC),
expectations (incongruity theory), or by the social role of laughter from a neuroscientific and ventral striatum (VS). This last result
release of nervous energy (relief theory; Mor- point of view. Instead of studying the neural is particularly intriguing as it suggests that
reall, 1987). More recently, some psycholo- networks underpinning laughter produc- people with more MORs in these areas are
gists and anthropologists have suggested that tion, they focused on the effects of laughter more prone to engage in social laughter
laughter is, first and foremost, a means for so- on the brain. Specifically, they investigated and, accordingly, that baseline MOR
cialbondingandcommunicationthatevolved whether, and where in the brain, emitting availability in these areas represents a po-
to change the behavior of others (Provine, social laughter results in opioid release. To tential tool in predicting the likelihood of
2000; Dunbar, 2012; Scott et al., 2014). We can avoid problems related to movement arti- inducing social laughter in a given subject.
dub it the social-bonding theory. In a previous study (Nummenmaa et al.,
facts, subjects viewed comedy clips before
2016), the same group found that social
Despite the growing interest in under- undergoing PET scans with [ 11C]carfenta-
touch—the possible human analog of pri-
standing the social and cognitive bases of nil, a ligand specific to ␮-opioid receptors
mates grooming—increases MOR availability
laughter, neuroscientific research tackling (MORs). To enhance the emergence of so-
in a similar set of brain regions. Together, th-
this topic is largely underdeveloped. There cial laughter, each subject watched the clips ese results are particularly informative. Con-
are at least two good reasons for this. First, with two close friends. Control PET scans sidering that grooming is thought to reinforce
being a social behavior, laughter disappears were performed on the same subjects after social structures, Manninen et al. (2017) spec-
when isolated experimental subjects are they spent a similar amount of time (30 min) ulate that (1) laughter evolved as an alterna-
scrutinized in a laboratory (Provine, 2000). alone in the testing room. tive mechanism for reinforcing social bonds
This is nevertheless how experimentation in Whole-brain analyses showed that the in groups beyond those that can be main-
human cognitive neuroscience is usually production of social laughter increases tained by grooming in primates (Dunbar,
performed, even when studying laughter. opioid release in the anterior insula, the an- 2012) and (2) that this mechanism is medi-
terior cingulate cortex (ACC), and the pos- ated by opioid release in a network anchored
Received June 8, 2017; revised July 24, 2017; accepted July 27, 2017. terior cingulate cortex (PCC), in addition to to the brain structures mentioned above.
I thank Ahmad Jezzini and Giacomo Rizzolatti for valuable comments on the basal ganglia and the thalamus. A de- This view would bring further support to
a previous version of this article. crease of opioid release, in contrast, was ob- the social bonding theory of laughter. How-
Correspondence should be addressed to Fausto Caruana, Unit of Neuro- served in the midcingulate cortex, which is ever, these results might be also accounted
science, University of Parma, Via Volturno 39, 43125 Parma, Italy. E-mail:
often associated with affective aspects of for by an alternative explanation. As recog-
DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1589-17.2017 pain perception (Vogt, 2005). None of these nized by Manninen et al. (2017), the lack of
Copyright © 2017 the authors 0270-6474/17/378581-02$15.00/0 effects was observed during the control con- significant opioid release during the control
8582 • J. Neurosci., September 6, 2017 • 37(36):8581– 8582 Caruana • Journal Club

condition may be due to the absence of so- More intriguing is the role of the anterior References
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