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The Integration of Technology in Education for Global Awareness

Department of Education, University of the People

EDUC 5810 - Living and Learning Globally

Dr. Jennifer Harris

March 20th, 2024



In today's rapidly evolving world, the integration of technology in education has

become a crucial aspect of enhancing learning experiences and promoting global awareness

in schools. This paper delves into the analysis of this topic, focusing on the characteristics of

change-adept educators and educational institutions needed to meet current demands.

Additionally, it discusses the need for innovation and systems change in education, along

with the actions in progress ("working on the work") to facilitate positive change efforts.

Analyzing the Situation

The current educational landscape is marked by technological advancements that have

reshaped how students learn and interact with information. Technology in education

encompasses various tools and platforms, such as digital devices, online resources,

educational apps, virtual reality, and collaboration software. These tools offer opportunities to

create immersive learning experiences, personalize instruction, facilitate global connections,

and foster critical thinking skills among students.

Change-adept educators in this context embrace technology as a means to enhance

pedagogy and engage students in meaningful learning experiences. These educators possess a

growth mindset, are open to learning new technologies, and adapt their teaching methods to

integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum. They leverage technology to promote

collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills among students,

preparing them for the challenges of a globalized world.

Need for Innovation/System Change

The need for innovation and system change in education arises from several factors.

Firstly, rapid technological advancements require educators and institutions to stay updated

with the latest tools and trends to provide students with relevant and future-ready skills.

Secondly, the shift towards a knowledge-based economy necessitates a focus on 21st-century

skills, including digital literacy, information fluency, and global awareness, which can be

effectively nurtured through technology integration. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic

has highlighted the importance of flexible learning environments that can seamlessly

transition between in-person and remote learning modalities, with technology playing a

central role in facilitating this transition. Studies have shown that digital-based activities,

which are visually and auditory more attractive, increase students’ motivation, thus resulting

in higher success (Mehmet & Bilge, 2016).

Actions in Progress

As an educator, I am actively engaged in "working on the work" to integrate

technology effectively into my teaching practice and support positive change efforts in my

educational institution. This involves several key actions:

1. Professional Development: I engage in continuous professional development

opportunities to enhance my technological skills and pedagogical strategies. This includes

attending workshops, webinars, and conferences focused on educational technology


2. Curriculum Design: I collaborate with colleagues to design technology-infused

curriculum units that align with learning objectives and promote critical thinking, creativity,

and collaboration. This includes incorporating digital resources, interactive activities, and

project-based learning opportunities. Recently, my focus has been on how the concretization

of abstract math topics through the use of computer software. Mehmet and Bilge’s research

(2021) suggests some ways that technology can be successfully integrated into the


3. Student Engagement: I create interactive and engaging learning experiences using

technology tools such as educational apps (like Kahoot and Khan Academy), multimedia

presentations, and online collaboration platforms. These experiences encourage active

participation, creativity, and deeper understanding among students. Currently, I am

researching how to introduce and maximize virtual simulations with my 6th-grade students in

math class. This will aid my students’ application of creative thinking in identifying and

connecting real-world information to in-class learning (Haas et al., 2021; Holly et al., 2021). I

have my focus on GeoGebra for math while exploring other apps.

As Ioannou and Ioannou (2020) stated, the use of technologies and manipulatives and

the design of the learning activities with virtual reality (VR) have been successful in

providing an engaging embodied learning experience for students.

4. Global Connections: I leverage technology to facilitate global connections and promote

cross-cultural understanding among students. This includes collaborative projects with

international schools and participation in global learning initiatives.

5. Data-Driven Instruction: I use technology tools for formative assessment, data analysis,

and personalized learning experiences. This enables me to track student progress, identify

areas for improvement, and provide targeted support to meet individual learning needs.


The integration of technology in education is a transformative process that requires

change-adept educators and educational institutions to adapt to the demands of the digital

age. By embracing innovation, fostering a growth mindset, and actively engaging in "working

on the work," educators can create dynamic learning environments that promote global

awareness, critical thinking, collaboration, and lifelong learning skills among students.

Through continuous professional development, curriculum design, student engagement

strategies, global connections, and data-driven instruction, educators can become change

agents and support positive change efforts in education to meet the challenges and

opportunities of the 21st century.



Haas, B., Kreis, Y., & Lavicza, Z. (2021). Integrated STEAM Approach in Outdoor Trails

with Elementary School Pre-service Teachers. Educational Technology & Society,

24(4), 205–219.

Holly, M., Pirker, J., Resch, S., Brettschuh, S., & Gütl, C. (2021). Designing VR Experiences

– Expectations for Teaching and Learning in VR. Educational Technology & Society,

24(2), 107–119.

Ioannou, M., & Ioannou, A. (2020). Technology-enhanced Embodied Learning: Designing

and Evaluating a New Classroom Experience. Educational Technology & Society,

23(3), 81–94.

Mehmet A. O. & Bilge H. E. (2016). The Effect of the Digital Classroom on Academic

Success and Online Technologies Self-Efficacy. Journal of Educational Technology &

Society, 19(4), 203–212.

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