Volume-1-19 - Chapters-61-70

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Sector / Scheme wise budget allocation under SDP/Aspirational Taluka 2022-23

(Rs. in crore)
H/C Description of the Scheme allocation(as SDP (BE)
per annex-1)
2202-01-053-0-02 Maintenance of School Facilities 35.00 10.00
Vidya Vikasa Scheme- Incentive for 363.27 30.00
CSS-State Share- Samagra Shikshana 134.23 10.00
Maintenance of Secondary School 20.00 6.00
331.50 200.00
4202-01-201-1-04 Infrastructure for Primary Schools

Infrastructure for Karnataka Public 135.00 50.00

50.00 15.00
4202-01-201-1-07 Maintenance and Repair of Toilets

Infrastructure facilities for High 258.34 100.00

Schools and PU-College
Equipment and Furniture for High 50.00 20.00
School and PU-College
4202-01-203-1-01 First Grade College Buildings 250.00 40.00
Equipment in Degree Colleges 65.00 5.00

Construction of Polytechnics 76.49 5.00


Total 1784.83 493.00

Public Works
4059-80-051-0-29 Departmental buildings 300.00 70.00
Health and Family Welfare
49.00 5.00
2210-01-200-0-04 Shuchi Yojane

Sector / Scheme wise budget allocation under SDP/Aspirational Taluka 2022-23

(Rs. in crore)
H/C Description of the Scheme allocation(as SDP (BE)
per annex-1)
CSS-Central Share- National Health 890.21 75.00
Mission (Rural)
CSS-State Share- National Health 864.33 100.00
Mission (Rural)
Ayushman Bharata-Pradhana Manthri 1039.28 115.48
Jana Arogya Yojane (PMJAY)
2210-80-800-0-18 Aroghya Kavacha 273.35 20.00

4210-01-110-1-01 Hospital Construction/Upgradation 450.00 157.72

Purchase of Ambulance (Arogya 58.00 10.00
Total 3624.17 483.20
Labour and Skill Development
Specialised Skill Development 120.00 30.00
Planning, Statistics, Science and Technology
Article 371 J- Kalyana Karnataka 2800.00 1000.00
Region Development
Grand Total 15441.74 3000.70


On 25th September 2015, the United Nations 70th summit adopted the Resolution titled
“Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” with
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) accompanied by 169 targets and 232 indicators
to be achieved by 2030 built on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adding new
areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption,
peace, and justice, among other priorities. Although these goals are interconnected, each has
a separate list of targets to achieve. The SDGs were a result of complex consultation process
involving UN member states, civil society, the corporate sector and many other stakeholders
and individuals from around the world (United Nations General Assembly, 2015). The SDGs
aim to initiate action, while guiding policy making and accountability for the elimination of
poverty, promotion of prosperity, furthering of peace and justice, and conservation of the
planet’s resources for future generations.
• Sustainable Development implies
– promotion of sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth,
– creating greater opportunities for all,
– reducing inequalities,
– raising basic standards of living,
– fostering equitable social development and inclusion,
– Promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems.

SDGs are not for incremental change they are for transformative change. SDGs address the
root causes of poverty and initiate efforts to make a positive change both for people and
planet. Poverty eradication is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda and so is the commitment to
“leave no-one behind”.This necessitates engaging with local Governments, social institutions,
NGOs and SHGs to frame and implement programs and policies that envisage ‘Sab ka saath,
Sab ka Vikas, Sab ka Vishwas’. Meeting these ambitious SDG targets set for 2030 calls for a
new and innovative way of governance instead of the business as-usual approach. Vertical
coherence is crucial in implementation of SDGs and district administration play a crucial role
in advancing sustainable development. While it is important for state government to set State-
level goals and targets and the mandates to support them, local governments are responsible
for implementation on the ground.

The SDGs will stimulate action in areas of : People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

 People: To end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that
all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy

 Planet: To protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable
consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent
action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future

 Prosperity: To ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and
that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.

 Peace: To foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and
violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without
sustainable development.

 Partnership: To mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a

revitalised Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened
global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and
with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.

In nutshell it is the universal, inclusive and indivisible Agenda which calls for action by all
participating countries to improve the lives of the people and the planet. While the SDG goals
and targets set a global context, they have been designed in a way so that they can be adapted
locally to meet the specific challenges. SDGs address all three dimensions of development
viz; Economic, Social and Environmental aspects of development. As against Global
indicators of 232, Nation has arrived at 306 national indicators.

The 17 Goals are:

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Focus Areas: Ensure livelihoods to all vulnerable people, provide easy access to health,
education, housing and basic services and enable social protection and risk

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture

Focus Areas: Eliminate malnutrition , providing access to safe and nutritious food for all
and Increase agricultural productivity

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Focus Areas: Reduce IMR, MMR, deaths due to noncommunicable diseases and reducing
the burden of communicable diseases, particularly AIDS and tuberculosis

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all

Focus Areas: Increase learning outcomes through quality education/skills training and
remove gender disparity in accessing school education

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Focus Areas: Ensure a safe, secure and positive environment for women, provide
economic empowerment and achieve parity in infant and child sex ratios

Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation

for all

Focus Areas: Provide safe and adequate drinking water for all, sewerage system in all
villages of over 10,000 persons and achieve 100% coverage of urban areas
with sewerage systems, as well as sewage treatment plants

Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Focus Areas: Provide universal access to 24X7 affordable, reliable and modern energy
and substantially increase the share of clean energy

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for all

Focus Areas: Facilitate and sustain a higher GSDP growth rate, strengthen and increase
the competitiveness of MSMEs in the state

Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable

industrialization and foster innovation

Focus Areas: Resilient and reliable infrastructure including roads, airports, IT, green
technology and innovation

Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries

Focus Areas: Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities by educating,

empowering, protecting and promoting the social and economic inclusion
of all

Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Focus Areas: Provide affordable houses, access to safe and sustainable transport systems
and develop smart cities

Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Focus Areas: Efficient management of waste and efficient use of natural resources

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Focus Areas: Integrate climate change interventions in a systematic way across all state
government departments

Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development

Focus Area: Adoption of Micro Irrigation to avoid Floods

Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Focus Areas: Protect land by combating degradation and enhance biodiversity etc

Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels

Focus Areas: Ensure access to justice, reduce all forms of violence and promote peace

Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global
Partnership for Sustainable Development

Focus Areas: Strive to reduce fiscal and revenue deficits and increase capital expenditure,

Classification of SDGs under different Themes

(SDGs3,4 and5)

Sustainable Social
Livelihood Development
(SDGs1,2,8,9 People (SDGs5,10 and
and17) 16)
(SDGs 7,11,12,13,14

The Government of Karnataka is keen to ensure that the implementation of SDGs in the State
is judiciously prioritized and adopted in accordance with local challenges, capacities and
resources available.

Karnataka is following a comprehensive holistic path with effective and innovative

implementation strategies considering the multidimensional nature (Social, Economic and
Environment) of SDG goals. The government is ensuring investments across all sectors
towards achieving SDGs, through scheme and budget mapping. Mainstreaming Resources
efficiency approach and convergence strategy in the outcome based development pathway
would go a long way in achieving SDG Targets by 2030.

The State has formed the Monitoring and Coordination Committee and the State level
Steering Committee for formulation of effective and efficient action plans for achieving the
SDGs. In order to monitor the progress of various SDGs a separate technical cell has been
established and goal specific committees have been formed to provide technical support.
through departments and experts that contribute to the Goal as members.

The Goal-wise Committees have identified around 678 and odd indicators which contains
some of the national indicators and proxy state indicators where data not available for
national indicators. A monthly review of NITI Aayog's priority indicators is part of the
Karnataka Development Programme (KDP) Review at the district and State level.Baseline
Data has been prepared by Goal Committees with all relevant information / present
status of major indicators. Karnataka has been actively working towards spreading
awareness about SDGs. This involves disaggregated data from the districts and district
specific targets are set to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of SDGs by
District Planning Committees (DPC). It is planned to develop new dashboard to ensure
effective monitoring and evaluation of development programmes. State is in Partnership
with Public Affairs Centre (PAC) and IIITB for open data analysis of SDG indicators
specifically focussed on building data science applications to ensure speedy progressBased
on the recommendations of the NITI Aayog, State has established an SDG Coordination
Centre as part of the Department of Planning, Government of Karnataka, in partnership with
United Nation Development Programme.The centre will work to bring in bottom up approach
in the implementation of SDGs with focus on Aspirational Districts.Develop a
communication strategy as well as IEC materials (in local language and illustrative form) for
making government functionaries and the public aware of their roles & responsibilities to
achieve SDG VISION for the state.

SDGs Monitoring: Karnataka has completed the preparation of the draft State Action Plans
for all the 16 Goals, monitoring mechanisms will be in place keeping the strategies
recommended. Action will be taken to constitute implementing teams through respective
departments for effective implementation of the strategies.

Karnataka being one of the progressive states in the country is highly sensitive to universal
developmental programmes initiated by international institutions such as United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank, UN and other organisations. The state has
been the front-runner in formulating action plan, vision and targets of sustainable
development goals and it is proactive in formulation and implementation of programmes, to
achieve the targets of SDGs

Performance of SDG indicators: Karnataka & India (Compiled from SDG India Index
reports 2019 & 2020)

Sustainable Development Karnataka India Best Performing State

Goals(SDG) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020

Tamil Nadu
SDG 1 No Poverty 49 68 50 60 Tamil Nadu (86)
SDG 2 Zero Hunger 37 53 35 47 Kerala (80)
SDG 3 Good Health & Kerala
72 78 61 74 Gujarat (86)
Well-Being (82)
SDG 4 Quality Kerala
67 64 58 57 Kerala (80)
Education (74)
SDG 5 Gender Equality 42 57 42 48 Chattisgarah(64)
SDG 6 Clean Water & Goa
88 85 88 83 Pradesh
Sanitation (100)
SDG 7 Affordable & Telangana
86 100 70 92 Karnataka (100)
Clean Energy (93)
SDG 8 Decent work & Telangana
78 66 64 61 HimachalaPradesh(78)
economic growth (82)
SDG 9 Industry,
innovation and 40 64 65 55 Gujarat (72)
SDG 10 Reduced Telangana
70 67 64 67 Meghalaya(88)
inequalities (94)
SDG 11 Sustainable Gujarat
48 78 53 79 Panjab(91)
cities & communities (77)
SDG 12 Responsible
consumption & 72 89 55 74 Tripura(99)
SDG 13 Climate Action 71 62 60 54 Orissa(70)

Sustainable Development Karnataka India Best Performing State
Goals(SDG) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020

SDG 14 Life below Karnataka

65 60 - - Orissa(82)
water (65)
SDG 15 Life on land 89 67 66 66 Kerala (98)
SDG 16 Peace, Justice Andhra
75 76 72 74 Uttarakand(86)
& strong institutions Pradesh (86)
Composite Score 66 72 60 66 Kerala (70) Kerala (75)
NA: Not Estimated; Values are in scores.

Abstract of State Matrix

Number of National
Indicators Data Sources
Goal As per As per
Number National State
under Administrative
Indicators Indicators Surveys Census
State Reports
Frame Frame
Work work*
Goal 1 19 19 32 4 26 2
Goal 2 19 15 59 8 50 1
Goal 3 41 34 64 30 34
Goal 4 20 15 45 43 2
Goal 5 29 29 57 11 42 4
Goal 6 19 14 49 3 46
Goal 7 05 04 14 14
Goal 8 40 16 34 32 2
Goal 9 18 13 44 3 41
Goal 10 07 04 72 36 35 1
Goal 11 16 16 72 69 3
Goal 12 17 07 18 17 1
Goal 13 04 02 29 29
Goal 14 13 13 26 26
Goal 15 21 17 26 26

Number of National
Indicators Data Sources
Goal As per As per
Number National State
under Administrative
Indicators Indicators Surveys Census
State Reports
Frame Frame
Work work*
Goal 16 18 17 37 1 36
Total 306 235 678 128 536 14
*inclusive of national indicators

Based on SDG India Index Reports of NITI Aayog for 2019-20 and 2020-21 Proposed
allocations have been worked out for 2022-23 which is around Rs.389526.39 crore and it is
around Rs.143319.54 crore more than (Additionality) Rs.246206.85 crore of 2021-22(BE).To
work out the additionality distance criteria is adopted. i.e., under each goal best performing
comparable state is selected and distance of Karnataka from the best-performing State is
computed as per 2019-20 SDG India Index Report. As per this, the average percentage
variation (distance) from best performing States is around 23.4% and the budget for 2021-22
is around Rs. 246206.85 crore. Therefore the budget required to reduce one percent variation
is Rs.10544.18 crore (246206.85/23.4). Similarly, the average % variation from best
performing State as per 2020-21 SDG India Index report is also computed it is around
13.59%. Therefore the additionality required in 2022-23 to achieve the best performing State
is around Rs.143319.54 crore. (10544.18*13.59). The total proposed allocation for 2022-23
would be Rs.389526.39 crore (246206.85+143319.54).

Budget under SDGs for 2022-23

(Rs. in crore)
Goal Number of 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23
of Schemes
Number Line Dept* BE Proposed BE
Goal 1 48 152 12893.18 26686.45 14821.46
Goal 2 15 112 7104.08 29345.72 7591.21
Goal 3 10 106 3058.14 9188.48 3582.53
Goal 4 41 244 13274.55 26454.78 14357.09
Goal 5 98 810 46827.56 53103.86 53264.22
Goal 6 12 69 19567.07 27118.25 20274.94
Goal 7 3 6 4026.15 4026.15 4262.48


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