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Across 2. 7. 8. 12. 16. 19. 20.

GVHDimmune response initiated by T lymphocytes of donor tissue against the recipient's tissue BRMuse of agents or treatment methods that can alter the immunologic relationship between the tumor and the host to provide a therapeutic benefit METASTASISspread of cancer cells PALLIATIONrelief of symptoms associated with cancer APOPTOSISprogrammed cell death DYSPLASIAbizarre cell growth resulting in cells that differ in size, shape or arrangemet from other cells of the same type of tissue BRACHYTHERAPYdelivery of radiation therapy through internal implants

Down 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. EXTRAVASATIONleakage of medication from the veins into the subcutaneous tissues HYPERPLASIAincrease in the number of cells of a tissue GRADINGidentification of the type of tissue from which the tumor originated and the degree to which the tumor cells retain of the functional and structural characteristics of the tissue of origin MYELOSUPPESSIONsuppression of the blood cell-producing function of the bone marrow BIOPSYa diagnostic procedure to remove a small sample of tissue to be examined miscroscopically to detect malignant cells STAGINGprocess of determining the size and spread of a tumor VESICANTsubstance that can cause tissue necrosis and damage, particularly when extravasated STOMATITISinflammation of the oral tissues CYTOKINESsubstances produced by cells of the immune system to enhance production and functioning of components of the immune system ALOPECIAhair loss NEOPLASIAuncontrolled cell growth that follows no physiologic demand ONCOLOGYstudy of cancer CANCERa disease process where cells proliferate abnormally

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