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(G 12 Mock exam Sample exam 1) 40 Shortcut to IELTS November 2020

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1. ____________ are you looking for?
A) Where
B) When
C) How
D) What
2. I like __________ tea and coffee, but I prefer coffee.
A) either (either or … neither nor)
B) neither
C) both
D) also
3. When we arrived __________ the station, the train had already left.
A) under The nurse put the thermometer under my tongue
B) at we will meet at the entrance
C) to I’d love to live in Cairo.
D) from The wind is coming from the north.
4. If he __________ us, we would have gone.
A) invites
B) invited
C) had invited
D) will invite
5. I went to bed _________ I got home.
A) because
B) as soon as (As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong)
C) until (You should stay on the train until Dubai)
D) so that = in order to/ I’ll go by car so that I can take more luggage.
6-Our city _____________ a lot since 2000.
A) changed yesterday/last/ago
B) will change tomorrow
C) has changed
D) had changed by the time/after/before
7. ____________ your friend done his homework?
A) Having
B) Has do/did/done
C) Have
D) Haven’t
8. What ___________ you prefer: tea or coffee?
A) could
B) should
C) would (would you like some cake?)
D) wouldn’t

9. I have to go now. I __________ be late for work.

A) have to
B) mustn’t
C) must
D) need to
10. My friends are proud of __________ success.
A) them
B) their (my/your/his/her/its/our/your/their) Noun
C) themselves
D) theirs

11. The boys in this school ___________ blue uniforms.

A) wears
B) wearing
C) is wearing
D) wear he comes / they come
12. He works for an international _____________.
A) organize acclimatize/ realize/recognize/characterize/philosophize
B) organization radiation/translation/motivation/civilization
C) organized
D) organizational essential/additional/global/universal
14. It is ______________ proven that electrons have a negative charge.
A) scientifically carefully/certainly/finally/generally
B) scientific artistic/academic/fantastic/tragic
C) scientist psychologist/tobacconist/psychiatrist/journalist
D) science
15. I am mainly interested in _______________ colors.
A) brightness
B) brighten lighten/shorten/lengthen/widen/darken
C) bright
D) brightly
16. Which question is correct?
(Wh questions + helping verb + subject + main verb + extra information+?
A) How long have you been living here?
B) How long you have been have living here?
C) How long you have here been living?
D) How long you had been living here?
17. Which sentence is correct?
(Subject + verb + object + extra information + . )
A) Abroad in summer travel many families.
B) Many families travel abroad in summer.
C) Families travel abroad in many summer.
D) In summer travel abroad many families.
18. The teacher spotted the students while they _____ classroom early.
A) left
B) had left
C) were leaving (while/as/when) was/were + verb + ing
D) are leaving
19. This laptop is not working, please give me _____ one.
A) other
B) another (another piece of cake/ another one/another car accident)
C) others
D) the others
22. Being independent means that we should learn to look after _____.
A) himself
B) herself
C) oneself (One has to learn to control oneself)
D) ourselves (ourselves/yourselves/themselves)

23. The number of suggestions __________________ overwhelming.

A) was overwhelm / overwhelmed/overwhelming
B) were The city was overwhelmed by the flooding
C) have
D) has overwhelming force/evidence = great

24. As an excuse for being late, she ______________ a whole story.

A) kept up keep/kept/I read the papers to keep up with what is happening
B) put up put/put/he’s so moody! I don’t know why she puts up with him.
C) looked up look/looked/ look the word up in the dictionary
D) made up make/made/ I made up an excuse!
25. I _________________ my medication for today.
A) had taken (After/before/by the time/when)
B) have taken
C) take (every/usually/always/sometimes)
D) was taking (While/as/when)

26. Ali had a headache before __________________ breakfast.

A) have
B) to have
C) having
D) he have

27. He ________ broken the classroom window - he wasn’t even in school today.
A) couldn’t have
B) mustn’t
C) shouldn’t have (should have/could have/would have/+ p p) 3
D) shouldn’t
29-The man ____________ father was sent to prison lives in my home town.
A) who (Marie Curie is the woman who discovered radium.)
B) whose (This is George, whose brother went to school with me.)
C) which
D) where

30-Mr. Abdulla has four brothers; one is in Dubai, but _______ are in Abu Dhabi.
A) another
B) other
C) the others (80% of the students arrive on time. The others are always late.)
D) the other (This computer here is new. The other computer is about five years old.)

31. The dog ________________ if it had not been tied up.

A) will bite me (bite/bit/bitten) (tie/tied/tied/tying)
B) would bite me
C) would have bitten me (had = pp + would/could/might + have = pp)
D) bites me
32_____________, airline pilots have well-paid and interesting jobs.
A) For instance
B) Generally speaking
C) Except for
D) In particular

33. This is _____________ garden I have ever seen!

A) beautiful
B) more beautiful (More beautiful than)
C) most beautiful
D) the most beautiful (the most expensive car)

34. She _____________ from the morning until now.

A) sleeps (habit or fact)
B) is sleeping (now)
C) will sleep (tomorrow)
D) has been sleeping (shows that something started in the past and is continuing at
the present time)
35. Many people do not eat well or take care of their bodies, but at some
point, they’ll have to _____________.
A) face the music (Accept criticism or punishment)
B) make the most of the situation (get the maximum use or advantage)
C) make a long story short (Come to the point)
D) kill two birds with one stone (To succeed in doing 2 things)

36. I went to the gym after a frustrating day to _____________ some steam.
A) kick on (Continue to play or perform well/ May be she will kick on in the sport)
B) pick out (recognize/Can you pick out the 3 mistakes in the essay)
C) keep in (show or express-You shouldn't keep your anger in all the time.)
D) blow off (blow off some steam) ‫يروح عن نفسه‬

37. Which question is correct?

A) How would you go about achieving those results?
B) What would you achieving would result?
C) How are results going to achieving those?
D) What are the results of the achieving about? Something missing
38-The factory produces some of ________ cameras in the world.
B)the best
C)the most best
39-Most university students ____________ on campus in their first year.
C)are living (now)
40-I finished my essay yesterday, but _________ it in to the tutor yet.
I’ve given
I haven’t given
I didn’t give
I hadn’t give

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