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Experimental study to assess the performance of

combined Savonius Darrieus vertical axis wind

turbine at different arrangements
Ali Shan Siddiqui Muhammad Alam Abdul Hameed Memon
Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering Department
Institute of Business Management ILMA University Hamdard University
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan

Syed Nadeem Mian Muhammad Saleem ul Haq Muhammad Shahzad Jamil Energy
Mechanical Engineering Department Energy Engineering Department Mechanical Engineering Department
Hamdard University Hamdard University NED University
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract — Darrieus Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) have the overall world energy consumption, illustrated in Fig. 1.
become one of the most worked on turbines in the 20th century, due Fossil fuels contribute towards the ever alarming Greenhouse
to the various improvement regimes been carried out to improve gas (GHGs) emissions; CO2 being one of them. It has been
their performance, especially the H-shaped Darrieus wind turbines. quoted by the researchers that 1/4 CO2 emissions are due to
The Darrieus wind turbines are considered more aerodynamically
efficient than the rest of VAWT, however they have been highly
burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation. The
undesirable in areas with low wind velocities since these turbines Greenhouse gases are causing gradual increase in earth's
have poor starting torque and are hence unable to self-start in temperature - heating up earth, which in turn is causing erratic
weaker wind speeds. Combined Savonius Darrieus wind turbines climate changes. We have set carbon budgets to hold off 1oC
have been pitched as the solution for improving turbine's torque rise in temperature, which may slow down the exponential
characteristics and enable it to self-start. In this study, an growth of CO2 emissions, however we will soon exhaust our
experimentation has been carried out to test three possible budgets within the few next decades, in order to avoid drastic
arrangements of Darrieus and Savonius wind turbine; termed as climate change, trillions of CO2 needs to be removed from the
arrangement 1, 2 & 3, under similar operating conditions to assess
performance of each arrangement. It was observed from the
atmosphere [2, 3]. The world has turned to cleaner and more
arrangement 1; where Savonius rotor was attached at the middle of sustainable energy resources, focusing towards renewable
Darrieus wind turbine, had the highest coefficient of performance energy. The Energy mix has seen a more diversified structure
among all arrangements, achieving maximum COP of 20% at TSR in terms of power generation by source over the few decades.
of 0.86. Arrangement 2 and 3; Savonius rotor attached at the top of Wind Energy has contributed about 4% to the power
Darrieus rotor and Savonius attached at the bottom of Darrieus generation, which makes it the fastest growing renewable
turbine had significantly lower COP than arrangement 1 - having energy in the past two years [4] .The wind energy has also
COP of 10% at 0.56 TSR and 5% at 0.28 TSR, respectively. become one of the cheapest sources of energy in many
Henceforth, arrangement 1 is recommended if turbines are to be countries over a last decade. However, in many countries,
wind energy has yet to be recognized as a reliable and feasible
Keywords— (combined Savonius wind turbine, VAWT, Urban source of energy. This is mainly due to the wind resource
wind areas, Turbo machinery) availability in these countries.

This work is an extension of the work originally presented at
Energy Environment and Sustainability Development
(EESD), 2016 as Experimental investigations on Hybrid
Vertical axis wind turbine [1] and published as conference
proceedings in March,2017. The energy demand of the world
has been increasing exponentially, the demands are being met
using different energy sources but fossil fuels remains the
most dominant energy sources even today. Energy mix 2016
shows that fossil fuels have a contribution of about 75.44% in
Fig. 1. Energy Mix 2016 [2]
978-1-5386-7536-6/18/$31.00 ©2018
According to NREL and Pakistan meteorological department Hadi Ali performed experimentation on laboratory scale
(PMD), only 13% of the Pakistan’s land has available winds Savonius wind turbine with two and three blades, to
of 3+ wind classes, while 87% of it experiences low wind investigate influence of number of blades on several
velocity [5]. The matured and ubiquitous Horizontal axis wind parameters affecting Savonius wind turbine’s performance. It
turbines (HAWT) have higher cut in speeds [6].Thus require was also observed that the efficiency also decreased with an
high speed wind corridors to operate. Henceforth, 87% of increase in number of blades. than three blades with same
Pakistan cannot utilize HAWT farms for power generation. overlap ratio as well as swept area under same meteorological
The less matured vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) may be conditions [20-22]. It was concluded that two blades of
the most suitable wind energy conversion solution in such Savonius turbines are better. N.H. Mahmoud and A.A. El-
areas, since they are capable of operating in lower wind Haroun assessed the performance of Savonius wind turbines
speeds, and adequate noise emissions. Additionally VAWTs by studying performance governing parameters such as
are simpler in construction, easier to maintain and have better Aspect and Overlap ratio as well effect of end plates, their
response to irregular wind patterns with advantage of being study suggested that improved performance is observed
independent of wind direction. This has pushed forward Higher aspect ratios offers better performance, the end plates
researchers to improve the existing VAWTs. [7-10] enable higher aerodynamics efficiency whereas overlap ratio
based turbines had better performance than turbines without
II. VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINES overlap ratio. The number of stages in a Savonius rotor was
The turbines having rotational moment such that they rotate studied by khan et al as well, it was concluded from the study
perpendicular to the upstream wind, are termed “vertical axis that double staged Savonius rotors offers better performance
wind turbines”. According to the work done by M. Shaheen in contrast to single and three staged rotors [23]. Work of J.
and S. Abdallah, along with F. Lam et al. shows that since Alam and T. Iqbal showcases the concept of overlap ratio in
VAWTs have better response to turbulent winds, they may Savonius rotors, it was suggested that overlap ratio between
have several advantages over HAWTs in farm-like 20-30% offer slightly better performances than turbines
arrangements, as a result higher packing density can be without overlap ratio [24].
achieved resulting in higher power to land/ area ratio [11, 12]. The Darrieus wind turbines are aerodynamically lift based
There are two distinct and most common and worked on turbines; they can utilize both drag and lift forces, as a result
types of vertical axis wind turbines; Savonius and Darrieus have relatively higher efficiencies, however requires higher
wind turbine [13-15]. Savonius wind turbine is basically an wind speeds to start operation, therefore these turbines are not
aerodynamically drag based wind turbines, its notable popular in low wind [1, 25]. The Darrieus wind turbine was
characteristics are self-starting ability as well as lower cut-in invented by a French Engineer, Georges Jean Marie Darrieus
speeds, however inability to utilize lift forces causes in 1931. The famous Darrieus wind turbine was patented as
unsatisfactory aerodynamic efficiency, which makes them “Turbine having its rotating shaft transverse to the flow of
unsuitable for most applications [16]. Even though the current” with curved blades as well straight blades. [26] W.
Savonius wind turbine had been studied in the 1920s, it was Jiju et al. assessed different commercialized variants as well
first introduced in 1931 by Sigurd Johannes Savonius, a as literature of Darrieus type turbines developed in recent
Finnish engineer as US patent; “Rotor adapted to be driven years in according to their design, construction and
by wind or flowing water” [17]. Savonius wind turbines are performance along with some conceptual design. The study
the most easy VAWTs to construct, their blades are basically revealed that the variants of out of the existing support
semi-cylindrical in shape, that are placed to form a S-shape structures for Darrieus, the cantilevered structures are most
this results in two concave and two convex sides positioned suitable. The modular egg-beater type and helical type
adjacently as illustrated in Fig. 2 [18, 19]. Savonius rotor VAWTs had better structural design and performance. A
generally has two blades, however performance of Savonius typical eggbeater type Darrieus rotor is shown in Fig. 3 [28].
wind turbines with multiple blades have been experimented The curved shape blades mitigates bending stresses during
by several researchers. In 2013, M. rotation as a result of better load distribution due to
fluctuating aerodynamic loading caused by irregular and
turbulent wind patterns [29]. Additionally, since the end of
these blades are attached to the top and bottom connecting
arms, bending moments are severely reduced. One of the
major disadvantage associated with these turbines is frequent
dynamic stall. The Dynamic stall was studied by Scheurich F
el at. Dynamic stall conditions are induced as the result of the
shape of the blades, the angle of attack varies throughout the
blade, which causes earlier flow separation and vortices
during high angle of attacks adversely affect the efficiency of
wind turbines, resulting in flow separation, stresses and
Fig. 2. Typical Savonius Wind Turbine [3] fluctuations [30-32].
H- Type Darrieus turbines are simplest of lift based VAWTs.
They are cross flow turbines, hence there is constant change
in angle of attack during their operation cycles. These
turbines have straight blades, a uniform local angle of attack
across the blade’s span making them less susceptible to
dynamic stalling in contrast to egg beater type turbines. The
region distribution of a Darrieus turbine is provided in Fig. 4.
The H-type rotor is more preferred in comparison to Phi
rotors due to lower manufacturing costs as well simplistic
design. H-type rotors have straight protruding blades, which
are exposed to the winds, causing them highly prone to
bending as a result of constant building of bending stresses
[1, 32]. One of the biggest advantages of Darrieus wind Fig. 5. Wind Velocity distribution visualisation on H-type Darrieus using
turbines is the development of negative torque during its Qblade v9.0
operation. The region of negative torque development is
windward region as shown in Fig. 4; the generation of when the blades were pitched at higher angle of attacks,
negative torque causes a reduction in overall net torque therefore concluded that asymmetric airfoils are more
generated by the turbine, thus decreases the power generation suitable for H-type Darrieus wind turbines [9]. D. MacPhee
[33]. Furthermore, the simulations shown in Fig. 5. shows and A. Beynee conducted a review study of several
that the wind velocity distribution on Darrieus wind turbine’s modifications carried out in H type Darrieus rotors to
blades are highly non-uniform, each blade is subjugated to improve their performance. The review concluded, with the
different wind velocity throughout its rotation causing exception of few mods, the advancement resulted in
uneven distribution of wind forces; resulting in vibration and improvement in one characteristic while negatively affecting
cyclic loads. Performance of H-type rotors with symmetric the other parameters. For instance, an improvement in self –
and asymmetric airfoils was studied by M. D. Bausas at starting ability resulted in reduced efficiency and vice versa.
turbulent and steady wind flow conditions using stream tube One of the most notable modifications to improve VAWTs’
models in CFD. From the study it was observed that performance was the use of active and passive pitching
asymmetric foils performed better than symmetric airfoils in systems which improved lateral velocity angles of the
both simulated wind conditions [34]. M. Torabi et al. used impinging wind to as increase lift forces on blades while the
ANSYS for CFD simulations to study the performance along hybrid Savonius-Darrieus wind turbine had the most
with start-up ability of H-type rotor with different airfoil significant improvement in self-starting capabilities and
geometries using SST k-w turbulence model, the results efficiency in comparison to conventional VAWTs [35].
showed that cambered 2418 foil had better self-starting
characteristics as well significant increase in performance. III. COMBINED SAVONIUS DARRIEUS WIND TURBINE
Hybrid vertical axis, combined Savonius Darrieus wind
turbine is able to utilize the advantages of both the turbine in
an effective manner; it utilizes the high torque and low wind
velocity start-up characteristics of Savonius rotor as well
higher aerodynamic efficiency of Darrieus rotor to improve
its overall coefficient of performance as well as its startup
characteristics. Generally, Savonius wind turbines are
utilized in these systems as auxiliary turbines, which provides
startup for the Darrieus turbines to work [1, 18, 35-39]. S.M.
Rassoulinejad-Mousavi et al. conducted an experimental
Fig. 3. Egg beater Darrieus turbine [26] investigation to study the performance of hybrid vertical axis
wind turbine (HWT). A Savonius rotor joined with H-type
Darrieus rotor with DUW200 foil blades. The turbines were
combined together into two different combinations; case 1:
Savonius turbine placed at the middle of the Darrieus turbine,
case 2: Savonius turbine placed at the bottom of Darrieus
turbine. The testing was carried out in a subsonic wind tunnel
at variable wind velocities, it was concluded was the results
that the case 1, showed better coefficient of performance than
the conventional Darrieus and Savonius turbines
individually, while case 2 generated more power, which is
Fig. 4. Azimuthal angle and region distribution for a vertical axis wind obviously due to the increase in swept area [36]. A project
turbine [9] developed at GIKI, Topi, KPK by M. Abid et al, was
combined Savonius and Darrieus wind turbine, where a basic
Savonius rotor was connected to a Darrieus rotor such that it
was at its top, it was observed that the combination of
turbines substantially improved turbine’s ability to operate at
lower wind speeds, the turbine was capable of operating at
wind speeds as low as 3 m/s. Their testing was carried out
using a permanent magnetic generator sponsored by industry
rated [40]. Dr. Rigoberto Chinchilla et al. designed and
constructed an airfoil that was physically modeled and field
tested. It was concluded that asymmetric airfoils would
enable H-type VAWTs to self- start in lower wind velocities
[41] T. Letcher, from the Ohio State University, Columbus
conducted an experimental investigation of combined
Savonius and Darrieus wind turbines ion laboratory and
experimental basis and concluded that the hybrid VAWT
systems are able to operate in low wind speeds, where
conventional turbines have difficulty operating, furthermore
it was suggested at regions with low wind velocities, the
combined and Savonius wind turbine will perform better than
even horizontal axis wind turbines [42]. Kid Wind project
competition saw project that was adequate for testing small
scale wind turbines, the wind box; designed by Andy Lueth,
Wind senator California, it was small, inexpensive and
portable setup, generally termed as first generation wind box.
Fig. 6. Indigenous Hybrid Vertical axis wind turbine
In 2008, a wind box developed, designed by students and
teachers at the Belmont Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES,
funded by NYSERDA (2nd generation of wind box), it used
large flow fans that were powered directly by AC current,
regulated in order to vary wind speed as desirable. This wind
box proved to rival a small scale mediocre wind tunnel in
terms of testing of wind turbines. [43]
The performance of the proposed hybrid system was studied
experimentally at the laboratories of Mechanical Engineering
Department, Hamdard University, Pakistan. The hybrid
turbine system as well as third generation wind box was
developed indigenously by Energy Engineering Faculty
members at Hamdard University.
Fig. 7. Arrangements of Combined Savonius and Darrieus Wind Turbine
A. Experimental Test Setup

A modular experimental test setup was developed testing arrangement 3: Savonius turbine place at the top of Darrieus
different vertical axis wind turbines. The test setup consists turbine, which are illustrated in Fig. 7.
of three shafts, out of which the central shaft can be detached
to change the turbines configuration for testing different B. Wind Box
variants. The blades of turbine can also be pitched as desired.
Speed of wind entering and exiting the test setup can be A modular wind box was constructed which encased a flow
recorded using propeller type anemometers, whereas straightener and a fan system to test wind turbines. A
turbine’s mechanical power is recorded using an induction rectangular type flow straightener was used to straighten the
based tachometer; which measures rotational speed and airflow and to reduce turbulence intensity level in the
prony brake dynamometer for Static torque measurement as upstream region.
shown in Fig. 6. Combined Savonius and Darrieus was tested Fig. 8 shows wind box which was used for experimentation.
in three different arrangements referred as arrangement 1, 2 The Wind box; uses a 1400 - 2800 RPM axial thrust fan, rated
and 3, where arrangement 1: Savonius turbine placed at the at 1.5 KW, which can generate wind velocities ranging from
middle of Darrieus turbine and arrangement 2: Savonius 3m/s – 14m/s. The wind speeds were varied by varying the
turbine was placed at the bottom of Darrieus turbine fans rpm using a voltage regulator.
τ = F. d (4)
Where, F and d represents Force applied in Newton and
diameter of flywheel/pulley in m, respectively.
An induction based tachometer is used for measuring the
rotational speed of the turbine, it measures the rotations of the
turbine per minutes which can then be used to determine the
angular velocity of the turbine given in equation (5). [41]
ω = 2πΝ/60 (5)
Where, N represents Rotations per minute.

The difference (Δ) in performance or any other parameter is

measured using (6),
Δ = X1 – X2 /X1 (6)
Where, X1 and X2 represents different parameters of same
domain, respectively.
The data obtained from the experimentation of arrangement
1, 2, 3 at different wind velocities at a fixed angle of attack
are shown in Table III, IV, and V respectively.
A. Combined Savonius Darrieus Wind Turbine:
Fig. 8. Indigenously developed Wind Box Arrangement 1
It was observed that turbines in arrangement 1 struggled to
C. Testing start initially at lower wind velocities for a short interval of
The hybrid VAWT test setup was placed inside wind box, the time, however started after being exposed to wind for more
placement of the setup was checked for wind blockage effect, than 10 seconds. Additionally, the turbines remained stable
which was calculated using (1) taken from the work of Ross for most of the operation at variable wind speeds but showed
and Altman, if tunnel blockage effect is present above vibrations at higher wind speeds, which may be due to
suggested levels, corrections are required for the results, and Magnus effect; when it spun at high rotational speeds. It can
however the blockage effect of the test setup was well below be seen that for arrangement 1 had an overall coefficient of
the suggested limit. [48] performance of 14.6 %. The highest efficiency achieved was
20% at a TSR of 0.86.
B = AFA/ ATS (1)
Where, AFA and ATS represents rotor’s Frontal and Test B. Combined Savonius Darrieus Wind Turbine:
Section Area in m2, respectively. Arrangement 2
The Power in the wind stream (Pw) was calculated (2) while It was observed that turbines in arrangement 2 had the best
the power of turbine (PT) was calculated by (5) provided start-up characteristics among all the arrangements, self-
below [7]: started at all wind speeds. Additionally, the turbines remained
stable at all wind speeds during operation. It can be seen that
Pw = ρAυ3/2 (2) for arrangement 2 had an overall coefficient of performance
Where, ρ and υ represents Air Density in Kg/m3 and Wind of 8.87 %. The highest efficiency achieved was 10% at a TSR
Velocity in m/s, respectively. of 0.56, 0.62 and 0.40.
The power of the turbine (PT) is calculated using (3) C. Combined Savonius Darrieus Wind Turbine:
Arrangement 3
PT = τω (3)
It was observed that turbines in arrangement 3 had the most
Where, τ and ω represents Torque obtained in Nm and unsatisfactory self-starting characteristics among all the
Angular Velocity of turbine, respectively. [49] arrangements, was only able to start at wind speeds above
The static torque of the turbine is calculated by using (4), a 8m/s. Additionally, the turbines remained highly unstable at
rope brake dynamometer is used for measuring the torques; it all wind speeds during operation. It can be seen that for
exerts a tensioning force on the turbine’s flywheel, which is arrangement 3 had an overall coefficient of performance of
measured as a reaction force (weight) by newton meter 3.62%. The highest efficiency achieved was 5% at a TSR of
coupled to the rope. 0.28.

Wind Performance Parameters

S. Wind Wind Turbine
No Torque COP
Velocity RPM Power Power TSR
(Nm) (η)
(m/s) (watts) (watts)

1 10.38 304 1.76 274.00 56.10 20% 0.86

2 10.13 277 1.64 254.68 47.59 19% 0.80

3 10.52 230 1.46 285.24 35.13 12% 0.64

4 9.35 240 1.28 200.26 32.07 16% 0.75

5 8.29 150 1.16 139.58 18.14 13% 0.53

6 7.66 135 0.85 110.12 12.03 11% 0.52

7 7.12 102 0.91 88.43 9.74 11% 0.42

8 5.54 88 0.67 41.66 6.16 15% 0.47


Wind Performance Parameters Fig. 8. Coefficient of Perrformance of all arrangements against TSR

S. Wind Wind Turbine

No Torque COP
Velocity RPM Power Power TSR
(Nm) (η)
(m/s) (watts) (watts)

1 10.38 1.28 274.00 26.73 10% 0.56

2 10.13 1.16 256.95 22.49 9% 0.58
3 10.52 1.22 285.24 28.51 10% 0.62
4 9.35 1.03 200.26 17.63 9% 0.51
5 8.29 0.91 139.58 12.98 9% 0.48
6 7.66 0.85 110.12 9.98 9% 0.43
7 7.12 0.67 88.43 4.76 5% 0.28

8 5.54 0.55 41.66 4.30 10% 0.40



Fig. 9. Power curve for all Combined Savonius Darrieus arrangements
Wind Performance Parameters
S. The results are represented graphically in Fig. 9. and 10. Fig.
Wind Wind Turbine
No Torque COP 9. shows COP of all arrangements against TSR. Whereas
Velocity RPM Power Power TSR
(Nm) (η)
(m/s) (watts) (watts) Fig. 10 shows the actual developed power by the turbine at
different wind speeds.
1 10.38 100 1.28 274.00 13.36 5% 0.28
2 10.13 91 0.97 256.95 9.27 4% 0.28
A modular Hybrid VAWT test setup was developed to
3 10.52 107 1.03 285.24 11.58 4% 0.30 conduct an experimental study on several arrangements of
4 9.35 80 0.85 200.26 7.13 4% 0.25 combined Savonius Darrieus wind turbine to evaluate their
performance characteristics. It was concluded from the study
5 8.29 65 0.61 139.58 4.14 3% 0.23 that all the arrangements were able to achieve better self-
6 7.66 55 0.49 110.12 2.80 3% 0.21 starting characteristics in comparison to individual Darrieus
wind turbines. It was also observed that arrangement 2 had
7 7.12 42 0.49 88.43 2.14 2% 0.17 operated smoothly and had the best self-starting
8 5.54 39 0.36 41.66 1.49 4% 0.21 characteristics. The arrangement 1 had the highest overall
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