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1.Distinguish between exothermic and endothermic reaction

2.Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen according to the equation below

2N2(g) + 3H2(g) NH3(g) -97kJ
Draw an energy level diagram for the above reaction

3a) State two environmental effects of fuel.

(b) 4 factors that determine choice of fuel

b) The diagram below represents a set up that was used to determine the molar heat of
combustion of ethanol


Metallic container

Tripod stand


During the experiment the data given below was recorded.

Volume of water 450cm3
Initial temperature of water 250c
Final temperature of water 46.50c
Mass of ethanol + lamp before burning 125.5g
Mass of ethanol + lamp after burning 124.0g
i. Heat evolved during the experiment..Density of water =1g/cm 3, specific heat
capacity of water =4.2jg-1k-1)

ii. Molar heat of combustion of ethanol (C=12.0 O=16.0 H=1.0)

c) Write the equation for the complete combustion of ethanol.

d) The value of the molar heat of combustion of ethanol is -1368Kj/mole.

i. State the meaning of the negative sign in the value above.


ii. Why does the value calculated from experimental results differ from this.


4. The set- up below was used to determine the enthalpy change when Zinc reacts with copper
(II)sulphate solution.

(i)Apart from the increase in temperature, state two other observations that were made during
the experiment

(ii)Write the ionic equation for the reaction that took place in the beaker.(1 mark)

(iii) Calculate the number of moles of copper (II) ions present in the solution. (1 marks)

(iv) Given that the temperature change during the experiment was 24.50C, calculate the molar
enthalpy change for the reaction. (S.H.C = 4.2.KjKg-1K-1)

5.In an experiment to determine the molar heat of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with
sodium hydroxide, students of Furaha Secondary school reacted 100cm3 of 1M
hydrochloric acid with 50cm3 of 2M sodium hydroxide solution. They obtained the following

Initial temperature of acid = 25.00C

Initial temperature of base = 25.00C
Highest temperature reached With the acid + alkali mixture = 34.00C

(a) Define the term molar heat of neutralization. ( 1 mark )

(b) Write an ionic equation for the neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid

and sodium hydroxide. ( 1 mark )

(c ) Calculate :
(i) The change in temperature. ( T) ( 1 mark )

(ii) The amount of heat produced during the reaction. ( Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2
kJkg-1k-1 ) ( 2 marks )

(iii) The molar heat of neutralization of sodium hydroxide. ( 2 marks )

(d) Write the thermochemical equation for the reaction. ( 1 mark )

(e) Draw an energy level diagram for the reaction. ( 2 marks)

6. (b) State Hess’s Law. (1mk)


(c) Given the following molar heat of combustion of graphite, hydrogen and anthracene as

ΔHCθ (Graphite) = - 394KJ mol – 1

ΔHCθ (H2 (g) ) = - 286KJmol -1

ΔHCθ ( C14 H10) = - 711.4KJmol -1

(i) Write the equation for formation of anthracene (1mk)


(ii) Draw an energy cycle diagram that links heat of formation of anthracene with
heat of combustion of hydrogen, graphite and anthracene. (2mks)

(iii) Calculate the standard heat of formation of anthracene (2mks)

(d) (i) When excess Iron fillings were added to 25.0cm3 of 0.4M copper (II) sulphate solution,
temperature rose by 15.0oC. Other than rise in temperature state and explain any other
observations made. (1mk)

(ii) Determine the molar heat change.( C= 4.2 J g -1k -1, density of solution = 1 g/cm3)

(iii) Draw an energy level diagram to represent the above reaction (2mks)
7(a) Use the bond energies given in the table below to calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction
C2H6(g) + Br2(g) C2H5Br(g) + HBr(g)

Bond C–H C – Br Br – Br H – Br
Bond energy KJ/mol 413 280 193 365

(c) Butane C4H10 cannot be prepared directly from its elements but its standard heat of formation (ΔH  ),
can be obtained indirectly.The following heats of combustion are given
H C (Carbon) = - 393 kJ/mol
H C (Hydrogen) = - 286 kJ/mol
H C (Butane) = - 2877 kJ/mol

(i) Draw an energy cycle diagram linking the heat of formation of butane with its heat of
combustion and the heat of combustion of its constituents elements. (2mks)

(ii) Calculate the heat of formation of butane ΔH  (C4H10) (2mks)

8.Given that the lattice enthalpy of potassium chloride is + 690 kJ/mol and hydration enthalpies of K + and
Cl- are -322kJ and – 364kJ respectively. Calculate the enthalpy of solution of potassium chloride.(2mks)

9.Use the following thermochemical processes to answer the questions that follow;

C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) Hc = -125kJmol-1

C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) Hc = - 393kJmol-1

H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H2O(l) Hc = -286kJmol-1

i) Draw an energy level diagram representing the formation and combustion processes of
propane, carbon and hydrogen

ii) Hence or otherwise, determine the heat of formation of propane (2mks)

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