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Turnip28 Artillery Rules

These can be used to with one that the opponent and d6 (or d12 if available) to
represent any manner of weird randomly selects (no peeking!) work out the direction.
and wonderful types of long
This final resting point is where
ranged weapons, from actual
the shot lands. Work out any
cannons to esoteric rockets or Shooting
effects detailed on the card
even a giant creature hurling
If an artillery piece is loaded from this Target Point.
(ie, it has an artillery card next
Units that are affected by
Artillery pieces and their crews to it) then it may fire when
artillery shooting may return
are represented as a single given a relevant Activation.
fire in the normal fashion.
large model with the following They may not return fire in
However, they may only do so
Stats: reaction to being fired upon.
after the effects of the artillery
M A Acc Re Artillery effects are detailed on card are worked out.
D6” 3 5+ 4+ their cards, but some of the
shots use a similar method of
When an artillery piece is determining shot placement, Loading
deployed to the battlefield, detailed below:
After shooting, a cannon must
secretly choose an artillery The firer chooses a point receive a load order before it
card to be loaded into the gun within a 45 degree arc to the can fire again. Alternatively,
and place it face down next to front of their artillery piece. they may attempt to quick
the model. The artillery cards Mark this point with a counter. load a shot after making a
are overleaf firing action. Roll a D6. On a
Now reveal the artillery card.
4+, you reload successfully.
Only reveal the card at this
Anything else, your opponent
Activation stage, in case you blundered
picks a random artillery card to
and the opponent randomly
be loaded for your next firing
Artillery reacts differently to selected a new card for you!
action (ie, like the blunder).
some orders, as detailed
below. Now roll for the range of the
shot. The amount of dice
• Volley: May not rolled for the range is shown Artillery in Melee
rotate or move, but on the card. Now measure this
gets a +1 to hit. If an artillery piece passes its
distance from the gun to the
Panic test (and it is loaded) it
target point. If it falls short of
• Advance: Gun may may carry out a firing action. It
the target point, move the
rotate on the spot up must declare a model within
target marker to the distance
to 180 degrees and the charging unit to be the
rolled from the gun. If it
then shoot. target point.
reaches or exceeds the
distance to the target point, Artillery pieces involved in a
• March/Charge: Gun then it strikes the intended melee action will only score a
may move d6" point. hit on a 6.
If the artillery card states that
• Load: Gun may rotate
a shot may scatter, you then
on the spot up to 180 Artillery and Retreating
must make an Acc test, with a
degrees and then
+1 if you made a volley action.
load. Choose a new If an artillery piece is ever
artillery card to place If the Acc test is failed, the forced to Retreat, it is
next to the gun. target point scatters 1d6" per immediately removed from
18" travelled. If you have no play as the crew scatter and
If a loaded artillery piece ever run for their lives.
scatter dice, use the clockray
blunders, remove the artillery
template included opposite
card next to it and replace it
Turnip28 Artillery Rules

Beehive Shot Toad Shot Carcass Shot

Range: 6xD6” May Range: 5xD6” May Range: 6xD6” May

Scatter Scatter Scatter

Any unit that is within d6" of the After working out where the shot Creates a new area of dangerous
Target Point receives D6 -3 panic lands, score a hit on everyone terrain in a 2" radius circle from
tokens and must make an within 2". Now scatter the shot the Target Point. (Does this
immediate Panic test. If failed, again, rolling 2d6 for distance. If disperse on a 5+ each turn? Or
they will Retreat. you roll a 1 on either dice, the stays for the whole game?)
shot comes to a rest and nothing
else happens. Any other result Making a few markers will help.
shows the new landing point for
the shot. Again work out hits in a
2" radius. Continue this until you
roll a 1 on either of the distance
A canister of enraged bees. Some dice. Stuffed with lime, sulphur, pitch
cool story about it. and odd poisonous roots, this shot
bursts on impact and creates
Plus some other ideas about what noxious fumes and gasses,
it could represent. Two mismatched rounds of shot,
treacherous to all who breath it.
connected by a chain.
Or actual body parts.
Or maybe an actual Toad...

An Actual Cannonball Self Destruct! Grape Shot

Range: 8xD6” Will Not Scatter Range: - Will Not Range: 4xD6 Will Not Scatter
Hits everything in a straight line Hits everything in a fat 4" wide
measured from the firing artillery Everyone within 2D6" of the thing that comes out from the
piece to the Target Point. Artillery Piece is takes a hit and barrel. Or use a template?
the Artillery Piece is removed from
Target hit by this must –1 from the game.
their Resilience roll.

How boring. Like a giant blunderbuss.

In desperation or by accident... Spare a leg for the gun!

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