Chemical Bonding - Solution

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Chemical Bonding Practice Assignment

Chemical Bonding


1. Answer (B)
All carbon are sp2 hybridised.
2. Answer (B)
(ii) (F) In general as the number of lone pair of electrons on central atom increases, value of bond angle from
normal bond angle decreases due to lp – lp > lp – bp
(iv) (F) Structures of xenon fluorides and xenon oxy fluoride are explained on the basis of VSEPR theory.
3. Answer (D)
Incorrect overlaps (if internulcear axis = Z):
(ii) 2px + 2px  -bond;
(iii) 3dxy + 3dxy  -bond
(iv) 2s + 2py  No bond formation
4. Answer (B)
* Order of size of hybrid orbitals :- sp < sp2 < sp3
* As the % s character increases, the energy of hybrid orbital decreases
5. Answer (C)
sp3d2 – octahedral geometry
6. Answer (C)
Nodal plane of -bond between C3 and C4 lies in yz-plane formed by sideways overlapping of px-orbitals.
7. Answer (A, B, C)
The orbitals involve in hybridization of C(s) carbon atom are s + px + pz.
8. Answer (A, B, C)

AX2 : SO2  Hyb. of S : sp2; shape : Bent

AY2 : SCl2 O  O  Hyb. of S : sp3; shape : Bent
 >
 Both are planar
9. Answer (A, C)
No. Total no. of Hybridisation Geometry shape
b.p. + l.p.

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Practice Assignment Chemical Bonding

(i) 3+1 sp3 X X Pyramidal

(ii) 2+2 sp3 X  V-shape/bent

(iii) 2+1 sp2 A V-shape/bent

(iv) 2+0 sp Linear
X — A— X

(v) 3+2 sp3d Bent T-shape

(vi) 2+3 sp3d Linear

10. Answer (A, C, D)

(A) pz + py  Non-bonding if internuclear axis is x-axis
(B) py + dxz  Form non-bonding if internuclear axis is x-axis
(C) dxz + dxz  Can form -bond if internuclear axis is y-axis
(D) pz + dxz  Can form -bond, if internuclear axis is x-axis
11. Answer A  (P); B  (S); C  (R); D  (Q, T)
Combining orbitals (Internuclear axis) Type of bond formed
P dyz + py, (z) -bond
Q s + px, (y) Non-bonding
R dyz + dyz, (x) -bond
S s + s, (z) -bond
T s + dxy, (y) Non-bonding
12. Answer (16)
G-1 A(Li), B(Na), C(K), D(Rb), E(Cs)
G-2 F(Be), G(Mg), H(Ca), I(Sr), J(Ba)
G-13 K(B), L(Al), M(Ga), N(ln), O(TI)
G-15 P(N), Q(P), R(As), S(Sb), T(Bi)
G-17 U(F), V(Cl), W(Br), X(I), Y(At)
(i) Tl+ > Ca2+; Polarising power (T)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Chemical Bonding Practice Assignment

(ii) Bi3+ > Sb3+ > As3+; Stability of cation (T)

(iii) F–(aq) > Cl– (aq) > Br– (aq) > I–(aq.); Size (T)
(iv) BaCl2 < SrCl2 < MgCl2 < AlCl3; Covalent nature (T)
(v) MgCO3 > CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3; Thermal stability (F)
(vi) LiCl > NaCl > KCl > RbCl > CsCl; Thermal stability (T)
(vii) K3N > Na3N > Li3N; Lattice energy (F)
(viii) BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 < Bl3; Melting point (T)
 |p – q|2|6 – 2|2 = 16
13. Answer (1)
x = 3, y = 1, z = 3; x + y – z = 3 + 1 – 3 = 1
14. Answer (B)

O  O
x1 = 1.48 Å x2 = 1.22 Å, x1 > x2
O  O

According to Bent’s Rule in O2F2, there is more p-character in O — F bond in comparison to O — H bond
in H2O2; hence s-character in O — O bond is greater in O2F2.

15. Answer (C)

Although both hydration and lattice energies of alkali metal fluorides decrease down the group and hydration
energy dominates over lattice energy, therefore, solubility increases, down the group.

16. Answer (B)

Resonance energy = E0 – E3

17. Answer (B)

Curve -2 represents the most stable state of the system for H2 ion.

18. Answer (D)

 C Hybridisation of carbon : sp3, hence % s-character in C — F bond  25%

F  Non-planar

 Polar

 Hybridisation of carbon : sp2, hence % s-character in C — H bond  33%

H  Planar

 Non-polar

19. Answer (B)

Triplet carbene is more stable than singlet carbene.

20. Answer (C)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Practice Assignment Chemical Bonding

MX2  X2  MX 4 X2 M  Te 

X X X

Te 3 2

 Hybridization of Te : sp d spx py pz d x2  y2 d z2 
X X X

 Axial positions are formed by hybrid orbitals

 All M — X bond lengths are identical.

 

M  Hybridization of Te : sp3d  spx py  pzd
X z2

 All M — X bond lengths are not identical.

21. Answer (C)

a = 1.577Å b = 1.534Å c = 1.612Å d = 1.543Å e = 1.643Å

f = 1.553Å g = 2.19Å h = 2.04Å

F F F Cl
a F c F H3 C e g Cl
F P b H3C P d P F Cl P h
F F H3 C f Cl
F F F Cl

According to Bent’s rule : f > d > b and

h > f as rCl > rF

g > e as rCl > rF

22. Answer (B)

It can be explained on the basis of Bent’s rule. In N2F4, N — N bond has more s-character hence bond length

While in N2H4, N — N bond has less s-character (i.e., more p-character), hence bond length is more

23. Answer (B)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Chemical Bonding Practice Assignment

24. Answer (D)

25. Answer (A)

In case of BF3 hybridisation of central atom does not change due to back bonding
26. Answer (D)
The  bonding molecular orbital does not contain nodal planes containing the internuclear axis.
27. Answer (D)
Species : P2; (B2) Q2: (C2) R2: (N2) S2 : (O2) T2:(F2)
Bond order 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Total No. of 6 8 10 12 14
valence e–s
28. Answer (D)
29. Answer (B)
30. Answer (D)

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Practice Assignment Chemical Bonding

Value of cos
Compound, MXn
( = bond angle between equivalent
type (n = 2 or 3 or 4)
hybrid orbitals)

–0.241  close to sp

Q –0.292  close to sp3

R –0.5 sp2

S –0.325  sp3

–0.469  close to sp


31. Answer (B, D)

X Y
D 0 D 0

X Y
D 0 D 0

32. Answer (9)

n = 1, then X = H; A = N

(i) NH2– (ii) NH3 (iii) NH4

lone pair x = 2, y = 1, z = 0
x3 + y2 + z = (2)3 + (1)2 + (0) = 9
33. Answer (28)

Combining orbitals Type of bond

(Internuclear axis) formed
(i) s  px (x) 
(ii) dxy  dxy (x) 
(iii) dyz  pz (z) non-bonding
(iv) s  s(z) 
(v) dyz  dyz (x) 
(vi) py  py (y) 
(vii) dz2  dz2 (z) 
(viii) dxy  dxy (z) 
(ix) px  px (y) 
(x) s  pz (x) non-bonding

34. Answer (16)


SX2 n1 = 2 m1 = 2

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Chemical Bonding Practice Assignment

PX3 n2 = 3 m2 = 1

SiX4 n3 = 4 m3 = 0

AlX3 n4 = 3 m4 = 0

2 2
2343 12 2
  4  16
2 1 3

35. Answer (03)

P = 3, R = 4, Q = 2

  

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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