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Abegail C.

Hernandez EAPP
Lakambini A.Sitoy


The theme of unspoken affection and the struggle to overcome it is explored in Lakambini A. Sitoy's
short story "Lines," which is known for its use of clear imagery and symbolism to convey the intense
emotions experienced by the Narrator, who is finding it difficult to let go of a relationship that has

The narrative focuses on the Narrator's experiences in a failed love engagement. The narrator compares
the outstanding emotions associated with falling in love to a shouting fire that burns brilliantly and
intensely. The sorrow of losing that love is also felt by the narrator, who compares it to a knife-sharp
pain that pierces through their chest. The narrative comes to a close with the narrator accepting the
breakdown of their relationship and their resolve to go on loving and living without the subject of their

The story's dark poor tone captures the emotions of the narrator. This tone is helped by the use of
strong imagery and symbolism, which highlights how strong the narrator's emotions are. The narrative is
honest and powerful, and the silence enhances the sense of loneliness and loss.

It's interesting how the author uses fire and knives as symbols in her story. Knives stand in for the pain
of losing that love, while fire symbolizes how intense the narrator's sentiments of love are. In order to
illustrate the narrator's troubles with love that is not reciprocated and the pain of ending a relationship,
these symbols have a strong emotional impact on the reader.

"Lines" is a promoting investigation of the themes of love that is not reciprocated and the effort to get
over it. The narrative provokes a deep emotional response in the reader and captures the intensity of
the narrator's feelings through the use of rich imagery and symbolism. Anyone who has felt the pain of
losing a love or is looking for understanding of the human experience of love and loss should read the

Filipino author, educator, and social activist Lakambini A. Sitoy lived from 1934 until 2006. When
Ferdinand Marcos was in the presidency of the Philippines in 1989, "Lines" was released. The story's
themes of love affair and sadness may be read through the eyes of a period and place with significant
political and social conflicts.

The 1980s experienced political repression and protests in the Philippines. Many authors and artists
were banished or imprisoned for their political opinions under the Marcos dictatorship, which violently
restricted freedom of expression and disagreement. Despite this, works of literature and art that
frequently explore themes of love, sorrow, and identity evolved as means of resistance and evaluation.

"LINES" is the narrative of a mysterious Narrator who is having a hard time moving on after a failed
relationship. The narrator considers the outstanding emotions of falling in love and compares it to a
raging fire that burns brilliantly and passionately. They also consider the pain of losing that love, which
they compare to a knife-sharp ache that pierces through their chest. The loss of love is compared to an
illness by contrasting the narrator's feelings with the physical discomfort of a medical treatmen

The title "lines" that link the Narrator's life together are an analogy for the memories of their former
relationship, which make it more difficult for the Narrator to go on. These recollections, which are both
joyful and tragic, make you desire for the past. The narrator's acceptance of their fate and their will to
continue living and loving despite losing the subject of their affection signal the conclusion of the
narrative and reflect a form of acceptance and progress beyond the misery of loss.

Understanding the topics and importance of "LINES" requires knowledge of its setting. Because of
elections and dictatorship at the time the narrative is set, the narrator may have felt a sense of loss and
loneliness. In the framework of Philippine literature and history, the themes of love, loss, and identity
are equally important. During the dictatorship of Marcos

The material circumstances that influence a writer's experience as well as the processes in which
literature is produced and distributed in a capitalist society are the main topics of the Marxist approach
to literature. In this analysis, we'll look at how Lakambini A. Sitoy's short tale "Lines" represents the
social and political environment in the Philippines during the 1980s.

Under the US-backed Marcos dictatorship, the Philippines witnessed political persecution and civil
unrest in the 1980s. A number of economic changes were carried out by the Marcos administration,
which declined working-class conditions and increased unemployment and poverty. These decisions
helped to create a middle class that was expanding while the working class was decreasing, which
increased class conflict and political discontent.

The unknown narrator of "Lines" describes how difficult it is to move on from a failed relationship.
Marxists must examine the story's historical setting in addition to its contents. The 1980s' political and
economic climate as well as class conflicts are reflected in the story. Tension exists between the narrator
and the subject of their dedication, and the narrator has a strong desire to maintain this connection. The
desire is not only personal is also political since it represents the narrator's uncertain status as a
working-class person in a society where a select few people have the majority of the economic and
political power.

The Narrator's feelings of loss, resentment, and isolation are exacerbated by their class position and the
social and economic forces that have shaped their life. These feelings are mirrored in the story's
language and imagery, which are filled with pain, loss, and desire.

Marxism acknowledges both the purpose of the writer and the manner in which they are influenced by
the material circumstances of their society. The author of "Lines," Lakambini A. Sitoy, was a vocal
opponent of the Marcos regime. She frequently addressed the themes of love, sadness, and identity in
her art, which frequently reflected the political and social concerns facing the Philippines in the 1980s.

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