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Suraasa Handout Generator The French Revolution: Causes, Course, and Impact

The French Revolution: Causes, Course, and Impact

the french revolution

Country Class/Grade Curriculum Subject Duration

india 9 cbse history 1 hour

Bloom's Taxonomy Levels

Application, Creativity, Understanding, Analysis

The French Revolution: Causes, Course, and Impact

Created by Virender Singh

Causes of the French Revolution

• Social Inequality

The French society was divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.
The first two estates enjoyed privileges and exemptions, while the commoners bore the burden
of taxes and had limited rights.
• Economic Crisis

France was facing a severe economic crisis due to high taxes, poor harvests, and a growing
population. The gap between the rich and the poor widened, leading to widespread discontent.

• Political Grievances

The French monarchy was an absolute monarchy, with the king holding absolute power. The
people had no say in the government and were subject to arbitrary laws and punishments.

Course of the Revolution

• Storming of the Bastille 718394

A mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille prison, a symbol of royal authority, marking the
beginning of the revolution.

• Reign of Terror 7189ND189M4

A period of intense violence and political instability, during which thousands of people were
executed, including King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

• Rise of zapoleon Bonaparte 718994

A brilliant military leader who seized power in a coup and established the French Consulate,
bringing stability and order to the country.

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Suraasa Handout Generator The French Revolution: Causes, Course, and Impact

Impact of the Revolution

• Spread of Revolutionary Ideas

The revolution inspired other revolutions in Europe and around the world, promoting ideas of
liberty, equality, and fraternity.

• Abolition of Feudalism

The revolution abolished the feudal system and introduced a more egalitarian society, where
all citizens were equal before the law.

• Leclaration of the Rights of xan and of the Citi en

The revolution produced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which
enshrined fundamental rights and freedoms for all citizens.

Perspectives on the Revolution

• Conservative Perspective

Views the revolution as a violent and destructive event that undermined traditional values and

• iberal Perspective
Sees the revolution as a necessary step towards progress and the establishment of a more
just and equitable society.

• xar ist Perspective

Analyzes the revolution as a class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, leading
to the rise of capitalism.

Additional zotes

• Remember, history is not just about memorizing dates and events. It's about understanding
the causes, consequences, and different perspectives on past events to gain insights into the
present and future.

• Keep Exploring: Visit historical sites, read books, and engage in discussions to deepen your
understanding of the French Revolution and its impact on the world.

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