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Suraasa Handout Generator India: Size and Location

India: Size and Location
india- size and its location
Country Class/Grade Curriculum Subject Duration
india 9 cbse geography 1 hour

Bloom's Taxonomy Levels

Understanding, Analysis, Creativity, Application

India: Size and Location

Created by Virender Singh

India's Geographical Size

• India is the seventh-largest country in the world, with an area of 3.28 million square kilometers.

• It stretches over 3,214 kilometers from north to south and 2,933 kilometers from east to west.

• India's size gives it a diverse range of landscapes, from the snow-capped Himalayas to the
tropical rainforests of the south.

India's Geographical Location

• India is located in South Asia, bordered by the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arabian Sea to
the west, and the Bay of Bengal to the east.

• It shares land borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

• India's strategic location has played a significant role in its history, culture, and economy.

Factors Influencing India's Size and Location

• India's size is a result of its geological history, including the collision of the Indian and Eurasian

• Its location is influenced by its position on the Indian subcontinent and its proximity to the

• The country's size and location have had a profound impact on its climate, vegetation, and
natural resources.

Importance of India's Size and Location

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Suraasa Handout Generator India: Size and Location

• India's size gives it a large domestic market and a diverse workforce.

• Its location makes it a key player in regional and global trade.

• Understanding India's size and location is crucial for comprehending its geopolitical
significance and its role in the world.

Practice Problems

• Calculate the area of India in square miles.

• Identify the neighboring countries of India.

• Explain how India's location has influenced its climate.

Additional Notes

• Remember, India's size and location are key factors that have shaped its history, culture, and

• Explore different regions of India to gain a deeper understanding of its diverse geography.

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