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Unit- 1: Entrepreneurship • Concept, Meaning and Definitions of Entrepreneurship • Nature and Importance
of Entrepreneurship • Significance of Entrepreneurship • Essential skills of Entrepreneurship • Teachers as
facilitators of learning: Mentorship Programs • Continuing Professional Development: Engaging the Local
Enterprise, Community, role of the school and local community

UNIT I - Entrepreneurship:
The term Entrepreneur is a relatively new term and concept used in economic sphere. Because of increasing
relevance in economic sphere over the period, it has become the buzzword in the economic literature.
However, it has been defined differently by different writers and thinkers.
Entrepreneurships can be described as a creative and innovative response to the environment and the process
of giving birth to a new enterprise. Such response can take place in any field of social Endeavour, business,
agriculture, education, social work etc.
Entrepreneurship is the attempt to create value through recognition of business opportunity, the management
of risk taking, and through the communicative and management skills to mobilize human, financial and
material resources.
What is an 'Entrepreneur'?
An entrepreneur is an individual who, rather than working as an employee, founds and runs a business,
assuming all the risks and rewards of the venture. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a
source of new ideas, goods, services and business or procedures.

The word entrepreneur has been taken from the French Language
entreprendre meaning ‘to do something or to undertake’.
A person who sets up a business or businesses taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

What is an Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying opportunities in the market place, arranging resources required
to exploit the opportunities for long term gains. It is creating wealth by bringing together resources in new
way to start and operate and enterprise. It is process of planning, organizing, operating and assuming the risk
of the business venture. It is the ability to take risk independently to make more earnings in the market-
oriented economy. The capacity and willingness to develop organize and manage a business venture along
with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of
new businesses.
In economics, entrepreneurship combined with land, labor, natural resources and capital can produce profit.
Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's
ability to succeed in an ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Entrepreneurship is a process of actions of an entrepreneur who is a person always in search of something new
and exploits such ideas into gainful opportunities by accepting the risk and uncertainty with the enterprise. It
is the process of starting a business, a startup company or other organization. The entrepreneur develops a
business plan, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or
failure. Entrepreneurship operates within an entrepreneurship ecosystem.
The term “entrepreneurship” refers to the functions performed by an entrepreneur. It is the process involving
various actions to be undertaken by the entrepreneur in establishing a new enterprise. In fact, what an
entrepreneur does is regarded as entrepreneurship.
Thus, entrepreneurship can be viewed as a function of:
Identifying and using the opportunities exist in the market;
Converting the ideas into action;
Undertaking promotional activities to launch an enterprise;
Striving for excellence in his/her field of work;
Bearing the risk and uncertainties involved, and

Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur

The word ‘Entrepreneurship’ is very often confused with the word ‘Entrepreneur’. They look alike but carry
different meanings. Entrepreneurship is nothing but all those activities which are to be undertaken by an
entrepreneur. The prevailing socio, political and economic activities act as a propelling force for the aspiring
personalities to become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship development is the outcome of the entrepreneurs. In
other words, the entrepreneurs give birth to entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is an activity whereas an entrepreneur is an individual. Entrepreneurship is the process via
which businesses are created to provide for society’s needs in a valuable manner, both in terms of
product/service creation & employment generation. An entrepreneur is the person who’s vision creates the
business. He brings together the necessary resources and people to enable entrepreneurship.
Therefore, the entrepreneurship development is due to the innovative thoughts and actions of the
entrepreneurs. Thus, the term entrepreneur and entrepreneurship are different and complementary with each

Definitions Peter Drucker

According to management Guru, Peter Drucker entrepreneurship is the function of procuring and using
resources. While in managerial role the resources are allocated to solve the problems, in entrepreneurial role
these resources are allocated to the opportunities.
In his words, entrepreneurship is about searching for change and responding to change by exploiting it as an
opportunity. Entrepreneurship means application of innovation and creativity to find or create a resource and
endowing economic value to it.
Adam Smith
The father of political economy, Adam Smith equates entrepreneurship with industrial activity. According to
Adam Smith, entrepreneurship is about establishing an organization for commercial purpose. It involves
supplying of capital and managing the business by intervening between labor and consumer. Entrepreneurship
requires unusual foresight to recognize potential demand of goods and services and brings a change by
transforming demand into supply, thereby requiring a high level of art and personal skill. All this carries an
inherent economic risk.
Joseph Schumpeter
According to Schumpeter, an entrepreneur is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a
successful innovation. ... The idea that entrepreneurship leads to economic growth is an interpretation of the
residual in endogenous growth theory and as such continues to be debated in academic economics.

Other definitions
According to A. H. Cole, ―Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or a group of
associated individual, undertaken to initiate, maintain or aggrandize profit by production or distribution of
economic goods and services‖.
According to J.A. Timmons, ―Entrepreneurship is the ability to create and build something from practically
According to Musselman and Jackson, ―Entrepreneurship is the investing and risking of time, money and
effort to start a business and make it successful‖.

Various Concepts or View Points About Entrepreneurship

The concept of entrepreneurship has become broad and dynamic. The sociologists, economists, managers and
businessmen observe entrepreneurship from different points of view. These are as follows:
Risk Bearing Capacity: As viewed by economists, entrepreneurship involves taking of risks and making the
necessary investments under conditions of uncertainty. It is selling goods at uncertain price in changing
market. It is the ability of bearing various non insurable risks of business.
A Functions of Co-ordination of Productive Resources: According to some Experts, entrepreneurship is the
ability to discover an investment opportunity and to co-ordinate the productive resources to organize an
Managerial Skill: J. S. Mill says, ―It is the ability of superintendence, direction and control. It is the ability
to implement and manage a project to make profits from the successful management of the enterprise. It is the
ability to use resources in a creative and productive way. It is the ability to build team work as a team.
Introduction of Innovations: According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative
response to the environment. It is introducing new combinations of means of production such as new products,
new designs, new quality, new methods of
production, opening of new market, finding new source of supply of raw materials or introducing new forms
of organisation and management. Schumpeter says, Entrepreneurship is an innovative function. It is a
leadership rather than ownership. Peter F. Drucker writes as “Maximization of opportunities is meaningful in
business, indeed a precise definition of the entrepreneurship job’.
Group level Reactiveness: Sociologists regard entrepreneurship as a tendency of Reactiveness against the
traditional values. It is the work and movement of
―activist groups‖ to bring cultural changes at the community level.
Institutional Building Leadership: According to this view entrepreneurship is a trait of dynamic leadership.
It builds institution. It is creativity in business. It is the ability to build a great business through excellence and
leadership. Ted Nicholas says, ―It is building top performance through trust and team work. Joseph
Sugarman writes, ―The entrepreneur is truly the real hero in today‘s society. From innovation to job creation,
entrepreneurs have done more to shape the success of a country. And in my judgment the key reason in
entrepreneurial leadership. An entrepreneur is more a true leader and less manager. ―He by nature is a
visionary who builds an institution and nation.
Ability of High Achievement: According to Mc Clelland, the entrepreneurship is the ability to achieve
something high. It is the urge to satisfy achievement and power needs. He thrives on Challenges. He prepares
strategies. He solves unstructured problems. He wants to exercise influence, control and domination.
Composite Skill: Entrepreneurship is the composite skill. It is the resultant of a mix of many qualities and
traits. It involves vision and imagination, readiness to take risk, ability to bring together and put to creative use
the factors of production, and ability to innovate, lead, manage and achieve high. It is the ability to mobilize
resources, to create change and to build the enterprise and society.
Need and Scope of Entrepreneurship Development
The entrepreneurs are considered change agents in the process of industrial and economic development of an
economy. The premium mobile role that entrepreneurs play in promoting industrial and economic
development of an economy is well adduced across the countries. In a sense, entrepreneurs are the spark plug
who transform the economic scene of an economy. For example, Japan and United States are developed
because of their entrepreneurial development and Bangladesh and Nepal are underdeveloped because
of lack of their entrepreneurial development. Within India itself, Gujarat and Punjab are developed because
of their entrepreneurial development and Bihar and Odisha are backward or underdeveloped because of the
lack of entrepreneurial development. Thus, with entrepreneurs societies prosper, without them they are poorer.
Also, if we see the major causes of unemployment we will find the lack of employment opportunities, skill
crisis, high growth of population, slow growth of industrialization, seasonality of agricultural and allied
sectors at the top. The rate of unemployment has grown faster for people with little or no education than for
those with some education. The Government has been unable to provide enough job opportunities to all the
unemployed and at the same time the unemployed youth population has been increasing day by day. At all
levels, unemployment rates are higher in rural than urban areas and the rate of female unemployment
exceeded the rate of male unemployment.
In such scenario, there is a need for entrepreneurship in our country. India needs job makers instead of job
seekers. Instead of looking for jobs, youth can try to find new opportunities where they can start their own
enterprises with their new ideas. It can be a probable solution for our unemployment problem by creating
employment for one’s own self and others. An entrepreneur is a person who collaborates all resources, takes
the initiative to start something new, takes risks, provides employment to many and fills the gaps (provides
solution for people’s problems in the form of goods or services) to make lives easier. In short, an entrepreneur
helps a country in its overall economic development. In such a situation promotion of entrepreneurship is very
much needed in the country like India. Again, as India’s a greater part of population is young, it has potential
for demographic dividend, which occurs when the proportion of working people in the entire population is
more than the the county’s economic development. If more young people choose to become entrepreneurs,
then the problem of unemployment can be reduced to a large extent.

Thus, the needs for the entrepreneur are listed below:

Entrepreneurs promote capital formation by mobilizing the idle saving of the people.
They create immediate and largescale employment by establishing small scale enterprises.
Thus reduce the unemployment problem in the country ie., the root cause of all socio-
economic problems.
They promote balanced regional development by establishing, small-scale enterprises in
rural, remote and less developed regions.
They help reduce the concentration of economic power.
They promote the equitable redistribution of wealth, income and even political power in
the interest of the country.
They encourage effective resource mobilization of capital and skill which might otherwise
remain unutilized and idle.
They, by establishing industries, induce backward and forward linkages which stimulate
the process of economic development in the country.
Last but no means the least; they also promote country’s export business,
i.e., an important ingredient to economic development.

Entrepreneurship is of immense significance for both economic and social development, driving innovation,
creating jobs, and fostering economic growth. Its significance lies in several key aspects:

Innovation and Creativity: Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind innovation. They identify new
opportunities, develop novel solutions to existing problems, and introduce disruptive technologies and
business models. This innovation leads to the creation of new products, services, and industries, thereby
advancing society as a whole.

Job Creation: Entrepreneurial ventures are major contributors to job creation. Small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), often founded by entrepreneurs, are significant employers in many economies. By starting
new businesses or expanding existing ones, entrepreneurs generate employment opportunities, reducing
unemployment rates and stimulating economic activity.

Economic Growth: Entrepreneurship fuels economic growth by fostering competition, increasing productivity,
and stimulating investment. Successful entrepreneurial ventures contribute to GDP growth, enhance economic
resilience, and attract investment from both domestic and foreign sources. They also encourage the
development of supporting industries and infrastructure.

Wealth Creation: Entrepreneurs have the potential to create substantial wealth for themselves and society at
large. Successful ventures generate profits, increase the tax base, and contribute to higher living standards.
Moreover, entrepreneurship enables wealth distribution by providing opportunities for upward social mobility
and reducing income inequality.

Social Impact: Beyond economic outcomes, entrepreneurship can have significant social impact.
Entrepreneurs often address societal challenges by developing solutions in areas such as healthcare, education,
environmental sustainability, and poverty alleviation. Social entrepreneurs, in particular, focus on creating
positive change by tackling pressing social issues.

Cultural and Technological Development: Entrepreneurship drives cultural and technological advancement by
promoting diversity of ideas, encouraging experimentation, and facilitating knowledge exchange.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems nurture collaboration among individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a
culture of learning and innovation.

The nature of entrepreneurship encompasses various characteristics and attributes:

Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated risks, often investing their time, money, and
resources into ventures with uncertain outcomes. They embrace ambiguity and uncertainty, viewing
challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurship thrives on creativity and innovation. Entrepreneurs identify
market gaps, develop unique value propositions, and pioneer new approaches to solving problems. They
constantly seek to disrupt existing markets and challenge the status quo.

Vision and Leadership: Successful entrepreneurs possess a clear vision of their goals and objectives. They
inspire and motivate others to share their vision, demonstrating strong leadership skills and the ability to
articulate and communicate their ideas effectively.

Adaptability and Resilience: Entrepreneurship is characterized by adaptability and resilience in the face of
setbacks and challenges. Entrepreneurs must be flexible and agile, able to pivot their strategies and business
models in response to changing market dynamics and unforeseen circumstances.

Persistence and Determination: Building a successful venture requires persistence and determination.
Entrepreneurs must overcome obstacles, persevere through failures, and remain committed to their goals even
in the face of adversity.

Networking and Collaboration: Entrepreneurial success often depends on the ability to build and leverage
networks of relationships. Entrepreneurs engage with mentors, advisors, investors, and other stakeholders,
recognizing the importance of collaboration and strategic partnerships.

In essence, entrepreneurship is a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that drives economic growth, fosters
innovation, and creates value for individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

The importance of teaching entrepreneurship in schools

The importance of teaching entrepreneurship in schools cannot be overstated. Entrepreneurship education
helps students develop a range of skills and competencies that are valuable in both their personal and
professional lives. It teaches them how to think creatively and critically, how to identify and solve problems,
and how to take calculated risks. It also helps students develop a growth mindset, which is the belief that they
can improve and succeed through hard work, effort and learning. In addition, an education that focuses on
building entrepreneurship skills can help students learn to be resilient and adaptable and can provide them
with the knowledge and skills they need to start and grow their own businesses.

Helps succeed in careers and industries

One of the key benefits of including entrepreneurship skills in education is that it helps students develop the
foundation they need to succeed in an increasingly global and dynamic economy. In today’s world, change is
the only constant, and traditional jobs and career paths are no longer guaranteed. This type of innovative
education teaches students how to think outside the box and to create value in new and innovative ways. It
also helps students develop the skills they need to be flexible and" Helps succeed in careers and industries

One of the key benefits of including entrepreneurship skills in education is that it helps students develop the
foundation they need to succeed in an increasingly global and dynamic economy. In today’s world, change is
the only constant, and traditional jobs and career paths are no longer guaranteed. This type of innovative
education teaches students how to think outside the box and to create value in new and innovative ways. It also
helps students develop the skills they need to be flexible and adaptable, so they can succeed in a wide range of
careers and industries.
Students can take greater risk in life

Entrepreneurship education fosters a growth mindset which makes them resilient and view failures as challenges
rather than obstacles. On the other hand, a fixed mindset leads students to believe that one’s abilities and
intelligence are fixed and cannot be changed. Research has shown that individuals with a holistic outlook are
more likely to be successful and to achieve their goals, because they are more open to learning, be tougher in
the face of challenges, and more willing to take risks. These skill sets help students with valuable knowledge
by encouraging them to learn from their mistakes, and to persevere in the face of challenges.
Developing aptitude to be effective leaders

In addition to these personal benefits, entrepreneurship education also has the potential to benefit society as a
whole. Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind economic growth and innovation, and by teaching
entrepreneurship in schools, we can help foster a more entrepreneurial and transforming society. Students can
also develop the much-needed expertise they need to start their own firms, and this can stimulate economic
growth. It can also help students develop the aptitude they need to be effective leaders and innovators in a
wide range of organizations.

Being responsible and ethical citizens

Furthermore, entrepreneurship education can help students become responsible and ethical citizens along with
emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability.
It teaches students how to identify and solve problems in their communities, and how to create value for all
stakeholders. This is particularly important in today’s world, where there are many pressing social and
environmental challenges that need to be addressed and to make a positive difference in the world.
In conclusion, providing an education that includes entrepreneurship in the curriculum cannot be overlooked.
Focusing on an environment in schools that helps students develop a wide range of valuable skills and
competencies can benefit them personally, professionally, and socially. As a nation of innovators, we need to
embrace this potential to benefit society as a whole, by fostering economic growth, innovation, and responsible
citizenship. For these reasons, entrepreneurship education should be an integral part of the school curriculum.
The overall vision of entrepreneurship training should be to equip students to handle diverse and multiple
settings to ensure that they develop into versatile and holistic personalities, good relations with public
authorities and with society.

Characteristics of Entrepreneurship:
The characteristics of Entrepreneurship are as follows:
Economic and dynamic activity:
Entrepreneurship is an economic activity because it involves the creation and operation of an
enterprise with a view to creating value or wealth by ensuring optimum utilization of scarce resources. Since
this value creation activity is performed continuously in the midst of uncertain business environment,
therefore, entrepreneurship is regarded as a dynamic force.
Related to innovation:
Entrepreneurship involves a continuous search for new ideas. Entrepreneurship compels an individual to
continuously evaluate the existing modes of business operations so that more efficient and effective systems
can be evolved and adopted. In other words, entrepreneurship is a continuous effort for synergy (optimization
of performance) in organizations.
Profit Potential
Profit potential is the likely level of return or compensation to the entrepreneur for taking on the risk of
developing an idea into an actual business venture.
Without Profit potential, the efforts of entrepreneurs would remain only an abstract and a theoretical leisure
Risk Bearing:

The essence of entrepreneurship is the willingness to assume risk arising out of the creation and
implementation of new ideas. New ideas are always tentative and their results may not be instantaneous
and positive. An entrepreneur has to have patience to see his efforts bear fruit. In the intervening period (time
gap between the conception and implementation of an idea and its results), an entrepreneur has to assume risk.
If an entrepreneur does not have the willingness to assume risk, entrepreneurship would never succeed.
Self –belief, Hard work and Dedication:
Entrepreneurs believe in themselves and are confident and dedicated to their project. Their intense focus on
and faith in their idea may be misconstrued as stubbornness, but it is this willingness to work hard and defy
the odds that make them successful.
Adaptable and Flexible:
Being passionate and dedicated is important, but being inflexible about client or market needs will lead to
failure. Remember, an entrepreneurial venture is not simply about doing what you believe is good, but also
making a successful business out of it. Successful entrepreneurs welcome all suggestions for optimization or
customization that may enhance their offering and satisfy client and market needs.
Product and market Knowledge:
Entrepreneurs know their product inside and out. They also know the market. Most become successful
because they create something that didn't already exist or they significantly improve an existing product after
experiencing frustration with the way it worked. Remaining unaware of changing market needs, competitor
moves and other external factors can cause even great products to fail.
Strong Money Management:
It takes time for any entrepreneurial venture to become profitable. Until then, Capital is limited and
needs to be utilized wisely. Successful entrepreneurs plan for present and future financial obligations and set
aside an emergency fund. Even after securing funding or going fully operational, a successful businessperson
keeps a complete handle on cashflow, as it is the most important aspect of any business.
Effective Planning Skills:
Entrepreneurship is about building a business from scratch while managing limited resources (including
time, money and personal relationships), which requires planning. However, trying to plan for everything and
having a ready solution in place for all possible issues may prevent you from ever taking the first step.
Successful entrepreneurs have a business plan in place, but remain capable of dealing with unforeseen

Creative Activity:
Entrepreneurship involves exploring new opportunities. It creates new jobs, new tasks and new ventures in the
society. It creates new economic values. It creates wealth and capital in the country.
Business-Oriented Tendency:
It reflects the business and enterprising nature of person. It encourages people to start
business, to imagine new ventures and to set up units of production. It promotes business and
industries in the society.
Organizing Function:
It is the ability to bring together productive resources of society. Entrepreneur harnesses land, labour, capital,
technology, knowledge and managerial talents for the benefit of mankind. He is an organization builder.
He co-ordinates and controls the productive energies of people.
Gap-Filling Function:
Entrepreneurship bridges the gap between the human wants and the available products.
An entrepreneur determines the needs of people and combines resources to produce goods of requirements.
Result of changes:

Entrepreneurship is not an economic event. But it grows out of social, Political, Technological or scientific
changes taking place in the society. Peter Drucker Writes, “The emergence of the entrepreneurial economy is
as much a cultural and psychological as it is an economic or technological event.”
Creation of Resources:
It is the entrepreneurship which transform raw materials into productive resource. It adds economic value and
wealth creating capacity to resources. Drucker says, until entrepreneurial act, every plant is a weed and every
mineral just another rock. Entrepreneurship is a process of creating wealth and utility.

Importance of Entrepreneurship to the nation:

The entrepreneur who is a business leader looks for ideas and puts them into effect in fostering economic
growth and development. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important input in the economic development of
a country. Economic development of a country is the outcome of purposeful human activity. The modern era
is an era of changes. The globalization of industry and commerce is bringing a vast change in various aspects
of life. The entrepreneur acts as a trigger head to give spark to economic activities by his entrepreneurial
decisions. He plays a pivotal role not only in the development of industrial sector of a country but also in the
development of farm and service sector.
A developing country needs entrepreneurs who are competent to perceive new opportunities and are willing to
incur the necessary risk in exploiting them. A developing economy is required to be brought out of the vicious
circle of low income and poverty. Entrepreneur can break this vicious circle. Entrepreneurs and helping
government can change a developing economy in developed economy. The various important roles of
entrepreneurship to the nation are:

Wealth Creation and Sharing: By establishing the business entity, entrepreneurs invest their own resources
and attract capital (in the form of debt, equity, etc.) from investors, lenders and the public. This mobilizes
public wealth and allows people to benefit from the success of entrepreneurs and growing businesses. This
kind of pooled capital that results in wealth creation and distribution is one of the basic imperatives and goals
of economic development.

Create Jobs: Entrepreneurs are by nature and definition job creators, as opposed to job seekers. The simple
translation is that when you become an entrepreneur, there is one less job seeker in the economy, and then you
provide employment for multiple other job seekers. This kind of job creation by new and existing businesses is
again is one of the basic goals of economic development. This is why the Govt. of India has launched
initiatives such as Startup India to promote and support new startups, and also others like the Make in India
initiative to attract foreign companies and their FDI into the Indian economy. All this in turn creates a lot of
job opportunities, and is helping in augmenting our standards to a global level.

Balanced Regional Development: Entrepreneurs setting up new businesses and industrial units help with
regional development by locating in less developed and backward areas. The growth of industries and business
in these areas leads to infrastructure improvements like better roads and rail links, airports, stable electricity
and water supply, schools, hospitals, shopping malls and other public and private services that would not
otherwise be available. Every new business that locates in a less developed area will create both direct
and indirect jobs, helping lift regional economies in many different ways. The combined spending by all the
new employees of the new businesses and the supporting jobs in other businesses adds to the local and
regional economic output. Both central and state governments promote this kind of regional development by
providing registered MSME businesses various benefits and concessions.

GDP and Per Capita Income: India’s MSME sector, comprised of 36 million units that provide employment
for more than 80 million people, now accounts for over 37% of the country’s GDP. Each new addition to these
36 million units makes use of even more resources like land, labor and capital to develop products and
services that add to the national income, national product and per capita income of the country. This growth in
GDP and per capita income is again one of the essential goals of economic development.

Standard of Living: Increase in the standard of living of people in a community is yet another key goal of
economic development. Entrepreneurs again play a key role in increasing the standard of living in a
community. They do this not just by creating jobs, but also by developing and adopting innovations that lead
to improvements in the quality of life of their employees, customers, and other stakeholders in the community.
For example, automation that reduces production costs and enables faster production will make a business unit
more productive, while also providing its customers with the same goods at lower prices.

Exports: Any growing business will eventually want to get started with exports to expand their business to
foreign markets. This is an important ingredient of economic development since it provides access to bigger
markets, and leads to currency inflows and access to the latest cutting-edge technologies and processes being
used in more developed foreign markets. Another key benefit is that this expansion that leads to more stable
business revenue during economic downturns in the local economy.

Community Development: Economic development doesn‘t always translate into community development.
Community development requires infrastructure for education and training, healthcare, and other public
services. For example, you need highly educated and skilled workers in a community to attract new
businesses. If there are educational institutions, technical training schools and internship opportunities, that
will help build the pool of educated and skilled workers.
A good example of how this kind of community development can be promoted is Azim Hashim Premji,
Chairman of Wipro Limited, who donated Rs. 27,514 crores for promoting education through the Azim
Premji Foundation. This foundation works with more than 350,000 schools in eight states across India.

Innovations in Enterprises: Business enterprises need to be innovative for survival and better performance.
It is believed that smaller firms have a relatively higher necessity and capability to innovate. The smaller firms
do not face the constraints imposed by large investment in existing technology. Thus, they are both free and
compelled to innovate.
Entrepreneurship development is accelerating the pace of small firm’s growth in India. An increased number
of small firms are expected to result in more innovations and make the Indian industry compete in the
international market.

Self-Reliance: Entrepreneurs are the corner stores of national self-reliance. They help to manufacture
indigenous substitutes to imported products which reduce the dependence on foreign countries. There is also a
possibility of exporting goods and services to earn foreign exchange for the country. Hence, the import
substitution and export promotion ensure economic independence and the country becomes self-reliance.

Promotes Capital Formation

Entrepreneurs mobilize the idle funds which lead to capital formation. The funds which are used by
entrepreneurs is a mix of their own and borrowed. This leads to creation of wealth which is very essential for
development of an economy.

Small Business Plan Dynamism

Great dynamism is one of the qualities of the small and medium enterprises. This quality of dynamism
originates in the inherent nature of the small business. The structure of small and medium enterprises is less
complex than that of large enterprises and therefore facilitates quicker and smoother communication and
decision- making. This allows for the greater flexibility and mobility of small business management. Also,
small enterprises, more often make it possible for owners, who have a stronger entrepreneurial spirit than
employed mangers, to undertake risk and challenges.

Mobilization of Local Resources

Entrepreneurs help to mobilize and utilize local resources like small savings and talents of relatives and
friends, which might otherwise remain idle and unutilized. Thus’ they help in effective utilization of

Economic Integration
Entrepreneur reduces the concentration of power in a few hands by creating employment opportunities and
through equitable distribution of income. Entrepreneurs promote economic integration in the country by
adopting certain economic policies and laws framed by the government. They help in removing the disparity
between the rich and the poor by adopting the rules and regulation framed by the government for the effective
functioning of business in the country.

Inflow of Foreign Capital

Entrepreneurs help to attract funds from individuals and institutions residing in foreign countries for their

Facilitates Overall Development:

Entrepreneurs act as catalytic agent for change which results in chain reaction. Once an enterprise is
established, the process of industrialization is set in motion. This unit will generate demand for various types
of units required by it and there will be so many other units which require the output of this unit. This leads to
overall development of an area due to increase in demand and setting up of more and more units. In
this way, the entrepreneurs multiply their entrepreneurial activities, thus creating an environment of
enthusiasm and conveying an impetus for overall development of the area.

Scope of Entrepreneurship in India

Scope for Entrepreneurs are huge in India in coming days. Our economy is growing at a faster rate our GDP is
also good. Beside this we have a huge potential in term of younger generation who are thinking out of box.
Gone are days when we were graduating to get jobs, now we are creating jobs. Also, there are ample
opportunities in small businesses in India and such opportunities will transform India in the coming future. For
such transformation to happen there needs to be support both at the governmental and societal level. For
the government it is important to realize that the goal of small business owners will be to remain self-
employed. Such people may not need financial assistance but they will need marketing and legal assistance in
order to sustain themselves. Practical and cost- effective programs need to be developed to address their needs
because self- employed people will represent an important segment in economic revitalization. Efforts have
been made for the success of new ventures not only by policy-makers or government bodies but also by
entrepreneurs themselves. Only then will our country be able to reap the fruits of entrepreneurship.
Thus, there is a growth in the number of individuals opting for entrepreneurship as a career. In the coming
years entrepreneurship will be seen as major source in developing the economy. Our central govt as well as
state government are encouraging people to do startups because, it not only, help in development of the
economy but also bring foreign currencies to the nation. Our govt is also providing skill development courses
through which we can know what entrepreneurship is all about. Definitely, startups are the future of our
country. Some steps taken by our country are Start up India, Skill India, Development of MSME sector etc.
Thus, Entrepreneurship development is the key factor to fight against unemployment, poverty and to prepare
ourselves for globalization in order to achieve overall Indian economic progress.


Entrepreneurship requires a diverse set of skills that enable individuals to identify

opportunities, innovate, navigate challenges, and build successful ventures. These essential
skills can be categorized into several key areas:

Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurs need to think creatively and innovatively to identify
new opportunities, develop unique value propositions, and differentiate their ventures from
competitors. This involves generating and evaluating ideas, challenging assumptions, and
thinking outside the box to solve problems in novel ways.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Critical thinking skills are essential for entrepreneurs
to analyze complex situations, assess risks, and make informed decisions. They must be able
to identify problems, gather and evaluate relevant information, and develop effective strategies
to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

Adaptability and Resilience: The entrepreneurial journey is often characterized by uncertainty,

setbacks, and unexpected obstacles. Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable and resilient, able to
pivot their strategies, learn from failures, and persevere in the face of adversity. This requires a
willingness to embrace change, manage stress effectively, and maintain a positive attitude.

Communication and Persuasion: Effective communication skills are crucial for entrepreneurs
to articulate their vision, convey their value proposition, and inspire others to support their
ventures. They must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively with stakeholders such
as customers, investors, employees, and partners, both verbally and in writing.

Leadership and Team Building: Entrepreneurs need strong leadership skills to inspire and
motivate others, foster a collaborative work environment, and build high-performing teams.
This involves setting a clear vision and direction, delegating tasks effectively, providing
constructive feedback, and empowering team members to contribute their best efforts.

Financial Literacy and Business Acumen: Entrepreneurs must have a solid understanding of
financial principles and business fundamentals to manage resources effectively, make sound
financial decisions, and drive sustainable growth. This includes skills such as budgeting,
financial forecasting, pricing strategies, and risk management.
Networking and Relationship Building: Building and nurturing relationships with mentors,
advisors, investors, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders is essential for entrepreneurial
success. Entrepreneurs need to be proactive networkers, able to establish trust, cultivate
strategic partnerships, and leverage their connections to access resources and opportunities.

Time Management and Organization: Entrepreneurship requires juggling multiple

responsibilities, prioritizing tasks, and managing time effectively. Entrepreneurs must be
highly organized, able to set goals, develop action plans, and allocate their time and energy
efficiently to achieve objectives and meet deadlines.

Marketing and Sales Skills: Entrepreneurs need to understand the principles of marketing and
sales to effectively promote their products or services, attract customers, and generate revenue.
This involves market research, branding, customer segmentation, lead generation, and sales

Ethical Decision Making and Integrity: Integrity and ethical conduct are essential for building
trust and credibility with stakeholders. Entrepreneurs must adhere to ethical standards and
values in their business practices, making decisions that align with their principles and
contribute to the long-term sustainability and reputation of their ventures.

These essential skills of entrepreneurship are interconnected and complementary, enabling

entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of starting and growing successful ventures in
today's dynamic and competitive business environment.

Essential skills of Entrepreneurship

Importance of Entrepreneurship Skills

Entrepreneurship skills are essential in positioning entrepreneurs to identify opportunities, make effective
decisions, turn their ideas into reality, overcome challenges, and properly allocate resources to achieve goals
and succeed. The importance of entrepreneurship skills lies in:

Encouraging social change and improving lives.

Creating employment opportunities for others.
Driving economic growth and opening new markets and industries.
Improving the quality of life with new ideas and building functional products or services.
Providing opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as financial rewards.
Enhancing one’s capacity to work efficiently alone, as well as in collaboration.
Reaching the desired goals and achieving excellent results .

What are the Top 10 Entrepreneurial Skills?

Business Management Skills

Business management skills are essential for entrepreneurs to effectively plan, organize, direct, and control the
resources of an organization. These skills can build credibility, improve efficiency, manage risks, implement
effective strategies, create a positive company culture, and grow a business.
Business management skills include:

Strategic thinking
Budget management
Business acumen

Communication and Listening

Communication skills allow individuals to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly through speaking,
writing, and other forms of expression. Listening skills provide the ability to understand and retain
information and respond appropriately. Both communication and listening are essential entrepreneurship skills
that can make a difference in how you run your business as they help you to build trust, maintain relationships,
resolve conflicts, understand needs and perspectives, and make informed decisions.

Communication and listening skills include:

Written communication
Non-verbal communication
Stress management
Active listening
Emotion control

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

Strong critical and creative thinking skills are essential for entrepreneurs to build and expand their businesses.
Critical thinking allows you to objectively analyze information using the evidence to make informed decisions
and solve problems. Creative thinking provides a way to look at issues from various angles, consider
alternative perspectives, and come up with original ideas.

Critical and creative thinking skills include:


Strategic Thinking and Planning Skills

Strategic thinking and planning skills allow entrepreneurs to analyze information, adapt, manage projects,
solve problems, and make informed decisions.

These entrepreneurship skills are vital in helping leaders overcome challenges and ensure efficient allotment
of resources and achievement of goals.

Strategic thinking and planning skills include:

Attention to detail

Branding, Marketing, and Networking Skills

In today’s competitive business environment, branding, marketing, and networking skills are essential for
scaling the business and boosting opportunities. These skills enable entrepreneurs to promote and sell products
or services. Branding creates a unique and memorable image of a product, service, or organization, and
marketing promotes them to target consumers. Networking builds relationships and allows individuals to
connect with potential customers, partners, suppliers, or colleagues.

Branding, marketing, and networking skills include:

Interpersonal skills
Entrepreneurial Skills in the Workplace

The skills in the workplace refer to qualities that enable individuals to effectively create and manage their
businesses, as well as drive innovation and growth within organizations.

Entrepreneurial skills in the workplace include:

Time management
Finance skills

Teamwork and Leadership Skills

Teamwork and leadership are highly critical entrepreneurship skills that foster a positive and collaborative
organizational culture, leading to increased employee satisfaction and improved performance. These qualities
can enable leaders to effectively inspire, motivate, work in teams, and lead the company toward success.

Teamwork and leadership skills include:

Emotional intelligence
Conflict resolution

Time Management and Organizational Skills

Great leaders should know how to delegate and prioritize tasks, manage their time and resources, and maintain
a well-structured and efficient work environment. Effective time management and organization skills can
enable you to achieve goals, manage stress, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and improve well-being and

Time management and organizational skills include:

Goal setting
Decision making

Sales Skills

Sales skills are vital for salespeople and valuable for entrepreneurs, as they need to know how to sell their
businesses to potential customers and investors. Developing sales skills can help entrepreneurs make sales,
pitch ideas, negotiate, and create great relationships with their customers, investors, and stakeholders to build
a strong business.

Sales skills include:

Business acumen
Data analysis
Social selling

Stress Management Skills

Leading a business can take a toll on an entrepreneur’s well-being. They need to know how to efficiently
manage and cope with stress for themselves, their employees, and their business. Stress management skills
allow leaders to maintain good physical and mental health, enhance personal and professional relationships,
and improve the overall quality of life.

Stress management skills include:

Positive thinking
Sleep hygiene

How to Develop Entrepreneurial Skills?

Here are some ways to develop your entrepreneurship skills:

Define goals: Establish your business objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and what you want to achieve
Learn: Podcasts, books, and seminars can be great sources of information to enhance your skills
Take online courses: Online courses are an excellent way to boost the skills you want to develop
Look for a mentor: Mentorship can make a significant impact on your life and career; seek mentorship from
successful leaders to enhance your skills
Work hard: Develop a strong work ethic and be consistent in your efforts to grow
Be adaptable: Stay open to change and embrace new ideas and opportunities as they arise
Foster a growth mindset: Focus on continuous learning and seek out new opportunities to develop your

Examples of Entrepreneurial Skills

Here are a few examples of entrepreneurial skills:

Strategic thinking
Conflict resolution
Financial skills
Customer service


Methods of Teaching Entrepreneurship Education –Classifications of Methods – Project Method, Group

Discussion Method, Lab Method, Heuristic Method, Survey Method, Service Learning Method, Question
Method • Media for Teaching of Entrepreneurship – Need for Media for Teaching, Classifications of Media –
Electronic Media and Digital Media,

Methods of teaching entrepreneurship education:

Entrepreneurship education is the genuine intervention by administrators and educators in the life of
the participants to overcome challenges in the corporate global business environment.
One of the most significant elements of entrepreneurship curriculum design is teaching-learning
methods, which plays a key role in studies and researches related to such curriculum. It is the teaching method,
and Systematic, organized and logical ways of providing lessons that should be consistent with
entrepreneurship goals and contents, and should also be developed according to the learners‟ needs.

Teaching-learning methods of entrepreneurship curriculum classification:

Teaching-learning methods Elements

Direct teaching-learning Inviting guest entrepreneurs–Mentoring-Official speech-

methods seminars, Video watching and recording - Training in
extracurricular activities -Training in specialized lessons - small
businesses mentoring –Entrepreneurship tutoring

Interactive teaching- learning Process-oriented learning - Learning from mistakes - Interviewing

methods entrepreneurs - Bilateral learning - Group discussion-Networking–
Discussion-Problem-oriented learning - Active learning

Practical-operational teaching Role-playing - Training workshops - Site visiting - Class practice

learning methods - Research projects – Internship - Business planning-Starting
business-Studying nature-Investment projects - Practical

Methods of teaching entrepreneurship education:
Project method
Group discussion method
Lab method
Heuristic method
Survey method
Service learning method
Question method

Project method of teaching as evolved from the philosophy of pragmatists.It is an experience centered strategy
related to life-situation. This teaching strategy focus on;
To socialize an individual.
To achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives.
This teaching strategy is based on the following principles:

Principle of Utility: Choose those projects/newbusiness ventures of business which are closer to the social
Principle of readiness: Involve the learners in finding the solution of the problem with their active
Learning by Doing:Learner performs certain tasks and experiences new things. This adds to his knowledge
and results in learning.
Socialization: It develops the feeling of cooperation and group work.
Inter-disciplinary Approach: To involve the knowledge of different subjects in solving the social problems.
Types of project methodof teaching:
According to Kilpatric,“A project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment”.
Kilpatric has classified the project method in four types.
Constructive: When learners have to construct somethings related to social life. e.g. charts, models, maps,
parcels etc.
Artistic: These projects are generally allotted in the aesthetic fields of life. music, drawing,
painting art and culture.
Problem-Solving: These projects are given to solve the problems related to any life- situation or related to
any subject e.g. how to operate bank accounts? Or how to send an email or letter. These general problems if
solved, will make a child efficient for social- life.

Group-Work: A team of students is assigned a work to be performed. e.g. todevelopa garden in the college
(Mini Project venture).

Basic elements of project method of teaching strategy

There are four basic elements of this teaching strategy which make it purposeful.


Advantages of Project Method of teaching:
It helps in developing social norms and social values among the learners.
It provides in valuable opportunities for correlation of various elements of the subject matter and for transfer
of training or learning.
It helps in growing knowledge very effectively as a result of their close cooperationon social participation in
the spirit of democracy.
Disadvantages of Project Method of teaching:
The project cannot be planned for all subjects and whole subject matter cannot be taught by this strategy.
It is not economical from the point of view of time and cost.
It is very difficult for a teacher to plan or to execute the projects to the learners and supervise them.

Group discussion method:

Group discussion is formed by combining two different words i.e. group and discussion. Here, group means a
number of people or things that are put together considered as a unit whereas the word, “discuss” is derived
from the Latin “discutere”, which means to shake or strike. Thus
“discussion”referstoexaminethetopicthoroughlytoreachaconclusion.Collectively,itiscalled Group discussion
which means the exchange of ideas by participated candidates on a specific
subjectortopic.Thewholeconceptistobringcollectivelyaunitofpeopleonacommonplatform to share their ideas.
Group Discussion is conducted to evaluate following skills of students:
Effective Communication.
Quality of Language.
Listening Skills.
Assertive Attitude.
Paraphrasing Skills
. Leadership.
The Types of Group Discussion:
Generally, group discussion categorized into two categories i.e.
Topic-based group discussion and
Case-based group discussion as discussed below.
Topic-Based Group Discussion: In this discussion, a topic is provided to the candidates about what they have
to perform in the discussion. This logic has been drawn from the actual work scenarios. In this discussion, the
given topics are of three kinds i.e. Factual topics, Controversial topics and Abstract topics (related to
intangible things).

Case-Based Group Discussion: Instead of the topics, small cases are handover to the candidates which leads
to the questions and they have to discuss those questions. This will help in finding out the problem-solving
abilities of the candidates.
Purpose of Group Discussion:
There are several purposes for group discussions. Some of them are listed below:
To reach a solution on an issue of concern.
To generate new ideas for solving a problem.
To train ourselves in various interpersonal skills.

Lab method:
The goal is for students in entrepreneurship as learners, to gain experience with fast-paced startup companies
and to apply their academic knowledge to the problems faced by entrepreneurial firms in a context of
uncertainty, extreme time pressures and decision making based on limited information.
Startups are typically tech-intensive, intellectual property-based, Popular sectors include software, hardware,
robotics, and clean tech and life sciences. (On the basisof current technological aspects).
E-Labstudentsworkwithstartupsinawidevarietyofindustries,including software, hardware, robotics, clean tech,
life sciences, and others.
Howe-lab works:
Teams of science, engineering, and educational management students participate actively one day a week with
the top management of high-tech startups. The students gain hands-on experience about starting and running
new ventures. The companies gain assistance with an urgent aspect of their businesses; examples include
choosing initial markets, approaching initial customers and communicating the value of the product.

The E-Lab process begins well before the start of the semester. Companies apply to become hosts by
registering candidate to e-Lab projects on this website. The course teaching assistants work with the
companies to identify projects that will fit well in the course and bring substantial value to the host companies.
By encouraging students to take a look at the company’s profile before the first class, because the projects will
be pitched to them during that class.
Then, in the following week, students submit their top company preferences. Colleges form them into teams
and match the teams to startups based on their interests.

Heuristic method:

The term heuristic refers to problem-solving. The heuristic method of teaching is based on the psychological
principles of trial and error theory. Logical thinking and imagination are pre requisites for the heuristic method
of teaching strategy. The heuristic method of teaching is an economic and fast strategy. In the Heuristic
method, the student must be an independent discoverer. So, there is no teacher help or guidance in this
method. In this method, the teacher poses a problem to the students, then stands aside while they discover the
answer. It develops the habit of inquiring and investigating among students.
This develops the habit of self-study and self-direction. It develops a scientific attitude in students by making
them honest as they learn to come to decisions through real experiments. This is a psychologically healthy
learning system, as it is based on maximum learning by doing. It forms in students the habit of diligence. In
this method, most of the work is done at school and so teachers don’t have to worry about giving them tasks to
do at home. It allows individual attention by establishing cordial relationships between teachers and learners.
It helps to achieve cognitive, emotional, and psychological goals, i.e. it helps in overall development. Students
are put in a situation to learn for themselves. It develops learners‟ confidence and self-control. Teachers are
always available to give personal advice regarding the solution to the problem. Thus, the interaction between
the teacher and the learner takes place in a cooperative and supportive environment.
Heuristics provide the entrepreneur with cognitive problems solving tools or shortcuts when they need to
make a decision or solve a problem. Heuristics are based on previous experiences,and become rules of thumb
or golden rules that an entrepreneur follows when a quick decision is required.
Entrepreneurs tend to use heuristics in their decision making far more than their managerial counter parts,
which results in them coming up with more innovative ideas. It is important to understand the entrepreneur's
ability to use heuristics in decision making as they regularly encounter uncertainty when pursing a new

venture. When an opportunity for a new venture presents itself, an entrepreneur who chooses to base his
decisions on factual-based logic may become overwhelmed and cost-averse, whereas the entrepreneur who
uses heuristic-based logic will be able to exploit opportunities and avoid any barriers that may occur.
Advantages of Heuristic Teaching Method:
Ithelps in achieving cognitive,affective and psychomotor objectives i.e.i thelpsinallround development of the
Studentsare put intothe situationtolearnbyself-experience.It certainlydevelopsself- confidence and self-
reliance in the learners.
It helps in developing scientific attitude and creativity in the learners.
Teacherencouragesthelearnerstoexplorethe environmentinsearchofthesolutionofthe problems.By doing so,
some new knowledge is discovered by them.
Teacher is always ready to provide individual guidance regarding the solution of the problem. Thus,
interaction between the teacher and the learner takes place in a cooperative, conducive environment.
Disadvantages of Heuristic Teaching Method:

It cannot be used at primary level of education.

Higher intelligence and divergent thinking is required in the learners. But, there are some students who are
below average and fail to succeed in discovering the solutions of the problems. It frustrates them.
In true sense, none of the teachers have patience for providing individual guidance to the learners.And
learners, too, feel hesitation to approach the teacher for seeking his help.

The Survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are thoughtto have
desired information. A formal list of questionnaire is prepared. Generally, a non -approach is used. The
respondents are asked questions on their demographic interest opinion.
Survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample. With a representative sample,
that is representative of the larger population of interest, one can describe the attitudes of the population from
which the sample was drawn.

Sl no Strongly Disagree Neither agree nor Agree Strongly

Statement disagree disagree agree

Entrepreneurship education
1 should have high priority in
higher education.

Entrepreneurship education
2 should be embedded as a
specific, stand-alone course /
program in higher education.

Entrepreneurship education
3 should be integrated into
existing subjects in higher
education (e.g. as a topic).

Entrepreneurship should be
4 embedded as an explicit goal
in higher education.

Advantages of Survey Method:

Relatively easy to administer.
Can be developed in less time (compared to other data-collection methods).
Cost-effective, but cost depends on survey mode.
Can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email ort elephone.
Conducting remotely can reduce or prevent geographical dependence.
Capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents.
Numerous questions can be asked about a subject,giving extensive flexibility in data analysis.
With survey software, advanced statistical techniques can be utilized to analyze survey data to determine
validity, reliability, and statistical significance, including the ability to analyze multiple variables.
A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions,beliefs,values, behavior, factual).
Standardized surveys are relatively free from several types of errors.

Unwillingness of respondents to provide information- This requires salesmanship on the part of the
interviewer. The interviewer may assure that the information will be kept secret or apply the technique of
offering some presents.
Inability of the respondents to provide information- This may be due to lack of knowledge, Lapse of memory.
Inability to identify their motives and provide “reasons why?” for their actions.
Symantec difficulties are there - it is difficult, if not impossible, to state a given question in such a way
that it will mean exactly same thing to each respondent. Similarly, two different wordings of the same
question will frequently produce quite different results

Service learning has been identified as a suitable approach to teach social entrepreneurship.
However, in order to design service learning in an appropriate way, it is necessary to better understand
why students want to become a social entrepreneur as opposed to a traditional entrepreneur.Thus,this study
aims at identifying distinct student motives for preferring social entrepreneurship.
According to researches, reasons typically mentioned by students who prefer a social entrepreneurship career
over a commercial entrepreneurship career belonged to the following categories: impact, personal motives,
and considering social and economic aspects.
From this understanding, possible recommendations for the design of service learning in social
entrepreneurship programs.

These recommendations will contribute to a student- oriented design of service learning that incorporates
students own motives.
Service Learning is a pedagogy that combines classroom instruction, engaged student learning, meaningful
service in the community, and personal reflection.

Bloom’s Affective Domain Taxonomy:

Category Description

Receiving Has an awareness and a willingness to receive an experience

Responding Motivated by other people or the situation to be responsive to learning

activity; active, emotional involvement in learning

Valuing Elevated perceived importance of subject matter; internally

Motivated to learn; proactive in seeking additional information;
preference and commitment to certain values

Organization Committed to abstract thought sand ideals; development of more

inclusive frameworks used to make decisions and judgments;
generalization of dominant values.

Characterization Individual characterized by a value system; exhibit habitualized

behaviors based on value system; a lived philosophy of life.

Advantages of service-learning method:

The integrative characteristics of the service-learning focuses on a holistic approach as it assimilates
classroom program learning goals, supervision of the mentors, community developmental projects and
concomitant prior issues of the community. Therefore, students have to actively participate by considering
themselves as both learners and community members.
The strength-based facet of the service-learning makes use of available resources and community strengths,
and transforms the organizations and the community members as co- educators of students. The capacity and
expertise that lie in every community help the students learn the basic objectives embedded in the projects and
plan strategies based on community’s unique strengths.

The contextualized approach of service learning focuses in providing an opportunity to the students in
inculcating the knowledge and understands the issues that reside in the context of the community.By
understanding the issues students connect the underlying theories taught to them in the class, to the practical
knowledge, as evinced from the communities.

The life-long approach of the service-learning is sustainable and remains forever. The outcome of this
educational tool is meaningful, distinctive and influential. While synthesizing the theory and practice, students
are able to inculcate civic sense, enhance self-awareness, build

relationships, identify social issues, and develop their analytical skills to solve the
problems. In this way, service learning prepares a base for interpersonal growth.

Disadvantages of service learning method:

Takes more effort (for students and teacher) to implement.
Can be more costly (transportation, uniforms, materials, etc).
Students may lack the skills or desire.
Community partners sometimes feel used.
Semester ends and everyone leaves.
Learning is stressed over service.

Question method:
One of the most frequently used teaching methodology in the entrepreneurship
education is Question method.
In entrepreneurship education with regard to what is taught and how it is
taught. Instead of asking what entrepreneurship education is and what it does, we
should know what ideally it should be and should do.
There is a logical progression between existing approaches – paradigms – to
teaching entrepreneurship, and that a fourth new paradigm everyday practice,
constitutes the foundation for all other entrepreneurship education because it
establishes the core entrepreneurial competence.

Question Paradigm Value to be created

How do we install an Facilitating entrepreneurship as an Indeterminate: depends

entrepreneurial spirit in everyday practice. on the students and their
students? everyday practices.

How do we train students to Training students to create new Economic value(through

start new ventures? ventures. new ventures).

How do we train students to Training students to transform ideas Economic value

create high-growth firms? and knowledge into economic (through growth
growth. ventures).

How do we train students to Facilitating entrepreneurial energy Social value.

solvea broad number of for social change.
societal problems

Advantages of Question-Answer Method of Teaching:

While asking questions, the teacher keeps in mind the abilities, needs and interest
of the learner.
It involves the learners ‟participation towards the subject matter and in teaching
It helps in achieving cognitive objectives and bringing knowledge at conscious
Classroom verbal interaction is encouraged.
It is a useful strategy at all the levels of education.

Disadvantages of Question-Answer Method of Teaching:

It is difficult to prepare good questions, and arrange them logically. The whole
content-matter cannot be taught by this strategy.
The teacher wants the structured answers from the learners. There is no freedom
for imaginative answers.

an appropriate method of teaching entrepreneurship in class and make sure that
the teaching process is on the right path. Since the pattern uses reliable data;
quantitative and qualitative validation methods, it is credible and its findings can
be relied. Moreover, due to comprehensiveness, the pattern includes all the
effective teaching methods of entrepreneurship education system. It is also
proportional to diversity of educational opportunities in academic centers for
meeting the employment needs of learners. Using any of these models, instructors
can select an appropriate teaching method, and design their educational activities
in accordance with it. Also, by utilizing these teaching methods, learners can
participate in more challenging educational activities, and consequently gain
experiences which provide some insights into discovering and creating
entrepreneurship opportunities. Moreover, it enables them to start and manage
their businesses successfully and also take advantage of these educational

Media for teaching of entrepreneurship:


“The creation and ownership of a small enterprise or organization whose activity

adds atleast one
Voice or innovation to the media market place”.

Entrepreneurship and start-up activities are seen as a key response to recent

upheavals in the media industry: Newly founded ventures can act as important
drivers for industry transformation and renewal, pioneering new products,
business models, and organizational designs. In principle, media students
represent a crucial population of nascent entrepreneurs: individuals who will
likely become founders of start-ups. However, their willingness to start a new
business is generally considered to be rather low, and for journalism students, the
idea of innovation tends to be conservative, following traditional norms and
professional standards. The main barriers to entrepreneurial intention is that
students feel they lack knowledge and training in entrepreneurship.

In the last 10 years, a wide variety of entrepreneurship education courses have

been setup in media departments of colleges and universities worldwide. These
programs have been designed to sensitize and prepare communications, media
and journalism students to think and act entrepreneurially. Entrepreneurial
competencies and practices not only play a crucial role for start- ups, but, in times
of digital transformation, are increasingly sought after by legacy media companies
as well.

By outlining and evaluating the Media Entrepreneurship program, which aims to

promote good practices of entrepreneurship education in communications, media
and journalism, and to reject on the limitations of such programs.

Pedagogicalapproach: Media Entrepreneurship is an interactive and experiential
start-up simulation focused on the process of taking a media venture from a

concept to a successful business. Besides the transfer of knowledge and skills, the
program also aims to encourage participants to work in an entrepreneurial context.
This includes setting up their own business based on the ideas developed in the
simulation, or at a later point in time. The pedagogical approach is structured
around the following five learning components:

Development of a business model:

In teams of five, students conceive their own media product and a viable business
model for a complex and changing environment.

Face-to-face teaching in workshops and a Moodle-based eLearning environment
allow students to develop a clear understanding of challenges in the media
industry, identify business opportunities and learn to build a successful media
start-up. Teaching is based on entrepreneurial concepts and tools, such as business
Model Canvas, the Lean Startup approach and Design thinking methods. Taking
these methods as a basis, lessons not only focus on agile product development,
iterative business model generation but also on opportunity recognition and
exploitation, customer-driven ideation, growth and scalability as well as
entrepreneurial finance. All of this happens over a period of four months, which
reflects the entrepreneurial process itself.


During the program, every student team is coached intensively by an experienced

expert from the media industry, guiding their paths and providing hands-on

Field trip:

Combining theory and practice, student teams head to international start-up

hotspots to connect with entrepreneurs and financiers, receiving real-world
feedback on their business models.

Final pitch:

After developing and implementing their business model,the teams pitch to a jury
of leading media industry experts and investors who give feedback and decide
whose idea they would invest in. The program is designed for advanced
undergraduates and postgraduates, thus promoting cooperation between students
with different levels of experience.

Need of media for teaching:

Media entrepreneurship revolves around creating a new venture and the

consideration flaunching a startup, primarily grouped in three areas: Desirability
(is this what people want?);
Feasibility (can youactuallybuild/deliverit?) and Sustainability (How will you get
it launched
And keep it going?),”

Media entrepreneurship offerings were intended to build their students ‟digital

and innovations
Skills so they could be effective players in the emerging media landscape.

“It is not necessarily about starting a company,” but to focus on entrepreneurial

thinking: How can we do things differently to meet the needs of our audiences,
using the tools and platforms that are appropriate?”

Some of the educators teach media entrepreneurship as a stand-alone

undergraduate or graduate class. Others incorporate the teaching of media
entrepreneurship into classes on innovation or multimedia production skills.

“The prime reason why schools are launching„ media entrepreneurship ‟courses
is that they and their students want to continue practicing journalism despite the
implosion of legacy mass media news organizations”.

Media entrepreneurship education teaches students crucial lifeskills, suchas:

How to collaborate and work with a team

How to speak in public and prepare an effective presentation
How to collect and analyze data
How to use social media as an advocacy tool
How to solve real, complex problems that don’t have a definitive answer
How to use curiosity and creativity to find an innovative approach to difficult
problems. Students learn to understand the product development cycle, come up
with their own unique business proposals, and deliver multiple pitch
Entrepreneurship education does not just benefit those entering the fields of
science, technology,and business and also students of art, music, and humanities
can develop their imagination and learn how to apply creative thinking skills to
real-world problems.
Media entrepreneurship programs can play a key role in preparing students for
many different futures such as Integrating research,writing, digital,and business
skills,as media entrepreneurship programs do, opens the doors to careers in
startups, nonprofits, the diplomatic corps, commercial enterprises, the political
arena, and tech giants, in addition to law and medical school.
Classification of media:
Electronic media:
Electronic media definition–Electronic media is the media that one can share on
any electronic device for the audiences viewing, unlike static media(Printing)
electronic media is broadcasted to the wider community. Examples of Electronic
media are things such as thetelevision the radio, or the wide internet.

The purpose of using electronic media:

The purpose of using electronic media can be for many reasons, one of the
reasons is that you can use it to market yourself and anything else from businesses
to products and soon. Electronic media is an efficient way to communicate to one
another, either by the use of media devices and networks or social media sources
such as Television or the Internet these are a few of the many ways you can use
electronic media to your advantage.

The different types of electronic media

There is a wide range of electronic media that broadcast: a variety of different

things like advertisements and promotions. Different Electronic media types are


Television is one of the most used electronic media devices because franchises
can pay for advertisements to show millions of people, thus bringing in more
business for the franchise owner.

The Radio is similar but does not give the audience visuals, just sound. This
method of electronic media can be effective and much more affordable than
Television but does not engage the listeners as much as visual ads.

The Internet is one of the most profitable electronic media devices, with a single
click of a button ads will fill the webpage and is definite to catch a few glimpses
for fellow web surfers. This not only spreads through electronic media but can
profit the creator of the web page throughout time.

Shops have electronic media in most places, whether it be on an electric

bill board or ATM screen electronic media is sure to be in almost every where
you go.

Advantage of selecting electronic media:

This depends on what type of business you have and whether you wish to use
Electronic media or not, most or almost all business use Electronic media in some
way to attract
new or more customers, just say you choose to advertise using Facebook which is
a basic Electronic media module which you can use to your advantage, businesses
usually use the “check-in” method where if you check into their store they will
give you something in return, either a discount or some points on a membership
card, this generates more customer flow to the store and in turn allows more profit
to be made.

Electronic media is the basis of e-commerce marketing, firstly you will need a
method of approach whether you would like to use online marketplaces or
social/mail like places to promote your business, then soon after obtaining online
contacts you will be seeing customers showing up to your business or buying
from your online market.

Electronic media is a way for your business to be heard but not only heard, seen
too. As your Business becomes its own entity online, you have a brand and your
brand has a face, if managed well it is sure to increase revenue. If not, then your
business may struggle to get back up from the floor with many other competitors.


Broadcasting: To transmit or sent information through the use of various

electronic media devices.
Media: The wide world of mass communication through electronic media.
Digital media:
Entrepreneurship education should catch up with the current developments in
today’s digitally interconnected and virtual world. As all forms of conducting

business become digital, essentially entrepreneurship needs a new digital
competence-based learning approach.

Entrepreneurship is synonymous to the discovery and utilisation of opportunities.

Consequently, an important dimension of an entrepreneurial orientation is
innovativeness. Today’s digital age provides entrepreneurs with new tools to
innovate and succeed. It is important to highlight that entrepreneurs can gain a
great deal if they are engaged in digital communications and digital media.
During the last decades, the business landscape in general, and the practice of
changes are primarily driven by the technological advancements, which have
paved the way for new, innovative digital channels of communicating, interacting,
and creating value with customers. Open innovation and customer involvement
can thereby be realized.

Consequently, through co-creation, we can achieve an effective innovation

process where by customers can get real added value. Digital media plays a
central role in this development. Simultaneously,entrepreneurship education
needs to embrace and capitalise on this new reality and the opportunities that it

The fundamental elements of Digital media include social media

marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), E-mail
marketing, web design, and online advertising. Inparticular, social media
marketing is seen as a key component of DM, and it relates to the use of social
media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, as well as
websites to promote a product/brand and engage audiences.

Essentially, social media enable not only company-to-customer interactions but

also customer-to customer communication and interaction. Hence, it has
empowered customers who can now engage in content generation and can
potentially influence other customers through Electronic Word of Mouth. This
changing role and empowerment of customers positively influences customer
engagement, customer relationships and value creation through co-creation.

The nature of entrepreneurship calls for students to be innovative, to take

initiatives and to make their own decisions, whilst the traditional educational
setting teaches students to mainly follow rules.

Traditional classroom-based lectures can be easily adapted and replaced by rich

media technology, online presentations, and online interactive tutorials. Change is
not hard to be achieved when necessity arrives. This is best evidenced with the
recent lockdown experience with the corona virus pandemic (COVID19),
whereby digital learning became universal in a matter of days.

Tele learning, for example, can concentrate on specific knowledge facts by

providing illustrated examples in entrepreneurial challenges. This development is
in line with the
emergence of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which are rapidly
changing the way in which students can obtain digital information, thus
generating new opportunities for learning and skills development.

A new stream has been added to entrepreneurship education to reflect the

importance of digital skills, named “digital entrepreneurship”. In fact, the
teaching of digital entrepreneurship is notonly currently appropriate but also fits
well in many of today’s educational environments and it is directly related to
students” educational needs.



In the context of entrepreneurship education, mentorship can be
provided by teachers to students.

Teachers mentorship is a vital interactive pedagogy that can boost students


Teachers mentorship can influence students entrepreneurial

intentions by shaping their attitudes, perceived behavioral control and
subsequently, their entrepreneurial intentions.


A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less

experienced and often younger person. In an organizational setting, a mentor
influences the personal and professional growth of a mentee.
According to the Business Dictionary, “a mentor is a senior or more
experienced person who is assigned to function as an advisor, counsellor, or
guide to a junior or trainee.”
The mentor is responsible for offering help and feedback to the person under
supervision. A mentor's role, according to this definition, is to use their
experience to help a junior employee by supporting them in their work and
career, providing comments on their work, and, most crucially, offering
direction to mentees as they work through problems and circumstances at

The patronage.
Guidance or
Direction given by a mentor.

Most traditional mentorships involve having senior employees mentor more

junior employees, but mentors do not necessarily have to be more senior than the
people they mentor.
What matters is that mentors have experience that others can learn from.

Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social

capital and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to
work, career or professional development.

Mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a

sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater
relevant knowledge, wisdom or experience (the mentor) and a person who is
perceived to have less knowledge, wisdom or experience (the mentee).

Mentorship in entrepreneurship education is a relationship between an

experienced entrepreneur and a novice entrepreneur, where the experienced
entrepreneur provides guidance, support, and advice to the novice

Mentorship can help novice entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of

starting and growing a business by providing them with feedback,
reassurance, and motivation.

Mentorship can also help entrepreneurs connect with the information,
resources, and networks they need, including partners, customers and

Mentorship programs by teachers

Story narration.
Character Dramatization.
Fancy Dress Training.
Expressive Ability Enhancer.
Concentration Enhancer.
Voice & Speech Enhancement.

Social Boldness.
Poem Narration.
Voice Pitch Throw Development.
English Speech Fluency.
Presentation Skills Training



Teachers play a critical role as facilitators of learning, guiding and supporting

students in their educational journey. Here's a detailed explanation of their role:

Creating a Supportive Learning Environment: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive,

and nurturing classroom environment conducive to learning. They create a sense
of belonging and mutual respect among students, fostering positive relationships
and promoting student engagement and participation.

Setting Learning Objectives and Expectations: Teachers define clear learning

objectives and communicate expectations to students, guiding them towards
specific learning outcomes. They provide structure and direction to the learning
process, helping students understand what they need to achieve and how to

Designing and Delivering Instruction: Teachers design and deliver instruction

using a variety of teaching strategies, methods, and resources tailored to the
diverse needs and learning styles of students. They present content in engaging
and accessible ways, scaffold learning experiences, and differentiate instruction to
accommodate individual differences.

Facilitating Inquiry and Critical Thinking: Teachers encourage inquiry-based

learning and critical thinking skills by posing thought-provoking questions,
promoting curiosity, and guiding students in exploring concepts, analyzing
information, and synthesizing knowledge. They foster a culture of inquiry and
intellectual curiosity, empowering students to think critically and solve problems

Providing Feedback and Assessment: Teachers provide timely and constructive

feedback to students on their progress and performance, highlighting strengths
and areas for improvement. They use a variety of assessment methods to evaluate
student learning, monitor academic growth, and inform instructional decisions.
Feedback serves as a catalyst for student reflection and self-assessment,
supporting continuous improvement.

Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Peer Interaction: Teachers promote

collaborative learning experiences that encourage peer interaction, teamwork, and
knowledge sharing. They facilitate group discussions, cooperative learning

activities, and collaborative projects, fostering communication skills, teamwork,
and interpersonal relationships among students.

Supporting Individualized Learning Needs: Teachers recognize and address the

diverse learning needs, interests, and abilities of students, providing personalized
support and accommodations as necessary. They differentiate instruction, offer
additional assistance, and provide enrichment opportunities to ensure that all
students have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

Promoting Lifelong Learning Skills: Teachers instill a passion for lifelong

learning and self-directed inquiry by modeling intellectual curiosity, fostering a
growth mindset, and promoting metacognitive strategies. They encourage students
to take ownership of their learning, set goals, and develop habits of reflection,
self-regulation, and continuous improvement.

Cultivating Social and Emotional Development: Teachers support the social and
emotional development of students by promoting empathy, resilience, and self-
awareness. They create a caring and supportive classroom climate, teach conflict
resolution and problem-solving skills, and provide opportunities for emotional
expression and social interaction.

Fostering Positive Relationships with Parents and Community: Teachers

collaborate with parents, families, and community members to support student
learning and well-being. They communicate regularly with parents, provide
opportunities for family involvement, and collaborate with community resources
to create a holistic support system for students both inside and outside the

In summary, teachers play a multifaceted role as facilitators of learning, guiding,

inspiring, and empowering students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers,
and responsible citizens in an ever-changing world. Their impact extends beyond
the transmission of knowledge to shaping the intellectual, social, emotional, and
ethical development of students, laying the foundation for their future success and

The Challenges of Teaching Profession

Teachers are facilitators of learning.

They help learners of different ages to develop their talents, entrepreneurial skills
and fulfill their potential so as to have knowledge and skills to be confident
people and workers.

More demands are being placed in teachers because of the changing models of
education and training system with increased attention on the outcomes of
learning processes.

Teachers also provide learners key competencies such as basic skills in

entrepreneur, communication and science.

Tasks expected by teachers

Participating in school curricula design.

Designing suitable method for assessing learning outcomes.
Using new teaching methods.
Research Development.
In-Service Training.
Provision of Local Instructional Materials

Participating in school curricula design

Teachers and trainers are also faced with societal changes as today's society is
becoming more and more diverse in terms of ethnic, religious and cultural
background. Teachers and trainers have important role in designing curriculum
for changing society to meet their demands. Also, to adjust with the society.

Designing suitable method for assessing learning outcomes

Teachers have to initiate to make provision of different methods and strategies for
different learning styles. Imparting of knowledge is no longer the only objective.
The profession is also gender sensitive. Seventy percent of teachers in both
primary and secondary schools are women- showing that teaching is not seen as a
career option for men. Introduction of new subjects different from what teachers
are used to is another challenge, coupled with changes to the National Policy of
Using new teaching methods

Novel methods, latest trends and teaching by using newly developed

technological gadgets. Population growth is one of the major factors for shortage
of teachers. The shortage occurs mostly in subjects where skilled professionals are
needed like Vocational studies, Information Technology, Languages etc.

Research Development

Lassa (1995), pointed out that the dynamism in instructional methodologies and
innovation in teachers' preparation strategies, coming at the heels of technological
advancement and continuous research make it almost mandatory that teachers
must engage in research in order to keep abreast of new development. Factors
responsible for lack of research include technical knowledge on the part of
teachers, lack of funds and research grants and lack of access to current literature.


Training is necessary for teachers to update themselves. In-service training as that

part of organized learning experience provided to teachers after appointment
designed to develop understanding of work operations standards, institution,
philosophy, policies and procedures as well as current research result. Teachers
learn new methods approaches, techniques etc in teaching after the training. Also,
those who lack professional qualifications register and update their knowledge.

Provision of Local Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials should be provided to facilitate learning. Funds should be

made available to purchase locally made materials and books which is more
comprehensive than foreign materials and books. It also encourages the local
market and small scale industries.

Continuing professional development



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers is essential to ensure

they remain effective, motivated, and up-to-date with the latest pedagogical
practices, educational research, and technological advancements. CPD
programs offer opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge, skills,
and expertise throughout their careers. Here are several types of CPD
programs commonly implemented for teachers:

Workshops and Seminars: Workshops and seminars provide teachers with
focused, interactive learning experiences on specific topics or instructional
strategies. These sessions are often facilitated by experts in the field and may
include hands-on activities, discussions, and practical tips for classroom

In-Service Training: In-service training programs are organized by

educational institutions, school districts, or educational authorities to address
specific professional development needs of teachers. These programs may
cover a wide range of topics such as curriculum development, assessment
practices, classroom management, and instructional technology integration.

Online Courses and Webinars: Online courses and webinars offer flexibility
and accessibility for teachers to engage in professional development activities
at their own pace and convenience. These programs cover diverse topics and
may include multimedia resources, interactive modules, and opportunities for
collaboration with educators from around the world.

Peer Observation and Feedback: Peer observation and feedback programs

involve teachers observing and providing constructive feedback to their
colleagues on instructional practices, classroom management techniques, and
student engagement strategies. This collaborative approach promotes
reflective practice and fosters a culture of continuous improvement among

Action Research Projects: Action research projects empower teachers to

conduct systematic inquiries into their teaching practices, classroom
environments, and student learning outcomes. Through action research,
teachers identify areas for improvement, implement interventions, collect data,
and reflect on the effectiveness of their instructional strategies.

Mentoring and Coaching Programs: Mentoring and coaching programs pair

experienced educators with novice or less experienced teachers to provide
guidance, support, and professional development opportunities. Mentors and
coaches offer feedback, share best practices, and help teachers navigate
challenges and develop their teaching skills.

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): PLCs bring together groups of

teachers who share a common interest or teaching assignment to collaborate,
share resources, and engage in collective inquiry. PLCs provide opportunities
for collaborative problem-solving, peer learning, and professional growth
through ongoing dialogue and reflection.

Study Groups and Book Clubs: Study groups and book clubs allow teachers to
explore educational literature, research studies, and best-selling books related
to teaching and learning. These informal learning communities provide
opportunities for discussion, reflection, and application of new ideas and
strategies in the classroom.

Conference Attendance and Presentations: Teachers can attend educational

conferences, symposiums, and professional development events to gain new
insights, network with colleagues, and stay informed about emerging trends
and innovations in education. Presenting at conferences also offers teachers
the opportunity to share their expertise and contribute to the professional
learning community.

Certification and Credentialing Programs: Certification and credentialing

programs provide teachers with formal recognition of their knowledge, skills,
and expertise in specific areas of teaching or educational leadership. These
programs may involve completing coursework, passing assessments, and
demonstrating competency in targeted areas of professional practice.

Overall, CPD programs for teachers play a crucial role in supporting their
ongoing growth and development as educators. By engaging in continuous
learning and professional growth opportunities, teachers can enhance their
effectiveness in the classroom, improve student outcomes, and contribute to
the overall advancement of the teaching profession.

Role of the Local Community in Continuing professional development


The local community can support teachers’ professional development by

providing them with early career supports, ongoing professional development and
learning communities.

This can help retain teachers and improve their knowledge base, which can
ultimately benefit the students.

The local community plays a crucial role in continuing professional

development (CPD). CPD refers to the process of learning and developing new
skills and knowledge to enhance one’s professional career.

The local community can provide a platform for individuals to engage in peer-to-
peerlearning and knowledge sharing.

This can be achieved through workshops, seminars, conferences, and other

structured forms of learning.
The local community can play a vital role in the continuous professional
development of teachers. According to a report by the Economic Policy
Institute, the early career supports, ongoing professional development and
learning communities are crucial in retaining teachers and improving their
knowledge base.

There port highlights;

First-year teachers work with a mentor (79.9percent).
Participate in teacher induction programs (72.7percent).
Professional development, including workshops or training sessions (91.9percent).
Activities focused on the subjects that teachers teach (85.1percent).
Regularly scheduled collaboration with other teachers on issues of instruction
(80.8 percent), and
Opportunities to observe or be observed by other teachers in their
classrooms (67.0 percent).

Institutes that offer Continuing Professional Development training in


Foremen Training Institute: Offers training in various fields such as welding,

fitting, and electrical work. They are locatedatYeswanthpur,Bengaluru.
Zell Education: Offers courses in ACCA, CFA,and CMA. They are located at
Church St, Bengaluru.
National Skill Training Institute: Offers training in various fields such as
electronics, computer hardware, and software. They are located at OuterRing
Road, Bengaluru.
Blue Prism Training Institute BTM: Offers training in AWS, DevOps,
DataScience, Big Data Hadoop,Python,and RPATools. They arelocatedat 59th
Cross Road, Bengaluru.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive listand there maybe other institutes that
offer CPD training in Bengaluru.


ACCA—Association of Certified Chartered Accountants. CFA—Chartered
Financial Analyst.
CMA—Certified Management Accountant (Cost and management accountant)
AWS—Amazon Web Services.

In addition,the local community canal so provide on-the-job training and

opportunities to help individuals develop new skills andknowledge.

This can be especially beneficial for individuals who may not have access to
formal Training programs or who may not be able to afford them.

Furthermore, the local community can help individuals identify skill gaps and
find suitable learning opportunities to address these gaps. This can help
individuals become more competent and effective in their career and also help
them achieve their personal career aspirations.

Overall, the local community can play a vital role in supporting individuals in
their professional development journey by providing opportunities for learning,
knowledge sharing, and skill development.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process of developing

professional skills and knowledge through interactive, participation-based or
independent learning. It enables learners to proactively develop their professional
capabilities through certified learning or self-guided learning methods Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) is an essential aspect of a teacher’s career. It is
a process of lifelong learning that helps teachers to keep pace with the current
standards of the education sector and deliver high-quality teaching that positively
impacts student outcomes.
Schools play a crucial role in providing CPD opportunities to their teachers in
many forms, such as peer coaching, team shadowing.

Schools can organize

E-learning or online courses and training sessions to help teachers to
develop new knowledge, skills and attitudes. Collegiality is another important
aspect of CPD.
Teachers can learn from each other, share good classroom practices and support
each other in their professional development.

By engaging in CPD, Teachers can ensure that their academic and practical
qualifications remain up-to-date and relevant and that they can continue to be
proficient and competent in their profession while also furnishing with essential
skills that could help them to progress with their career.

Schools can provide a supportive environment for teachers to engage in CPD

activities, which can help them to improve their teaching skills, keep up with the
latest trends in education, and ultimately benefit their students. During the CPD
process, teachers acquire new understanding and beliefs regarding the potential of
new teaching methods and materials in students’ learning, as well as look for
developing themselves not only professionally but also socially and personally all
together. The school setting should be the prime focus of continuous professional
development activity.

In conclusion, schools play a vital role in the CPD of teachers, and it is essential
to have supporting school culture for the successful CPD of teachers.


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