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2023 서강대학교 2023학년도 인문계 일반편입

[30문항 / 60분]
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[문항별 배점: 01-04 2점/ 05-16 3점/ 17-30 4점] 06 The surface area of a dry sandy soil will warm up quickly,
[01-02] Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Ⓐ whereas a close-textured clay soil with less air and a
fair amount of water in its pores will warm up slowly. Ⓑ
01 To raise awareness of their upcoming sales drive, the car Thus arises the distinction, Ⓒ
so important in climatological
dealership is __________ to win a brand-new Lincoln discussions, between ceanic and continental climates, Ⓓ
Continental for the price of a single raffle ticket. which the difference between winter and summer
① the chance of offering to prospective customers temperatures Ⓔ
is much less on the margins of the
② offering the chance prospective customers continents than in the mountainous areas.
③ the prospective of customers the chance offering ①Ⓐ ②Ⓑ
④ offering prospective customers the chance ③Ⓒ ④Ⓓ
⑤ for customers the chance of the prospective ⑤Ⓔ
02 According to chili purists, a “true” chili __________ of meat 07 With 2022 Ⓐ
came to a close, it’s time to Ⓑ
get excited
(of any kind), red chili peppers, spices, and nothing else. about Ⓒ
what’s ahead. Here are ten events I am already
And, most importantly, it should never, ever include beans! Ⓓlooking foward to betting on in 2023. Will you join me in
① composes ② is composed Ⓔspeculating on what to expect?
③ composed ④ has composed ①Ⓐ ②Ⓑ
⑤ is composing ③Ⓒ ④Ⓓ
[03-04] Choose the answer that has the closest meaning to the 08 When a drastic drop in the prices Ⓐ
paying for agricultural
underlined word. crops occurred after World War І. Ⓑ
coupled with a steady
increase in the cost of other nonagricultural goods,
03 When the two murder suspects were brought into the police American farmers found their income failing to Ⓒ
station, they were immediately separated and questioned pace with their expenses. Many moved west in search of
so it could be seen how well their stories corroborated. quick income. Yet as farmers moved to new lands, they
① overestimated ②
exonerated were Ⓓ
challenged by new conditions Ⓔ
in terms of
③ prevaricated ④
confirmed transportation, irrigation, pest control, predator control,
⑤ reflected farming supply costs, and the availability of appropriate
crop strains.
04 Due to the experience of the disaster, people became ①Ⓐ ②Ⓑ
hostile and took aggressive actions toward others. ③Ⓒ ④Ⓓ
① erroneous ②arduous ⑤Ⓔ
③ fortuitous ④ dissenting
⑤ truculent
[09-10] Read the following passage and answer the questions.

[05-08] Which of the underlined parts is grammatically NOT A noteworthy feature of the characters that people the
correct? plays of William Shakespeare is that they are radically
particular in their individuality yet universal in their appeal.
05 The early seventh century in Arabia Ⓐ began with the Certainly, Shakespeare’s characters are unique and distinct
longest and most destructive period of the individuals, being fully rounded and complex. They are
Byzantine-Sassanid Wars, Ⓑ which left both the Byzantine never exaggerated caricatures, being neither completely
and Sassanid empires Ⓒ exhaustive and Ⓓ susceptible to virtuous nor entirely wicked. In fact, it can be safely said
third-party attacks, particularly from nomadic Arabs Ⓔ united that Shakespeare showcases fully rounded human beings
under a newly formed religion. and nuanced personalities drawn from the common store of
①Ⓐ ②Ⓑ humanity. It is due to the fact that they are so well drawn
③Ⓒ ④Ⓓ in this regard that Shakespeare’s characters transcend the
⑤Ⓔ merely particular and are able to represent, timelessly,
humanity in all its flawed grandeur.

2023학년도 편입영어 기출문제 서강대학교

09 What is the main purpose of the passage? [15-16] Read the following passage and answer the questions.
①To convince readers that Shakespeare is irrelevant
② To explain Shakespeare’s characters‘ timeless appeal We know, or we think we know, that chimpanzees, to
③ To fault Shakespeare’s manner of characterization whom we are so closely Ⓐ
__________, do not speculate
④ To introduce readers to Shakespeare’s life and times on the origin of chimpanzee disobedience, that
⑤ To prove the simplicity of Shakespeare’s characters orangutans, Ⓑ__________ they are highly intelligent, do
not brood about why orangutans are fated to die, and
10 Which statement would the writer of the passage most that pleasure-loving bonobos do not tell themselves, while
likely agree with? grooming one another, a story about how the first
① Audiences today find Shakespeare’s characters too bonobos male and female mated. We have ⓒ
complex. reason to be Ⓓ
__________ the social complexity of ants
② Shakespeare’s characters come close to being amoral. and bees and paper wasps; we marveled at the Ⓔ
③ Shakespeare’s depiction of the human condition is __________ language comprehension skills of bottlenose
realistic. dolphins; we have built a virtual cult around the songs of
④ Audiences expect Shakespeare’s villains to be the whales. But none of these creatures, we believe, has
one-dimensional. invented an origin story.
⑤ Shakespeare is widely misunderstood by literary critics.
15 Which of the following does NOT fit to each blank?
① Ⓐ related ② Ⓑ whereto
[11-14] Choose the best word to fill the blank. ③ ⓒ ample ④ Ⓓ in awe of
⑤ Ⓔ advanced
11 To __________ criticisms that the debate was politically
biased, representatives from both the left and the right will 16 Which of the following is NOT correct according to the
have equal representation on stage.
① ②
allay renounce ①
③ ④
Whales are adored for their ability to make enigmatic
forgo deprecate

implicate ② Chimpanzees are known for their storytelling and
12 Much of the pleasure readers take from Don Quixote ③ Orangutans do not brood over death and the nature of
comes from the __________ of traditional knighthood found mortality.
in the ridiculous antics of the novel’s two main characters ④

Male and female bonobos love to groom each other for
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
① ②
knack rupture ⑤
③ parody ④ impulse
Ants and bees are often esteemed for their communal

⑤ elan

13 The first complete theory of evolution was that of Jean de

Lamarck, who thought that alterations due to the
environment, if constant and lasting, would be __________
by future generations and eventually result in a new type.
① cloned ② inherited
③ produced ④ confirmed
⑤ halted
14 I’d like to talk about an issue troubling academic history
writing today — so-called “present-ism.” This is when
academic historians, when writing about the past, allow
their political views in the present to shape their
conclusions. Certainly, everyone has their own point of
view, which makes perfect __________ impossible.
However, “present-ism” seems to reject the value of
impartiality altogether.
① objectivity ② susceptivity
③ accountability ④ incompatibility
⑤ commensurability

2023학년도 편입영어 기출문제 서강대학교

[17-18] Read the following passage and answer the questions. [19-21] Read the following passage and answer the questions.

On April 1, 1789, Frederick Muhlenberg was chosen as For six-hundred years the ancient Cambodian city of
the first speaker of the House of Representatives. During Angkor —capital of the Khmer Empire-developed, bit by bit
two terms as Speaker, Muhlenberg was the first person as the city grew, a vast network of canals, moats,
to sign the Bill of Rights, but his tie-breaking vote on the embankments, and reservoirs to handle its water
controversial Jay Treaty proved to be his undoing. distribution needs. Intricate and perilously interconnected,
Muhlenberg lost a re-election bid after that, and his
the system was used to carry out the irrigation of crops
national political career was terminated. But his
and to deal with the problem of periodic flooding. Such
“legendary” role in preventing the adoption of German as
the United States’ official language Ⓐ
__________ over the
was the delicate balance of this system, however, that
even the smallest of difficulties —for example, an outage
in one section of the network —could initiate a failure that
German academic Willi Adams explains why so many would ripple throughout the entire system, causing major
people believed Muhlenberg acted to hinder a disruptions. In fact, in the fifteenth century, following an
congressional resolution that would have made German unprecedented period of decades-long drought proceeded
the national language. “Fascinating for Germans, this by heavier-than-normal monsoons, Angkor's water
imagined decision has been popularized by German distribution system, due to its inherently flawed design,
authors of travel literature since the 1840s and
was no longer able to handle the stress from the
propagated by some American teachers of German and
environment and became critically damaged. Historians
German teachers of English who are not entirely secure
speculate that it was primarily for this reason that Angkor
in their American history,” Adams says. “In reality, this
—which in its heyday was the largest metropolis in the
world—was suddenly abandoned by its residents, who
presumed proposition was never brought to the
congressional floor and a vote was never taken. Colonial
speakers of English fought only for their political moved to the area near the region that is currently
independence. They had no chord for an anti-English Phnom Penh, the nation’s present-day capital.
language and cultural revolution,' Adams adds.
19 Which word is the best synonym for the underlined
Dennis Baron, professor of English and linguistics at
the University of Illinois, also tells a similar tale. “On
① unfettered ② extravagant
January 13, 1795, Congress considered a proposal, not
③ erratic ④ unique
⑤ inadequate
to give German any official status, but merely to print the
federal laws in German as well as English. During the
debate, a motion to adjourn failed by one vote. The final
vote rejecting the translation of federal laws was not 20 What is the passage mainly about?
recorded,” Baron said. Muhlenberg's role in passing the ① Why Angkor became the world’s largest metropolis
Jay Treaty with Great Britain was much more ② Angkor’s solution to its water distribution problems
controversial than his Ⓑ__________ involvement in ③ Extreme climate conditions in fifteenth-century Cambodia
rejecting the German language. ④ Angkor’s plan to anticipate extraordinary weather
⑤ How the environment precipitated the collapse of
17 Which pair best completes blanks Ⓐ and Ⓑ? Angkor
①Ⓐ was enshrined —Ⓑ paltry
②Ⓐ spread out —Ⓑweighty
③Ⓐ —Ⓑ
21 What can be inferred from the passage?

won popularity
gained steam —Ⓑ
① The original designers of Angkor planned for the city to
⑤Ⓐ lost focus —Ⓑ
grow rapidly.
② Angkor was unable to correct its flawed infrastructure.
18 What is the passage mainly about? ③ Angkor’s leaders in the fifteenth century are guilty of
① How German failed to become the official language of destroying the city.
America ④ Angkor was well prepared for extreme monsoon
② The Congressional rejection of German as the official conditions.
language of America
③ Muhlenberg’s controversial tie-breaking vote in the Jay
⑤ Cambodians have long hoped to restore the capital to
④ Why Pro-German language propaganda flourished in
19th-century America
⑤ Muhlenberg’s misrepresented role in America’s language

2023학년도 편입영어 기출문제 서강대학교

[22-23] Read the following passage and answer the questions.

that it was used as a crude substitute for bedding on
Despite being awarded a Nobel in economics in 1974, ships that brought kidnapped Africans to the Americas.
Friedrich Hayek was a great thinker rather than a great
Yet something strange happened in the history of this
economist. He called himself a “muddler.” His own ostensibly symbiotic relationship. Although guinea grass
attempt to build an economic theory floundered. His major was meant to support the sugar economy by feeding its
contribution was to emphasize the limitations of economic beasts of burden, ironically, it became a virulent weed to
knowledge, and thus the inevitable frustration of efforts to the sugarcane plants. By 1977, guinea grass was rated
build economic utopias. His theorizing was abstract, but the number one weed to sugarcane in Cuba. In 2012,
his purpose was practical : to make the case for a the journal of the National Botanical Garden of Cuba
liberal economic order which would be proof against the listed it as one of the top 100 most noxious weeds on
political and economic wickedness and madness through the island and an invasive species of greatest concern.
which he lived — the two world wars, the Great
In this way, the two imported grasses became stalky
Depression, and the rise and fall of fascism and
antagonists in the daily competition for light, water, and
communism. soil nutrients. Their cultural meanings, however, had long
since diverged. If sugarcane supported the economic
22 Which word is the best synonym for the underlined interests of European planters, guinea grass was ______
floundered? by enslaved and marooned Africans across the Caribbean
① persevered fumigated ② for practical and religious purposes. Diasporic Africans in
③ excoriated obviated ④

the Virgin Islands used the dried grass to make
struggled masquerade costumes for Carnival and other festivals. In
Cuba, priests used it to make omiero, the holy water of
23 Choose the statement which is NOT consistent with the
the Afro-Cuban Reglἀ de Ochἀ religion. Moreover, some
① Hayek was, more than anything else, a great
of the enslaved cane-cutters used an ancestral West
African technique to thatch their mud huts with guinea
② Hayek considered himself to be a kind of blunderer.
grass. Working in forced intimacy with the cane, they
③ Hayek was a perfectionist with unswerving zeal. found an ally in the invasive grass.
④ Hayek argued in favor of economic liberalism.
⑤ Hayek was pragmatic though academic. 24 Which word best completes the sentence?
①despised ②
③eradicated ④
[24-26] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ⑤appropriated

While sugarcane has defined Caribbean islands since 25 Why is the relationship between sugarcane and guinea
the onset of European settler colonization, guinea grass, grass described as “ostensibly symbiotic”?
a little-known African species, has invaded sugar ① Guinea grass and sugarcane exist side by side and
plantations from within. Cultivated to intensify sugar work to each other’s benefit.
production, guinea grass ironically became a weed of the ② Sugarcane, while preferred as the more valuable crop,
is less useful than guinea grass.

plantations while providing material and spiritual resources
to enslaved and marooned Africans and their Guinea grass, while intended to support sugarcane
farming, actually harms it.
descendants. Today, as Caribbean sugar cultivation is
shrinking, guinea grass, along with other imported African
④ Sugarcane and guinea grass, once natural enemies,
can now live together side-by-side.
pasture grasses, is taking over the spaces this industry
has left behind.
⑤ Both sugarcane and guinea grass can be used as a
natural sweetener.
In some respects, sugar and guinea grass are
26 What is the main purpose of the article?
opposites. While sugarcane was imported from
Austronesia, guinea grass hails from the western coast of
① To explain the bio-cultural conflict between sugarcane
and guinea grass
Africa. Sugar was the principal crop of many Caribbean
plantations; guinea grass was imported as fodder for the
② To warn sugarcane planters of the dangers of guinea
oxen that labored in the fields and for the cattle that fed ③ To illustrate why the sugar industry in the Caribbean is
the planters. The grass was originally introduced to the slowly dying
West Indies in the seventeenth century, probably first to ④ To prove that sugarcane, despite its value, is an
Barbados via a slave ship and then onto Jamaica and invasive species
the other islands of the archipelago. Some reports claim ⑤ To suggest that guinea grass be used more in
sugarcane farming

2023학년도 편입영어 기출문제 서강대학교

[27-29] Read the following passage and answer the questions. 30 Reorder the following sentences in the best way to form a
coherent passage.
The cowboy holds a sacred place in the pantheon of
American heroes. However, the cowboy that we know Ⓐ The Prohibition Era began in 1920 when the 18th
today didn’t spring fully formed from the American Wild Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which banned the
West, as is widely believed, but has somewhat older manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating
roots in Europe. For example, horse riding had been liquors, went into effect with the passage of the
highly esteemed in Spain for centuries; so much so, in Volstead Act.
fact, that the ability to ride well was synonymous with
high social status. The reason for this was that horses
Ⓑ The 21st Amendment was ratified on December 5,
1933, ending Prohibition.
played a key role in the livestock economy, which was
burgeoning in Spain in the fifteenth century. When the Ⓒ The increase of bootlegging, the proliferation of
Spanish made their voyages to the New World at that speakeasies and the accompanying rise in gang
time, they brought their culture of cattle ranching and violence and organized crime led to waning support
horse riding with them. Thus, the first “cowboys” in North

for Prohibition by the end of the 1920s.
America were Spaniards active in Hispaniola
modern-day Haiti and Dominican Republic — and they Ⓓ Despite the new legislation, Prohibition was difficult to
moved to Florida, followed by Mexico. From there, the enforce.
cowboy then arrived in Texas, the place where many
people are likely to believe the prototypical image of the
Ⓔ In early 1933, Congress adopted a resolution proposing
a 21st Amendment to the Constitution that would
American “cowboy” originated.
repeal the 18th.

① Ⓐ, Ⓒ, Ⓔ, Ⓑ, Ⓓ
27 What is the best synonym for the underlined pantheon?
① memorial ② legend
③ antiquity ④ oracle ② Ⓒ, Ⓐ, Ⓓ, Ⓔ, Ⓑ
⑤ shrine ③ Ⓐ, Ⓓ, Ⓒ, Ⓔ, Ⓑ
④ Ⓔ, Ⓒ, Ⓐ, Ⓓ, Ⓑ
28 Which of the following is NOT correct according to the ⑤ Ⓐ, Ⓑ, Ⓔ, Ⓒ, Ⓓ
① The first real cowboys in the New World were found in
② Horse riding was highly esteemed in Spain in the
fifteenth century.
③ Spain’s livestock economy elevated the status of
horseback riding.
④ The image of the cowboy is first and foremost an
American creation.
⑤ The culture of raising cattle was brought to America
from Spain.

29 Which would be the best title for the passage?

① The American Cowboy: An Icons Little-Known Origins
② Cattle Ranching in Hispaniola: A Tradition Worth Defending
③ Cowboys and the Cattle Industry: Growing Side-by-Side
④ Spanish Cowboys and Texas Cows: A Perfect Combination
⑤ Livestock and Horses: The Lifeblood of the New World


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