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Student’s Weekly Report of Internship

Student Name: Sureja Krushnakumar Ashokbhai

Enrollment Number: 211260131513
Name Of Organization: Datacrops

External Guide Name: Chetan Parmar

External Guide Contact details: Email:
Mobile No. : 9173771158

Internal Faculty Guide Name: Ravi Patel

Work done in last Week with description (Attach supporting Documents Like
Diagram, Data Dictionary, Screen Shot of each Work):
1. Worked on Java Syntax Fundamentals.
2. Work on Control Flow with "for" Loops.
3. Worked on Expanding Your Toolkit.
4. Worked on Arrays and Collections.

Plans for next week:

1. Understand and apply the four fundamental OOP concepts in Java.
2. Develop simple Java programs that demonstrate the use of classes, objects,
inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
3. Learn about access modifiers and their role in encapsulation.

Total Working Hrs: ____40__________ Signature of Student:

The above entries are correct and the grading of work done by Trainee is
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Below Average Poor

Signature of External Guide with Company Seal: Signature of Internal Guide

Date: Date:
Java Syntax Fundamentals

Understand how to declare, initialize, and assign values to variables of different data types (int, float,
double, char, boolean, etc.).
Practice writing simple programs that involve calculations, user input, and data manipulation.

Data Types:
Master the various data types in Java and their appropriate usage:
Numbers: Integral (int, long, short, byte) and Floating-point (float, double)
Characters (char)
Boolean (true or false)
Strings (sequences of characters)

Gain proficiency in arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %), comparison (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=), logical (&&, ||, !), and other
commonly used operators.
Practice using operators to perform calculations, make comparisons, and combine operands.

Control Flow with "for" Loops

Conditional Statements:
Implement if-else statements to make decisions based on conditions.
Write programs that use conditional statements to control the flow of execution based on user input,
calculations, or other conditions.

"for" Loops:
Grasp the core structure of for loops: initialization, condition, increment/decrement.
Create programs that use for loops to iterate through sequences, print patterns, calculate sums or
averages, and solve repetitive tasks.

Experiment with different variations of for loops:

Nested loops for more complex iterations
Infinite loops (with proper termination conditions)
Using loops to solve small problems like printing patterns, calculating series, or validating user input
Arrays and Collections

Store ordered collections of elements of the same data type.
Declare, initialize, access, and modify array elements.
Use for loops to iterate through arrays and process their elements.

Utilize pre-built data structures like Array List, LinkedList, HashMap, and HashSet for more efficient and
flexible data management.
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different collection types and choose the right one for your

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