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Are video games a good way to keep fit?

First of all, I think that video games is the worst way to keep fit, because
you don´t move your body at all, literally you are sitting moving your
hands and hurting your eyes and head.
In my opinión, as video games player, i used to play around 8 hours a day,
and that´s the worst thing that i could done because I hurted my eyes and
now I have to use glasses.
In addition i remember that when i used to play a lot hours, I had
problems to sleep well and i felt that video games stole your energy in a
bad way if you abuse the time that you play.
To sum up, I believe that video games are fun, I actually play, but only
Saturdays and 2 hours, but you don´t have top lay a lot, I feel better when
I go out to do excercise, any kind of excercise, I feel much better, and
doing excercise is the best way to keep you fit

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