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Lesson Plan in English VIII

April 12, 2023

7:00 AM – 4:00 PM


At the end of the lesson, students are able to:

1. distinguish conditional sentences;
2. analyze types of conditional sentences; and
3. choose an appropriate result or if-clause to be used in a sentence.


Topic: Literature: Conditional Sentences

Time Frame: 55 minutes
Materials: Television, Laptop, and PowerPoint Presentation
 Department of Education: English Quarter 3 – Module 4: Literature: Mirror to a shared
Heritage (Page 13-14)

III. Skills Processed and Values Integrated

S: Critical Thinking, Listening, Analyzing, and Writing

V: Participation


A. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Reading of Learning Objectives

B. Lesson Proper (4 A’s Discussion)

Activity 18A: WHAT IF

The students will complete the following ‘what if’ with its corresponding words below. The students
who can give the best what if will reserve a price.

1. What if (sleep)
2. What if (study)
3. What if (love)

1. What are your considerations in completing the sentence?
2. Does your classmates what if affects your point view?
Abstraction: (30minutes)

Conditional sentences play a very important role in Communication. They express a condition and
its result. There are three types of conditional statement in English:
1. Open conditional statement - refers to a future event which is conditional on another future
a. If + present simple, … will + infinitive
Examples: If you eat too much, you will get fatter.
If you sit in the sun, you will get burned.
2. Open hypothetical conditional statement- this also describes one potential state of reality or
circumstance which is dependent on another.
a. If + present simple, … present simple
If you eat too much, you get fatter.
If you sit in the sun, you get burned.
Refers to a possible future situation which depends on another possible future situation.
 If + past simple, … would + infinitive
If you ate too much, you would get fatter.
If I studied, I would pass the exam.
3. Unfulfilled hypothesis - refers to a situation which an event might have taken place, but did not,
because a condition was not fulfilled.
 If + past perfect, … would + have + past participle
If you had eaten too much; you would have got fatter.
If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.
Identify what type of conditional statement is used in each item. Write your answer on the space
________________1. If Rowena had eaten everything he would have been ill.
________________2. The police will arrest him if they catch him.
________________3. I would be angry if he made more mistakes.
________________4. If I had known that, I would visited.
________________5. If you paint the walls white, the room will be much brighter.
________________6. I will offer them coffee and cake as soon as they come over.
_______________7. If you had given me the letter, I would have posted it for you.
________________8. You would not have so many accidents if you drove more slowly.
________________9. If you go to Paris, where will you stay?
________________10. If anyone had attacked me, my dog would have jumped at him.

Assessment: FILL ME IN
Complete the following sentences with an appropriate result or if-clause.
1. I can go shopping to the Mall of Asia this weekend if _______________________.
2. If I have time, ______________________________________________________.
3. I could have gone to the Middle East last year if ___________________________.
4. If I met Jews and Arabs in the streets today, I _____________________________.
5. World peace can be attained and maintained if ___________________________.

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