Chapter 2 - History of Health Education As An Emerging Profession

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The correct use of medications and the pursuit of

CHAPTER 2: HISTORY OF HEALTH EDUCATION AS AN rehabilitation regimens (for tuberculosis and leprosy,
4. The recognition of early symptoms of disease and
promoting early referral
5. Community support for primary health care and
• Health Education is a process concerned with
government control measures.
designing, implementing, and evaluating educational
programs that enable families, groups,
In developing countries, health education planning should
organizations, and communities to play active roles
consider the following decisions:
in achieving, protecting, and sustaining health.
1. What is the desired change
• Its purpose is to contribute to health and well-being 2. Where should health education take place
by promoting lifestyles, community actions and 3. Who should carry it out
conditions that make it possible to live healthful lives” 4. How should it be done
(The Code of Ethics for Health Educators,
Association for the Advancement of Health WHAT TO CHANGE?
• In considering what to change, the following steps
• The field of health promotion and education has been are suggested:
heard of by students in schools mainly from the o Identify what the key problems are and
science and health teacher. Today it has been o What advice should be given
described as an emerging profession, a synthesis of
• Proposals for change of health practices and beliefs
discipline and profession.
are guided by principles. Proposals that seek change
• Discipline has been defined as “a branch of should:
knowledge or instruction” (Landau, 1979). o Be simple to put into practice with the
Profession is defined as “an occupation that existing knowledge and skills in the
properly involves a liberal, scientific or artistic community
education” (Landau 1979). o Fit in with existing lifestyle and culture and
not conflict with beliefs
CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROFESSION o Not require resources or money, materials
1. Provide a unique and essential social service (health and time that are not available locally
promotion and maintenance is an essential social o Meet a felt need of the community
service. o Be seen by the people to convey real
2. Require of its members an extensive period of benefits in the short term, not in the distant
preparation (BS degree or Masteral degree). future.
3. Have a theoretical base underlying its practice
• Health education programs should be flexible and
(theories, principles and concepts of health are
should fit in with the people’s beliefs, culture, needs
widely used by health educators).
and circumstances. Actual identification of their own
4. Have a system of internal controls that tends to
needs, active participation in identifying possible
regulate the behavior of its members (this is
solutions and pro-active formulation of action plans
emerging with the certification of health education
and implementation of the plan of action will ensure
specialists, academic program review, and the
success and continuance of the health programs.
different codes of ethics).
Once the benefits are seen and felt, this will pave the
5. Have a culture peculiar to the profession (this is
way for the trust and goodwill that will make future
presently evolving).
undertakings achievable and workable.
6. Be sanctioned by the community (the importance of
the work of health educators still must be recognized
by most communities)
• The conduct of health education can be done in the
7. Have an association that is representative of all and
privacy of a patient’s room which may involve the
can speak on behalf of all the members of the
patient and/or his family, in outpatient departments
occupation (health education has many associations
of hospitals and clinics, health center and other
but there is not one organization that speaks for all).
health care settings. It can also be done in the
community barangay hall involving different
organized groups or members of a health education
Hubley (1983) stated that “health education is an essential
class or during the conduct of home/follow-up visits.
component of any program to improve the health of a
Places where people come together like in
community and has the major role in promoting:
marketplaces, church, community centers or the
1. Good health practices (sanitation, clean drinking
town plaza can be a good venue for discussing
water, good hygiene, breast feeding, infant weaning,
health-related matters whether the health educator is
and oral rehydration)
using formal or informal strategies of teaching.
2. The use of preventive services like immunization,
• It is noteworthy that the UNESCO “Education for All”
screening, antenatal and child health clinics
and the United Nations Literacy Decade have
included health education activities as strategies for
goal attainment and involved schools as academic 8. It uses demonstration to show the benefits of
partners and venues for service delivery, thereby adopting the practices.
illustrating such synergy.
• In line with this contention, serious efforts are now RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH EDUCATION AND
directed to strengthen the school health and nutrition HEALTH PROMOTION
programs which are the springboards for more The primary role of health educators is to develop appropriate
advanced health education programs since the health education/promotion programs for the people they
school health teacher is the first contact in formal serve through:
health education. Our schools have the mandate to 1. Planning
provide understand the importance of practicing 2. Implementing, and
healthful behavior for active, productive, and 3. Evaluating the health plans/programs
rewarding lives as individuals, family members and
citizens leading to the development of healthy STEPS IN DEVELOPING A HEALTH
communities and the adoption of healthy lifestyles. EDUCATION/PROMOTION PROGRAM
The following are steps to consider in developing a health
WHO SHOULD DO HEALTH EDUCATION? education or health promotion program (Cottrell et al 2001)
• All health workers are responsible for promoting 1. Assessing the needs of the target population
health and instituting preventive aspects of care. 2. Developing appropriate goals and objectives
Since medical technologists belong to the field of 3. Creating an intervention that considers the
health, they are one of the primary agents for peculiarities of the setting
conducting health education to the family, members 4. Implementing the intervention
of the community, students, or anybody who is need 5. Evaluating the results
of health information and instruction.
HOW SHOULD HEALTH EDUCATION BE CONDUCTED? • Due to the heightened technological advances which
1. Demonstration – the most useful where the process are occurring by the second, the health educator is
of doing a procedure is shown and the skills or faced with enormous challenges as well as
techniques are practiced through return opportunities due to the increasing demand of
demonstration. One example is by showing them society for health education and preventive care and
how to do proper handwashing. the heavy reliance on technology for the delivery and
2. Word of mouth – is the most influential way of acquisition of knowledge via the information highway
transmitting information especially of oral traditions or the internet.
which are usually conveyed by means of puppets or • Today, we see a return to population-based health
puppet shows, dramatization or sociodrama, role- promotion and maintenance vis-à-vis the hospital-
playing, storytelling, TV advertisements, music, and based emphasis and preference for healthcare
songs. This can be planned and performed by the during the last few decades. Its emphasis is on the
local folks. health of the community and the adaptation of
3. Use of audiovisual aids – leaflets, charts, posters, healthy behaviors and lifestyle through health
etc. empowerment of the people. Thus, today’s health
4. Film showing – the use of modular instructions is educator is also considered as a Community Health
also effective medium of instruction where the Worker whose main concern is to improve the health
learner uses his/her senses of sight, hearing, of the people by using different methods and
touching, smelling, and even tasting. Example of this strategies.
are some children shows.


The following are essential characteristics of effective health
education according to Hubley, 1983.
1. It is directed at people who have influence in the
community who are also the opinion makers.
2. The lessons are repeated and reinforced over time
using different methods.
3. The lessons are adaptable and use existing
channels of communication like songs, drama, and
4. It is entertaining and attracts the community’s
5. Uses clear, simple language with local expressions.
6. It emphasizes short term benefits of action.
7. It provides opportunities for dialogue, discussion,
and learner participation and feedback.

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