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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Rehiyon V
Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Sagurong, Pili, Camarines Sur


Constitution and By-Laws


We, the campus journalists of Concepcion F. Llorin National High School, desirous of
establishing an editorial staff, in accordance to Campus Journalism Act of 1991 (R.A. 7079), that
will promote the development and growth of responsible journalism as a means of strengthening
ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral character and
personal discipline, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1. The official student newspaper of Concepcion F. Llorin National High School shall be
known as “Saguroneans Page Script.”

Section 2. Saguroneans Page Script shall be located inside of the premises of the Concepcion F.
Llorin National High School.

Section 3. The official logo of the Saguroneans Page Script shall consist of three (3) elements and
three (3) colors:
a) A quill or Pluma which shall refer to the writing profession;
b) A scroll which shall signify triumph;
c) The quill and scroll shall be in color white and shall symbolize authenticity and fairness;
d) The background ideas shall be in golden yellow and shall symbolize the nobility of writing

Section 4. The current Editorial Board may adopt a new logo which shall be declared immediately
official upon the vote of a simple majority of members of the Editorial Board. Such new logo may be
used in the immediate issue of the Saguroneans Page Script preceding the meeting where the new
logo has been adopted.

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The new logo, upon its first appearance in the Saguroneans Page Script, shall not be
modified in any way and shall serve as its official logo for two consecutive editorial years.

Section 5. The following are terms and acronyms used in this Constitution and By-Laws in their
operational meaning:
a) The secondary school shall refer to the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School;
b) Editorial Year shall coincide with the academic year of the Concepcion F. Llorin National
High School;
c) Editorial Term shall refer to the period of appointment of the Saguroneans Page Script
Editorial Board and staff;
d) EB shall refer to the Editorial Board, the publication’s highest governing and supreme policy
making body;
e) Laws shall refer to the Article III of the Bill of Rights of the 1987 Philippine Constitution; the
Campus Journalism Act of 1991 or R.A. 7079; and other related laws;
f) The Public shall refer to the general population of the Concepcion F. Llorin National High
School, including the Administration and to the general public outside of the high school.


Section 1. The Saguroneans Page Script shall serve primarily as a newspaper of and for the
students. It shall protect and promote the constitutionally mandated rights of students to free
speech and of expression. In addition, it shall protect and promote the students’ rights and welfare.

Section 2. The Saguroneans Page Script, being a publication of the students devoted to ideals of
truth shall pursue the mission of social transformation through active and responsible journalism.

Section 3. The Saguroneans Page Script, being an independent institution, shall not be subjected
to any form of censorship. In turn, the editors and staff shall see to it that the Saguroneans Page
Script exercises academic and campus press freedom in accordance with the Laws. It shall also
seek to protect and promote press freedom by taking firm and assertive stance against elements
endangering such right.

Section 4. The editors shall respect the rights of other parties that are equally protected by the
Laws of the Republic of the Philippines, affording them the right and opportunity to refute or reply to
criticism or comment hurled at them.


The Saguroneans Page Script shall at all times strive to:

Section 1. Inform the Public with news of relevance and interest.

Section 2. Serve as a venue for campus opinion and in maintaining an atmosphere of free and
responsible discussion and of intellectual exploration.

Section 3. Provide an outlet for student’s suggestion for the betterment of the campus.

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Section 4. Develop student’s powers of observation and discrimination concerning relative merits
of news articles.

Section 5. Provide an opportunity for journalistic and creative writing.


All members of the Forefront shall at all times observe the following Code of Ethics:

Section 1. Members of the Saguroneans Page Script should be honest, fair and courageous in
gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

a) Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent
error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible.
b) Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to
allegations of wrongdoing.
c) Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible
on sources reliability.
d) Always question sources motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to
any promise need and exchange for information.
e) Makes certain that headlines, news teases and promotion material, and quotation do not
misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incident out of context.
f) Never distort the content of news or photos. Image enhancement for technical clarity is
always permissible. Label montages and photo illustration.
g) Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information except when
traditional open methods will not yield information vital to the public. Use of such methods
should be explained as part of the story.
h) Never plagiarize.
i) Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience boldly, even when it is
unpopular to do so.
j) Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing those values on others.
k) Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation,
disability, physical appearance or social status.
l) Support the open exchange of views, even views they fine repugnant.
m) Give voice to the voiceless; official and unofficial sources of information can be equally valid.
n) Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be
labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
o) Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two.

Section 2. All members of the Saguroneans Page Script should treat sources, subjects and
colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.
a) Show compassion for those who maybe affected adversely by news coverage. Use special
sensitivity when dealing with children inexperienced sources or subjects.
b) Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy
or grief.

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c) Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit
of the news is not a license for arrogance.
d) Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves
than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an
overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy.
e) Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity.

Section 3. All members of the Saguroneans Page Script should be free of obligation to any interest
other than the public’s right to know.
a) Avoid conflict of interest, real or perceived;
b) Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage
c) Disclose unavoidable conflicts;
d) Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable;
e) Deny favor treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to
influence news coverage;
f) Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; avoid bidding for news.

Section 4. All members of the Saguroneans Page Script should be accountable to its readers.
a) Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media.
b) Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
c) Expose unethical practices of journalist and the news media.
d) Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.


Section 1. The editorial selection shall be held a week after the first (1st) quarter examination.
Applications to participate in the selection shall be filed to the school paper adviser three days
before the date of selection.

Section 2. Any material misstatement of facts in any form submitted by the applicant shall be a
ground for disqualification.

Section 3. The content of the editorial selection prepared by the school paper adviser shall be kept
in absolute confidentiality until the start of the selection.

Section 4. The selection shall be given in the following fields:

a) Editorial Writing
b) News Writing
c) Feature Writing
d) Saguroneans Page Script layouting


Concepcion F. Llorin National High School

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Section1. All appeals and protests relating to the selection of the Editor-in-Chief shall be jointly
addressed to the Saguroneans Page Script adviser and the school head.

Section 2. The school head shall convene with the Saguroneans Page Script’s adviser as honorary
member and resolve the same within ten working days after the protest has been properly and
officially filed.


Section 1. To be able to participate in the competitive editorial examination, the applicant must:
a) Be a bona fide student of the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School enrolled from Junior
High School Grade 7-10 and Senior High School Grade 11-12 for the current school year;
b) Have a general average of 82% with no failing grade on his/her previously completed
c) Be of good moral character as certified by the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School
guidance counselor.
Section 2. The applicant with the highest aggregate score shall ipso facto be declared by the
school paper adviser as the Editor-in-Chief of the Saguroneans Page Script and shall be approved
for appointment by the school head after the selection has been finalized.
In case of a tie, the deadlock shall be resolved by tossing a coin. Each one shall choose his side of
the coin and the winner shall be declared as the new Editor-in-Chief;

Section 3. In the event that the duly-appointed Editor-in-Chief fail or be unable to assume office,
the examinee with the next highest rank in the editorial selection shall serve as the Editor-in-chief.
In case of inability, disqualification or impeachment of the duly-appointed Editor-in-Chief to continue
in office, the duly appointed Associate Editor shall be appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief and s/he
shall serve the unexpired term of the outgoing Editor-in-Chief.


Section 1. The Saguroneans Page Script shall publish at least two newspapers tabloid-sized for
the whole school year.

Section 2. The Saguroneans Page Script may publish any supplements and other printed
materials such as newsletter.

Section 3. The Saguroneans Page Script is protected by freedom of the press rights granted by
the 1987 Philippine Constitution and is functioning in accordance to Campus Journalism Act of
Section 5. The Saguroneans Page Script can be asked for explanation of news judgment of
editorial policy but it is not required to submit advance copies of work considered for publication to
any group or person outside the editorial staff.

Section 6. The Saguroneans Page Script also welcomes articles from the students and staff of the

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a) Anyone approved for freelance contribution must conform to the Saguroneans Page Script
b) The Saguroneans Page Script reserves the right to edit articles submitted for publication.
c) All contents submitted to the Forefront become the property of the Saguroneans Page


Section 1. The Editorial Board shall be composed of students who have qualified in the competitive
editorial selection.

Section 2. The members of the EB, shall:

a) Be a bona fide student of the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School enrolled from Junior
High School Grade 7-10 and Senior High School Grade 11-12 for the current school year;
b) Have a general average of 82% with no failing grade on his/her previously completed
c) Be of good moral character as certified by the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School
guidance counselor.

Section 3. The Saguroneans Page Script’s EB shall be composed of the Editor–in-Chief, Associate
Editor, Managing Editor, News Editor, Sports Editor, Feature Editor, Photojournalist, Cartoonist and
the Publications Adviser;
Vacant position shall be filled in by the editorial board from qualified nominees submitted by the
members and chosen by a two-third vote.

Section 4. Any one who participates in the Saguroneans Page Script should comply with standards
of accuracy, fullness, and balance as outlined in Article 4, Code of Ethics.

Section 5. Members of the EB are responsible for the content of the newspaper. They shall see
that no material published is unlawful or that intentionally supports a substantial disruption of
College activities without an ethical journalistic explanation.

Section 6. All members of the Saguroneans Page Script shall discharge the following duties and
a) Uphold and defend this Constitution and By-Laws;
b) Abide by the policies, decisions and regulations which may be promulgated by the EB;
c) Participate in all programs, trainings, workshops, projects and actions adopted by the
Saguroneans Page Script;
d) Adhere to the principles and pursue the objectives of the Forefront; and
e) Assume other duties and functions as provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 7. The EB shall discharge the following duties and responsibilities:

a) Deliberate on the promotion and demotion of the editors and staff members ;
b) Nominate the adviser;
c) Formulate house rules in coordination with the staff members;
d) Deliberate and approve the publication’s budget for the school year;

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e) Make a consensus and stand on issues upon consultation with the staff, which shall be
reflected in the editorial column of every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
f) Assume other duties and functions as provided for in the approved College Organizational
and Administrative Manual and Student Handbook.


Section 1. The staff of the Saguroneans Page Script shall be composed of bona fide student of the
Concepcion F. Llorin National High School enrolled from Junior High School Grade 7-10 and
Senior High School Grade 11-12 for the current school year.

Section 2. Excluding the EB, the staff shall include correspondents, cartoonists and a
photojournalist not exceeding five (5) students.


Section 1. The EB and staff members need not be enrolled for the summer term provided that all
other qualifications governing eligibility shall be complied with.


Section 1. An adviser may be approved by the school head upon the recommendation by the EB.

Section 2. An adviser may come from the faculty of Concepcion F. Llorin National High School.

Section 3. The duly appointed adviser shall sit as part of the EB but she/he shall have no voting
powers and his/her duties shall be limited to technical guidance and advice.


Section 1. The Editor-In-Chief, otherwise known as the EIC:

a) Shall sit as chairperson of the EB and shall preside over its meetings;
b) Shall supervise the EB and staff of the Saguroneans Page Script;
c) Shall have the authority to select and appoint his/her section editors based on the ranks the
applicants has achieved on competitive editorial selection;
d) Shall edit and proofread all articles in consultation with the EB and staff for the final editing
and proofreading;
e) Shall act as the official spokesperson of the Saguroneans Page Script;
f) Shall call meetings of the EB and staff members in consultation with the adviser.
g) Shall approve the contents of every issues in collaboration with the EB and after consultation
with the adviser;
h) Shall approve all plans, activities and projects of the Saguroneans Page Script after due
consultation with the EB before these are implemented;

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i) Shall supervises the preparation of the layout of the paper and paging of the same in
cooperation with the managing editor;
j) Shall have the authority to appoint the Internal Auditor of the Saguroneans Page Script
among the members of the EB except the Managing Editor;
k) Shall be allowed to write in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script;
l) Shall call the attention of the section editors and staff members with regards to oversight in
editing, inability to meet deadlines and newsrooms and editorial policies that have been
m) Shall be one of the signatories with regards to the signing of checks and payment of
financial obligations of the Saguroneans Page Script;
n) Shall sign pertinent papers, documents, resolution and certifications regarding the
operations of the Saguroneans Page Script;
o) Shall chair the Screening Committee regarding the selection and appointment of new staff
p) Shall submit an operations recap at the end of the editorial year to the members of the
Saguroneans Page Script; and
q) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 2. The Associate Editor:

a) Shall assume powers, duties and responsibilities in absence of the Editor-in-Chief, thereby
acting as the Officer-in-Charge;
b) Shall edit articles in cooperation with the Editor-in-Chief
c) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script;
d) Shall prepares assignments of section editors in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief.
e) Shall cooperates in the preparation of the layout of the paper and paging of the same with
the editor-in-chief and Managing Editor.
f) Shall monitor the performances of the EB and staff and suggest appropriate sanctions in
coordination with the EB;
g) Shall assist the Editor-in-Chief in all matters concerning the internal and external operations
of the Saguroneans Page Script;
h) Shall be one of the members of the Screening Committee regarding the selection of new
staff members;
i) Shall serve as the Saguroneans Page Script’s official Liaison Officer with other institutions,
organizations and alliances; and
j) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 3. The Managing Editor:

a) Shall be the financial and budget officer of the Saguroneans Page Script
b) Shall prepare the budget of the Saguroneans Page Script on a semestral basis in
consultation with the EB;
c) Shall prepare reports on the Saguroneans Page Script’s fund balance from the previous
year and the publication fees of students as verified by the College Accounting Office;
d) Shall prepare pertinent papers, documents, resolutions and certifications regarding the
operations of the Saguroneans Page Script;
e) Shall submit a monthly financial report of the Saguroneans Page Script funds to the EB;
f) Shall be responsible for all financial aspects of the publication;
g) Shall coordinate with the EB on all financial matters;

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h) Shall supervise the canvassing and follow-up the bidding for printing of issues and purchase
of office materials and equipment pertinent to the operations of the Saguroneans Page
Script and other related activities;
i) Shall prepare a financial statement at the end of every events, contests and publication
j) Shall be one of the signatories with regards to the signing of checks and payment of
financial obligations of the Saguroneans Page Script;
k) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script;
l) Shall be one of the members of the Screening Committee regarding the selection of new
staff members;
m) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
n) Shall have the authority to select, upon the concurrence of the EB, the Assistant Managing
Editor among the staff members who:
1) Shall assist the Managing Editor in all managerial aspects of the Saguroneans Page
2) Shall represent the Managing Editor in his/her absence
3) Shall be the Property Custodian of the Saguroneans Page Script equipments, items,
gadgets, office supplies, and all other effects and shall make an inventory of these at the
end of the editorial year;
4) Shall take-charge of the circulation of the Saguroneans Page Script and other important
letters and documents in and out of the Concepcion F. Llorin National High School; and
5) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 4. The News Editor:

a) Shall assign reporters to cover events relevant to the school activities;
b) Shall write straight news articles on assignment from the Editor-in-Chief or through his own
initiative in consultation with the latter.
c) Shall edit all straight news articles received preparatory to submission of the same to editor-
d) Shall monitor the development of articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script;
e) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
f) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 5. The Sports Editor:

a) Shall assign reporters to conduct interviews and surveys (if needed) and cover events of
relevant issues and activities, and edit articles written about it;
b) Shall monitor the development of articles in his/her section;
c) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
d) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 6. The Features Editor:

a) Shall assign correspondents to conduct interviews and surveys (if needed) and cover
events of relevant issues and activities, and edit articles written about it;
b) Shall monitor the development of articles in his/her section;
c) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
d) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 7. The Culture and Literary Editor:

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a) Shall assign correspondents to conduct interviews and surveys (if needed) and cover events
of relevant issues and activities, and edit articles written about it;
b) Shall monitor the development of articles in his/her section;
c) Shall be allowed to write articles in every issue of the Saguroneans Page Script;
d) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script; and
e) Shall take charge of the literary and arts folio of the Saguroneans Page Script in consultation
with the EB.

Section 8. The Graphic Editor

a) Shall coordinate with the sections editors and cartoonists regarding illustrations needed for
the articles in each issue;
b) Shall take charge of the visual announcements needed by the Saguroneans Page Script;
c) Shall have a section of graphic illustrations depending on the need of the publication; and
d) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 9. The Layout Artist:

a) Shall take-charge of the layout of the publications in consultation with the section editors for
each article; and
b) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 10. The Photojournalist:

a) Shall be the official photographer of the publication;
b) Shall take charge of the pictures needed by the publication in each issue; and
c) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 11. The Cartoonists

a) The Saguroneans Page Script’s cartoonists shall not exceed a maximum number of three
b) Shall make illustrations, drawing and other artworks needed by the publication in each issue;
c) Shall make cartoon or comic strips depending on the need of the publication; and
d) Must be present in every editorial and staff meeting of the Saguroneans Page Script.

Section 12. The Reporters:

a) Shall secure the cold facts of an assigned event and write an article out of the same.
b) Receive assignments from the Section Editors and EB and accomplishes the same properly
and on time.


Section 1. General and/or Special meetings will be held upon the call of the Editor-in-Chief in
which he/she will be the presiding officer.

Section 2. A secretary, who will be appointed by the Editor-in-Chief, shall notify the members
regarding the meeting and shall ensure to furnish a copy of the proceedings to the members
present at least a day after the meeting.

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Section 3. Every decision agreed upon by the majority of the members present at the meeting shall
be considered valid.


Section 1. If at any time an authorized staffer becomes dissatisfied with the conduct of any
member of the Editorial Board, he/she may initiate a disciplinary action. The authorized staff, in the
exercise of managerial responsibility mandated by the editorial board, has the authority to issue
reprimands in the form of warnings, suspensions, or expulsions to staffers whose conduct is in
conflict with the objectives of student publication. In all cases, the questionable action of a staffer
should be measured against performance of job-related duties, and not on the basis of
a) Warning Notice. A written document from the authorized staff notifies the staffer of the job-
related infractions, and lists resulting consequences for additional infractions. The following
infractions may result in a formal writing notice:
Failure to meet an established deadline
Failure to attend mandatory staff meeting without valid and written excuse
b) Notice of suspension. The staffer involved and the Editor-in-Chief or editorial boards are
encouraged to meet and to discuss the reasons before the suspension is implemented.
Then, a written document from the authorized staff usually issued only after three written
warnings have been issued, notifies the staffer of suspension from the staff for a specific
period of time. During this time, the staffer will not be awarded any assignments, nor will the
staffer’s name be listed on the masthead of the next issue. Once a suspension has been
lifted, the staffer may again resume normal staff duties.
c) Expulsion from the staff. A written document from the authorized staff, issued as last resort
only after the staffer has been given written warnings and suspension(s) notices, terminates
a staff member from affiliation with the newspaper. He/she may no longer apply for a
position in the Saguroneans Page Script.
d) Extraordinary suspension. In a few, exceptional cases, the Editor-in-Chief have the authority
to suspend a staff member without issuing a formal warning. These instances include, but
are not limited to, the following infractions:
i. Plagiarism
ii. Maliciously falsifying a news report
iii. Maliciously misrepresenting the newspaper
iv. Theft of newspaper property
v. Malicious destruction of newspaper property
vi. Acceptance of money or other special considerations in exchange for favorable news
coverage or a promise of news coverage


Section 1. An editor or staff member shall maintain his/her status as a student in order for his/her
membership to be retained in the publication.

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Section 2. The new EB and Staff members shall assume office during the start of classes in the
month on June, coinciding with the start of the incoming academic year of the College.

Section 3. If an editor or a staff member absents him/herself without official leave for one (1) issue,
he/she shall be terminated after due process. After which, the EB shall conduct screening process
to look for a replacement from among the members of the EB and Staff.
a) A former editor unless resigned or terminated, may be readmitted upon the discretion of the
EB, after consultation with the staff but only as a member of the staff thereof;
b) A former staff member unless resigned or terminated, may be readmitted into the staff upon
the discretion of the EB, after consultation with the staff.

Section 4. A section editor may retain his/her position provided that he/she continues to enjoy the
confidence of the members of the EB and Staff.

Section 5. Any member of the Saguroneans Page Script desiring to run for an elective post in the
Supreme Secondary Learner Government Body shall tender his/her leave of absence at least one
(1) week prior to the filing of his/her candidacy. The said editor or staff member shall be forced to
resign in the event he/she was elected upon assumption of office in order to preserve the integrity
of the publication.


Section 1. The Saguroneans Page Script is funded from the fee collected in the General PTA
contribution of the parents as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Any amount received by way of grant or donation shall form part of the Saguroneans Page Script

Section 2. The Editorial Board shall formulate and adapt a budget which shall embody a work plan
of programs and projects together with estimated expenditures for the school year.
All expenditures of the editorial board shall be audited by a financial officer who will be appointed
by the Editor-in-Chief.

Section 3. The balance of the Editorial board for a semester shall be retained and shall be a part of
the fund for the next school year.


Section 1. Language
The Saguroneans Page Script will not publish any material intentionally using abusive language,
profanity, or that singles out certain groups for the reason of shock value or stereotyping.

Section 2. Letters to the Editor

a) The Saguroneans Page Script welcomes letters on topics of interest, and it publishes a
policy in each edition. Letters should be no longer than 250 words and must be typed and
accompanied by the letter writer’s full name, address, and a working phone number or e-

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mail address. The letter writer is asked to include if he or she has any affiliation with a club
or group if the letter focuses on that club or group. Unsigned letters will not be printed.
b) Letters will not be published until an editor verifies the authenticity of the letter with the letter
writer. Staff members of Saguroneans Page Script may not submit letters.
c) The Saguroneans Page Script reserves the right to edit letters for space considerations,
spelling, grammar and style. Letters must follow the same guidelines that any other
publishable item in the newspaper follows. Letters that include obscenity, racial bias, libel
and serious factual errors will not be published. Letters can be submitted by “hard copy” to
Saguroneans Page Script office.

Section 3. Complaints
a. No matter what the nature of the complaint is, Saguroneans Page Script staff should not
admit wrongdoing on behalf of Saguroneans Page Script.
b. Staffers should listen and try to understand the nature of the complaint, making an effort to
connect the caller with someone who can resolve the issue. All the information should be
gathered and given to the Editor-in-Chief and the Publication Adviser. If the complaint is not
about a factual error, the caller should be encouraged to submit a letter to the editor.

Section 4. Corrections and Retractions

a. There is a significant difference between a correction and retraction. The readers shall be
informed of the difference without admitting wrongdoing or promising that a correction or
retraction will be published.
b. A correction is published when Saguroneans Page Script has made a significant spelling,
typographical, reporting, or editing error on any published material that appears in the
newspaper or online. A retraction is more serious and involves admitting that there are
significant errors in a single published story and that it deserves an apology or anew story
with correct information.
c. The Saguroneans Page Script’s policy is to correct significant errors of fact in a timely
manner. The editors shall determine if the complaints are significant or not for a correction.
d. Corrections must be approved by the Section Editor and the Editor-in-Chief. Corrections
should be worded so the mistake is not repeated. The correction should not include an

Section 5. Conflicts of interest

a. Staff members should conduct themselves in a manner that protects them from conflicts of
interest or from the appearance of conflicts of interest.
b. No staff member may publish material about a campus activity or activity related to the
campus on a topic in which that person is involved. A member of a sports team cannot write
about that particular team. A member of a student group cannot write about that particular
c. The Saguroneans Page Script staff members covering events should not engage in activities
that would show bias toward that coverage, such as cheering at a sporting event or
applauding a political candidate.
d. Staff members should avoid interviewing or photographing friends for a story unless they are
coincidentally the only reliable source for that story. Staff members should not purposely
attempt to use other staff members as sources for stories or photographs.

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e. Staff members also working for other publications are not to provide pertinent story
information to the other publication or cover events for both publications without permission
of the Publication Adviser and the Editor in Chief.
f. Involvement in student politics, holding student government office and service in college
organizations, should be avoided if it compromises the integrity of student journalists.
g. Editorial stances regarding a certain group should not be made by members of Saguroneans
Page Script who are also part of that group.

Section 6. Wire Copy

a. The Saguroneans Page Script subscribes to wire services that provide stories produced by
other news organizations and that are published in the student newspaper.
b. When wire stories are used to blend with student-produced stories, credit should be given to
the wire service at the end of the story. A wire story updated with a new, student-written,
lead or a couple of internal paragraphs is still credited to the wire service.
c. The point at which a story is more student-written than wire-written is a decision that should
be made by the appropriate Section Editor.

Section 7. Sources on the Internet

a) Reporters who use the Internet and e-mail to interview sources should identify themselves
as a reporter immediately, and should verify the source’s identity with a follow-up telephone
call. The source should be told that the information given is for a story.
b) Information from Internet chat rooms and blogs should not be used except as background,
or if it is used, it should be attributed as “from the Internet.” Since some information on the
Internet may not be accurate, verification of facts through another source is especially

Section 8. Photo Guidelines

a. The integrity of the documentary photograph is the same as that of a quote. In a news
medium, readers expect photos and stories to be truthful.
b. Electronically altering the content of photos for news and general feature stories or as stand-
alone news and feature photos is not allowed. Exceptions to this would be adjustments to
contrast and similar technical enhancements that don’t affect the truthfulness of the subject
and context of the subject or scene.
c. Content may be altered for creative purposes as a special effect if the caption or credit line
includes the fact and if an average reader would not mistake the photo for reality. These
photos must be tagged as photo illustrations. Photo illustrations must in no way resemble
documentary photographs.

Section 9. Official Statements

Official statements regarding the policies and actions of Saguroneans Page Script should only be
made by the Editor in Chief or by the Publication Advisers. Any comments regarding Saguroneans
Page Script by staff members should be made with the clarification that the comment is not an
official position of the newspaper.

Section 10. Confidentiality

a) A reporter should not promise confidentiality to a source without the permission of the editor.
Confidentiality should only be given if there’s a real danger that physical, emotional or
financial harm will come to the source if his or her name were revealed. The editor should

Concepcion F. Llorin National High School

Email Address:
have all the facts and the source’s name before the decision is made. A reporter should
make every attempt to get the same information from another source who agrees to be
named because the goal is to attribute all information to a specific source for all stories.
b) In turn, Saguroneans Page Script material is not to be distributed to outside interests. Photo
negatives, notes, videos and other materials used in gathering information are not to be
revealed to the public unless approved by the Publication Adviser and the Editor-in-Chief.
c) Off-the-record interviews should be avoided. “Off the record” means that none of the
information provided may be used in the story. It is something that is done to gain
background information that the reporter can use to gather on-the-record information. Clear
guidelines must be set at the beginning of the interview —it’s either on the record or off.
Avoid situations where the subject wants to switch between one and the other.

Section 11. Libel

No staff member shall publish a false statement about a person that holds him or her up to public
humiliation, ridicule or contempt.

Section 12. Publishing

No staff member shall promise that a story, photograph, video or cartoon will appear in
Saguroneans Page Script. Often plans change. It is best to tell those who ask that a story is
planned for publication during a certain week.


Section 1. The Saguroneans Page Script may join, participate or forge networks with other student
groups and alliances inside and outside the College without restriction from any entity.


Section 1. The Editor-in-Chief, all other members of the EB and editors and staff members will be
joining the Press Conference in the District, Division and National for free. They will also be subject
to the Memorandum No. ___ stating that they will receive a retained grade or an additional grade
for representing the school.


Section 1. The incumbent EB and Staff members shall serve in an interim capacity until their
successors have assumed office.


Section 1. This Constitution may be amended only by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all
members of the Editorial Board, provided that the proposed amendment must be presented in

Concepcion F. Llorin National High School

Email Address:
writing at the previous meeting of the EB and copies thereof be sent to EB members at least seven
(7) days prior to its consideration;
Section 2. No amendment or revision shall be made with this Constitution and By-Laws, with
exception to the publication logo part as stipulated in Article 1, Section 5 of this Constitution and
By-Laws, within two (2) years from the date of its ratification;
Section 3. The Saguroneans Page Script Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately
upon approval of the EB.


Section 1. If any part of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be found invalid or unconstitutional, all
parts that are separable from the invalid part shall remain in effect and valid. However, if a certain
part is essentially dependent from the other part which shall be found invalid or unconstitutional, the
former shall remain in effect and valid.

Concepcion F. Llorin National High School

Email Address:

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