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Questions for NQESH Review Pre-test

D3-S15 Teaching Standards and Pedagogies

1. Which of the following statements best summarizes the role of teachers in nation-

A. Teachers are primarily responsible for developing students’ academic skills to

prepare them for the workforce.

B. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping students’ values, equipping them with 21st-
century skills, and contributing to the nation’s development and progress.

C. Teachers are tasked with implementing educational reforms such as K-12 and
ASEAN integration to adapt to changing global standards.

D. Teachers are expected to adhere strictly to current standards without room for
adaptation or improvement.

2. Which of the following indicators that higher learning expectations are communicated to
each learner?
i. Provides varied enrichment activities to nurture the desire for further learning
ii. Provides learners with a variety of learning experiences.
iii. Encourages learners to ask questions
iv. Uses individual and cooperative learning activities

A. i and ii
B. ii, iii, and iv
C. i,iii, and iv
D. i, ii, iii, and iv

3. What sets Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers apart from other career stages?
A. They actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional community.
B. They exhibit proficiency in planning and managing learning programs.
C. They create a lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students, and others.
D. They seek advice from experienced colleagues to enhance their learning and practice

4. According to the constructivist theory of learning, knowledge is primarily:

A. Transmitted from teacher to student
B. Acquired through direct instruction
C. Constructed by learners based on experiences and interactions
D. Memorized through rote learning
5. Ms. Jean, a computer teacher demonstrates an understanding of local and global issues

and exhibits ethical and legal use of information and communications technology tools.

Which is true about her?

A. She models digital-age work and learning
B. She facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity.
C. She promotes and models digital citizenship and responsibility
D. She designs and develops digital-age learning experiences and assessments

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