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Software Requirements




Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <Padala Phani Bhaskar Reddy>

<Lovely Professional University>



Copyright © 2024
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Revision History.............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions.....................................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...................................................................................1
1.4 Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations...............................................................................................1
1.5 Scope…………………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.6 References.........................................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective...........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Features................................................................................................................................2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics......................................................................................................2
2.4 Operating Environment.....................................................................................................................2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints...........................................................................................2
2.6 User Documentation.........................................................................................................................2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies.......................................................................................................3
3. System Features.......................................................................................................................3
3.1 System Feature 1...............................................................................................................................3
3.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)............................................................................................................4
4. External Interface Requirements...........................................................................................4
4.1 User Interfaces..................................................................................................................................4
4.2 Hardware Interfaces..........................................................................................................................4
4.3 Software Interfaces...........................................................................................................................4
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................5
5.1 Performance Requirements...............................................................................................................5
5.2 Safety Requirements.........................................................................................................................5
5.3 Security Requirements......................................................................................................................5
5.4 Software Quality Attributes..............................................................................................................5
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................................5
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................5
Appendix B: Analysis Models.......................................................................................................6
Appendix C: Issues List.................................................................................................................6

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this project is to build a program that will be able to service
humans like a personal assistant. This Software aims at developing a personal
assistant for Linux-based systems. The main purpose of the software is to
perform the tasks of the user at certain commands, provided in either of the
ways, speech or text. It will ease most of the work of the user as a complete
task can be done on a single command.

Document Conventions
 Font and Size:
Use a standard, easily readable font such as Arial or Times New Roman, size
 Highlighting:
Highlight key terms or headings using bold or italic formatting for emphasis.
 Requirement Numbering:
Assign unique identifiers to each requirement statement for reference
purposes. Use a
hierarchical numbering system if needed.
 Priority Assignment:
Clearly indicate the priority level (e.g., High, Medium, Low) for each
requirement statement.

1.2 Definitions, abbreviations

1.2.1 Definitions
 AI (Artificial Intelligence):
Refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer
systems. In the context of the AI-Powered Personal Assistant, AI technology is
used to enable the assistant to understand and respond to user queries or
commands intelligently.
 Personal Assistant:
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A software application designed to assist users with various tasks, such as

scheduling appointments, setting reminders, providing information, and
performing actions based on user commands.

 Natural Language Processing (NLP):

The branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between
computers and humans through natural language. NLP allows the AI-Powered
Personal Assistant to understand and process human language input.

 Machine Learning:
A subset of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn and improve
from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning
algorithms are utilized in the AI-Powered Personal Assistant to enhance its
capabilities over time.
 User Query:
A request or question submitted by the user to the AI-Powered Personal
Assistant, typically in natural language format, seeking information,
assistance, or action.
 Task Automation:
The process of automating repetitive or routine tasks performed by the user
or the system. The AI-Powered Personal Assistant may automate tasks such as
setting reminders, sending messages, or performing online transactions on
behalf of the user.
 User Interface (UI):
The graphical or textual interface through which users interact with the AI-
Powered Personal Assistant. The UI may include elements such as text input
fields, buttons, menus, and dialogue boxes.
 Voice Recognition:
The technology that enables the AI-Powered Personal Assistant to recognize
and interpret spoken language input provided by the user. Voice recognition
allows users to interact with the assistant using voice commands.
 Data Privacy:
The protection of user data and privacy rights in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations. The AI-Powered Personal Assistant must adhere to strict
data privacy standards to safeguard user information.
 Integration:
The process of incorporating external services, applications, or data sources
into the AI-Powered Personal Assistant to enhance its functionality and
interoperability. Integration allows the assistant to access and interact with
third-party services, such as calendars, emails, and messaging platforms.
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1.2.2 Abbreviations

Throughout this document the following abbreviations are used:

 NLP: Natural Language Processing

 ML: Machine Learning
 UI: User Interface
 VR: Voice Recognition
 DP: Data Privacy
 INT: Integration

1.5 Project Scope

Presently, Jarvis is being developed as an automation tool and virtual
assistant. Among the various roles played by Jarvis are:
1. Search Engine with voice interactions
2. Medical diagnosis with Medicine aid.
3. Reminder and To-Do application.
4. Vocabulary App to show meanings and correct spelling errors.
5. Weather Forecasting Application.

1.6 References

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

 Integration with User Systems: 1The personal assistant seamlessly integrates
with users' devices, applications, and online services, providing assistance
across various platforms and interfaces.
 Interconnectivity with External Systems: The personal assistant interacts
with external systems, such as calendars, messaging platforms, and online
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services, to retrieve information, perform tasks, and facilitate user

 Compatibility with Emerging Technologies: The personal assistant is
designed to adapt to emerging technologies and standards, ensuring
compatibility and interoperability with evolving user environments and
 Continuous Learning and Improvement: Leveraging machine learning
algorithms, the personal assistant continuously learns from user interactions,
feedback, and data sources to enhance its capabilities and effectiveness over
 User-Centric Design: The personal assistant prioritizes user experience,
offering intuitive interfaces and personalized interactions to accommodate
diverse user needs, preferences, and accessibility requirements.
 Scalability and Flexibility: The personal assistant architecture is scalable and
flexible, capable of accommodating varying user demands, expanding
functionalities, and integrating with new systems and services as needed.
 Security and Privacy Considerations: Security and privacy measures are
incorporated into the personal assistant's design and implementation,
safeguarding user data, sensitive information, and communication channels
against unauthorized access and breaches.
 Collaboration with External Partners: The personal assistant collaborates
with external partners, developers, and service providers to enhance its
capabilities, extend its functionalities, and integrate with third-party services
and applications.

2.2 Product Features

Every day new AI model/prototype has been introduced by people around the
globe. By following the same flow this project comes into play. This project is only
one of its kind since various features of different categories will be installed. We
have seen that these types of systems are dedicated to a specific task, but this
system also functions for other tasks too. Below are some tasks on which this
system shall function:
 Queries from the web: Making queries is an essential part of one’s life, and
nothing changes even for a developer working on Linux. We have enabled our
voice assistant to search the web, generate the most accurate and relevant
search experiences and display them to the user. Jarvis supports some search
engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo and displays the result by scraping the
searched queries. Jarvis supports Google, Bing and Yahoo, which should
precede the desired query.
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 Accessing Youtube videos: Videos have remained as a main source of

entertainment, one of the most prioritized tasks of virtual assistants. They are
equally important for entertainment as well as educational purposes as most
teaching and research activities in present times are done through Youtube.
This helps in making the learning process more practical.
 Get weather for a location: Getting live weather conditions about a place
remains an important task of virtual assistants. It helps the user book the
course of their action. Jarvis addresses this issue with the help of Python.
 Dictionary meaning: One of the usages of the web is to find word meaning
and its usage in our day to day life. Instead of going through the bulky books,
our users can simply search for it using the voice assistant and get the
meaning within a fraction of seconds.
 Sending Emails: Integrating mailing features to Jarvis eases the job of mailing,
which otherwise would have to be done by opening the concerned email
address. With Jarvis, you do not need to go for another tab to do one of the
major tasks of your day to day affairs. The user can send emails to the desired
receiver. He should input Send mail, after which a form will be displayed. Fill
the form with the required details and click on the send mail button.
 Retrieve images: Users could get images directly through the Jarvis interface.
The images are derived from Google images. These are formatted according
to use and displayed compactly in the Jarvis interface.
 Medicine Details: One of the important issue Jarvis addresses is of healthcare,
and medicine in general. The user can query either the medicine or the
symptoms. The former lets you know the complete details of the medicine,
like indications, contradictions, trade or brand names, dosage, the process of
consumption, warning and precautions, storage conditions, etc. On the other
hand, the symptom feature lets you query about the symptoms while Jarvis
lists various diseases one is likely to be affected along with their medicine.
This is helpful for people who are quite busy with their life and find trouble
visiting the doctor immediately, thus relying on the web to find the best result
for short term causes. We have a huge database of various medicines and
symptoms which helps Jarvis respond to the queries of the user at ease.
 Set Reminders: One of the main features of a voice assistant is to set a
reminder for the user accordingly. Jarvis is no different when it comes to this.
The user can set reminders to be notified about a task at a particular time.
This will help users, especially developers to schedule their time and
resources easily.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

 User Classes:
End Users: Primary users relying on the assistant for everyday tasks.
Administrators: Responsible for managing and configuring the assistant
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Developers: Design and enhance the assistant's features and functionalities.

 Characteristics:
End Users: Seek convenience and personalized assistance.
Administrators: Technical proficiency in system management.
Developers: Expertise in AI, ML, and software development.

2.4 Operating Environment

 Hardware Requirements:
Devices capable of running the personal assistant software, such as
smartphones, tablets, computers, or smart speakers. Touch screen interface
for intuitive interaction, with keypad fallback for alternative input methods.
Continuous power supply to ensure uninterrupted operation.

 Software Requirements:
Compatibility with operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows, or web-
based platforms. Ability to read and process user input, including text, voice
commands, and gestures. Integration with communication networks to
connect with external services, databases, and online platforms. Support for
AI technologies, including natural language processing, machine learning, and
speech recognition.
 Technology Specifications:
Capability to read and process user data and preferences to provide
personalized responses and recommendations. Integration with banking
networks or financial systems to facilitate transactions, account management,
and financial queries. Robust security measures to protect user data, privacy,
and system integrity. Continuous monitoring and updates to improve
performance, address vulnerabilities, and introduce new features.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

 Authentication and Security Measures:
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The personal assistant must implement robust authentication mechanisms to

validate user credentials securely, including bank card details and personal
identification numbers (PINs). Strict adherence to security protocols is
required to prevent unauthorized access, with measures in place to detect
and mitigate fraudulent activities.
 Error Handling and Feedback:
Comprehensive error handling mechanisms must be developed to gracefully
manage exceptions and provide informative feedback to users in case of
errors or invalid inputs during authentication and transaction processes.
Prompt and clear error messages should be generated for scenarios such as
expired cards, lost or stolen cards, disabled cards, and incorrect PIN entries.
 Consecutive Login Attempts:
A mechanism must be implemented to track and limit consecutive
unsuccessful login attempts, with the account being locked after a certain
threshold to prevent unauthorized access.
 Data Security and Privacy:
The personal assistant should ensure secure storage and handling of sensitive
user information, such as account details and transaction records, adhering to
data privacy regulations and industry standards.
 Functionality Implementation:
Core functionalities such as retrieving balance information, processing cash
withdrawals, and facilitating fund transfers must be implemented securely
and accurately.
 Integration with Banking Systems:
Seamless integration with banking systems, networks, and third-party APIs is
necessary to enable real-time communication and data exchange while
ensuring compatibility and interoperability
 Scalability and Performance:
The system should be designed to be scalable and capable of handling
increasing user loads and transaction volumes over time, optimizing
performance and resource utilization.
 User Interface Design:
Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces should be designed to cater to diverse
user needs and preferences, prioritizing accessibility and ease of use across
different devices and input modalities.
 Maintenance:
Mechanisms for continuous monitoring of system health and performance
must be implemented, with regular maintenance and updates to address
security vulnerabilities and ensure system reliability.
 Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:
The personal assistant must ensure compliance with banking regulations, data
protection laws, and industry standards, incorporating necessary controls and
safeguards to protect user data and financial transactions.
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2.6 User Documentation

 User Manual: A comprehensive user manual providing detailed instructions
on how to use the personal assistant, including its features, functionalities,
and configuration options.
 Online Help: Interactive online help resources accessible within the personal
assistant application, providing context-sensitive assistance and
troubleshooting guidance to users.
 Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials and walkthroughs demonstrating common
tasks and use cases, helping users familiarize themselves with the personal
assistant's capabilities and workflows.
 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): A compilation of frequently asked
questions and their corresponding answers, addressing common queries and
concerns raised by users during the usage of the personal assistant.
 Knowledge Base: An online knowledge base containing articles, guides, and
best practices for leveraging the personal assistant effectively, covering a wide
range of topics and scenarios.
 Release Notes: Documentation detailing the changes, enhancements, and
bug fixes introduced in each software release, providing transparency and
visibility into the evolution of the personal assistant.
 User Training Materials: Training materials, such as slideshows or videos,
designed to facilitate user training sessions and workshops, empowering users
to maximize their productivity with the personal assistant.
 Accessibility Documentation: Documentation outlining accessibility features
and guidelines for users with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity and compliance
with accessibility standards. Delivery
 Format and Standards: User documentation will be delivered in digital
formats, accessible through the personal assistant application and online
portals. Documentation will adhere to industry standards and best practices
for technical writing, usability, and accessibility.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

 Assumptions:
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Users have access to compatible devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or

computers) with internet connectivity to interact with the personal assistant.
Users are responsible for ensuring the security and confidentiality of their
personal assistant credentials, including login information and sensitive data.
The personal assistant operates within the boundaries of applicable laws,
regulations, and industry standards, including data protection and privacy
regulations. Users have basic familiarity with technology and are capable of
following instructions provided in the user documentation for using the
personal assistant effectively. The personal assistant relies on external
systems, such as banking networks and third-party APIs, for certain
functionalities, and assumes their availability and compatibility for seamless

 Dependencies:

The functionality and performance of the personal assistant depend on the

availability and reliability of external systems and services, including banking
networks, third-party APIs, and internet connectivity. The development and
deployment of the personal assistant may depend on the availability of
resources, including hardware, software, and personnel, to support the
implementation and ongoing maintenance of the system. Updates and
enhancements to the personal assistant may depend on the release schedules
and compatibility of underlying technologies, frameworks, and libraries used
in its development. The personal assistant may have dependencies on third-
party tools, services, or libraries for specific functionalities, and their
availability and compatibility may impact the overall functionality and
performance of the system.
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3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

Functional Requirement 1:
 Description: Initialize parameters for the AI-powered personal
 Input: User initializes the personal assistant.
 Processing: Store parameters such as language settings, user
preferences, and access permissions.
 Output: Parameters are set for the personal assistant.
Functional Requirement 2:
 Description: If the personal assistant is idle, it should display an
initial prompt or greeting.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant.
 Processing: Check if the personal assistant is in an idle state.
 Output: Display initial prompt or greeting.
Functional Requirement 3:
 Description: The personal assistant should handle errors gracefully
and provide informative error messages.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant.
 Processing: Detect errors in user input or system operations.
 Output: Display appropriate error message and guide user on how to
Functional Requirement 4:
 Description: The personal assistant should authenticate users before
providing sensitive information or performing certain tasks.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant.
 Processing: Verify user identity through authentication methods
such as voice recognition, biometrics, or password input.
 Output: Grant access to authorized users and deny access to
unauthorized users.
Functional Requirement 5:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to understand
and process natural language commands.
 Input: User issues a command or query in natural language.
 Processing: Utilize natural language processing (NLP) techniques to
interpret user input.
 Output: Execute the command or provide a response based on the
interpreted input.
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Functional Requirement 6:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to learn from user
interactions and adapt to user preferences over time.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant.
 Processing: Analyze user interactions and feedback to improve
performance and personalize user experience.
 Output: Personalized responses and recommendations based on
user history and preferences.
Functional Requirement 7:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to access and
retrieve information from various sources.
 Input: User requests information or performs a task.
 Processing: Retrieve relevant information from integrated services,
databases, or APIs.
 Output: Present the requested information or perform the
requested task.
Functional Requirement 8:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to perform tasks
such as setting reminders, scheduling events, and managing to-do
 Input: User commands related to task management.
 Processing: Interpret and process task-related commands.
 Output: Perform the requested task and provide confirmation to the
Functional Requirement 9:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to assist users
with everyday tasks, such as making calls, sending messages, and
controlling smart home devices.
 Input: User commands for everyday tasks.
 Processing: Execute commands related to making calls, sending
messages, and controlling smart home devices.
 Output: Complete the requested task and provide feedback to the
Functional Requirement 10:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to adapt its
behavior and responses based on contextual information and user
 Input: User interactions and contextual cues.
 Processing: Analyze context and user preferences to tailor responses
and actions.
 Output: Provide personalized and contextually relevant assistance to
the user.
Functional Requirement 11:
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 Description: The personal assistant should be able to provide

personalized recommendations and suggestions based on user
preferences and past interactions.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant or requests
 Processing: Analyze user preferences, historical data, and external
factors to generate personalized recommendations.
 Output: Present personalized recommendations for products,
services, content, or activities.
Functional Requirement 12:
 Description: The personal assistant should support multi-modal
interaction, allowing users to interact through voice commands, text
input, and other input modalities.
 Input: User interacts with the personal assistant using different input
 Processing: Recognize and process input from various modalities,
such as speech recognition for voice commands and text input for
typed commands.
 Output: Respond to user input through the appropriate modality,
ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices and

Functional Requirement 13:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to integrate with
third-party applications and services to extend its functionality.
 Input: User requests functionality beyond the personal assistant's
built-in capabilities.
 Processing: Interface with APIs and services of third-party
applications to access additional features and data.
 Output: Provide access to extended functionality through
integration with third-party applications and services.
Functional Requirement 14:
 Description: The personal assistant should support natural language
generation (NLG) to provide human-like responses and explanations.
 Input: User requests information or asks questions.
 Processing: Utilize NLG techniques to generate natural-sounding
responses and explanations.
 Output: Present responses that are fluent, coherent, and easy for
users to understand.
Functional Requirement 15:
 Description: The personal assistant should be able to handle multi-
turn conversations and maintain context across interactions.
 Input: User engages in a conversation with the personal assistant
involving multiple exchanges.
 Processing: Keep track of the conversation history and context to
understand subsequent interactions.
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 Output: Provide responses that are relevant to the ongoing

conversation and maintain continuity in dialogue flow.

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

 Graphical User Interface (GUI): Intuitive design for touch-enabled devices.
Navigation through menus and input fields.
 Voice User Interface (VUI): Interact via voice commands. Seamless
conversation with spoken responses.
 Text-based Interface: Typing commands and queries. Text-based responses
and feedback.
 Notification Interface: Timely alerts and updates. Customizable notification

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

 Microphones and Speakers: Utilized for capturing user voice commands and
providing spoken responses through audio output.
 Touch Screen Displays:Enables users to interact with the personal assistant
through graphical interfaces, such as smartphones, tablets, or touch-enabled
 Keyboards and Input Devices: Supports text input for users who prefer typing
commands or queries instead of using voice commands.
 Internet Connectivity: Requires internet connectivity to access external
services, databases, and APIs for retrieving information and processing

4.3 Software Interfaces

 Speech Recognition Software: Utilized for processing voice commands
provided by users and converting them into text inputs for further processing.
 Natural Language Processing (NLP) Libraries: Integrates NLP libraries to
understand and interpret user queries, enabling the assistant to extract
meaning and context from text inputs.
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 Communication Protocols: Interfaces with communication protocols such as

HTTP, HTTPS, or WebSockets to interact with external services, APIs, and
databases for retrieving information and processing requests.
 Operating Systems: Supports various operating systems such as iOS, Android,
Windows, and macOS to ensure compatibility with a wide range of devices
and platforms.
 Development Frameworks: Utilizes development frameworks and platforms
such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Dialogflow for building and deploying AI
models, chatbots, and conversational agents.
 Web Browsers: Interfaces with web browsers for rendering web-based user
interfaces and accessing online resources, applications, and services.
 Security Software: Integrates security software components such as
encryption libraries, authentication protocols, and access control mechanisms
to ensure data security and privacy.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 The AI-powered personal assistant should respond to user queries and

commands within milliseconds to provide a seamless and responsive user
 The system must be capable of handling concurrent user interactions
efficiently, ensuring high availability and minimal latency during peak usage
 The accuracy of speech recognition and natural language processing
algorithms should exceed 95% to accurately interpret user inputs and provide
relevant responses.

5.2 Safety Requirements

 The personal assistant must prioritize user privacy and data security, adhering
to strict encryption standards to protect sensitive information.
 It should have built-in safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring
that user accounts and personal data remain secure at all times.
 The assistant must be equipped with fail-safe mechanisms to handle
unexpected errors or system failures, minimizing the risk of data loss or
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 It should provide clear and accurate warnings to users in case of potential

security threats or suspicious activities detected within the system.
 The personal assistant must comply with relevant safety regulations and
standards to ensure its safe operation and usage by all users.
 It should include features to prevent misuse or abuse of the system, such as
limiting access to sensitive functionalities and enforcing user authentication
 The assistant must undergo rigorous testing and validation procedures to
identify and address any potential safety vulnerabilities or risks before
 It should support user authentication mechanisms, such as passwords or
biometric authentication, to verify user identities and prevent unauthorized
 The assistant should provide users with options to control and manage their
privacy settings, including the ability to opt-out of data collection or sharing
 It should include comprehensive user documentation and training materials to
educate users about safety best practices and how to use the assistant

5.3 Security Requirements

 The personal assistant must implement strong encryption protocols to protect
user data during transmission and storage.
 It should enforce strict access controls to ensure that only authorized users
can access sensitive functionalities and information.
 The assistant must regularly undergo security audits and vulnerability
assessments to identify and mitigate potential security risks.
 It should incorporate mechanisms for user authentication and authorization
to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts and personal information.
 The personal assistant must comply with industry-standard security practices
and regulations to safeguard user privacy and confidentiality.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

 Reliability: The personal assistant should maintain a reliability rate of at least

99.9%, ensuring minimal downtime and consistent performance for users.

 Usability: The interface should achieve a usability score of at least 85% on

standardized usability tests, ensuring that users can easily navigate and
interact with the assistant.

 Security: The assistant must adhere to industry-standard security protocols

and achieve a vulnerability score of less than 5% on regular security
assessments to protect user data and privacy.
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 Maintainability: The codebase should maintain a code complexity score of

less than 20 and be well-documented to facilitate ease of maintenance and
future enhancements by developers.

 Scalability: The system should be capable of handling a 50% increase in user

load without a significant decrease in performance, ensuring scalability to
accommodate growing user demands.

 Interoperability: The assistant should seamlessly integrate with external

systems and APIs, achieving an interoperability score of at least 90% in
interoperability tests.

 Adaptability: The assistant should be adaptable to changing user needs and

preferences, with regular updates and feature enhancements based on user
feedback and market trends.

6. Other Requirements
The AI-powered personal assistant should ensure compatibility with diverse
data formats from different bank databases while adhering to ACID properties
for transactions. Additionally, appendices will include a glossary, analysis
models (like data flow and entity-relationship diagrams), and an issues list for
clarification and resolution.
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Appendix A: Glossary
 AI: Artificial Intelligence
 ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (properties of a database
 SRS: Software Requirements Specification
 ATM: Automated Teller Machine
 API: Application Programming Interface
 NLP: Natural Language Processing
 GUI: Graphical User Interface
 VUI: Voice User Interface
 TBD: To Be Determined
 FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
 URL: Uniform Resource Locator
 HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
 HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 IoT: Internet of Things
 SDK: Software Development Kit
 UI: User Interface
 UX: User Experience
Appendix B: Analysis Models
 Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): Illustrates the flow of data within the AI-powered
personal assistant system, depicting how information moves between
different components and processes.
 Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs): Represents the relationships between
various data entities within the personal assistant system, such as users,
transactions, and databases.
 Class Diagrams: Provides a visual representation of the classes and their
relationships within the system, helping to understand the structure and
organization of the personal assistant software components.
 State-Transition Diagrams: Describes the different states and transitions that
the personal assistant system can undergo in response to user interactions or
system events, aiding in modeling its behavior and functionality.
Appendix C: Issues List
 TBD: Determine the specific data formats required for compatibility with
different bank databases.
 Pending Decision: Finalize the selection of speech recognition software for
voice interactions.
 Information Needed: Clarify the security measures to be implemented for
user authentication and data encryption.
 Conflict: Resolve discrepancies between the usability requirements specified
by different stakeholders.
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 TBD: Identify the appropriate natural language processing libraries for

interpreting user queries effectively.
 Pending Decision: Decide on the implementation approach for integrating
with third-party APIs for additional functionality.
 Information Needed: Obtain documentation on the accessibility standards to
ensure compliance with accessibility requirements.
 Conflict: Resolve conflicting requirements regarding the frequency of
software updates and maintenance schedules.
 TBD: Determine the level of customization allowed for user preferences and
settings within the personal assistant.
 Pending Decision: Finalize the requirements for scalability to accommodate
future growth in user base and usage patterns.

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