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01. Hi, my Chinese name is XXX. What is your Chinese name?

02. My Chinese name is ZZZ.
03. Nice to meet you!
04. Nice to meet you, too!
05. In the textbook, seven points that an existing relationship changes negotiation
dynamics are mentioned. Please use your own words to paraphrase each one of
There are seven points that an existing relationship changes negotiation dynamics.
1. Negotiating within relationships takes place over time.
It means that the relationship takes turns, this time, next time, next next time, and
the negotiation with relationship will goes on and on. And the parties will take turns
over time in reaping a benefit or reward. For example, me and my parents. Now, I get
money from my parents, but when I have a job, I need to give them money. Another
example is me and my brother need to wash the dishes, but both of us don’t want to
wash, so we use rock-paper-scissors to decide, sometimes I wash three days,
sometimes he washes four days, it fair.
2. Beyond discussion of issues, negotiation is a way to learn more about the other
party and increase interdependence.
It’s talking about when you have a negotiation with relationship, it’s a way to get to
know other’s preferences, and gathering information about the other's broader
ideals, and priorities is often the most important activity to finding commonality.
3. Resolution of simple distributive issues has implications for the future.
Is talking about the settlement of any one negotiation issue can create undesired or
untended precedents for the future. During negotiation process, in order to solve a
problem, you may agree or create something, so in the subsequent negotiation, the
other party will ask you for the same thing. For example, father said to a kid, ‘’If you
get top five in this time, I’ll buy switch for you. If the boy achieves this goal, next
time, he may will ask for father to buy other things. If you don’t buy it for him next
time, he will be very angry.
4. Distributive issues within relationship negotiations can be emotionally hot. If
one party feels strongly about the issues or the other acts provocatively, the parties
can become angry with each other. Expressing that anger clearly makes negotiation
It obvious that negotiations can be very emotion. When you are in anger, people will
say hurtful things, cut off discussions, and even refuse to speak further, and the
parties can continue feuds for years, carrying their emotional baggage from one fight
to another without ever creating the space for the parties to talk about issues
important to the relationship. When they confront other argument, they may bring
up the history, bring it into the current argument, make the situation worse.
5. Negotiating within relationships may never end.
One of the advantages of negotiating in a game or simulation is that there is a
defined end. No matter we have done well in the game, or we didn’t do well in the
game, in the end the screen will show winner or loser, you can’t keep playing. So,
after the game time, everyone all become a normal person. However, in the reality,
there is no one told you we can stop the negotiation, even we die, the negotiation
within relationship still keeps in our heart. For example, me and my parents.
6. In many negotiations, the other person is the focal problem.
In order to be effective, negotiators must separate the person from the problem, but
maybe the person is the problem. Sometimes you meet a responsible person, he
done everything on time, but what if you meet a lazy person, the situation will
change. So, it depends on which kind of people you are with. Another example, same
class was taught by different teachers, the grades and the results will be different.
7. In some negotiations, relationships preservation is the overarching negotiation
goal, and parties may make concessions on substantive issues to preserve or
enhance the relationship.
The whole narrative is about, if you have an argument with someone, will you make
concessions in order to preserve the relationship or break that relationship and win
that fight. If you have an argument with someone, you may lose this relationship, but
the problem may be solved out, but if you keep make concessions, you have to bear
this kind of situation again and again. No matter what kind of relationship, family,
lover, or friends, you have to make this kind of decision.

06. Please share a significant conflict/negotiation in your romantic relationship or

in your family relationship. How did it start? How did it develop? What was the end
result? Is it still an unsolved issue? Is the conflict/negotiation still going on? Please
provide details.
During I grow up, I kept arguing about the same thing with my parents over and over
again, they always don't let me hang out with my classmates. Maybe just have a
meal, go shopping or sing kareoke, they will say I can't go out, don't you think it's
absurd? They say that the reason for restricting me is that I should study, not playing
every day. In fact, I study almost every day, it’s for real~ When I have time, I will go to
the library, even though I have been studying in school all day, I still go to the library
every day. I can say with a clear conscience that I studied very hard. Why don't you
see it? Why do you say I don't study without knowing me well? And it's nonsense
that going out a lot means I'm a bad kid.
Everyone who knows me will know that I am a house girl. My highest record is 25
days without going out, but in fact, I used to go out a lot, and I must go for a walk
every day. I think the reason why I don’t go out often is because when I want to go
out, I need to argue with them also need their permission, it will makes me
exhausted, so I don't go out anymore. Especially the part I had to ask them if they
would allow me to go out, which I thought was unreasonable, even until I was an
adult, I had to ask them first, I asked my friends how this could be resolved, and they
said I can study in front of them so they will think I always study, but I don’t like
pretending, it’s so fake and phony. Also, they think those friends I make are bad
friends, it's because of them so I become so bad, and just want to play. But I can tell
whether my classmates are good or bad by myself, You never get along with my
classmates. Why do you think they are bad friends just because they ask me out to
play? They are my best friends, so speaking ill of them is like scolding me, I feel
uncomfortable. Besides, I think they only care about the grades and results, they
don't care about my feelings at all, which made feel sad. They didn't think that I had
worked very hard. If I work harder, I will collapse. They only care about the results.
Even if I did well in the exam, I never heard them praise me for being great. I feel that
it is my duty. I have been communicating with them continuously, but they still don't
accept my view, so I always lie to them that I’m going to library, but in fact I'm going
to sing karaoke with my friends. I know this is wrong, I always I feel guilty, but I don’t
have other ways.
Until now, I don't think this problem has been completely solved. I feel that they still
don't trust me. They think that I must play crazy when I go to university. But in fact, I
am too busy to take homework, reports, and exams every day. We're peaceful now
because I'm still in the final exam and can't go out, but it feels like we're going to
have a fight soon.

07. Reflect on the seven points that an existing relationship changes negotiation
dynamics. Which points are applicable in the conflict/negotiation of your romantic
relationship or family relationship? Why will you say so? Which points are not
applicable? Why will you so say?
I have told you the story of the conflict between me and my family in question 6, in
my opinion, I believe point 4, point 5, and point 6 are applicable. However, the
number 4 is the main point. Because both of me and my parents are not calm and
rational, when we discussed this issue, I would always tell myself to be calm, but in
the end, I would still become emotional and start to say bad words to them, Once, I
cried because I feel wronged and couldn't understand why they always restricted me.
When I was crying, my dad got even angrier because he thought it was nothing to
cry, so he walked away, but I was even sadder because he didn't want to
communicate with me.
And I choose point 5, is because me and my parents’ negotiation in relationship may
never die.
Also, point 6 is applicable in my conflict, I think they are the problem, we can’t
communicate with each other.

And point1, point 2, point 3, point 7 is not applicable.

Point 1 is not applicable in my situation, because I’m always at a disadvantage state,
because everything is given by my parents, including the most important thing-
money, so I can't take turns in negotiation.
Point 2 is not applicable in my conflict, because through the negotiation, I still didn’t
get what is my parents want, I think they are not satisfied all of me.
Point 3 is not applicable in my conflict, because we didn’t give some agreement to
each other, so we don’t have undesired and unintended.
Point 7 is not applicable, because both of us don’t want to make concessions. Due to
I want to solve this problem, try to get a balance for us, so I keep negotiating with

01. Pronunciation, accent, grammar: 5%
02 Spontaneity: 5%
03. Question 5: 30%
04. Question 6: 30%
05. Question7: 30%

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