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Scene 1(At the restaurant)

Situation: The mother and a 5 year old child is eating at a restaurant and having their conversations. The
mother then ask the child how was school. While at the middle of eating, the child is laughing causing
her to choke due to ingesting a large piece of meat. The child suddenly felt a pain in the chest and had
difficulty in breathing. The mother then becomes anxious and shock to what had happened.

Mother: What’s wrong? Are you okay? What happened?( The mother become very anxious and shock)

( the 5 year old child wasn’t able to speak and continues to choke )

(The mother then tried the back blow to her child hoping that it will stop and she also try the Heimlich
Maneuver but the child still can’t breath)

Mother: Can you swallow?

Child: ( shake his head)

(The mother quickly rush her child to the nearest hospital which is just a few walk away to where the
restaurant is)

Scene 2(At the hospital)

(The nurse see’s the mother and child so she quickly attend their presence)

Nurse: Mam, what happened to her?

Mother: She ingested a large piece of meat and somehow it been stuck to her throat.

Nurse: Okay Mam, I will bring her now to the operating room.

(The nurse then brings the child to the operating room and while in there the nurse assess the child,
checking her vital signs and assisting the doctor in applying a first aid medication first)

(After the assessment is done, the doctor leaves the emergency room and proceed to the mother of the
child to ask for the consent form in performing a procedure to remove the object by using endoscopy

Mother: Doc, what happen to my daughter, is she alright?

Doctor: Don’t worry Mam, she’s fine now.We already give a first aid medication but she still needs to
undergo endoscopy because there is a need to look at the inside lining of your child’s esophagus so that
we can know if it is still there and so we can remove it as soon as possible. So I need you to sign a
consent form, allowing as to perform this procedure to your child.

Mother: Okay, but if I may ask what is the procedure in doing the endoscopy? Will it hurt my daughter?
Doctor: So, in this procedure we first need to administer an IV sedation to your daughter to help her
relaxed because she needs to be conscious and cooperative at the same time but just in case she will
budge we will spray an anesthesia to help numb her throat so she will not feel any pain. After that is we
insert a long flexible tube and we can also ask her to wear a plastic mouth guard so that it will help her
mouth to keep open. She will need to swallow so that the tube will passed through her throat, she may
feel a little bit pressure in the throat but it is not pain.

As you know the endoscope will not interfere the breathing of your daughter so it is safe.So there is a
tiny camera at the end tip to help us view the problem in her throat. Then I will pass a special surgical
tool to help remove the object stuck in her throat, after removing the object the endoscope will slowly
retracted to her mouth. So an endoscopy usually takes 15 minutes-30 minutes, depending in the
situation so I will need you to stay still and wait for the results.

After the procedure is finish she will be taken to the recovery area to sit or lie for an hour or so, this will
allow as to monitor your child if the sedative already wears off.Once you are in your home, she may
experience some mildly uncomfortable signs and symptoms like bloating, cramping and sore throat. But
don’t worry this sign’s and symptoms will improve in time, if you have any concerns just go back here
and ask me.

Mother: Thank you so much Doc.

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