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Instituto Parroquial Santo Cristo | Conditional Sentences type 1

Exercise 1) complete the RESULT PART with WILL STRUCTURE ( completar la oración
delprimer condicional solo con la parte del resultado utilizando la estructura del will ) el
primer está hecho como ejemplo.

present simple future simple

if you study hard you will graduate soon
If she is sad she ( listen to ) nice music
if you leave school without finishing it Your parents (be)
If they travel to Italy they (get) coronavirus.
If the actors finish early they (go) for a drink
If I go to a concert I (have) a great time !
If I am happy I (dance) everywhere.
IF people work hard they ( change) the world.
if the dog breaks the sofa my mum ( kick) it out of home.

Exercise 2) complete the CONDITION PART with present simple ( completar la oración
delprimer condicional solo con la parte de la situación hipotética utilizando la estructura del
presente simple ) el primer está hecho como ejemplo

Present simple Future simple

IF the cellphone doesn’t work I will buy a new one

if I (tell ) her the truth she won’t say anything

if he (have) to compete He will eat less junk food

if I ( offer) him the job He will accept it

if Maroon 5 ( come) to Argentina the concert will be awesome

If the weather ( be) bad we won’t go to the party

If I ( like ) a person My face will tell.

Instituto Parroquial Santo Cristo | Conditional Sentences type 1

If she (read) frequently she won’t know extraordinary stories.

Exercise 3: Write the sentences in Spanish


Exercise 5) complete with one of the two options

(TIP : fijate qué parte de la oración falta : la del presente simple o la de will ? Podés
subrayarcon dos colores diferentes y así darte cuenta que debes agregar. dejo dos
ejemplos pintados)

1. If you greasy food, you will become fat.

will eat

2. If your sister goes to Paris, she a good time.

will have

won't do well
don't do well

3. They won't know the truth if you them.

won't tell
don't tell

4. If I bake a cake, have some?

will you
do you

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