g1-g2 Flashcards

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Peter Berger argues that the contemporary

world is furiously religious, with explosions of

Describe Peter Berger's perspective on the
religious fervor in major traditions and
relationship between religion and globalism.
syntheses of world religions with indigenous

The Malaysian government places religion at

the center of its political system, with Islam
Define the role of religion in the political
being declared as the religion of the
system of Malaysia.
Federation and the rulers also serving as the
Head of Islam.

Khomeini believed that Islamic rule was

How did Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini view
superior to secular ideologies, considering
Islamic rule in comparison to secular
them all flawed, and saw Islamic governance
as spiritual and superior.

Yes, religious movements may adopt secular

themes and practices. For instance, the
Do religious movements sometimes
Nahdlatul Ulama in Indonesia teaches modern
incorporate secular themes and practices?
science, social sciences, banking, civic
Provide an example.
education, women's rights, pluralism, and
democracy alongside Islam.

Khomeini led the Iranian revolution that

Describe the Iranian revolution led by transformed the country into a theocracy,
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini. emphasizing the superiority of Islamic rule
over secular forms of government.

Iran refers to itself as a republic, a term

How does Iran's self-identification as a
typically associated with secular governance,
republic contrast with its theocratic nature?
despite being a theocracy under Islamic rule.

The Church of England was influenced by the

Describe the role of the Church of England in rationality of modern democratic and
shaping modern democratic culture. bureaucratic culture, notably established by
King Henry VIII to consolidate power.

Define the relationship between religion and Religion and law were fused together in the
law in building modern secular society in the United States to contribute to the
United States. development of a modern secular society.

Alexis de Tocqueville observed that

How did Alexis de Tocqueville perceive the
Americans not only practiced religion out of
practice of religion in America in the early
self-interest but often placed their interest in
practicing it in this world.

Describe the historical significance of religion Jose Casanova notes that historically, religion
in political conflicts and social reform has been at the center of major political
movements according to Jose Casanova. conflicts and social reform movements.
Christianity and Islam see globalization as an
Do Christianity and Islam view globalization
opportunity to expand their reach globally
as an obstacle or an opportunity?
rather than an obstacle.

Religion seeks to replace traditional ties

How does religion address the challenges
broken by globalization, offering moral codes
posed by globalization on communities'
to help communities adapt or resist the
cultural systems?

Describe the influence of religion on Religion can provide moral codes that address
addressing a range of issues from health to various issues such as health, social conflict,
social conflict in communities. and personal happiness within communities.

Religion is seen as a proactive force that

Describe the role of religion in the context of provides communities with a new basis of
globalization according to the content. identity and allows religious people to shape
the globalizing world.

Despite disliking globalization's materialism,

How does religious fundamentalism interact
religious fundamentalism utilizes modern
with globalization, as mentioned in the
means of communication and organization
associated with economic transformation.

These groups are not a defense against

Define the relationship between globalization
globalization but rather a result of it,
and the proliferation of fundamentalist groups
benefiting from the spread of globalization
like Daesh (ISIS) or 'Born-Again' movements.
and modern communication.

Some Muslims view globalization as a Trojan

How do some Muslims perceive globalization, horse for Western values like secularism and
as mentioned in the content? liberalism, potentially threatening Islamic

The World Council of Churches criticizes the

negative effects of economic globalization
Describe the stance of the World Council of
and advocates for the victims of this process,
Churches towards economic globalization.
positioning themselves as advocates within
centers of power.

While religions may benefit from

Explain the tension between religions and
globalization, tensions persist as some view
globalist ideology in the context of
globalization as a threat to their traditional
values and beliefs.

Religious people justified political

Describe the role of religion in justifying involvement through moral arguments, citing
political involvement historically. divine authority for actions like colonization
and civilizing missions.
Religious leaders use religion to influence
Define the concept of using religion to wield politics, either by criticizing globalization or
influence in the political arena. by actively participating in policy-making and
government projects.

Religions have shown resilience by outlasting

How have religions demonstrated resilience
secular ideologies like communism, remaining
compared to secular ideologies?
influential and enduring despite challenges.

Yes, religions are malleable despite features

like warnings of perdition, promises of
Do religions exhibit malleability despite their
salvation, and obligatory pilgrimages,
seemingly inflexible features?
adapting to changing contexts and enduring
over time.

American President William McKinley cited

duty to 'educate, uplift, civilize, and
Describe a historical example of using religion
Christianize' Filipinos as a reason for U.S.
to justify political actions.
involvement in the Philippines, based on
religious beliefs.
They condemned globalization's 'throw-away
Describe the stance of the Catholic Church
culture' that suffocates hope and increases
and Pope Francis on globalization's impact.
risks and threats.

It included economic and feminist critiques,

What was included in the Lutheran World
shared voices of affected members, and
Federation 10th Assembly's declaration
offered pastoral and ethical reflections for
message regarding globalization?

It mentioned stark contrasts between those

How did the declaration message from the
who benefit and those who are harmed,
Lutheran World Federation describe the
emphasizing the need for healing from
effects of globalization?
terrorism and its causes.

What collaboration took place between the The World Bank collaborated cautiously with
World Bank and religious leaders in 2000 religious leaders to support some faith-based
regarding global poverty? anti-poverty projects in Kenya and Ethiopia.

Define the response of institutional advocates They showed responsiveness to the

of globalization to religious critiques of 'liberationist, moral critiques' and writings on
economic globalization. social justice from religious groups.
Religious forces, except for militant Islam,
Describe the stance of religious forces
acknowledge their inability to present a
towards fighting the globalizing status quo, as
comprehensive alternative to the globalizing
mentioned in the content.
status quo.

Catholics advocate for the 'preferential option

What is the message of mobilization within
for the poor,' which serves as a powerful
Catholicism, as per the content?
message of mobilization.

The traditionalism of fundamentalist political

Define the traditionalism of fundamentalist
Islam is mentioned as lacking in providing a
political Islam highlighted in the content.
viable alternative to the current system.

How does the content portray the likelihood The content suggests that the terrorism of
of ISIS creating a 'Caliphate' governed by ISIS is unlikely to establish a 'Caliphate'
justice and stability? characterized by justice and stability.

In Iran, the unchallenged religious autocracy

Describe the impact of religious autocracy in
has stifled freedom of expression, distorted
Iran on freedom of expression and democratic
democratic rituals like elections, and tainted
rituals, according to the content.
the opposition.
Secularization theory posits that
Describe secularization theory. modernization leads to a decline in religious

What did Samuel Huntington acknowledge in Huntington acknowledged that civilizations

his book, The Clash of Civilizations, regarding can be held together by religious worldviews,
civilizations and religious worldviews? debunking parts of secularization theory.

Inner-worldly asceticism refers to the

Define 'inner-worldly asceticism' as Protestant ethic of Calvinism, emphasizing a
mentioned by Max Weber. disciplined pursuit of profit and success in this

Calvinists believed in predestination, leading

How did Calvinism's belief in predestination
them to seek clues about their fate by
influence their approach to profit and
working diligently and redefining the meaning
of profit acquisition.

Weber observed a correlation between

Describe the relationship observed by Max Protestantism, particularly Calvinism, and the
Weber between religion and capitalism. rise of modern capitalism, attributing it to the
Protestant ethic of hard work and success.
Media serves as the main conduit for the
Describe the role of media in globalization spread of global culture and ideas, reaching
according to the content. larger audiences through television programs,
social media, books, movies, and more.

Globalization involves the spread of various

Define globalization in the context of the
cultures worldwide, facilitated by factors like
content provided.
media, trade, and communication.

It allows for the dissemination of ideas,

How does the spread of culture through beliefs, and cultural elements to a global
media impact globalization? audience, influencing perceptions and
interactions across borders.

Yes, technically speaking, a person's voice

Do you agree with the statement that a
can be seen as a medium, as it is a means of
person's voice can be considered a medium?
conveying information or communication.

There is an intimate relationship between

Describe the relationship between
globalization and media, with media playing a
globalization and media as discussed in the
crucial role in the spread of culture, ideas,
and information across the globe.

Print media, broadcast media, and digital

media are the types mentioned. Print media
Describe the different types of media includes books, magazines, and newspapers.
mentioned in the content. Broadcast media involves radio, film, and
television. Digital media covers the internet
and mobile mass communication.

McLuhan's statement emphasizes that the

medium through which information is
Define Marshall McLuhan's statement '
conveyed is as important as the content itself.
medium is the message' in relation to media.
It highlights how the medium influences and
shapes society.
Television is described as not just a bearer of
messages but also a shaper of social
How does television impact social behavior behavior. It is said to have reoriented family
according to the content? behavior by shifting people from the dining
table to the living room, where they watch TV
while eating.

Television is mentioned to have drawn people

Describe the influence of television on away from activities like playing games or
activities like playing games and reading reading books. It has shifted focus towards
books. watching TV and has impacted other
meaningful activities.

The smartphone allows users to instantly

How has the smartphone affected keep in touch with multiple people
communication and relationships according to simultaneously. It has changed how couples
the content? can constantly stay updated on each other's
activities, unlike before the cellphone era.

McLuhan believed that the technology

Describe McLuhan's perspective on the role of
(medium) itself, rather than the message,
technology in social change.
enables social change.

Define the concept of media extending and McLuhan suggested that different media both
amputating human senses according to extend and amputate human senses
McLuhan. simultaneously.

The introduction of writing, such as papyrus

How did the introduction of writing impact in Egypt, reduced the need for storytellers to
storytelling practices? rely solely on memory, as stories could now
be written down.

Globalization facilitates the spread and

Describe the role of globalization in spreading
acceptance of ideas like LGBT rights across
ideas, using the example of LGBT rights.
different regions.
Cellphones expand senses by enabling
How do cellphones both expand and limit
instant communication with many, but also
people's senses according to the content?
limit attention and increase distractibility.

McLuhan believed new media neither

Describe Marshall McLuhan's perspective on
inherently good nor bad, focusing on their
new media and their impact.
specific attributes and impact on society.

McLuhan introduced the idea of the 'global

What concept did McLuhan introduce village,' suggesting that television was
regarding television's influence on society? shrinking the world and creating a shared
perception among viewers.

McLuhan compared tribal villages gathering

How did McLuhan compare traditional tribal around fires for stories to modern individuals
villages to the modern global village? sitting in front of television sets in their living

Cultural globalization refers to the spread of

Define the term 'cultural globalization' in the cultural elements across borders, often
context of media studies. associated with concerns about

The example of Filipino telenovelas, like

What example is provided to illustrate
'Pangako sa 'Yo,' showcases the
regional cultural trends in the context of
regionalization of culture despite the
media globalization?
influence of global media.

Filipino telenovelas like Be Careful with My

Describe the impact of Filipino telenovelas in Heart gained popularity in Singapore,
Southeast Asia. Malaysia, and even Cambodia, becoming
household names.
Cultural imperialism refers to the dominance
Define cultural imperialism in the context of of American values and culture over others
media globalization. due to media globalization and American

Herbert Schiller argued that Americanization

How did Herbert Schiller view the process of
not only spread American culture but also
Americanization in the media?
promoted capitalist values like consumerism.

No, John Tomlinson and others see cultural

Do scholars like John Tomlinson view cultural globalization as promoting Western cultural
globalization positively? imperialism and homogenized consumer

Critics argue that the theory has a top-down

Describe the critique against the view, neglects other global flows of
media/cultural imperialism theory. information, and focuses too much on
American influence.

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