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Infer the tone expressed in

each sentence. Box your answer

from the words inside the

parentheses. Do this in your


1."You must be very tired, Father

You have worked all day. May I help

you row the big boat?" said the

child. We can tell that the child is

respectful, concerned, kind).

2 "Snake! Snake!" cried Bianca

who jumped out the barn.

Bianca was

happy, afraid, angry).

3. "Oh! Father" said the little frog.

i just saw the biggest animal in the

world. You have never seen an

animal as big as a hill. The little frog

was (surprised, tired, ashamed)

4. "1 can make myself as big as

he is' said the old frog. We can

tell that the old frog was

helpful, boastful, shameful).

5. "1 cannot fly! I shall fall! i

know I shall fall! Said the

little hawk. The hawk was

(sad, weak, nervous

B. Read each statement carefully.

Write the letter of the statement under

the correct column of the

author/speaker's purpose. Do this in

your notebook.

A. Moble phones are used for variety of purposes such as keeping in touch with

family members or to have access to telephone in the event of emergency.

B. KKK was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti Spanish

colonialism Fipinos in Manila in 1892.

C.Come and join the Pasayahan sa Lucena to experience the fun and taste

the delectoble food of Lucenahins.

D. Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature which can live on water as well as

the land.

Student: frog

Teacher: Another example.

Student: Another frog.

C. Infer the tone used by the

speaker in each statement. Write

the letter of the correct answer in

your notebook.

Aling Alma's face went red when she saw the

pieces of her favorite vanity mirror and in high

pitch she said, who broke my vanity mirror?

A.anger C.Surprise D.pity

2. "Oh, my pet is hurt" Raffy said when a car

accidentally hit his pet.

A joy B.pity C.sarcastic D. serious

3, It was Sissy's birthday and her mother gave her a

jewelry set. She said, "thank you mother for this

wonderful gift."

A. anger B. concerned C. joy D. pity

4. While cleaning her room, Sheena shouted, "Oh!

there are mice under the cabinet."

A. comic B. concerned D. fear

5. i wonder where my best friend is, I haven't seen

her for a couple of days."




D. angry

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