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The Queue Management System (QMS) is designed to streamline service operations by

efficiently managing customer queues, integrating order numbers and service providers
with a display system, and tracking employee performance. This document outlines the
functional and non-functional requirements of the QMS module focusing on order
number integration, service provider management, display system integration, and
employee performance tracking.

The purpose of the Queue Management System (QMS) module described, which
integrates order numbers and service providers with a display system, along with
employee performance tracking, is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service
operations within an organization.
Improved Customer Experience
Optimized Resource Allocation
Enhanced Operational Efficiency
Increased Accountability and Transparency

Document conventions outline the standards and guidelines for creating and organizing the
documentation related to the Queue Management System (QMS) module. These conventions
ensure consistency, clarity, and ease of understanding for all stakeholders involved in the
development, implementation, and maintenance of the system. Here are some document
conventions that can be followed:

Document Structure
Formatting and Styling
Language and Terminology
References and Citations
Review and Approval Process
Ownership and Responsibilities

(i) Queue Management System (QMS): A software system designed to efficiently

manage customer queues and streamline service operations within an
(ii) Order Number: A unique identifier assigned to each customer request or service
order within the Queue Management System.
(iii) Service Provider: An individual or entity responsible for fulfilling customer
requests or providing services within the organization.
(iv) Display System: An interface or device used to show the current queue status,
order numbers being served, and other relevant information to customers.
(v) Employee Performance Tracking: The process of monitoring and evaluating the
efficiency and effectiveness of service providers in fulfilling orders or serving


(i) QMS: Queue Management System

(ii) KPI: Key Performance Indicator
(iii) ITIL: Information Technology Infrastructure Library
(iv) ISO: International Organization for Standardization
(v) IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


(i) Svc: Service

(ii) No: Number
(iii) Emp: Employee
(iv) Sys: System
(v) DB: Database
The scope of the Queue Management System (QMS) module integrating order numbers and
service providers with a display system, along with employee performance tracking,
encompasses several key aspects:

Order Number Integration

 Generation of unique order numbers for each customer request or service order.

Service Provider Management

 Registration of service providers within the system, including their skills, availability,
and performance metrics.
 Allocation of incoming orders or service requests to available service providers based
on predefined criteria.

Display System Integration

 Implementation of a display system interface to show the current queue status, order
numbers being served, and estimated wait times for customers.
 Real-time retrieval of data from the QMS database to update the display system.

Employee Performance Tracking

 Tracking and monitoring of performance metrics for each service provider,
including service speed, customer satisfaction ratings, accuracy, and adherence to

Scalability and Flexibility:

 Designing the system to be scalable to accommodate future growth and changes
in demand.
 Flexibility to adapt to different service types, organizational structures, and
business requirements.

The Queue Management System (QMS) module, it's important to provide references to any
external sources, standards, or guidelines that have been used or referenced in the document
(i) Documentation Templates and Guides
 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standards for software
requirements specifications
(ii) ISO Standards
 ISO 9001: Quality management systems – Requirements
 ISO 27001: Information security management systems – Requirements
(iii) Websites and Online Resources
 Research papers and articles from reputable sources related to queue management,
performance tracking, and display system integration.
The product perspective section of the Queue Management System (QMS) documentation are

(i) System Context

 How the QMS interacts with other systems, such as customer relationship
management (CRM) systems, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and employee scheduling
 The role of the QMS in supporting the organization's overall operations and service
delivery processes.

(ii) System Interfaces

 Input and output data formats exchanged with external systems.
 Communication channels and protocols for data exchange.

(iii) User Interfaces

 Customer-facing interfaces for viewing queue status, receiving notifications, and
providing feedback.
 Employee-facing interfaces for managing service requests, tracking performance
metrics, and accessing administrative functionalities.

(iv) Hardware and Software Dependencies

 Hardware components such as display screens, input devices, and network
 Software dependencies such as operating systems, databases, and middleware.

(v) Evolutionary Aspects

 Scalability considerations to accommodate growth in user base or transaction
 Flexibility to incorporate new features, functionalities, or integrations in future

The specific functionalities and capabilities that the Queue Management System (QMS) offers
are following:

Order Number Generation

 Automatically generate unique order numbers for each customer request or service
 Assign order numbers based on predefined criteria such as service type, location, or
customer ID.
Service Provider Management
 Register service providers within the system, including their skills, availability, and
contact information.
 Assign incoming orders or service requests to available service providers based on
workload and expertise.
Display System Integration

Employee Performance Tracking

 Track performance metrics for each service provider, including service speed,
customer satisfaction ratings, and adherence to schedules.
 Generate performance reports and dashboards to monitor individual and team
performance over time.
Customer Notifications
 Notify customers about their assigned order numbers and estimated wait times via
SMS, email, or mobile app notifications.
 Provide alerts or notifications when their turn is approaching or when their order is
ready for pickup.
Feedback Mechanisms
 Collect feedback from customers regarding their satisfaction with the service
provided by individual employees.
 Provide mechanisms for customers to submit feedback and suggestions for
improving service quality.

It refers to the different types of users who interact with the Queue Management System (QMS)
which are following:

(i) Customers
 They use the QMS to request services, receive order numbers, and track their
position in the queue.
 Customers may interact with the QMS through self-service kiosks, mobile apps, or
web portals.

(ii) Service Providers

 They use the QMS to view assigned orders, manage their workload, and update order
 Service providers may access the QMS through desktop or mobile interfaces
designed for employee use.

(iii) Managers/Supervisors
 Managers or supervisors oversee the operations of the QMS and monitor
performance metrics.
 They use the QMS to assign tasks, track employee performance, and generate
(iv) Administrators
 They handle user account management, system configuration, and software updates.
 Administrators have access to advanced system settings and functionalities for
troubleshooting and maintenance.
(v) Technicians/Support Staff
 Technicians or support staff provide technical assistance and support for the QMS
 Technicians have access to backend tools and interfaces for system maintenance and

The operating environment of the Queue Management System (QMS) refers to the
technological and infrastructural conditions under which the system operates. This
includes hardware, software, networking, and environmental factors. Here's a breakdown
of the operating environment for the QMS:

Hardware Requirements:
 The QMS may require specific hardware components such as:
 Servers: to host the QMS software and database.
 Workstations: for service providers to access the QMS interface.
 Display Systems: for displaying queue status and order numbers to
 Input Devices: such as touchscreens or keyboards for interacting
with the QMS.

 Operating System: The QMS software may be compatible with specific

operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or macOS.
 Database Management System (DBMS): The QMS may require a
compatible DBMS for data storage and retrieval.
 Web Browsers: If the QMS has a web-based interface, it may require
compatibility with popular web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, or
 Display Software: Software for controlling the display system and updating
queue status in real-time.
 Local Area Network (LAN): The QMS may operate within a LAN
environment, requiring network connectivity between servers,
workstations, and display systems.
 Internet Connectivity: If the QMS has remote access or cloud-based
components, internet connectivity may be required.
 Wireless Networks: Wireless connectivity may be used for communication
between mobile devices, display systems, and the QMS server.
 Physical Space: Adequate physical space may be required to install
hardware components such as servers, workstations, and display systems.
 Temperature and Humidity: The operating environment should maintain
suitable temperature and humidity levels to ensure the reliability and
longevity of hardware components.

 Firewalls: Firewall software or hardware may be used to protect the QMS

server from unauthorized access and security threats.
 Antivirus Software: Antivirus software may be installed on servers and
workstations to protect against malware and viruses.
 Access Controls: Access controls and authentication mechanisms should
be implemented to restrict access to sensitive data and system

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