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1. The dimensions of gravitational constant 'G' are:

a) [ML4 T-2] b) [M-1 L3 T-2]
c) [ML T ]
3 -2 d) [M-1 L-3 T2]
2. A force of 20N acts on a particle of mass 2 Kg and displaces it by
5m at an angle 30o. What is the work done?
a) 40 J b) 50 J
c) 100 J d) 50√3 J
3. An athlete runs some distance before taking a long jump
a) It helps to apply large force
b) By running action and reaction force increases
c) He gains energy to take him through long distance
d) By running the athlete gives himself larger inertia of motion
4. If the radius of earth were to decrease by 1%, its mass remaining
the same, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth
a) Increase by 1% b) Decrease by 1%
c) Decrease by 2% d) Increase by 2%
5. The time period of a simple pendulum is doubled if:
a) Its length is doubled
b) Mass of the bob is doubled
c) Its length is made four times
d) Mass of bob is doubled and length of pendulum is also doubled
6. A boat having a length 3m and breadth 2m is floating on a lake.
The boat sinks by 1cm when a man gets on it. The mass of the
man is:
a) 60 Kg b) 72 Kg
c) 12 Kg d) 128 Kg
7. 
The correct value of 0 C on the Kelvin scale is:
a) 273.15 K b) 272.85 K
c) 273 K d) 273.2 K
8. A solid ball of metal has a concentric spherical cavity within it. If
the ball is heated, the volume of the cavity will:
a) Increase b) Decrease
c) Remains unaffected d) None of the above
9. Two blocks of ice when pressed together join to form one block
a) Of heat produced during pressing
b) Of cold produced during pressing
c) Melting point of ice decrease with increase in pressure
d) Melting point of ice increase with increase in pressure
10. The ratio of the speed of a body to the speed of sound is called:
a) Sonic index b) Doppler ratio
c) Mach number d) Refractive index
11. A person aproaches a plane mirror with velocity V. Then relative
velocity of approach of person and his image is:
a) V/2 b) V
c) 2V d) Zero
12. An air bubble in the slab (µ = 1.5) appears 6cm from one side and 4
cm from the other side. The real thickness of the glass slab is:
a) 10 cm b) 6.67 cm
c) 15 cm d) Cannot be estimated
13. The length and radius of a wire are l and r respectively. Its
resistance is R. After hammering the radius of the wire is made
r/2. Then the new resistance will be:
a) R/4 b) R
c) 4R d) 16R
14. The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the sun
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called:
a) Meteors b) Comets
c) Meteorites d) Asteroids
15. Proton(p), neutron(n) and electron(e) are the fundamental
particles of an atom.The correct order of their mass is:
a) p > n > e b) e > n > p
c) n > p < e d) e < p < n
16. Which of the following postulates is not according to Dalton's
atomic theory?
a) Atom can neither be created nor be destroyed
b) Matters are made up of individual's particles called atoms
c) The mass of atom can be changed into energy
d) Atoms of same substance are identical
17. The maximum number of electrons is in:
a) 71 gm Chlorine b) 98 gm Magnesium
c) 127 gm Iodine d) 4 gm Hydrogen
18. (A) Electron (i) No charge and unit mass
(B) Neutron (ii) Unit negative charge and unit mass
(C) Proton (iii) Unit negative charge and neligible mass
(D) Positron (iv) Unit positive charge and unit mass
(E) Antiproton (v) Unit positive charge and negligible mass
The correct match is:
a) A (ii), B(iv),C(v), D(ii) and E(i)
b) A (iii), B(v),C(i), D(iv) and E(ii)
c) A (ii), B(i),C(v), D(iv) and E(iii)
d) A (iii), B(i),C(iv), D(v) and E(ii)
19. The C – C bond length is the shortest in:
a) C2H6 b) C6H6
c) C2H5Cl d) C2H4
20. A catalyst:
a) Increases the average kinetic energy of molecules
b) Increases activation energy
c) Decreases activation energy
d) Increases the frequency of collisions of reacting species
21. The molecular formula of Bone ash is:
a) Ca3 (PO4)2 b) C6 H12O6
c) Na2CO3 d) CaSO4
22. Chemical reaction which proceeds in both forward and
backward directions is called a / an:
a) Substitution reaction
b) Double decomposition reaction
c) Irreversible reaction
d) Reversible reaction
23. An aqueous solution of CuSO4 is:
a) Acidic b) Basic
c) Neutral d) Amphoteric
24. The first attempt to classify elements was made by:
a) Mendeleev b) Lothar Meyer
c) Newland d) Dobereiner
25. Copper pyrite is an ore of:
a) Ag b) Fe
c) Mg d) Hg
26. Pure nascent hydrogen is best obtained by:
a) Na and C2H5OH b) Zn and dil.H2SO4
c) Al and NaOH d) All of these
27. Gobar gas mainly contains:
a) Ethane b) Methane
c) Propane d) Butane
28. “A tube within a tube body plan” is met within:
a) Hydra b) Planaria
c) Ascaris d) Fasciola
29. Which of these derives most of its water requirements from the
metabolism and does not drink water?
a) Kangaroo rat b) Marine fish
c) Kangaroo d) Penguin
30. Which of the following is NOT related with Sexual reproduction
in protozoans?
a) Conjugation b) Schizogony
c) Cytogamy d) Autogamy
31. The common name of Octopus is:
a) Devil fish b) Cuttle fish
c) Squid d) None of these
32. Radial symmetry is often exhibited by:
a) Echinoderms b) Coelenterates
c) both a & b d) None of these
33. Rabies is a --- disease.
a) Bacterial b) Fungal
c) Viral d) None of these
34. Introduction of Gambusia fish in a pond to control mosquitoes,
is an example of:
a) Mechanical control b) Biological control
c) Systemic control d) None
35. The application of genetic principles for the improvement of
mankind is:
a) Genetic engineering b) Biotechnology
c) Eugenics d) Anthropology
36. Ligaments join:
a) Muscle to muscle b) Muscle to bone
c) Bone to bone d) Cartilage to bone
37. Choose the false statement.
a) Wall of veins is thinner than that of artery.
b) Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood.
c) Veins are provided with valves.
d) Arteries are provided with valves.
38. "Protoplasm is physical basis of life" said by:
a) J. Huxley b) Watson
c) Schwann d) Mendel
39. Father of Genetics is:
a) G. Mendel b) Carolous Linneaus
c) Bateson d) Aristotle
40. Structure for motility in bacteria is:
a) Pili b) Flagella
c) Fimbriae d) Both (a) & (c)
41. Spirogyra is:
a) Pond silk b) Water scum
c) Green algae d) All
42. Circinate vernation in fern refers to:
a) Adventitious roots on rhizome
b) Attachment of sori on leaf surface
c) System of leaf gaps in the stem
d) Leaves are coiled when young
43. Suberised cell/tissue is:
a) Xylem b) Phloem
c) Cork d) Sclerenchyma
44. Largest flower in the world is that of:
a) Lotus b) Rafflesia
c) Giant cactus d) Sunflower
45. Pyramid of number is inverted for:
a) Tree ecosystem b) Forest ecosystem
c) Grassland ecosystem d) Pond ecosystem
46. If (3, 3) lies on line joining points (h,
1 0)1and1(0, k) then:
a) h + k = 9 b) + =
h k 3
c) hk = 3 b) 3h – 3k = 1
47. The gradient of one of the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is twice
that of other then:
a) h2 = ab b) h = a + b
c) 8h = 9ab
2 d) 9h2 = 8ab
48. The equation of tangent to the circle x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y – 13 = 0 at
point (3, 4) is:
a) 3x + 4y = 17 b) 5x + y = 19
c) 2x – 7y = 9 d) 5x + 3y = 1
     
49. If the vector i - j , j + k and a form a triangle then a is
equal to:
    
a) 2 i - j + k b) i + k
   
c) j - 2 k d) - i - k
50. The vector making an angle 45 with x-axis and having
magnitude 2 2 is:
a)  
 2
b)  
 2
c)  
 3
d)  
 3   4  2  2

51. If A and B are two disjoint sets then (B  A ) is:
a) B  A b) B – A
c) B d) A – B
52. The range of function f(x) = 4 - x2 is:
a) [-2, 1] b) [-2, 3]
c) [0, 2] d) [0, 1]
 13
53. The value of Sin 10 + Sin 10 =
-1 1 3
a) b) 2 c) d) 1
2 2
54. In any triangle maximum value of CosA + CosB + CosC is:
a) 1 b) 1/2
c) 0 d) 3/2
55. If Sin + Cos = 1, then the value of Sin2 is:
a) 0 b) 1
c) -1 d) 2

1 1 1 x  3  x
56. If 1 2  
3 y =   6  then,  
y =
       
1 3 6 z 10 z

2 1 1 3
a) 4 b) 2 c) 1 d) 2
      
6 3 1 1
57. If Mij is the minor of element in ith row and jth column of a
matrix, its cofactor (Aij) is given by:
a) (1)i+j Mij b) (1)i-j Mij
c) (-1) Mij
i+j d) (1)i+j Mij
58. The sum of 1 ten terms of an AP whose 1st term is 5 and

common difference 4 is:

a) 230 b) 420
c) 140 d) 270
59. If a1 = 2 and an = an-1 – 1, then a3 is:
a) 0 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
60. The remainder when x100 + x64 + 1 is divided by x – 1 is:
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
61. If the equation x2 + (k + 2)x + 2k = 0 has equal roots, then k =
a) 4 b) -6
c) 8 d) 2
62. How many pupils can be seated in a room with 's' single seats
and 'd' double seats?
a) sd b) 2sd
c) 2(s+d) d) 2d+s
1 1 1
63. If xa = yb = zc and y = xz, then the value of a + b + c is:
a) 2b b) 2
c) d) b
64. Price of a gas was first increased by 10% and then decreased by
10%. What is total change in price of gas?
a) 0% b) 1%
c) 2% d) 4%
65. In a race of 1km, A beats B by 20m and B beats C by 50m, by
how much does A beat C?
a) 70m b) 69m
c) 68m d) 67m
66. A milk man purchases 30 litres of milk which contains milk and
water in the ratio 7:3. How much water should be added to
make the ratio 3:7?
a) 30 litres b) 35 litres
c) 40 litres d) 45 litres
67. If Rs. 450 amounts to Rs. 540 in 4 years, what sum will amount
to Rs. 637.50 in 5 years?
a) Rs. 500 b) Rs. 510
c) Rs. 520 d) Rs. 540
68. One side of rectangle is x inches. If the perimeter be P, what is
length of other side?
a) P – x b) P – 2x
P - 2x P
c) d) 2 - x
69. If X = 29.5, fx = 25a + 1620 and N = a + 54, a =
a) 3 b) 6
c) 7 d) 5
70. In the figure, which of the following must be true?
a) x + y = z + r
b) x + r = z – y
c) x – y = r + z
d) x – r = y – z
71. Ruled by one’s wife
a) cock-pecked b) hen-pecked
c) pig-pecked d) wifious
72. Nothing but trees --- seen
a) have b)are
c) is d)all of the above
73. He prefers going to school --- foot.
a) on b) by
c) from d) with
74. Choose the correct antonym of 'candid'
a) frank b) calm
c) unfair d) sensible
75. Choose the grammatically incorrect part:
He is one of those brave men who are never afraid of death.
No error
76. He is hard-up these days.
a) hard-pressed b) in trouble
c) short of money d) disciplined
77. The word ‘cache’ means
a) simple b) a building
c) a hiding place d) railway station
78. Forensic examination of a dead body:
a) diagnosis b) post-mortem
c) analysis d) dialysis
79. The Alpha and Omegha
a) the beginning and the end b) a Greek song
c) a Swiss watch d) a beautiful object
80. I hate sitting --- him as he always smells garlic.
a) besides b) above
c) at d) beside
81. What is on --- television tonight?
a) a b) an
c)the d) none
82. A person who is fond of fighting:
a) bellicose b) quarrelsome
c) jingoist d) garrulouse
83. Synonym of ‘Fiasco’ is:
a) strength b) success
c) failure d) hope
84. Fact is often stronger than:
a) fancy b) fiction
c) imagination d) dream
85. At first blush:
a) at first sight b) in the beginning
c) initiation d) in day
86. The plural of cargo is
a) cargoes b) cargos
c) cargoise d)cargo
87. Complete the proverb:
“Absence makes the heart grow ”.
a) Stronger b) fast
c) larger d) fonder
88. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labeled P, Q,
R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the correct
P: I decided to call on him
Q: at the earliest opportunity
R: having heard of the palmist
S: before I came into town
89. Choose the odd man out:
a) A chain of mountains b) A choir of singers
c) A constellation of stars d) A crew of lectures
90. Hater of alcoholic drink is – Teetotaller:
a) Hater of knowledge is – Misanthrope
b) Hater of war is – Austere
c) Hater of marriage is – celebate
d) Hater of worldly life is- misologist
91. Who is known as the Prince of Mathematics?
a) Lenhard Euler b) LEJ Brouwer
c) Karl Gauss d) Pythagorus
92. Which of the following is not an acronym?
93. The largest state of USA is:
a) California b) Montana
c) New Mexico d) Alaska
94. The currency of Germany is
a) Deutschmark b) Dollar
c) Lira d) Peso
95. Which combination of letters completes the given series:
NRJ, PNP, RJV, ---
a) BFT b) TFB
c) TBF d) BTF
96. Pointing to a man, a woman said,"He is the only son of my
mother's mother". How is the woman related to the man?
a) Aunt b) Daughter
c) Niece d) Sister
97. In a beehive, the number of bees doubles every day than that of
previous day. In being so, the number of bees on 30th day is 1
lakh. On which day the number of bees was 50 thousand?
a) 15th b) 14th
c) 16th d) 29th
98. What is the missing letter?
D B ?
a) F b) H
c) G d) C
99. If "+" means "", "" means "","" means "+" and "" means "",
then 16862+12=?
a) 22 b) 24
c) 23 d) 30
100. Which of the following birds can fly?
a) Puffin b) Emu
c) Ostrich d) Kiwi

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