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Group assignment guidelines

1. Forming groups

Student should gather into groups with maximum 5 students.

2. What to do and submit?

Each group of students is required to prepare a capital budgeting for a project (or a business idea) in
a word document (maximum 10 pages). All the calculations should be presented in an excel file and
submitted together with the word file by the end of the week prior to the last one.

Each group has maximum 20 minutes to present their capital budgeting and 10 minutes to answer
questions. The presentation will be carried on in the last week.

The hard copies of assignments are marked to the whole group and marks will be assigned for 1 quiz
and group assignment.

Scores for the presentation and answer are marked to individual and will be assigned for quiz 2 and

3. Detail of capital budgeting:

Groups should briefly introduce their projects (or business plans): their products/services, their
targeted market, business strategies, organizational structure, social impacts,...

Financial assessment (capital budgeting) should be the largest part of presentation, presenting

- Initial investment required

- the sale forecast
- cost structure
- cost of capital or required rate of returns
- your decisions, based on number of techniques used in capital budgeting (IRR, NPV, PBP...)
- does your project expose to any major risks? how to you account for that?

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