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1.1. Background
In the last few years, there has been significant environmental responsiveness such as worldwide
warming and ozone depletion. Environmental management and approach approaches to
environmental issues have become a requirement for your global prosperity and global prosperity.
For any company, most important thing for survival is to keep competitive profits and increase its
market share. However, organizations are increasingly responsible for their social and
environmental impacts they should treat their impact on the regional and larger operational
environments as a major part of the development. Policies and to demonstrate greater
management involvement through this environment). Requirements for companies to address
environmental issues effectively due to external factors (eg, government regulations) or domestic
reasons (eg company policies). Appeared in North America in the 1970s, and in the early 1990s
many countries established their own standards for AMSB, perhaps the most famous is the British
BS7750 (Psomas et al., 2011). Ultimately, they were deprived of the 14001 ISA, which was first
introduced in 1996, and later became the global EMS standard. EMAS (Environmental and
Auditing Management Project) was also created for the EU Member States. Some low national
standards, such as the ECHO degree, came into force in Sweden in 2005In 1996, the Global
Organization for Calibration introduced the ISO 14000 Voluntary Standards that the Company
approved in its systematic system for managing the environment. This is the first response to
these principles: Best of 1999, three years after the start, the number of ISO 14001 certificates to
about 10,000, however, in 2002 there were more than 46,000 people and in years 2005 The world
has over 88,000 places. This is almost 100% in 3 years. Most certifications are found in the
developed world. After a slow start, the number of certificates in developing countries is growing
at a rate higher than 100% per year and today represents more than 20% of all certificates today.
The impetus for rapid expansion of the ISO certification is unclear. Morrow and Rondinelli. It is
important to note that ISO does not respond to the need for environmental practices. It needs to be
linked to regional efficiency needs.

Laws/ policies may include company environmental policies. Many Chinese companies have
indicated that they have a lack of Department of Environmental Management, until they have
started to seek undergraduate ISO certification. 14001 ISO has become the largest perimeter of
the EMS certification globally of 112 and is increasingly demanding market access. As of
December 2005, more than 12,000 seats have been confirmed in China, compared to 110,000

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worldwide due to the promotion of market-oriented tools, ISO 14001 markets, such as allowing
trade And emissions from the central government in Beijing. (Economic 2006). By the end of
2009, the location of ISO 14001 certificates of 35,416 was valid. The ISO 14001 version,
developed by partner companies or parents in the developed world, may be transferred to its
subsidiaries in developing countries, such as China, which has improved environmental routine.
Customers and International Customers Chinese Industrial Organizers are an important factor in
the spread of ISO 14001.The ISO 14001 certification in China emphases on the export industry,
indicating that disturbing international consumers can be an important factor in adopting ISO

1.2. Problem regarding EMS

In Pakistan, there are many certifications, such as ISO 14001, for management systems, but it is
not particularly carried out by the industry, and there are problems with improving the
management system and causing environmental problems. The environment management system
becomes a key issue among all types of businesses. Experiences from different industries in
Sialkot and Gujarat Pakistan have shown that many issues related to their practice are human
origin, misunderstanding, behavioral change resistance, and the possibility of long-term
planning. . The most common problems in our practice are:

• Good practice of environmental audit,

• Incorrect identification of important environmental aspects,

• Issues to represent the right people,

• Improper staff training,

• Issues related to organizations,

• Reduce management's own management

1.3. Objectives of EMS

. To enhance awareness of EMS

• To Understand the requirements of ISO 14001 standards

• To Evaluation of the implementation of ISO standards in other organizations

• To EMP establishment under ISO 14001-2015

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Overview of organization
2.1. Company overview
The company name SK Fans. SK Fans manufacture almost all type of home appliances that one
can demand for daily life . ISO 14001-2015 is providing the organization looking the way to
improve their management and reduce the cost.
2.2. Mission of Organization
Provide economic value to customers through the quality, assurance, safety, environment, and
social security of their property, projects, products and systems, leading to a license to manage
risk reduction and productivity enhancement.
2.3. Core Ethics
Values are general statements, procedures or identifications that how to take decision about
quality of the product. SK fans defines its values as:
 Customer Satisfaction
 Company Loyalty
 Team work
 Quality assurance
2.4. Objective of industry
The company's primary purpose is to provide high quality products to their customers that meet
their needs and want ISO14001: 2015 to be designed to:
Provides a robust framework for requirements for the next ten years.
• Addressing the most recent changes in the implementation of more stringent and dynamic
quality management technologies and practices to promote practical implementation.
• Maintain current focus on effective management. Implement "high-level structure" (same
structure, basic text and definition) to ensure compatibility with other management standards.
• Organizational coordination and conformity assessment.
• Coordinate words to have the same understanding and needs change.
2.5.1 Address
4-Khursheed Alam estate Sheikhupura Rd near Sitara factory Madina colony, Gujranwala,

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Phone +923216430580


2.5.2 Competitors
 Lahore fans
 Beeta fans
 Super Asia fans
 Al-Meraj fans

Following products are currently being manufactured by SK Fans
 Ceiling fans
 Pedestal fans
 Bracket fans
 Circulating fans
 Exhaust fans
 Table fans

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 Mist fans
 Home appliances
 Floor fans

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Aspects Of EMS
3.1. Benefits of EMS
As they continue to challenge, the company encourages you to keep the environment. They can
include environmental organizations in EMS and integrating this system into international
organizations such as ISO 14001 or EMS. EMS will help the organization to improve the limited
and media environment. The number of ISO 14001 certificates in the last decade has continued
throughout the world. After 2011, China, Japan, and Italy (ISO, 2011), confirmed that worldwide
companies 267 457 have confirmed that a number of institutions claiming that the fourth place in
the ISO 14001 certification standard does not guarantee Compliance, but the company encourages
it. In practice, the most effective certification has been found. To analyze the effect of EMS, it is
important to distinguish between two effects (Thought and L, 2011). First, the expected results
can lead to EMS (benefits). And second, there are negative consequences that accept a system (or
difficulty or barrier) to prevent or prevent problems.
EMS can help strengthen and strengthen the Certification Company. This process can lead to
resources and abilities (harassment- and Sisarbutter at the end of 2011). Human resources can
learn and experience the reputation of the company in order to improve its systems and to raise
concerns (Kaun and Giri, 2006). Most of these results were based on environmental issues related
to environmental issues (Martin-Piana and L., 2010). Many authors have analyzed EMS and
analyzed the benefits of this group in their group. (Poksenskaya et al., 2003) differ between
internal rules, benefits and advantages in foreign markets. (Heli, 2004) There is a difference
between the internal and external benefits. Links and (Neovo, 2006) Differences between
environmental performance and business performance. Gavronski Al-Qaeda and (2008)
highlighted four groups: Benefits, Benefits, Markets, Benefits, Markets, and Social Benefits.
Some of them are based on ideas and perspectives and results of another specific area and
experience of the Central. As with our book reviews, we can identify the most useful uses (Heli,
2004, Taniel, 2012). So some writers have learned to improve quality. He emphasized that the
overall quality improvement (Montabon 2000 Team Leader). In these areas has already
established a system for training and innovation The modern environment can help improve the
quality of the frames and thus their market. Staff and administrators can be encouraged to
communicate with formal communication. Companies that EMS can be synchronized to get their
literacy skills and opportunities for communication and networking. The new system encourages

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communication between management and employment, improves employee satisfaction and
improves the performance of a special benefit other writers analyze the improvement of the
competitive position. Organizations can increase their ability through environmental management
because waste and other costs cannot be increased even after all the waste. (Hu Anga, 2009).
Another important aspect of the company is its acceptance of the market and customer
satisfaction. The main advantage of using EMS is that they have attracted new markets and
customers and consumer demands (Chuan, 2005; Raza and Alam, 2000). If users believe that the
organization respects the environment, sales and market share may increase (Hillary, 2004,
Pokosuka and, Klein, 2003). The company's approach towards improvement is at the root of this
gap. The coffee management environment maintains a good image and reputation for long and
long green companies (Zamos and L., 2011). ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized symbol
that can help promote market image (Gernusk & L., 2008). This can help the user to increase their
connections with a collection of images of investors and buyers, insurers and other stocks (Randy
and Bear, 2000, Zakatashi and Soho, 2004). The creator of EMS suggests that the company is
when the acquisition of green environments can be seen as an important element, which facilitates
his communication with the transfer of money. The second (Albertie & L., 2000 Poksenica and
Ethiopia, 2003). The main advantage of financial resources is better (Giroński et al., 2008). In
recent years, we have seen many opportunities for using long-term companies (Irina and L.,
2012). In addition, investors are deemed the standard for establishing the Investment Ministry
(Melnik and L., 2003). It improves the behavior of the environment, enhances its relationship with
environmental regulators (Bahuchi and Nausso, 1998). The Environmental Management
Company responds to the needs of the company and helps to comply with laws, reduce liability
and reduce barriers and constraints. (Bamboo and 2000) for perpetrators. Environmental
Performance Improvement is the main benefit of waste and resources (water, energy and
materials) (Council and Convenience, 2004; Putuki and Fukushima, 2005; ROSCO, 2009). In
addition, the incentive to promote EMS technology and promoting traditional practices is a
number of authors with long-term access rights (Melanique and Eight, 2003; Fisher, 2003). ISO
Family 14000 Standard and Compliance: Environment and Identification (ISO 14020);
Environmental Impact Assessment (ISO 14031); Life Cycle Recommendation (ISO 14040);
Organic representation of product system definition (ISO 14045); and read current values (ISO

3.2. Difficulties in implementing an EMS

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Factors To Prevent or Protect Environmental Measures In Setting Business Environment. Issues
related to the implementation and certification of EMS may be regarded as a failure to ignore the
adverse effects of a system or an organization. Many tasks analyzed these factors in literature
(Hillary, 2004, Xhelha, 2004, Zeutoshhi and Soho, 2004, and Mori et al., 2005; Zimass and Al,
2011), though lower than interests. Most authors view system management (LANNL, 2006,
TURKAN, 2009). Cost audit, file details according to the details and the time required, based on
the experience. Some managers believe that the company has polluted a low atmosphere, a better
image, or a new agreement (The Post and Elman, 1994, Florida, 1996, Zatishi and Soho, 2004,
Yan, and Ma). You do not have enough benefits in 2009). Other writers emphasize investing in
higher investment environment (Post and Allen, 1994; Nisso and Wigerman 1999; Hilary, 2004;
& L Motors, 2005; Zilla, 2004). Another difficulty is another complication of EMS (Q & A, 1999,
Ziaah, 2004). In addition to this complexity, institutions often believe that this law is designed and
adapted (Post and Elman, 1994). The company has not even seen a lack of transparency and is not
sure whether to take advantage of it. And they saw the reduction of harmony between national
laws and the absence of international environmental law (Team Leader Motors, 2005). This
means that EMS (Turkey 2009) has a long way to go. Commitment and commitment to
environmental protection, high-level officials and administrators, and communications at low
levels, communication, training and qualifications (Road and Allthen, 1994 Pokukova and L,
2003, Heliery, 2004) In. Natural resource management in human capital is very important and
requires special skills and jobs (Turkey, 2009).

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Structure of EMS
Methods used to collect input data and information on the instructions of ISO 14001 in different
Gujrat and Sialkot industries. Methodology refers to a specialized study of the actual learning
procedures. In other sociology and scientific sciences, the belief of a research approach is
believed to ensure the validity of research data and the collection of research results. Duration
method is defined as "studying the direction and impact of actual studies of the suitability of the
techniques used". Both primary and secondary data are used.
4.1 Protocol-1
4.1.1 Survey
Key data sources were collected through research, data collection, and access to meetings and
information through the project database and back to the surrounding area. The secondary data
related to physiological parameters (geophysical, baptisms, and weather) are obtained through
government departments and their official websites. Biological parameters such as plastics and
plants have been studied by creating floral lists based on consultations and fuel. Those are
recorded in relation to their existence in the project area. In the Diagnostic area, this information
is based on Fauna Flora (poisoning, ammunition, poultry, etc.), collecting current and local
experts, community members and non-governmental organizations and non-governmental
organizations. The social economic aspects of ISO 14001 and its practices have been researched
and analyzed by industry and by organizations or studies.
4.1.2 Evaluation

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In the process of evaluating the ISO 14001 practice through direct observation through travel to
different industries and organizations, and through meetings in relevant organizations and
meetings with HR managers or Environmental protection staff in the organization. Which has the
ISO standard implementation for other organizations that have not introduced ISO standards.
These industries, which are known and best known by their names, especially those who export
their products, are required to comply with and comply with different ISO standards, such as in
Gujrat, the market level has been grounded since then. Only some organizations. Which has ISO
performance compared to the Sialkot industry, because Sialkot has a maximum export rate
compared to Gujrat and Gujrat, most of them Fan Fan Royal and National Furniture Program and
NM of ISO standard.

4.2 Protocol-2
4.2.1 Monitoring
Environmental preliminary environmental monitoring, environmental noise and groundwater
monitoring are related to the development of EMPs. A complete Environmental Managing and
Managing Plan (EMP) is equipped for operative management and monitoring of environmental
and social impacts on development. Clean and clean environment. The additional
recommendations are as follows:
• Negative environmental effects can be significantly reduced by best management practices and
controls as well as effective implementation of the EMP
• It is possible to build a green building instead of a simple building with a green roof, insulation,
and maximum sunlight. Green roofs will not only attract customers but will serve as insulators. In
addition, the green roof is longer than the normal roof.

Table 1: Ambient Air Quality

Sr# Source CO SO2 NO NO2 PM10

Units Ppm Ug/m3 Ug/m3 Ug/m3 Ug/m3

PEQS 9 120 80 80 150

1 Project Area 0 1.0 4.1 0.5 46


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Noise level of the project area was monitored at project site using digital sound
meter and results of the same are given below:
Table 2: Noise Level Monitoring

Sr# Source Units PEQS Conc.

1 Project Site db (A) 75 51

Water Resource
Main water sources are groundwater that is pumped out 200-250 feet and is used in the area of
family surveys. To verify the water quality in the area, groundwater was collected and analyzed.
Groundwater is collected from wells close to the prepared area. Below is a detailed description of
the water quality in the project area
Table 3: Water Quality Results
Sr# Parameters Units Concentrations WHO Standards

1 pH value ---- 7.69 6.5-8.5

2 TDS mg/l 337 <1000

3 Turbidity NTU 0.277 <5NTU

4 Chloride mg/l 30.6 Max 250

5 Alkalinity mg/l 271 ---

6 Color --- Complies Non Objectionable

7 Odor --- Complies Non Objectionable

8 Taste --- Complies Non Objectionable

The results of the groundwater analysis showed that all the parameters were within the limits as
Environmental monitoring plan.
4.3 Protocol-3
4.3.1 Management Plan
The report lists all the mitigation measures contained in the IEE and the ecological or social
aspects involved in the construction and operation phase with the administrative framework,
including the implementing institutions responsible for implementing the action / Proposed
measures. It improves the benefits of the project by reducing the impact and making it comfortable.

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4.3.2 List of chemicals
List of hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals, suppliers of these chemicals and their usage in
process is annexed with EMP along with hazardous substances handling and traceability
procedure. Among these chemicals only following chemicals are identified as hazardous
according to “Hazardous Substances Rule, 2003”
 Ammonia
 Formic acid
 Acetic acid
 Sulphuric acid
Evacuation Plan
Administration has planned a proper evacuation plan in case of any emergency. Evacuation plan
is annexed with this EMP.
Spillage Plan
Chemical storage and containment is always likely to spillage which can result in a number of
adverse impacts such as soil and water contamination and health and safety related issues. It is
therefore very important to formulate plans for chemical handling, spillage control and spillage
response. Chemicals handling, spillage control and spillage response procedures to be followed in
storage are annexed herewith.
Firefighting equipment in Chemical Stores
Following Firefighting Equipment are provided in chemical storage areas; location of these
equipment in the Proposed Storage Go-down is mentioned in Evacuation Plan
1. Water Type Fire Extinguisher (10L and 50L)
2. Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher (06kg and 50Kg)
Carbon dioxide Fire Extinguisher (05Kg)
Personal protective equipment
To control any strength and safety risk and to lessen the magnitude of any adverse impact, we
have to devise control strategies and adopt them in the following category order:
a. Control at source
b. Propagation Control
c. Control at receiver end
Of these three, the first two are of prime importance but the last one should always for every risk
at every workplace; standardized according to the working conditions and the people employed in

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the job. The first two effectively mitigate the risks and impacts but the third one compensates the
left over and unavoidable losses by protecting the receiver and keeping it to a tolerable exposure
level for that impact/risk. For this purpose, the equipment provided are termed as ‘Personal
Protective Equipment’. Following PPEs will be provided in the Proposed Chemical Store Room.
1. Goggles
2. Safety Shoes
3. Face and Breathing Mask
4. Safety Gloves
5. Safety Helmet
Environmental conditions in storage areas
1. Room temperature (aprx. 300C)
2. Humidity level 31%
3. ATM Pressure 30mm in Hg
4. Dew Point 140C
Environmental concerns in storage areas
Following are the chief environmental concerns in chemical storage area:
 Solid Waste (Empty storage cans, drums, packages and expired chemicals)
 Soil Contamination (In case of spillage)
 Health and Safety Issues (In case of both leakage and emission or large variation in
storage conditions)

of Responsibility
Components to be Measurement Frequency Location

Noise Levels To Noise level Noise level Twice At least two Environment
determine on the site reading will be during locations on Officer
the and adjacent Taken constructio the scheme /manager
effectivene area on n boundary
ss of the dB(A) scale

Page 13 of 29
on the

To check
the Inspection of
availability Waste
of Waste Generation, Construction Environmental
Collection, Visual
Managem collection, Once daily site officer/manag
Storage and inspection
ent System Storage and er
and Disposal at
Implement site

all vehicles
ss of the
Visual and
control Inspection of monthly Contractor/
Soil inspection and equipments
measures equipment inspection Environmental
contamination availability in use at
taken to and vehicles officer
checks construction
spillage of
oil and

To check
Workers the Injuries and Recording HSE/
daily Onsite
safety effectivene accidents injuries contractor
ss of the
safety plan

Table 4: Components and objectives

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4.3.3 Environmental management plan (EMP)
Evaluation of the Environmental Management Plan discusses the organization organization
which is essential for effectiveness or effective implementation of the proposed minimum risk
measuresAnd major environmental issues. Provide a mechanism to mitigate the environmental
impacts of the project by introducing quality practices to enhance the benefits of environmental
management plans, enhance project benefits and project approvals. Do. EMP development is to
make some people accountable for at least a step to ensure the implementation of at least
steps. The inspection plan also includes contractors and other responsible officials to ensure
EMP compliance.

Objectives of environmental management plan

The main purposes of PES are:
• Coordinate the implementation of mitigation measures
• Define the responsibility of the project creator and contractor and provide the means for
Communication of the environment between them.
Identify monitoring parameters to ensure the effectiveness of mitigation measures
• Provide a mechanism to take timely action in the context of an unexpected
environmental situation.
Components of the EMP
The EMP is as follows:
• Management plan
• Follow-up plan
• Communication and documentation
• Institutional capacity
• Environmental education

It lists all applicable mitigation measures and environmental or social aspects during
construction and operational stages in compliance with all relevant administrative
responsibilities, executives are required to take the planned action Keep / measure. It helps to

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increase the benefits of risk mitigation schemes and to turn it into a favorable environment.

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Table 5: Environmental Management Plan


 Spill prevention trays
 Proper PPEs will be used
for shifting of chemicals
from loading to storage
 Spillage of Chemical
during Transfer will be
avoided by providing
proper coverage.
Physical  Use of horns will be limited
Transportat Noise, At site /
/ to only emergency uses Project
ion of spillage, Along Proponent*
ecologic  Careful driving will be manager
chemicals accidents transporta
al assured by hiring skillful
tion route
drivers or training them
before deputing them on the
 Running transport vehicles
on low-sulfur fuels
 Installation of noise and
emission control equipment
with the vehicles
 Maintaining the vehicles in
good running order

Chemical Physical Soil Severe/ Avoidance Project Proponent*

handling , Social Contaminati At site  Storage areas for chemicals manager
and storage on, Health will be designed with

(Page 17 of 29)
and safety, secondary containment to
Solid waste prevent spills and
contamination of soil and
 Ceramic and cemented
floor of storage area will be
made to avoided seepage of
chemical if spilled out.
 All potential chemicals will
be stored in banded areas.
 Chemicals will be kept air
tight during storage in the

 Proper ventilation
techniques will be adopted.
 Proper labels representing
the chemical name and
precautions when handling
will be available
 A warning statement
comprising of word
“Danger” in red, picture of
skull and cross bones,
pertinent instructions for
use, storage handling and
safety precautions for
hazardous substances will be
written properly.
 Training will be provided to
personnel for identification,
segregation, and
management of hazardous
 Material Safety data sheets
will be given to the
supervisor and copies will
be available to the working
staff so that they can easily

(Page 18 of 29)
identify the first aid steps to
be taken in case of any
 Environmental conditions of
the store room will be
carefully monitored and
maintained within required
 Workers will be provided
with safety gloves, masks,
foot wear and sleeves to
avoid any hazard
 No worker will be permitted
on job unless he is wearing
protective clothing and
 Solid waste will be stored in
dust bins or other designated
storage areas and will be
managed by the Solid Waste
Management Contractor
 Eye wash and plenty of
water will be available for
any emergency situation.
 Adequate supply of water
will be provided for personal
washing and washing of
protective clothing.
 Proper first aid equipments
will be readily available to

Life and
physical property severe/  Proper disaster planning Project Proponent*
, social losses on local should be done to avoid manager
large-scale major losses resulting from
emergency situations arising
(Page 19 of 29)
due to fire, explosion,
sudden leakage of hazardous
chemicals etc.
 Firefighting equipment and
other safety appliances
should be kept ready for use
during any emergency.
 Proper evacuation plan
should be developed
showing safe exits and
assembly points.
 The store room must be
equipped with all necessary
firefighting and other
emergency control
 1122 or any other
emergency service provider
and some hospital facility
must be immediately
 Emergency call service must
be provided in the store

Hazardous Physical Safety Severe/at Avoidance: Project Proponent*

chemicals hazard, spills site  Labeling will be placed on manager
and waste all storage
manageme vessels/containers as
nt appropriate to national and
international standards. The
labeling will clearly identify
the stored materials
 Storage areas for liquid
chemicals will be designed
with secondary containment
to prevent spills and
contamination of soil and

(Page 20 of 29)

Table 6: Action plan

Sr. Action Objective Responsibility


1. Prepare an Environmental Monitoring of the project during Proponents

Environmental operational stage:
Program  Environmental monitoring within the unit;
 Maintaining security of the premises;
 Checking security and safety at the premises;
 Implementation of all conditions contained in
the Environmental Approval to be issued by the
Punjab Environmental Protection Agency, and
 Submission of requisite information and reports
to the proponents and the Punjab
Environmental Protection Agency

2. Assemble a team  Establish an institutional framework for Proponents/

comprising implementation of the Environmental Project
representatives of Monitoring Program Manager
the residents and
a responsible

3. Provision of funds  To finance expenses involved in the

implementation of the Environmental
Monitoring Program

(Page 21 of 29)
4. Implementation  Enforcement of measures aiming to reduce solid Proponents/
of the waste; Project
Environmental  Assessing arrangements for collection of solid Manager
Monitoring waste within project site;
Program  Ensuring segregation of solid waste to separate
hazardous waste, if any, recyclable waste, green
waste and non-recyclable waste;
 Ensuring appropriate storage of all chemicals;
 Ensuring disposal of all forms of solid waste
generated from chemical storage in an
environmental-friendly manner;
 Adoption of measures for minimization of liquid
 Appropriate conservation of water resources
and rendering advice on water conservation
methods to workers;
 Checking measures taken to eliminate wastage
of water
 Monitoring measures taken for reuse of water;
 Ensuring that there is no roadside parking unless
it is short-term only.
 Monitoring measures for spillage containment.
 Monitoring environmental conditions of storage

5. Reporting Submit periodic reports to: Proponents/

 The Punjab Environmental Protection Agency Project
with reference to conditions, if any, contained in Manager
the Environmental Approval to be issued for the

(Page 22 of 29)
Environmental monitoring is an essential component of environmental
management. This is a
Mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of environmental management plans
in environmental
Protection. The responses provided by environmental controls are the key to
identifying system
Performance issues or leaks and corrective action plans.
Institutional capacity of the unit
The organizational structure for the Environment Management Plan is outlined below:
The primary responsibility for implementing EMP within the storage area lies with the owner
of M/S New Rose Textile Pvt Ltd Mills.
Conducting the operational activities in environmentally comprehensive method will be the
responsibility of the concerned Manager; for which he will be trained.
Senior Supervisor will be answerable for all environmental matters and for the execution of
An actual device to build-up and interconnect environmental info during the project procedure
is an vital obligation of an EMP. MEETINGS
Two types of environmental meetings:
 Kick-off meetings
 Weekly meetings
The main purpose of the meeting is to create an EMP for project staff and discuss their
And Discuss ecological events that occur in similar industry or industrial units to investigate

(Page 23 of 29)
The causes of Development and development of the solution. The purpose of this
Meeting is to discuss operational behavior and environmental issues and their
Management. The proceedings of the meeting will be recorded in the weekly
Environmental Report Format.
Environmental training will assistance to certify that the necessities of the EMP are obviously
understood and followed by all project personnel in the course of the project

Table 7: Training Program

Trainers Contents Schedule

Key finding of After every
management Contractors
mitigation measure five months

All personnel HSE Officer Monthly

Technical Waste disposal or After every

HSE Officer
Staff sale out status three month

Waste disposal,
Other staff HSE Officer Monthly
conservation and
other mitigations

Management Review
Management review of SK Fans industry Gujranwala. The management review the process of
EMS and address the authority about the improvements required for the efficient work of
EMS and the whole industry. They check the performance of industry and workers by

(Page 24 of 29)
conducting some sessions in which they judge the working capacity and skills of the workers
and the machinery. And then they organize a session in which they address the workers and
management that how to meet with the standards that are provided by the Environmental
Protection Department and industry management protocols. Management review check the
background and compare it with the present performance of the industry to know that how
much they evaluate their infrastructure. In review, Management check the materials that are
used in manufacturing the products of industry and transportation of materials and packing of
the products. They also check the aspects and impacts of the environmental damage due to
production and transportation of the products.

Monitoring of the equipment that are in good condition and check the other equipment that
can cause problem to the environment. For checking management do the inspection and find
out the problem, that can be in the form of equipment or any human error. And then they
estimate that which type of resources will be needed to overcome the problem. And how
costly it can be to meet with the standards that are given by the environmental protection
Then they check the environmental impact and aspects in the SK Fans Gujranwala. Such as
production of waste and management of the waste produced during manufacturing of
products. And check the dumping site for waste and check whether it is damaging the
environment or not. And if it is damaging then how can we overcome this problem. SK Fans
industry Gujranwala makes sure the safety of workers and the machinery during
manufacturing process. And the management still looking for more protection and safety of
the workers.

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