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Subject: Overview of the Patient-Centered Business Processes at

Annalise Hospital (AH)
To: Community of Those Interested in AH
From: T.O ADEGBAYI . Incharge, CEO

AH Description: (AH) Annalise Hospital is a general hospital with

diverse clinics and specialties holding various emergencies rooms as to
different clinics as needed. The specialties in the hospital ranges from
family medicine, to obstetrics and gynecologist, to pediatrics (children)
and to majorly geriatrics clinics (adult/elderly aging medicine).

Most Important Patient-Centered Business Process Use Case: AH

patients want to feel confident in the health care they receive from AH;
that is, patients want to have full confidence in the AH health care
delivery personnel. Patients also want to feel respected and treated as
individuals. Patients also want the facilities to be clean and comfortable.

Operational Business Processes Most Important to the Use Case:

For the AH Use Case requirements to be met, AH must have superior,
patient-centered health care delivery personnel and excellent health care
delivery facilities and functioning equipment.

Supporting Business Processes Most Important to the Use Case: For

the AH Use Case requirements to be met, AH must have superior human
resources personnel and processes to ensure that the health care delivery
personnel are superior and patient-centered, while exhibiting principles
and policies guiding the patient centered care for operations. AH also
needs superior facilities personnel and processes to ensure that health
care delivery facilities and equipment are superior, clean, and

Management of Operational Business Processes and Supporting

Business Processes to Ensure They Are Functioning Well and
Meeting the Use Case: AH monitors the Operational Business
Processes through patient surveys regarding whether they feel confident
in the health care they receive from AH; that is, whether they have full
confidence in the AH health care delivery personnel. Patients are also
surveyed via feedbacks regarding whether they feel respected and
treated as individuals as well as whether patients feel the facilities are
clean and comfortable. If more than five percent of the survey
respondents are dissatisfied with any of the items, then a review of the
processes involved is undertaken. The review includes a review of
human resources processes and facilities processes.

Business Processes Used to Stay Current with Innovations Relevant

to CHGH: AH provides financial support to employees to attend
conferences, vendor demonstrations, and networking events in
innovation topic areas relevant to their workplace focus. Every six
months AH asks for input from all employees regarding innovations not
currently used by AH, but which should be used by AH. This input is
organized by our AH Office of Innovation and distributed in a newsletter
to all employees. The material in this newsletter is also discussed at a
biannual meeting of all department chairs where decisions are made
regarding which innovations to implement at AH, and which innovations
are irrelevant. AH expects the most innovation to be in the area of
Product/Technology Innovation for business processes.

Entrepreneurship Business Processes: AH encourages all employees
to have an entrepreneurial attitude. All employees are encouraged to
take their innovation ideas and work to the AH Office of Innovation.
Personnel from the Office of Innovation also try and maintain routine
contact with all AH employees to encourage entrepreneurship and
innovation. The Office of Innovation has business processes in place to
try and turn AH employee innovation ideas into possible products and
spin-off companies.

Electronic Patient/Customer Records Business Processes: AH

attempts to always use the most innovative Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) available in the most cost-effective way. The AH Office of
Technology is responsible for ensuring that the EMR functions well on a
day-to-day basis as well as being the most up-to-date and in compliance
with all mandated and recommended capabilities. The chosen EMR is
Electronic Health Record (EHR) compliant. Patients/customers are able
to access and download all EMR data to their Personal Health Record
(PHR) except the private clinical notes of health care delivery
professionals. Patients/customers are also encouraged to upload any
PHR data they wish to exchange/share with AH.

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