Methods of Social Work

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(a) Social Case Wor1c

Social case work is primarily related with the psycho-

social problems. It consists of the study of mental, emotional
and social factors. In social case work an individual group
situation or phenomena is recognised as a unit of study and
various aspects of the unit are studied properly. In case work
the social object preserves the unitary character.

The process of social case work involves the study of
- · individual problem in its total setting. It is concerned with the
understanding ol individuals as a whole personalities .and
with the adjustment of these individuals to socially healthy
life. As a method of work, it involves a very careful
observation of a problem. According to Marry Richmond-
Social case work may be defined as the art of doing different
things for and with different people by co-operating with them
to achieve at one and the same time their own and their
Society's betterment.
(b) Social Group Work
Social group work is a method which is connecte;d with
a group constituted by individuals. Its Central focus is a group
rather than individual. In other words, social group work is
very useful devise for serving the group or collective interest..
The principle aim of this method is to develop the entire
group. Therefore, during the process of social group work
emphasis is given on social adjushnent of collectivity. The
group has played a vital rol.e in the development of
individuals. It is the group where emergence of inter-personal
relations become possible.
(c) Community Organisation
The term community denotes almost uniformly and
permanently shared lives of a people over a region. It may be
considered as a permanent local aggregation of people having
diversified as well as common interests and served by a
constellation of institutions. Community organisation refers to
the adjustment of the needs and resources of a comm.unity. As
a process, community organisation implies those weliare
measures which are undertaken by the members of a
community in accordance to their needs and resources. In
other words, the process of community organisation is taken in
terms of a single unit. Community organisation is meant to be
.applicable to the community as a whole. ·
(d) Social Action
Human behaviour is manifested in terms of actions.
Therefore, analysis of social action occupies a central place
among all the, social sciences. The economist seeks to analyse
the system of allocation of goods and services while apolitical
scientist concentrates his attention on the allocation of power
and responsibility. Similarly, a criminologist attempts to
analyse anti-social action. However, the subject matter of all
these sciences represents the abstraction of I social action.
Action is a process in the actor or in the case of collectively, its
components are individuals. In social work, social action is an
important aspect of study.
Action is a subject of study so long as it forms the part
of an individual or group problem. But along with this aspects
social action is an organised group process which is used to
solve the social problems under this process.
(e) Social Work Research
Social research occupies a _very important- place in the
field of modern social work. Social work requires proper
collection and analysis of social facts. Social research is an
effective method. We may define social research as the
systematic method of discovering new facts, their sequence,
interrelationship, casual explanations and social laws which
governs them. We collect empirical data in fact social work
research is a n organised effort -to acquire new knowledge
about various aspects of society and social phenomenon. In the
field of social work, from the practical point of view the scope
of social work research consist of the various methods of
treatment, discovery of social needs and social resources. In its
theoretical aspects socio! work research covers the entire range
of social philosophy.
(f) Social Welfare Administration
By social welfare administration we mean that process
which is used in the organisation and administration of public
and private services. It includes those activities which are
undertaken with regard to an individual, group and
community. In other words, social welfare administration is a
process of organisation and direction of a social institution.

20 Social Work: An lntegratt:d Approach

Under this process those aims are determined which an

agency or institution has to achieve. Therefore, a plan is
prepared in accordance to the aim and available resources are

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