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Module 4: HR Metrics Descriptive Analytics

HR Score card for CEO

Objective Measure Target Initiative

* Implement performance
* Increase average management system with clear goals
* Average store performance rating by and feedback * Offer competitive
Employee employee performance 0.5 points YoY * compensation & benefits packages *
Performance & rating * Employee Maintain retention rate Invest in leadership development
Capability retention rate above 85% programs for store managers
* Reduce average time
* Time to fill open to fill by 10% * Achieve * Develop targeted recruitment
Talent positions * Quality of 80% of new hires strategies for key roles * Enhance
Acquisition & new hires (performance meeting performance onboarding process to include
Onboarding during probation period) expectations mentorship and role-specific training
* Empower store employees to
* Customer satisfaction * Increase customer deliver exceptional customer service
Customer score (measured satisfaction score by 2 * Implement customer feedback loop
Satisfaction & through surveys) * Net points YoY * Maintain to address concerns and improve
Brand Loyalty Promoter Score (NPS) NPS above 75 product offerings
* Average income of * Increase average * Negotiate fair wages and payment
partnered artisans * artisan income by 10% terms with suppliers * Develop long-
Social Impact & Percentage of artisans YoY * Achieve 85% of term partnerships and provide skill
Artisan with consistent orders artisans receiving development opportunities for
Sustainability from Fabindia consistent orders artisans

HR Score card for CHRO

Objective Measure Target Initiative

* Partner with the retail head to identify
* Reduce average specific skills needed in stores * Develop
* Time to fill open time to fill by 15% * targeted recruitment strategies for store
store positions * Achieve 85% of new roles (e.g., campus placements, employee
Talent Quality of new hires hires meeting referrals) * Enhance onboarding process to
Acquisition & (performance during performance include comprehensive store training and
Onboarding probation period) expectations mentorship
* Implement a performance management
system with clear goals and regular
feedback for store employees * Partner with
* Average store the retail head to identify and address
employee * Increase average employee performance issues * Conduct
performance rating * performance rating by employee engagement surveys and
Employee Employee 0.75 points YoY * implement initiatives based on feedback
Performance & engagement score Increase engagement (e.g., recognition programs, career
Engagement in retail stores score by 3 points YoY development opportunities)
* Conduct regular training programs on
product knowledge, customer service,
* Number of training * Increase average Fabindia values, and company policies *
hours per store training hours per Develop role-specific training programs for
Capability employee * employee by 25% different store positions (e.g., cashiers,
Building for Employee YoY * Achieve 80% sales associates) * Gather feedback on
Retail satisfaction with employee satisfaction training programs and continuously improve
Excellence training programs with training programs their quality and effectiveness
* Offer competitive compensation and
benefits packages for store employees *
* Employee * Maintain retention Foster a positive work environment with
retention rate in rate above 90% * open communication and growth
Employee retail stores * Cost Reduce cost of opportunities * Conduct exit interviews to
Retention for of employee employee turnover by understand reasons for employee turnover
Store Stability turnover 5% and implement strategies to address them

HR Score card for Retail Head

Objective Measure Target Initiative

* Work with HR to develop efficient
staffing plans based on sales forecasts *
Implement flexible scheduling options to
* Reduce labor cost improve employee satisfaction and
* Labor cost as a as a percentage of reduce absenteeism * Conduct stay
Staffing & percentage of sales * sales by 1 point * interviews to identify and address
Scheduling Employee Maintain absenteeism employee concerns that might lead to
Efficiency absenteeism rate rate below 5% absenteeism
* Partner with HR to ensure stores are
staffed with well-trained and motivated
* Average sales per * Increase average employees * Empower store employees
Sales employee per month sales per employee to deliver exceptional customer service *
Performance & * Customer by 3% YoY * Maintain Implement customer feedback loop to
Customer satisfaction score for customer satisfaction monitor satisfaction and address any
Satisfaction store experience score above 90 concerns
* Work with HR to ensure stores have the
right people in place for inventory
management * Implement efficient
Inventory * Reduce stock-out inventory management practices (e.g.,
Management & * Stock-out rate * rate by 10% * forecasting, ordering systems) * Conduct
Stock Inventory turnover Increase inventory regular inventory audits to minimize
Availability ratio turnover ratio by 0.25 stock-outs
* Reduce inventory * Implement security measures in stores
shrinkage rate by (e.g., CCTV cameras) * Train store
Loss Prevention * Inventory shrinkage 0.5% * Reduce employees on loss prevention techniques
& Shrinkage rate * Number of shoplifting incidents * Conduct regular audits to identify areas
Control shoplifting incidents by 10% for improvement in shrinkage control

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