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Pivot Mapping Sum of NTD AMT 2023

0 (957,402,879.33)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 47,144,039.78
02*1120 Accts Rec 67,827,813.59
03*1130 Inventory 11,654,107.95
04*1140 PrePaid 534,208.72
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 297,660,909.65
06*1190 Other Current Asset 65,837,271.36
08*1210 Captial Assets 410,566,411.06
11*1240 Special Funds -
12*1250 Work in Process 249,224,240.61
13*1260 Investments 66,814,836.35
14*1290 Other Non Current Asset -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow 15,147,304.29
15*Long Term Receivables 75,638,816.07
16*2110 Current AP (10,310,514.43)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (60,167,704.91)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (3,922,524.49)
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (9,924,013.98)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (50,736,687.00)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (40,750,096.94)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (84,536,524.48)
#N/A -
Total Result 90,299,013.87
2023 v2
Assets (1000)
Current Assets (1100)
Cash and Cash Equivalents 47,144,040
Accounts Receiv 67,827,814
Inventory (1130) 11,654,108
Prepaid Expenses (1140) 534,209
Current Investments and C 297,660,910
Other Current Assets (1190) 65,837,271
Total Current Assets 490,658,352
Noncurrent Assets (1200)
Capital Assets (1210) 410,566,411
Intangible Assets (1220) -
Capital Leases Receivable ( -
Special Funds (1240) -
Work in Progress (1250) 249,224,241
Investments (1260) 66,814,836
Other Noncurrent Assets (1 75,638,816
Total Noncurrent Assets 802,244,304
Total Assets 1,292,902,656
Deferred Outflows of Resources 15,147,304

Liabilities (2000)
Current Liabilities (2100)
Current Accounts Payable ( 10,310,514
Short-Term Debt and Curre -
Accrued Liabilities 60,167,705
Other Current Liabilities (21 3,922,524
Total Current Liabilities 74,400,743
Noncurrent Liabilities (2200)
Long-Term Debt (2210) -
Noncurrent Accounts Payab -
Capital Lease Obligations (2 9,924,014
Long-Term Pension Liabiliti 50,736,687
Estimated Liabilities (2250)
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 40,750,097
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 101,410,798
Total Liabilities 175,811,541
Deferred Inflows of Resources 84,536,524

Net Position (3000)

Net Position (3000) 1,047,701,895
MainAccouName FY2023
1010101 Fund Cash (0.00)
1010112 Operating Account
1010114 Cash - Non Federal Funds
1010116 Cash - Property Management Tillery 137,179.52
1010117 Concentration Account - Chase 4,700,314.74
1010118 Operating Account - Chase (340,228.96)
1010119 Payroll Account - Chase (672,799.16)
1010120 Cash Clearing Account 468,414.75
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account 716,044.48
1010122 Via Clearing Account 75,268.79
1010123 Payroll Cash Clearing (3,798.77)
1010125 United Health Care 213,000.00
1010213 Restricted Cash
1010222 Petty Cash-Treasury -
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service 1,200.00
1010611 Investments - Cash Equivalents
1010615 Short-Term Investments
1010616 Fuel Risk Management Investment
1010617 USBank TxDot Investment
1010620 Statutory Reserve Pfm-1051-05
1010625 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj Pfm - 1051-06
1010626 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM -07
1010711 US Bank Investments 291144586 PFM- 1051-00
1010715 US Bank Investments 291144587 PFM- 1051-01
1010720 US Bank Investments 291144588 PFM- 1051-05
1010810 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
1010820 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted
1020101 Accounts Receivable-Trade 9,958,868.98
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable 13,338.82
1020103 Other Receivables 737,723.24
1020105 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable 901,656.20
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments 2,200.49
1020108 Unapplied Receipts (417,059.07)
1020109 Unapplied/Unidentified/On Acct Receipts (4,962.46)
1020110 A/R And A/P Offset 8,261.56
1020115 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated -
1020116 Perry Plus to be allocated -
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow 101,100.34
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts (18,676.25)
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable 72,744.04
1020301 Receivables Grant Accrual 45,645,365.52
1020310 Accrued Interest 231,632.11
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable 1,011,193.85
1020501 Receivables Clearing (3,010.55)
1020601 Due from ATP
1020601 Due from ATP 9,446,479.67
1020602 Due from CMTA
1020602 Due from CMTA 372,589.21
1020611 Fta Capital Grants
1020701 Sales Tax Receivable 64,068,589.00
1030101 Spare Parts 7,632,463.97
1030103 Special Merchandise For Sale
1030125 Tickets & Pass Inventory
1030151 Spare Parts - Freight Rail 2,552,439.06
1030161 Inventory Adjustements - Rail
1030199 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1030201 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St 703,509.75
1030202 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St
1030211 Diesel Fuel - North Ops
1030212 Gasoline - North Ops
1030213 Oil - North Ops
1030221 Diesel - Thompson Lane
1030222 Gasoline - Thompson Lane
1030301 Fare Media - Treasury 748,837.21
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown 7,871.04
1030303 Fare Media - HEB 106.59
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media 8,880.60
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM -
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media -
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media (0.27)
1040112 Other Deposits 72,883.26
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects 249,224,240.61
1050202 Investment In W.I.P
1050400 CIP Receivables - Rail Car
1110100 Property And Equipment
1110105 Operating Yards 2,103,526.39
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages 23,970,919.92
1110115 General Administration 70,664,294.34
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip 90,497,656.35
1110125 Passenger Stations 43,075,715.65
1110130 Passenger Parking 70,134,427.29
1110135 Revenue Vehicles 306,614,467.39
1110140 Revenue Collection 8,389,781.50
1110145 Service Vehicles 4,052,021.01
1110150 Freight Rail - Right Of Way 210,791,189.59
1110155 Data Processing Equipment 54,495,814.95
1110160 Land 61,762,044.16
1110165 Land Improvements 17,398,569.55
1110175 Leasehold Improvements 391,482.27
1110180 Other Assets 1,163,179.71
1110200 GASB 87 - Land 3,182,257.18
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings 8,946,461.09
1110210 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation (568,998,582.40)
1110302 Accumulated Amortization
1110305 Accumulated amortization - GASB 87 (4,101,923.17)
1110400 GASB 96 - Subscription Asset 10,004,450.13
1110405 Accumulated amortization - GASB 96 (3,971,341.84)
1119935 Clearing Account-Revenue Vehicles
1119940 Clearing Account-Revenue Collection
1310500 CMTA Investments PFM-00 32,985,856.18
1310501 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA 8,085,226.34
1310505 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05 349,111.66
1310506 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06
1310507 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07 429,250.21
1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08 275,000,000.00
1311000 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00) 25,916,360.93
1311001 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01) -
1311005 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05) 41,530,271.15
1311006 US Bank TxDot 4573 PFM-0130(06)
1311007 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-0170(07) 22,660,909.65
1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment 768,682.36
1319001 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted 950,000.00
1319002 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted 50,000.00
1319099 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securities (863,427.84)
1510105 Other Prepaid Expenses 461,325.46
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr -
1510115 Rent Deposit End Siemes Properties LLC
1510211 Pre Paid Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev -
1510225 Herzog Inventory Transfer
1510245 Net Pension Benefits - Cmta
1510246 Net Pension Benefits - Bargaining
1610110 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions 2,084,539.34
1610115 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions 2,999,997.00
1610200 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
1610300 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss 14,046,088.00
1610310 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
1610311 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gain/loss (6,427,089.60)
1610312 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amort invest gain/loss
1610315 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Invest Gains/ Losses
1610316 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610350 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610351 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience Changes amortization
1610352 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension Investment Gains/losses
1610353 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610355 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610356 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610357 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610358 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes amortizatio
1610400 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes
1610401 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption changes or inputs 13,417,603.00
1610402 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amortization 5,752,891.00
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption 8,312,595.00
1610410 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest (4,802,196.00)
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience (4,433,378.71)
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption (8,312,394.00)
1610500 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Changes 15
1610510 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated Amortz. Exp Changes 15
1610600 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes 16
1610610 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortiz Pension 16
1610616 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Outflow
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable 75,638,816.07
2010111 Accounts Payable (10,310,514.43)
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable (49,396,720.14)
2010113 Retainage (885,408.89)
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing 96,175.60
2010116 Deferred Grant Revenue
2010118 United Health Chk Issued And Paid Fudning
2010119 Short Term Disability - Payroll
2010120 Liability Dental Insurance (11,000.00)
2010121 Liability Health Insurance (325,000.00)
2010122 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable (75,000.00)
2010125 Unearned Interest Bus Loan
2010126 PCard Liability
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll (16,756.44)
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded 122,327.25
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions 78,256.66
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable (3,562.36)
2010133 GASB 96 - Interest Payable (163,746.71)
2010137 P-Card Default Coding (0.00)
2010141 Vendor Purchase - Clearing (1,029,773.79)
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing (46,480.73)
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable (72,744.04)
2010216 Deferred TXDot Earned Int and Fees
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages (3,309,840.81)
2020103 Accrued Vacation (3,023,881.28)
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave (1,882,276.56)
2020112 T&E PCard
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing 69,030.31
2020201 401K Payable
2020202 Pension Payable
2020204 Union Dues Payable -
2020205 Vision Plan (42,105.92)
2020206 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable (490.00)
2020301 FICA Withheld 377,845.04
2020302 FIT Withheld 815,075.29
2020308 Garnishments Withheld (2,770.88)
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld 9,526.15
2020310 401K Withheld 724,742.13
2020311 Cancer And Critical Care Deduction (169,317.10)
2020312 Wellness
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld 125,452.74
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld (276,998.44)
2020318 Flex Early Retirement (60,621.12)
2020325 Sales Tax Payables -
2020601 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current
2030101 Accrued FICA 338,647.75
2030104 Accrued SUTA 2,413.62
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability -
2040110 Short Term Liab. Master Lease
2040115 Short Term Liab. N/P
2040510 Accrued Interest - Master Lease/Purchase Financing Agreement
2050101 Unredeemed Passes and Tickets (2,000.85)
2050102 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Tokens -
2050104 Misc. Prepaid Revenue
2050412 Other Liabilities
2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds -
2050414 Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program)
2050415 Rent Deposit 4,900.00
2050501 Unearned Lease Revenue -
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money (21,067.04)
2050530 Short Term Liab. Coa
2050540 Rail Claim Insurance Liability (2,000,000.00)
2050550 Short Term Sick Liab McDonald
2050560 Short Term Sick Liab MV
2050565 Herzog Sale of Parts
2050570 North Ops Transfer Repairs Pay MV / First Transit
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue (652,850.00)
2050590 Deferred TXDot Earned Int and Fees -
2050999 Unidentified Cash Receipts 22,542.79
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund (11,383.46)
2071001 GASB 87 Liability - Current (1,663,488.26)
2072001 GASB 96 Liability - Current (2,379,829.91)
2210140 Master Lease/Purchase Financing Agreement
2210443 Retirees Health Benefits (3,417,623.00)
2210510 N/P Long Term
2210515 Long Term - CMTA Sick (1,645,820.88)
2210516 Long Term - CMTA Vacation (1,445,113.15)
2210520 Bargaining Sick Accrual McDonald
2210522 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV (7,006,312.91)
2210525 Bargaining Sick Accrual MV
2210610 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI 0.00
2210620 Deferred Rent - Travis Properties
2210630 Deferred Rent - Calles Street
2210650 Deferred Rent Revenue
2210660 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent
2210730 GASB 87 Liability - Non Current (6,673,921.48)
2210830 GASB 96 Liability - Non Current (3,254,992.50)
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability (18,201,395.00)
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability (29,117,669.00)
2220200 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension
2220210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
2220300 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assumption Changes 15
2220310 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pension Assump Chang 15
2220311 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investments CMTA investment g/l
2220312 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Amortization inv g/l
2220400 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Change 16
2220401 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes amortization (8,625,047.05)
2220402 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes (482,679.00)
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption (10,742,585.00)
2220410 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Experience Change 16
2220411 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change CMTA 5,700,113.60
2220412 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization exp. (171,477.20)
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption 3,249,953.74
2220415 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
2220416 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
2220417 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption changes or inputs
2220418 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortization
2220419 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/losses
2220420 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Amortization changes or inputs
2220421 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
2220422 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
2220423 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses
2220424 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
2220425 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change
2220426 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/L
2220427 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes or Assumpti
2220428 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experience Change
2220500 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow (2,137,291.80)
2220510 CMTA CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16
2220512 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16 -
2220600 CMTA Deferred Inflows - OPEB 17 (1,821,847.22)
2220610 CMTA CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB 17 666,324.14
2220700 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gains/losses
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss (7,604,724.00)
2220710 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr Inv Gains/losses
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 4,974,225.00
2220720 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/lo
2220730 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization In
2220740 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Gain/Loss
2220750 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amortization
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability (75,032,840.43)
2230602 Intergovernmental Payable (30,000,000.00)
2999999 Suspense Account
3040110 CMTA Unrestricted Net Position
3040115 StarTran Unrestricted Net Position
3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated (912,997,590.33)
3050202 Encumbrances Control
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance (1,353,289.00)
3050303 Reserve-Operating
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating (43,052,000.00)
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances -
3050610 Appropriations 99,259,859.03
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance (99,259,859.03)
Pivot Mapping NTD AMT 2023
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (0.00)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 137,179.52
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 4,700,314.74
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (340,228.96)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (672,799.16)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 468,414.75
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 716,044.48
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 75,268.79
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (3,798.77)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 213,000.00
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 1,200.00
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
02*1120 Accts Rec 9,958,868.98
02*1120 Accts Rec 13,338.82
02*1120 Accts Rec 737,723.24
02*1120 Accts Rec 901,656.20
02*1120 Accts Rec 2,200.49
02*1120 Accts Rec (417,059.07)
02*1120 Accts Rec (4,962.46)
02*1120 Accts Rec 8,261.56
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 101,100.34
02*1120 Accts Rec (18,676.25)
02*1120 Accts Rec 72,744.04
02*1120 Accts Rec 45,645,365.52
13*1260 Investments 231,632.11
02*1120 Accts Rec 1,011,193.85
02*1120 Accts Rec (3,010.55)
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 9,446,479.67
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 372,589.21
02*1120 Accts Rec -
06*1190 Other Current Asset 64,068,589.00
03*1130 Inventory 7,632,463.97
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 2,552,439.06
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 703,509.75
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 748,837.21
03*1130 Inventory 7,871.04
03*1130 Inventory 106.59
03*1130 Inventory 8,880.60
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory (0.27)
04*1140 PrePaid 72,883.26
12*1250 Work in Process 249,224,240.61
12*1250 Work in Process -
12*1250 Work in Process -
#N/A -
08*1210 Captial Assets 2,103,526.39
08*1210 Captial Assets 23,970,919.92
08*1210 Captial Assets 70,664,294.34
08*1210 Captial Assets 90,497,656.35
08*1210 Captial Assets 43,075,715.65
08*1210 Captial Assets 70,134,427.29
08*1210 Captial Assets 306,614,467.39
08*1210 Captial Assets 8,389,781.50
08*1210 Captial Assets 4,052,021.01
08*1210 Captial Assets 210,791,189.59
08*1210 Captial Assets 54,495,814.95
08*1210 Captial Assets 61,762,044.16
08*1210 Captial Assets 17,398,569.55
08*1210 Captial Assets 391,482.27
08*1210 Captial Assets 1,163,179.71
08*1210 Captial Assets 3,182,257.18
08*1210 Captial Assets 8,946,461.09
08*1210 Captial Assets -
08*1210 Captial Assets (568,998,582.40)
08*1210 Captial Assets -
08*1210 Captial Assets (4,101,923.17)
08*1210 Captial Assets 10,004,450.13
08*1210 Captial Assets (3,971,341.84)
0 -
0 -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 32,985,856.18
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 8,085,226.34
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 349,111.66
11*1240 Special Funds -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 429,250.21
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 275,000,000.00
13*1260 Investments 25,916,360.93
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments 41,530,271.15
11*1240 Special Funds -
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 22,660,909.65
06*1190 Other Current Asset 768,682.36
06*1190 Other Current Asset 950,000.00
06*1190 Other Current Asset 50,000.00
13*1260 Investments (863,427.84)
04*1140 PrePaid 461,325.46
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
14*1290 Other Non Current Asset -
0 -
0 -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow 2,084,539.34
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow 2,999,997.00
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 14,046,088.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (6,427,089.60)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow 13,417,603.00
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow 5,752,891.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows 8,312,595.00
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (4,802,196.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (4,433,378.71)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (8,312,394.00)
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*Long Term Receivables 75,638,816.07
16*2110 Current AP (10,310,514.43)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (49,396,720.14)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (885,408.89)
18*2130 Accrued Liab 96,175.60
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
0 -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (11,000.00)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (325,000.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (75,000.00)
0 -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (16,756.44)
19*2190 Other Current Liab 122,327.25
19*2190 Other Current Liab 78,256.66
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,562.36)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (163,746.71)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (0.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (1,029,773.79)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (46,480.73)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (72,744.04)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,309,840.81)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,023,881.28)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (1,882,276.56)
0 -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 69,030.31
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (42,105.92)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (490.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab 377,845.04
18*2130 Accrued Liab 815,075.29
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,770.88)
19*2190 Other Current Liab 9,526.15
19*2190 Other Current Liab 724,742.13
19*2190 Other Current Liab (169,317.10)
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab 125,452.74
19*2190 Other Current Liab (276,998.44)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (60,621.12)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 338,647.75
18*2130 Accrued Liab 2,413.62
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,000.85)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations 4,900.00
#N/A -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (21,067.04)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (2,000,000.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (652,850.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 22,542.79
19*2190 Other Current Liab (11,383.46)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (1,663,488.26)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,379,829.91)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
23*2240 Long Term Pension (3,417,623.00)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (1,645,820.88)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (1,445,113.15)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (7,006,312.91)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations 0.00
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (6,673,921.48)
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (3,254,992.50)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (18,201,395.00)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (29,117,669.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow (8,625,047.05)
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow (482,679.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (10,742,585.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 5,700,113.60
26*3200 Deferred inflows (171,477.20)
26*3200 Deferred inflows 3,249,953.74
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15.1*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (2,137,291.80)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (1,821,847.22)
26*3200 Deferred inflows 666,324.14
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (7,604,724.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 4,974,225.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (75,032,840.43)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (30,000,000.00)
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 (912,997,590.33)
0 -
0 (1,353,289.00)
0 -
0 (43,052,000.00)
0 -
0 99,259,859.03
0 (99,259,859.03)
NTD Mapping
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1260 Investments
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1120 Accts Rec
1190 Other Current Asset
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1130 Inventory
1140 PrePaid
1250 Work in Process
1250 Work in Process
1250 Work in Process
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1210 Captial Assets
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1110 Cash & Equiv
1240 Special Funds
1110 Cash & Equiv
1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1260 Investments
1240 Special Funds
1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term
1190 Other Current Asset
1190 Other Current Asset
1190 Other Current Asset
1260 Investments
1140 PrePaid
1140 PrePaid
1140 PrePaid
1140 PrePaid
1140 PrePaid
1290 Other Non Current Asset
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
Long Term Receivables
2110 Current AP
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2120 Short Term Debt
2120 Short Term Debt
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2190 Other Current Liab
2120 Short Term Debt
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2130 Accrued Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2190 Other Current Liab
2120 Short Term Debt
2240 Long Term Pension
2120 Short Term Debt
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2290 Other Non Current Liab
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2230 Capital Lease Obligations
2240 Long Term Pension
2240 Long Term Pension
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3100 Deferred Outflow
3100 Deferred Outflow
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
3200 Deferred inflows
2290 Other Non Current Liab
NTD Form

F-60 Result
Total Result
NTD Section Sum of NTD AMT 2023
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 47,144,039.78
02*1120 Accts Rec 67,827,813.59
03*1130 Inventory 11,654,107.95
04*1140 PrePaid 534,208.72
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 297,660,909.65
06*1190 Other Current Asset 65,837,271.36
08*1210 Captial Assets 410,566,411.06
11*1240 Special Funds -
12*1250 Work in Process 249,224,240.61
13*1260 Investments 66,814,836.35
14*1290 Other Non Current Asset -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow 15,147,304.29
15*Long Term Receivables 75,638,816.07
16*2110 Current AP (10,310,514.43)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (60,167,704.91)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (3,922,524.49)
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (9,924,013.98)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (50,736,687.00)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (40,750,096.94)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (84,536,524.48)
#N/A -
0 (957,402,879.33)
354,018,487.27 not sure if mapping is correct - use F10 document
f mapping is correct - use F10 document
MainAccount Name
1010101 Fund Cash
1010112 Operating Account
1010114 Cash - Non Federal Funds
1010116 Cash - Property Management Tillery
1010117 Concentration Account - Chase
1010118 Operating Account - Chase
1010119 Payroll Account - Chase
1010120 Cash Clearing Account
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account
1010122 Via Clearing Account
1010123 Payroll Cash Clearing
1010125 United Health Care
1010213 Restricted Cash
1010222 Petty Cash-Treasury
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service
1010611 Investments - Cash Equivalents
1010615 Short-Term Investments
1010616 Fuel Risk Management Investment
1010617 USBank TxDot Investment
1010620 Statutory Reserve Pfm-1051-05
1010625 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj Pfm - 1051-06
1010626 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM -07
1010711 US Bank Investments 291144586 PFM- 1051-00
1010715 US Bank Investments 291144587 PFM- 1051-01
1010720 US Bank Investments 291144588 PFM- 1051-05
1010810 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
1010820 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted
1020101 Accounts Receivable-Trade
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable
1020103 Other Receivables
1020105 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments
1020108 Unapplied Receipts
1020109 Unapplied/Unidentified/On Acct Receipts
1020110 A/R And A/P Offset
1020115 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated
1020116 Perry Plus to be allocated
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable
1020301 Receivables Grant Accrual
1020310 Accrued Interest
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable
1020501 Receivables Clearing
1020601 Due from ATP
1020601 Due from ATP
1020602 Due from CMTA
1020602 Due from CMTA
1020611 Fta Capital Grants
1020701 Sales Tax Receivable
1030101 Spare Parts
1030103 Special Merchandise For Sale
1030125 Tickets & Pass Inventory
1030151 Spare Parts - Freight Rail
1030161 Inventory Adjustements - Rail
1030199 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1030201 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St
1030202 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St
1030211 Diesel Fuel - North Ops
1030212 Gasoline - North Ops
1030213 Oil - North Ops
1030221 Diesel - Thompson Lane
1030222 Gasoline - Thompson Lane
1030301 Fare Media - Treasury
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown
1030303 Fare Media - HEB
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media
1040112 Other Deposits
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects
1050202 Investment In W.I.P
1050400 CIP Receivables - Rail Car
1110100 Property And Equipment
1110105 Operating Yards
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages
1110115 General Administration
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip
1110125 Passenger Stations
1110130 Passenger Parking
1110135 Revenue Vehicles
1110140 Revenue Collection
1110145 Service Vehicles
1110150 Freight Rail - Right Of Way
1110155 Data Processing Equipment
1110160 Land
1110165 Land Improvements
1110175 Leasehold Improvements
1110180 Other Assets
1110200 GASB 87 - Land
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings
1110210 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation
1110302 Accumulated Amortization
1110305 Accumulated amortization - GASB 87
1110400 GASB 96 - Subscription Asset
1110405 Accumulated amortization - GASB 96
1119935 Clearing Account-Revenue Vehicles
1119940 Clearing Account-Revenue Collection
1310500 CMTA Investments PFM-00
1310501 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA
1310505 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05
1310506 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06
1310507 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07
1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08
1311000 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00)
1311001 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01)
1311005 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05)
1311006 US Bank TxDot 4573 PFM-0130(06)
1311007 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-0170(07)
1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment
1319001 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
1319002 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted
1319099 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securities
1510105 Other Prepaid Expenses
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr
1510115 Rent Deposit End Siemes Properties LLC
1510211 Pre Paid Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev
1510225 Herzog Inventory Transfer
1510245 Net Pension Benefits - Cmta
1510246 Net Pension Benefits - Bargaining
1610110 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
1610115 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
1610200 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
1610300 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss
1610310 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
1610311 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gain/loss
1610312 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amort invest gain/loss
1610315 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Invest Gains/ Losses
1610316 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610350 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610351 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience Changes amortization
1610352 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension Investment Gains/losses
1610353 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610355 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gains/Losses
1610356 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
1610357 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610358 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes amortizatio
1610400 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes
1610401 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption changes or inputs
1610402 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
1610410 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
1610500 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Changes 15
1610510 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated Amortz. Exp Changes 15
1610600 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes 16
1610610 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortiz Pension 16
1610616 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Outflow
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
2010111 Accounts Payable
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable
2010113 Retainage
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing
2010116 Deferred Grant Revenue
2010118 United Health Chk Issued And Paid Fudning
2010119 Short Term Disability - Payroll
2010120 Liability Dental Insurance
2010121 Liability Health Insurance
2010122 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable
2010125 Unearned Interest Bus Loan
2010126 PCard Liability
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable
2010133 GASB 96 - Interest Payable
2010137 P-Card Default Coding
2010141 Vendor Purchase - Clearing
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable
2010216 Deferred TXDot Earned Int and Fees
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages
2020103 Accrued Vacation
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave
2020112 T&E PCard
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing
2020201 401K Payable
2020202 Pension Payable
2020204 Union Dues Payable
2020205 Vision Plan
2020206 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable
2020301 FICA Withheld
2020302 FIT Withheld
2020308 Garnishments Withheld
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld
2020310 401K Withheld
2020311 Cancer And Critical Care Deduction
2020312 Wellness
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld
2020318 Flex Early Retirement
2020325 Sales Tax Payables
2020601 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current
2030101 Accrued FICA
2030104 Accrued SUTA
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability
2040110 Short Term Liab. Master Lease
2040115 Short Term Liab. N/P
2040510 Accrued Interest - Master Lease/Purchase Financing Agreement
2050101 Unredeemed Passes and Tickets
2050102 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Tokens
2050104 Misc. Prepaid Revenue
2050412 Other Liabilities
2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds
2050414 Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program)
2050415 Rent Deposit
2050501 Unearned Lease Revenue
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money
2050530 Short Term Liab. Coa
2050540 Rail Claim Insurance Liability
2050550 Short Term Sick Liab McDonald
2050560 Short Term Sick Liab MV
2050565 Herzog Sale of Parts
2050570 North Ops Transfer Repairs Pay MV / First Transit
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue
2050590 Deferred TXDot Earned Int and Fees
2050999 Unidentified Cash Receipts
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund
2071001 GASB 87 Liability - Current
2072001 GASB 96 Liability - Current
2210140 Master Lease/Purchase Financing Agreement
2210443 Retirees Health Benefits
2210510 N/P Long Term
2210515 Long Term - CMTA Sick
2210516 Long Term - CMTA Vacation
2210520 Bargaining Sick Accrual McDonald
2210522 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV
2210525 Bargaining Sick Accrual MV
2210610 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI
2210620 Deferred Rent - Travis Properties
2210630 Deferred Rent - Calles Street
2210650 Deferred Rent Revenue
2210660 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent
2210730 GASB 87 Liability - Non Current
2210830 GASB 96 Liability - Non Current
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability
2220200 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension
2220210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
2220300 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assumption Changes 15
2220310 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pension Assump Chang 15
2220311 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investments CMTA investment g/l
2220312 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Amortization inv g/l
2220400 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Change 16
2220401 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes amortization
2220402 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220410 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Experience Change 16
2220411 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change CMTA
2220412 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization exp.
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220415 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
2220416 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
2220417 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption changes or inputs
2220418 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortization
2220419 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/losses
2220420 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Amortization changes or inputs
2220421 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
2220422 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
2220423 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses
2220424 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
2220425 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change
2220426 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/L
2220427 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes or Assumpti
2220428 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experience Change
2220500 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow
2220510 CMTA CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16
2220512 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16
2220600 CMTA Deferred Inflows - OPEB 17
2220610 CMTA CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB 17
2220700 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gains/losses
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss
2220710 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr Inv Gains/losses
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220720 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/lo
2220730 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization In
2220740 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Gain/Loss
2220750 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amortization
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability
2230602 Intergovernmental Payable
2999999 Suspense Account
3040110 CMTA Unrestricted Net Position
3040115 StarTran Unrestricted Net Position
3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated
3050202 Encumbrances Control
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance
3050303 Reserve-Operating
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances
3050610 Appropriations
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance
4010101 Fixed Route-Farebox
4010102 Fixed Route-Passes Bus
4010102 MetroBike Revenue
4010104 Fixed Route-Passes Bus RF ( Reduced Fare)
4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area
4010106 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
4010107 CARTS Rural Service-Fixed Route
4010111 Corporate - Annual Pass Program
4010112 Farebox Clearing Revenue - 2910
4010113 Farebox Clearing Revenue - McNeil
4010114 Metro Plus/Regional
4010115 Metro Plus/Regional RF
4010116 Local – Single Ride
4010117 Local - Single Ride Reduced
4010118 Local - Day Pass
4010119 Local - Day Pass Reduced
4010120 Local - 7 Day
4010121 Local - 31 Day
4010122 Local - 31 Day Reduced
4010123 Commuter - Single Ride
4010124 Commuter - Single Ride Reduced
4010125 Commuter - Day Pass
4010126 Commuter - Day Ride Reduced
4010127 Commuter - 7 Day
4010128 Commuter - 31 Day
4010129 Commuter - 31 Day Reduced
4010130 TVM Cash- ECC over/under
4010131 Outlet Discount
4010132 Payment Discount
4010134 Access - Single Ride
4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet
4010136 Access - Monthly Pass
4010137 Stored Value Card $20
4010138 Stored Value Card $40
4010140 Metroworks Discounts
4010141 Public Event Service
4010142 Stored value WALLET
4010151 Fixed Route - Farebox North Ops.
4010152 Local Single Ride FAREBOX
4010153 Local Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
4010154 Local Day Pass FAREBOX
4010155 Local Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
4010156 Commuter Single Ride FAREBOX
4010157 Commuter Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
4010158 Commuter Day Pass FAREBOX
4010159 Commuter Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
4010160 Farebox CARTS - City of Georgetown
4010165 DPP Local Day Pass
4010166 DPP Local Day Pass Reduced
4010167 DPP Local 7 Day Pass
4010168 DPP Local 31 Day
4010169 DPP Local 31 Day Reduced
4010170 DPP Commuter Day Pass
4010171 DPP Commuter Day Pass Reduced
4010173 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass
4010174 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass Reduced
4010175 DPP Stored Value $20
4010177 DPP Access Monthly
4010178 DPP Access 10 Ride
4010180 Local Day Pass Metrobike
4010181 Local Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
4010182 Local 31 Day Pass Metrobike
4010183 Local 31 Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
4010184 Commuter Day Pass Metrobike
4010186 Commuter 31 Day Pass Metrobike
4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets
4010205 No Show Fees
4010300 Commuter Rail TVM Cash
4010315 Innovative Mobility Fares
4010320 Special Event Passes
4010402 Cash Discount Revenue
4010901 Chargebacks - Clearing Account
4012100 Premium 1 Day Pass
4012105 Premium 7 Day Pass
4012110 Premium 31 Day Pass
4012150 Premium 1 Day Pass Reduced
4012160 Premium 31 Day Pass Reduced

Sales Mobile Apps

4019995 Sales POS Intuit
4020503 University Of Texas
4020504 Guaranteed Ride Home
4020507 City Of Austin - ILA
4020508 Acc - ILA
4020510 Travis County ILA
4020511 CAMPO - ILA
4020512 CARTS-ILA-Del Valle
4020515 Round Rock -ILA
4030100 Special Events Charter Service
4070301 Downtown Lease
4070302 Mainline Revenue
4070303 Row License Application
4070304 Row EIC Services
4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee
4070306 Row Permit Application
4070307 Row Permit Fees
4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit
4070309 Row EIC Services
4070402 Interest Income-Investments
4070403 Gain On Sale - Investments
4070405 Sale Of Schedule Book
4070406 Unrealized Gain On Investments
4070410 Investment Income
4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income
4070415 GASB 87 - Interest Income
4070502 Fare Enforcement Citation Revenue
4070520 Metro Bike Card Program
4079901 Photo I.D. Revenue
4079902 Cash Over / Under
4079903 Touch Passes
4079904 Shipping & Handling Fees
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets
4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue
4079910 Liquidated Damages
4079912 Loss on Property Disposal
4079914 Advertising Revenue
4079915 Transit Opportunity Partners
4079917 Fuel Tax Reimbursement
4079920 Wellness Center Fees
4079925 Childcare Revenue
4079926 Advertising Installation Fees
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale
4079936 Abandoned Property
4079937 Adv Non Profit Discount 50%
4079938 Adv Community Discount 100%
4079939 Adv Advertising Agency Discount
4080201 Sales Tax Revenue
4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital
4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda
4090230 Federal Grant Rev Kyle
4090240 Federal Grant Rev Georgetown
4090250 Grants-Pass Through
4090255 TDP Federal Revenue
4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue
4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital
4090715 Local Match Rev Round Rock
4090730 Local Match Rev Kyle
4090740 Local Match Rev Georgetown
4090745 Local Match Rev Travis County
4090760 TDP Local
4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP
4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP
4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation
4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services
4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation
4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
4400100 Capital Contribution
4400100* Capital Contribution
5010101 Operators' Salaries And Wages
5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin.
5010203 Overtime - Administrative
5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
5010207 Executive Compensation
5010208 Overtime - APD Officers
5010301 Salary & Wages - Temp
5010304 Intern Pay
5020101 FICA-Admin
5020200 401k Fees
5020201 401K
5020202 Pension - Bargain
5020203 Pension - Admin
5020204 L/T Disability - Admin.
5020205 L/T Disability - Bargaining
5020206 L/T Disability-IUE
5020207 Buy Up Ltd/Std
5020208 S/T Disability
5020301 Health Plans-Admin
5020302 Health Plans- Bargaining
5020305 Health Plan - Fees
5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution
5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020401 Dental Plans-Admin
5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020421 Wellness Center Exp
5020422 Wellness Center Employee Payroll Deduction
5020501 Life Insurance-Admin
5020502 Life Insurance-Bargaining
5020504 Supplemental Life Insurance
5020701 State Unemployment-Admin
5020832 Expense For W/C Claims
5020842 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
5020845 Premiums For W/C Losses
5020901 Sick Leave-Admin
5020904 Supplemental Sick
5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin
5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin
5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin
5021210 Severance Pay - Admin
5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin.
5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin
5021305 Boot Allowance-Bargaining
5021307 Other Clothing Allow-Admin
5021403 Automobile
5021405 Housing
5021406 Relocation Reimb.
5021411 Other Benefits - Admin
5021412 Other Benefits - Operators
5021415 Rideshare Subsidy
5021421 Safety Awards
5021430 Tuition Reimbursement
5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments
5021444 Employee Assistance Program
5030301 Audit Fees
5030302 General Legal Services
5030303 Consultation Fees
5030305 Medical Services
5030306 Technical Services
5030307 Other Services - Ctecc
5030308 Arbitration Fees
5030309 Other Professional Fees
5030310 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing
5030311 Permits And Fees
5030401 Temporary Help
5030403 Temporary Help-Pt
5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment
5030506 Phone System Maintenance
5030507 Maintenance-Radios
5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other
5030511 Hardware Maintenance Contracts
5030512 Software Maintenance Contracts
5030515 Electrical Services
5030601 Custodial Services
5030701 Security Services
5039901 Courier And Delivery Services
5039902 Photographic Processing
5039903 Vehicle Towing
5039904 Wellness Program
5039905 Sp Right Of Way Maintenance
5039909 Other Services
5039910 Non-Capital Training
5039926 Advertising Installation Expense
5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services
5039990 Veolia - Termination Cost 12/9/2009
5040104 Transmission Fluid
5040105 Coolant
5040109 Other Fluids
5040111 Diesel
5040121 Gasoline
5040131 Oil
5040145 Fuel-North Ops .
5040146 Fuel-Fixed Route Local Services
5040148 SpareParts - Count Adjust
5040150 Fuel Risk Management
5040151 Fuel Price Variance
5040201 Tires and Tubes
5049901 Office Supplies
5049902 Passes And Tickets
5049903 Maps And Schedules
5049904 Training Materials
5049906 Cleaning Supplies
5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment
5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors
5049909 Other Supplies
5049910 Uniforms - Service Providers
5049915 Non Capital Equipment
5049917 Paint Supplies
5049920 Maintenance Materials
5049929 Rail - Maintenance Materials
5049931 Treasury Room Pass Consumption
5049932 Transit Store POS Pass Consumption
5049933 HEB Pass Consumption
5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
5049979 Non-Capital Projects
5049992 Awards - Recognition Program
5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power
5050201 Electric
5050202 Water And Sewer
5050203 Gas
5050204 Telephone-Local
5050205 Telephone-Long Distance
5050206 Drainage Service
5050207 Garbage Collection
5050208 Street Service
5050209 Other Utilities
5060101 Property Insurance Premiums
5060201 Physical Damage Recoveries
5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments
5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums
5060302 Auto Liablity Loss
5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums
5060802 Crime Insurance Premium
5060809 Other Business Insurance
5070401 Inspection Certificates
5070501 Diesel Fuel Tax
5070502 Gasoline Fuel Tax
5070503 Fuel Surcharge
5080102 Fixed Route-Local Service
5080103 Fixed Route-University of Texas
5080105 Rural Service-Demand Response
5080106 Demand Response
5080108 Special Service
5080109 Fixed Route - Flyer
5080111 GRH Reimbursement
5080112 Innovative Mobility
5080114 Fixed Route - PRC
5080200 Commuter Rail Services
5080201 Performance Incentives
5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
5080205 Rapid Bus Fixed Route Services
5080300 E. Fifth Bus
5080325 North Base Paratransit
5080330 North Ops Bus
5080335 Georgetown Paratransit
5080340 Paratransit Overflow
5080350 Rural Service Bus
5080360 South Base Paratransit
5080400 RideShare
5080410 Pickup CARTS
5080411 Pickup North
5080412 Pickup South
5080413 BikeShare
5090101 Dues And Subscriptions
5090201 Airfare - Transportation
5090205 Travel - Per Diem
5090206 Toll Road Charges
5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration
5090211 Lodging
5090215 Travel - Other
5090250 Business Meals - Local
5090701 Bad Debt Expense
5090801 Newspaper Media
5090804 Advertising/Promotion Media
5099901 Postage
5099902 Bank Charges
5099903 Penalties
5099904 Tools And Equipment
5099905 Computer Software
5099907 Safety Equipment
5099908 Computer Hardware
5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
5099910 P-Card Default Expense
5099911 P-Card Issuer Expense
5099912 Default Employee Expense
5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans
5099950 Food and Ice
5099992 Recognition Program
5099994 Cost Savings
5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount
5100300 Capitalization Of Salary And Wages
5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor
5110201 Interest Expense
5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations
5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
5120601 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
5120707 Rent-Event Space
5120801 Lease-Vehicles
5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility
5121202 Office Equipment
5121209 Other Equipment
5130150 Railroad Right Of Way
5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages
5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin
5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements
5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
5131680 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
5131880 Amortization - GASB 87 Assets
5131885 Interest Expense - GASB 87 Assets
5131890 Amortization - GASB 96 Assets
5131895 Interest Expense - GASB 96 Assets
5132000 Amortz. Herzog Inventory New Contract
5140000 GASB 87 - Amortization Expense
5140101 Solicitation Requisitions
5160101 Gain/Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets
5160151 Loss on Sale of Investments
5160201 Extraordinary Items
5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
5160301 Project Connect Non Operating
5200101 Annual Transit Street Maint.
5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor
5200520 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna
5200560 Suburban Comm - Point Venture
5200580 Suburban Comm - Volente
5200600 Suburban Comm - Jonestown
5200620 Suburban Comm - Travis Pct 2
5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1
5200641 Asset Disposal Expense
5400101 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense
5700210 Transportation Development Plans
5801000 Cmta Planning Expenses
5802000 Cmta Marketing Expenses
5803000 Expense Reimbursements
5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership
5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP
FY2023 category tp class
(0.00) CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
137,179.52 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
4,700,314.74 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
(340,228.96) CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
(672,799.16) CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
468,414.75 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
716,044.48 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
75,268.79 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
(3,798.77) CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
213,000.00 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
1,200.00 CASH AND CASH ITEMS 1 Curr Asset
9,958,868.98 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
13,338.82 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
737,723.24 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
901,656.20 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
2,200.49 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
(417,059.07) RECEIVABLES
(4,962.46) RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
8,261.56 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
- RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
- RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
101,100.34 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
(18,676.25) RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
45,645,365.52 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
231,632.11 INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
1,011,193.85 RECEIVABLES
(3,010.55) RECEIVABLES 1 0
9,446,479.67 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
372,589.21 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
64,068,589.00 RECEIVABLES 1 Curr Asset
7,632,463.97 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
2,552,439.06 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
703,509.75 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
748,837.21 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
7,871.04 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
106.59 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
8,880.60 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
(0.27) MATERIALS SUPPLIES 1 Curr Asset
72,883.26 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS 1 Curr Asset
249,224,240.61 WORK IN PROCESS 1 Non Curr Asset
WORK IN PROCESS 1 Non Curr Asset
WORK IN PROCESS 1 Non Curr Asset
2,103,526.39 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
23,970,919.92 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
70,664,294.34 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
90,497,656.35 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
43,075,715.65 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
70,134,427.29 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
306,614,467.39 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
8,389,781.50 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
4,052,021.01 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
210,791,189.59 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
54,495,814.95 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
61,762,044.16 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
17,398,569.55 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
391,482.27 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
1,163,179.71 TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
3,182,257.18 INTANASSET 0 Non Curr Asset
8,946,461.09 INTANASSET 0 Non Curr Asset
INTANASSET 0 Non Curr Asset
(568,998,582.40) TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 Non Curr Asset
(4,101,923.17) TANGIBLE PROPERTY 1 0
10,004,450.13 INTANASSET 1 Non Curr Asset
(3,971,341.84) INTANASSET 1 Non Curr Asset
32,985,856.18 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
8,085,226.34 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
349,111.66 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
429,250.21 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
275,000,000.00 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
25,916,360.93 INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
- INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
41,530,271.15 INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
22,660,909.65 INVESTMENTS 1 Non Curr Asset
768,682.36 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
950,000.00 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
50,000.00 INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
(863,427.84) INVESTMENTS 1 Curr Asset
461,325.46 OTHER ASSETS 1 Curr Asset
- OTHER ASSETS 1 Curr Asset
- OTHER ASSETS 1 Curr Asset
OTHER ASSETS 1 Non Curr Asset
2,084,539.34 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
2,999,997.00 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
14,046,088.00 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(6,427,089.60) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
13,417,603.00 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
5,752,891.00 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
8,312,595.00 DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
(4,802,196.00) DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
(4,433,378.71) DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
(8,312,394.00) DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
75,638,816.07 LONGTERMREC 1 Non Curr Asset
(10,310,514.43) TRADE PAYABLES 2 Curr Liab
(49,396,720.14) TRADE PAYABLES 2 Curr Liab
(885,408.89) TRADE PAYABLES 2 Curr Liab
96,175.60 TRADE PAYABLES 2 Curr Liab
(11,000.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(325,000.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(75,000.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(16,756.44) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
122,327.25 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
78,256.66 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(3,562.36) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(163,746.71) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(1,029,773.79) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(46,480.73) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(72,744.04) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(3,309,840.81) ACCRUED LIABILITIES 2 Curr Liab
(3,023,881.28) ACCRUED LIABILITIES 2 Curr Liab
(1,882,276.56) ACCRUED LIABILITIES 2 Curr Liab
69,030.31 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(42,105.92) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(490.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
377,845.04 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
815,075.29 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(2,770.88) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
9,526.15 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
724,742.13 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(169,317.10) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
125,452.74 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(276,998.44) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(60,621.12) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
338,647.75 ACCRUED TAX 2 Curr Liab
2,413.62 ACCRUED TAX 2 Curr Liab
(2,000.85) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
4,900.00 OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 5 Non Curr Liab
(21,067.04) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(2,000,000.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(652,850.00) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Non Curr Liab
(11,383.46) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(1,663,488.26) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
(2,379,829.91) OTHER CURRENT LIABIL 2 Curr Liab
LONG TERM DEBT 2 Non Curr Liab
(3,417,623.00) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
LONG TERM DEBT 2 Non Curr Liab
(1,645,820.88) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(1,445,113.15) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(7,006,312.91) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(6,673,921.48) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(3,254,992.50) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(18,201,395.00) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
(29,117,669.00) LONG TERM LIABILITIE 2 Non Curr Liab
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(8,625,047.05) DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
(482,679.00) DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
(10,742,585.00) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
5,700,113.60 DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(171,477.20) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
3,249,953.74 DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_OUTFLOW 1.5 1.1 Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(2,137,291.80) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
- DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(1,821,847.22) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
666,324.14 DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(7,604,724.00) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
4,974,225.00 DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(75,032,840.43) DEF_INFLOW 2.5 2.5-Deferred
(30,000,000.00) LONG TERM LIABILITIE
(912,997,590.33) FUND EQUITY 3 999
(1,353,289.00) FUND EQUITY 3 999
(43,052,000.00) FUND EQUITY 3 999
99,259,859.03 FUND EQUITY 3 999
(99,259,859.03) FUND EQUITY 3 999
(9,103,182.59) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
(669,234.53) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
(1,182,795.92) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
3a-Op Rev
3a-Op Rev
(440.00) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
(1,400.00) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
43,127.31 PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
42.00 PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
(39,603.57) PASSENGER FARES 4 3a-Op Rev
3a-Op Rev


(6,999,999.96) THIRDPARTY 4 3a-Op Rev
(100,026.91) THIRDPARTY 4 3a-Op Rev
(125,106.70) THIRDPARTY 4 3a-Op Rev
(16,186.55) THIRDPARTY 4 3a-Op Rev
PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
Charter 4 3a-Op Rev
27,994.83 OTHERREV 4 3c-Non Op
(4,813,546.80) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(506,028.23) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(614,523.30) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(236,259.15) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(38,850.00) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(99,250.00) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(544,493.25) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(99,200.00) FREIGHTRAIL 4 3a-Op Rev
(17,689,835.49) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(850,668.65) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(462,640.26) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(2,292,098.33) 3c-Non Op
(51,675.69) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
528,361.48 NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(1,828,955.18) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(10.00) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(623,814.96) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
- NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(10,354.05) NON TRANS REV 4 3c-Non Op
(382,622,967.03) SALESTAX 4 3c-Non Op
8,040.24 SALESTAX 4 3c-Non Op
(23,563,126.79) GRANTS 4 3d-cap cont
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(198,821.00) OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(41,205,061.28) OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(12,082.29) OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(1,154,333.00) OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(1,392,569.22) GRANTS 4 3d-cap cont
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
OPGRANT 4 3c-Non Op
(29,283,715.11) OTHERREV 4 3c-Non Op
(7,266,110.77) OTHERREV 4 3c-Non Op
(1,259,453.08) PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
(434,795.76) PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
(244,534.51) PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
- PTAgreeRev 4 3a-Op Rev
(200,000.00) GRANTS 4 3c-Non Op
GRANTS 4 3d-cap cont
LABOR 5 3b Opex
44,814,451.22 LABOR 5 3b Opex
1,051,548.08 LABOR 5 3b Opex
959,800.65 LABOR 5 3b Opex
LABOR 5 3b Opex
57,390.23 LABOR 5 3b Opex
50,713.83 LABOR 5 3b Opex
- LABOR 5 3b Opex
3,887,431.06 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
32,232.20 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
774,034.94 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
2,187,862.00 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
5,277,460.28 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
152,402.84 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
170,334.30 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
7,413,711.90 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
1,410,405.51 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
73,966.73 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
(462,180.82) FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
371,475.11 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
(19,879.12) FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
30,836.11 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
177,177.04 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
6,403.19 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
30,805.74 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
47,923.98 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
2,193,452.28 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
5,714.85 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
1,859,141.52 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
3,155,220.72 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
158,923.53 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
287.91 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
275,095.81 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
2,449.91 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
32.00 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
137,750.00 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
(24.10) FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
1,890.00 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
11,204.69 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
89,911.04 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
6,766.83 FRINGE BENEFITS 5 3b Opex
222,705.50 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
959,618.06 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
7,719,033.07 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
14,195.35 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
22,460.46 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
488,395.64 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
6,141,751.39 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
13,756.75 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
2,023,500.39 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
- SERVICES 5 3b Opex
569,806.90 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
706,446.48 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
6,455,437.33 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
1,959,835.52 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
7,999,977.05 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
193,804.07 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
1,403,924.30 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
1,462,481.11 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
53,267.48 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
433,524.24 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
5,373,072.72 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
490,844.69 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
27,806.00 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
1,537,583.34 SERVICES 5 3b Opex
SERVICES 5 3b Opex
FLUID 5 3b Opex
32,833.75 FLUID 5 3b Opex
168,250.36 FLUID 5 3b Opex
16,544,610.99 FLUID 5 3b Opex
- FLUID 5 3b Opex
- FLUID 5 3b Opex
48,527.22 FLUID 5 3b Opex
FLUID 5 3b Opex
(1,190.00) SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
(3,919,914.60) FLUID 5 3b Opex
37,729.95 FLUID 5 3b Opex
1,426.00 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
146,730.76 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
15,578.08 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
202,413.84 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
40,205.47 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
18,688.41 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
43,733.29 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
1,075.07 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
641,286.50 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
537,832.44 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
210,471.27 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
16,153,444.69 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
(6,460.00) SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
27,493.11 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
4,792.59 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
137,404.09 SUPPLIES MATERIALS 5 3b Opex
133,001.92 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
1,043,169.97 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
238,686.53 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
166,522.02 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
2,082,247.88 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
257,062.55 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
146,162.43 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
196,171.14 UTILITIES 5 3b Opex
142,359.34 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
262,762.78 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
49,642.26 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
567.00 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
62,803.42 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
12,098.00 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
159,059.77 CASUALTY and LIAB 5 3b Opex
TAX EXP 5 3b Opex
1,337,254.94 TAX EXP 5 3b Opex
TAX EXP 5 3b Opex
TAX EXP 5 3b Opex
117.03 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
20,834,422.43 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
(600.00) PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
80,525,730.49 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
34,332,980.71 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
46,056,317.74 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
536,479.98 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
961,462.77 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
1,928,597.37 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
844,941.68 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
4,788,808.48 PURCHASED TRANSP 5 3b Opex
609,949.96 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
101,743.56 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
67,153.52 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
40,068.21 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
200,346.34 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
173,501.86 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
73,545.63 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
123,188.30 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
37,834.86 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
1,124,780.85 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
22,381.80 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
3,913.34 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
13,603.42 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
660.17 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
303,327.97 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
(96,077.38) MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
252.68 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
2,430.00 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
5.00 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
176,420.99 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
200,418.18 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
(7,340.90) MISCELLANEOUS 5 3b Opex
414,567.60 INTEREST 5 3b Opex
97,475.00 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
681,386.94 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
172,048.52 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
1,646,261.06 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
672,391.76 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
86,246.73 LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
LEASES and RENTALS 5 3b Opex
1,380,677.89 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
2,617,933.15 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
3,567,301.25 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
21,991,149.28 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
319,294.93 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
138,438.07 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
1,018,858.27 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
5,535,235.49 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
5,224,602.85 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
256,428.56 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
2,481,602.92 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
5,821,868.19 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
78,296.40 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
939,128.01 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
1,728,019.17 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
2,351,624.55 DEPRECIATION 5 3b Opex
53,704.98 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
499.00 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
84,500.00 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
46,072.00 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
182,739.00 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
410,968.74 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
1,209,446.95 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
1,158,045.21 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
(484,062.77) OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3b Opex
1,023,166.38 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
30,000,000.00 OTHER RECON ITEMS 5 3c-Non Op
TB map St rev & Exp Notes02 CF map
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents 1 Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash equiv
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash equiv
2*Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
2*Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
7*Other receivables, net AR Trade Re
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei

7*Other receivables, net Other Recei

7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net Other Recei
7*Other receivables, net AR Trade Re

3*Due from federal and other governments Capital Gran

3*Investments Investments

0 No
7*Other receivables, net AR Trade Re
6.5*Intergovernental receivables 0
7*Other receivables, net AR Trade Re
6.5*Intergovernental receivables 0
3*Due from federal and other governments Capital Gran
8* Sales and use taxes receivable Sales tax AR
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
5* Materials and supplies inventory, net Inventories
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
6*Projects in Process PPE
6*Projects in Process PPE
6*Projects in Process PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
4*Land and improvements PPE
4*Land and improvements PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
Lease Assets 0
Lease Assets 0
Lease Assets 0
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
0 No
0 No
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
5*Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation PPE
0 No
0 No
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
1*Restricted - Cash Cash/cash e
1*Cash and Cash equivalents Cash/cash e
2*Investments No
3*Investments Investments
3*Investments Investments
3*Investments Investments
2*Restricted - Investments Investments
2*Investments Investments
4*Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel hedge a
4*Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel hedge a
4*Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel hedge a
2*Investments Investments
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
6*Prepaid transit expense and other Oth Curr Ass
7*Other assets Oth Curr Ass
0 No
0 No
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - fuel hedge Fuel hedge
15*Long Term Receivables Oth Curr Assets-AR Lease
1*Accounts Payable Accounts pa
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
9*Retainage Retainage li
2*Accrued Expenses Retainage li
6*Unearned grant revenue commuter rail cars and station Def grant r
0 Accounts pa
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
2*Accrued Expenses Acc sal & ben
0 Acc sal & ben
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
6*Unearned grant revenue commuter rail cars and station Def grant r
4*Accrued salary and wages Acc sal & ben
5*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
5*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
4*Accrued salary and wages Acc sal & ben
4*Accrued salary and wages Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits payable Accrued liab
7*Commuter rail car and stations notes payable ST liab Mast
6*Bus purchase notes payable ST liab Bus
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
5*Other rent liability Acc sal & ben
5*Other rent liability Acc sal & ben
3*Benefits Payable Accrued liab
8*City of Austin interlocal agreement ST liab City
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
5*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
5*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
2*Accrued Expenses Accrued liab
6*Unearned grant revenue commuter rail cars and station Def grant r
2*Accrued Expenses Def grant r
3*Benefits Payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits Payable Accrued liab
3*Benefits Payable Accrued liab
4*Commuter rail car and stations notes payable LT liab Mast
2*Accrued retirement benefits Acc sal & ben
3*Bus purchase notes payable LT liab Bus l
1*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
1*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
1*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
1*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
1*Accrued sick and vacation Acc sal & ben
5*Other rent liability Def rent liabi
5*Other rent liability Def rent liabi
5*Other rent liability Def rent liabi
5*Other rent liability Def rent liabi
6*Lease liability Lease Liabili
6*Lease liability Lease Liabili
6*Lease liability Lease Liabili
7*Pension liability Pension Liab
7*Pension liability Pension Liab
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan Pension out
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - fuel hedge Fuel hedging
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - OPEB Pension inf
Deferred inflow - OPEB Pension inf
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - pension plan Pension infl
Deferred inflow - lease Lease inflow

0 No
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
equity Capital
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust

1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust

1*Transportation fares Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Rail-freight Op Rev Cash from cust
4*Investment income Non Op Rev Cash from cust
4*Investment income Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
4*Investment income Non Op Rev Net Invest income
4*Investment income Non Op Rev Net Inv Income
5*Lease Income Non Op Rev
5*Lease Income Non Op Rev
5*Lease Income Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Gain asset sale
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Gain asset sale
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Loss asset sale
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev Cash from cust
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
1*Sales and use tax revenue Non Op Rev Sales tax receipt
1*Sales and use tax revenue Non Op Rev Sales tax receipt
1*Federal and other capital contributions Fed & Oth Grants Capital Grants-Federal
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper-Pass thru grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper-Pass thru grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
1*Federal and other capital contributions Fed & Oth Grants Capital Grants-Federal
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev No
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev No
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper grants
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev Oper-Pass thru grants
2*Other contributions Non Op Rev
2*Other contributions Non Op Rev
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Contract revenue Op Rev Cash from cust
2*Other federal grants Non Op Rev 0 Oper grants
1*Federal and other capital contributions Fed & Oth Grants Capital Grants-Federal
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
3*Salary and wages Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
5*Employee Benefits Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
4*services Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
8*Utilities Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
9*Casualty and liability Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
6*Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
1*Purchased transportation Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
4*Accrued salary and wages Acc sal & ben
WIP Offset No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
7*Leases and other Oper exp No
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation
2*Depreciation and amortization Oper exp Depreciation

3*Other income, net Non Op Rev

3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
3*Other income, net Non Op Rev
9*Long Term Mobility Planning Non Op Rev Long Term Mobility Planning
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
5*Build Central Texas Program Non Op Rev Build Central Texas
Non Op Rev
6*Mobility interlocal agreements Non Op Rev Mobility projects
6*Mobility interlocal agreements Non Op Rev Mobility projects
6*Mobility interlocal agreements Non Op Rev Mobility projects
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
8*Materials and supplies - other Oper exp No
7*Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions Non Op Rev Capital Grants-Federal
7*Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions Non Op Rev Capital Grants-Federal
CF position Type Report xx NTD Form
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS Restricted F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
Cash/cash equiv Asset BS F-60
Cash/cash equiv Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
nvestments Asset BS F-60
4 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
2 Asset BS F-60
4 Asset BS F-60
BS F-60
3 Asset BS TB map - 1F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
4 Asset BS F-60
0 Asset BS F-60
4 Asset BS F-60
0 Asset BS F-60
3 Asset BS F-60
5 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
6 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
0 Asset BS F-60
0 Asset BS F-60
0 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
12 Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
1 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
8 Asset BS F-60
8 Asset BS F-60
8 Asset BS F-60
7 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
10 Asset BS F-60
11 Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
Asset BS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
9 Asset BS F-60
Oth Curr Assets-AR Lease Asset BS F-60
15 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
18 Liability BS F-60
18 Liability BS F-60
19 Liability BS F-60
15 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
19 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
21 Liability BS F-60
23 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
20 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
19 Liability BS F-60
19 Liability BS F-60
BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
16 Liability BS F-60
22 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
24 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
17 Liability BS F-60
25 Liability BS F-60
25 Liability BS F-60
25 Liability BS F-60
25 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
27 Liability BS F-60
27 Liability BS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
13 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
29 Liability BS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
26 Balance shBS F-60
30 Liability BS F-60
30 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
26 Liability BS F-60
27 Liability BS F-60
BS F-60
Liability BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
28 Equity BS F-60
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Expense IS F-10
Cash from cust Expense IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS TB map - 4F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
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Cash from cust Revenue IS Per Reine F-10
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Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS Is that sup F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Net Invest income Revenue IS F-10
Net Inv Income Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS
Cash from cust Revenue IS TB map - 4F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Gain asset sale Revenue IS If Gain on F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Gain asset sale Revenue IS F-10
Loss asset sale Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-30
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Sales tax receipt Revenue IS F-10
Sales tax receipt Revenue IS F-10
Capital Grants-Federal Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper-Pass thru grants Revenue IS F-10
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Capital Grants-Federal Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Oper-Pass thru grants Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Cash from cust Revenue IS F-10
Oper grants Revenue IS F-10
Capital Grants-Federal Revenue IS F-10
Expense IS F-30
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Expense IS
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
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Expense IS F-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
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Expense IS F-30
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Expense IS Paid to supF-10
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Expense IS Paid to supF-30
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Expense IS Paid to supF-30
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Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS F-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
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Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
Expense IS Paid to supF-30
17 Liability BS F-60
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS
Depreciation Expense IS
Depreciation Expense IS
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Depreciation Expense IS F-40
Expense IS
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS F-40
Expense IS F-40
Long Term Mobility Planning Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Build Central Texas Expense IS F-40
Expense IS F-40
Mobility projects Expense IS F-40
Mobility projects Expense IS F-40
Mobility projects Expense IS F-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Expense IS Paid to supF-40
Capital Grants-Federal Expense IS F-40
Capital Grants-Federal Expense IS F-40
NTD Section NTD AMT 2023
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (0.00)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 137,179.52
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 4,700,314.74
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (340,228.96)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (672,799.16)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 468,414.75
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 716,044.48
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 75,268.79
01*1110 Cash & Equiv (3,798.77)
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 213,000.00
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 1,200.00
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments -
02*1120 Accts Rec 9,958,868.98
02*1120 Accts Rec 13,338.82
02*1120 Accts Rec 737,723.24
02*1120 Accts Rec 901,656.20
02*1120 Accts Rec 2,200.49
02*1120 Accts Rec (417,059.07)
02*1120 Accts Rec (4,962.46)
02*1120 Accts Rec 8,261.56
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 101,100.34
02*1120 Accts Rec (18,676.25)
02*1120 Accts Rec 72,744.04
02*1120 Accts Rec 45,645,365.52
13*1260 Investments 231,632.11
02*1120 Accts Rec 1,011,193.85
02*1120 Accts Rec (3,010.55)
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 9,446,479.67
02*1120 Accts Rec -
02*1120 Accts Rec 372,589.21
02*1120 Accts Rec -
06*1190 Other Current Asset 64,068,589.00
03*1130 Inventory 7,632,463.97
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 2,552,439.06
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 703,509.75
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory 748,837.21
03*1130 Inventory 7,871.04
03*1130 Inventory 106.59
03*1130 Inventory 8,880.60
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory -
03*1130 Inventory (0.27)
04*1140 PrePaid 72,883.26
12*1250 Work in Process 249,224,240.61
12*1250 Work in Process -
12*1250 Work in Process -
#N/A -
08*1210 Captial Assets 2,103,526.39
08*1210 Captial Assets 23,970,919.92
08*1210 Captial Assets 70,664,294.34
08*1210 Captial Assets 90,497,656.35
08*1210 Captial Assets 43,075,715.65
08*1210 Captial Assets 70,134,427.29
08*1210 Captial Assets 306,614,467.39
08*1210 Captial Assets 8,389,781.50
08*1210 Captial Assets 4,052,021.01
08*1210 Captial Assets 210,791,189.59
08*1210 Captial Assets 54,495,814.95
08*1210 Captial Assets 61,762,044.16
08*1210 Captial Assets 17,398,569.55
08*1210 Captial Assets 391,482.27
08*1210 Captial Assets 1,163,179.71
08*1210 Captial Assets 3,182,257.18
08*1210 Captial Assets 8,946,461.09
08*1210 Captial Assets -
08*1210 Captial Assets (568,998,582.40)
08*1210 Captial Assets -
08*1210 Captial Assets (4,101,923.17)
08*1210 Captial Assets 10,004,450.13
08*1210 Captial Assets (3,971,341.84)
0 -
0 -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 32,985,856.18
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 8,085,226.34
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 349,111.66
11*1240 Special Funds -
01*1110 Cash & Equiv 429,250.21
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 275,000,000.00
13*1260 Investments 25,916,360.93
13*1260 Investments -
13*1260 Investments 41,530,271.15
11*1240 Special Funds -
05*1150 Current Investments/ Portion Long Term 22,660,909.65
06*1190 Other Current Asset 768,682.36
06*1190 Other Current Asset 950,000.00
06*1190 Other Current Asset 50,000.00
13*1260 Investments (863,427.84)
04*1140 PrePaid 461,325.46
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
04*1140 PrePaid -
14*1290 Other Non Current Asset -
0 -
0 -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow 2,084,539.34
15*3100 Deferred Outflow 2,999,997.00
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 14,046,088.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (6,427,089.60)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow 13,417,603.00
15*3100 Deferred Outflow 5,752,891.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows 8,312,595.00
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (4,802,196.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (4,433,378.71)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (8,312,394.00)
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*Long Term Receivables 75,638,816.07
16*2110 Current AP (10,310,514.43)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (49,396,720.14)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (885,408.89)
18*2130 Accrued Liab 96,175.60
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
0 -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (11,000.00)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (325,000.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (75,000.00)
0 -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (16,756.44)
19*2190 Other Current Liab 122,327.25
19*2190 Other Current Liab 78,256.66
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,562.36)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (163,746.71)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (0.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (1,029,773.79)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (46,480.73)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (72,744.04)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,309,840.81)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (3,023,881.28)
18*2130 Accrued Liab (1,882,276.56)
0 -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 69,030.31
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (42,105.92)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (490.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab 377,845.04
18*2130 Accrued Liab 815,075.29
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,770.88)
19*2190 Other Current Liab 9,526.15
19*2190 Other Current Liab 724,742.13
19*2190 Other Current Liab (169,317.10)
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab 125,452.74
19*2190 Other Current Liab (276,998.44)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (60,621.12)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 338,647.75
18*2130 Accrued Liab 2,413.62
19*2190 Other Current Liab -
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,000.85)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations 4,900.00
#N/A -
19*2190 Other Current Liab (21,067.04)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
18*2130 Accrued Liab (2,000,000.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (652,850.00)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
18*2130 Accrued Liab 22,542.79
19*2190 Other Current Liab (11,383.46)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (1,663,488.26)
19*2190 Other Current Liab (2,379,829.91)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
23*2240 Long Term Pension (3,417,623.00)
17*2120 Short Term Debt -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (1,645,820.88)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (1,445,113.15)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (7,006,312.91)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations 0.00
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations -
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (6,673,921.48)
22*2230 Capital Lease Obligations (3,254,992.50)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (18,201,395.00)
23*2240 Long Term Pension (29,117,669.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow (8,625,047.05)
15*3100 Deferred Outflow (482,679.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows (10,742,585.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 5,700,113.60
26*3200 Deferred inflows (171,477.20)
26*3200 Deferred inflows 3,249,953.74
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
15*3100 Deferred Outflow -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (2,137,291.80)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (1,821,847.22)
26*3200 Deferred inflows 666,324.14
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (7,604,724.00)
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows 4,974,225.00
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows -
26*3200 Deferred inflows (75,032,840.43)
25*2290 Other Non Current Liab (30,000,000.00)
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 (912,997,590.33)
0 -
0 (1,353,289.00)
0 -
0 (43,052,000.00)
0 -
0 99,259,859.03
0 (99,259,859.03)
01*4111 Passenger fare (9,103,182.59)
01*4111 Passenger fare -
Not Applicable (669,234.53)
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare (1,182,795.92)
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare (440.00)
01*4111 Passenger fare (1,400.00)
01*4111 Passenger fare -
03*4130 NonPublic Transportation Rev -
01*4111 Passenger fare 43,127.31
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare 42.00
01*4111 Passenger fare (39,603.57)
03*4130 NonPublic Transportation Rev -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -
01*4111 Passenger fare -

01*4111 Passenger fare -

01*4111 Passenger fare -
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares (6,999,999.96)
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares -
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares (100,026.91)
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares (125,106.70)
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares (16,186.55)
02*4112 Organization Paid Fares -
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov -
07*4160 Revenue NTD Reporter -
03*4130 NonPublic Transportation Rev -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev 27,994.83
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (4,813,546.80)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (506,028.23)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (614,523.30)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (236,259.15)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (38,850.00)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (99,250.00)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (544,493.25)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (99,200.00)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (17,689,835.49)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (850,668.65)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (462,640.26)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
05*4149 Auxiliary Transport Funds -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (51,675.69)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev -
Not Applicable -
99*4630 Sales and Disposal of Asset 528,361.48
04*4141 Auxillary Trans - Advertising (1,828,955.18)
0 -
Fuel Offset -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (10.00)
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (623,814.96)
04*4141 Auxillary Trans - Advertising -
06*4150 Other Agency Rev (10,354.05)
0 -
04*4141 Auxillary Trans - Advertising -
04*4141 Auxillary Trans - Advertising -
04*4141 Auxillary Trans - Advertising -
09*4220 Sales Tax (382,622,967.03)
09*4220 Sales Tax 8,040.24
Grant Revenue (23,563,126.79)
Grant Revenue -
Grant Revenue (198,821.00)
Grant Revenue (41,205,061.28)
Grant Revenue (12,082.29)
Grant Revenue -
Grant Revenue -
Grant Revenue (1,154,333.00)
Grant Revenue -
Grant Revenue -
11*4410 General Rev of State Gov't (1,392,569.22)
0 -
0 -
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov -
0 -
0 -
10*4323 Property Taxes Local Gov (29,283,715.11)
10*4323 Property Taxes Local Gov (7,266,110.77)
07*4160 Revenue NTD Reporter (1,259,453.08)
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov -
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov (434,795.76)
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov (244,534.51)
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov -
10*4390 Other Local Funds Local Gov (200,000.00)
10*4390 Other Local Funds Local Gov -
0 -
0 44,814,451.22
0 1,051,548.08
0 959,800.65
0 -
0 57,390.23
0 50,713.83
0 -
0 3,887,431.06
0 32,232.20
0 774,034.94
0 2,187,862.00
0 5,277,460.28
0 152,402.84
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 170,334.30
0 7,413,711.90
0 -
0 1,410,405.51
0 73,966.73
0 (462,180.82)
0 371,475.11
0 (19,879.12)
0 30,836.11
0 -
0 177,177.04
0 -
0 -
0 6,403.19
0 30,805.74
0 -
0 47,923.98
0 2,193,452.28
0 5,714.85
0 1,859,141.52
0 3,155,220.72
0 158,923.53
0 -
0 287.91
0 275,095.81
0 2,449.91
0 -
0 32.00
0 -
0 -
0 137,750.00
0 (24.10)
0 -
0 1,890.00
0 -
0 11,204.69
0 89,911.04
0 222,705.50
0 959,618.06
0 7,719,033.07
0 14,195.35
0 22,460.46
0 488,395.64
0 -
0 6,141,751.39
0 -
0 13,756.75
0 2,023,500.39
0 -
0 -
0 569,806.90
0 706,446.48
0 6,455,437.33
0 1,959,835.52
0 7,999,977.05
0 193,804.07
0 1,403,924.30
0 1,462,481.11
0 53,267.48
0 -
0 433,524.24
0 -
0 -
0 5,373,072.72
0 490,844.69
0 27,806.00
0 1,537,583.34
0 -
0 -
0 32,833.75
0 16,544,610.99
0 -
0 -
0 48,527.22
0 -
0 (3,919,914.60)
0 146,730.76
0 15,578.08
0 202,413.84
0 40,205.47
0 18,688.41
0 43,733.29
0 1,075.07
0 641,286.50
0 210,471.27
0 -
0 16,153,444.69
0 -
0 137,404.09
0 -
0 -
0 133,001.92
0 1,043,169.97
0 238,686.53
0 166,522.02
0 2,082,247.88
0 -
0 257,062.55
0 146,162.43
0 196,171.14
0 -
0 142,359.34
08*4190 Total Recoveries -
0 262,762.78
0 49,642.26
0 567.00
0 62,803.42
0 12,098.00
0 159,059.77
0 -
0 1,337,254.94
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 117.03
0 -
0 -
0 20,834,422.43
0 -
0 (600.00)
0 -
0 80,525,730.49
0 34,332,980.71
0 46,056,317.74
0 536,479.98
0 -
0 961,462.77
0 -
0 1,928,597.37
0 609,949.96
0 101,743.56
0 67,153.52
0 40,068.21
0 200,346.34
0 173,501.86
0 73,545.63
0 123,188.30
0 -
0 37,834.86
0 1,124,780.85
0 22,381.80
0 3,913.34
0 -
0 13,603.42
0 -
0 660.17
0 -
0 303,327.97
0 5.00
0 176,420.99
0 200,418.18
0 -
0 (7,340.90)
18*2130 Accrued Liab -
0 -
0 414,567.60
0 97,475.00
0 681,386.94
0 172,048.52
0 -
0 1,646,261.06
0 672,391.76
0 86,246.73
0 -
0 1,380,677.89
0 2,617,933.15
0 3,567,301.25
0 21,991,149.28
0 319,294.93
0 138,438.07
0 1,018,858.27
0 5,535,235.49
0 5,224,602.85
0 256,428.56
0 2,481,602.92
0 5,821,868.19
0 78,296.40
0 939,128.01
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 499.00
0 -
0 -
0 84,500.00
0 -
0 46,072.00
0 -
0 -
0 182,739.00
0 -
0 410,968.74
0 1,209,446.95
0 1,158,045.21
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 (484,062.77)
0 1,023,166.38
0 -
Pivot 2023 TB


1010101 AX - Fund Cash -1.813736162E-06
1010116 Cash - Property Management Tillery 137179.52
1010117 Cash - General 4700314.74
1010118 Cash - Payables -340228.9600003
1010119 Cash - Payroll -672799.16
1010120 Cash Clearing Account 468414.75
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account 716044.48
1010122 Via Clearing Account 75268.79
1010123 Payroll Cash Clearing -3798.77
1010125 United Health Care 213000
1010222 Petty-Cash Treasury 0
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service 1200
1020101 Accounts Receivable - Trade 9958868.98
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable 13338.82
1020103 Other Receivables 737723.24
1020105 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable 901656.2
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments 2200.49
1020108 Unapplied Receipts -417059.07
1020109 Unidentified Receipts -4962.46
1020110 A-R And A-P Offset 8261.5599999999
1020115 Office Services Allocation - Ricoh 0
1020116 Office Services Allocation - Perry 0
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow 101100.34
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts -18676.25
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable 72744.04
1020301 Accrued Grant Receivable 45645365.52
1020310 Accrued Interest Receivable 231632.11
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable 1011193.85
1020501 Receivables Clearing -3010.55
1020601 Due from ATP 9446479.67
1020602 Intergovernmental Receivable 372589.21
1020701 Accrued Sales Tax Receivable 64068589
1030101 EAM Parts 7632463.97
1030151 Rail Capital Spare Parts 2552439.06
1030201 Fuel Inventory 703509.75
1030301 Fare Media - Treasury 748837.21
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown 7871.04
1030303 Fare Media - HEB 106.59
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media 8880.6
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM 0
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media 0
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media -0.27
1040112 Deposits 72883.26
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects 249224240.61
1110105 Operating Yards 2103526.39
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages 23970919.92
1110115 General Administration 70664294.34
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip 90497656.35
1110125 Passenger Stations 43075715.65
1110130 Passenger Parking 70134427.29
1110135 Revenue Vehicles 306614467.39
1110140 Revenue Collection 8389781.5
1110145 Service Vehicles 4052021.01
1110150 Freight Rail 210791189.59
1110155 Data Processing Equipment 54495814.95
1110160 Land 61762044.16
1110165 Land Improvements 17398569.55
1110175 Leasehold Improvements 391482.27
1110180 Other Assets 1163179.71
1110200 GASB 87 - Land 3182257.18
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings 8946461.09
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation -568998582.4
1110305 Accumulated amortization - GASB 87 -4101923.17
1110400 GASB 96 - Subscription Asset 10004450.13
1110405 Accumulated amortization - GASB 96 -3971341.84
1310500 Texas Term - General 32985856.18
1310501 Texas Term - Reserve Account 8085226.34
1310505 Texas Term - Statutory Operating Reserve 349111.66
1310507 Texas Term - Budget Stabilization Reserve 429250.21
1310508 Texas Term Current Investments 275000000
1311000 PFM - General 25916360.93
1311001 PFM - City of Austin Mobility Port 0
1311005 PFM - Statutory Operating Reserve 41530271.15
1311007 PFM - Budget Stabilization Reserve 22660909.65
1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment 768682.36
1319001 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Restricted 950000
1319002 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Unrestricted 50000
1319099 Unrealized Investment Gain -863427.84
1510105 Prepaid Expenses 461325.46
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle 0
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev 0
1610110 CMTA Pension - Contributions 2084539.34
1610115 StarTran Pension - Contributions 2999997
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss 14046088
1610311 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest -6427089.6
1610401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain-Loss 13417603
1610402 CMTA Pension - Experience 5752891
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption 8312595
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest -4802196
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience -4433378.71
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption -8312394
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable 75638816.07
2010111 Accounts Payable - Trade -10310514.43
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable -49396720.14
2010113 Retainage -885408.89
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing 96175.6
2010120 Dental Insurance -11000
2010121 Health Insurance -325000
2010122 Workers Compensation -75000
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll -16756.44
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded 122327.25
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions 78256.66
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable -3562.36
2010133 GASB 96 - Interest Payable -163746.71
2010137 P-Card Default Coding -4.91127139E-11
2010141 Vendor Purchase - Clearing -1029773.79
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing -46480.73
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable -72744.04
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages -3309840.81
2020103 Accrued Vacation -3023881.28
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave -1882276.56
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing 69030.31
2020204 Union Dues Payable 0
2020205 Vision Insurance -42105.92
2020206 Prepaid Legal Withholding -490
2020301 FICA Withheld 377845.04
2020302 FIT Withheld 815075.29
2020308 Garnishments Withheld -2770.88
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld 9526.1500000002
2020310 401K Withheld 724742.13
2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction -169317.1
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld 125452.74
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld -276998.44
2020318 Flex Early Retirement -60621.12
2020325 Sales Tax Payable -4.547473509E-13
2030101 Accrued FICA 338647.75
2030104 Accrued SUTA 2413.62
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability 0
2050101 Deferred Fare Revenue -2000.849999999
2050102 TVM - Change Issued 0
2050413 Due To-Due From Other Funds 5.215406418E-08
2050415 Rent Deposits 4900
2050501 Deferred Lease Revenue 0
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money -21067.04
2050540 Litigation Liability -2000000
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue -652850
2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees 0
2050999 Unidentified Cash Receipts 22542.79
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund -11383.46
2071001 GASB 87 Liability - Current -1663488.26
2072001 GASB 96 Liability - Current -2379829.91
2210443 Net OPEB Liability -3417623
2210515 Long Term - Sick -1645820.88
2210516 Long Term - Vacation -1445113.15
2210522 MV Vacation and Sick -7006312.91
2210610 Deferred Rent Revenue 2.619344741E-10
2210730 GASB 87 Liability - Non Current -6673921.48
2210830 GASB 96 Liability - Non Current -3254992.5
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability -18201395
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability -29117669
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain-Loss -8625047.05
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience -482679
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption -10742585
2220411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 5700113.6
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience -171477.2
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption 3249953.74
2220500 Fuel Hedging -2137291.8
2220512 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 0
2220600 Other Post Employment Benefits -1821847.22
2220610 Accum Amort - OPEB 666324.14
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss -7604724
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 4974225
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability -75032840.43
2230602 Intergovernmental Payable -30000000
3050111 Unreserved-Undesignated -912997590.33
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance -1353289
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating -43052000
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances 0
3050610 Appropriations 99259859.03
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance -99259859.03
4010101 Fare revenue -9103182.59
4010102 MetroBike Revenue -669234.53
4010105 Rideshare Revenue -1182795.92
4010137 Stored Value Card $20 -440
4010138 Stored Value Card $40 -1400
4010142 Stored value WALLET 43127.31
4010300 Commuter Rail TVM Cash 42
4010315 Innovative Mobility Fares -39603.57
4020503 The University Of Texas -6999999.96
4020507 City Of Austin - ILA -100026.91
4020508 Acc - ILA -125106.7
4020510 Travis County ILA -16186.55
4070301 Rental Income 27994.83
4070302 Freight Revenue -4813546.8
4070303 ROW License Application -506028.23
4070304 Other Revenue -614523.3
4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee -236259.15
4070306 Row Permit Application -38850
4070307 Row Permit Fees -99250
4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit -544493.25
4070309 Row EIC Services -99200
4070402 Investment Income -17689835.49
4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized -850668.65
4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue -462640.26
4070415 GASB 87 - Interest Income -2292098.33
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets -51675.69
4079912 Loss Account 528361.48
4079914 Advertising Revenue -1828955.18
4079920 Wellness Center Fees -10
4079925 Childcare Revenue -623814.96
4079926 Advertising Installation Revenue 0
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale -10354.05
4080201 Sales Tax Revenue -382622967.03
4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees 8040.24
4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital -23563126.79
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating -198821
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting -41205061.28
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda -12082.29
4090250 Grants-Pass Through -1154333
4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital -1392569.22
4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP -29283715.11
4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP -7266110.77
4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation -1259453.08
4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation -434795.76
4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation -244534.51
4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation 0
4400100 Capital Contribution Revenue -200000
5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin. 44814451.22
5010203 Overtime - Administrative 1051548.08
5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers 959800.65
5010208 Overtime - APD Officers 57390.23
5010301 Salaries & Wages - Temp 50713.83
5010304 Intern Pay 0
5020101 FICA-Admin 3887431.06
5020200 401k Fees 32232.2
5020201 401K 774034.94
5020202 Pension - Bargain 2187862
5020203 Pension - Admin 5277460.28
5020204 L-T Disability - Admin. 152402.84
5020208 S-T Disability 170334.3
5020301 Health Plans-Admin 7413711.9
5020305 Health Plan - Fees 1410405.51
5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution 73966.73
5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin -462180.82
5020401 Dental Plans-Admin 371475.11
5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin -19879.12
5020421 Wellness Center Exp 30836.11
5020501 Life Insurance-Admin 177177.04
5020701 State Unemployment-Admin 6403.19
5020832 Expense For W-C Claims 30805.74
5020845 Premiums For W-C Losses 47923.98
5020901 Sick Leave-Admin 2193452.28
5020904 Supplemental Sick 5714.85
5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin 1859141.52
5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin 3155220.72
5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin 158923.53
5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining 287.91
5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin. 275095.81
5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin 2449.91
5021307 Other Clothing Allowance-Admin 32
5021406 Relocation Reimb. 137750
5021411 Other Benefits - Admin -24.1
5021415 Rideshare Subsidy 1890
5021430 Tuition Reimbursement 11204.69
5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments 89911.04
5021444 Employee Assistance Program 6766.83
5030301 Audit Fees 222705.5
5030302 General Legal Services 959618.06
5030303 Consultation Fees 7719033.07
5030305 Medical Services 14195.35
5030306 Technical Services 22460.46
5030307 Other Services - Ctecc 488395.64
5030309 Other Professional Fees 6141751.39
5030311 Permits And Fees 13756.75
5030401 Temporary Help 2023500.39
5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment 0
5030506 Phone System Maintenance 569806.9
5030507 Maintenance-Radios 706446.48
5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other 6455437.33
5030511 Computer Hardware 1959835.52
5030512 Computer Software 7999977.05
5030515 Electrical Services 193804.07
5030601 Custodial Services 1403924.3
5030701 Security Services 1462481.11
5039901 Courier And Delivery Services 53267.48
5039903 Vehicle Towing 433524.24
5039909 Other Services 5373072.72
5039910 Non-Capital Training 490844.69
5039926 Advertising Installation Expense 27806
5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services 1537583.34
5040105 Coolant 32833.75
5040109 Other Fluids 168250.36
5040111 Fuel Expense 16544610.99
5040121 Gasoline 0
5040131 Red Dye 0
5040145 Fare Media - Count Adjust 48527.22
5040148 SpareParts - Count Adjust -1190
5040150 Fuel Risk Management -3919914.6
5040151 Fuel Price Variance 37729.95
5040201 Tires and Tubes 1426
5049901 Office Supplies 146730.76
5049902 Passes And Tickets 15578.08
5049903 Maps And Schedules 202413.84
5049904 Training Materials 40205.47
5049906 Cleaning Supplies 18688.41
5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment 43733.29
5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors 1075.07
5049909 Other Supplies 641286.5
5049910 Uniforms - Service Providers 537832.44
5049915 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture 210471.27
5049920 Maintenance Materials 16153444.69
5049931 Treasury Room Pass Consumption -6460
5049932 Transit Store POS Pass Consumption 27493.11
5049933 HEB Pass Consumption 4792.59
5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts 137404.09
5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power 133001.92
5050201 Electric 1043169.97
5050202 Water And Sewer 238686.53
5050203 Gas 166522.02
5050204 Telephone-Local 2082247.88
5050206 Drainage Service 257062.55
5050207 Garbage Collection 146162.43
5050208 Street Service 196171.14
5060101 Property Insurance Premiums 142359.34
5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments 262762.78
5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums 49642.26
5060302 Auto Liablity Loss 567
5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums 62803.42
5060802 Crime Insurance Premium 12098
5060809 Other Business Insurance 159059.77
5070501 Fuel Tax 1337254.94
5080111 GRH Reimbursement 117.03
5080200 Commuter Rail Services 20834422.43
5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC -600
5080300 Bus Purchased Transportation 80525730.49
5080325 Paratransit Purchased Transportation 34332980.71
5080330 North Ops Bus 46056317.74
5080335 Georgetown Paratransit 536479.98
5080350 Rural Service Bus 961462.77
5080400 RideShare 1928597.37
5080410 Pickup CARTS 844941.68
5080411 Pickup 4788808.48
5080413 Metrobike 0
5090101 Dues And Subscriptions 609949.96
5090201 Airfare - Transportation 101743.56
5090205 Travel - Per Diem 67153.52
5090206 Toll Road Charges 40068.21
5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration 200346.34
5090211 Lodging 173501.86
5090215 Travel - Other 73545.63
5090250 Business Meals - Local 123188.3
5090801 Newspaper Media 37834.86
5090804 Advertising-Promotion Media 1124780.85
5099901 Postage 22381.8
5099902 Bank Charges 3913.34
5099904 Tools And Equipment 13603.42
5099907 Safety Equipment 660.17
5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses 303327.97
5099910 P-Card Default Expense -96077.38
5099911 P-Card Issuer Expense 252.68
5099912 Default Employee Expense 2430
5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans 5
5099950 Food and Ice 176420.99
5099992 Recognition Program 200418.18
5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount -7340.9
5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor 0
5110201 Interest Expense 414567.6
5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations 97475
5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities 681386.94
5120601 Lease-Operating Yard-Storage 172048.52
5120801 Lease-Vehicles 1646261.06
5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility 672391.76
5121202 Office Equipment 86246.73
5130150 Railroad Right Of Way 1380677.89
5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations 2617933.15
5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking 3567301.25
5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles 21991149.28
5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles 319294.93
5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards 138438.07
5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages 1018858.27
5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip 5535235.49
5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment 5224602.85
5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection 256428.56
5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin 2481602.92
5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail 5821868.19
5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements 78296.4
5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements 939128.01
5131880 Amortization - GASB 87 Assets 1728019.17
5131885 Interest Expense - GASB 87 Assets 0
5131890 Amortization - GASB 96 Assets 2351624.55
5131895 Interest Expense - GASB 96 Assets 0
5140101 Solicitation Requisitions 53704.98
5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees 499
5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor 84500
5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna 46072
5200600 Suburban Comm - Jonestown 182739
5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1 410968.74
5400101 1-4 Cent Sales Tax Posts 1209446.95
5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense 1158045.21
5803000 Expense Reimbursements -484062.77
5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions 1023166.38
5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership 30000000
5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP 0
Total Result 7.644295579E-07
1010116 Cash - Property Management Tillery 137179.52
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account 716044.48
1010122 Via Clearing Account 75268.79
1010123 Payroll Cash Clearing -3798.77
1020108 Unapplied Receipts -417059.07
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable 72744.04
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable 1011193.85
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown 7871.04
1030303 Fare Media - HEB 106.59
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media 8880.6
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM 0
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media 0
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media -0.27
1110400 GASB 96 - Subscription Asset 10004450.13
1110405 Accumulated amortization - GASB 96 -3971341.84
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing 96175.6
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable -3562.36
2010133 GASB 96 - Interest Payable -163746.71
2010141 Vendor Purchase - Clearing -1029773.79
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing -46480.73
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable -72744.04
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing 69030.31
2050999 Unidentified Cash Receipts 22542.79
2072001 GASB 96 Liability - Current -2379829.91
2210830 GASB 96 Liability - Non Current -3254992.5
2230602 Intergovernmental Payable -30000000
4070309 Row EIC Services -99200
4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP -7266110.77
5021444 Employee Assistance Program 6766.83
5040109 Other Fluids 168250.36
5040148 SpareParts - Count Adjust -1190
5040151 Fuel Price Variance 37729.95
5040201 Tires and Tubes 1426
5049910 Uniforms - Service Providers 537832.44
5049931 Treasury Room Pass Consumption -6460
5049932 Transit Store POS Pass Consumption 27493.11
5049933 HEB Pass Consumption 4792.59
5099910 P-Card Default Expense -96077.38
5099911 P-Card Issuer Expense 252.68
5099912 Default Employee Expense 2430
5131885 Interest Expense - GASB 87 Assets 0
5131890 Amortization - GASB 96 Assets 2351624.55
5131895 Interest Expense - GASB 96 Assets 0
5140101 Solicitation Requisitions 53704.98
Grand Total -2.071261406E-06
Main NAS_DESC Total
1010101 AX - Fund Cash (0.00)
1010116 Cash - Property Management Tillery 137,179.52
1010117 Cash - General 4,700,314.74
1010118 Cash - Payables (340,228.96)
1010119 Cash - Payroll (672,799.16)
1010120 Cash Clearing Account 468,414.75
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account 716,044.48
1010122 Via Clearing Account 75,268.79
1010123 Payroll Cash Clearing (3,798.77)
1010125 United Health Care 213,000.00
1010222 Petty-Cash Treasury 0.00
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service 1,200.00
1020101 Accounts Receivable - Trade 9,958,868.98
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable 13,338.82
1020103 Other Receivables 737,723.24
1020105 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable 901,656.20
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments 2,200.49
1020108 Unapplied Receipts (417,059.07)
1020109 Unidentified Receipts (4,962.46)
1020110 A-R And A-P Offset 8,261.56
1020115 Office Services Allocation - Ricoh 0.00
1020116 Office Services Allocation - Perry 0.00
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow 101,100.34
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts (18,676.25)
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable 72,744.04
1020301 Accrued Grant Receivable 45,645,365.52
1020310 Accrued Interest Receivable 231,632.11
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable 1,011,193.85
1020501 Receivables Clearing (3,010.55)
1020601 Due from ATP 9,446,479.67
1020602 Intergovernmental Receivable 372,589.21
1020701 Accrued Sales Tax Receivable 64,068,589.00
1030101 EAM Parts 7,632,463.97
1030151 Rail Capital Spare Parts 2,552,439.06
1030201 Fuel Inventory 703,509.75
1030301 Fare Media - Treasury 748,837.21
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown 7,871.04
1030303 Fare Media - HEB 106.59
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media 8,880.60
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM 0.00
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media 0.00
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media (0.27)
1040112 Deposits 72,883.26
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects 249,224,240.61
1110105 Operating Yards 2,103,526.39
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages 23,970,919.92
1110115 General Administration 70,664,294.34
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip 90,497,656.35
1110125 Passenger Stations 43,075,715.65
1110130 Passenger Parking 70,134,427.29
1110135 Revenue Vehicles 306,614,467.39
1110140 Revenue Collection 8,389,781.50
1110145 Service Vehicles 4,052,021.01
1110150 Freight Rail 210,791,189.59
1110155 Data Processing Equipment 54,495,814.95
1110160 Land 61,762,044.16
1110165 Land Improvements 17,398,569.55
1110175 Leasehold Improvements 391,482.27
1110180 Other Assets 1,163,179.71
1110200 GASB 87 - Land 3,182,257.18
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings 8,946,461.09
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation (568,998,582.40)
1110305 Accumulated amortization - GASB 87 (4,101,923.17)
1110400 GASB 96 - Subscription Asset 10,004,450.13
1110405 Accumulated amortization - GASB 96 (3,971,341.84)
1310500 Texas Term - General 32,985,856.18
1310501 Texas Term - Reserve Account 8,085,226.34
1310505 Texas Term - Statutory Operating Reserve 349,111.66
1310507 Texas Term - Budget Stabilization Reserve 429,250.21
1310508 Texas Term Current Investments 275,000,000.00
1311000 PFM - General 25,916,360.93
1311001 PFM - City of Austin Mobility Port 0.00
1311005 PFM - Statutory Operating Reserve 41,530,271.15
1311007 PFM - Budget Stabilization Reserve 22,660,909.65
1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment 768,682.36
1319001 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Restricted 950,000.00
1319002 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Unrestricted 50,000.00
1319099 Unrealized Investment Gain (863,427.84)
1510105 Prepaid Expenses 461,325.46
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle 0.00
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev 0.00
1610110 CMTA Pension - Contributions 2,084,539.34
1610115 StarTran Pension - Contributions 2,999,997.00
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss 14,046,088.00
1610311 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest (6,427,089.60)
1610401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain-Loss 13,417,603.00
1610402 CMTA Pension - Experience 5,752,891.00
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption 8,312,595.00
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest (4,802,196.00)
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience (4,433,378.71)
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption (8,312,394.00)
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable 75,638,816.07
2010111 Accounts Payable - Trade (10,310,514.43)
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable (49,396,720.14)
2010113 Retainage (885,408.89)
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing 96,175.60
2010120 Dental Insurance (11,000.00)
2010121 Health Insurance (325,000.00)
2010122 Workers Compensation (75,000.00)
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll (16,756.44)
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded 122,327.25
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions 78,256.66
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable (3,562.36)
2010133 GASB 96 - Interest Payable (163,746.71)
2010137 P-Card Default Coding (0.00)
2010141 Vendor Purchase - Clearing (1,029,773.79)
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing (46,480.73)
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable (72,744.04)
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages (3,309,840.81)
2020103 Accrued Vacation (3,023,881.28)
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave (1,882,276.56)
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing 69,030.31
2020204 Union Dues Payable 0.00
2020205 Vision Insurance (42,105.92)
2020206 Prepaid Legal Withholding (490.00)
2020301 FICA Withheld 377,845.04
2020302 FIT Withheld 815,075.29
2020308 Garnishments Withheld (2,770.88)
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld 9,526.15
2020310 401K Withheld 724,742.13
2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction (169,317.10)
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld 125,452.74
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld (276,998.44)
2020318 Flex Early Retirement (60,621.12)
2020325 Sales Tax Payable 0.00
2030101 Accrued FICA 338,647.75
2030104 Accrued SUTA 2,413.62
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability 0.00
2050101 Deferred Fare Revenue (2,000.85)
2050102 TVM - Change Issued 0.00
2050413 Due To-Due From Other Funds 0.00
2050415 Rent Deposits 4,900.00
2050501 Deferred Lease Revenue 0.00
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money (21,067.04)
2050540 Litigation Liability (2,000,000.00)
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue (652,850.00)
2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees 0.00
2050999 Unidentified Cash Receipts 22,542.79
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund (11,383.46)
2071001 GASB 87 Liability - Current (1,663,488.26)
2072001 GASB 96 Liability - Current (2,379,829.91)
2210443 Net OPEB Liability (3,417,623.00)
2210515 Long Term - Sick (1,645,820.88)
2210516 Long Term - Vacation (1,445,113.15)
2210522 MV Vacation and Sick (7,006,312.91)
2210610 Deferred Rent Revenue 0.00
2210730 GASB 87 Liability - Non Current (6,673,921.48)
2210830 GASB 96 Liability - Non Current (3,254,992.50)
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability (18,201,395.00) (47,319,064.00)
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability (29,117,669.00)
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain-Loss (8,625,047.05)
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience (482,679.00)
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption (10,742,585.00)
2220411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 5,700,113.60
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience (171,477.20)
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption 3,249,953.74
2220500 Fuel Hedging (2,137,291.80)
2220512 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 0.00
2220600 Other Post Employment Benefits (1,821,847.22) deferred inflow - opeb 17
2220610 Accum Amort - OPEB 666,324.14
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain-Loss (7,604,724.00) outflow
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest 4,974,225.00 inflow
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability (75,032,840.43)
2230602 Intergovernmental Payable (30,000,000.00)
3050111 Unreserved-Undesignated (912,997,590.33)
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance (1,353,289.00)
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating (43,052,000.00)
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances 0.00
3050610 Appropriations 99,259,859.03
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance (99,259,859.03)
2023 TB Data


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Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.101Grants.DefauA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.141.101Grants.PubliA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.101Grants.CapitA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.101Grants.CapitA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.101Grants.CapitA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.101Grants.CapitA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.101Grants.CapitA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.542.101Grants.Freig A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.101Grants.Commu A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.101Grants.Commu A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.101Grants.Commu A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.546.101Grants.Rail A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.546.101Grants.Rail A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.101Grants.OperaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.101Grants.OperaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.101Grants.OperaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.101Grants.OperaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.102Grants.DefauA 1020301
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.320.105Grants.Strat A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.105Grants.CapitA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.105Grants.CapitA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.105Grants.CapitA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.921.105Grants.MobilA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.921.105Grants.MobilA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.201Grants.DefauL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.205Grants.DefauL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.205Grants.DefauL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.141.205Grants.PubliL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.141.205Grants.Publ L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.205Grants.CapitL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.540.205Grants.PropeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.542.205Grants.Freig L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.544.205Grants.Commu L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.546.205Grants.Rail L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.550.205Grants.Real L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.205Grants.OperaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.205Grants.OperaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.205Grants.OperaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.205Grants.OperaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.205Grants.DefauL 2050580
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.305Grants.DefauO 3050111
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.305Grants.DefauO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.000.305Grants.DefauO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.220.409Grants.FinanR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.409Grants.CapitR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.409Grants.CapitR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.409Grants.CapitR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.409Grants.CapitR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.409Grants.OperaR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.320.409Grants.Strat R 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.409Grants.CapitR 4090301
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.600.409Grants.OperaR 4090301
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.510Grants.CapitE 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.510Grants.CapitE 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.590Grants.CapitE 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 200 Grants 200.530.590Grants.CapitE 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DefA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.101Operating.NoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.101Operating.NoA 1010101
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Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.101Operating.NoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.101Operating.NoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.101Operating.WeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.101Operating.WeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.101Operating.ChA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.101Operating.ExA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.101Operating.ExA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.101Operating.GoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.101Operating.DiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.101Operating.BoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.101Operating.InA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.101Operating.InA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.101Operating.EnA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.101Operating.EnA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.101Operating.PuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.101Operating.PuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.101Operating.LeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.101Operating.InA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.101Operating.InA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.101Operating.StA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.101Operating.StA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.101Operating.StA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.101Operating.MaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.101Operating.MaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.101Operating.MaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.101Operating.CuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.101Operating.PeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.101Operating.PeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.451.101Operating.VeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.101Operating.PuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.101Operating.PuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.101Operating.CaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.101Operating.CaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.101Operating.CaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.101Operating.CaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.541.101Operating.ReA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.101Operating.FrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.101Operating.FrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.101Operating.FrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.101Operating.CoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.101Operating.ReA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.101Operating.ReA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.101Operating.BuA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.101Operating.InA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.101Operating.PaA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.101Operating.DeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.101Operating.Par
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.101Operating.PrA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.101Operating.MoA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010116
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010117
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.101Operating.NoA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.101Operating.WeA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.101Operating.BuA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.101Operating.ExA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.101Operating.ExA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.101Operating.GoA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.101Operating.BoA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.101Operating.EnA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.101Operating.InA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.101Operating.PrA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.101Operating.StA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.101Operating.MaA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.101Operating.CoA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.101Operating.PeA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.101Operating.RiA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.101Operating.PuA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.101Operating.PuA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.101Operating.CaA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.101Operating.PrA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.101Operating.CoA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.101Operating.ReA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.101Operating.OpA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.101Operating.PaA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010120
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010120
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010122
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010123
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010125
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010125
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010222
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.101Operating.FiA 1010222
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.101Operating.DeA 1010223
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.102Operating.GoA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.102Operating.MaA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.102Operating.FrA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.102Operating.ReA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.102Operating.ReA 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.102Operating.ExA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.102Operating.ExA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.102Operating.GoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.102Operating.GoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.102Operating.DiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.102Operating.DiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.102Operating.DiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.102Operating.BoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.102Operating.BoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.102Operating.EnA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.102Operating.EnA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.102Operating.PuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.102Operating.PuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.102Operating.LeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.102Operating.LeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.102Operating.StA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.102Operating.StA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.102Operating.MaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.102Operating.MaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.102Operating.CuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.102Operating.CuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.102Operating.PeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.102Operating.PeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.102Operating.RiA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.102Operating.CaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.102Operating.CaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.102Operating.CoA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.102Operating.RaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.102Operating.RaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.102Operating.RaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.102Operating.BuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.102Operating.BuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.102Operating.BuA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.102Operating.InA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.102Operating.MeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.D A 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.102Operating.DeA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.102Operating.PaA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.102Operating.PrA 1020102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020103
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020103
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020103
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.102Operating.FrA 1020103
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020107
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020107
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020108
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020109
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.102Operating.GoA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.102Operating.InA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.102Operating.CaA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.102Operating.CaA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.102Operating.ReA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.102Operating.OpA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.102Operating.BuA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.102Operating.DeA 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.Def
A 1020115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.102Operating.Bus
A 1020115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.Def
A 1020116
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.102Operating.Bus
A 1020116
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020125
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.102Operating.PrA 1020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020315
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020602
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.102Operating.DeA 1020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.102Operating.FiA 1020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.103Operating.FiA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.Def
A 1030151
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.103Operating.OpA 1030201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.103Operating.BuA 1030201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.103Operating.DeA 1030201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.103Operating.FiA 1030301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030998
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.103Operating.DeA 1030999
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.104Operating.DeA 1040112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.104Operating.CaA 1040112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.105Operating.Def
A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.105Operating.DeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.105Operating.InA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.105Operating.InA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.105Operating.InA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.105Operating.CaA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.105Operating.CaA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.105Operating.CaA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.105Operating.CaA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.105Operating.PrA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.105Operating.PrA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.105Operating.MoA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.111Operating.PrA 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.111Operating.OpA 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.111Operating.OpA 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110200
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110400
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.111Operating.DeA 1110405
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1310500
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1310501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1310505
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1310507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1310508
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1311000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1311001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1311005
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1311007
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1319000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1319001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1319002
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.131Operating.DeA 1319099
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.151Operating.DeA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.151Operating.BuA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.151Operating.PuA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.151Operating.InA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.151Operating.StA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.151Operating.RiA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.151Operating.CoA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.151Operating.ReA 1510105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.151Operating.DeA 1510110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.151Operating.ReA 1510110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.151Operating.DefA 1510220
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.151Operating.FinA 1510220
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610402
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610403
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610412
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.161Operating.DeA 1610413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.171Operating.DeA 1710110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.201Operating.SaL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.201Operating.FiL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.201Operating.InL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.201Operating.InL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.201Operating.PrL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.201Operating.Ma L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.201Operating.PeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.201Operating.PuL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.201Operating.PrL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.201Operating.PrL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.201Operating.InL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.201Operating.MoL 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.201Operating.FiL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010113
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.Def
L 2010114
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010114
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010120
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010120
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010122
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010127
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010127
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010127
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.Non
L 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010128
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.201Operating.NoL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.201Operating.FiL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010129
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010132
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010133
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.201Operating.ExL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.201Operating.ExL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.201Operating.GoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.201Operating.GoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.201Operating.DiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.201Operating.DiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.201Operating.DiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.201Operating.BoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.201Operating.BoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.201Operating.BoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.201Operating.EnL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.201Operating.EnL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.135.201Operating.StL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.201Operating.SaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.201Operating.PuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.201Operating.PuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.201Operating.LeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.201Operating.LeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.201Operating.FiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.201Operating.FiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.201Operating.StL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.201Operating.StL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.201Operating.MaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.201Operating.MaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.201Operating.MaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.201Operating.CuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.201Operating.CuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.201Operating.PeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.201Operating.PeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.201Operating.PeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.201Operating.RiL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.451.201Operating.VeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.201Operating.CaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.201Operating.CaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.201Operating.CoL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.201Operating.RaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.201Operating.RaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.201Operating.RaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.546.201Operating.RaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.201Operating.ReL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.201Operating.ReL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.201Operating.OpL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.201Operating.BuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.201Operating.BuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.201Operating.BuL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.201Operating.InL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.201Operating.MeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.201Operating.DeL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.201Operating.Par
L 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.201Operating.Par
L 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.201Operating.PaL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.201Operating.PrL 2010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010141
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010151
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.201Operating.DeL 2010152
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020103
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.Def
L 2020114
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.202Operating.PrL 2020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.202Operating.PrL 2020302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020308
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020308
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020308
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.202Operating.PeL 2020309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.202Operating.PrL 2020309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.202Operating.PeL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.202Operating.PrL 2020310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020316
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.202Operating.NoL 2020316
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020316
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.202Operating.PrL 2020316
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020317
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020318
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.202Operating.DeL 2020325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.202Operating.FiL 2020325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.203Operating.DeL 2030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.203Operating.FiL 2030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.203Operating.PrL 2030101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.203Operating.DeL 2030104
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.203Operating.FiL 2030104
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.203Operating.PrL 2030104
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.203Operating.Def
L 2030200
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.203Operating.FiL 2030200
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.205Operating.MaL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.205Operating.OpL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.205Operating.BuL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.205Operating.DeL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.205Operating.DeL 2050101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.205Operating.PuL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.205Operating.PuL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.205Operating.MaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.205Operating.MaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.205Operating.RiL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.205Operating.RiL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.205Operating.PuL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.205Operating.PuL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.205Operating.FrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.205Operating.ReL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.205Operating.OpL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.205Operating.InL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.205Operating.PrL 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.205Operating.GoL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.205Operating.DiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.205Operating.InL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.205Operating.PuL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.205Operating.PuL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.205Operating.LeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.205Operating.InL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.205Operating.PrL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.205Operating.PrL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.205Operating.PrL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.205Operating.StL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.205Operating.StL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.205Operating.MaL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.205Operating.MaL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.205Operating.CuL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.205Operating.PeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.205Operating.PeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.205Operating.PeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.205Operating.RiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.205Operating.RiL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.205Operating.PuL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.205Operating.PuL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.205Operating.CaL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.205Operating.CoL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.205Operating.OpL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.205Operating.D L 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.205Operating.DeL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.205Operating.PaL 2050510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.Def
L 2050540
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.205Operating.RiL 2050540
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050580
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050580
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050590
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.205Operating.FiL 2050590
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.205Operating.DeL 2050999
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.206Operating.DeL 2060205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.206Operating.FiL 2060205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.207Operating.DeL 2071001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.207Operating.DeL 2072001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210443
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210515
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210516
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210522
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.221Operating.FiL 2210610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.221Operating.BuL 2210610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.221Operating.DeL 2210610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210730
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.221Operating.DeL 2210830
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220115
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220402
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220403
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220412
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220500
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220600
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.DeL 2220711
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.222Operating.Def
L 2220800
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.223Operating.DeL 2230602
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050313
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.305Operating.NoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.305Operating.WeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.305Operating.ChO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.305Operating.ExO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.305Operating.ExO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.305Operating.GoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.305Operating.BoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.305Operating.InO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.305Operating.EnO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.305Operating.EnO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.305Operating.PuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.305Operating.PuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.305Operating.LeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.305Operating.InO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.305Operating.RiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.305Operating.StO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.305Operating.MaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.305Operating.CuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.305Operating.PeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.305Operating.RiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.305Operating.RiO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.305Operating.Pub
O 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.305Operating.PuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.305Operating.CaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.305Operating.CaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.305Operating.FrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.545.305Operating.WeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.305Operating.ReO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.305Operating.ReO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.305Operating.PaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.305Operating.PaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.305Operating.DeO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.Par
O 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.Par
O 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.PaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.305Operating.PrO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.950.305Operating.RaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.950.305Operating.RaO 3050610
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.305Operating.NoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.305Operating.WeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.305Operating.ChO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.305Operating.ExO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.305Operating.ExO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.115.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.305Operating.GoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.305Operating.BoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.305Operating.InO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.305Operating.EnO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.305Operating.EnO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.305Operating.PuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.305Operating.PuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.305Operating.LeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.305Operating.FiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.305Operating.InO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.305Operating.RiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.305Operating.StO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.305Operating.MaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.305Operating.CuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.305Operating.PeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.305Operating.RiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.305Operating.RiO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.305Operating.Pub
O 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.305Operating.PuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.305Operating.CaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.305Operating.CaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.305Operating.FrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.305Operating.CoO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.545.305Operating.WeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.305Operating.ReO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.305Operating.ReO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.305Operating.OpO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.610.305Operating.BuO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.305Operating.PaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.630.305Operating.PaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.305Operating.DeO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.ParO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.ParO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.305Operating.PaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.305Operating.PrO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.950.305Operating.RaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.950.305Operating.RaO 3050620
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.401Operating.InR 4010101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.401Operating.Me R 4010102
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.401Operating.RiR 4010105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010137
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010138
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010142
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.401Operating.FiR 4010315
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.401Operating.InR 4010315
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.402Operating.FiR 4020503
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.402Operating.FinR 4020507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.402Operating.FiR 4020508
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.402Operating.FiR 4020510
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.407Operating.FrR 4070302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.407Operating.InR 4070303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.407Operating.RiR 4070304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.407Operating.InR 4070304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070307
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.407Operating.FrR 4070308
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.407Operating.ReR 4070309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070402
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070410
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4070415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079905
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079905
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079912
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079914
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.407Operating.MaR 4079914
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.407Operating.DeR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.407Operating.ChR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.407Operating.ChR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.407Operating.StR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.407Operating.StR 4079925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.407Operating.MaR 4079926
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.407Operating.FiR 4079935
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.408Operating.FiR 4080201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.408Operating.BoR 4080210
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.408Operating.FiR 4080210
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.409Operating.CaR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.409Operating.CaR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.409Operating.StR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.409Operating.StR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.409Operating.OpR 4090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.409Operating.OpR 4090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.409Operating.DeR 4090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.409Operating.DeR 4090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.409Operating.Par
R 4090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090210
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.409Operating.FiR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.409Operating.MoR 4090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.410Operating.FiR 4101002
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.410Operating.FiR 4101002
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.410Operating.PrR 4101002
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.416Operating.FiR 4160100
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.416Operating.FiR 4160300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.416Operating.FiR 4160400
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.416Operating.FiR 4160500
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.501Operating.ExE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.501Operating.ExE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.501Operating.GoE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.501Operating.DiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.501Operating.BoE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.501Operating.InE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.501Operating.InE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.501Operating.EnE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.501Operating.EnE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.501Operating.SaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.501Operating.SaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.501Operating.SyE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.501Operating.LeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.501Operating.InE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.501Operating.InE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.501Operating.RiE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.501Operating.StE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.501Operating.StE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.501Operating.StE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.501Operating.StE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.501Operating.MaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.501Operating.MaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.501Operating.CoE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.501Operating.CuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.501Operating.CuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.501Operating.CuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.501Operating.PeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.501Operating.PeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.501Operating.Pub
E 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.501Operating.PuE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.501Operating.CaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.501Operating.FrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.501Operating.CoE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.501Operating.ReE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.501Operating.ReE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.501Operating.OpE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.501Operating.OpE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.501Operating.OpE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.501Operating.InE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.501Operating.MeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.501Operating.MeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.501Operating.DeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.501Operating.DeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.501Operating.DeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.501Operating.DeE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.501Operating.PaE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.501Operating.Par
E 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.501Operating.PrE 5010201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.501Operating.InE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.501Operating.EnE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.501Operating.EnE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.501Operating.FiE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.501Operating.InE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.501Operating.PrE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.501Operating.StE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.501Operating.MaE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.501Operating.CoE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.501Operating.CuE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.501Operating.PeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.501Operating.Pub
E 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.501Operating.PuE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.501Operating.PrE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.501Operating.PrE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.501Operating.OpE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.501Operating.OpE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.501Operating.MeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.501Operating.MeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.501Operating.DeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.501Operating.DeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.501Operating.DeE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.501Operating.Par
E 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.501Operating.PrE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.501Operating.PrE 5010203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.501Operating.PuE 5010301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.501Operating.InE 5010301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.501Operating.InE 5010304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.501Operating.CoE 5010304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.PaE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020200
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NonE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NonE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NonE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.IntE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LegE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FinE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FinE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.Pub
E 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.Pub
E 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.Non
E 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.Non
E 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NonE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExeE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.IntE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LegE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FinE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FinE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.Ma E 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PubE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PubE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.Me E 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.502Operating.WeE 5020421
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.502Operating.WeE 5020421
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.502Operating.BuE 5020421
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020421
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020421
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.Pub
E 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.E E 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.E E 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.P E 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.ME 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.PaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.PaE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020832
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020845
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5020901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5020904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021001
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021304
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021307
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021406
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5021411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021415
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021430
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021443
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.100.502Operating.NoE 5021443
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.502Operating.ExE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.502Operating.GoE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.502Operating.DiE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.502Operating.BoE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.502Operating.InE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.502Operating.EnE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.502Operating.SaE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.502Operating.PuE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.502Operating.SyE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.502Operating.LeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.502Operating.FiE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.502Operating.InE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.502Operating.PrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.502Operating.RiE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.502Operating.StE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.502Operating.MaE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.502Operating.CoE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.502Operating.CuE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.502Operating.PeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.502Operating.PuE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.502Operating.CaE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.502Operating.PrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.502Operating.FrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.502Operating.CoE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.502Operating.ReE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.502Operating.OpE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.502Operating.InE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.502Operating.MeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.502Operating.DeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.502Operating.DeE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.502Operating.Par
E 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.502Operating.PrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.502Operating.PrE 5021444
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.503Operating.LeE 5030302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.503Operating.LeE 5030302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.503Operating.LeE 5030302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.503Operating.GoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.Div
E 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.DiE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.503Operating.EnE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.503Operating.EnE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.503Operating.SaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.503Operating.SaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.503Operating.SyE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.503Operating.SyE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.503Operating.SyE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.C E 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.503Operating.FrE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030303
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030305
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030306
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030307
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.503Operating.WeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.503Operating.ChE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.503Operating.ExE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.503Operating.GoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.DiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.503Operating.BoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.503Operating.InE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.503Operating.SaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.503Operating.SaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.503Operating.SaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.503Operating.SyE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.Pub
E 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.503Operating.Par
E 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.503Operating.PrE 5030309
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.503Operating.BuE 5030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030311
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.DiE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.503Operating.EnE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.503Operating.MeE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.503Operating.DeE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.503Operating.Par
E 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030401
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030506
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.503Operating.MeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.503Operating.DeE 5030507
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.503Operating.PrE 5030509
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5030511
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.503Operating.SyE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.503Operating.CoE 5030512
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.Pub
E 5030515
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.Pub
E 5030515
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5030601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5030701
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5039901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5039901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.503Operating.WeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.503Operating.BuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.Div
E 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.503Operating.DiE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.503Operating.BoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.503Operating.LeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.503Operating.FiE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.503Operating.StE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.503Operating.CoE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.503Operating.CuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.503Operating.CuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.503Operating.PeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.Pub
E 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.503Operating.PuE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.503Operating.CaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.503Operating.ReE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.503Operating.OpE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.503Operating.InE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.503Operating.MeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.503Operating.MeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.503Operating.DeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.503Operating.DeE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.503Operating.PaE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.503Operating.PrE 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5039910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5039910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5039910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5039910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.503Operating.InE 5039910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.503Operating.PuE 5039926
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.503Operating.MaE 5039926
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.503Operating.FrE 5039960
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040105
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040109
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5040111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5040121
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5040131
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040131
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040131
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5040145
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.504Operating.FrE 5040148
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.504Operating.FrE 5040148
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040150
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040151
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5040201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.504Operating.WeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.504Operating.WeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.504Operating.BuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.504Operating.BuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.504Operating.BuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.504Operating.BuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.504Operating.Exe
E 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.504Operating.ExE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.504Operating.GoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.504Operating.Div
E 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.504Operating.DiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.504Operating.BoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.504Operating.EnE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.504Operating.SaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.504Operating.SaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.504Operating.SyE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.504Operating.LeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.504Operating.LeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.504Operating.LeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.504Operating.InE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.504Operating.RiE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.504Operating.StE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.504Operating.StE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.504Operating.StE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.504Operating.CuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.504Operating.CuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.504Operating.CuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.504Operating.CaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.504Operating.CaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.504Operating.ReE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.504Operating.ReE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.504Operating.DeE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.504Operating.PaE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.504Operating.PrE 5049901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049902
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049902
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049903
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.504Operating.PrE 5049904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049906
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049906
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049907
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049907
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049907
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.504Operating.BoE 5049908
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.504Operating.WeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.504Operating.SaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.504Operating.SaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.504Operating.SaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.504Operating.StE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.504Operating.MaE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.504Operating.CoE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.504Operating.PeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.420.504Operating.RiE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.Pub
E 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.504Operating.InE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.504Operating.Par
E 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.504Operating.Par
E 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.504Operating.PrE 5049909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.504Operating.CoE 5049910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.504Operating.DeE 5049910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.504Operating.PuE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.504Operating.PrE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.504Operating.MeE 5049920
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049931
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.504Operating.ExE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.504Operating.ExE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.504Operating.EnE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.504Operating.InE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.504Operating.InE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.504Operating.PrE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049932
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.504Operating.FiE 5049933
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.504Operating.OpE 5049975
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.505Operating.OpE 5050110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.505Operating.OpE 5050110
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050203
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.505Operating.ExE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.505Operating.ExE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.505Operating.GoE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.505Operating.DiE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.505Operating.BoE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.505Operating.InE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.505Operating.EnE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.505Operating.EnE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.505Operating.SaE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.505Operating.SaE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.505Operating.LeE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.505Operating.FiE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.505Operating.FiE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.505Operating.InE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.505Operating.InE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.505Operating.InE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.505Operating.RiE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.505Operating.StE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.505Operating.MaE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.505Operating.CoE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.505Operating.CuE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.505Operating.PeE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.505Operating.CaE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.505Operating.ReE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.505Operating.ReE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.505Operating.OpE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.505Operating.OpE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.505Operating.InE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.505Operating.DeE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.505Operating.DeE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.505Operating.DeE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.505Operating.Par
E 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.505Operating.PrE 5050204
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050207
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.505Operating.PuE 5050208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060210
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060302
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.506Operating.PrE 5060801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060802
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060809
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.506Operating.FiE 5060809
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.506Operating.PrE 5060809
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.507Operating.CoE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.507Operating.OpE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.507Operating.MeE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.507Operating.DeE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.507Operating.DeE 5070501
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.508Operating.RiE 5080111
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.508Operating.CoE 5080200
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.508Operating.CoE 5080202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080300
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.508Operating.PrE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.508Operating.PrE 5080325
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080330
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080335
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.508Operating.PrE 5080350
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080350
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.508Operating.OpE 5080350
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080350
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.508Operating.DeE 5080350
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.508Operating.RiE 5080400
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.508Operating.StE 5080400
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.508Operating.InE 5080410
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.508Operating.InE 5080411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.508Operating.InE 5080411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.508Operating.PrE 5080411
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.508Operating.MeE 5080413
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.509Operating.BuE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.C E 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.Exe
E 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.PaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.PaE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090206
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090208
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.Exe
E 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.Pub
E 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.PaE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.Div
E 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5090250
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.ME 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.D E 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5090804
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.103.509Operating.ChE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.PaE 5099901
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099902
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099904
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099907
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099907
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.509Operating.DeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.509Operating.FrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099911
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099912
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099925
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.509Operating.PrE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099950
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.509Operating.WeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.102.509Operating.WeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.110.509Operating.ExE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.118.509Operating.GoE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.119.509Operating.DiE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.509Operating.BoE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.125.509Operating.InE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.130.509Operating.EnE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.140.509Operating.SaE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.509Operating.PuE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.142.509Operating.SyE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.150.509Operating.LeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.509Operating.InE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.250.509Operating.PrE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.275.509Operating.RiE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.509Operating.StE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.509Operating.MaE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.509Operating.CoE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.509Operating.CuE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.509Operating.PeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.509Operating.PuE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.509Operating.CaE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.509Operating.PrE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.542.509Operating.FrE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.544.509Operating.CoE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.509Operating.ReE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.509Operating.OpE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.509Operating.InE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.509Operating.MeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.509Operating.DeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.640.509Operating.DeE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.650.509Operating.Par
E 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.940.509Operating.PrE 5099992
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.000.509Operating.DeE 5099999
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099999
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.509Operating.FiE 5099999
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.230.510Operating.InE 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.510Operating.MaE 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5120201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5120301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5120301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.512Operating.Pro
E 5120301
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.330.512Operating.MaE 5120601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.331.512Operating.CoE 5120601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.512Operating.PrE 5120601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.512Operating.PrE 5120601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5120601
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.512Operating.OpE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.615.512Operating.InE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.512Operating.MeE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.512Operating.MeE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.512Operating.MeE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.512Operating.MeE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.620.512Operating.DeE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.920.512Operating.PrE 5120801
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.512Operating.PeE 5121201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.457.512Operating.PuE 5121201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5121201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.512Operating.ReE 5121201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.616.512Operating.MeE 5121201
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.105.512Operating.BuE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.512Operating.PuE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.332.512Operating.CuE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.512Operating.PeE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.512Operating.PeE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.340.512Operating.PeE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.512Operating.OpE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.512Operating.OpE 5121202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.513Operating.ReE 5131880
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.550.513Operating.ReE 5131885
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.513Operating.FiE 5131890
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.513Operating.FiE 5131895
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.514Operating.Boa
E 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.120.514Operating.BoE 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.514Operating.PrE 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.514Operating.PrE 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.540.514Operating.PrE 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.514Operating.OpE 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.516Operating.FiE 5160205
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.520Operating.Mo E 5200500
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.520Operating.Mo E 5200540
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.520Operating.Mo E 5200600
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.520Operating.Mo E 5200640
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.540Operating.Mo E 5400101
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.570Operating.StE 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.570Operating.StE 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.921.570Operating.Mo E 5700202
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.580Operating.FiE 5803000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5803000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5803000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5803000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.600.580Operating.OpE 5803000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.141.580Operating.PuE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.320.580Operating.StE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.580Operating.CaE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.580Operating.CaE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.580Operating.CaE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.530.580Operating.CaE 5804000
Y CapMetro GA 510 Operating 510.220.580Operating.FiE 5805000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.220.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.457.101Capital projeA 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.101Capital proj A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.101Capital projeA 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.101Capital proj A 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.103Capital proj A 1030101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.104Capital proj A 1040112
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.105Capital proj A 1050201
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Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.999.105Capital proj A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.999.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.999.105Capital projeA 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.201Capital proj L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.201Capital proj L 2010112
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.201Capital proj L 2010113
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital pro L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.220.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.320.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.320.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.420.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.420.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.420.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.542.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.546.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.546.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.546.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.546.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.550.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.550.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.550.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.550.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.550.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.205Capital proj L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.000.305Capital proj O 3050111
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.220.410Capital proj R 4101001
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.440Capital proj R 4400100
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.503Capital proj E 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.503Capital proj E 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.503Capital proj E 5039909
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.504Capital proj E 5049915
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090201
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090211
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5090215
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.509Capital proj E 5099909
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.509Capital proj E 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.509Capital proj E 5099910
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.510Capital proj E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.514Capital proj E 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.514Capital proj E 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.514Capital proj E 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.514Capital proj E 5140101
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.141.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.230.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.530.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.540.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.544.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.600.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 600 Capital projects 600.920.590Capital proj E 5909000
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.420.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.101Fixed Assets A 1010101
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.102Fixed Assets A 1020105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.102Fixed Assets A 1020315
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.102Fixed Assets A 1020501
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.102Fixed Assets A 1020501
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.320.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.320.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.546.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.546.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.546.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.546.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.105Fixed Assets.A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.105Fixed Assets A 1050201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.560.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110105
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.120.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.310.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.331.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.332.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.340.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.420.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110115
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110120
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets.A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110125
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110130
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110135
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110140
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets.A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets.A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110145
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets.A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.332.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110155
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110160
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110165
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110175
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.110.111Fixed Assets A 1110180
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.420.111Fixed Assets A 1110180
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110180
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110200
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110205
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.110.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.120.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.310.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.331.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.332.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.332.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.340.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.420.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.560.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.111Fixed Assets A 1110301
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110305
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110400
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.111Fixed Assets A 1110405
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.171Fixed Assets A 1710110
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.201Fixed Assets L 2010132
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.201Fixed Assets L 2010133
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.205Fixed Asset L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.320.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.320.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Asset L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Asset L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.205Fixed Asset L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.920.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.999.205Fixed Assets L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.207Fixed Assets.L 2071001
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.207Fixed Assets.L 2072001
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.221Fixed Assets L 2210730
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.221Fixed Assets L 2210830
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.222Fixed Assets.L 2220800
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.000.305Fixed Assets O 3050111
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.407Fixed Assets R 4070411
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.407Fixed Assets R 4070415
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.407Fixed Assets R 4079905
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.407Fixed Assets R 4079905
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.407Fixed Assets R 4079912
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.530.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.510Fixed Assets E 5100310
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.511Fixed Assets E 5110201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.550.511Fixed Assets E 5110201
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.513Fixed Assets E 5130150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130150
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130225
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.542.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130330
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.230.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130435
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130545
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.110.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.141.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130605
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.457.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.540.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.544.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.600.513Fixed Assets E 5130710
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Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.513Fixed Assets E 5131890
Y CapMetro GA 900 Fixed Assets 900.220.513Fixed Assets E 5131895
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Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.101Payment Clea A 1010101
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Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.100.101Payment Clea A 1010101
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Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.103.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.105.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.110.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.110.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.115.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.118.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.119.101Payment Clea A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.120.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.130.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.130.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.141.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.141.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.141.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.141.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.150.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.230.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.230.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.250.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.250.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.275.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.275.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.320.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.320.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.320.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.330.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.330.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.330.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.331.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.331.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.332.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.420.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.420.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.420.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.420.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.451.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.457.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.457.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.457.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.530.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.540.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.541.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.546.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.546.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.550.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.550.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
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A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.640.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.640.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.640.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.650.101Payment Clear
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.920.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.921.101Payment Clea
A 1010101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.101Payment Clea
A 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.120.101Payment Clea
A 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010118
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.420.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.540.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.544.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
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A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.610.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
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A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.620.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.630.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.640.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.640.101Payment Clea
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.650.101Payment Clear
A 1010119
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.102Payment Clea
A 1020101
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.102Payment Clea
A 1020103
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.102Payment Clea
A 1020110
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.102Payment Clea
A 1020601
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.220.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.540.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.542.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.550.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.600.201Payment Clea
L 2010111
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.205Payment Clea
L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.205Payment Clea
L 2050413
Y CapMetro GA 999 Payment Clearing Fund 999.000.305Payment Clea
O 3050111
AX - Fund Ca (131,404,730.68) - - (131,404,730.68) -
AX - Fund Ca 474,342.00 - - 474,342.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 173,391.00 - - 173,391.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 448,587.00 - - 448,587.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,401,740.00 - - 1,401,740.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,916.46 - - 2,916.46 -
AX - Fund Ca 19,074.46 - - 19,074.46 -
AX - Fund Ca 282,071.00 - - 282,071.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 930,205.00 - - 930,205.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 9,852,429.50 - - 9,852,429.50 -
AX - Fund Ca 6,311,036.00 - - 6,311,036.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 16,931,026.00 - - 16,931,026.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 286,825.00 - - 286,825.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,612,779.00 - - 2,612,779.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 6,971,976.00 - - 6,971,976.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 220,000.00 - - 220,000.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 7,841,476.70 - - 7,841,476.70 -
Accrued Gran - 30,817,459.50 25,290,267.04 5,527,192.46 5,527,192.46
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,553.00 4,553.00 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,531,218.22 1,765,609.11 1,765,609.11 1,765,609.11
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,655,961.62 2,354,049.60 2,301,912.02 2,301,912.02
W.I.P.-Capita - 223,488.10 138,841.43 84,646.67 84,646.67
W.I.P.-Capita - 70,155.00 70,155.00 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 45,837.00 45,837.00 - -
Accounts Pay (471,450.00) 4,038,432.03 4,072,333.08 (505,351.05) (33,901.05)
Due To-Due 64,005,322.20 - 1,099,939.34 62,905,382.86 (1,099,939.34)
Due To-Due 620,047.84 21,523,836.03 5,113,659.89 17,030,223.98 16,410,176.14
Due To-Due 182,337.00 - - 182,337.00 -
Due To-Due 233,713.82 - - 233,713.82 -
Due To-Due (19,074.46) - - (19,074.46) -
Due To-Due 33,041,289.84 - - 33,041,289.84 -
Due To-Due 58,215.00 - - 58,215.00 -
Due To-Due 136,375.77 - - 136,375.77 -
Due To-Due 13,776.00 - - 13,776.00 -
Due To-Due 39,336.83 - - 39,336.83 -
Due To-Due 1,294,580.94 - - 1,294,580.94 -
Due To-Due 234,085.18 - - 234,085.18 -
Due To-Due 1,478,313.22 - - 1,478,313.22 -
Due To-Due 1,135,771.65 - - 1,135,771.65 -
Due To-Due 17,646.53 - - 17,646.53 -
Due To-Due 12,543,157.06 - - 12,543,157.06 -
Due To-Due 3,719,238.31 - - 3,719,238.31 -
Due To-Due 63,456.41 - - 63,456.41 -
Due To-Due 1,900.20 - - 1,900.20 -
Due To-Due 14,382,471.29 - - 14,382,471.29 -
Due To-Due 26,137,192.27 - - 26,137,192.27 -
Due To-Due 1,631,533.02 - - 1,631,533.02 -
Due To-Due 539,033.17 - - 539,033.17 -
Due To-Due 1,231,423.57 - - 1,231,423.57 -
Due To-Due 17,120,897.86 - - 17,120,897.86 -
Due To-Due 101,196.49 - - 101,196.49 -
Due To-Due 16,300,587.96 - - 16,300,587.96 -
Due To-Due 550,199.40 - - 550,199.40 -
Due To-Due 4,850,000.00 - - 4,850,000.00 -
Due To-Due 6,045,700.65 - - 6,045,700.65 -
Deferred Gr - 26,707,056.75 26,707,056.75 - -
Unreserved- (130,573,419.46) - - (130,573,419.46) -
Appropriatio 29,440,000.00 - - 29,440,000.00 -
Budgetary F (29,440,000.00) - - (29,440,000.00) -
Grant Revenu - 96,744.00 96,744.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 56,559.00 56,559.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 115,461.00 115,461.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 1,343.00 1,343.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 4,780.00 4,780.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 17,173.00 17,173.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 38,571.00 38,571.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 2,525,889.35 5,193,420.48 (2,667,531.13) (2,667,531.13)
Grant Revenu - 3,921.13 5,960,340.26 (5,956,419.13) (5,956,419.13)
Grant Revenu - 864.00 4,465,799.84 (4,464,935.84) (4,464,935.84)
Grant Revenu - - 2,529.75 (2,529.75) (2,529.75)
Grant Revenu - - 10,471,710.94 (10,471,710.94) (10,471,710.94)
Grant Revenu - 39,356.00 39,356.00 - -
Grant Revenu - 362.15 362.15 - -
Grant Revenu - - 1,392,569.22 (1,392,569.22) (1,392,569.22)
Capital Expe - 887,209.38 887,209.38 - -
Capital Expe - 1,287,181.60 1,287,181.60 - -
Capital Proj - 887,209.38 887,209.38 - -
Capital Proj - 1,287,181.60 1,287,181.60 - -
AX - Fund Ca (2,716,713,270.20) - 5,272,906.19 (2,721,986,176.39) (5,272,906.19)
AX - Fund Ca 491,654.52 - - 491,654.52 -
AX - Fund Ca 6,962.54 - - 6,962.54 -
AX - Fund Ca 13,336.59 - - 13,336.59 -
AX - Fund Ca 12,721.68 - - 12,721.68 -
AX - Fund Ca 184.52 - - 184.52 -
AX - Fund Ca 12,900.27 - - 12,900.27 -
AX - Fund Ca 9,495.90 - - 9,495.90 -
AX - Fund Ca 9,906.94 - - 9,906.94 -
AX - Fund Ca 30,306.47 - - 30,306.47 -
AX - Fund Ca 478.56 - - 478.56 -
AX - Fund Ca 17,171.71 - - 17,171.71 -
AX - Fund Ca 23,905.07 - - 23,905.07 -
AX - Fund Ca 3,035.43 - - 3,035.43 -
AX - Fund Ca 9,090.94 - - 9,090.94 -
AX - Fund Ca 22,090.88 - - 22,090.88 -
AX - Fund Ca 17,846.39 - - 17,846.39 -
AX - Fund Ca 16,065.78 - - 16,065.78 -
AX - Fund Ca 4,525.89 - - 4,525.89 -
AX - Fund Ca 3,205.58 - - 3,205.58 -
AX - Fund Ca 49,197.45 - - 49,197.45 -
AX - Fund Ca 24,931.37 - - 24,931.37 -
AX - Fund Ca 19,328.60 - - 19,328.60 -
AX - Fund Ca 55,159.41 - - 55,159.41 -
AX - Fund Ca 32,389.66 - - 32,389.66 -
AX - Fund Ca 690,299.20 - - 690,299.20 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,955.15 - - 2,955.15 -
AX - Fund Ca 885.00 - - 885.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (831.86) - - (831.86) -
AX - Fund Ca 3,889,453.36 - - 3,889,453.36 -
AX - Fund Ca 42,349.00 - - 42,349.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 597.12 - - 597.12 -
AX - Fund Ca (395,130.89) - - (395,130.89) -
AX - Fund Ca (194,195.88) - - (194,195.88) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,215,965.28) - - (1,215,965.28) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,645.00 - - 1,645.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (106,539.82) - - (106,539.82) -
AX - Fund Ca 135.95 - - 135.95 -
AX - Fund Ca (169,051.26) - - (169,051.26) -
AX - Fund Ca 4,265.71 - - 4,265.71 -
AX - Fund Ca (342,460.80) - - (342,460.80) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,815.00 - - 1,815.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,403,000.94) - - (1,403,000.94) -
AX - Fund Ca (239,127.34) - - (239,127.34) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,693,958,067.00 - - 1,693,958,067.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (51,911.11) - - (51,911.11) -
AX - Fund Ca (69,370,138.84) - - (69,370,138.84) -
AX - Fund Ca 4,227.42 - - 4,227.42 -
AX - Fund Ca 172,278.28 - - 172,278.28 -
AX - Fund Ca (2,464,321.44) - - (2,464,321.44) -
AX - Fund Ca 22.66 - - 22.66 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,380.74 - - 2,380.74 -
AX - Fund Ca (568,792.70) - - (568,792.70) -
AX - Fund Ca 95.00 - - 95.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (42,325.80) - - (42,325.80) -
AX - Fund Ca 656,068.00 - - 656,068.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 847,757.00 - - 847,757.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,132,123.92) - - (1,132,123.92) -
AX - Fund Ca 5,385,468.28 - - 5,385,468.28 -
AX - Fund Ca 59,775.93 - - 59,775.93 -
AX - Fund Ca (700,393.32) - - (700,393.32) -
AX - Fund Ca (117,908.07) - - (117,908.07) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,260.00) - - (1,260.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (673,216.55) - - (673,216.55) -
AX - Fund Ca 12.34 - - 12.34 -
AX - Fund Ca (576,793.44) - - (576,793.44) -
AX - Fund Ca 251.92 - - 251.92 -
AX - Fund Ca 3,404.67 - - 3,404.67 -
AX - Fund Ca 379,624.00 - - 379,624.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,428.24 - - 1,428.24 -
AX - Fund Ca (224,223.38) - - (224,223.38) -
AX - Fund Ca 632.50 - - 632.50 -
AX - Fund Ca (355,421.09) - - (355,421.09) -
AX - Fund Ca 7.16 - - 7.16 -
AX - Fund Ca (485,673.22) - - (485,673.22) -
AX - Fund Ca 19,258.46 - - 19,258.46 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,400.00 - - 1,400.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 92,044.00 - - 92,044.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 10,356.12 - - 10,356.12 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,509.55) - - (1,509.55) -
AX - Fund Ca (474.48) - - (474.48) -
AX - Fund Ca (392,346.06) - - (392,346.06) -
AX - Fund Ca 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 26,069,029.27 - - 26,069,029.27 -
AX - Fund Ca (672.00) - - (672.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (249,605.35) - - (249,605.35) -
AX - Fund Ca 163.99 - - 163.99 -
AX - Fund Ca (612,060.05) - - (612,060.05) -
AX - Fund Ca (250.00) - - (250.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 5,880,126.52 - - 5,880,126.52 -
AX - Fund Ca (90,945.34) - - (90,945.34) -
AX - Fund Ca 312.50 - - 312.50 -
AX - Fund Ca (479,478.40) - - (479,478.40) -
AX - Fund Ca (279,523.44) - - (279,523.44) -
AX - Fund Ca (722.03) - - (722.03) -
AX - Fund Ca (18.76) - - (18.76) -
AX - Fund Ca 10,465.50 - - 10,465.50 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,160.92) - - (1,160.92) -
AX - Fund Ca (2,053.24) - - (2,053.24) -
AX - Fund Ca (52,264.62) - - (52,264.62) -
AX - Fund Ca (188,605.16) - - (188,605.16) -
AX - Fund Ca 184.45 - - 184.45 -
AX - Fund Ca 732.96 - - 732.96 -
AX - Fund Ca 789.80 - - 789.80 -
AX - Fund Ca 9,301.69 - - 9,301.69 -
AX - Fund Ca 422.72 - - 422.72 -
AX - Fund Ca 3,750.00 - - 3,750.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,332.87) - - (1,332.87) -
AX - Fund Ca 98,699.20 - - 98,699.20 -
AX - Fund Ca 231.00 - - 231.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (91,209.98) - - (91,209.98) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,287.00 - - 1,287.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (149,732.52) - - (149,732.52) -
AX - Fund Ca (195,689.14) - - (195,689.14) -
AX - Fund Ca (632,259.37) - - (632,259.37) -
AX - Fund Ca (75.03) - - (75.03) -
AX - Fund Ca (265,803.26) - - (265,803.26) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,581,287.00 - - 1,581,287.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 84,267.00 - - 84,267.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 300.00 - - 300.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 5,363.51 - - 5,363.51 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,900.00 - - 2,900.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 300.00 - - 300.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 50.00 - - 50.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,450.00 - - 1,450.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 63,943.00 - - 63,943.00 -
Cash - Prope - 137,179.52 - 137,179.52 137,179.52
Cash - Gener 609,649.99 941,511,458.56 937,420,793.81 4,700,314.74 4,090,664.75
Cash - Payab 1,505,957,378.75 88,751,071.14 87,869,644.23 1,506,838,805.66 881,426.91
Cash - Payab (521,465.27) - - (521,465.27) -
Cash - Payab (6,191.58) - - (6,191.58) -
Cash - Payab (72.63) - - (72.63) -
Cash - Payab (715.68) - - (715.68) -
Cash - Payab (3,468.75) - - (3,468.75) -
Cash - Payab (2,409.70) - - (2,409.70) -
Cash - Payab (34.50) - - (34.50) -
Cash - Payab (2,092.42) - - (2,092.42) -
Cash - Payab (7,860.21) - - (7,860.21) -
Cash - Payab (11,687.90) - - (11,687.90) -
Cash - Payab (10,108.66) - - (10,108.66) -
Cash - Payab (458.33) - - (458.33) -
Cash - Payab (51,212.87) - - (51,212.87) -
Cash - Payab (9,738.90) - - (9,738.90) -
Cash - Payab (396.40) - - (396.40) -
Cash - Payab (445.05) - - (445.05) -
Cash - Payab (58,346.89) - - (58,346.89) -
Cash - Payab (1,750.00) - - (1,750.00) -
Cash - Payab (44.73) - - (44.73) -
Cash - Payab (820.95) - - (820.95) -
Cash - Payab (99,795.62) - - (99,795.62) -
Cash - Payab (3,461.01) - - (3,461.01) -
Cash - Payab (40.00) - - (40.00) -
Cash - Payab (405.00) - - (405.00) -
Cash - Payab (25,188.18) - - (25,188.18) -
Cash - Payab (5,000.00) - - (5,000.00) -
Cash - Payab (245.00) - - (245.00) -
Cash - Payab (1,551.25) - - (1,551.25) -
Cash - Payab (30,898.95) - - (30,898.95) -
Cash - Payab (24.60) - - (24.60) -
Cash - Payab (171.06) - - (171.06) -
Cash - Payab (5,164.96) - - (5,164.96) -
Cash - Payrol 148,935,941.61 55,275,675.15 55,947,400.59 148,264,216.17 (671,725.44)
Cash Clearin - 974,900,555.39 977,752,036.31 (2,851,480.92) (2,851,480.92)
Cash Clearin - 3,319,895.67 - 3,319,895.67 3,319,895.67
Bytemark Cle - 9,928,334.51 9,212,290.03 716,044.48 716,044.48
Via Clearing - 53,869,854.37 53,794,585.58 75,268.79 75,268.79
Payroll Cash - 23,972,647.02 23,976,445.79 (3,798.77) (3,798.77)
United Healt 146,800.00 81,000.00 - 227,800.00 81,000.00
United Healt (14,800.00) - - (14,800.00) -
Petty-Cash T 500.00 - - 500.00 -
Petty-Cash T (500.00) - - (500.00) -
Change Fund 1,200.00 - - 1,200.00 -
Accounts Rec (362,141.00) 99,065,855.77 89,727,560.89 8,976,153.88 9,338,294.88
Accounts Rec (328,565.83) - - (328,565.83) -
Accounts Rec 1,142,417.72 43,331.80 43,331.80 1,142,417.72 -
Accounts Rec 4,800.00 - - 4,800.00 -
Accounts Rec 160,842.35 - - 160,842.35 -
Accounts Rec 441,215.02 - - 441,215.02 -
Accounts Rec 328,179.19 - - 328,179.19 -
Accounts Rec 8,325.39 - - 8,325.39 -
Employee Ad (4,202.98) - - (4,202.98) -
Employee Ad 988.50 - - 988.50 -
Employee Ad (273.00) - - (273.00) -
Employee Ad 259.00 - - 259.00 -
Employee Ad (259.00) - - (259.00) -
Employee Ad 6,570.88 - - 6,570.88 -
Employee Ad (5,597.38) - - (5,597.38) -
Employee Ad 1,924.25 - - 1,924.25 -
Employee Ad (45.75) - - (45.75) -
Employee Ad (1,499.00) - - (1,499.00) -
Employee Ad 858.00 - - 858.00 -
Employee Ad (858.00) - - (858.00) -
Employee Ad 608.50 - - 608.50 -
Employee Ad (608.50) - - (608.50) -
Employee Ad 873.00 - - 873.00 -
Employee Ad (596.50) - - (596.50) -
Employee Ad 3,548.03 - - 3,548.03 -
Employee Ad (2,926.20) - - (2,926.20) -
Employee Ad 1,353.50 - - 1,353.50 -
Employee Ad (1,353.50) - - (1,353.50) -
Employee Ad 837.00 - - 837.00 -
Employee Ad (837.00) - - (837.00) -
Employee Ad 3,361.63 - - 3,361.63 -
Employee Ad (2,333.63) - - (2,333.63) -
Employee Ad (1,028.00) - - (1,028.00) -
Employee Ad 5,357.01 - - 5,357.01 -
Employee Ad 350.37 - - 350.37 -
Employee Ad (5,707.38) - - (5,707.38) -
Employee Ad 521.00 - - 521.00 -
Employee Ad (939.00) - - (939.00) -
Employee Ad 10,977.50 - - 10,977.50 -
Employee Ad (10,094.00) - - (10,094.00) -
Employee Ad 3,903.00 - - 3,903.00 -
Employee Ad (3,449.50) - - (3,449.50) -
Employee Ad 2,967.50 - - 2,967.50 -
Employee Ad (2,486.50) - - (2,486.50) -
Employee Ad 869.50 - - 869.50 -
Employee Ad (869.50) - - (869.50) -
Employee Ad 4,649.35 - - 4,649.35 -
Employee Ad (4,741.20) - - (4,741.20) -
Employee Ad 5,450.56 - - 5,450.56 -
Employee Ad (265.50) - - (265.50) -
Employee Ad (3,988.56) - - (3,988.56) -
Employee Ad (413.00) - - (413.00) -
Employee Ad (280.50) - - (280.50) -
Employee Ad (192.50) - - (192.50) -
Employee Ad 1,902.50 - - 1,902.50 -
Employee Ad (1,458.00) - - (1,458.00) -
Employee Ad 923.00 - - 923.00 -
Employee Ad (1,367.50) - - (1,367.50) -
Employee Ad 5,905.99 - - 5,905.99 -
Employee Ad (5,315.99) - - (5,315.99) -
Employee Ad 1,482.00 - - 1,482.00 -
Employee Ad (699.50) - - (699.50) -
Employee Ad (622.50) - - (622.50) -
Employee Ad 44,695.32 - - 44,695.32 -
Employee Ad (29,811.68) - - (29,811.68) -
Employee Ad (759.00) - - (759.00) -
Employee Ad (7,195.39) - - (7,195.39) -
Employee Ad (46.50) - - (46.50) -
Employee Ad (224.00) - - (224.00) -
Employee Ad 1,307.50 - - 1,307.50 -
Employee Ad (243.00) - - (243.00) -
Employee Ad (1,064.50) - - (1,064.50) -
Employee Ad 1,033.00 - - 1,033.00 -
Employee Ad (677.50) - - (677.50) -
Employee Ad (384.43) - - (384.43) -
Employee Ad 355.50 - - 355.50 -
Employee Ad 6,348.00 - - 6,348.00 -
Employee Ad (274.50) - - (274.50) -
Employee Ad (1,506.00) - - (1,506.00) -
Employee Ad (3,307.00) - - (3,307.00) -
Employee Ad (540.00) - - (540.00) -
Employee Ad 1,660.50 - - 1,660.50 -
Employee Ad (241.50) - - (241.50) -
Employee Ad (507.50) - - (507.50) -
Employee Ad (430.50) - - (430.50) -
Employee Ad 714.00 - - 714.00 -
Employee Ad (363.00) - - (363.00) -
Employee Ad 1,109.50 - - 1,109.50 -
Employee Ad (224.00) - - (224.00) -
Employee Ad (885.50) - - (885.50) -
Employee Ad 373.50 - - 373.50 -
Employee Ad (373.50) - - (373.50) -
Employee Ad 3,668.50 - - 3,668.50 -
Other Receiv 553,799.83 7,122,207.04 6,408,797.89 1,267,208.98 713,409.15
Other Receiv (491,654.52) - - (491,654.52) -
Other Receiv 1,371,657.08 2,274,339.37 3,781,076.23 (135,079.78) (1,506,736.86)
Other Receiv 89,792.48 6,906.08 - 96,698.56 6,906.08
GASB 87 - Le - 901,656.20 901,656.20 - -
Employee Rec (90,141.19) 1,020.93 870.93 (89,991.19) 150.00
Employee Rec 92,191.68 - - 92,191.68 -
Unapplied Re - 115,353,336.21 115,770,395.28 (417,059.07) (417,059.07)
Unidentified - 71,603,062.16 71,608,024.62 (4,962.46) (4,962.46)
A-R And A-P (230,106.44) 8,095.75 2,047.25 (224,057.94) 6,048.50
A-R And A-P 152,399.91 - - 152,399.91 -
A-R And A-P 407,354.68 18,655.52 12,630.85 413,379.35 6,024.67
A-R And A-P 500.00 - - 500.00 -
A-R And A-P 2,558.16 - - 2,558.16 -
A-R And A-P (7,264.24) - - (7,264.24) -
A-R And A-P 7,264.24 - - 7,264.24 -
A-R And A-P 7,500.00 - - 7,500.00 -
A-R And A-P (336,377.18) - - (336,377.18) -
A-R And A-P 1,244.08 - - 1,244.08 -
A-R And A-P (4,765.56) - - (4,765.56) -
A-R And A-P (3,620.46) - - (3,620.46) -
A-R And A-P (3.80) - - (3.80) -
Office Servic (570,572.20) 103,810.85 103,810.89 (570,572.24) (0.04)
Office Servic 570,572.24 - - 570,572.24 -
Office Servic (89,510.98) 39,779.50 38,489.02 (88,220.50) 1,290.48
Office Servic 88,220.50 - - 88,220.50 -
Rail Claim S 63,863.12 400,000.00 362,762.78 101,100.34 37,237.22
Allow For Do (73,026.90) 155,532.23 - 82,505.33 155,532.23
Allow For Do 119,125.55 - - 119,125.55 -
Allow For Do (220,307.13) - - (220,307.13) -
Interorganiz - 72,744.04 - 72,744.04 72,744.04
Accrued Gran 21,190,588.63 91,115,999.77 51,980,094.84 60,326,493.56 39,135,904.93
Accrued Gran (20,295,933.50) - - (20,295,933.50) -
Accrued Gran 87,613.00 - - 87,613.00 -
Accrued Inte 121,752.78 345,537.60 235,658.27 231,632.11 109,879.33
GASB 87 - Ac - 1,011,193.85 1,011,193.85 - -
Due from AT 21,909,147.87 90,193,421.76 105,826,417.90 6,276,151.73 (15,632,996.14)
Due from AT - 667,240.24 - 667,240.24 667,240.24
Due from AT (9,928.95) - - (9,928.95) -
Intergovernm 372,589.21 - - 372,589.21 -
Accrued Sale 65,951,829.07 696,820,468.97 697,474,272.93 65,298,025.11 (653,803.96)
Accrued Sale (1,229,436.11) - - (1,229,436.11) -
EAM Parts 4,617,249.92 6,051,558.82 16,067,900.71 (5,399,091.97) (10,016,341.89)
EAM Parts - 39.90 - 39.90 39.90
EAM Parts - 27,352.24 99.88 27,252.36 27,252.36
EAM Parts - 415,260.43 34,829.57 380,430.86 380,430.86
EAM Parts - 11,812,265.07 927,504.51 10,884,760.56 10,884,760.56
EAM Parts - 84,223.48 - 84,223.48 84,223.48
EAM Parts (1,404.59) - - (1,404.59) -
EAM Parts 300,000.00 - - 300,000.00 -
EAM Parts (242.76) - - (242.76) -
EAM Parts 250,133.33 - - 250,133.33 -
EAM Parts 8,360.20 - - 8,360.20 -
EAM Parts 763,174.45 7,362.17 - 770,536.62 7,362.17
EAM Parts 327,465.98 - - 327,465.98 -
Rail Capital 2,551,249.06 2,551,249.06 2,550,059.06 2,552,439.06 1,190.00
Fuel Invento (78,237,681.96) 31,480,712.64 30,648,734.33 (77,405,703.65) 831,978.31
Fuel Invento 93,870.97 - - 93,870.97 -
Fuel Invento 70,827,310.37 2,661,611.76 3,548,815.68 69,940,106.45 (887,203.92)
Fuel Invento 7,429,458.51 - - 7,429,458.51 -
Fuel Invento 645,777.47 - - 645,777.47 -
Fare Media - 55,555.35 1,256,662.40 947,083.91 365,133.84 309,578.49
Fare Media - 383,703.37 - - 383,703.37 -
Fare Media - 146,536.96 138,665.92 7,871.04 7,871.04
Fare Media - - 8,352.79 8,246.20 106.59 106.59
In-Transit - - 153,980.56 145,099.96 8,880.60 8,880.60
Default Expe - 5,186,739.13 5,186,739.13 - -
Trade Cleari - 69,856.75 69,856.75 - -
Receiving In - 22,621,194.01 22,621,194.28 (0.27) (0.27)
Deposits (116,531.00) 7,403,883.26 7,335,000.00 (47,647.74) 68,883.26
Deposits 120,531.00 - - 120,531.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,382,364.31 1,382,364.31 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.35 - - 0.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,165.13 - 2,165.13 2,165.13
W.I.P.-Capita - - 2,165.13 (2,165.13) (2,165.13)
W.I.P.-Capita - 587,545.32 587,545.32 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 6,343.87 - 6,343.87 6,343.87
W.I.P.-Capita (1,500,255.40) - - (1,500,255.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.35) - - (0.35) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,500,255.40 - - 1,500,255.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,689.66 - 4,689.66 4,689.66
W.I.P.-Capita - 25,415.74 - 25,415.74 25,415.74
W.I.P.-Capita - 664,299.00 664,299.00 - -
General Admi 529.00 - - 529.00 -
General Admi - 13.00 - 13.00 13.00
Revenue Coll 16,845.00 - - 16,845.00 -
Service Vehi - 7.00 - 7.00 7.00
GASB 87 - La 3,182,915.00 - 3,182,915.00 - (3,182,915.00)
GASB 87 - Bu 6,466,182.00 2,480,439.47 8,946,621.47 - (6,466,182.00)
Accumulated (2,373,904.00) 4,101,923.17 1,728,019.17 - 2,373,904.00
GASB 96 - Su - 8,570,667.20 8,570,667.20 - -
Accumulated - 3,245,106.34 3,245,106.34 - -
Texas Term - 130,575,944.55 281,131,395.12 378,721,483.49 32,985,856.18 (97,590,088.37)
Texas Term - 1,479,771.64 6,605,454.70 - 8,085,226.34 6,605,454.70
Texas Term - 270,973.54 5,615,756.15 5,537,618.03 349,111.66 78,138.12
Texas Term - 949,908.57 2,237,371.32 2,758,029.68 429,250.21 (520,658.36)
Texas Term C 275,000,000.00 - - 275,000,000.00 -
PFM - Gener 19,894,975.00 25,907,733.99 19,886,348.06 25,916,360.93 6,021,385.93
PFM - City of 6,299,688.22 304.49 6,299,992.71 - (6,299,688.22)
PFM - Statut 40,657,364.20 5,707,928.92 4,835,021.97 41,530,271.15 872,906.95
PFM - Budget 21,612,404.24 2,883,032.02 1,834,526.61 22,660,909.65 1,048,505.41
Fuel Risk M 272,452.00 7,380,382.65 6,884,152.29 768,682.36 496,230.36
Fuel Risk Mg 950,000.00 - - 950,000.00 -
Fuel Risk Mg 50,000.00 - - 50,000.00 -
Unrealized I (1,714,096.49) 1,363,773.44 513,104.79 (863,427.84) 850,668.65
Prepaid Exp (7,086,691.95) 397,924.23 1,365,528.51 (8,054,296.23) (967,604.28)
Prepaid Exp 72,781.00 - - 72,781.00 -
Prepaid Exp 90,334.64 - - 90,334.64 -
Prepaid Exp 7,579,620.14 - - 7,579,620.14 -
Prepaid Exp 60,000.00 - - 60,000.00 -
Prepaid Exp 48,340.00 - - 48,340.00 -
Prepaid Exp 535,945.91 - - 535,945.91 -
Prepaid Exp 128,600.00 - - 128,600.00 -
Prepaid Rent (4,900.00) - - (4,900.00) -
Prepaid Rent 4,900.00 - - 4,900.00 -
Plaza Saltill 37,657.00 - - 37,657.00 -
Plaza Saltill (37,657.00) - - (37,657.00) -
CMTA Pension 2,551,964.34 - 467,425.00 2,084,539.34 (467,425.00)
StarTran Pen 2,999,997.00 - - 2,999,997.00 -
StarTran Pen 3,409,446.00 10,636,642.00 - 14,046,088.00 10,636,642.00
StarTran Pen (4,232,838.60) - 2,194,251.00 (6,427,089.60) (2,194,251.00)
CMTA Pension 1,615,704.00 11,801,899.00 - 13,417,603.00 11,801,899.00
CMTA Pensio 5,218,732.00 534,159.00 - 5,752,891.00 534,159.00
CMTA Pensio 8,312,595.00 - - 8,312,595.00 -
CMTA Pension (2,464,668.20) - 2,337,527.80 (4,802,196.00) (2,337,527.80)
CMTA Pensio (3,668,270.99) - 765,107.72 (4,433,378.71) (765,107.72)
CMTA Pensio (7,802,215.00) - 510,179.00 (8,312,394.00) (510,179.00)
GASB 87 - Lo 63,344,127.98 12,944,178.37 76,288,306.35 - (63,344,127.98)
Accounts Pay 257,574.64 386,732,198.52 395,391,306.34 (8,401,533.18) (8,659,107.82)
Accounts Pay (128,825.00) - - (128,825.00) -
Accounts Pay 878,386.89 - - 878,386.89 -
Accounts Pay 319.50 - - 319.50 -
Accounts Pay (8,757.67) - - (8,757.67) -
Accounts Pay 15,398.00 - - 15,398.00 -
Accounts Pay 62,255.76 - - 62,255.76 -
Accounts Pay 424.04 - - 424.04 -
Accounts Pay (14,963.00) - - (14,963.00) -
Accounts Pay 11,250.02 - - 11,250.02 -
Accounts Pay 12,025.20 - - 12,025.20 -
Accounts Pay 5,094.96 - - 5,094.96 -
Accounts Pay (23,644.69) - - (23,644.69) -
Accounts Pay 531.00 - - 531.00 -
Accounts Pay (50.51) - - (50.51) -
Accounts Pay (268.99) - - (268.99) -
Accounts Pay (16.13) - - (16.13) -
Accounts Pay 16.13 - - 16.13 -
Accounts Pay 4,770.40 - - 4,770.40 -
Accounts Pay 941.46 - - 941.46 -
Accounts Pay 22,317.28 - - 22,317.28 -
Accounts Pay (22,402.01) - - (22,402.01) -
Accounts Pay (3,270.80) - - (3,270.80) -
Accounts Pay 84.73 - - 84.73 -
Accounts Pay (375,722.90) - - (375,722.90) -
Accrued Acc (46,895,469.14) 471,199,652.11 463,582,297.90 (39,278,114.93) 7,617,354.21
Accrued Acc - - 414,321.37 (414,321.37) (414,321.37)
Accrued Acc - 5,903.23 5,903.23 - -
Accrued Acc 193,501.39 132,415.61 24,301.42 301,615.58 108,114.19
Accrued Acc (589,805.65) 3,695,460.68 2,808,256.76 297,398.27 887,203.92
Accrued Acc (11,685,662.00) - - (11,685,662.00) -
Retainage (912,136.64) 1,763,666.21 1,614,418.46 (762,888.89) 149,247.75
P-card Liabil - 2,568,668.10 2,480,295.80 88,372.30 88,372.30
P-card Liabil - 363,302.49 355,499.19 7,803.30 7,803.30
Dental Insur (10,292.44) - - (10,292.44) -
Dental Insur (707.56) - - (707.56) -
Health Insur (250,404.03) - - (250,404.03) -
Health Insur (67,027.96) - - (67,027.96) -
Health Insur (7,567.97) - - (7,567.97) -
Health Insur (0.04) - - (0.04) -
Workers Com (75,000.00) - - (75,000.00) -
Long Term Di (216,363.86) 38,714.52 44,936.30 (222,585.64) (6,221.78)
Long Term Di 199,234.69 - - 199,234.69 -
Long Term Di 6,594.51 - - 6,594.51 -
Voluntary Lif (36,941.89) 269,478.79 255,814.27 (23,277.37) 13,664.52
Voluntary Lif - - 144.90 (144.90) (144.90)
Voluntary Lif - 175,192.06 3,519.04 171,673.02 171,673.02
Voluntary Lif 1,026,360.01 - - 1,026,360.01 -
Voluntary Lif (17,047.40) - - (17,047.40) -
Voluntary Lif (109,569.63) 2,871.82 19,968.54 (126,666.35) (17,096.72)
Voluntary Lif (13,979.65) 481.26 3,081.43 (16,579.82) (2,600.17)
Voluntary Lif (1,588.02) - - (1,588.02) -
Voluntary Lif (14,449.99) 581.74 3,947.55 (17,815.80) (3,365.81)
Voluntary Lif (7,816.08) 141.72 1,010.20 (8,684.56) (868.48)
Voluntary Lif (35,978.72) 545.86 3,818.99 (39,251.85) (3,273.13)
Voluntary Lif (3,589.86) 171.24 1,135.56 (4,554.18) (964.32)
Voluntary Lif (4.62) - - (4.62) -
Voluntary Lif (37,885.25) 207.66 1,280.07 (38,957.66) (1,072.41)
Voluntary Lif (68,228.27) 1,056.18 6,960.57 (74,132.66) (5,904.39)
Voluntary Lif (22,692.72) 282.66 2,590.81 (25,000.87) (2,308.15)
Voluntary Lif (281.30) 56.26 373.97 (599.01) (317.71)
Voluntary Lif (50,688.92) 1,747.64 10,736.64 (59,677.92) (8,989.00)
Voluntary Lif (30,478.65) 583.00 3,511.55 (33,407.20) (2,928.55)
Voluntary Lif (27,923.66) 303.40 1,956.56 (29,576.82) (1,653.16)
Voluntary Lif (56,933.57) 635.92 5,461.02 (61,758.67) (4,825.10)
Voluntary Lif (13,601.39) 279.52 1,947.60 (15,269.47) (1,668.08)
Voluntary Lif (33,780.38) - - (33,780.38) -
Voluntary Lif (98,732.08) 1,301.50 9,506.97 (106,937.55) (8,205.47)
Voluntary Lif (81,522.21) 1,626.50 10,052.31 (89,948.02) (8,425.81)
Voluntary Lif (43,938.97) 833.72 5,562.70 (48,667.95) (4,728.98)
Voluntary Lif (159,541.22) 3,141.08 13,606.91 (170,007.05) (10,465.83)
Voluntary Lif (58,815.09) 995.62 5,520.20 (63,339.67) (4,524.58)
Voluntary Lif 3,742.15 - - 3,742.15 -
Voluntary Lif 27,227.84 - - 27,227.84 -
Health Savin (133,758.48) 11,552.82 40,236.69 (162,442.35) (28,683.87)
Health Savin - 5,840.08 - 5,840.08 5,840.08
Health Savin - 1,437.52 - 1,437.52 1,437.52
Health Savin 1,362.50 - - 1,362.50 -
Health Savin 109,411.94 70,255.47 3,567.52 176,099.89 66,687.95
Health Savin - 4,652.58 - 4,652.58 4,652.58
Health Savin 19,469.27 33,850.41 2,013.24 51,306.44 31,837.17
GASB 87 - In - 13,128.51 13,128.51 - -
GASB 96 - In - 132,192.17 132,192.17 - -
P-Card Defau (138,430.94) - 997.77 (139,428.71) (997.77)
P-Card Defau 38,313.15 - - 38,313.15 -
P-Card Defau (11,674.09) - - (11,674.09) -
P-Card Defau 6,353.12 - - 6,353.12 -
P-Card Defau (5,405.20) - - (5,405.20) -
P-Card Defau 42,779.89 - - 42,779.89 -
P-Card Defau (45,897.03) - - (45,897.03) -
P-Card Defau 6,838.99 - - 6,838.99 -
P-Card Defau (349.00) - - (349.00) -
P-Card Defau (2,268.32) - - (2,268.32) -
P-Card Defau 15,684.37 - - 15,684.37 -
P-Card Defau 2,946.87 - - 2,946.87 -
P-Card Defau (3,580.91) - - (3,580.91) -
P-Card Defau 7,939.83 - - 7,939.83 -
P-Card Defau (8,006.06) - - (8,006.06) -
P-Card Defau 15,521.93 - - 15,521.93 -
P-Card Defau (6,435.92) - - (6,435.92) -
P-Card Defau 1,785.00 - - 1,785.00 -
P-Card Defau 10,312.41 - - 10,312.41 -
P-Card Defau 25,074.68 - - 25,074.68 -
P-Card Defau (20,110.92) - - (20,110.92) -
P-Card Defau 13,962.53 - - 13,962.53 -
P-Card Defau (9,776.68) - - (9,776.68) -
P-Card Defau 25,016.14 - - 25,016.14 -
P-Card Defau (16,940.73) - - (16,940.73) -
P-Card Defau 49,712.63 - - 49,712.63 -
P-Card Defau (35,809.06) - - (35,809.06) -
P-Card Defau (10,430.26) - - (10,430.26) -
P-Card Defau 53,849.17 - - 53,849.17 -
P-Card Defau (59,505.61) - - (59,505.61) -
P-Card Defau 866.56 - - 866.56 -
P-Card Defau 625.00 - - 625.00 -
P-Card Defau (7,029.85) - - (7,029.85) -
P-Card Defau 95,872.72 - - 95,872.72 -
P-Card Defau (75,905.87) - - (75,905.87) -
P-Card Defau 46,933.45 - - 46,933.45 -
P-Card Defau (35,779.26) - - (35,779.26) -
P-Card Defau (1,092.88) - - (1,092.88) -
P-Card Defau 16,010.04 - - 16,010.04 -
P-Card Defau (15,496.55) - - (15,496.55) -
P-Card Defau 8,831.11 - - 8,831.11 -
P-Card Defau (8,681.11) - - (8,681.11) -
P-Card Defau 61,585.64 - - 61,585.64 -
P-Card Defau (50,046.99) - - (50,046.99) -
P-Card Defau (1,449.52) - - (1,449.52) -
P-Card Defau 34,311.65 - - 34,311.65 -
P-Card Defau (2,185.72) - - (2,185.72) -
P-Card Defau (17,485.34) - - (17,485.34) -
P-Card Defau (3,050.78) - - (3,050.78) -
P-Card Defau (635.45) - - (635.45) -
P-Card Defau (2,693.20) - - (2,693.20) -
P-Card Defau (632.50) - - (632.50) -
P-Card Defau 17,663.79 - - 17,663.79 -
P-Card Defau (14,285.29) - - (14,285.29) -
P-Card Defau 9,246.13 - - 9,246.13 -
P-Card Defau (9,003.78) - - (9,003.78) -
P-Card Defau 43,238.05 - - 43,238.05 -
P-Card Defau (40,057.72) - - (40,057.72) -
P-Card Defau 9,298.68 - - 9,298.68 -
P-Card Defau (6,714.40) - - (6,714.40) -
P-Card Defau (424.48) - - (424.48) -
P-Card Defau (3,171.29) - - (3,171.29) -
P-Card Defau 4,014.21 - - 4,014.21 -
P-Card Defau (3,203.70) - - (3,203.70) -
P-Card Defau 186,339.05 - - 186,339.05 -
P-Card Defau 44.00 - - 44.00 -
P-Card Defau (145,657.60) - - (145,657.60) -
P-Card Defau (3,175.51) - - (3,175.51) -
P-Card Defau (27,245.24) - - (27,245.24) -
P-Card Defau 304.14 - - 304.14 -
P-Card Defau (2,018.89) - - (2,018.89) -
P-Card Defau (2,030.81) - - (2,030.81) -
P-Card Defau 10,937.39 - - 10,937.39 -
P-Card Defau (2,404.92) - - (2,404.92) -
P-Card Defau (9,561.84) - - (9,561.84) -
P-Card Defau 4,495.74 - - 4,495.74 -
P-Card Defau (227.13) - - (227.13) -
P-Card Defau (4,431.36) - - (4,431.36) -
P-Card Defau (2,017.36) - - (2,017.36) -
P-Card Defau 2,409.61 - - 2,409.61 -
P-Card Defau 39,511.74 - - 39,511.74 -
P-Card Defau (2,628.68) - - (2,628.68) -
P-Card Defau (577.16) - - (577.16) -
P-Card Defau (7,215.12) - - (7,215.12) -
P-Card Defau (23,584.44) - - (23,584.44) -
P-Card Defau (3,242.05) - - (3,242.05) -
P-Card Defau 9,812.96 - - 9,812.96 -
P-Card Defau (1,598.82) - - (1,598.82) -
P-Card Defau (3,338.95) - - (3,338.95) -
P-Card Defau (2,141.56) - - (2,141.56) -
P-Card Defau (2,808.66) - - (2,808.66) -
P-Card Defau (1,178.69) - - (1,178.69) -
P-Card Defau 6,059.65 - - 6,059.65 -
P-Card Defau (2,536.26) - - (2,536.26) -
P-Card Defau 5,192.33 - - 5,192.33 -
P-Card Defau (1,478.11) - - (1,478.11) -
P-Card Defau (3,591.89) - - (3,591.89) -
P-Card Defau 4,080.29 - - 4,080.29 -
P-Card Defau 2,609.77 - - 2,609.77 -
P-Card Defau (7,049.18) - - (7,049.18) -
Vendor Purch - 19,870,487.86 20,900,261.65 (1,029,773.79) (1,029,773.79)
Inventory Tra - 121.00 46,601.73 (46,480.73) (46,480.73)
Interorganiz - 8,091.89 80,835.93 (72,744.04) (72,744.04)
Accrued Sala (1,272,374.71) 24,620,493.02 26,655,875.78 (3,307,757.47) (2,035,382.76)
Accrued Sala - - 2,083.34 (2,083.34) (2,083.34)
Accrued Vac (2,455,394.25) 10,747,262.06 11,315,749.09 (3,023,881.28) (568,487.03)
Accrued Sick (1,302,550.45) 6,134,507.46 6,714,233.57 (1,882,276.56) (579,726.11)
Payroll Liabil - 32,097,896.00 32,028,865.69 69,030.31 69,030.31
Union Dues (46,324.42) 743.01 5,292.13 (50,873.54) (4,549.12)
Union Dues - 380.82 - 380.82 380.82
Union Dues 46,134.01 4,358.71 - 50,492.72 4,358.71
Vision Insur (231,926.19) 90,403.61 130,904.06 (272,426.64) (40,500.45)
Vision Insur 230,334.49 - - 230,334.49 -
Vision Insur (13.77) - - (13.77) -
Prepaid Lega (82,141.64) 4,168.45 33,878.45 (111,851.64) (29,710.00)
Prepaid Lega - 35,580.00 7,420.00 28,160.00 28,160.00
Prepaid Lega 42,031.64 - - 42,031.64 -
Prepaid Lega 41,170.00 - - 41,170.00 -
FICA Withhe (14,924,718.92) 750,680.02 2,286,667.16 (16,460,706.06) (1,535,987.14)
FICA Withhe 15,037,160.84 1,746,108.92 132,484.06 16,650,785.70 1,613,624.86
FICA Withhe - 187,765.40 - 187,765.40 187,765.40
FIT Withheld (22,219,464.14) 1,486,353.98 3,678,586.09 (24,411,696.25) (2,192,232.11)
FIT Withheld 22,418,699.54 2,463,156.94 84,034.15 24,797,822.33 2,379,122.79
FIT Withheld - 428,949.21 - 428,949.21 428,949.21
Garnishment (548,306.02) 14,770.08 74,083.40 (607,619.34) (59,313.32)
Garnishment - 612.90 - 612.90 612.90
Garnishment 538,765.73 70,462.88 4,993.05 604,235.56 65,469.83
401K Loan P (1,254,396.07) 46,028.58 233,879.68 (1,442,247.17) (187,851.10)
401K Loan P - 9,798.74 - 9,798.74 9,798.74
401K Loan P 1,230,393.69 196,131.72 7,982.05 1,418,543.36 188,149.67
401K Loan P 14,203.64 - - 14,203.64 -
401K Loan P - 9,227.58 - 9,227.58 9,227.58
401K Withhe (13,627,799.65) 693,128.31 4,062,578.79 (16,997,250.13) (3,369,450.48)
401K Withhe 7,919.61 - - 7,919.61 -
401K Withhe - 135,963.74 92,617.63 43,346.11 43,346.11
401K Withhe 13,402,127.59 3,609,442.44 157,759.16 16,853,810.87 3,451,683.28
401K Withhe 89,879.51 - - 89,879.51 -
401K Withhe 97,896.27 - - 97,896.27 -
401K Withhe - 632,510.36 3,370.47 629,139.89 629,139.89
Cancer and C (100,356.39) 11,889.82 98,073.41 (186,539.98) (86,183.59)
Cancer and C 17,222.88 - - 17,222.88 -
Flex Reducti (1,582,168.82) 103,720.14 456,254.33 (1,934,703.01) (352,534.19)
Flex Reducti (1,027.66) - - (1,027.66) -
Flex Reducti 1,660,320.95 452,485.31 88,016.97 2,024,789.29 364,468.34
Flex Reducti - 56,940.37 20,546.25 36,394.12 36,394.12
Flex Depend (217,574.03) 7,781.59 67,206.00 (276,998.44) (59,424.41)
Flex Early R (60,666.10) 44.98 - (60,621.12) 44.98
Sales Tax Pa (2,668.38) 160.31 - (2,508.07) 160.31
Sales Tax Pa - 1.83 - 1.83 1.83
Sales Tax Pa - 1.22 - 1.22 1.22
Sales Tax Pa 2,660.03 - 155.01 2,505.02 (155.01)
Accrued FIC (13,785,795.84) 749,202.09 2,283,370.61 (15,319,964.36) (1,534,168.52)
Accrued FIC 13,898,336.13 1,714,340.17 131,965.94 15,480,710.36 1,582,374.23
Accrued FIC - 177,901.75 - 177,901.75 177,901.75
Accrued SUT (441,691.63) 1,160.71 244,311.45 (684,842.37) (243,150.74)
Accrued SUT 441,607.86 244,050.98 191.05 685,467.79 243,859.93
Accrued SUT - 1,788.20 - 1,788.20 1,788.20
Accrued Legal (425,000.00) - - (425,000.00) -
Accrued Legal 425,000.00 - - 425,000.00 -
Deferred Fa (29,939,543.56) 4,874.95 - (29,934,668.61) 4,874.95
Deferred Fa 28,497,077.89 - 6,875.80 28,490,202.09 (6,875.80)
Deferred Fa (2,710.00) - - (2,710.00) -
Deferred Fa 193,709.22 - - 193,709.22 -
Deferred Fa 1,077,797.86 - - 1,077,797.86 -
Deferred Fa 153,081.09 - - 153,081.09 -
Deferred Fa 20,587.50 - - 20,587.50 -
TVM - Chang (143.65) 143.65 - - 143.65
Due To-Due 118,814,802.46 16,921,806.20 46,805,197.06 88,931,411.60 (29,883,390.86)
Due To-Due (620,047.84) 5,113,659.89 21,523,836.03 (17,030,223.98) (16,410,176.14)
Due To-Due - 15,600,118.82 15,600,118.82 - -
Due To-Due 1,004,216.50 274,596,510.66 62,248,146.62 213,352,580.54 212,348,364.04
Due To-Due - 9,522,246.28 4,012,844.01 5,509,402.27 5,509,402.27
Due To-Due (68,691,124.97) 5,272,906.19 - (63,418,218.78) 5,272,906.19
Due To-Due (200.00) - - (200.00) -
Due To-Due 17,160.48 - - 17,160.48 -
Due To-Due (427,377.68) - - (427,377.68) -
Due To-Due 165,954.99 - - 165,954.99 -
Due To-Due 26,730.94 - - 26,730.94 -
Due To-Due 4,862.41 - - 4,862.41 -
Due To-Due (77,319.48) - - (77,319.48) -
Due To-Due (278,773.39) - - (278,773.39) -
Due To-Due (172,282.87) - - (172,282.87) -
Due To-Due (43,402.73) - - (43,402.73) -
Due To-Due (149,973.13) - - (149,973.13) -
Due To-Due (252,114.32) - - (252,114.32) -
Due To-Due (100,000.00) - - (100,000.00) -
Due To-Due (417.65) - - (417.65) -
Due To-Due 8,030.00 - - 8,030.00 -
Due To-Due (7,130.00) - - (7,130.00) -
Due To-Due 84,303.51 - - 84,303.51 -
Due To-Due 3,536.07 - - 3,536.07 -
Due To-Due (5,622,787.80) - - (5,622,787.80) -
Due To-Due (233,017.41) - - (233,017.41) -
Due To-Due (7,979.00) - - (7,979.00) -
Due To-Due (1,393.75) - - (1,393.75) -
Due To-Due (3,260.00) - - (3,260.00) -
Due To-Due (96,197.83) - - (96,197.83) -
Due To-Due (72,768.75) - - (72,768.75) -
Due To-Due (9,298.40) - - (9,298.40) -
Due To-Due (17,220.00) - - (17,220.00) -
Due To-Due (1,126,619.88) - - (1,126,619.88) -
Due To-Due (143,251.04) - - (143,251.04) -
Due To-Due (1,400.00) - - (1,400.00) -
Due To-Due (80,266.61) - - (80,266.61) -
Due To-Due 18,392.69 - - 18,392.69 -
Due To-Due (17,966.00) - - (17,966.00) -
Due To-Due (14,581.16) - - (14,581.16) -
Due To-Due (12,100.00) - - (12,100.00) -
Due To-Due (8,357.58) - - (8,357.58) -
Due To-Due 260,640.00 - - 260,640.00 -
Due To-Due (284,197.33) - - (284,197.33) -
Due To-Due (66,144.61) - - (66,144.61) -
Due To-Due 109,642.08 - - 109,642.08 -
Due To-Due 4,330,061.35 - - 4,330,061.35 -
Due To-Due (361,005.54) - - (361,005.54) -
Due To-Due (196,698.54) - - (196,698.54) -
Due To-Due 10,147.11 - - 10,147.11 -
Due To-Due 10,467.37 - - 10,467.37 -
Due To-Due 149,762.66 - - 149,762.66 -
Due To-Due 80,751.98 - - 80,751.98 -
Due To-Due 0.01 - - 0.01 -
Rent Deposit 4,900.00 - - 4,900.00 -
Deferred Le 144,308.62 13,098.78 157,185.36 222.04 (144,086.58)
Deferred Le (144,308.67) 170,284.19 26,197.56 (222.04) 144,086.63
Employee Fu (20,062.05) 7,420.60 23,717.61 (36,359.06) (16,297.01)
Employee Fu 62.26 - - 62.26 -
Employee Fu 117.57 - - 117.57 -
Employee Fu 75.00 - - 75.00 -
Employee Fu 375.23 - - 375.23 -
Employee Fu 175.21 - - 175.21 -
Employee Fu 167.19 - - 167.19 -
Employee Fu (3,208.64) 3,024.08 - (184.56) 3,024.08
Employee Fu 122.88 - - 122.88 -
Employee Fu 496.28 - - 496.28 -
Employee Fu 694.27 - - 694.27 -
Employee Fu (13.99) - - (13.99) -
Employee Fu 1,493.72 178.05 110.55 1,561.22 67.50
Employee Fu 421.52 - - 421.52 -
Employee Fu 525.01 - - 525.01 -
Employee Fu 93.73 - - 93.73 -
Employee Fu 403.90 - - 403.90 -
Employee Fu 1,259.15 - - 1,259.15 -
Employee Fu 475.00 - - 475.00 -
Employee Fu 98.48 - - 98.48 -
Employee Fu 141.05 - - 141.05 -
Employee Fu 229.17 - - 229.17 -
Employee Fu 197.99 - - 197.99 -
Employee Fu 243.22 - - 243.22 -
Employee Fu 1,304.05 - - 1,304.05 -
Employee Fu 324.95 - - 324.95 -
Employee Fu 265.13 - - 265.13 -
Employee Fu 495.33 - - 495.33 -
Employee Fu 49.19 - - 49.19 -
Employee Fu 50.00 - - 50.00 -
Employee Fu 199.00 - - 199.00 -
Employee Fu 253.61 - - 253.61 -
Employee Fu 589.48 - - 589.48 -
Employee Fu 325.00 - - 325.00 -
Employee Fu 250.00 - - 250.00 -
Employee Fu 101.00 - - 101.00 -
Employee Fu 2,098.50 - - 2,098.50 -
Employee Fu 700.00 - - 700.00 -
Employee Fu 550.00 - - 550.00 -
Litigation Lia (1,000,000.00) - - (1,000,000.00) -
Litigation Lia (1,000,000.00) - - (1,000,000.00) -
Deferred Gr 23,227,762.93 654,279.00 654,279.00 23,227,762.93 -
Deferred Gr (23,227,762.93) - 652,850.00 (23,880,612.93) (652,850.00)
Deferred TxD 1,361,391.29 16.67 400.08 1,361,007.88 (383.41)
Deferred TxD (1,361,007.88) - - (1,361,007.88) -
Unidentified - 37,319.82 14,777.03 22,542.79 22,542.79
Employee Em (16,161.28) 11,472.33 3,694.51 (8,383.46) 7,777.82
Employee Em (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) -
GASB 87 Liabi (1,254,403.51) 1,663,488.26 409,084.75 - 1,254,403.51
GASB 96 Liabi - 2,025,922.29 2,025,922.29 - -
Net OPEB Liab (3,417,623.00) - - (3,417,623.00) -
Long Term - (1,662,271.87) 7,072,377.53 7,055,926.54 (1,645,820.88) 16,450.99
Long Term - (1,696,200.66) 6,780,469.59 6,529,382.08 (1,445,113.15) 251,087.51
MV Vacation (6,371,640.00) - 634,672.91 (7,006,312.91) (634,672.91)
Deferred Re (10,269,001.34) - - (10,269,001.34) -
Deferred Re 9,534,855.66 - - 9,534,855.66 -
Deferred Re 644,372.21 - - 644,372.21 -
Deferred Re 89,773.47 - - 89,773.47 -
GASB 87 Liab (6,020,790.49) 7,980,586.39 1,959,795.90 - 6,020,790.49
GASB 96 Liab - 2,875,882.23 2,875,882.23 - -
CMTA Net Pen (9,133,454.00) - 9,067,941.00 (18,201,395.00) (9,067,941.00)
StarTran Net (21,413,118.00) - 7,704,551.00 (29,117,669.00) (7,704,551.00)
CMTA Pension (8,625,047.05) - - (8,625,047.05) -
CMTA Pensio (482,679.00) - - (482,679.00) -
CMTA Pensio (7,219,410.00) - 3,523,175.00 (10,742,585.00) (3,523,175.00)
CMTA Pension 4,268,791.00 1,431,322.60 - 5,700,113.60 1,431,322.60
CMTA Pensio (213,140.81) 41,663.61 - (171,477.20) 41,663.61
CMTA Pensio 1,623,270.71 1,626,683.03 - 3,249,953.74 1,626,683.03
Fuel Hedging (3,600,067.80) 3,415,945.88 1,953,169.88 (2,137,291.80) 1,462,776.00
CMTA Pension 234,754.00 - 234,754.00 - (234,754.00)
Other Post (1,821,847.22) - - (1,821,847.22) -
Accum Amort 666,324.14 - - 666,324.14 -
StarTran Pen (7,604,724.00) - - (7,604,724.00) -
StarTran Pen 3,899,931.00 1,074,294.00 - 4,974,225.00 1,074,294.00
GASB 87 - Def (61,649,646.12) 75,787,153.31 14,137,507.19 - 61,649,646.12
Intergovern - - 30,000,000.00 (30,000,000.00) (30,000,000.00)
Unreserved- (1,073,169,798.93) 1,095,357.19 287,435.00 (1,072,361,876.74) 807,922.19
Reserve For (1,353,289.00) - - (1,353,289.00) -
Reserve - St (43,052,000.00) - - (43,052,000.00) -
Reserve for - 1,474,065.26 1,474,065.26 - -
Appropriatio 528,822,806.49 - - 528,822,806.49 -
Appropriatio (19,142,115.04) - - (19,142,115.04) -
Appropriatio (644,770.00) - - (644,770.00) -
Appropriatio (1,580,264.00) - - (1,580,264.00) -
Appropriatio (632,064.00) - - (632,064.00) -
Appropriatio (1,641,788.35) - - (1,641,788.35) -
Appropriatio (73,090.00) - - (73,090.00) -
Appropriatio (1,424,599.88) - - (1,424,599.88) -
Appropriatio (1,995,922.65) - - (1,995,922.65) -
Appropriatio (658,194.38) - - (658,194.38) -
Appropriatio (735,914.33) - - (735,914.33) -
Appropriatio (1,605,251.23) - - (1,605,251.23) -
Appropriatio (50,208.00) - - (50,208.00) -
Appropriatio (257,304.00) - - (257,304.00) -
Appropriatio (7,107,340.83) - - (7,107,340.83) -
Appropriatio (1,593,452.40) - - (1,593,452.40) -
Appropriatio (822,192.01) - - (822,192.01) -
Appropriatio (642,150.00) - - (642,150.00) -
Appropriatio (9,590,736.52) - - (9,590,736.52) -
Appropriatio (10,992.00) - - (10,992.00) -
Appropriatio (14,522,232.88) - - (14,522,232.88) -
Appropriatio (2,379,465.66) - - (2,379,465.66) -
Appropriatio (4,224,743.93) - - (4,224,743.93) -
Appropriatio (6,360,452.19) - - (6,360,452.19) -
Appropriatio (7,306,216.04) - - (7,306,216.04) -
Appropriatio (3,200.00) - - (3,200.00) -
Appropriatio (1,728,881.20) - - (1,728,881.20) -
Appropriatio 40,000.00 - - 40,000.00 -
Appropriatio (2,836,513.92) - - (2,836,513.92) -
Appropriatio (3,163,994.18) - - (3,163,994.18) -
Appropriatio (1,151,000.00) - - (1,151,000.00) -
Appropriatio (6,531,792.25) - - (6,531,792.25) -
Appropriatio (127,008.00) - - (127,008.00) -
Appropriatio (8,423,153.42) - - (8,423,153.42) -
Appropriatio (5,000.00) - - (5,000.00) -
Appropriatio (2,414,079.11) - - (2,414,079.11) -
Appropriatio (9,840.00) - - (9,840.00) -
Appropriatio (1,619,678.00) - - (1,619,678.00) -
Appropriatio (4,547,534.52) - - (4,547,534.52) -
Appropriatio (6,569,250.65) - - (6,569,250.65) -
Appropriatio (33,098,031.47) - - (33,098,031.47) -
Appropriatio (1,029,843.00) - - (1,029,843.00) -
Appropriatio (448,342.00) - - (448,342.00) -
Appropriatio (1,567,528.00) - - (1,567,528.00) -
Appropriatio (1,664,876.00) - - (1,664,876.00) -
Appropriatio (1,862,860.23) - - (1,862,860.23) -
Appropriatio (2,235,993.10) - - (2,235,993.10) -
Appropriatio (816,152.08) - - (816,152.08) -
Appropriatio (1,950,000.00) - - (1,950,000.00) -
Appropriatio (1,659,996.00) - - (1,659,996.00) -
Appropriatio (1,251,000.00) - - (1,251,000.00) -
Appropriatio (66,108.00) - - (66,108.00) -
Appropriatio (1,254,449.00) - - (1,254,449.00) -
Appropriatio (17,654.00) - - (17,654.00) -
Appropriatio (72,630.37) - - (72,630.37) -
Appropriatio (72,630.37) - - (72,630.37) -
Appropriatio (731,925.78) - - (731,925.78) -
Appropriatio (14,591,286.00) - - (14,591,286.00) -
Appropriatio (461,994.00) - - (461,994.00) -
Appropriatio (13,157,904.00) - - (13,157,904.00) -
Appropriatio (18,982,025.00) - - (18,982,025.00) -
Appropriatio (3,526,618.00) - - (3,526,618.00) -
Appropriatio (126,236,647.00) - - (126,236,647.00) -
Appropriatio (967,726.00) - - (967,726.00) -
Appropriatio (7,799,916.00) - - (7,799,916.00) -
Appropriatio (1,500.00) - - (1,500.00) -
Appropriatio (1,500.00) - - (1,500.00) -
Appropriatio (3,248,017.00) - - (3,248,017.00) -
Appropriatio (2,919,660.00) - - (2,919,660.00) -
Appropriatio (268,045.00) - - (268,045.00) -
Appropriatio (22,332,192.00) - - (22,332,192.00) -
Appropriatio (2,431,234.00) - - (2,431,234.00) -
Appropriatio (101,820.00) - - (101,820.00) -
Appropriatio (4,570,776.00) - - (4,570,776.00) -
Appropriatio (256,668.00) - - (256,668.00) -
Appropriatio (7,125.00) - - (7,125.00) -
Appropriatio (477,888.83) - - (477,888.83) -
Appropriatio (10,005,663.00) - - (10,005,663.00) -
Appropriatio (916,297.00) - - (916,297.00) -
Appropriatio (37,865,467.00) - - (37,865,467.00) -
Appropriatio (6,000.00) - - (6,000.00) -
Appropriatio (3,158.00) - - (3,158.00) -
Appropriatio (514,999.00) - - (514,999.00) -
Appropriatio (3,597,972.00) - - (3,597,972.00) -
Appropriatio (687,099.37) - - (687,099.37) -
Appropriatio (32,500.00) - - (32,500.00) -
Appropriatio (1,490,887.47) - - (1,490,887.47) -
Appropriatio (1,918,938.33) - - (1,918,938.33) -
Appropriatio (1,111,853.59) - - (1,111,853.59) -
Appropriatio (948,359.00) - - (948,359.00) -
Appropriatio (1,495.00) - - (1,495.00) -
Appropriatio (1,800,000.00) - - (1,800,000.00) -
Appropriatio (1,860,000.00) - - (1,860,000.00) -
Appropriatio (6,311.90) - - (6,311.90) -
Appropriatio (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) -
Budgetary F (528,822,806.49) - - (528,822,806.49) -
Budgetary F 19,142,115.04 - - 19,142,115.04 -
Budgetary F 644,770.00 - - 644,770.00 -
Budgetary F 1,580,264.00 - - 1,580,264.00 -
Budgetary F 632,064.00 - - 632,064.00 -
Budgetary F 1,641,788.35 - - 1,641,788.35 -
Budgetary F 73,090.00 - - 73,090.00 -
Budgetary F 1,424,599.88 - - 1,424,599.88 -
Budgetary F 1,995,922.65 - - 1,995,922.65 -
Budgetary F 658,194.38 - - 658,194.38 -
Budgetary F 735,914.33 - - 735,914.33 -
Budgetary F 1,605,251.23 - - 1,605,251.23 -
Budgetary F 50,208.00 - - 50,208.00 -
Budgetary F 257,304.00 - - 257,304.00 -
Budgetary F 7,107,340.83 - - 7,107,340.83 -
Budgetary F 1,593,452.40 - - 1,593,452.40 -
Budgetary F 822,192.01 - - 822,192.01 -
Budgetary F 642,150.00 - - 642,150.00 -
Budgetary F 9,590,736.52 - - 9,590,736.52 -
Budgetary F 10,992.00 - - 10,992.00 -
Budgetary F 14,522,232.88 - - 14,522,232.88 -
Budgetary F 2,379,465.66 - - 2,379,465.66 -
Budgetary F 4,224,743.93 - - 4,224,743.93 -
Budgetary F 6,360,452.19 - - 6,360,452.19 -
Budgetary F 7,306,216.04 - - 7,306,216.04 -
Budgetary F 3,200.00 - - 3,200.00 -
Budgetary F 1,728,881.20 - - 1,728,881.20 -
Budgetary F (40,000.00) - - (40,000.00) -
Budgetary F 2,836,513.92 - - 2,836,513.92 -
Budgetary F 3,163,994.18 - - 3,163,994.18 -
Budgetary F 1,151,000.00 - - 1,151,000.00 -
Budgetary F 6,531,792.25 - - 6,531,792.25 -
Budgetary F 127,008.00 - - 127,008.00 -
Budgetary F 8,423,153.42 - - 8,423,153.42 -
Budgetary F 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 -
Budgetary F 2,414,079.11 - - 2,414,079.11 -
Budgetary F 9,840.00 - - 9,840.00 -
Budgetary F 1,619,678.00 - - 1,619,678.00 -
Budgetary F 4,547,534.52 - - 4,547,534.52 -
Budgetary F 6,569,250.65 - - 6,569,250.65 -
Budgetary F 33,098,031.47 - - 33,098,031.47 -
Budgetary F 1,029,843.00 - - 1,029,843.00 -
Budgetary F 448,342.00 - - 448,342.00 -
Budgetary F 1,567,528.00 - - 1,567,528.00 -
Budgetary F 1,664,876.00 - - 1,664,876.00 -
Budgetary F 1,862,860.23 - - 1,862,860.23 -
Budgetary F 2,235,993.10 - - 2,235,993.10 -
Budgetary F 816,152.08 - - 816,152.08 -
Budgetary F 1,950,000.00 - - 1,950,000.00 -
Budgetary F 1,659,996.00 - - 1,659,996.00 -
Budgetary F 1,251,000.00 - - 1,251,000.00 -
Budgetary F 66,108.00 - - 66,108.00 -
Budgetary F 1,254,449.00 - - 1,254,449.00 -
Budgetary F 17,654.00 - - 17,654.00 -
Budgetary F 72,630.37 - - 72,630.37 -
Budgetary F 72,630.37 - - 72,630.37 -
Budgetary F 731,925.78 - - 731,925.78 -
Budgetary F 14,591,286.00 - - 14,591,286.00 -
Budgetary F 461,994.00 - - 461,994.00 -
Budgetary F 13,157,904.00 - - 13,157,904.00 -
Budgetary F 18,982,025.00 - - 18,982,025.00 -
Budgetary F 3,526,618.00 - - 3,526,618.00 -
Budgetary F 126,236,647.00 - - 126,236,647.00 -
Budgetary F 967,726.00 - - 967,726.00 -
Budgetary F 7,799,916.00 - - 7,799,916.00 -
Budgetary F 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 -
Budgetary F 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 -
Budgetary F 3,248,017.00 - - 3,248,017.00 -
Budgetary F 2,919,660.00 - - 2,919,660.00 -
Budgetary F 268,045.00 - - 268,045.00 -
Budgetary F 22,332,192.00 - - 22,332,192.00 -
Budgetary F 2,431,234.00 - - 2,431,234.00 -
Budgetary F 101,820.00 - - 101,820.00 -
Budgetary F 4,570,776.00 - - 4,570,776.00 -
Budgetary F 256,668.00 - - 256,668.00 -
Budgetary F 7,125.00 - - 7,125.00 -
Budgetary F 477,888.83 - - 477,888.83 -
Budgetary F 10,005,663.00 - - 10,005,663.00 -
Budgetary F 916,297.00 - - 916,297.00 -
Budgetary F 37,865,467.00 - - 37,865,467.00 -
Budgetary F 6,000.00 - - 6,000.00 -
Budgetary F 3,158.00 - - 3,158.00 -
Budgetary F 514,999.00 - - 514,999.00 -
Budgetary F 3,597,972.00 - - 3,597,972.00 -
Budgetary F 687,099.37 - - 687,099.37 -
Budgetary F 32,500.00 - - 32,500.00 -
Budgetary F 1,490,887.47 - - 1,490,887.47 -
Budgetary F 1,918,938.33 - - 1,918,938.33 -
Budgetary F 1,111,853.59 - - 1,111,853.59 -
Budgetary F 948,359.00 - - 948,359.00 -
Budgetary F 1,495.00 - - 1,495.00 -
Budgetary F 1,800,000.00 - - 1,800,000.00 -
Budgetary F 1,860,000.00 - - 1,860,000.00 -
Budgetary F 6,311.90 - - 6,311.90 -
Budgetary F 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 -
Fare revenu - 1,263,930.12 10,367,112.71 (9,103,182.59) (9,103,182.59)
Fare revenu - 4,117.35 4,117.35 - -
MetroBike R - 766.17 670,000.70 (669,234.53) (669,234.53)
Rideshare R - 1,224,890.72 2,407,686.64 (1,182,795.92) (1,182,795.92)
Stored Value - - 440.00 (440.00) (440.00)
Stored Value - - 1,400.00 (1,400.00) (1,400.00)
Stored valu - 69,144.30 26,016.99 43,127.31 43,127.31
Commuter Ra - 42.00 - 42.00 42.00
Innovative M - - 39,603.57 (39,603.57) (39,603.57)
Innovative M - 44,528.28 44,528.28 - -
The Universi - 583,333.33 7,583,333.29 (6,999,999.96) (6,999,999.96)
City Of Austi - 433,339.09 533,366.00 (100,026.91) (100,026.91)
Acc - ILA - 293,556.53 418,663.23 (125,106.70) (125,106.70)
Travis Count - 26,660.99 42,847.54 (16,186.55) (16,186.55)
Rental Inco - 551,307.79 523,312.96 27,994.83 27,994.83
Freight Rev - 3,048,024.94 7,861,571.74 (4,813,546.80) (4,813,546.80)
ROW License - 129,995.40 129,995.40 - -
ROW License - 773,116.74 1,228,894.97 (455,778.23) (455,778.23)
ROW License - - 50,250.00 (50,250.00) (50,250.00)
ROW License - 4,231.97 4,231.97 - -
Other Reven - 443.10 614,841.40 (614,398.30) (614,398.30)
Other Reven - 15.00 140.00 (125.00) (125.00)
Other Reven - 4,231.97 4,231.97 - -
Row License - 251,513.56 487,772.71 (236,259.15) (236,259.15)
Row Permit A - - 38,850.00 (38,850.00) (38,850.00)
Row Permit - 13,250.00 112,500.00 (99,250.00) (99,250.00)
Row 45G Tax - - 544,493.25 (544,493.25) (544,493.25)
Row EIC Serv - 25,000.00 124,200.00 (99,200.00) (99,200.00)
Investment - 69,607.08 17,759,442.57 (17,689,835.49) (17,689,835.49)
Investment I - 513,104.79 1,363,773.44 (850,668.65) (850,668.65)
GASB 87 Lea - 2,961,773.18 2,961,773.18 - -
GASB 87 - In - 2,254,619.66 2,292,098.33 (37,478.67) (37,478.67)
Gain On Sale - 172.20 9,116.34 (8,944.14) (8,944.14)
Gain On Sale - - 42,731.55 (42,731.55) (42,731.55)
Loss Account - 528,361.48 - 528,361.48 528,361.48
Advertising - 300,000.00 300,000.00 - -
Advertising - 1,591,405.58 3,420,360.76 (1,828,955.18) (1,828,955.18)
Wellness Cen - - 10.00 (10.00) (10.00)
Childcare R - 704.25 469.50 234.75 234.75
Childcare R - 3,574.94 627,624.65 (624,049.71) (624,049.71)
Childcare R - 422.55 422.55 - -
Childcare R - 48,071.89 48,071.89 - -
Childcare R - 4,393.18 - 4,393.18 4,393.18
Childcare R - 1,475.56 5,868.74 (4,393.18) (4,393.18)
Advertising - 35,628.39 35,628.39 - -
Special Merc - 155.01 10,509.06 (10,354.05) (10,354.05)
Sales Tax Re - 567,676,144.74 950,299,111.77 (382,622,967.03) (382,622,967.03)
Sales Tax Re - - 30.94 (30.94) (30.94)
Sales Tax Re - 8,071.18 - 8,071.18 8,071.18
Grant Revenu - 1,274,149.63 1,274,149.63 - -
Grant Revenu - 620,047.84 620,047.84 - -
Grant Revenu - 16,180,570.46 16,180,570.46 - -
Grant Revenu - 654,279.00 654,279.00 - -
Grant Revenu - - 55,263.00 (55,263.00) (55,263.00)
Grant Revenu - - 4,780.00 (4,780.00) (4,780.00)
Grant Revenu - - 24,069.00 (24,069.00) (24,069.00)
Grant Revenu - - 17,233.00 (17,233.00) (17,233.00)
Grant Revenu - - 39,356.00 (39,356.00) (39,356.00)
Grant Revenu - - 32,238.00 (32,238.00) (32,238.00)
Grant Revenu - - 25,882.00 (25,882.00) (25,882.00)
Grant Revenu - 47,924,214.00 47,924,214.00 - -
Grant Revenu - - 24,168,536.03 (24,168,536.03) (24,168,536.03)
Grant Revenu - - 14,284,449.53 (14,284,449.53) (14,284,449.53)
Grant Revenu - - 1,857,294.48 (1,857,294.48) (1,857,294.48)
Grant Revenu - - 894,781.24 (894,781.24) (894,781.24)
Grant Reven - 2,279.79 14,362.08 (12,082.29) (12,082.29)
Grants-Pass - - 41,481.00 (41,481.00) (41,481.00)
Grants-Pass - - 56,559.00 (56,559.00) (56,559.00)
Grants-Pass - - 115,461.00 (115,461.00) (115,461.00)
Grants-Pass - - 1,343.00 (1,343.00) (1,343.00)
Grants-Pass - - 654,279.00 (654,279.00) (654,279.00)
Grants-Pass - - 21,338.00 (21,338.00) (21,338.00)
Grants-Pass - - 41.00 (41.00) (41.00)
Grants-Pass - - 8,680.00 (8,680.00) (8,680.00)
Grants-Pass - - 21,433.00 (21,433.00) (21,433.00)
Grants-Pass - - 170,795.00 (170,795.00) (170,795.00)
Grants-Pass - - 19,824.00 (19,824.00) (19,824.00)
Grants-Pass - - 43,099.00 (43,099.00) (43,099.00)
Operating Co - 50,559.16 6,203,855.96 (6,153,296.80) (6,153,296.80)
Operating Co - - 667,240.24 (667,240.24) (667,240.24)
Operating Co - - 445,573.73 (445,573.73) (445,573.73)
Round Rock - 2,456,809.42 3,716,262.50 (1,259,453.08) (1,259,453.08)
Travis Count - 1,092,070.62 1,526,866.38 (434,795.76) (434,795.76)
Georgetown - 262,657.20 507,191.71 (244,534.51) (244,534.51)
Pflugerville - 121,888.94 121,888.94 - -
Salaries & W - 94,102.89 94,102.89 - -
Salaries & W - 1,355,297.78 378,821.28 976,476.50 976,476.50
Salaries & W - 443,919.42 105,150.42 338,769.00 338,769.00
Salaries & W - 460,581.80 124,117.59 336,464.21 336,464.21
Salaries & W - 152,825.65 42,252.29 110,573.36 110,573.36
Salaries & W - 81,200.15 81,200.15 - -
Salaries & W - 493,431.70 120,266.89 373,164.81 373,164.81
Salaries & W - 150,727.03 150,727.03 - -
Salaries & W - 1,490,859.41 388,043.74 1,102,815.67 1,102,815.67
Salaries & W - 815,312.61 293,403.32 521,909.29 521,909.29
Salaries & W - 812,034.25 157,958.83 654,075.42 654,075.42
Salaries & W - 23,149.07 23,149.07 - -
Salaries & W - 3,604,967.10 1,128,214.68 2,476,752.42 2,476,752.42
Salaries & W - 228,924.30 61,060.65 167,863.65 167,863.65
Salaries & W - 1,004,486.73 269,162.51 735,324.22 735,324.22
Salaries & W - 99,592.67 99,592.67 - -
Salaries & W - 505,753.10 150,748.01 355,005.09 355,005.09
Salaries & W - 3,208,432.90 892,272.56 2,316,160.34 2,316,160.34
Salaries & W - 18,259.00 - 18,259.00 18,259.00
Salaries & W - 439,030.41 439,030.41 - -
Salaries & W - 7,635,017.07 1,995,980.53 5,639,036.54 5,639,036.54
Salaries & W - 2,612,521.00 722,744.61 1,889,776.39 1,889,776.39
Salaries & W - 122,486.17 33,752.46 88,733.71 88,733.71
Salaries & W - 31,582.79 31,582.79 - -
Salaries & W - 2,874,792.43 843,805.92 2,030,986.51 2,030,986.51
Salaries & W - 4,780.00 - 4,780.00 4,780.00
Salaries & W - 31,321.00 - 31,321.00 31,321.00
Salaries & W - 2,380,497.33 745,156.70 1,635,340.63 1,635,340.63
Salaries & W - 1,000.00 200.00 800.00 800.00
Salaries & W - 601,802.05 162,038.77 439,763.28 439,763.28
Salaries & W - 2,905.75 - 2,905.75 2,905.75
Salaries & W - 1,146,390.44 322,484.79 823,905.65 823,905.65
Salaries & W - 3,775.99 - 3,775.99 3,775.99
Salaries & W - 66,923.01 66,923.01 - -
Salaries & W - 4,331,546.19 1,179,875.71 3,151,670.48 3,151,670.48
Salaries & W - 93,727.02 93,727.02 - -
Salaries & W - 1,616,351.83 439,969.33 1,176,382.50 1,176,382.50
Salaries & W - 2,108,802.42 572,736.55 1,536,065.87 1,536,065.87
Salaries & W - 77,715.91 77,715.91 - -
Salaries & W - 1,106,362.65 296,695.59 809,667.06 809,667.06
Salaries & W - 141,438.35 38,662.18 102,776.17 102,776.17
Salaries & W - 1,106,302.19 293,791.89 812,510.30 812,510.30
Salaries & W - 40,083.46 14,329.34 25,754.12 25,754.12
Salaries & W - 632,501.94 174,093.31 458,408.63 458,408.63
Salaries & W - 109,463.91 109,463.91 - -
Salaries & W - 11,395,978.63 3,093,912.47 8,302,066.16 8,302,066.16
Salaries & W - 461,009.68 165,968.40 295,041.28 295,041.28
Salaries & W - 312,159.14 64,340.49 247,818.65 247,818.65
Salaries & W - 455,427.93 163,076.67 292,351.26 292,351.26
Salaries & W - 400,263.82 78,669.77 321,594.05 321,594.05
Salaries & W - 861,209.35 318,669.52 542,539.83 542,539.83
Salaries & W - 2,904.00 968.00 1,936.00 1,936.00
Salaries & W - 378,109.52 129,956.61 248,152.91 248,152.91
Salaries & W - 1,883,154.80 497,239.13 1,385,915.67 1,385,915.67
Salaries & W - 1,363.68 - 1,363.68 1,363.68
Salaries & W - 763,402.39 208,685.33 554,717.06 554,717.06
Salaries & W - 3,171.38 1,305.86 1,865.52 1,865.52
Salaries & W - 5,308.36 1,061.67 4,246.69 4,246.69
Salaries & W - 2,420.50 484.10 1,936.40 1,936.40
Salaries & W - 3,143.96 1,139.55 2,004.41 2,004.41
Salaries & W - 481,980.88 135,953.53 346,027.35 346,027.35
Salaries & W - 15,089.93 15,089.93 - -
Salaries & W - 803,394.25 164,558.88 638,835.37 638,835.37
Salaries & W - 742,922.45 264,857.08 478,065.37 478,065.37
Overtime - A - 13.50 - 13.50 13.50
Overtime - A - 755.96 755.96 - -
Overtime - A - 649.29 - 649.29 649.29
Overtime - A - 48,397.16 30,356.59 18,040.57 18,040.57
Overtime - A - 11,732.85 3,637.18 8,095.67 8,095.67
Overtime - A - 69,246.32 17,063.25 52,183.07 52,183.07
Overtime - A - 3,492.64 952.18 2,540.46 2,540.46
Overtime - A - 3,679.32 1,892.74 1,786.58 1,786.58
Overtime - A - 6,278.51 1,829.45 4,449.06 4,449.06
Overtime - A - 756.21 73.26 682.95 682.95
Overtime - A - 2,099.78 545.39 1,554.39 1,554.39
Overtime - A - 41,095.78 11,530.87 29,564.91 29,564.91
Overtime - A - 45,573.44 14,851.21 30,722.23 30,722.23
Overtime - A - 23,614.09 23,614.09 - -
Overtime - A - 158,314.16 40,790.21 117,523.95 117,523.95
Overtime - A - 16,946.88 16,946.88 - -
Overtime - A - 39,179.58 6,896.51 32,283.07 32,283.07
Overtime - A - 23,754.01 23,754.01 - -
Overtime - A - 812,874.37 218,921.14 593,953.23 593,953.23
Overtime - A - 9,664.61 1,859.84 7,804.77 7,804.77
Overtime - A - 14,364.67 2,461.83 11,902.84 11,902.84
Overtime - A - 885.68 297.67 588.01 588.01
Overtime - A - 4,796.37 1,097.46 3,698.91 3,698.91
Overtime - A - 183,112.08 51,138.59 131,973.49 131,973.49
Overtime - A - 1,393.25 273.49 1,119.76 1,119.76
Overtime - A - 126.00 126.00 - -
Overtime - A - 493.84 76.47 417.37 417.37
Salaries & W - 1,352,174.05 392,373.40 959,800.65 959,800.65
Overtime - A - 95,056.14 37,665.91 57,390.23 57,390.23
Salaries & W - 68,957.43 18,243.60 50,713.83 50,713.83
Salaries & W - 54,863.50 54,863.50 - -
Intern Pay - 31,358.69 31,358.69 - -
Intern Pay - 10,980.75 10,980.75 - -
FICA-Admin - 7,952.65 7,952.65 - -
FICA-Admin - 88,862.94 24,792.53 64,070.41 64,070.41
FICA-Admin - 37,788.62 8,587.26 29,201.36 29,201.36
FICA-Admin - 36,294.06 9,555.51 26,738.55 26,738.55
FICA-Admin - 12,850.94 3,551.42 9,299.52 9,299.52
FICA-Admin - 6,946.89 6,946.89 - -
FICA-Admin - 37,643.49 8,774.47 28,869.02 28,869.02
FICA-Admin - 9,240.68 9,240.68 - -
FICA-Admin - 121,577.77 33,487.49 88,090.28 88,090.28
FICA-Admin - 65,452.23 23,218.83 42,233.40 42,233.40
FICA-Admin - 70,316.78 13,970.43 56,346.35 56,346.35
FICA-Admin - 1,797.35 1,797.35 - -
FICA-Admin - 403,769.85 110,574.45 293,195.40 293,195.40
FICA-Admin - 18,188.53 4,898.71 13,289.82 13,289.82
FICA-Admin - 85,197.90 23,393.70 61,804.20 61,804.20
FICA-Admin - 7,788.66 7,788.66 - -
FICA-Admin - 46,269.65 13,457.52 32,812.13 32,812.13
FICA-Admin - 261,409.49 70,249.95 191,159.54 191,159.54
FICA-Admin - 35,674.84 35,674.84 - -
FICA-Admin - 639,317.60 169,036.77 470,280.83 470,280.83
FICA-Admin - 217,892.67 59,340.33 158,552.34 158,552.34
FICA-Admin - 9,987.24 2,762.86 7,224.38 7,224.38
FICA-Admin - 2,395.23 2,395.23 - -
FICA-Admin - 235,232.97 63,828.10 171,404.87 171,404.87
FICA-Admin - 196,823.64 62,005.25 134,818.39 134,818.39
FICA-Admin - 76.50 15.30 61.20 61.20
FICA-Admin - 151.23 19.72 131.51 131.51
FICA-Admin - 48,963.80 12,858.19 36,105.61 36,105.61
FICA-Admin - 222.30 - 222.30 222.30
FICA-Admin - 105,065.75 29,287.98 75,777.77 75,777.77
FICA-Admin - 288.86 - 288.86 288.86
FICA-Admin - 4,936.93 4,936.93 - -
FICA-Admin - 360,733.16 97,538.95 263,194.21 263,194.21
FICA-Admin - 9,246.18 9,246.18 - -
FICA-Admin - 150,987.75 40,070.50 110,917.25 110,917.25
FICA-Admin - 169,276.72 46,330.02 122,946.70 122,946.70
FICA-Admin - 8,041.70 8,041.70 - -
FICA-Admin - 103,743.25 27,298.64 76,444.61 76,444.61
FICA-Admin - 12,506.23 3,457.71 9,048.52 9,048.52
FICA-Admin - 93,525.12 25,005.90 68,519.22 68,519.22
FICA-Admin - 3,466.88 1,239.35 2,227.53 2,227.53
FICA-Admin - 51,331.95 13,731.23 37,600.72 37,600.72
FICA-Admin - 10,184.89 10,184.89 - -
FICA-Admin - 1,008,425.70 270,989.02 737,436.68 737,436.68
FICA-Admin - 39,202.38 13,999.45 25,202.93 25,202.93
FICA-Admin - 26,389.88 5,604.39 20,785.49 20,785.49
FICA-Admin - 38,722.29 13,479.35 25,242.94 25,242.94
FICA-Admin - 33,978.73 6,495.43 27,483.30 27,483.30
FICA-Admin - 68,490.23 24,728.24 43,761.99 43,761.99
FICA-Admin - 216.04 72.01 144.03 144.03
FICA-Admin - 32,933.76 11,037.39 21,896.37 21,896.37
FICA-Admin - 173,552.27 45,379.06 128,173.21 128,173.21
FICA-Admin - 102.84 - 102.84 102.84
FICA-Admin - 66,225.82 18,033.32 48,192.50 48,192.50
FICA-Admin - 304.27 125.28 178.99 178.99
FICA-Admin - 385.76 77.15 308.61 308.61
FICA-Admin - 184.25 36.85 147.40 147.40
FICA-Admin - 432.44 131.87 300.57 300.57
FICA-Admin - 50,512.85 14,414.39 36,098.46 36,098.46
FICA-Admin - 971.91 971.91 - -
FICA-Admin - 64,091.37 12,303.21 51,788.16 51,788.16
FICA-Admin - 58,983.41 21,673.62 37,309.79 37,309.79
401k Fees - 33,484.50 1,252.30 32,232.20 32,232.20
401K - 17,708.39 - 17,708.39 17,708.39
401K - 1,990.90 - 1,990.90 1,990.90
401K - 842,783.97 88,448.32 754,335.65 754,335.65
Pension - Ba - 4,333,329.00 2,145,467.00 2,187,862.00 2,187,862.00
Pension - A - 5,977,460.28 700,000.00 5,277,460.28 5,277,460.28
L-T Disabilit - 2,043.69 2,043.69 - -
L-T Disabilit - 11,496.37 - 11,496.37 11,496.37
L-T Disabilit - 827.97 - 827.97 827.97
L-T Disabilit - 805.64 - 805.64 805.64
L-T Disabilit - 2,294.71 - 2,294.71 2,294.71
L-T Disabilit - 117.26 - 117.26 117.26
L-T Disabilit - 235.95 - 235.95 235.95
L-T Disabilit - 1,067.88 - 1,067.88 1,067.88
L-T Disabilit - 1,487.25 - 1,487.25 1,487.25
L-T Disabilit - 445.39 - 445.39 445.39
L-T Disabilit - 230.23 - 230.23 230.23
L-T Disabilit - 3,652.66 - 3,652.66 3,652.66
L-T Disabilit - 1,670.46 - 1,670.46 1,670.46
L-T Disabilit - 2,147.09 - 2,147.09 2,147.09
L-T Disabilit - 2,986.17 - 2,986.17 2,986.17
L-T Disabilit - 867.35 - 867.35 867.35
L-T Disabilit - 1,496.22 - 1,496.22 1,496.22
L-T Disabilit - 6,448.14 - 6,448.14 6,448.14
L-T Disabilit - 2,964.50 - 2,964.50 2,964.50
L-T Disabilit - 2,456.19 - 2,456.19 2,456.19
L-T Disabilit - 849.42 - 849.42 849.42
L-T Disabilit - 5,876.97 - 5,876.97 5,876.97
L-T Disabilit - 2,669.59 - 2,669.59 2,669.59
L-T Disabilit - 196,092.93 98,114.72 97,978.21 97,978.21
L-T Disabilit - 143.00 - 143.00 143.00
L-T Disabilit - 178.74 178.74 - -
L-T Disabilit - 772.10 772.10 - -
L-T Disabilit - 537.80 537.80 - -
L-T Disabilit - 620.46 620.46 - -
L-T Disabilit - 180.39 180.39 - -
L-T Disabilit - 188.04 188.04 - -
L-T Disabilit - 338.83 338.83 - -
L-T Disabilit - 292.23 292.23 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,362.63 1,362.63 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,910.14 1,910.14 - -
L-T Disabilit - 61.67 61.67 - -
L-T Disabilit - 4,766.93 4,646.59 120.34 120.34
L-T Disabilit - 290.44 290.44 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,094.01 1,094.01 - -
L-T Disabilit - 180.39 180.39 - -
L-T Disabilit - 561.64 561.64 - -
L-T Disabilit - 3,512.43 3,466.45 45.98 45.98
L-T Disabilit - 788.60 788.60 - -
L-T Disabilit - 8,266.28 8,200.06 66.22 66.22
L-T Disabilit - 3,140.49 3,140.49 - -
L-T Disabilit - 147.92 147.92 - -
L-T Disabilit - 93.67 93.67 - -
L-T Disabilit - 3,389.60 3,389.60 - -
L-T Disabilit - 2,724.94 2,700.74 24.20 24.20
L-T Disabilit - 718.49 718.49 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,466.93 1,466.93 - -
L-T Disabilit - 151.53 151.53 - -
L-T Disabilit - 3,911.15 3,911.15 - -
L-T Disabilit - 214.68 214.68 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,891.03 1,891.03 - -
L-T Disabilit - 2,268.04 2,268.04 - -
L-T Disabilit - 220.07 220.07 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,068.02 1,068.02 - -
L-T Disabilit - 180.39 180.39 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,330.28 1,330.28 - -
L-T Disabilit - 808.04 808.04 - -
L-T Disabilit - 335.35 335.35 - -
L-T Disabilit - 14,986.43 14,953.43 33.00 33.00
L-T Disabilit - 297.65 297.65 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,078.84 1,078.84 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,061.79 1,061.79 - -
L-T Disabilit - 2,949.80 2,949.80 - -
L-T Disabilit - 1,022.67 1,022.67 - -
L-T Disabilit - 60.72 20.24 40.48 40.48
L-T Disabilit - 1,313.37 455.37 858.00 858.00
S-T Disability - 3,228.40 3,228.40 - -
S-T Disability - 19,802.32 - 19,802.32 19,802.32
S-T Disability - 1,265.68 - 1,265.68 1,265.68
S-T Disability - 1,431.08 - 1,431.08 1,431.08
S-T Disability - 4,190.21 - 4,190.21 4,190.21
S-T Disability - 191.75 - 191.75 191.75
S-T Disability - 383.50 - 383.50 383.50
S-T Disability - 1,594.54 - 1,594.54 1,594.54
S-T Disability - 2,620.08 - 2,620.08 2,620.08
S-T Disability - 843.96 - 843.96 843.96
S-T Disability - 364.39 - 364.39 364.39
S-T Disability - 6,404.53 - 6,404.53 6,404.53
S-T Disability - 2,803.02 - 2,803.02 2,803.02
S-T Disability - 3,572.70 - 3,572.70 3,572.70
S-T Disability - 4,754.54 - 4,754.54 4,754.54
S-T Disability - 1,281.83 - 1,281.83 1,281.83
S-T Disability - 2,405.90 - 2,405.90 2,405.90
S-T Disability - 9,643.66 - 9,643.66 9,643.66
S-T Disability - 4,616.88 - 4,616.88 4,616.88
S-T Disability - 3,969.55 - 3,969.55 3,969.55
S-T Disability - 1,556.29 - 1,556.29 1,556.29
S-T Disability - 8,733.78 - 8,733.78 8,733.78
S-T Disability - 4,227.69 - 4,227.69 4,227.69
S-T Disability - 162,339.60 80,561.55 81,778.05 81,778.05
S-T Disability - 191.75 - 191.75 191.75
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 1,209.45 1,209.45 - -
S-T Disability - 851.93 851.93 - -
S-T Disability - 979.76 979.76 - -
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 321.41 321.41 - -
S-T Disability - 499.16 499.16 - -
S-T Disability - 435.41 435.41 - -
S-T Disability - 1,966.75 1,966.75 - -
S-T Disability - 3,072.03 3,072.03 - -
S-T Disability - 118.19 118.19 - -
S-T Disability - 8,374.32 8,151.56 222.76 222.76
S-T Disability - 459.67 459.67 - -
S-T Disability - 1,616.32 1,616.32 - -
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 1,064.67 1,064.67 - -
S-T Disability - 5,504.73 5,425.07 79.66 79.66
S-T Disability - 1,107.58 1,107.58 - -
S-T Disability - 12,376.18 12,272.93 103.25 103.25
S-T Disability - 5,083.88 5,083.88 - -
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 172.37 172.37 - -
S-T Disability - 5,364.08 5,364.08 - -
S-T Disability - 4,543.26 4,496.06 47.20 47.20
S-T Disability - 1,121.15 1,121.15 - -
S-T Disability - 2,524.86 2,524.86 - -
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 6,240.61 6,240.61 - -
S-T Disability - 387.19 387.19 - -
S-T Disability - 3,332.49 3,332.49 - -
S-T Disability - 3,166.48 3,166.48 - -
S-T Disability - 411.31 411.31 - -
S-T Disability - 1,688.27 1,688.27 - -
S-T Disability - 241.88 241.88 - -
S-T Disability - 1,989.49 1,989.49 - -
S-T Disability - 1,209.45 1,209.45 - -
S-T Disability - 626.40 626.40 - -
S-T Disability - 25,764.10 25,719.85 44.25 44.25
S-T Disability - 483.78 483.78 - -
S-T Disability - 1,978.32 1,978.32 - -
S-T Disability - 1,619.82 1,619.82 - -
S-T Disability - 5,389.48 5,389.48 - -
S-T Disability - 1,817.13 1,817.13 - -
S-T Disability - 88.50 29.50 59.00 59.00
S-T Disability - 1,761.10 610.60 1,150.50 1,150.50
Health Plan - 22,685.09 22,685.09 - -
Health Plan - 128,778.62 93,307.56 35,471.06 35,471.06
Health Plan - - 13,386.92 (13,386.92) (13,386.92)
Health Plan - 6,136.38 10,016.72 (3,880.34) (3,880.34)
Health Plan - 11,255.16 5,314.42 5,940.74 5,940.74
Health Plan - 32,744.94 20,198.92 12,546.02 12,546.02
Health Plan - 920.58 384.34 536.24 536.24
Health Plan - 920.58 8,757.49 (7,836.91) (7,836.91)
Health Plan - 15,120.75 10,843.53 4,277.22 4,277.22
Health Plan - 21,412.32 15,338.40 6,073.92 6,073.92
Health Plan - 5,493.33 4,995.64 497.69 497.69
Health Plan - 2,851.71 1,854.41 997.30 997.30
Health Plan - 40,293.29 39,052.42 1,240.87 1,240.87
Health Plan - 20,869.20 13,236.00 7,633.20 7,633.20
Health Plan - 24,569.94 16,411.04 8,158.90 8,158.90
Health Plan - 29,315.77 21,151.90 8,163.87 8,163.87
Health Plan - 6,739.47 5,401.78 1,337.69 1,337.69
Health Plan - 13,976.25 84.83 13,891.42 13,891.42
Health Plan - 62,091.69 52,671.27 9,420.42 9,420.42
Health Plan - 32,571.66 24,022.07 8,549.59 8,549.59
Health Plan - 21,379.52 17,013.11 4,366.41 4,366.41
Health Plan - - 106.82 (106.82) (106.82)
Health Plan - 12,722.37 - 12,722.37 12,722.37
Health Plan - 53,681.91 48,391.00 5,290.91 5,290.91
Health Plan - 31,642.02 145,704.03 (114,062.01) (114,062.01)
Health Plan - 12,233,860.11 5,811,745.33 6,422,114.78 6,422,114.78
Health Plan - 2,206.53 2,422.75 (216.22) (216.22)
Health Plan - 5,259.61 5,259.61 - -
Health Plan - 32,862.13 32,862.13 - -
Health Plan - 29,108.38 29,108.38 - -
Health Plan - 35,862.01 35,862.01 - -
Health Plan - 17,316.89 17,316.89 - -
Health Plan - 13,351.30 13,351.30 - -
Health Plan - 23,903.09 23,903.09 - -
Health Plan - 17,039.45 17,039.45 - -
Health Plan - 90,252.92 90,252.92 - -
Health Plan - 115,070.87 115,070.87 - -
Health Plan - 956.57 956.57 - -
Health Plan - 286,777.00 284,628.98 2,148.02 2,148.02
Health Plan - 20,347.18 20,347.18 - -
Health Plan - 49,805.74 49,805.74 - -
Health Plan - 11,745.62 11,745.62 - -
Health Plan - 36,109.01 36,109.01 - -
Health Plan - 197,337.52 195,737.80 1,599.72 1,599.72
Health Plan - 28,701.80 28,701.80 - -
Health Plan - 476,625.69 473,069.93 3,555.76 3,555.76
Health Plan - 155,549.23 155,549.23 - -
Health Plan - 5,866.07 5,866.07 - -
Health Plan - 6,143.27 6,143.27 - -
Health Plan - 240,127.21 240,127.21 - -
Health Plan - 167,370.07 166,176.03 1,194.04 1,194.04
Health Plan - 32,007.18 32,007.18 - -
Health Plan - 121,472.32 121,472.32 - -
Health Plan - 15,260.33 15,260.33 - -
Health Plan - 223,279.60 223,279.60 - -
Health Plan - 10,519.24 10,519.24 - -
Health Plan - 145,345.67 145,345.67 - -
Health Plan - 129,894.19 129,894.19 - -
Health Plan - 10,519.24 10,519.24 - -
Health Plan - 46,209.09 46,209.09 - -
Health Plan - 17,316.89 17,316.89 - -
Health Plan - 90,006.99 90,006.99 - -
Health Plan - 45,588.20 45,588.20 - -
Health Plan - 21,408.26 21,408.26 - -
Health Plan - 1,016,661.41 1,015,621.63 1,039.78 1,039.78
Health Plan - 5,866.07 5,866.07 - -
Health Plan - 71,274.07 71,274.07 - -
Health Plan - 44,542.53 44,542.53 - -
Health Plan - 255,911.22 255,911.22 - -
Health Plan - 75,316.77 75,316.77 - -
Health Plan - 106,659.68 3,683.61 102,976.07 102,976.07
Health Plan - 1,604,525.33 741,893.89 862,631.44 862,631.44
Health Plan - 81,675.70 72,850.03 8,825.67 8,825.67
Health Plan - - 1,905,235.47 566,342.42 1,338,893.05 1,338,893.05
Health Plan - - 130,971.38 59,458.92 71,512.46 71,512.46
Health Savin - 54,631.23 54,839.50 (208.27) (208.27)
Health Savin - 59,325.00 5,025.00 54,300.00 54,300.00
Health Savin - 375.00 - 375.00 375.00
Health Savin - 675.00 675.00 - -
Health Savin - 543.75 168.75 375.00 375.00
Health Savin - 3,680.36 1,355.36 2,325.00 2,325.00
Health Savin - 1,087.50 337.50 750.00 750.00
Health Savin - 964.28 364.28 600.00 600.00
Health Savin - 16,200.00 750.00 15,450.00 15,450.00
Health Plan - 146,902.08 146,902.08 - -
Health Plan - 21,428.14 21,428.14 - -
Health Plan - 15,642.49 15,642.49 - -
Health Plan - 8,293.44 8,293.44 - -
Health Plan - 32,069.64 32,069.64 - -
Health Plan - 606.17 606.17 - -
Health Plan - 13,752.91 13,752.91 - -
Health Plan - 16,960.24 16,960.24 - -
Health Plan - 24,735.29 24,735.29 - -
Health Plan - 7,842.59 7,842.59 - -
Health Plan - 2,925.67 2,925.67 - -
Health Plan - 61,673.37 61,673.37 - -
Health Plan - 20,628.56 20,628.56 - -
Health Plan - 25,933.08 25,933.08 - -
Health Plan - 33,416.09 33,416.09 - -
Health Plan - 8,629.81 8,629.81 - -
Health Plan - 97.55 97.55 - -
Health Plan - 83,225.18 83,225.18 - -
Health Plan - 37,904.03 37,904.03 - -
Health Plan - 26,740.85 26,740.85 - -
Health Plan - 168.61 168.61 - -
Health Plan - 76,038.01 76,038.01 - -
Health Plan - 67,240.24 67,240.24 - -
Health Plan - 3,821.31 3,821.31 - -
Health Plan - 152.60 152.60 - -
Health Plan - - 3,643.40 (3,643.40) (3,643.40)
Health Plan - - 2,334.04 (2,334.04) (2,334.04)
Health Plan - - 4,003.98 (4,003.98) (4,003.98)
Health Plan - - 2,202.50 (2,202.50) (2,202.50)
Health Plan - 867.12 867.12 - -
Health Plan - - 3,409.56 (3,409.56) (3,409.56)
Health Plan - 1,459.00 1,459.00 - -
Health Plan - - 10,906.38 (10,906.38) (10,906.38)
Health Plan - - 11,917.82 (11,917.82) (11,917.82)
Health Plan - 30.52 30.52 - -
Health Plan - - 28,368.08 (28,368.08) (28,368.08)
Health Plan - - 1,994.30 (1,994.30) (1,994.30)
Health Plan - - 5,291.80 (5,291.80) (5,291.80)
Health Plan - 842.73 842.73 - -
Health Plan - - 2,548.00 (2,548.00) (2,548.00)
Health Plan - - 19,783.65 (19,783.65) (19,783.65)
Health Plan - 3,007.80 3,007.80 - -
Health Plan - - 54,395.61 (54,395.61) (54,395.61)
Health Plan - - 16,506.82 (16,506.82) (16,506.82)
Health Plan - - 349.40 (349.40) (349.40)
Health Plan - 69.88 69.88 - -
Health Plan - - 27,019.03 (27,019.03) (27,019.03)
Health Plan - - 13,869.50 (13,869.50) (13,869.50)
Health Plan - - 2,390.30 (2,390.30) (2,390.30)
Health Plan - - 13,375.95 (13,375.95) (13,375.95)
Health Plan - 1,771.00 1,771.00 - -
Health Plan - - 22,027.25 (22,027.25) (22,027.25)
Health Plan - 305.20 305.20 - -
Health Plan - - 14,815.26 (14,815.26) (14,815.26)
Health Plan - - 12,323.60 (12,323.60) (12,323.60)
Health Plan - 305.20 305.20 - -
Health Plan - - 5,714.48 (5,714.48) (5,714.48)
Health Plan - - 2,202.50 (2,202.50) (2,202.50)
Health Plan - - 9,167.09 (9,167.09) (9,167.09)
Health Plan - - 5,672.28 (5,672.28) (5,672.28)
Health Plan - 1,125.32 1,125.32 - -
Health Plan - - 115,915.78 (115,915.78) (115,915.78)
Health Plan - - 349.40 (349.40) (349.40)
Health Plan - - 5,521.92 (5,521.92) (5,521.92)
Health Plan - - 4,467.60 (4,467.60) (4,467.60)
Health Plan - - 25,996.02 (25,996.02) (25,996.02)
Health Plan - - 5,641.40 (5,641.40) (5,641.40)
Health Plan - - 384.72 (384.72) (384.72)
Health Plan - - 7,671.40 (7,671.40) (7,671.40)
Dental Plan - 1,456.09 1,456.09 - -
Dental Plan - 8,509.82 4,570.28 3,939.54 3,939.54
Dental Plan - - 623.22 (623.22) (623.22)
Dental Plan - 447.21 447.44 (0.23) (0.23)
Dental Plan - 700.11 175.78 524.33 524.33
Dental Plan - 2,150.91 507.39 1,643.52 1,643.52
Dental Plan - 98.49 87.89 10.60 10.60
Dental Plan - 149.07 503.37 (354.30) (354.30)
Dental Plan - 826.09 407.49 418.60 418.60
Dental Plan - 1,344.30 703.12 641.18 641.18
Dental Plan - 348.72 351.56 (2.84) (2.84)
Dental Plan - 149.07 87.89 61.18 61.18
Dental Plan - 2,629.59 1,645.94 983.65 983.65
Dental Plan - 1,366.50 487.39 879.11 879.11
Dental Plan - 1,541.28 838.95 702.33 702.33
Dental Plan - 1,907.75 990.76 916.99 916.99
Dental Plan - 447.21 247.69 199.52 199.52
Dental Plan - 1,056.79 - 1,056.79 1,056.79
Dental Plan - 3,673.50 2,269.16 1,404.34 1,404.34
Dental Plan - 2,180.13 1,318.35 861.78 861.78
Dental Plan - 1,523.53 791.01 732.52 732.52
Dental Plan - 801.27 - 801.27 801.27
Dental Plan - 3,453.43 2,229.21 1,224.22 1,224.22
Dental Plan - 1,929.90 6,439.03 (4,509.13) (4,509.13)
Dental Plan - 520,164.52 215,577.83 304,586.69 304,586.69
Dental Plan - 98.49 87.89 10.60 10.60
Dental Plan - 276.50 276.50 - -
Dental Plan - 2,011.07 2,011.07 - -
Dental Plan - 1,426.07 1,426.07 - -
Dental Plan - 1,974.74 1,974.74 - -
Dental Plan - 729.02 729.02 - -
Dental Plan - 769.40 769.40 - -
Dental Plan - 1,102.98 1,102.98 - -
Dental Plan - 1,005.53 1,005.53 - -
Dental Plan - 4,588.38 4,588.38 - -
Dental Plan - 7,800.37 7,800.37 - -
Dental Plan - 50.58 50.58 - -
Dental Plan - 16,810.57 16,692.55 118.02 118.02
Dental Plan - 1,005.53 1,005.53 - -
Dental Plan - 3,016.60 3,016.60 - -
Dental Plan - 735.28 735.28 - -
Dental Plan - 2,287.57 2,287.57 - -
Dental Plan - 13,387.20 13,286.04 101.16 101.16
Dental Plan - 2,641.33 2,641.33 - -
Dental Plan - 24,826.22 24,661.18 165.04 165.04
Dental Plan - 10,044.57 10,044.57 - -
Dental Plan - 729.02 729.02 - -
Dental Plan - 356.10 356.10 - -
Dental Plan - 13,753.37 13,753.37 - -
Dental Plan - 10,208.22 10,140.78 67.44 67.44
Dental Plan - 2,010.08 2,010.08 - -
Dental Plan - 6,630.75 6,630.75 - -
Dental Plan - 729.02 729.02 - -
Dental Plan - 12,725.38 12,725.38 - -
Dental Plan - 553.01 553.01 - -
Dental Plan - 8,337.84 8,337.84 - -
Dental Plan - 7,913.27 7,913.27 - -
Dental Plan - 553.01 553.01 - -
Dental Plan - 3,627.69 3,627.69 - -
Dental Plan - 729.02 729.02 - -
Dental Plan - 4,685.44 4,685.44 - -
Dental Plan - 2,835.94 2,835.94 - -
Dental Plan - 1,245.57 1,245.57 - -
Dental Plan - 59,155.96 59,090.30 65.66 65.66
Dental Plan - 1,005.53 1,005.53 - -
Dental Plan - 4,240.65 4,240.65 - -
Dental Plan - 3,016.60 3,016.60 - -
Dental Plan - 14,332.77 14,332.77 - -
Dental Plan - 4,425.65 4,425.65 - -
Dental Plan - 4,750.40 181.03 4,569.37 4,569.37
Dental Plan - 72,177.22 22,243.89 49,933.33 49,933.33
Dental Plan - 3,488.59 3,142.54 346.05 346.05
Dental Plan - 7,209.35 7,209.35 - -
Dental Plan - 994.34 994.34 - -
Dental Plan - 709.08 709.08 - -
Dental Plan - 277.22 277.22 - -
Dental Plan - 825.76 825.76 - -
Dental Plan - 138.60 138.60 - -
Dental Plan - 795.76 795.76 - -
Dental Plan - 641.97 641.97 - -
Dental Plan - 1,108.99 1,108.99 - -
Dental Plan - 554.49 554.49 - -
Dental Plan - 138.60 138.60 - -
Dental Plan - 2,597.51 2,597.51 - -
Dental Plan - 753.43 753.43 - -
Dental Plan - 1,325.93 1,325.93 - -
Dental Plan - 1,578.79 1,578.79 - -
Dental Plan - 399.46 399.46 - -
Dental Plan - 3,589.87 3,589.87 - -
Dental Plan - 2,079.37 2,079.37 - -
Dental Plan - 1,244.41 1,244.41 - -
Dental Plan - 3,510.77 3,510.77 - -
Dental Plan - 2,942.69 2,942.69 - -
Dental Plan - 138.60 138.60 - -
Dental Plan - - 159.80 (159.80) (159.80)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 143.82 (143.82) (143.82)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - 47.94 47.94 - -
Dental Plan - - 143.82 (143.82) (143.82)
Dental Plan - 79.90 79.90 - -
Dental Plan - - 455.43 (455.43) (455.43)
Dental Plan - - 599.25 (599.25) (599.25)
Dental Plan - - 1,166.54 (1,166.54) (1,166.54)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Dental Plan - 7.99 7.99 - -
Dental Plan - - 159.80 (159.80) (159.80)
Dental Plan - - 1,182.52 (1,182.52) (1,182.52)
Dental Plan - 239.70 239.70 - -
Dental Plan - - 2,197.25 (2,197.25) (2,197.25)
Dental Plan - - 743.07 (743.07) (743.07)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 1,278.40 (1,278.40) (1,278.40)
Dental Plan - - 751.06 (751.06) (751.06)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 399.50 (399.50) (399.50)
Dental Plan - 79.90 79.90 - -
Dental Plan - - 910.86 (910.86) (910.86)
Dental Plan - - 559.30 (559.30) (559.30)
Dental Plan - - 727.09 (727.09) (727.09)
Dental Plan - - 367.54 (367.54) (367.54)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 399.50 (399.50) (399.50)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Dental Plan - 63.92 63.92 - -
Dental Plan - - 4,794.00 (4,794.00) (4,794.00)
Dental Plan - - 79.90 (79.90) (79.90)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Dental Plan - - 727.09 (727.09) (727.09)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Dental Plan - - 15.98 (15.98) (15.98)
Dental Plan - - 239.70 (239.70) (239.70)
Wellness Cen - 10,031.96 - 10,031.96 10,031.96
Wellness Cen - 21,314.31 1,923.00 19,391.31 19,391.31
Wellness Cen - 259.40 - 259.40 259.40
Wellness Cen - 472.46 472.46 - -
Wellness Cen - 1,153.44 - 1,153.44 1,153.44
Life Insuran - 2,876.76 2,876.76 - -
Life Insuran - 14,127.65 - 14,127.65 14,127.65
Life Insuran - 1,115.79 - 1,115.79 1,115.79
Life Insuran - 1,037.24 - 1,037.24 1,037.24
Life Insuran - 2,959.29 - 2,959.29 2,959.29
Life Insuran - 141.70 - 141.70 141.70
Life Insuran - 281.84 - 281.84 281.84
Life Insuran - 1,423.89 - 1,423.89 1,423.89
Life Insuran - 1,909.70 - 1,909.70 1,909.70
Life Insuran - 519.73 - 519.73 519.73
Life Insuran - 278.20 - 278.20 278.20
Life Insuran - 4,681.58 - 4,681.58 4,681.58
Life Insuran - 2,127.54 - 2,127.54 2,127.54
Life Insuran - 2,776.13 - 2,776.13 2,776.13
Life Insuran - 3,982.85 - 3,982.85 3,982.85
Life Insuran - 1,262.34 - 1,262.34 1,262.34
Life Insuran - 1,965.93 - 1,965.93 1,965.93
Life Insuran - 8,100.82 - 8,100.82 8,100.82
Life Insuran - 3,980.75 - 3,980.75 3,980.75
Life Insuran - 3,016.45 - 3,016.45 3,016.45
Life Insuran - 1,062.59 - 1,062.59 1,062.59
Life Insuran - 8,109.49 - 8,109.49 8,109.49
Life Insuran - 3,420.93 - 3,420.93 3,420.93
Life Insuran - 160,300.51 75,174.21 85,126.30 85,126.30
Life Insuran - 180.18 - 180.18 180.18
Life Insuran - 266.23 266.23 - -
Life Insuran - 1,212.62 1,212.62 - -
Life Insuran - 823.44 823.44 - -
Life Insuran - 775.15 775.15 - -
Life Insuran - 230.90 230.90 - -
Life Insuran - 224.00 224.00 - -
Life Insuran - 550.67 550.67 - -
Life Insuran - 458.05 458.05 - -
Life Insuran - 1,946.36 1,946.36 - -
Life Insuran - 2,507.33 2,507.33 - -
Life Insuran - 74.13 74.13 - -
Life Insuran - 6,105.68 5,953.19 152.49 152.49
Life Insuran - 350.95 350.95 - -
Life Insuran - 1,593.20 1,593.20 - -
Life Insuran - 227.31 227.31 - -
Life Insuran - 655.38 655.38 - -
Life Insuran - 4,604.88 4,549.42 55.46 55.46
Life Insuran - 1,275.81 1,275.81 - -
Life Insuran - 10,379.84 10,301.04 78.80 78.80
Life Insuran - 3,855.72 3,855.72 - -
Life Insuran - 178.77 178.77 - -
Life Insuran - 113.75 113.75 - -
Life Insuran - 4,343.62 4,343.62 - -
Life Insuran - 3,522.44 3,492.56 29.88 29.88
Life Insuran - 876.57 876.57 - -
Life Insuran - 1,896.94 1,896.94 - -
Life Insuran - 180.39 180.39 - -
Life Insuran - 5,208.33 5,208.33 - -
Life Insuran - 281.90 281.90 - -
Life Insuran - 2,428.16 2,428.16 - -
Life Insuran - 3,165.03 3,165.03 - -
Life Insuran - 268.45 268.45 - -
Life Insuran - 1,307.04 1,307.04 - -
Life Insuran - 227.31 227.31 - -
Life Insuran - 1,771.24 1,771.24 - -
Life Insuran - 1,055.29 1,055.29 - -
Life Insuran - 409.20 409.20 - -
Life Insuran - 18,402.76 18,362.50 40.26 40.26
Life Insuran - 355.57 355.57 - -
Life Insuran - 1,350.06 1,350.06 - -
Life Insuran - 1,430.42 1,430.42 - -
Life Insuran - 3,804.59 3,804.59 - -
Life Insuran - 1,317.08 1,317.08 - -
Life Insuran - 42,086.75 20,482.85 21,603.90 21,603.90
Life Insuran - 2,514.96 887.62 1,627.34 1,627.34
State Unemp - 0.01 0.01 - -
State Unemp - 126.11 51.03 75.08 75.08
State Unemp - 64.25 17.31 46.94 46.94
State Unemp - 79.89 28.23 51.66 51.66
State Unemp - 16.13 6.64 9.49 9.49
State Unemp - 38.89 38.89 - -
State Unemp - 88.03 19.33 68.70 68.70
State Unemp - 12.80 12.80 - -
State Unemp - 168.74 68.41 100.33 100.33
State Unemp - 234.06 94.97 139.09 139.09
State Unemp - 15.03 4.70 10.33 10.33
State Unemp - 21.85 21.85 - -
State Unemp - 1,042.03 378.25 663.78 663.78
State Unemp - 41.69 14.95 26.74 26.74
State Unemp - 137.96 53.29 84.67 84.67
State Unemp - 6.45 6.45 - -
State Unemp - 124.82 50.72 74.10 74.10
State Unemp - 378.87 152.38 226.49 226.49
State Unemp - 0.01 0.01 - -
State Unemp - 1,047.74 412.28 635.46 635.46
State Unemp - 371.66 145.81 225.85 225.85
State Unemp - 15.92 6.54 9.38 9.38
State Unemp - 22.68 22.68 - -
State Unemp - 444.76 170.50 274.26 274.26
State Unemp - 343.06 144.20 198.86 198.86
State Unemp - 1.10 0.22 0.88 0.88
State Unemp - 103.27 36.99 66.28 66.28
State Unemp - 3.20 - 3.20 3.20
State Unemp - 296.37 113.94 182.43 182.43
State Unemp - 0.01 0.01 - -
State Unemp - 607.96 229.75 378.21 378.21
State Unemp - 23.48 23.48 - -
State Unemp - 344.33 130.03 214.30 214.30
State Unemp - 230.40 86.14 144.26 144.26
State Unemp - 0.01 0.01 - -
State Unemp - 241.62 93.58 148.04 148.04
State Unemp - 16.10 6.62 9.48 9.48
State Unemp - 176.29 61.01 115.28 115.28
State Unemp - 15.92 6.54 9.38 9.38
State Unemp - 64.27 26.46 37.81 37.81
State Unemp - 0.31 0.31 - -
State Unemp - 1,912.30 725.40 1,186.90 1,186.90
State Unemp - 112.02 46.12 65.90 65.90
State Unemp - 36.76 13.13 23.63 23.63
State Unemp - 275.48 132.03 143.45 143.45
State Unemp - 40.11 6.19 33.92 33.92
State Unemp - 109.06 47.34 61.72 61.72
State Unemp - 2.89 0.96 1.93 1.93
State Unemp - 194.38 66.81 127.57 127.57
State Unemp - 441.30 168.53 272.77 272.77
State Unemp - 1.50 - 1.50 1.50
State Unemp - 179.31 67.55 111.76 111.76
State Unemp - 4.08 1.68 2.40 2.40
State Unemp - 85.05 30.78 54.27 54.27
State Unemp - 10.57 10.57 - -
State Unemp - 30.10 4.06 26.04 26.04
State Unemp - 99.73 41.06 58.67 58.67
Expense For - 36,123.72 5,317.98 30,805.74 30,805.74
Premiums Fo - 51,717.98 3,794.00 47,923.98 47,923.98
Sick Leave- - 879.33 879.33 - -
Sick Leave- - 354,762.94 297,369.05 57,393.89 57,393.89
Sick Leave- - 36,221.99 19,343.54 16,878.45 16,878.45
Sick Leave- - 63,818.73 39,543.93 24,274.80 24,274.80
Sick Leave- - 44,665.63 43,433.08 1,232.55 1,232.55
Sick Leave- - 3,330.68 2,210.71 1,119.97 1,119.97
Sick Leave- - 87,871.80 80,103.17 7,768.63 7,768.63
Sick Leave- - 6,212.83 6,212.83 - -
Sick Leave- - 268,609.26 229,179.86 39,429.40 39,429.40
Sick Leave- - 331,534.42 297,023.13 34,511.29 34,511.29
Sick Leave- - 31,801.00 5,297.26 26,503.74 26,503.74
Sick Leave- - 3,112.65 199.69 2,912.96 2,912.96
Sick Leave- - 9,115.20 - 9,115.20 9,115.20
Sick Leave- - 523,660.34 382,859.58 140,800.76 140,800.76
Sick Leave- - 49,886.78 44,265.25 5,621.53 5,621.53
Sick Leave- - 135,596.01 102,627.42 32,968.59 32,968.59
Sick Leave- - 1,153.20 - 1,153.20 1,153.20
Sick Leave- - 98,988.13 72,752.77 26,235.36 26,235.36
Sick Leave- - 773,282.60 679,809.43 93,473.17 93,473.17
Sick Leave- - 13,999.15 12,083.41 1,915.74 1,915.74
Sick Leave- - 1,382,474.24 1,106,479.00 275,995.24 275,995.24
Sick Leave- - 551,853.87 454,679.39 97,174.48 97,174.48
Sick Leave- - 33,948.29 33,358.63 589.66 589.66
Sick Leave- - 1,544.74 401.53 1,143.21 1,143.21
Sick Leave- - 780,483.64 645,633.97 134,849.67 134,849.67
Sick Leave- - 585.74 - 585.74 585.74
Sick Leave- - 533,497.33 466,480.85 67,016.48 67,016.48
Sick Leave- - 2,023.19 263.89 1,759.30 1,759.30
Sick Leave- - 111,536.34 91,052.33 20,484.01 20,484.01
Sick Leave- - 265,216.20 232,897.68 32,318.52 32,318.52
Sick Leave- - 725,291.23 528,122.83 197,168.40 197,168.40
Sick Leave- - 273.12 273.12 - -
Sick Leave- - 374,825.04 306,449.62 68,375.42 68,375.42
Sick Leave- - 539,128.67 469,453.29 69,675.38 69,675.38
Sick Leave- - 3,147.10 3,147.10 - -
Sick Leave- - 268,284.85 233,924.07 34,360.78 34,360.78
Sick Leave- - 43,582.69 42,761.43 821.26 821.26
Sick Leave- - 216,713.79 175,015.87 41,697.92 41,697.92
Sick Leave- - 36,384.94 23,798.34 12,586.60 12,586.60
Sick Leave- - 140,569.56 125,761.26 14,808.30 14,808.30
Sick Leave- - 1,018.81 - 1,018.81 1,018.81
Sick Leave- - 2,142,960.28 1,752,698.19 390,262.09 390,262.09
Sick Leave- - 220,988.71 205,095.45 15,893.26 15,893.26
Sick Leave- - 30,350.74 14,081.50 16,269.24 16,269.24
Sick Leave- - 74,749.20 68,861.83 5,887.37 5,887.37
Sick Leave- - 181.86 - 181.86 181.86
Sick Leave- - 77,316.77 52,618.82 24,697.95 24,697.95
Sick Leave- - 10,123.47 1,791.48 8,331.99 8,331.99
Sick Leave- - 135,281.46 112,355.42 22,926.04 22,926.04
Sick Leave- - 162,320.45 136,647.25 25,673.20 25,673.20
Sick Leave- - 243,719.81 186,755.93 56,963.88 56,963.88
Sick Leave- - 168,401.75 138,633.42 29,768.33 29,768.33
Sick Leave- - 906.11 373.10 533.01 533.01
Sick Leave- - 535.99 220.70 315.29 315.29
Sick Leave- - 79,033.28 153,981.43 (74,948.15) (74,948.15)
Sick Leave- - 17,948.46 514.63 17,433.83 17,433.83
Sick Leave- - 269,055.61 211,530.93 57,524.68 57,524.68
Supplemental - 1,982.78 1,144.06 838.72 838.72
Supplemental - 431.46 - 431.46 431.46
Supplemental - 659.66 86.04 573.62 573.62
Supplemental - 720.00 - 720.00 720.00
Supplemental - 1,251.20 515.20 736.00 736.00
Supplemental - 2,693.16 615.49 2,077.67 2,077.67
Supplemental - 573.54 236.16 337.38 337.38
Holiday Lea - 2,384.61 2,384.61 - -
Holiday Lea - 67,238.00 17,961.64 49,276.36 49,276.36
Holiday Lea - 12,922.54 3,372.35 9,550.19 9,550.19
Holiday Lea - 14,351.03 4,153.64 10,197.39 10,197.39
Holiday Lea - 5,944.43 1,607.00 4,337.43 4,337.43
Holiday Lea - 1,613.78 1,613.78 - -
Holiday Lea - 17,369.00 3,975.50 13,393.50 13,393.50
Holiday Lea - 1,453.83 1,453.83 - -
Holiday Lea - 63,918.11 18,055.61 45,862.50 45,862.50
Holiday Lea - 62,103.55 18,718.25 43,385.30 43,385.30
Holiday Lea - 12,833.68 3,170.70 9,662.98 9,662.98
Holiday Lea - 186,130.08 47,986.20 138,143.88 138,143.88
Holiday Lea - 6,686.51 2,131.91 4,554.60 4,554.60
Holiday Lea - 39,610.55 12,614.54 26,996.01 26,996.01
Holiday Lea - 1,141.90 1,141.90 - -
Holiday Lea - 33,666.46 8,855.91 24,810.55 24,810.55
Holiday Lea - 121,434.39 34,731.81 86,702.58 86,702.58
Holiday Lea - 3,419.17 3,419.17 - -
Holiday Lea - 287,201.79 85,676.48 201,525.31 201,525.31
Holiday Lea - 105,697.50 30,408.90 75,288.60 75,288.60
Holiday Lea - 5,081.06 1,745.17 3,335.89 3,335.89
Holiday Lea - 118,924.38 34,229.60 84,694.78 84,694.78
Holiday Lea - 95,382.46 34,555.73 60,826.73 60,826.73
Holiday Lea - 16,907.64 4,224.02 12,683.62 12,683.62
Holiday Lea - 59,878.61 17,127.17 42,751.44 42,751.44
Holiday Lea - 149,556.00 47,436.76 102,119.24 102,119.24
Holiday Lea - 3,502.95 3,502.95 - -
Holiday Lea - 79,744.06 21,807.53 57,936.53 57,936.53
Holiday Lea - 76,350.43 23,649.50 52,700.93 52,700.93
Holiday Lea - 3,494.00 3,494.00 - -
Holiday Lea - 47,606.81 13,592.74 34,014.07 34,014.07
Holiday Lea - 6,515.79 2,239.54 4,276.25 4,276.25
Holiday Lea - 48,104.82 12,531.29 35,573.53 35,573.53
Holiday Lea - 1,975.12 813.28 1,161.84 1,161.84
Holiday Lea - 23,601.15 6,517.24 17,083.91 17,083.91
Holiday Lea - 2,257.16 2,257.16 - -
Holiday Lea - 459,023.57 128,545.29 330,478.28 330,478.28
Holiday Lea - 28,492.93 8,288.54 20,204.39 20,204.39
Holiday Lea - 16,524.46 2,849.20 13,675.26 13,675.26
Holiday Lea - 30,311.20 9,030.36 21,280.84 21,280.84
Holiday Lea - 11,076.64 2,122.57 8,954.07 8,954.07
Holiday Lea - 26,190.87 14,358.26 11,832.61 11,832.61
Holiday Lea - 32,222.51 10,332.84 21,889.67 21,889.67
Holiday Lea - 98,346.87 26,130.84 72,216.03 72,216.03
Holiday Lea - 37,537.06 9,357.52 28,179.54 28,179.54
Holiday Lea - 50,879.37 14,416.68 36,462.69 36,462.69
Holiday Lea - 9,347.76 1,853.71 7,494.05 7,494.05
Holiday Lea - 52,548.42 18,920.27 33,628.15 33,628.15
Vacation Le - 6,363.93 6,363.93 - -
Vacation Le - 705,983.72 605,156.22 100,827.50 100,827.50
Vacation Le - 90,828.31 54,413.39 36,414.92 36,414.92
Vacation Le - 60,389.91 40,649.76 19,740.15 19,740.15
Vacation Le - 82,140.40 68,678.60 13,461.80 13,461.80
Vacation Le - 3,190.64 2,257.53 933.11 933.11
Vacation Le - 53,414.45 33,528.28 19,886.17 19,886.17
Vacation Le - 10,585.25 10,585.25 - -
Vacation Le - 374,061.95 298,879.95 75,182.00 75,182.00
Vacation Le - 342,841.86 320,622.07 22,219.79 22,219.79
Vacation Le - 84,924.26 21,079.79 63,844.47 63,844.47
Vacation Le - 3,124.85 166.36 2,958.49 2,958.49
Vacation Le - 1,512.44 - 1,512.44 1,512.44
Vacation Le - 589,066.47 429,709.81 159,356.66 159,356.66
Vacation Le - 105,969.41 92,893.82 13,075.59 13,075.59
Vacation Le - 230,788.89 178,426.64 52,362.25 52,362.25
Vacation Le - 2,895.20 1,934.42 960.78 960.78
Vacation Le - 226,105.07 185,125.79 40,979.28 40,979.28
Vacation Le - 1,380,592.89 1,192,747.09 187,845.80 187,845.80
Vacation Le - 19,943.18 18,347.07 1,596.11 1,596.11
Vacation Le - 1,910,418.94 1,508,721.54 401,697.40 401,697.40
Vacation Le - 927,250.81 754,631.86 172,618.95 172,618.95
Vacation Le - 51,861.72 43,815.32 8,046.40 8,046.40
Vacation Le - 1,183.22 - 1,183.22 1,183.22
Vacation Le - 1,023,545.12 846,182.58 177,362.54 177,362.54
Vacation Le - 488.01 - 488.01 488.01
Vacation Le - 619,172.40 496,252.07 122,920.33 122,920.33
Vacation Le - 77,908.63 57,123.58 20,785.05 20,785.05
Vacation Le - 401,772.19 341,036.98 60,735.21 60,735.21
Vacation Le - 1,031,601.15 813,212.97 218,388.18 218,388.18
Vacation Le - 571,898.06 481,910.79 89,987.27 89,987.27
Vacation Le - 694,847.54 539,924.38 154,923.16 154,923.16
Vacation Le - 2,830.27 2,830.27 - -
Vacation Le - 290,583.03 256,177.62 34,405.41 34,405.41
Vacation Le - 116,220.85 103,237.00 12,983.85 12,983.85
Vacation Le - 209,100.46 158,809.60 50,290.86 50,290.86
Vacation Le - 30,197.85 20,009.05 10,188.80 10,188.80
Vacation Le - 325,528.28 286,044.43 39,483.85 39,483.85
Vacation Le - 1,646.62 797.79 848.83 848.83
Vacation Le - 2,286,472.30 1,859,996.17 426,476.13 426,476.13
Vacation Le - 451,309.10 422,065.44 29,243.66 29,243.66
Vacation Le - 25,351.00 11,474.42 13,876.58 13,876.58
Vacation Le - 158,982.33 130,640.84 28,341.49 28,341.49
Vacation Le - 451.14 - 451.14 451.14
Vacation Le - 100,781.99 89,842.51 10,939.48 10,939.48
Vacation Le - 19,071.62 2,567.64 16,503.98 16,503.98
Vacation Le - 149,298.71 120,105.01 29,193.70 29,193.70
Vacation Le - 217,417.32 185,170.40 32,246.92 32,246.92
Vacation Le - 262,405.62 169,509.08 92,896.54 92,896.54
Vacation Le - 236,388.82 189,989.58 46,399.24 46,399.24
Vacation Le - 2,195.96 439.19 1,756.77 1,756.77
Vacation Le - 158,583.18 233,621.44 (75,038.26) (75,038.26)
Vacation Le - 90,784.00 13,633.84 77,150.16 77,150.16
Vacation Le - 420,279.52 385,990.96 34,288.56 34,288.56
Other Paid - 1,629.10 615.44 1,013.66 1,013.66
Other Paid - 935.51 122.02 813.49 813.49
Other Paid - 4,542.58 1,583.06 2,959.52 2,959.52
Other Paid - 706.57 141.31 565.26 565.26
Other Paid - 6,493.86 3,696.49 2,797.37 2,797.37
Other Paid - 12,825.77 782.69 12,043.08 12,043.08
Other Paid - 1,248.79 488.66 760.13 760.13
Other Paid - 1,974.29 686.93 1,287.36 1,287.36
Other Paid - 17,363.73 3,900.35 13,463.38 13,463.38
Other Paid - 3,630.71 1,303.17 2,327.54 2,327.54
Other Paid - 26,069.49 8,403.89 17,665.60 17,665.60
Other Paid - 824.77 274.92 549.85 549.85
Other Paid - 6,689.18 2,581.54 4,107.64 4,107.64
Other Paid - 2,419.11 763.78 1,655.33 1,655.33
Other Paid - 12,657.43 1,646.46 11,010.97 11,010.97
Other Paid - 15,979.72 3,507.73 12,471.99 12,471.99
Other Paid - 1,291.77 1,291.77 - -
Other Paid - 7,601.86 1,524.99 6,076.87 6,076.87
Other Paid - 4,148.18 279.80 3,868.38 3,868.38
Other Paid - 2,983.51 1,065.38 1,918.13 1,918.13
Other Paid - 45,122.29 12,037.87 33,084.42 33,084.42
Other Paid - 2,544.14 - 2,544.14 2,544.14
Other Paid - 3,950.70 1,588.86 2,361.84 2,361.84
Other Paid - 2,255.59 533.67 1,721.92 1,721.92
Other Paid - 11,541.58 2,854.55 8,687.03 8,687.03
Other Paid - 1,196.60 204.84 991.76 991.76
Other Paid - 12,176.87 - 12,176.87 12,176.87
Uniform All - 289.90 144.95 144.95 144.95
Uniform All - 142.96 - 142.96 142.96
Uniform All - 11,806.00 2,945.25 8,860.75 8,860.75
Uniform All - 266.58 - 266.58 266.58
Uniform All - 10,929.27 3,582.11 7,347.16 7,347.16
Uniform All - 2,986.15 - 2,986.15 2,986.15
Uniform All - 165,388.98 92,637.90 72,751.08 72,751.08
Uniform All - 4,767.80 1,321.35 3,446.45 3,446.45
Uniform All - 97,614.39 - 97,614.39 97,614.39
Uniform All - 106,969.98 25,650.89 81,319.09 81,319.09
Uniform All - 504.16 - 504.16 504.16
Boot Allowa - 2,449.91 - 2,449.91 2,449.91
Other Cloth - 32.00 - 32.00 32.00
Relocation R - 7,500.00 7,500.00 - -
Relocation R - 33,600.00 8,100.00 25,500.00 25,500.00
Relocation R - 7,500.00 - 7,500.00 7,500.00
Relocation R - 130,562.50 51,312.50 79,250.00 79,250.00
Relocation R - 7,500.00 - 7,500.00 7,500.00
Relocation R - 16,875.00 1,875.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
Relocation R - 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 3,000.00
Other Benefi - 448.59 448.59 - -
Other Benefi - 335.57 355.57 (20.00) (20.00)
Other Benefi - 69.00 69.00 - -
Other Benefi - 138.56 138.56 - -
Other Benefi - 627.84 627.84 - -
Other Benefi - 69.28 69.28 - -
Other Benefi - 25.00 25.00 - -
Other Benefi - 347.83 347.83 - -
Other Benefi - 1,220.02 1,218.02 2.00 2.00
Other Benefi - 253.00 271.00 (18.00) (18.00)
Other Benefi - 243.13 243.13 - -
Other Benefi - 1,706.56 1,716.56 (10.00) (10.00)
Other Benefi - 4.87 37.38 (32.51) (32.51)
Other Benefi - 265.84 265.84 - -
Other Benefi - 377.00 377.00 - -
Other Benefi - 1,229.06 1,229.06 - -
Other Benefi - 75.00 75.00 - -
Other Benefi - 40.00 40.00 - -
Other Benefi - 100.00 100.00 - -
Other Benefi - 26.00 26.00 - -
Other Benefi - 800.00 800.00 - -
Other Benefi - 624.49 631.78 (7.29) (7.29)
Other Benefi - 257.00 257.00 - -
Other Benefi - 43.00 43.00 - -
Other Benefi - 156.00 172.00 (16.00) (16.00)
Other Benefi - 670.72 658.72 12.00 12.00
Other Benefi - 808.34 742.64 65.70 65.70
Other Benefi - 69.28 69.28 - -
Rideshare Su - 270.00 - 270.00 270.00
Rideshare Su - 810.00 - 810.00 810.00
Rideshare Su - 270.00 - 270.00 270.00
Rideshare Su - 540.00 - 540.00 540.00
Tuition Rei - 14,605.78 3,401.09 11,204.69 11,204.69
Retirement - 97,531.45 97,531.45 - -
Retirement - 89,911.04 - 89,911.04 89,911.04
Employee As - 15.57 15.57 - -
Employee As - 90.23 16.13 74.10 74.10
Employee As - 57.96 13.31 44.65 44.65
Employee As - 73.20 17.15 56.05 56.05
Employee As - 15.57 3.22 12.35 12.35
Employee As - 20.69 20.69 - -
Employee As - 43.54 6.49 37.05 37.05
Employee As - 31.15 31.15 - -
Employee As - 151.35 30.70 120.65 120.65
Employee As - 223.21 48.41 174.80 174.80
Employee As - 8.45 8.45 - -
Employee As - 681.70 139.73 541.97 541.97
Employee As - 31.15 6.45 24.70 24.70
Employee As - 109.03 22.58 86.45 86.45
Employee As - 15.57 15.57 - -
Employee As - 109.03 22.58 86.45 86.45
Employee As - 382.97 80.87 302.10 302.10
Employee As - 72.32 72.32 - -
Employee As - 889.21 176.71 712.50 712.50
Employee As - 347.99 76.29 271.70 271.70
Employee As - 15.57 3.22 12.35 12.35
Employee As - 13.33 13.33 - -
Employee As - 390.61 80.44 310.17 310.17
Employee As - 313.83 63.51 250.32 250.32
Employee As - 82.27 19.57 62.70 62.70
Employee As - 254.46 55.91 198.55 198.55
Employee As - 15.57 15.57 - -
Employee As - 457.74 105.29 352.45 352.45
Employee As - 46.72 46.72 - -
Employee As - 322.73 61.48 261.25 261.25
Employee As - 206.91 47.31 159.60 159.60
Employee As - 31.15 31.15 - -
Employee As - 142.69 25.84 116.85 116.85
Employee As - 15.57 3.22 12.35 12.35
Employee As - 132.78 26.38 106.40 106.40
Employee As - 77.88 18.03 59.85 59.85
Employee As - 48.11 48.11 - -
Employee As - 1,829.48 411.61 1,417.87 1,417.87
Employee As - 31.15 6.45 24.70 24.70
Employee As - 182.65 39.20 143.45 143.45
Employee As - 110.52 24.07 86.45 86.45
Employee As - 556.42 125.12 431.30 431.30
Employee As - 174.21 37.41 136.80 136.80
Employee As - 5.70 1.90 3.80 3.80
Employee As - 113.41 39.31 74.10 74.10
Audit Fees - 499,083.50 276,378.00 222,705.50 222,705.50
General Lega - 9,000.00 9,000.00 - -
General Lega - 60.00 - 60.00 60.00
General Lega - 1,546,620.27 587,062.21 959,558.06 959,558.06
Consultation - 507,048.25 126,293.00 380,755.25 380,755.25
Consultation - 50,280.64 50,280.64 - -
Consultation - 418,442.21 311,536.88 106,905.33 106,905.33
Consultation - 238,692.06 123,364.27 115,327.79 115,327.79
Consultation - 189,351.29 106,897.94 82,453.35 82,453.35
Consultation - 1,782.00 - 1,782.00 1,782.00
Consultation - 80,920.27 1,106.23 79,814.04 79,814.04
Consultation - 17,000.30 15,225.00 1,775.30 1,775.30
Consultation - 303,055.00 154,164.00 148,891.00 148,891.00
Consultation - 952,070.34 527,814.50 424,255.84 424,255.84
Consultation - 16,526.00 5,565.00 10,961.00 10,961.00
Consultation - 52,700.00 10,500.00 42,200.00 42,200.00
Consultation - - 926,304.14 (926,304.14) (926,304.14)
Consultation - 1,852,608.28 926,304.14 926,304.14 926,304.14
Consultation - 926,304.14 - 926,304.14 926,304.14
Consultation - 926,304.14 926,304.14 - -
Consultation - - 926,304.14 (926,304.14) (926,304.14)
Consultation - 55,591.23 1,252,677.15 (1,197,085.92) (1,197,085.92)
Consultation - 28,319.32 174.08 28,145.24 28,145.24
Consultation - 38,085.97 12,301.66 25,784.31 25,784.31
Consultation - 67,194.91 36,042.71 31,152.20 31,152.20
Consultation - 1,168,672.11 302,924.18 865,747.93 865,747.93
Consultation - 5,354.12 2,677.06 2,677.06 2,677.06
Consultation - 120,240.94 32,950.71 87,290.23 87,290.23
Consultation - 340,024.53 90,024.53 250,000.00 250,000.00
Consultation - 1,243,663.00 5,281.40 1,238,381.60 1,238,381.60
Consultation - 403,599.76 403,599.76 - -
Consultation - 479,195.37 304,709.93 174,485.44 174,485.44
Consultation - 17,338.67 17,338.67 - -
Consultation - 1,977,371.23 1,380,287.45 597,083.78 597,083.78
Consultation - 279,790.08 139,895.04 139,895.04 139,895.04
Consultation - 0.01 0.01 - -
Consultation - 192,669.60 153,200.51 39,469.09 39,469.09
Consultation - 1,268,638.55 1,305,260.42 (36,621.87) (36,621.87)
Consultation - 5,637.57 8,031.18 (2,393.61) (2,393.61)
Consultation - 477,121.85 378,543.62 98,578.23 98,578.23
Consultation - 513,095.37 419,028.16 94,067.21 94,067.21
Consultation - 463,397.15 191,501.25 271,895.90 271,895.90
Consultation - 275,058.40 33,184.85 241,873.55 241,873.55
Consultation - 111,666.56 55,833.28 55,833.28 55,833.28
Consultation - 329,449.66 208,404.64 121,045.02 121,045.02
Consultation - 66,142.38 - 66,142.38 66,142.38
Consultation - - 773,325.60 (773,325.60) (773,325.60)
Consultation - 12,865.00 6,432.50 6,432.50 6,432.50
Consultation - 385,661.64 104,910.53 280,751.11 280,751.11
Consultation - 105,844.00 52,922.00 52,922.00 52,922.00
Consultation - 107,335.00 53,667.50 53,667.50 53,667.50
Consultation - 75,446.25 34,351.25 41,095.00 41,095.00
Consultation - 190,394.02 26,263.59 164,130.43 164,130.43
Consultation - 97,486.70 64,875.63 32,611.07 32,611.07
Consultation - 142,198.49 57,730.00 84,468.49 84,468.49
Consultation - 77,837.50 20,590.00 57,247.50 57,247.50
Consultation - 878,082.60 104,757.00 773,325.60 773,325.60
Consultation - 74,278.80 31,988.11 42,290.69 42,290.69
Consultation - 8,414.51 4,260.26 4,154.25 4,154.25
Consultation - 617,876.01 389,472.02 228,403.99 228,403.99
Consultation - 111,669.40 55,834.70 55,834.70 55,834.70
Consultation - 118,094.35 39,922.70 78,171.65 78,171.65
Consultation - 6,743.75 6,743.75 - -
Consultation - 153,207.94 138,594.81 14,613.13 14,613.13
Consultation - 32,313.24 32,313.24 - -
Consultation - 380,635.30 167,328.76 213,306.54 213,306.54
Consultation - 418,040.64 246,945.32 171,095.32 171,095.32
Consultation - 182,808.12 69,402.36 113,405.76 113,405.76
Consultation - 1,897.50 1,897.50 - -
Consultation - 79,747.41 79,747.41 - -
Consultation - 32,158.25 32,158.25 - -
Consultation - 3,398.75 3,398.75 - -
Consultation - 22,955.00 22,955.00 - -
Consultation - 8,151.92 8,151.92 - -
Consultation - 32,562.39 32,562.39 - -
Consultation - 27,936.25 27,936.25 - -
Consultation - 7,608.75 7,608.75 - -
Consultation - - 1,897.50 (1,897.50) (1,897.50)
Consultation - - 79,747.41 (79,747.41) (79,747.41)
Consultation - - 32,158.25 (32,158.25) (32,158.25)
Consultation - - 48,398.75 (48,398.75) (48,398.75)
Consultation - - 22,955.00 (22,955.00) (22,955.00)
Consultation - - 8,151.92 (8,151.92) (8,151.92)
Consultation - - 32,562.39 (32,562.39) (32,562.39)
Consultation - - 57,730.00 (57,730.00) (57,730.00)
Consultation - - 7,608.75 (7,608.75) (7,608.75)
Consultation - - 3,705.00 (3,705.00) (3,705.00)
Consultation - 7,410.00 3,705.00 3,705.00 3,705.00
Consultation - 3,705.00 - 3,705.00 3,705.00
Consultation - 15,351.49 8,507.90 6,843.59 6,843.59
Consultation - 141,986.36 75,520.46 66,465.90 66,465.90
Consultation - - 3,705.00 (3,705.00) (3,705.00)
Consultation - 7,437.50 52,513.90 (45,076.40) (45,076.40)
Consultation - 90,152.80 45,076.40 45,076.40 45,076.40
Consultation - 44,011.40 44,011.40 - -
Consultation - 612,282.56 104,583.40 507,699.16 507,699.16
Consultation - 7,000.00 - 7,000.00 7,000.00
Consultation - 551,888.46 367,858.98 184,029.48 184,029.48
Consultation - - 40,000.15 (40,000.15) (40,000.15)
Consultation - 270,769.44 170,201.28 100,568.16 100,568.16
Consultation - 1,278.34 639.17 639.17 639.17
Consultation - 494,112.24 337,056.12 157,056.12 157,056.12
Consultation - 332,930.88 251,953.92 80,976.96 80,976.96
Consultation - 9,925.49 - 9,925.49 9,925.49
Consultation - 259,472.63 124,913.85 134,558.78 134,558.78
Consultation - 518,586.90 188,520.25 330,066.65 330,066.65
Consultation - 37,527.50 - 37,527.50 37,527.50
Consultation - 1,663,440.00 1,620,000.00 43,440.00 43,440.00
Consultation - - 70,086.29 (70,086.29) (70,086.29)
Consultation - 139,932.43 69,846.14 70,086.29 70,086.29
Consultation - 221,876.12 151,789.83 70,086.29 70,086.29
Consultation - 196,570.34 166,379.02 30,191.32 30,191.32
Medical Serv - 2,544.74 2,544.74 - -
Medical Serv - 14,195.35 - 14,195.35 14,195.35
Technical Se - 38,622.11 16,161.65 22,460.46 22,460.46
Other Service - 1,286,209.46 797,813.82 488,395.64 488,395.64
Other Profes - 368,280.21 128,006.05 240,274.16 240,274.16
Other Profes - 1,507,955.92 331,510.05 1,176,445.87 1,176,445.87
Other Profes - 628.51 - 628.51 628.51
Other Profes - 220.50 - 220.50 220.50
Other Profes - 500.00 500.00 - -
Other Profes - 153.75 - 153.75 153.75
Other Profes - 325.00 - 325.00 325.00
Other Profes - 316.76 - 316.76 316.76
Other Profes - 175.14 - 175.14 175.14
Other Profes - 67,910.00 63,650.00 4,260.00 4,260.00
Other Profes - 13,970.67 - 13,970.67 13,970.67
Other Profes - 10.21 - 10.21 10.21
Other Profes - 23,395.00 15,000.00 8,395.00 8,395.00
Other Profes - 143,593.21 71,115.20 72,478.01 72,478.01
Other Profes - 30,451.20 - 30,451.20 30,451.20
Other Profes - 420,580.33 78,711.80 341,868.53 341,868.53
Other Profes - 87,120.00 30,720.00 56,400.00 56,400.00
Other Profes - 26,329.27 - 26,329.27 26,329.27
Other Profes - 983,468.88 604,898.14 378,570.74 378,570.74
Other Profes - 204.26 - 204.26 204.26
Other Profes - 202.81 - 202.81 202.81
Other Profes - 1,200.00 1,200.00 - -
Other Profes - 572.61 200.00 372.61 372.61
Other Profes - - 192,550.04 (192,550.04) (192,550.04)
Other Profes - 29,544.00 14,772.00 14,772.00 14,772.00
Other Profes - 145,150.00 14,963.00 130,187.00 130,187.00
Other Profes - 14,373.12 5,585.58 8,787.54 8,787.54
Other Profes - 80,925.00 26,897.50 54,027.50 54,027.50
Other Profes - 214,528.54 20,728.50 193,800.04 193,800.04
Other Profes - 9,500.00 - 9,500.00 9,500.00
Other Profes - 350.00 - 350.00 350.00
Other Profes - 3,406.00 1,706.00 1,700.00 1,700.00
Other Profes - 288,150.00 151,455.00 136,695.00 136,695.00
Other Profes - 800.10 - 800.10 800.10
Other Profes - 143,825.00 93,700.00 50,125.00 50,125.00
Other Profes - 49,049.97 18,600.06 30,449.91 30,449.91
Other Profes - 5,996.88 - 5,996.88 5,996.88
Other Profes - 298,520.55 155,442.01 143,078.54 143,078.54
Other Profes - 49,101.92 2,940.27 46,161.65 46,161.65
Other Profes - 7,803.04 - 7,803.04 7,803.04
Other Profes - 8,176.00 8,176.00 - -
Other Profes - 1,498.95 1,498.95 - -
Other Profes - 12,552.50 12,552.50 - -
Other Profes - - 8,176.00 (8,176.00) (8,176.00)
Other Profes - - 1,498.95 (1,498.95) (1,498.95)
Other Profes - - 12,552.50 (12,552.50) (12,552.50)
Other Profes - 2,225.00 - 2,225.00 2,225.00
Other Profes - 869.57 - 869.57 869.57
Other Profes - 42.53 - 42.53 42.53
Other Profes - 1,536.53 - 1,536.53 1,536.53
Other Profes - - 19.99 (19.99) (19.99)
Other Profes - 299,784.92 189,564.68 110,220.24 110,220.24
Other Profes - 409,947.34 304,386.00 105,561.34 105,561.34
Other Profes - 162,009.99 138,700.00 23,309.99 23,309.99
Other Profes - 45,800.00 35,600.00 10,200.00 10,200.00
Other Profes - 9,744.48 9,075.00 669.48 669.48
Other Profes - 14.00 - 14.00 14.00
Other Profes - 80,002.14 40,001.07 40,001.07 40,001.07
Other Profes - 3,124.82 1,215.40 1,909.42 1,909.42
Other Profes - 451.00 - 451.00 451.00
Other Profes - 37,867.98 15,745.00 22,122.98 22,122.98
Other Profes - 78,500.00 34,500.00 44,000.00 44,000.00
Other Profes - 227,141.08 100,000.00 127,141.08 127,141.08
Other Profes - 6,291.67 - 6,291.67 6,291.67
Other Profes - 11,676.04 - 11,676.04 11,676.04
Other Profes - 19,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00
Other Profes - 7,950.00 200.00 7,750.00 7,750.00
Other Profes - 522.80 - 522.80 522.80
Other Profes - 9,075.00 - 9,075.00 9,075.00
Other Profes - 20.00 20.00 - -
Other Profes - 1,447.29 - 1,447.29 1,447.29
Other Profes - 669,433.54 227,894.75 441,538.79 441,538.79
Other Profes - 1,638.28 - 1,638.28 1,638.28
Other Profes - 605.00 605.00 - -
Other Profes - 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 1,600.00
Other Profes - 5,383.12 5,383.12 - -
Other Profes - 144,984.59 61,408.00 83,576.59 83,576.59
Other Profes - 29,258.54 29,258.54 - -
Other Profes - 657,373.99 283,241.93 374,132.06 374,132.06
Other Profes - 24,539.00 - 24,539.00 24,539.00
Other Profes - 709,188.61 207,291.84 501,896.77 501,896.77
Other Profes - 375.00 - 375.00 375.00
Other Profes - 99,575.38 22,343.71 77,231.67 77,231.67
Other Profes - 5,715.45 - 5,715.45 5,715.45
Other Profes - 9,962.64 - 9,962.64 9,962.64
Other Profes - 92,134.75 92,134.75 - -
Other Profes - 33,317.50 33,317.50 - -
Other Profes - 27,889.70 - 27,889.70 27,889.70
Other Profes - 108.00 - 108.00 108.00
Other Profes - 13.00 - 13.00 13.00
Other Profes - 149.00 - 149.00 149.00
Other Profes - 70.00 - 70.00 70.00
Other Profes - 95,062.91 50,742.57 44,320.34 44,320.34
Other Profes - 408,834.62 372,611.71 36,222.91 36,222.91
Other Profes - 161,772.20 112,111.90 49,660.30 49,660.30
Other Profes - 260,400.83 100,000.00 160,400.83 160,400.83
Other Profes - 2,801.95 - 2,801.95 2,801.95
Other Profes - 282,650.95 - 282,650.95 282,650.95
Other Profes - 69,250.00 - 69,250.00 69,250.00
Other Profes - 26,010.00 - 26,010.00 26,010.00
Other Profes - 334.12 - 334.12 334.12
Other Profes - 9,960.30 - 9,960.30 9,960.30
Other Profes - 653,783.65 258,961.64 394,822.01 394,822.01
Other Profes - 160.50 160.50 - -
Other Profes - 2,013.98 - 2,013.98 2,013.98
Other Profes - 166.00 - 166.00 166.00
Other Profes - 175.00 - 175.00 175.00
Permits And - 425.00 - 425.00 425.00
Permits And - 299.06 - 299.06 299.06
Permits And - 269.26 - 269.26 269.26
Permits And - 498.52 181.28 317.24 317.24
Permits And - 13,442.88 996.69 12,446.19 12,446.19
Temporary H - 32,676.48 5,088.96 27,587.52 27,587.52
Temporary H - 41,085.00 28,380.00 12,705.00 12,705.00
Temporary H - 11,088.58 - 11,088.58 11,088.58
Temporary H - 77,990.54 26,352.00 51,638.54 51,638.54
Temporary H - 791,232.18 314,161.13 477,071.05 477,071.05
Temporary H - 142,201.65 42,642.15 99,559.50 99,559.50
Temporary H - 221,333.75 70,619.90 150,713.85 150,713.85
Temporary H - 738,858.46 349,837.50 389,020.96 389,020.96
Temporary H - 38,404.48 - 38,404.48 38,404.48
Temporary H - 152,794.38 - 152,794.38 152,794.38
Temporary H - 177,484.55 43,762.45 133,722.10 133,722.10
Temporary H - 346,997.12 197,749.55 149,247.57 149,247.57
Temporary H - 94,550.62 30,960.01 63,590.61 63,590.61
Temporary H - 27,843.88 13,830.96 14,012.92 14,012.92
Temporary H - 202,747.82 79,417.81 123,330.01 123,330.01
Temporary H - 59,168.46 16,827.73 42,340.73 42,340.73
Temporary H - 17,398.28 10,229.68 7,168.60 7,168.60
Temporary H - 12,547.20 9,385.16 3,162.04 3,162.04
Temporary H - 99,424.24 57,938.80 41,485.44 41,485.44
Temporary H - 89,510.80 54,654.29 34,856.51 34,856.51
Maintenance - 59,872.29 59,872.29 - -
Maintenance - - 39.99 (39.99) (39.99)
Maintenance - 39.99 - 39.99 39.99
Phone Syste - 1,262,680.55 692,873.65 569,806.90 569,806.90
Maintenance - 5,464.04 4,041.06 1,422.98 1,422.98
Maintenance - 5,789.52 3,018.30 2,771.22 2,771.22
Maintenance - 138,811.53 27,028.12 111,783.41 111,783.41
Maintenance - 663,333.23 104,707.02 558,626.21 558,626.21
Maintenance - 5,436.19 3,780.98 1,655.21 1,655.21
Maintenance - 13,112.28 6,812.41 6,299.87 6,299.87
Maintenance - 26,166.14 - 26,166.14 26,166.14
Maintenance - 343.07 343.07 - -
Maintenance - - 343.07 (343.07) (343.07)
Maintenance - - 468.59 (468.59) (468.59)
Maintenance - 6,498.79 7,327.09 (828.30) (828.30)
Maintenance - - 638.60 (638.60) (638.60)
Repair & Ma - 212,102.66 100,485.16 111,617.50 111,617.50
Repair & Ma - 5,787.51 - 5,787.51 5,787.51
Repair & Ma - 5,020.40 - 5,020.40 5,020.40
Repair & Ma - 110,147.68 110,147.68 - -
Repair & Ma - - 577.29 (577.29) (577.29)
Repair & Ma - 696,379.02 274,975.60 421,403.42 421,403.42
Repair & Ma - 48,187.50 37,087.50 11,100.00 11,100.00
Repair & Ma - 1,140.00 1,140.00 - -
Repair & Ma - - 4,205.21 (4,205.21) (4,205.21)
Repair & Ma - 4,205.21 - 4,205.21 4,205.21
Repair & Ma - 13,815.74 38.84 13,776.90 13,776.90
Repair & Ma - - 5,271.50 (5,271.50) (5,271.50)
Repair & Ma - 5,271.50 - 5,271.50 5,271.50
Repair & Ma - 82,461.20 77,794.54 4,666.66 4,666.66
Repair & Ma - 98,700.00 29,025.00 69,675.00 69,675.00
Repair & Ma - 433.83 13,032.75 (12,598.92) (12,598.92)
Repair & Ma - 17,805.84 5,206.92 12,598.92 12,598.92
Repair & Ma - 13,142.70 - 13,142.70 13,142.70
Repair & Ma - 7,128.00 7,128.00 - -
Repair & Ma - 206.91 - 206.91 206.91
Repair & Ma - 6,160.00 6,160.00 - -
Repair & Ma - 40,191.60 990.22 39,201.38 39,201.38
Repair & Ma - 1,493.18 - 1,493.18 1,493.18
Repair & Ma - 2,809,311.48 1,211,996.95 1,597,314.53 1,597,314.53
Repair & Ma - 12,240.66 2,977.34 9,263.32 9,263.32
Repair & Ma - 5,921,214.63 1,788,219.42 4,132,995.21 4,132,995.21
Repair & Ma - 58,050.00 38,700.00 19,350.00 19,350.00
Computer H - 1,284.60 1,284.60 - -
Computer H - 6,614.56 6,614.56 - -
Computer H - 2,594,865.76 652,128.61 1,942,737.15 1,942,737.15
Computer H - 7,490.27 61.80 7,428.47 7,428.47
Computer H - 5,081.90 - 5,081.90 5,081.90
Computer H - 16,313.20 16,313.20 - -
Computer H - 4,588.00 - 4,588.00 4,588.00
Computer H - 4,588.00 4,588.00 - -
Computer So - 23,820.00 - 23,820.00 23,820.00
Computer So - 9,750.00 - 9,750.00 9,750.00
Computer So - 17,767.20 17,767.20 - -
Computer So - 12,993,404.63 6,387,185.08 6,606,219.55 6,606,219.55
Computer So - 1,235,710.00 - 1,235,710.00 1,235,710.00
Computer So - 50.94 - 50.94 50.94
Computer So - 31,377.00 - 31,377.00 31,377.00
Computer So - 54,574.37 22,225.54 32,348.83 32,348.83
Computer So - 271.73 - 271.73 271.73
Computer So - 50,429.00 - 50,429.00 50,429.00
Computer So - 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 10,000.00
Electrical Se - 46,019.55 46,019.55 - -
Electrical Se - 278,095.71 84,291.64 193,804.07 193,804.07
Custodial Se - 1,727,799.58 335,575.28 1,392,224.30 1,392,224.30
Custodial Se - 23,400.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 11,700.00
Security Serv - 2,121,405.55 658,924.44 1,462,481.11 1,462,481.11
Courier And - 73,391.54 20,171.69 53,219.85 53,219.85
Courier And - 212.50 212.50 - -
Courier And - 47.63 - 47.63 47.63
Vehicle Towi - 1,458.00 - 1,458.00 1,458.00
Vehicle Towi - 9,513.94 - 9,513.94 9,513.94
Vehicle Towi - 36,736.93 19,888.00 16,848.93 16,848.93
Vehicle Towi - 452,882.67 47,179.30 405,703.37 405,703.37
Other Servic - 15,096.10 900.00 14,196.10 14,196.10
Other Servic - 667,693.77 426,313.84 241,379.93 241,379.93
Other Servic - 15,400.00 15,400.00 - -
Other Servic - 9,307.00 2,231.25 7,075.75 7,075.75
Other Servic - 21,109.50 5,721.25 15,388.25 15,388.25
Other Servic - 2,898.80 855.50 2,043.30 2,043.30
Other Servic - 1,111.00 1,076.00 35.00 35.00
Other Servic - 150.94 - 150.94 150.94
Other Servic - 1,050,000.00 350,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00
Other Servic - 497.88 - 497.88 497.88
Other Servic - 357.50 - 357.50 357.50
Other Servic - 35,477.46 33,194.61 2,282.85 2,282.85
Other Servic - 4,553.00 - 4,553.00 4,553.00
Other Servic - 183.33 33.48 149.85 149.85
Other Servic - 3,073.76 2,561.16 512.60 512.60
Other Servic - 902.00 - 902.00 902.00
Other Servic - 166.00 - 166.00 166.00
Other Servic - 235.66 - 235.66 235.66
Other Servic - - 193.13 (193.13) (193.13)
Other Servic - 2,894.36 460.99 2,433.37 2,433.37
Other Servic - 451.00 - 451.00 451.00
Other Servic - 433.42 - 433.42 433.42
Other Servic - - 479.50 (479.50) (479.50)
Other Servic - 253.22 253.22 - -
Other Servic - 7,096.30 3,756.18 3,340.12 3,340.12
Other Servic - 375.00 - 375.00 375.00
Other Servic - 9,302.81 665.62 8,637.19 8,637.19
Other Servic - 74.95 - 74.95 74.95
Other Servic - 24,374.00 24,374.00 - -
Other Servic - 549,761.88 278,140.03 271,621.85 271,621.85
Other Servic - 55,356.00 38,620.50 16,735.50 16,735.50
Other Servic - 5,500.00 - 5,500.00 5,500.00
Other Servic - 2,125.00 - 2,125.00 2,125.00
Other Servic - 4,586.00 - 4,586.00 4,586.00
Other Servic - 360.00 270.00 90.00 90.00
Other Servic - 7,968.86 7,968.86 - -
Other Servic - 15,849.84 - 15,849.84 15,849.84
Other Servic - 2,636,911.53 549,097.43 2,087,814.10 2,087,814.10
Other Servic - 141,289.67 107,270.20 34,019.47 34,019.47
Other Servic - 762.38 762.38 - -
Other Servic - 11,518.58 - 11,518.58 11,518.58
Other Servic - 5,125,024.04 3,490,194.04 1,634,830.00 1,634,830.00
Other Servic - - 84.37 (84.37) (84.37)
Other Servic - 24,344.62 24,344.62 - -
Other Servic - 1,348.00 - 1,348.00 1,348.00
Other Servic - 13,279.83 208.19 13,071.64 13,071.64
Other Servic - 2,175.00 - 2,175.00 2,175.00
Other Servic - 1,267,316.05 823,319.15 443,996.90 443,996.90
Other Servic - 186.02 532,481.00 (532,294.98) (532,294.98)
Other Servic - 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 50,000.00
Other Servic - 439,280.00 269,520.00 169,760.00 169,760.00
Other Servic - 4,208.52 4,208.52 - -
Other Servic - 15.75 - 15.75 15.75
Other Servic - 77.28 - 77.28 77.28
Other Servic - 1,165.28 - 1,165.28 1,165.28
Other Servic - 900.00 - 900.00 900.00
Other Servic - 1,440.43 - 1,440.43 1,440.43
Other Servic - 176.72 - 176.72 176.72
Other Servic - 1,670.14 799.16 870.98 870.98
Other Servic - 7,667.98 - 7,667.98 7,667.98
Other Servic - 21,480.14 14,578.51 6,901.63 6,901.63
Other Servic - 8,818.93 5,740.50 3,078.43 3,078.43
Other Servic - 1,363.27 - 1,363.27 1,363.27
Other Servic - 136,311.40 68,155.70 68,155.70 68,155.70
Other Servic - 91,176.77 47,579.06 43,597.71 43,597.71
Non-Capital - 10,212.29 10,212.29 - -
Non-Capital - 129,922.05 41,586.27 88,335.78 88,335.78
Non-Capital - 360,003.00 - 360,003.00 360,003.00
Non-Capital - 151,922.92 109,739.07 42,183.85 42,183.85
Non-Capital - 644.12 322.06 322.06 322.06
Advertising I - 27,806.00 - 27,806.00 27,806.00
Advertising I - 2,857.02 2,857.02 - -
Row Herzog T - 1,655,848.39 118,265.05 1,537,583.34 1,537,583.34
Coolant - 65,233.75 32,400.00 32,833.75 32,833.75
Other Fluids - 232,836.50 64,586.14 168,250.36 168,250.36
Fuel Expens - 20.06 - 20.06 20.06
Fuel Expens - 891,712.60 - 891,712.60 891,712.60
Fuel Expens - 264,856.22 128,968.67 135,887.55 135,887.55
Fuel Expens - 28.67 28.67 - -
Fuel Expens - 152.87 - 152.87 152.87
Fuel Expens - 39.74 - 39.74 39.74
Fuel Expens - 17,609,088.55 6,354,141.89 11,254,946.66 11,254,946.66
Fuel Expens - 2,532,535.03 1,075,100.10 1,457,434.93 1,457,434.93
Fuel Expens - 1,142,693.68 531,096.69 611,596.99 611,596.99
Fuel Expens - 108,133.68 - 108,133.68 108,133.68
Fuel Expens - 690,958.87 813,405.07 (122,446.20) (122,446.20)
Fuel Expens - 16,841.76 - 16,841.76 16,841.76
Fuel Expens - 36,052.08 19,860.95 16,191.13 16,191.13
Fuel Expens - 614,805.02 272,321.62 342,483.40 342,483.40
Fuel Expens - 2,502.21 - 2,502.21 2,502.21
Fuel Expens - 8,476.34 - 8,476.34 8,476.34
Fuel Expens - 165,965.79 - 165,965.79 165,965.79
Fuel Expens - 43,155.75 - 43,155.75 43,155.75
Fuel Expens - 14,632.36 - 14,632.36 14,632.36
Fuel Expens - 3,377.60 - 3,377.60 3,377.60
Fuel Expens - 3,377.60 3,377.60 - -
Fuel Expens - 1,237,436.12 682,773.75 554,662.37 554,662.37
Fuel Expens - 2,898,021.96 1,933,781.96 964,240.00 964,240.00
Fuel Expens - 15,172.39 15,172.39 - -
Fuel Expens - 56,630.76 - 56,630.76 56,630.76
Fuel Expens - 17,972.64 - 17,972.64 17,972.64
Gasoline - 18.71 18.71 - -
Gasoline - 39.74 39.74 - -
Gasoline - 61.39 61.39 - -
Gasoline - 14,306.97 14,306.97 - -
Gasoline - 8,476.34 8,476.34 - -
Gasoline - 19,805.53 19,805.53 - -
Gasoline - 367,227.03 367,227.03 - -
Gasoline - 30,344.78 30,344.78 - -
Red Dye - 11,411.48 11,411.48 - -
Red Dye - 115,207.93 115,207.93 - -
Red Dye - 59,612.97 59,612.97 - -
Fare Media - - 48,712.62 185.40 48,527.22 48,527.22
SpareParts - - 1,190.00 1,190.00 - -
SpareParts - - - 1,190.00 (1,190.00) (1,190.00)
Fuel Risk M - - 3,097,862.54 (3,097,862.54) (3,097,862.54)
Fuel Risk M - - 350,482.11 (350,482.11) (350,482.11)
Fuel Risk M - - 159,949.16 (159,949.16) (159,949.16)
Fuel Risk M - - 311,620.79 (311,620.79) (311,620.79)
Fuel Price V - 78,048.75 40,318.80 37,729.95 37,729.95
Tires and Tu - 2,506.58 1,080.58 1,426.00 1,426.00
Office Suppli - 83.57 - 83.57 83.57
Office Suppli - 441.82 66.82 375.00 375.00
Office Suppli - 1,947.07 1,947.07 - -
Office Suppli - 3,076.04 148.41 2,927.63 2,927.63
Office Suppli - 14,366.83 - 14,366.83 14,366.83
Office Suppli - 1,306.18 - 1,306.18 1,306.18
Office Suppli - 66.50 66.50 - -
Office Suppli - 7,182.28 75.25 7,107.03 7,107.03
Office Suppli - 782.51 - 782.51 782.51
Office Suppli - 147.01 147.01 - -
Office Suppli - 458.77 46.76 412.01 412.01
Office Suppli - 905.39 266.30 639.09 639.09
Office Suppli - 357.10 - 357.10 357.10
Office Suppli - 134.97 134.97 - -
Office Suppli - 1,050.07 120.01 930.06 930.06
Office Suppli - 14,615.70 - 14,615.70 14,615.70
Office Suppli - 624.55 424.62 199.93 199.93
Office Suppli - 370.00 - 370.00 370.00
Office Suppli - 175.00 - 175.00 175.00
Office Suppli - 664.77 158.11 506.66 506.66
Office Suppli - 167.43 - 167.43 167.43
Office Suppli - 230.00 - 230.00 230.00
Office Suppli - 13.79 13.79 - -
Office Suppli - 399.51 - 399.51 399.51
Office Suppli - 6,341.23 109.38 6,231.85 6,231.85
Office Suppli - 198.30 - 198.30 198.30
Office Suppli - 3,612.60 2,062.51 1,550.09 1,550.09
Office Suppli - 1,288.16 - 1,288.16 1,288.16
Office Suppli - 21.42 - 21.42 21.42
Office Suppli - 6,534.44 2,733.71 3,800.73 3,800.73
Office Suppli - 2.54 2.54 - -
Office Suppli - 91.89 51.95 39.94 39.94
Office Suppli - 1,206.33 19.36 1,186.97 1,186.97
Office Suppli - 7,437.33 3,856.02 3,581.31 3,581.31
Office Suppli - 11,252.89 - 11,252.89 11,252.89
Office Suppli - 17,524.48 547.18 16,977.30 16,977.30
Office Suppli - 600.00 - 600.00 600.00
Office Suppli - 74.37 74.37 - -
Office Suppli - 2,626.66 180.89 2,445.77 2,445.77
Office Suppli - 62.43 39.96 22.47 22.47
Office Suppli - 103.63 - 103.63 103.63
Office Suppli - 654.00 - 654.00 654.00
Office Suppli - 532.76 11.29 521.47 521.47
Office Suppli - 1.56 1.56 - -
Office Suppli - 51.94 - 51.94 51.94
Office Suppli - 326.96 326.96 - -
Office Suppli - 468.18 - 468.18 468.18
Office Suppli - 6,734.15 1,274.80 5,459.35 5,459.35
Office Suppli - 26.31 - 26.31 26.31
Office Suppli - 95.76 14.77 80.99 80.99
Office Suppli - 12.14 - 12.14 12.14
Office Suppli - 429.56 39.99 389.57 389.57
Office Suppli - 518.95 - 518.95 518.95
Office Suppli - 90.86 90.86 - -
Office Suppli - 320.00 320.00 - -
Office Suppli - 1,070.53 604.20 466.33 466.33
Office Suppli - 569.42 3.08 566.34 566.34
Office Suppli - 180.00 - 180.00 180.00
Office Suppli - 79.34 - 79.34 79.34
Office Suppli - 55.36 - 55.36 55.36
Office Suppli - 28,064.89 869.09 27,195.80 27,195.80
Office Suppli - 55.99 - 55.99 55.99
Office Suppli - 114.75 - 114.75 114.75
Office Suppli - 44.31 - 44.31 44.31
Office Suppli - 72.70 - 72.70 72.70
Office Suppli - 77.96 - 77.96 77.96
Office Suppli - 81.99 - 81.99 81.99
Office Suppli - 874.90 - 874.90 874.90
Office Suppli - 2.58 2.58 - -
Office Suppli - 58.68 - 58.68 58.68
Office Suppli - 34.98 34.98 - -
Office Suppli - 8,793.43 26.10 8,767.33 8,767.33
Office Suppli - 34.98 - 34.98 34.98
Office Suppli - 1,844.77 - 1,844.77 1,844.77
Office Suppli - 29.75 - 29.75 29.75
Office Suppli - 79.26 79.26 - -
Office Suppli - 147.00 - 147.00 147.00
Office Suppli - 75.42 - 75.42 75.42
Office Suppli - 2,273.03 60.86 2,212.17 2,212.17
Office Suppli - 105.00 - 105.00 105.00
Office Suppli - 10.50 - 10.50 10.50
Office Suppli - 164.64 20.22 144.42 144.42
Passes And T - 441,705.50 436,222.67 5,482.83 5,482.83
Passes And T - 10,095.25 - 10,095.25 10,095.25
Maps And Sc - 2,280.70 - 2,280.70 2,280.70
Maps And Sc - - 9,962.91 (9,962.91) (9,962.91)
Maps And Sc - 11,211.70 607.24 10,604.46 10,604.46
Maps And Sc - 9,962.91 - 9,962.91 9,962.91
Maps And Sc - 442,815.11 258,230.12 184,584.99 184,584.99
Maps And Sc - 7,358.49 2,413.12 4,945.37 4,945.37
Maps And Sc - 1.68 1.68 - -
Maps And Sc - - 1.68 (1.68) (1.68)
Training Mat - 386.00 - 386.00 386.00
Training Mat - 111,100.00 75,050.00 36,050.00 36,050.00
Training Mat - 2,973.71 730.00 2,243.71 2,243.71
Training Mat - 1,525.76 - 1,525.76 1,525.76
Cleaning Sup - 164.41 - 164.41 164.41
Cleaning Sup - 29,128.00 10,604.00 18,524.00 18,524.00
Expendable - 235.98 - 235.98 235.98
Expendable - 13,222.31 - 13,222.31 13,222.31
Expendable - 30,275.00 - 30,275.00 30,275.00
Supplies-Boa - 1,075.07 - 1,075.07 1,075.07
Other Suppli - 47,030.30 23,515.15 23,515.15 23,515.15
Other Suppli - 80,485.05 9,073.68 71,411.37 71,411.37
Other Suppli - 75.00 - 75.00 75.00
Other Suppli - 2,623.00 - 2,623.00 2,623.00
Other Suppli - 52.99 52.99 - -
Other Suppli - 8,353.62 0.02 8,353.60 8,353.60
Other Suppli - 4,532.32 62.44 4,469.88 4,469.88
Other Suppli - 322.17 - 322.17 322.17
Other Suppli - 216.61 - 216.61 216.61
Other Suppli - 5,568.32 1,590.00 3,978.32 3,978.32
Other Suppli - 4,123.66 - 4,123.66 4,123.66
Other Suppli - 1,556.50 - 1,556.50 1,556.50
Other Suppli - 395.44 7,704.16 (7,308.72) (7,308.72)
Other Suppli - 5,159.63 1,409.65 3,749.98 3,749.98
Other Suppli - 4,542.48 983.74 3,558.74 3,558.74
Other Suppli - 1,887.50 - 1,887.50 1,887.50
Other Suppli - 27.49 - 27.49 27.49
Other Suppli - 8,085.94 - 8,085.94 8,085.94
Other Suppli - 89,135.40 48,018.20 41,117.20 41,117.20
Other Suppli - 3,398.34 - 3,398.34 3,398.34
Other Suppli - 21,239.91 133.86 21,106.05 21,106.05
Other Suppli - 5,358.18 - 5,358.18 5,358.18
Other Suppli - 8,007.02 3,241.06 4,765.96 4,765.96
Other Suppli - 11,368.00 2,135.00 9,233.00 9,233.00
Other Suppli - 162,585.14 62,871.63 99,713.51 99,713.51
Other Suppli - 29,341.96 10,771.23 18,570.73 18,570.73
Other Suppli - 340.33 340.33 - -
Other Suppli - 90.00 - 90.00 90.00
Other Suppli - 2,575.00 2,575.00 - -
Other Suppli - 9,354.48 9,354.48 - -
Other Suppli - 1,409.65 1,409.65 - -
Other Suppli - - 1,409.65 (1,409.65) (1,409.65)
Other Suppli - 22,133.51 17,016.78 5,116.73 5,116.73
Other Suppli - 13,942.77 9,295.18 4,647.59 4,647.59
Other Suppli - 101.82 - 101.82 101.82
Other Suppli - 7,301.34 - 7,301.34 7,301.34
Other Suppli - 963.33 37.45 925.88 925.88
Other Suppli - 24,158.58 11,507.98 12,650.60 12,650.60
Other Suppli - 140.24 - 140.24 140.24
Other Suppli - 8,213.56 - 8,213.56 8,213.56
Other Suppli - 476.00 238.00 238.00 238.00
Other Suppli - 1,987.01 1,987.01 - -
Other Suppli - 46,049.80 10,319.10 35,730.70 35,730.70
Other Suppli - 10,983.48 - 10,983.48 10,983.48
Other Suppli - 122,021.85 32,102.48 89,919.37 89,919.37
Other Suppli - 1,810.84 - 1,810.84 1,810.84
Other Suppli - 236.80 - 236.80 236.80
Other Suppli - 117,847.35 76,776.72 41,070.63 41,070.63
Other Suppli - 46.40 - 46.40 46.40
Other Suppli - 1,043.89 - 1,043.89 1,043.89
Other Suppli - 1,028.92 1,028.92 - -
Other Suppli - 50.01 - 50.01 50.01
Other Suppli - 16,225.52 - 16,225.52 16,225.52
Other Suppli - 13,156.59 - 13,156.59 13,156.59
Other Suppli - 6,945.42 - 6,945.42 6,945.42
Other Suppli - 1,262.15 - 1,262.15 1,262.15
Other Suppli - 1,870.00 - 1,870.00 1,870.00
Other Suppli - 2,554.48 - 2,554.48 2,554.48
Other Suppli - 3,718.87 - 3,718.87 3,718.87
Other Suppli - 357.23 - 357.23 357.23
Other Suppli - 720.00 - 720.00 720.00
Other Suppli - 19,529.69 - 19,529.69 19,529.69
Other Suppli - 1,649.99 1,649.99 - -
Other Suppli - 1,988.47 - 1,988.47 1,988.47
Other Suppli - 24.99 - 24.99 24.99
Other Suppli - - 28.45 (28.45) (28.45)
Other Suppli - 20,183.92 39.77 20,144.15 20,144.15
Uniforms - S - 8,502.69 558.04 7,944.65 7,944.65
Uniforms - S - 592,199.66 192,199.66 400,000.00 400,000.00
Uniforms - S - 720.80 - 720.80 720.80
Uniforms - S - 3,730.28 - 3,730.28 3,730.28
Uniforms - S - 168,896.82 43,460.11 125,436.71 125,436.71
Non Capital - 207,004.69 23,113.85 183,890.84 183,890.84
Non Capital - 26,580.43 - 26,580.43 26,580.43
Non Capital - - 27,155.66 (27,155.66) (27,155.66)
Non Capital - 54,311.32 27,155.66 27,155.66 27,155.66
Non Capital - 202,989.04 202,989.04 - -
Maintenance - 267,357.22 35,046.61 232,310.61 232,310.61
Maintenance - 2,596.39 2,596.39 - -
Maintenance - 63,891.20 63,891.20 - -
Maintenance - 781,780.91 501,438.70 280,342.21 280,342.21
Maintenance - 1,968.11 1,968.11 - -
Maintenance - 68.40 - 68.40 68.40
Maintenance - 220,074.48 101,082.10 118,992.38 118,992.38
Maintenance - 197,130.39 159,134.30 37,996.09 37,996.09
Maintenance - 15,871,293.14 434,558.14 15,436,735.00 15,436,735.00
Maintenance - 47,000.00 - 47,000.00 47,000.00
Treasury Ro - 11.00 6,471.00 (6,460.00) (6,460.00)
Transit Stor - 3.00 3.00 - -
Transit Stor - 19.50 - 19.50 19.50
Transit Stor - 30.30 - 30.30 30.30
Transit Stor - 8,682.13 8,682.13 - -
Transit Stor - 40,234.03 8,924.98 31,309.05 31,309.05
Transit Stor - - 3,941.74 (3,941.74) (3,941.74)
Transit Stor - 20.00 20.00 - -
Transit Stor - 50.91 - 50.91 50.91
Transit Stor - 0.17 - 0.17 0.17
Transit Stor - 24.92 - 24.92 24.92
HEB Pass Co - 7,239.22 2,446.63 4,792.59 4,792.59
Freight Char - 252,237.55 114,833.46 137,404.09 137,404.09
Electricity - - 144,479.13 19,596.32 124,882.81 124,882.81
Electricity - - 8,119.11 - 8,119.11 8,119.11
Electric - 1,290,942.14 247,772.17 1,043,169.97 1,043,169.97
Water And S - 308,127.09 69,440.56 238,686.53 238,686.53
Gas - 189,982.89 23,460.87 166,522.02 166,522.02
Telephone-L - 322.28 322.28 - -
Telephone-L - 1,960.57 460.57 1,500.00 1,500.00
Telephone-L - 1,164.28 124.28 1,040.00 1,040.00
Telephone-L - 430.28 90.28 340.00 340.00
Telephone-L - 654.28 154.28 500.00 500.00
Telephone-L - 986.28 246.28 740.00 740.00
Telephone-L - 322.28 322.28 - -
Telephone-L - 2,554.86 554.86 2,000.00 2,000.00
Telephone-L - 792.00 232.00 560.00 560.00
Telephone-L - 848.86 168.86 680.00 680.00
Telephone-L - 582.28 82.28 500.00 500.00
Telephone-L - 664.00 184.00 480.00 480.00
Telephone-L - 4,610.30 1,050.30 3,560.00 3,560.00
Telephone-L - 966.86 966.86 - -
Telephone-L - 2,356,377.40 530,425.52 1,825,951.88 1,825,951.88
Telephone-L - 312,161.60 92,685.60 219,476.00 219,476.00
Telephone-L - 654.28 154.28 500.00 500.00
Telephone-L - 5,234.30 1,234.30 4,000.00 4,000.00
Telephone-L - 4,382.01 1,062.01 3,320.00 3,320.00
Telephone-L - 2,002.86 462.86 1,540.00 1,540.00
Telephone-L - 1,886.86 426.86 1,460.00 1,460.00
Telephone-L - 858.28 198.28 660.00 660.00
Telephone-L - 382.28 382.28 - -
Telephone-L - 3,495.43 775.43 2,720.00 2,720.00
Telephone-L - 1,664.57 424.57 1,240.00 1,240.00
Telephone-L - 246.00 86.00 160.00 160.00
Telephone-L - 262.28 42.28 220.00 220.00
Telephone-L - 158.00 158.00 - -
Telephone-L - 8,296.60 2,056.60 6,240.00 6,240.00
Telephone-L - 654.28 154.28 500.00 500.00
Telephone-L - 1,258.57 298.57 960.00 960.00
Telephone-L - 332.00 92.00 240.00 240.00
Telephone-L - 322.28 62.28 260.00 260.00
Telephone-L - 614.28 154.28 460.00 460.00
Telephone-L - 548.75 108.75 440.00 440.00
Drainage Ser - 327,822.05 70,759.50 257,062.55 257,062.55
Garbage Coll - 194,449.60 48,287.17 146,162.43 146,162.43
Street Servic - 246,423.98 50,252.84 196,171.14 196,171.14
Property In - 142,359.34 - 142,359.34 142,359.34
Rail Liabilit - 262,762.78 - 262,762.78 262,762.78
Vehicle Liab - 49,642.26 - 49,642.26 49,642.26
Auto Liablity - 567.00 - 567.00 567.00
Public Offica - 41,237.42 - 41,237.42 41,237.42
Public Offica - 21,566.00 - 21,566.00 21,566.00
Crime Insur - 12,098.00 - 12,098.00 12,098.00
Other Busine - 145,179.77 - 145,179.77 145,179.77
Other Busine - 13,880.00 20,898.00 (7,018.00) (7,018.00)
Other Busine - 20,898.00 - 20,898.00 20,898.00
Fuel Tax - 9,204.80 - 9,204.80 9,204.80
Fuel Tax - 747,347.02 - 747,347.02 747,347.02
Fuel Tax - 97,178.38 - 97,178.38 97,178.38
Fuel Tax - 40,698.76 - 40,698.76 40,698.76
Fuel Tax - 500,715.76 230,494.77 270,220.99 270,220.99
Fuel Tax - 1,329.08 - 1,329.08 1,329.08
Fuel Tax - 27,280.03 - 27,280.03 27,280.03
Fuel Tax - 260.44 - 260.44 260.44
Fuel Tax - 85,517.66 31,980.03 53,537.63 53,537.63
Fuel Tax - 90,197.81 - 90,197.81 90,197.81
GRH Reimbu - 200.10 83.07 117.03 117.03
Commuter Rai - 64,398,645.54 43,564,223.11 20,834,422.43 20,834,422.43
Performance - 8,400.00 9,000.00 (600.00) (600.00)
Bus Purchase - 241,530,425.26 167,164,329.23 74,366,096.03 74,366,096.03
Bus Purchase - 458,087.45 382,573.51 75,513.94 75,513.94
Bus Purchase - 18,058,525.08 13,270,992.30 4,787,532.78 4,787,532.78
Bus Purchase - 10,190,177.82 10,190,177.82 - -
Bus Purchase - 1,542,928.97 1,542,928.97 - -
Bus Purchase - 105,809.52 186,109.52 (80,300.00) (80,300.00)
Bus Purchase - 80,300.00 - 80,300.00 80,300.00
Bus Purchase - 2,777,825.71 2,777,825.71 - -
Bus Purchase - 833,881.29 117,792.49 716,088.80 716,088.80
Bus Purchase - 625.76 25.55 600.21 600.21
Bus Purchase - 48,836.22 8,783.12 40,053.10 40,053.10
Bus Purchase - 16,477.68 16,477.68 - -
Bus Purchase - 1,165.92 1,165.92 - -
Bus Purchase - 129.36 727.70 (598.34) (598.34)
Bus Purchase - 598.34 - 598.34 598.34
Bus Purchase - 705.91 705.91 - -
Bus Purchase - 790,221.34 266,350.13 523,871.21 523,871.21
Bus Purchase - 331.10 66.51 264.59 264.59
Bus Purchase - 30,643.49 14,933.66 15,709.83 15,709.83
Bus Purchase - 19,715.06 19,715.06 - -
Bus Purchase - 1,383.16 1,383.16 - -
Bus Purchase - 87.76 334.42 (246.66) (246.66)
Bus Purchase - 246.66 - 246.66 246.66
Bus Purchase - 1,259.34 1,259.34 - -
Paratransit - 50,531.19 50,531.19 - -
Paratransit - 58,488,088.79 41,866,505.19 16,621,583.60 16,621,583.60
Paratransit - 120,000.00 120,000.00 - -
Paratransit - 69,263,744.98 51,630,392.33 17,633,352.65 17,633,352.65
Paratransit - 120,000.00 120,000.00 - -
Paratransit - 50,531.19 - 50,531.19 50,531.19
Paratransit - 55,026.54 27,513.27 27,513.27 27,513.27
North Ops B - 50,845,873.73 28,497,655.14 22,348,218.59 22,348,218.59
North Ops B - 66,698.80 30,287.09 36,411.71 36,411.71
North Ops B - 6,861,657.57 3,988,425.63 2,873,231.94 2,873,231.94
North Ops B - 37,739,284.70 19,764,172.60 17,975,112.10 17,975,112.10
North Ops B - 2,756,892.59 1,521,695.82 1,235,196.77 1,235,196.77
North Ops B - 343,125.97 177,711.29 165,414.68 165,414.68
North Ops B - 1,906,828.99 1,072,222.17 834,606.82 834,606.82
North Ops B - 226,538.81 7,446.71 219,092.10 219,092.10
North Ops B - 529.89 2.38 527.51 527.51
North Ops B - 17,376.87 683.16 16,693.71 16,693.71
North Ops B - 180,959.34 5,558.18 175,401.16 175,401.16
North Ops B - 12,365.92 405.60 11,960.32 11,960.32
North Ops B - 1,694.19 64.28 1,629.91 1,629.91
North Ops B - 7,074.23 364.69 6,709.54 6,709.54
North Ops B - 110,265.33 32,480.51 77,784.82 77,784.82
North Ops B - 94.82 8.42 86.40 86.40
North Ops B - 14,132.56 3,253.51 10,879.05 10,879.05
North Ops B - 82,947.11 24,312.18 58,634.93 58,634.93
North Ops B - 5,799.06 1,729.16 4,069.90 4,069.90
North Ops B - 791.28 231.05 560.23 560.23
North Ops B - 4,662.09 566.54 4,095.55 4,095.55
Georgetown - 1,314,448.03 777,968.05 536,479.98 536,479.98
Rural Servic - 34,893.23 34,893.23 - -
Rural Servic - 2,058,998.55 1,354,629.04 704,369.51 704,369.51
Rural Servic - 718,429.27 496,229.24 222,200.03 222,200.03
Rural Servic - 69,786.46 34,893.23 34,893.23 34,893.23
Rural Servic - 101,062.38 101,062.38 - -
RideShare - 4,828,908.85 2,900,311.48 1,928,597.37 1,928,597.37
RideShare - 857,290.83 857,290.83 - -
Pickup CART - 3,229,612.87 2,384,671.19 844,941.68 844,941.68
Pickup - 14,470,304.15 10,618,591.96 3,851,712.19 3,851,712.19
Pickup - 41,998.87 73,008.74 (31,009.87) (31,009.87)
Pickup - 2,133,744.37 1,165,638.21 968,106.16 968,106.16
Metrobike - 47,000.00 47,000.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 689.38 - 689.38 689.38
Dues And Sub - 8,500.00 8,500.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 161,044.51 - 161,044.51 161,044.51
Dues And Sub - 100.00 100.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 300.00 - 300.00 300.00
Dues And Sub - 60,755.00 - 60,755.00 60,755.00
Dues And Sub - 48,600.00 48,600.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 1,500.00
Dues And Sub - 84,000.00 7,500.00 76,500.00 76,500.00
Dues And Sub - 2,149.00 - 2,149.00 2,149.00
Dues And Sub - 180.00 180.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 2,313.16 - 2,313.16 2,313.16
Dues And Sub - 1,524.96 - 1,524.96 1,524.96
Dues And Sub - 474.00 - 474.00 474.00
Dues And Sub - 200.00 200.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 9,849.32 2,000.00 7,849.32 7,849.32
Dues And Sub - 75.76 - 75.76 75.76
Dues And Sub - 11,874.75 - 11,874.75 11,874.75
Dues And Sub - 1,299.00 - 1,299.00 1,299.00
Dues And Sub - 1,083.00 - 1,083.00 1,083.00
Dues And Sub - 169.00 169.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 2,221.17 13.17 2,208.00 2,208.00
Dues And Sub - 690.00 - 690.00 690.00
Dues And Sub - 2,248.16 578.08 1,670.08 1,670.08
Dues And Sub - 303.08 - 303.08 303.08
Dues And Sub - 1,150.00 575.00 575.00 575.00
Dues And Sub - 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 15,000.00
Dues And Sub - 80,259.05 475.00 79,784.05 79,784.05
Dues And Sub - 4,385.98 31.92 4,354.06 4,354.06
Dues And Sub - 2,102.42 797.27 1,305.15 1,305.15
Dues And Sub - 1,500.00 1,500.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 147.30 - 147.30 147.30
Dues And Sub - 390.00 - 390.00 390.00
Dues And Sub - 19,054.00 9,450.00 9,604.00 9,604.00
Dues And Sub - 17,500.00 17,500.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 4,000.00 4,000.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 35,000.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00
Dues And Sub - 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
Dues And Sub - 3,304.00 - 3,304.00 3,304.00
Dues And Sub - 5,570.39 776.97 4,793.42 4,793.42
Dues And Sub - 4,124.69 - 4,124.69 4,124.69
Dues And Sub - 47,343.93 5,569.98 41,773.95 41,773.95
Dues And Sub - 174.69 - 174.69 174.69
Dues And Sub - 1,600.42 373.00 1,227.42 1,227.42
Dues And Sub - 214.98 - 214.98 214.98
Dues And Sub - 16,493.70 - 16,493.70 16,493.70
Dues And Sub - 4,408.99 - 4,408.99 4,408.99
Dues And Sub - 5,868.15 1,794.42 4,073.73 4,073.73
Dues And Sub - 927.50 - 927.50 927.50
Dues And Sub - 14,534.70 5,174.00 9,360.70 9,360.70
Dues And Sub - 7,538.84 - 7,538.84 7,538.84
Dues And Sub - 14,322.00 - 14,322.00 14,322.00
Dues And Sub - 522.00 - 522.00 522.00
Dues And Sub - 21,919.90 299.95 21,619.95 21,619.95
Dues And Sub - 179.00 - 179.00 179.00
Dues And Sub - 5,000.00 5,000.00 - -
Dues And Sub - 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 5,000.00
Dues And Sub - 500.00 - 500.00 500.00
Dues And Sub - 376.69 - 376.69 376.69
Dues And Sub - 413.00 - 413.00 413.00
Dues And Sub - 1,563.15 - 1,563.15 1,563.15
Dues And Sub - 75.00 - 75.00 75.00
Airfare - Tra - 507.96 - 507.96 507.96
Airfare - Tra - 601.96 - 601.96 601.96
Airfare - Tra - 6,452.70 - 6,452.70 6,452.70
Airfare - Tra - 4.99 - 4.99 4.99
Airfare - Tra - 4,921.90 - 4,921.90 4,921.90
Airfare - Tra - 2,170.05 - 2,170.05 2,170.05
Airfare - Tra - 22.60 22.60 - -
Airfare - Tra - 946.70 - 946.70 946.70
Airfare - Tra - 970.15 - 970.15 970.15
Airfare - Tra - 394.21 - 394.21 394.21
Airfare - Tra - 404.00 - 404.00 404.00
Airfare - Tra - 5,673.09 - 5,673.09 5,673.09
Airfare - Tra - 5,517.18 897.74 4,619.44 4,619.44
Airfare - Tra - 790.40 - 790.40 790.40
Airfare - Tra - 411.91 60.00 351.91 351.91
Airfare - Tra - 272.20 - 272.20 272.20
Airfare - Tra - 4,692.34 - 4,692.34 4,692.34
Airfare - Tra - 949.92 - 949.92 949.92
Airfare - Tra - 555.96 108.01 447.95 447.95
Airfare - Tra - 821.96 - 821.96 821.96
Airfare - Tra - 1,020.00 - 1,020.00 1,020.00
Airfare - Tra - 528.98 - 528.98 528.98
Airfare - Tra - 459.46 - 459.46 459.46
Airfare - Tra - 3,972.39 - 3,972.39 3,972.39
Airfare - Tra - 405.94 - 405.94 405.94
Airfare - Tra - 431.96 - 431.96 431.96
Airfare - Tra - 507.80 - 507.80 507.80
Airfare - Tra - 686.76 - 686.76 686.76
Airfare - Tra - 9,909.91 - 9,909.91 9,909.91
Airfare - Tra - 3,080.37 817.90 2,262.47 2,262.47
Airfare - Tra - 1,925.79 72.99 1,852.80 1,852.80
Airfare - Tra - 4,606.82 622.46 3,984.36 3,984.36
Airfare - Tra - 1,343.82 - 1,343.82 1,343.82
Airfare - Tra - 715.95 37.28 678.67 678.67
Airfare - Tra - 596.96 596.96 - -
Airfare - Tra - 553.09 - 553.09 553.09
Airfare - Tra - 905.16 - 905.16 905.16
Airfare - Tra - 698.96 - 698.96 698.96
Airfare - Tra - 1,075.90 1,075.90 - -
Airfare - Tra - 5,699.41 1,075.90 4,623.51 4,623.51
Airfare - Tra - 10,808.16 1,124.76 9,683.40 9,683.40
Airfare - Tra - 835.46 - 835.46 835.46
Airfare - Tra - 527.96 - 527.96 527.96
Airfare - Tra - 308.08 - 308.08 308.08
Airfare - Tra - 1,225.92 - 1,225.92 1,225.92
Airfare - Tra - 1,285.46 - 1,285.46 1,285.46
Airfare - Tra - 680.38 - 680.38 680.38
Airfare - Tra - 645.27 - 645.27 645.27
Airfare - Tra - 2,048.50 - 2,048.50 2,048.50
Airfare - Tra - 466.80 - 466.80 466.80
Airfare - Tra - 431.96 - 431.96 431.96
Airfare - Tra - 508.96 - 508.96 508.96
Airfare - Tra - 301.98 - 301.98 301.98
Airfare - Tra - 1,533.90 1,533.90 - -
Airfare - Tra - 11,563.34 - 11,563.34 11,563.34
Travel - Per - 701.50 701.50 - -
Travel - Per - 3,060.00 - 3,060.00 3,060.00
Travel - Per - 14,963.24 - 14,963.24 14,963.24
Travel - Per - 869.85 - 869.85 869.85
Travel - Per - 835.50 - 835.50 835.50
Travel - Per - 206.50 - 206.50 206.50
Travel - Per - 5,316.70 - 5,316.70 5,316.70
Travel - Per - 2,652.55 - 2,652.55 2,652.55
Travel - Per - 276.50 - 276.50 276.50
Travel - Per - 1,692.50 - 1,692.50 1,692.50
Travel - Per - 288.00 - 288.00 288.00
Travel - Per - 5.12 - 5.12 5.12
Travel - Per - 333.00 - 333.00 333.00
Travel - Per - 276.50 - 276.50 276.50
Travel - Per - 518.00 - 518.00 518.00
Travel - Per - 241.50 - 241.50 241.50
Travel - Per - 540.50 540.50 - -
Travel - Per - 3,278.75 - 3,278.75 3,278.75
Travel - Per - 147.50 - 147.50 147.50
Travel - Per - 513.50 - 513.50 513.50
Travel - Per - 352.00 - 352.00 352.00
Travel - Per - 7,465.11 1,060.00 6,405.11 6,405.11
Travel - Per - 1,904.50 - 1,904.50 1,904.50
Travel - Per - 1,120.93 434.50 686.43 686.43
Travel - Per - 333.00 - 333.00 333.00
Travel - Per - 456.50 - 456.50 456.50
Travel - Per - 512.00 - 512.00 512.00
Travel - Per - 197.50 - 197.50 197.50
Travel - Per - 780.44 - 780.44 780.44
Travel - Per - 1,418.20 - 1,418.20 1,418.20
Travel - Per - 119.37 - 119.37 119.37
Travel - Per - 147.50 - 147.50 147.50
Travel - Per - 147.50 - 147.50 147.50
Travel - Per - 424.00 424.00 - -
Travel - Per - 3,384.40 265.50 3,118.90 3,118.90
Travel - Per - 146.37 - 146.37 146.37
Travel - Per - 3,815.50 355.50 3,460.00 3,460.00
Travel - Per - 4,397.00 - 4,397.00 4,397.00
Travel - Per - 174.00 - 174.00 174.00
Travel - Per - 391.99 - 391.99 391.99
Travel - Per - 657.00 - 657.00 657.00
Travel - Per - 652.50 - 652.50 652.50
Travel - Per - 748.50 - 748.50 748.50
Travel - Per - 355.50 - 355.50 355.50
Travel - Per - 224.00 - 224.00 224.00
Travel - Per - 288.00 - 288.00 288.00
Travel - Per - 434.50 - 434.50 434.50
Travel - Per - 310.50 - 310.50 310.50
Travel - Per - 185.00 185.00 - -
Travel - Per - 2,978.00 118.50 2,859.50 2,859.50
Toll Road Ch - 4,884.44 - 4,884.44 4,884.44
Toll Road Ch - 35,183.77 - 35,183.77 35,183.77
Seminar, Con - 15,409.64 - 15,409.64 15,409.64
Seminar, Con - 1,275.00 - 1,275.00 1,275.00
Seminar, Con - 12,358.91 - 12,358.91 12,358.91
Seminar, Con - 9,110.80 - 9,110.80 9,110.80
Seminar, Con - 1,100.00 1,100.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 2,690.00 - 2,690.00 2,690.00
Seminar, Con - 2,895.00 450.00 2,445.00 2,445.00
Seminar, Con - 1,035.00 - 1,035.00 1,035.00
Seminar, Con - 3,090.00 - 3,090.00 3,090.00
Seminar, Con - 1,150.00 1,150.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 13,734.00 - 13,734.00 13,734.00
Seminar, Con - 5,666.44 - 5,666.44 5,666.44
Seminar, Con - 1,350.00 - 1,350.00 1,350.00
Seminar, Con - 820.00 - 820.00 820.00
Seminar, Con - 300.00 - 300.00 300.00
Seminar, Con - 446.00 446.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 3,269.00 - 3,269.00 3,269.00
Seminar, Con - 48.00 - 48.00 48.00
Seminar, Con - 372.11 975.00 (602.89) (602.89)
Seminar, Con - 1,070.00 - 1,070.00 1,070.00
Seminar, Con - 500.00 500.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 22,364.51 30.00 22,334.51 22,334.51
Seminar, Con - 75.00 75.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 18,347.00 375.00 17,972.00 17,972.00
Seminar, Con - 390.00 - 390.00 390.00
Seminar, Con - 825.00 - 825.00 825.00
Seminar, Con - 12,066.52 250.00 11,816.52 11,816.52
Seminar, Con - 16,043.00 - 16,043.00 16,043.00
Seminar, Con - 176.00 - 176.00 176.00
Seminar, Con - 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 4,000.00
Seminar, Con - 19,237.95 325.00 18,912.95 18,912.95
Seminar, Con - 145.00 145.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 2,420.00 40.00 2,380.00 2,380.00
Seminar, Con - 1,469.92 528.00 941.92 941.92
Seminar, Con - 400.00 400.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 2,200.00 - 2,200.00 2,200.00
Seminar, Con - 1,585.00 - 1,585.00 1,585.00
Seminar, Con - 1,500.00 1,500.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 2,600.00 - 2,600.00 2,600.00
Seminar, Con - 1,083.27 - 1,083.27 1,083.27
Seminar, Con - 9,829.17 - 9,829.17 9,829.17
Seminar, Con - 435.00 - 435.00 435.00
Seminar, Con - 2,685.00 - 2,685.00 2,685.00
Seminar, Con - 1,984.00 - 1,984.00 1,984.00
Seminar, Con - 2,250.00 - 2,250.00 2,250.00
Seminar, Con - 2,500.00 1,525.00 975.00 975.00
Seminar, Con - 584.10 - 584.10 584.10
Seminar, Con - 4,070.00 - 4,070.00 4,070.00
Seminar, Con - 40.00 - 40.00 40.00
Seminar, Con - 1,035.00 - 1,035.00 1,035.00
Seminar, Con - 35.00 - 35.00 35.00
Seminar, Con - 55.00 55.00 - -
Seminar, Con - 55.00 - 55.00 55.00
Seminar, Con - 40.00 - 40.00 40.00
Lodging - 2,333.50 2,053.37 280.13 280.13
Lodging - 269.22 - 269.22 269.22
Lodging - 10,009.11 500.00 9,509.11 9,509.11
Lodging - 3,175.70 - 3,175.70 3,175.70
Lodging - 6,035.54 - 6,035.54 6,035.54
Lodging - 1,804.84 - 1,804.84 1,804.84
Lodging - 1,360.17 - 1,360.17 1,360.17
Lodging - 471.22 - 471.22 471.22
Lodging - - 57.00 (57.00) (57.00)
Lodging - 7,244.25 - 7,244.25 7,244.25
Lodging - 301.69 301.69 - -
Lodging - 3,799.25 - 3,799.25 3,799.25
Lodging - 2,328.13 - 2,328.13 2,328.13
Lodging - 703.54 225.08 478.46 478.46
Lodging - 8,236.78 5.12 8,231.66 8,231.66
Lodging - 1,167.32 - 1,167.32 1,167.32
Lodging - 1,106.47 - 1,106.47 1,106.47
Lodging - 1,203.80 - 1,203.80 1,203.80
Lodging - 1,515.38 - 1,515.38 1,515.38
Lodging - 3,566.84 1,385.32 2,181.52 2,181.52
Lodging - 513.63 - 513.63 513.63
Lodging - 8,627.31 5.00 8,622.31 8,622.31
Lodging - 1,877.90 - 1,877.90 1,877.90
Lodging - 745.46 - 745.46 745.46
Lodging - 885.75 - 885.75 885.75
Lodging - 1,960.80 - 1,960.80 1,960.80
Lodging - 23,525.35 916.17 22,609.18 22,609.18
Lodging - 4,671.41 - 4,671.41 4,671.41
Lodging - 115.83 115.83 - -
Lodging - 7,157.34 2,592.89 4,564.45 4,564.45
Lodging - 1,218.49 - 1,218.49 1,218.49
Lodging - 337.52 337.52 - -
Lodging - 830.00 - 830.00 830.00
Lodging - 1,411.82 - 1,411.82 1,411.82
Lodging - 2,752.14 1,411.82 1,340.32 1,340.32
Lodging - 2,050.27 - 2,050.27 2,050.27
Lodging - 3,179.40 - 3,179.40 3,179.40
Lodging - 1,741.68 - 1,741.68 1,741.68
Lodging - 736.28 - 736.28 736.28
Lodging - 1,921.04 - 1,921.04 1,921.04
Lodging - 905.76 - 905.76 905.76
Lodging - 6,853.30 - 6,853.30 6,853.30
Lodging - 707.38 - 707.38 707.38
Lodging - 2,702.45 - 2,702.45 2,702.45
Lodging - 1,250.08 - 1,250.08 1,250.08
Lodging - 17,363.44 2,379.90 14,983.54 14,983.54
Lodging - 785.34 - 785.34 785.34
Lodging - 218.77 - 218.77 218.77
Lodging - 138.38 - 138.38 138.38
Lodging - 1,250.08 - 1,250.08 1,250.08
Lodging - 4,647.90 - 4,647.90 4,647.90
Lodging - 1,792.83 105.75 1,687.08 1,687.08
Lodging - 819.40 - 819.40 819.40
Lodging - 2,979.23 - 2,979.23 2,979.23
Lodging - 712.78 - 712.78 712.78
Lodging - 1,976.00 - 1,976.00 1,976.00
Lodging - 536.24 - 536.24 536.24
Lodging - 9,977.62 9,977.62 - -
Lodging - 17,229.66 346.09 16,883.57 16,883.57
Travel - Othe - 616.31 616.31 - -
Travel - Othe - 31.46 - 31.46 31.46
Travel - Othe - 6,737.14 - 6,737.14 6,737.14
Travel - Othe - 201.25 201.25 - -
Travel - Othe - 467.62 - 467.62 467.62
Travel - Othe - 996.77 - 996.77 996.77
Travel - Othe - 1,541.50 310.00 1,231.50 1,231.50
Travel - Othe - 30.00 30.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 2,673.87 - 2,673.87 2,673.87
Travel - Othe - 116.79 - 116.79 116.79
Travel - Othe - 11.48 - 11.48 11.48
Travel - Othe - 287.50 - 287.50 287.50
Travel - Othe - 5,118.75 14.97 5,103.78 5,103.78
Travel - Othe - 60.00 - 60.00 60.00
Travel - Othe - 1,259.77 1,259.77 - -
Travel - Othe - 454.67 - 454.67 454.67
Travel - Othe - 3,269.19 - 3,269.19 3,269.19
Travel - Othe - 34.09 - 34.09 34.09
Travel - Othe - 1,016.61 1,016.61 - -
Travel - Othe - 3,795.19 - 3,795.19 3,795.19
Travel - Othe - 40.00 - 40.00 40.00
Travel - Othe - 1,092.99 1,115.22 (22.23) (22.23)
Travel - Othe - 1,789.92 - 1,789.92 1,789.92
Travel - Othe - 412.34 - 412.34 412.34
Travel - Othe - 7,521.87 7,521.87 - -
Travel - Othe - 9,316.69 - 9,316.69 9,316.69
Travel - Othe - 417.50 208.75 208.75 208.75
Travel - Othe - 379.50 - 379.50 379.50
Travel - Othe - 36.00 - 36.00 36.00
Travel - Othe - 270.00 270.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 50.37 - 50.37 50.37
Travel - Othe - 367.82 - 367.82 367.82
Travel - Othe - 30.00 - 30.00 30.00
Travel - Othe - 30.00 - 30.00 30.00
Travel - Othe - 237.93 237.93 - -
Travel - Othe - 3,402.97 - 3,402.97 3,402.97
Travel - Othe - 2,890.20 5,765.40 (2,875.20) (2,875.20)
Travel - Othe - 760.78 - 760.78 760.78
Travel - Othe - 981.76 981.76 - -
Travel - Othe - 747.47 747.47 - -
Travel - Othe - 1,349.00 1,349.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 798.84 798.84 - -
Travel - Othe - 7,653.99 7,653.99 - -
Travel - Othe - 139.00 139.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 1,330.83 1,330.83 - -
Travel - Othe - 11,453.97 11,453.97 - -
Travel - Othe - 685.56 685.56 - -
Travel - Othe - 3,207.15 3,207.15 - -
Travel - Othe - 635.47 635.47 - -
Travel - Othe - 1,499.22 1,499.22 - -
Travel - Othe - 90.00 90.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 1,775.00 1,775.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 1,070.77 - 1,070.77 1,070.77
Travel - Othe - 31.04 31.04 - -
Travel - Othe - 60.81 - 60.81 60.81
Travel - Othe - 1,276.47 1,276.47 - -
Travel - Othe - 16,846.96 16,846.96 - -
Travel - Othe - 522.80 522.80 - -
Travel - Othe - 51.48 51.48 - -
Travel - Othe - 8,582.51 8,582.51 - -
Travel - Othe - 11,685.61 248.00 11,437.61 11,437.61
Travel - Othe - 98.23 - 98.23 98.23
Travel - Othe - 7,931.56 7,931.56 - -
Travel - Othe - 8.00 8.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 4.74 4.74 - -
Travel - Othe - 409.41 - 409.41 409.41
Travel - Othe - 82.50 - 82.50 82.50
Travel - Othe - 16,802.69 17,902.69 (1,100.00) (1,100.00)
Travel - Othe - - 9,697.50 (9,697.50) (9,697.50)
Travel - Othe - 10,797.50 - 10,797.50 10,797.50
Travel - Othe - 157.27 157.27 - -
Travel - Othe - 40.00 40.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 2,375.45 - 2,375.45 2,375.45
Travel - Othe - 769.12 - 769.12 769.12
Travel - Othe - 137.55 - 137.55 137.55
Travel - Othe - 136.78 - 136.78 136.78
Travel - Othe - 5,017.51 5,017.51 - -
Travel - Othe - 115.70 - 115.70 115.70
Travel - Othe - 2,711.04 - 2,711.04 2,711.04
Travel - Othe - 165.33 - 165.33 165.33
Travel - Othe - 1,834.99 - 1,834.99 1,834.99
Travel - Othe - 45.00 - 45.00 45.00
Travel - Othe - 403.24 - 403.24 403.24
Travel - Othe - 713.52 - 713.52 713.52
Travel - Othe - 7,957.68 448.84 7,508.84 7,508.84
Travel - Othe - 90.63 - 90.63 90.63
Travel - Othe - 52.73 - 52.73 52.73
Travel - Othe - 141.94 - 141.94 141.94
Travel - Othe - 277.70 - 277.70 277.70
Travel - Othe - 520.58 - 520.58 520.58
Travel - Othe - 58.00 - 58.00 58.00
Travel - Othe - 286.24 - 286.24 286.24
Travel - Othe - 15.00 - 15.00 15.00
Travel - Othe - 115.71 - 115.71 115.71
Travel - Othe - 110.00 110.00 - -
Travel - Othe - 110.00 - 110.00 110.00
Travel - Othe - 166.34 127.04 39.30 39.30
Travel - Othe - 994.48 994.48 - -
Travel - Othe - 2,151.98 29.16 2,122.82 2,122.82
Travel - Othe - 12.50 - 12.50 12.50
Business Mea - 2,100.86 - 2,100.86 2,100.86
Business Mea - 215.93 - 215.93 215.93
Business Mea - 890.00 - 890.00 890.00
Business Mea - 34.52 - 34.52 34.52
Business Mea - 1,621.75 - 1,621.75 1,621.75
Business Mea - 88.00 88.00 - -
Business Mea - 602.69 - 602.69 602.69
Business Mea - 903.89 - 903.89 903.89
Business Mea - 517.76 517.76 - -
Business Mea - 86.14 - 86.14 86.14
Business Mea - 7,900.04 282.77 7,617.27 7,617.27
Business Mea - 449.96 - 449.96 449.96
Business Mea - 91.30 - 91.30 91.30
Business Mea - 4,475.59 303.99 4,171.60 4,171.60
Business Mea - 18.36 - 18.36 18.36
Business Mea - 2,942.22 74.39 2,867.83 2,867.83
Business Mea - 1,616.80 - 1,616.80 1,616.80
Business Mea - 67.79 - 67.79 67.79
Business Mea - 334.95 - 334.95 334.95
Business Mea - 5,379.41 287.96 5,091.45 5,091.45
Business Mea - 1,240.40 620.20 620.20 620.20
Business Mea - 478.54 478.54 - -
Business Mea - 2,400.46 - 2,400.46 2,400.46
Business Mea - 753.48 - 753.48 753.48
Business Mea - 183.40 - 183.40 183.40
Business Mea - 139.00 - 139.00 139.00
Business Mea - 418.13 - 418.13 418.13
Business Mea - 638.15 - 638.15 638.15
Business Mea - 43.58 - 43.58 43.58
Business Mea - 1,036.72 - 1,036.72 1,036.72
Business Mea - 3,461.29 - 3,461.29 3,461.29
Business Mea - 159.49 - 159.49 159.49
Business Mea - 1,882.74 - 1,882.74 1,882.74
Business Mea - 3,256.00 - 3,256.00 3,256.00
Business Mea - 64.50 - 64.50 64.50
Business Mea - 267.74 - 267.74 267.74
Business Mea - 53,751.38 2,103.37 51,648.01 51,648.01
Business Mea - 64.90 - 64.90 64.90
Business Mea - 167.70 167.70 - -
Business Mea - 989.13 75.38 913.75 913.75
Business Mea - 2,212.83 154.53 2,058.30 2,058.30
Business Mea - 840.85 - 840.85 840.85
Business Mea - 313.33 313.33 - -
Business Mea - 124.40 - 124.40 124.40
Business Mea - 3,281.62 750.99 2,530.63 2,530.63
Business Mea - 477.65 - 477.65 477.65
Business Mea - 3,699.54 1,100.00 2,599.54 2,599.54
Business Mea - 10,046.39 - 10,046.39 10,046.39
Business Mea - 3,939.50 - 3,939.50 3,939.50
Business Mea - 112.72 - 112.72 112.72
Business Mea - - 7.87 (7.87) (7.87)
Business Mea - 1,891.16 750.99 1,140.17 1,140.17
Business Mea - 258.89 - 258.89 258.89
Business Mea - 322.64 - 322.64 322.64
Business Mea - 190.64 - 190.64 190.64
Business Mea - 572.40 - 572.40 572.40
Business Mea - 283.16 - 283.16 283.16
Business Mea - 963.66 - 963.66 963.66
Newspaper - 1,013.50 506.75 506.75 506.75
Newspaper - 36,018.98 15,650.29 20,368.69 20,368.69
Newspaper - 39.19 39.19 - -
Newspaper - 150.00 - 150.00 150.00
Newspaper - 8,482.89 3,974.40 4,508.49 4,508.49
Newspaper - 3,652.12 3,652.12 - -
Newspaper - 5,282.13 - 5,282.13 5,282.13
Newspaper - 9,783.92 2,765.12 7,018.80 7,018.80
Advertising - 47,015.00 47,015.00 - -
Advertising - 8,889.84 - 8,889.84 8,889.84
Advertising - 597.74 - 597.74 597.74
Advertising - 82,302.43 - 82,302.43 82,302.43
Advertising - 1,197.67 - 1,197.67 1,197.67
Advertising - 42,616.04 - 42,616.04 42,616.04
Advertising - 482.83 - 482.83 482.83
Advertising - 355.72 - 355.72 355.72
Advertising - 32,732.40 - 32,732.40 32,732.40
Advertising - 7,940.91 1,941.23 5,999.68 5,999.68
Advertising - 486.21 - 486.21 486.21
Advertising - - 212,011.93 (212,011.93) (212,011.93)
Advertising - 106.59 - 106.59 106.59
Advertising - 55,040.13 17,822.77 37,217.36 37,217.36
Advertising - 3,308.34 75.00 3,233.34 3,233.34
Advertising - 88,869.98 54,578.35 34,291.63 34,291.63
Advertising - 196,172.27 57,234.26 138,938.01 138,938.01
Advertising - 259,824.25 30,322.32 229,501.93 229,501.93
Advertising - 11,260.00 5,000.00 6,260.00 6,260.00
Advertising - 18,668.20 9,014.10 9,654.10 9,654.10
Advertising - 3,265.13 3,265.13 - -
Advertising - 7,407.75 2,765.00 4,642.75 4,642.75
Advertising - 129,433.42 74,192.28 55,241.14 55,241.14
Advertising - 234,632.25 117,226.00 117,406.25 117,406.25
Advertising - 133,749.02 108,722.97 25,026.05 25,026.05
Advertising - 124,498.59 81,781.59 42,717.00 42,717.00
Advertising - 5,191.68 5,191.68 - -
Advertising - 14,713.28 14,713.28 - -
Advertising - 337,186.15 197,745.95 139,440.20 139,440.20
Advertising - 153,938.42 57,517.78 96,420.64 96,420.64
Advertising - 33,800.00 34,200.00 (400.00) (400.00)
Advertising - 5,721.83 5,721.83 - -
Advertising - 3,104.49 3,104.49 - -
Advertising - - 5,721.83 (5,721.83) (5,721.83)
Advertising - - 53,646.76 (53,646.76) (53,646.76)
Advertising - 7.75 - 7.75 7.75
Advertising - 1,455.00 - 1,455.00 1,455.00
Advertising - 2,200.00 - 2,200.00 2,200.00
Advertising - 1,627.38 1,084.92 542.46 542.46
Advertising - 624.00 624.00 - -
Advertising - 3,031.41 - 3,031.41 3,031.41
Advertising - 28,196.28 69.10 28,127.18 28,127.18
Advertising - 164,100.00 109,400.00 54,700.00 54,700.00
Advertising - 900.00 900.00 - -
Advertising - 4,440.56 312.66 4,127.90 4,127.90
Advertising - 2,256.50 - 2,256.50 2,256.50
Advertising - 10,673.20 171.08 10,502.12 10,502.12
Advertising - 1,985.00 - 1,985.00 1,985.00
Advertising - 261.00 - 261.00 261.00
Advertising - 5,327.10 5,195.00 132.10 132.10
Advertising - 420.29 - 420.29 420.29
Advertising - - 1,275.02 (1,275.02) (1,275.02)
Advertising - 2,550.04 1,275.02 1,275.02 1,275.02
Advertising - 3,216.00 - 3,216.00 3,216.00
Advertising - 813.83 - 813.83 813.83
Advertising - 6,313.14 5,038.12 1,275.02 1,275.02
Advertising - 556,786.27 399,906.01 156,880.26 156,880.26
Advertising - 9,090.52 220.52 8,870.00 8,870.00
Postage - 0.57 0.57 - -
Postage - 88.30 16.24 72.06 72.06
Postage - 11.34 2.88 8.46 8.46
Postage - 84.44 20.49 63.95 63.95
Postage - 5.22 5.22 - -
Postage - 3,954.06 814.32 3,139.74 3,139.74
Postage - 39.36 - 39.36 39.36
Postage - 11.48 - 11.48 11.48
Postage - 13.20 - 13.20 13.20
Postage - 62.39 5.67 56.72 56.72
Postage - 691.91 175.07 516.84 516.84
Postage - 4,097.01 4,097.01 - -
Postage - 2.91 1.17 1.74 1.74
Postage - 435.50 - 435.50 435.50
Postage - 371.15 371.15 - -
Postage - 32.13 - 32.13 32.13
Postage - 12,108.80 7,703.06 4,405.74 4,405.74
Postage - 142.41 17.40 125.01 125.01
Postage - 7.56 - 7.56 7.56
Postage - 18.78 - 18.78 18.78
Postage - 275.00 - 275.00 275.00
Postage - 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50
Postage - 3,002.66 - 3,002.66 3,002.66
Postage - 12,884.72 2,736.35 10,148.37 10,148.37
Bank Charge - 4,011.70 98.36 3,913.34 3,913.34
Tools And E - 21,040.63 9,886.29 11,154.34 11,154.34
Tools And E - 139.76 15.98 123.78 123.78
Tools And E - 362.04 362.04 - -
Tools And E - 111.22 - 111.22 111.22
Tools And E - 670.11 - 670.11 670.11
Tools And E - 1,543.97 - 1,543.97 1,543.97
Safety Equi - 593.41 124.20 469.21 469.21
Safety Equi - 190.96 - 190.96 190.96
Other Miscel - 612.03 612.03 - -
Other Miscel - 345.96 345.96 - -
Other Miscel - 320,333.15 319,040.98 1,292.17 1,292.17
Other Miscel - 44,742.39 44,650.96 91.43 91.43
Other Miscel - 10,000.00 10,000.00 - -
Other Miscel - 56,535.78 44,109.29 12,426.49 12,426.49
Other Miscel - 37,055.47 37,017.69 37.78 37.78
Other Miscel - 2,053.08 4,106.16 (2,053.08) (2,053.08)
Other Miscel - 37,766.75 35,713.67 2,053.08 2,053.08
Other Miscel - 124,991.53 124,810.44 181.09 181.09
Other Miscel - 414.06 - 414.06 414.06
Other Miscel - 193,948.74 193,948.74 - -
Other Miscel - 206.23 - 206.23 206.23
Other Miscel - 25.00 - 25.00 25.00
Other Miscel - 24.26 - 24.26 24.26
Other Miscel - 80,747.00 136,939.28 (56,192.28) (56,192.28)
Other Miscel - 148.20 - 148.20 148.20
Other Miscel - 10,627.64 10,627.64 - -
Other Miscel - 335,660.34 265,985.62 69,674.72 69,674.72
Other Miscel - 21.69 - 21.69 21.69
Other Miscel - 232.28 - 232.28 232.28
Other Miscel - 2,965.88 - 2,965.88 2,965.88
Other Miscel - 49,961.07 49,961.07 - -
Other Miscel - 41.00 41.00 - -
Other Miscel - 20.00 - 20.00 20.00
Other Miscel - 94,254.83 93,370.22 884.61 884.61
Other Miscel - 32,815.51 54,893.21 (22,077.70) (22,077.70)
Other Miscel - 79,518.54 79,518.54 - -
Other Miscel - 708,513.61 658,753.94 49,759.67 49,759.67
Other Miscel - 3,164.23 50.75 3,113.48 3,113.48
Other Miscel - 62,191.56 98,899.46 (36,707.90) (36,707.90)
Other Miscel - 1,007,016.18 923,679.59 83,336.59 83,336.59
Other Miscel - 207.87 - 207.87 207.87
Other Miscel - 439,527.04 439,527.04 - -
Other Miscel - 15.26 15.26 - -
Other Miscel - 40.34 - 40.34 40.34
Other Miscel - 26,723.00 26,707.74 15.26 15.26
Other Miscel - 1,251.62 - 1,251.62 1,251.62
Other Miscel - 3,297.15 4,725.06 (1,427.91) (1,427.91)
Other Miscel - 490,269.15 487,336.49 2,932.66 2,932.66
Other Miscel - 18,485.46 35,698.56 (17,213.10) (17,213.10)
Other Miscel - 4,381.44 - 4,381.44 4,381.44
Other Miscel - 344,256.54 324,633.63 19,622.91 19,622.91
Other Miscel - 158.84 - 158.84 158.84
Other Miscel - 445.41 - 445.41 445.41
Other Miscel - 814.21 - 814.21 814.21
Other Miscel - 526.00 - 526.00 526.00
Other Miscel - 6,865.51 500.06 6,365.45 6,365.45
Other Miscel - 57,525.08 55,418.26 2,106.82 2,106.82
Other Miscel - 12,262.11 5,500.00 6,762.11 6,762.11
Other Miscel - 7,600.00 7,600.00 - -
Other Miscel - 394.00 - 394.00 394.00
Other Miscel - 14.00 - 14.00 14.00
Other Miscel - 229.36 - 229.36 229.36
Other Miscel - 123.59 - 123.59 123.59
Other Miscel - 6,157.00 - 6,157.00 6,157.00
Other Miscel - 7,600.00 - 7,600.00 7,600.00
Other Miscel - 150.00 - 150.00 150.00
Other Miscel - 156,328.11 156,328.11 - -
Other Miscel - 6,412.63 6,412.63 - -
Other Miscel - 310.58 - 310.58 310.58
Other Miscel - 429,490.14 406,294.07 23,196.07 23,196.07
Other Miscel - 3,273.41 - 3,273.41 3,273.41
Other Miscel - 261,475.10 260,994.86 480.24 480.24
Other Miscel - 5.11 - 5.11 5.11
Other Miscel - 19,353.50 20,228.00 (874.50) (874.50)
Other Miscel - 20,228.00 - 20,228.00 20,228.00
Other Miscel - 382,436.21 362,015.04 20,421.17 20,421.17
Other Miscel - 2,833.42 2,833.42 - -
Other Miscel - 101.61 - 101.61 101.61
Other Miscel - 113,030.27 107,914.45 5,115.82 5,115.82
Other Miscel - 43,208.25 43,208.25 - -
Other Miscel - 79,055.00 79,055.00 - -
Other Miscel - 5,495.49 2.00 5,493.49 5,493.49
Other Miscel - 118,121.16 116,799.66 1,321.50 1,321.50
Other Miscel - 661.38 661.38 - -
Other Miscel - 20,645.36 20,645.36 - -
Other Miscel - 144,856.72 144,856.72 - -
Other Miscel - 704,940.31 723,119.57 (18,179.26) (18,179.26)
Other Miscel - 208.75 0.01 208.74 208.74
Other Miscel - 799.82 0.02 799.80 799.80
Other Miscel - 1,207,934.48 1,179,310.41 28,624.07 28,624.07
Other Miscel - 208,506.46 207,864.47 641.99 641.99
Other Miscel - 13.08 - 13.08 13.08
Other Miscel - 20.51 - 20.51 20.51
Other Miscel - 108.98 - 108.98 108.98
Other Miscel - 3,124.03 - 3,124.03 3,124.03
Other Miscel - 793.78 - 793.78 793.78
Other Miscel - 44.70 - 44.70 44.70
Other Miscel - 58,093.20 6,867.12 51,226.08 51,226.08
Other Miscel - 712.83 17.29 695.54 695.54
Other Miscel - 39.00 - 39.00 39.00
Other Miscel - 30,316.32 30,145.82 170.50 170.50
Other Miscel - 66,529.78 64,295.36 2,234.42 2,234.42
Other Miscel - 24.94 - 24.94 24.94
Other Miscel - 633.00 633.00 - -
Other Miscel - 52,146.16 52,146.16 - -
Other Miscel - 1,400.98 1,400.98 - -
Other Miscel - 82,434.36 82,362.56 71.80 71.80
Other Miscel - 172.12 - 172.12 172.12
Other Miscel - 123,817.20 123,817.20 - -
Other Miscel - 98,684.15 98,684.15 - -
Other Miscel - 100,878.74 100,878.74 - -
Other Miscel - 20.96 - 20.96 20.96
Other Miscel - 1,669.06 - 1,669.06 1,669.06
Other Miscel - 202,921.58 202,916.48 5.10 5.10
Other Miscel - 189.90 - 189.90 189.90
P-Card Defau - 25.75 25.75 - -
P-Card Defau - 25.75 - 25.75 25.75
P-Card Defau - 185.45 185.45 - -
P-Card Defau - 379.29 379.29 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,453.70 379.29 1,074.41 1,074.41
P-Card Defau - 1,405.36 1,405.36 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,888.99 1,888.99 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,580.78 1,560.63 20.15 20.15
P-Card Defau - 179.85 - 179.85 179.85
P-Card Defau - 59.95 59.95 - -
P-Card Defau - 60.00 60.00 - -
P-Card Defau - 35.00 35.00 - -
P-Card Defau - 3,446.52 3,446.52 - -
P-Card Defau - - 1,385.32 (1,385.32) (1,385.32)
P-Card Defau - 351.43 351.43 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,158,451.82 1,132,761.61 25,690.21 25,690.21
P-Card Defau - 6,852.74 8,131.62 (1,278.88) (1,278.88)
P-Card Defau - 149.88 - 149.88 149.88
P-Card Defau - 3,588.21 3,588.21 - -
P-Card Defau - 4,520.00 - 4,520.00 4,520.00
P-Card Defau - 333.07 333.07 - -
P-Card Defau - 445.00 445.00 - -
P-Card Defau - 11.88 - 11.88 11.88
P-Card Defau - - 11.88 (11.88) (11.88)
P-Card Defau - 2,046.69 2,046.69 - -
P-Card Defau - 497.88 497.88 - -
P-Card Defau - 357.50 357.50 - -
P-Card Defau - 733.45 733.45 - -
P-Card Defau - 15,164.57 15,164.57 - -
P-Card Defau - 754.26 - 754.26 754.26
P-Card Defau - 5,107.16 5,107.16 - -
P-Card Defau - 11.24 11.24 - -
P-Card Defau - 570.89 - 570.89 570.89
P-Card Defau - 43.30 43.30 - -
P-Card Defau - - 570.89 (570.89) (570.89)
P-Card Defau - 32.48 32.48 - -
P-Card Defau - 20,014.18 20,014.18 - -
P-Card Defau - 398.01 - 398.01 398.01
P-Card Defau - - 397.01 (397.01) (397.01)
P-Card Defau - 23,542.76 23,542.76 - -
P-Card Defau - - 11,513.93 (11,513.93) (11,513.93)
P-Card Defau - 162,194.16 145,737.99 16,456.17 16,456.17
P-Card Defau - 790.80 17,189.43 (16,398.63) (16,398.63)
P-Card Defau - 733.26 - 733.26 733.26
P-Card Defau - - 790.80 (790.80) (790.80)
P-Card Defau - - 56,835.94 (56,835.94) (56,835.94)
P-Card Defau - 24,990.07 - 24,990.07 24,990.07
P-Card Defau - - 15,055.80 (15,055.80) (15,055.80)
P-Card Defau - 10,955.80 - 10,955.80 10,955.80
P-Card Defau - - 84,179.43 (84,179.43) (84,179.43)
P-Card Defau - 375.00 375.00 - -
P-Card Defau - 545.40 - 545.40 545.40
P-Card Defau - 18,738.30 18,703.16 35.14 35.14
P-Card Defau - 760.49 760.49 - -
P-Card Defau - 4,948.03 605.76 4,342.27 4,342.27
P-Card Defau - - 299.95 (299.95) (299.95)
P-Card Defau - 4,294.91 4,294.91 - -
P-Card Defau - 58.68 - 58.68 58.68
P-Card Defau - 730.64 730.64 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,079.36 1,079.36 - -
P-Card Defau - 501.47 501.47 - -
P-Card Defau - 13.32 13.32 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,407.99 1,407.99 - -
P-Card Defau - 635.59 635.59 - -
P-Card Issue - 252.68 - 252.68 252.68
Default Emp - 2,430.00 - 2,430.00 2,430.00
Other Misc. - 5.00 - 5.00 5.00
Food and Ice - 1,061.69 - 1,061.69 1,061.69
Food and Ice - 22.20 - 22.20 22.20
Food and Ice - 462.19 - 462.19 462.19
Food and Ice - 27.94 - 27.94 27.94
Food and Ice - 758.58 - 758.58 758.58
Food and Ice - 59.39 - 59.39 59.39
Food and Ice - 1,408.94 - 1,408.94 1,408.94
Food and Ice - 641.45 - 641.45 641.45
Food and Ice - 467.23 - 467.23 467.23
Food and Ice - 47.55 47.55 - -
Food and Ice - 6,370.23 173.70 6,196.53 6,196.53
Food and Ice - 1,100.00 - 1,100.00 1,100.00
Food and Ice - 405.67 - 405.67 405.67
Food and Ice - 658.09 - 658.09 658.09
Food and Ice - 2,277.77 2,291.76 (13.99) (13.99)
Food and Ice - 31.34 31.34 - -
Food and Ice - 31.34 - 31.34 31.34
Food and Ice - 1,021.35 - 1,021.35 1,021.35
Food and Ice - 415.00 - 415.00 415.00
Food and Ice - 1,527.07 - 1,527.07 1,527.07
Food and Ice - 570.89 - 570.89 570.89
Food and Ice - 43.30 - 43.30 43.30
Food and Ice - 734.22 734.22 - -
Food and Ice - 969.78 10.59 959.19 959.19
Food and Ice - 32.48 - 32.48 32.48
Food and Ice - 205.55 205.55 - -
Food and Ice - 230,684.50 89,783.09 140,901.41 140,901.41
Food and Ice - 2,939.34 - 2,939.34 2,939.34
Food and Ice - 103.25 - 103.25 103.25
Food and Ice - 321.17 - 321.17 321.17
Food and Ice - 594.00 - 594.00 594.00
Food and Ice - 3,074.08 - 3,074.08 3,074.08
Food and Ice - 64.95 - 64.95 64.95
Food and Ice - 2,635.23 - 2,635.23 2,635.23
Food and Ice - 163.66 - 163.66 163.66
Food and Ice - 296.08 - 296.08 296.08
Food and Ice - 2,477.89 - 2,477.89 2,477.89
Food and Ice - 300.00 - 300.00 300.00
Food and Ice - 501.47 - 501.47 501.47
Food and Ice - 4,190.33 - 4,190.33 4,190.33
Food and Ice - 1.60 - 1.60 1.60
Recognition - 834.30 - 834.30 834.30
Recognition - 9,596.09 350.00 9,246.09 9,246.09
Recognition - 156.25 156.25 - -
Recognition - 468.75 468.75 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 625.00 625.00 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 1,562.50 1,562.50 - -
Recognition - 346.40 - 346.40 346.40
Recognition - 1,250.00 1,250.00 - -
Recognition - 3,461.61 3,461.61 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 1,223.21 1,223.21 - -
Recognition - 781.25 781.25 - -
Recognition - 4,412.99 3,706.25 706.74 706.74
Recognition - 468.75 468.75 - -
Recognition - 7,187.50 7,187.50 - -
Recognition - 2,939.20 2,500.00 439.20 439.20
Recognition - 156.25 156.25 - -
Recognition - 3,843.75 3,843.75 - -
Recognition - 3,593.75 3,593.75 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 3,017.80 - 3,017.80 3,017.80
Recognition - 1,093.75 1,093.75 - -
Recognition - 2,025.09 2,025.09 - -
Recognition - 979.43 - 979.43 979.43
Recognition - 860.00 - 860.00 860.00
Recognition - 294,319.99 114,172.82 180,147.17 180,147.17
Recognition - 711.90 - 711.90 711.90
Recognition - 1,790.00 - 1,790.00 1,790.00
Recognition - 2,187.50 2,187.50 - -
Recognition - 2,706.25 2,706.25 - -
Recognition - 156.25 156.25 - -
Recognition - 468.75 468.75 - -
Recognition - 312.50 312.50 - -
Recognition - 1,093.75 1,093.75 - -
Recognition - 871.43 871.43 - -
Recognition - 12,351.79 12,351.79 - -
Recognition - 1,566.40 227.25 1,339.15 1,339.15
Recognition - 156.25 156.25 - -
Recognition - 1,718.75 1,718.75 - -
Recognition - 468.75 468.75 - -
Recognition - 3,125.00 3,125.00 - -
Recognition - 1,562.50 1,562.50 - -
Recognition - 1,250.00 1,250.00 - -
AP Prompt P - 7,493.14 7,493.14 - -
AP Prompt P - 6,385.91 6,385.91 - -
AP Prompt P - 152.24 7,493.14 (7,340.90) (7,340.90)
Capital Expe - 216.46 216.46 - -
Capital Expe - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - -
Lease-Passen - 98,975.00 1,500.00 97,475.00 97,475.00
Lease-Passeng - 640,143.39 94,581.45 545,561.94 545,561.94
Lease-Passeng - 98,325.00 - 98,325.00 98,325.00
Lease-Passeng - 75,000.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00
Lease-Operat - 4,509.04 - 4,509.04 4,509.04
Lease-Operat - 1,276.47 - 1,276.47 1,276.47
Lease-Operat - 2,744.00 - 2,744.00 2,744.00
Lease-Operat - 3,246.00 3,246.00 - -
Lease-Operat - 415,349.39 251,830.38 163,519.01 163,519.01
Lease-Vehicl - 56,518.97 19,810.40 36,708.57 36,708.57
Lease-Vehicl - 3,859,514.65 2,780,486.65 1,079,028.00 1,079,028.00
Lease-Vehicl - 1,111.09 1,111.09 - -
Lease-Vehicl - - 1,111.09 (1,111.09) (1,111.09)
Lease-Vehicl - 21,835.00 5,226.92 16,608.08 16,608.08
Lease-Vehicl - 11,123.50 - 11,123.50 11,123.50
Lease-Vehicl - 83,904.00 - 83,904.00 83,904.00
Lease-Vehicl - 997,500.00 577,500.00 420,000.00 420,000.00
Lease-Adminis - 568.06 - 568.06 568.06
Lease-Adminis - 621.47 - 621.47 621.47
Lease-Adminis - 1,490,711.17 1,384,483.22 106,227.95 106,227.95
Lease-Adminis - 583,064.32 80,983.84 502,080.48 502,080.48
Lease-Adminis - 81,196.08 18,302.28 62,893.80 62,893.80
Office Equi - 216,428.73 133,565.88 82,862.85 82,862.85
Office Equi - 499.99 - 499.99 499.99
Office Equi - 23.99 - 23.99 23.99
Office Equi - 570.20 570.20 - -
Office Equi - 286.17 - 286.17 286.17
Office Equi - 2,278.66 - 2,278.66 2,278.66
Office Equi - 205.66 - 205.66 205.66
Office Equi - 89.41 - 89.41 89.41
Amortization - 1,728,019.17 1,728,019.17 - -
Interest Exp - 183,855.71 183,855.71 - -
Amortization - 1,946,576.31 1,946,576.31 - -
Interest Exp - 220,876.58 220,876.58 - -
Solicitation - 985.00 985.00 - -
Solicitation - 555.00 555.00 - -
Solicitation - - 53,704.98 (53,704.98) (53,704.98)
Solicitation - 6,986.83 6,986.83 - -
Solicitation - 53,704.98 - 53,704.98 53,704.98
Solicitation - 19,926.40 19,926.40 - -
Asset Dispos - 499.00 - 499.00 499.00
Suburban C - 84,500.00 - 84,500.00 84,500.00
Suburban Co - 46,072.00 - 46,072.00 46,072.00
Suburban C - 182,739.00 - 182,739.00 182,739.00
Suburban C - 410,968.74 - 410,968.74 410,968.74
1-4 Cent Sal - 2,064,512.83 855,065.88 1,209,446.95 1,209,446.95
Grant Reimb - 28,055.21 - 28,055.21 28,055.21
Grant Reimb - 18,627.00 18,627.00 - -
Grant Reimb - 516,675.00 541,018.00 (24,343.00) (24,343.00)
Grant Reimb - 83,044.00 41,522.00 41,522.00 41,522.00
Grant Reimb - 96,441.00 31,202.00 65,239.00 65,239.00
Grant Reimb - 136,894.00 - 136,894.00 136,894.00
Grant Reimb - 1,343.00 - 1,343.00 1,343.00
Grant Reimb - 877,934.00 52,860.00 825,074.00 825,074.00
Grant Reimb - 39,648.00 19,824.00 19,824.00 19,824.00
Grant Reimb - 64,437.00 - 64,437.00 64,437.00
Expense Rei - - 33,783.75 (33,783.75) (33,783.75)
Expense Rei - 66,787.66 66,787.66 - -
Expense Rei - - 285,763.61 (285,763.61) (285,763.61)
Expense Rei - 66,787.66 66,787.66 - -
Expense Rei - 26,197.56 190,712.97 (164,515.41) (164,515.41)
Capital Contr - 149,632.77 - 149,632.77 149,632.77
Capital Contr - - 243,864.94 (243,864.94) (243,864.94)
Capital Contr - 291,960.88 48,095.94 243,864.94 243,864.94
Capital Contr - 243,864.94 - 243,864.94 243,864.94
Capital Contr - 1,303,777.41 712,411.74 591,365.67 591,365.67
Capital Contr - - 38,303.00 (38,303.00) (38,303.00)
Capital Contr - 10,733.09 - 10,733.09 10,733.09
Capital Contr - 27,569.91 - 27,569.91 27,569.91
Capital Contr - 38,303.00 - 38,303.00 38,303.00
Capital Contr - 45,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00
AX - Fund Ca (453,246,442.96) - - (453,246,442.96) -
AX - Fund Ca 574.27 - - 574.27 -
AX - Fund Ca 23,298.74 - - 23,298.74 -
AX - Fund Ca 6,431.00 - - 6,431.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 200,000.00 - - 200,000.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 4,027.49 - - 4,027.49 -
AX - Fund Ca 861,175.38 - - 861,175.38 -
AX - Fund Ca 219,086.84 - - 219,086.84 -
AX - Fund Ca 54,492.76 - - 54,492.76 -
AX - Fund Ca 54,319.00 - - 54,319.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 120,675.54 - - 120,675.54 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,352.00 - - 2,352.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,833,873.72 - - 1,833,873.72 -
AX - Fund Ca 360,105.39 - - 360,105.39 -
AX - Fund Ca 114,330.00 - - 114,330.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 2,587.00 - - 2,587.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 155.00 - - 155.00 -
Cash - Payab 23,319.04 - - 23,319.04 -
Cash - Payab (23,319.04) - - (23,319.04) -
EAM Parts - 13,922.00 13,922.00 - -
Deposits 4,041.99 - 4,041.99 - (4,041.99)
W.I.P.-Capita 0.35 6,285,360.93 6,157,397.38 127,963.90 127,963.55
W.I.P.-Capita 35,264.20 36,299.00 - 71,563.20 36,299.00
W.I.P.-Capita 0.02 - - 0.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita 101,615.96 - - 101,615.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (29,777,887.89) - - (29,777,887.89) -
W.I.P.-Capita 34,332.88 - - 34,332.88 -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,650,097.96) - - (3,650,097.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,252.00) - - (5,252.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 119,610.68 - - 119,610.68 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,055.52) - - (2,055.52) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,774,220.73 - - 1,774,220.73 -
W.I.P.-Capita (98,213.23) - - (98,213.23) -
W.I.P.-Capita (554,658.01) - - (554,658.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita 474,506.62 - - 474,506.62 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,230.60) - - (7,230.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita 465,804.08 - - 465,804.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita (119,263.00) - - (119,263.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 289,298.74 - - 289,298.74 -
W.I.P.-Capita 248,308.07 - - 248,308.07 -
W.I.P.-Capita (36,734.63) - - (36,734.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita (17,989.96) - - (17,989.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita 64,483.00 - - 64,483.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (43,985.00) - - (43,985.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (33,442.64) - - (33,442.64) -
W.I.P.-Capita 255,863.96 - - 255,863.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 671,649.40 - - 671,649.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 180,349.38 - - 180,349.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 122,643.02 - - 122,643.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita 345,085.21 - - 345,085.21 -
W.I.P.-Capita 257,829.36 - - 257,829.36 -
W.I.P.-Capita 697,732.59 - - 697,732.59 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,758.95 - - 12,758.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,552,387.72 - - 1,552,387.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita (75,868.62) - - (75,868.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,182,221.53) - - (1,182,221.53) -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,231.18 - - 17,231.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,259,785.35) - - (1,259,785.35) -
W.I.P.-Capita 161,473.73 - - 161,473.73 -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,268.14) - - (9,268.14) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,858.70) - - (14,858.70) -
W.I.P.-Capita 22,985.20 - - 22,985.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 45,077.03 - - 45,077.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita (235,132.35) - - (235,132.35) -
W.I.P.-Capita 206,919.22 - - 206,919.22 -
W.I.P.-Capita (359,975.79) - - (359,975.79) -
W.I.P.-Capita 10,003,868.42 19,005.00 877,883.10 9,144,990.32 (858,878.10)
W.I.P.-Capita 81,935.00 - - 81,935.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (42,684.10) - - (42,684.10) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,093,233.40 - - 1,093,233.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,052,735.48) - - (2,052,735.48) -
W.I.P.-Capita 241,867.83 - - 241,867.83 -
W.I.P.-Capita (125,036.15) - - (125,036.15) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,049,509.17 - - 2,049,509.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,346,854.39 - - 1,346,854.39 -
W.I.P.-Capita 120,322.75 - - 120,322.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita (21,758.40) - - (21,758.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita 201,159.59 - - 201,159.59 -
W.I.P.-Capita 26,884.45 - - 26,884.45 -
W.I.P.-Capita 92,599.75 - - 92,599.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 249,999.32 - - 249,999.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita 404,619.00 - - 404,619.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 28,378.95 - - 28,378.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita 397,913.91 - - 397,913.91 -
W.I.P.-Capita 22,743.75 - - 22,743.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 20,411.08 - - 20,411.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1.72) - - (1.72) -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 56,539.95 - - 56,539.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita (16,926.90) - - (16,926.90) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,627.80) - - (7,627.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.02 - - 0.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,005.44) - - (14,005.44) -
W.I.P.-Capita (49,813.10) - - (49,813.10) -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,782.21 - - 7,782.21 -
W.I.P.-Capita 529,489.04 - - 529,489.04 -
W.I.P.-Capita 184,977.20 - - 184,977.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 37,605.00 - - 37,605.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 537,107.87 - - 537,107.87 -
W.I.P.-Capita 967,718.00 - - 967,718.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,406,825.16) - 1,004,216.50 (6,411,041.66) (1,004,216.50)
W.I.P.-Capita (5,934,881.05) - - (5,934,881.05) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,324,106.60) - - (4,324,106.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,017,585.39 605,125.48 101,580.19 6,521,130.68 503,545.29
W.I.P.-Capita 1,456,853.42 - 1,401,362.71 55,490.71 (1,401,362.71)
W.I.P.-Capita 5,752,002.67 1,401,362.71 1,234,725.80 5,918,639.58 166,636.91
W.I.P.-Capita 4,380,402.31 781,202.88 302,437.78 4,859,167.41 478,765.10
W.I.P.-Capita 184,476.69 - - 184,476.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,298,389.18 - - 1,298,389.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,012,698.93 - - 1,012,698.93 -
W.I.P.-Capita 738,826.32 - - 738,826.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita 103,817.96 - - 103,817.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 21,455.44 - - 21,455.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,646,816.81 - - 5,646,816.81 -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,651,163.16) - - (12,651,163.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4.00) - - (4.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 48,979.03 - - 48,979.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita (541,883.14) - - (541,883.14) -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,033,974.74 - 346,781.12 6,687,193.62 (346,781.12)
W.I.P.-Capita (208,186.17) - 123,400.40 (331,586.57) (123,400.40)
W.I.P.-Capita (11,111.40) - - (11,111.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita (11,111.40) - - (11,111.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,703.80) - - (3,703.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,249,386.80 - - 1,249,386.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita (121,206.64) - - (121,206.64) -
W.I.P.-Capita (165,210.33) - - (165,210.33) -
W.I.P.-Capita 165,560.00 - - 165,560.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 9,838.00 - - 9,838.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 40,171.50 - - 40,171.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 10,000.00 (10,000.00) (10,000.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 26,453.05 - - 26,453.05 -
W.I.P.-Capita 73,212.41 - - 73,212.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 75,500.00 30,200.00 45,300.00 45,300.00
W.I.P.-Capita 11,508.89 - - 11,508.89 -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 401,611.76 - - 401,611.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita (300,000.00) - - (300,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 117,652.74 - - 117,652.74 -
W.I.P.-Capita (262,049.41) - - (262,049.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 124,877.04 85,088.52 39,788.52 39,788.52
W.I.P.-Capita 73,619.56 135,790.74 122,855.74 86,554.56 12,935.00
W.I.P.-Capita 78,459.13 - - 78,459.13 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 125,023.28 62,511.64 62,511.64 62,511.64
W.I.P.-Capita - 343,924.10 194,291.33 149,632.77 149,632.77
W.I.P.-Capita - - 149,632.77 (149,632.77) (149,632.77)
W.I.P.-Capita (11,405.00) - - (11,405.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (36,155.79) - - (36,155.79) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,485.00) - - (6,485.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,150.00) - - (2,150.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (16,830.00) - - (16,830.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (95,553.46) - - (95,553.46) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,850.31) - - (7,850.31) -
W.I.P.-Capita (32,086.78) - - (32,086.78) -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,494.15) - - (9,494.15) -
W.I.P.-Capita (296,549.71) 4.00 4.00 (296,549.71) -
W.I.P.-Capita (78,459.13) - - (78,459.13) -
W.I.P.-Capita (259,992.23) - - (259,992.23) -
W.I.P.-Capita (217,482.49) - - (217,482.49) -
W.I.P.-Capita 300,000.00 - - 300,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 848.40 - - 848.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 262,049.41 - - 262,049.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita (198,505.00) - - (198,505.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (288,360.00) - - (288,360.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (72,090.00) - - (72,090.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 315,462.72 - - 315,462.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita 259,992.22 - - 259,992.22 -
W.I.P.-Capita 217,482.49 - - 217,482.49 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,165.94 - - 1,165.94 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 48,635.00 - 48,635.00 48,635.00
W.I.P.-Capita - - 48,635.00 (48,635.00) (48,635.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 60,054.45 - - 60,054.45 -
W.I.P.-Capita (20,037.19) - - (20,037.19) -
W.I.P.-Capita (227,077.00) - - (227,077.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (78,968.33) - - (78,968.33) -
W.I.P.-Capita 18,871.49 - - 18,871.49 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,295.00 2,295.00 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 9,823.45 - 9,823.45 9,823.45
W.I.P.-Capita 2,993,197.01 - - 2,993,197.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 164,430.33 - - 164,430.33 -
W.I.P.-Capita 448,027.67 - - 448,027.67 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,840,466.52 - - 1,840,466.52 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,675.00 - - 5,675.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 853,023.38 - - 853,023.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,705.00 - - 6,705.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 411,659.73 - - 411,659.73 -
W.I.P.-Capita 202,822.40 - - 202,822.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 88,623.17 - - 88,623.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 19,260.40 19,260.40 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 83,444.55 - - 83,444.55 -
W.I.P.-Capita 9,750.00 - - 9,750.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 46,541.00 1,065,706.48 608,753.03 503,494.45 456,953.45
W.I.P.-Capita 99,788.24 244,006.40 147,154.70 196,639.94 96,851.70
W.I.P.-Capita 234,707.73 - - 234,707.73 -
W.I.P.-Capita 130,659.52 - - 130,659.52 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,703.84 - - 2,703.84 -
W.I.P.-Capita 118,320.35 - - 118,320.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 927,098.57 798,871.54 128,227.03 128,227.03
W.I.P.-Capita - 308,133.00 167,959.00 140,174.00 140,174.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,288,991.64 898,899.64 390,092.00 390,092.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 18,810,434.04 12,716,707.32 6,093,726.72 6,093,726.72
W.I.P.-Capita - - 1,595,713.00 (1,595,713.00) (1,595,713.00)
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,396,446.73 1,152,290.00 1,244,156.73 1,244,156.73
W.I.P.-Capita - 227,870.00 135,790.00 92,080.00 92,080.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,051,479.57 3,064,975.00 986,504.57 986,504.57
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,653,385.31 3,071,652.56 1,581,732.75 1,581,732.75
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,616,363.40 1,973,840.69 642,522.71 642,522.71
W.I.P.-Capita - 126,166.80 63,083.40 63,083.40 63,083.40
W.I.P.-Capita - 9,083.14 5,483.34 3,599.80 3,599.80
W.I.P.-Capita - 30,377.60 15,188.80 15,188.80 15,188.80
W.I.P.-Capita - 45,648.36 22,824.18 22,824.18 22,824.18
W.I.P.-Capita - 102,770.78 51,385.39 51,385.39 51,385.39
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,720.00 2,360.00 2,360.00 2,360.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 796,577.78 426,667.84 369,909.94 369,909.94
W.I.P.-Capita - 882,682.12 725,733.17 156,948.95 156,948.95
W.I.P.-Capita - 12,033.52 6,016.76 6,016.76 6,016.76
W.I.P.-Capita - 120,352.50 60,176.25 60,176.25 60,176.25
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,932.36 966.18 966.18 966.18
W.I.P.-Capita - 175,293.22 87,646.61 87,646.61 87,646.61
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,318,052.68 1,659,026.34 1,659,026.34 1,659,026.34
W.I.P.-Capita - 926,565.92 463,282.96 463,282.96 463,282.96
W.I.P.-Capita 129,120.70 - - 129,120.70 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,891.26 - - 14,891.26 -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.50) - - (0.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (694,489.41) - - (694,489.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita (47,815.50) - - (47,815.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (40,255.00) - - (40,255.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (247,445.00) - - (247,445.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (57,641.76) - - (57,641.76) -
W.I.P.-Capita (119,984.42) - - (119,984.42) -
W.I.P.-Capita (72,018.13) - - (72,018.13) -
W.I.P.-Capita (316,117.89) - - (316,117.89) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,643,995.62) - - (2,643,995.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita (894,519.01) - - (894,519.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita 37,467.00 - - 37,467.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,419,475.70) - - (3,419,475.70) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,675.00) - - (5,675.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (214,000.00) - - (214,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,394,645.46) - - (1,394,645.46) -
W.I.P.-Capita (87,927.96) - - (87,927.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (306,780.84) - - (306,780.84) -
W.I.P.-Capita (301,888.83) - - (301,888.83) -
W.I.P.-Capita (21,354.75) - - (21,354.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (77,555.88) - - (77,555.88) -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,750.00) - - (9,750.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 91.14 - - 91.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,165.13 - 2,165.13 2,165.13
W.I.P.-Capita (547,769.73) - - (547,769.73) -
W.I.P.-Capita (130,659.52) - - (130,659.52) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,522,107.74) - - (1,522,107.74) -
W.I.P.-Capita (316,162.34) - - (316,162.34) -
W.I.P.-Capita 136,417.35 - - 136,417.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita (49,000.00) - - (49,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 540.00 - 540.00 540.00
W.I.P.-Capita 5,044.63 - - 5,044.63 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,186,983.00) - - (1,186,983.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 179,151.60 - - 179,151.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita 123,696.50 - - 123,696.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 251,763.85 - - 251,763.85 -
W.I.P.-Capita 144,219.17 - - 144,219.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita 10,273.26 - - 10,273.26 -
W.I.P.-Capita (80,751.99) - - (80,751.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita (19,702,490.00) - - (19,702,490.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (33,323.43) - - (33,323.43) -
W.I.P.-Capita (25,124.00) - - (25,124.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 105,133.50 - - 105,133.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita (33,854.06) - - (33,854.06) -
W.I.P.-Capita 669,156.61 - - 669,156.61 -
W.I.P.-Capita 624,955.18 - - 624,955.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita (485,494.67) - - (485,494.67) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,579,009.18 - - 1,579,009.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita 214,000.00 - - 214,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 541,622.08 - - 541,622.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 81,222.96 - - 81,222.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (119,770.15) - - (119,770.15) -
W.I.P.-Capita 174,935.05 - - 174,935.05 -
W.I.P.-Capita (67,268.42) - - (67,268.42) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,409,116.80 - - 1,409,116.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita 989.33 - - 989.33 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,812,120.55 - - 1,812,120.55 -
W.I.P.-Capita (99,788.24) - - (99,788.24) -
W.I.P.-Capita 322,330.14 - - 322,330.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,536,966.44 - - 1,536,966.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,703.84) - - (2,703.84) -
W.I.P.-Capita 174,856.79 - - 174,856.79 -
W.I.P.-Capita 696,692.82 - - 696,692.82 -
W.I.P.-Capita 143,385.00 - - 143,385.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 78,968.33 - - 78,968.33 -
W.I.P.-Capita 49,000.00 - - 49,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,108.50 - - 4,108.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 354,931.16 - - 354,931.16 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,186,983.00 - - 1,186,983.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 567,839.10 567,839.10 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 42,684.10 - - 42,684.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita 102,122.50 - - 102,122.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,052,735.48 - - 2,052,735.48 -
W.I.P.-Capita 234,367.27 - - 234,367.27 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,409.83 - - 5,409.83 -
W.I.P.-Capita 11,485.14 - - 11,485.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 571,076.36 239,225.13 331,851.23 331,851.23
W.I.P.-Capita - 630.00 630.00 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,130.00 - - 7,130.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (24,456.77) - - (24,456.77) -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,326.77 - - 17,326.77 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 43,350.00 21,675.00 21,675.00 21,675.00
W.I.P.-Capita (1,998,702.63) - - (1,998,702.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita (50,762.50) - - (50,762.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (64,500.00) - - (64,500.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (696,191.24) - - (696,191.24) -
W.I.P.-Capita (10,863.80) - - (10,863.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita (118,579.00) - - (118,579.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (828,291.63) - - (828,291.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,071,212.40) - - (1,071,212.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita (473,115.82) - - (473,115.82) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,244,553.28) - - (2,244,553.28) -
W.I.P.-Capita (251,067.91) - - (251,067.91) -
W.I.P.-Capita (58,237.00) - - (58,237.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (53,725.00) - - (53,725.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,125.00 - 2,125.00 2,125.00
W.I.P.-Capita - - 2,125.00 (2,125.00) (2,125.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 11,405.00 - - 11,405.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 20,273.22 - - 20,273.22 -
W.I.P.-Capita 32,131.69 - - 32,131.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita 210,240.29 - - 210,240.29 -
W.I.P.-Capita 136,279.40 - - 136,279.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 455,909.60 - - 455,909.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,978,454.42 - - 1,978,454.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,393.75 - - 1,393.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,260.00 - - 3,260.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 96,776.33 - - 96,776.33 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,432,221.31 - - 3,432,221.31 -
W.I.P.-Capita 120,998.75 - - 120,998.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 170,469.71 115,444.91 58,363.91 227,550.71 57,081.00
W.I.P.-Capita 93,398.00 - - 93,398.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 132,691.04 - - 132,691.04 -
W.I.P.-Capita 986,738.80 - - 986,738.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,167,516.53 - - 2,167,516.53 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,790.50 - - 12,790.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 102,316.64 - - 102,316.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita 380,629.38 - - 380,629.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 358,079.57 - - 358,079.57 -
W.I.P.-Capita 45,423.40 - - 45,423.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 248,289.74 - - 248,289.74 -
W.I.P.-Capita 22,442.03 - - 22,442.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 69,698.90 66,369.05 3,329.85 3,329.85
W.I.P.-Capita 316,057.65 - - 316,057.65 -
W.I.P.-Capita 101,220.00 - - 101,220.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,929,704.93 2,644,538.60 1,285,166.33 1,285,166.33
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,654,864.06 2,033,097.09 1,621,766.97 1,621,766.97
W.I.P.-Capita - 899,118.49 532,048.12 367,070.37 367,070.37
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,411,073.92 818,374.45 592,699.47 592,699.47
W.I.P.-Capita - 124,221.64 124,221.64 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 259,173.75 213,902.34 45,271.41 45,271.41
W.I.P.-Capita - 68,458.14 34,229.07 34,229.07 34,229.07
W.I.P.-Capita - 5,021,396.49 2,767,062.49 2,254,334.00 2,254,334.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 64,655.20 64,655.20 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 270,453.58 56,504.58 213,949.00 213,949.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,871,826.33 2,689,766.42 2,182,059.91 2,182,059.91
W.I.P.-Capita - 451,763.84 286,580.41 165,183.43 165,183.43
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,137,609.22 1,632,311.15 1,505,298.07 1,505,298.07
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,207,579.90 670,395.90 537,184.00 537,184.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,100,275.06 1,042,536.83 1,057,738.23 1,057,738.23
W.I.P.-Capita - 973,954.88 482,248.16 491,706.72 491,706.72
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,064,564.85 588,685.09 475,879.76 475,879.76
W.I.P.-Capita - 14,247.83 - 14,247.83 14,247.83
W.I.P.-Capita - 18,445.42 7,854.38 10,591.04 10,591.04
W.I.P.-Capita - 174,068,313.68 87,104,345.68 86,963,968.00 86,963,968.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,333,056.46 1,691,079.82 641,976.64 641,976.64
W.I.P.-Capita - 331,851.23 331,851.23 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 10,449,333.61 6,871,688.26 3,577,645.35 3,577,645.35
W.I.P.-Capita - 13,037,468.80 8,202,370.01 4,835,098.79 4,835,098.79
W.I.P.-Capita - 10,905,798.67 7,090,224.09 3,815,574.58 3,815,574.58
W.I.P.-Capita - 18,599,151.87 10,956,445.05 7,642,706.82 7,642,706.82
W.I.P.-Capita - 28,319,600.90 20,238,331.07 8,081,269.83 8,081,269.83
W.I.P.-Capita - 14,224,613.82 8,307,385.36 5,917,228.46 5,917,228.46
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,011,635.01 1,797,957.11 1,213,677.90 1,213,677.90
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,021,899.90 627,996.13 393,903.77 393,903.77
W.I.P.-Capita - 452,927.68 224,515.93 228,411.75 228,411.75
W.I.P.-Capita - 31,703.86 15,851.93 15,851.93 15,851.93
W.I.P.-Capita - 8,768.65 5,968.65 2,800.00 2,800.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 55,126,153.07 32,595,742.23 22,530,410.84 22,530,410.84
W.I.P.-Capita - 693,300.00 346,650.00 346,650.00 346,650.00
W.I.P.-Capita 7,736,569.89 - - 7,736,569.89 -
W.I.P.-Capita 626,796.54 - - 626,796.54 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 12,169.62 6,084.81 6,084.81 6,084.81
W.I.P.-Capita - 22,829.06 - 22,829.06 22,829.06
W.I.P.-Capita (830,303.25) - - (830,303.25) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,995.50 - 4,995.50 4,995.50
W.I.P.-Capita 221,868.20 - - 221,868.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,485.00 - - 6,485.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 65,346.38 - - 65,346.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 15,543.96 - - 15,543.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (132,979.00) - - (132,979.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (85,516.90) - - (85,516.90) -
W.I.P.-Capita 19,356.22 - - 19,356.22 -
W.I.P.-Capita 282,928.86 - - 282,928.86 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,393.75) - - (1,393.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,260.00) - - (3,260.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (96,776.33) - - (96,776.33) -
W.I.P.-Capita 26,345,666.58 - - 26,345,666.58 -
W.I.P.-Capita 55,926.25 - - 55,926.25 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,039,409.70 - - 1,039,409.70 -
W.I.P.-Capita (34,776.64) - - (34,776.64) -
W.I.P.-Capita 191,520.33 - - 191,520.33 -
W.I.P.-Capita 862,998.31 - - 862,998.31 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,265,185.92) - - (1,265,185.92) -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,790.50) - - (12,790.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,279,679.08 - - 7,279,679.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,459,042.75 - - 4,459,042.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita (40,572.03) - - (40,572.03) -
W.I.P.-Capita (45,423.40) - - (45,423.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,750,412.89 - - 1,750,412.89 -
W.I.P.-Capita 228,625.88 - - 228,625.88 -
W.I.P.-Capita (316,057.65) - - (316,057.65) -
W.I.P.-Capita 56,075.96 - - 56,075.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 952,343.19 - - 952,343.19 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,523,052.67 - - 2,523,052.67 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,477,248.25 - - 3,477,248.25 -
W.I.P.-Capita 928,478.68 - - 928,478.68 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,218,632.04 - - 2,218,632.04 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,267,632.70 - - 4,267,632.70 -
W.I.P.-Capita 372,054.07 - - 372,054.07 -
W.I.P.-Capita 91,455.98 - - 91,455.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita 119,263.00 - - 119,263.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 234,721.01 70,000.00 70,000.00 234,721.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 231,126.27 - - 231,126.27 -
W.I.P.-Capita 36,734.63 - - 36,734.63 -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,989.96 - - 17,989.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,180.00 - - 12,180.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 43,985.00 - - 43,985.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 33,442.64 - - 33,442.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 32,398.27 - 32,398.27 32,398.27
W.I.P.-Capita - 801.44 - 801.44 801.44
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,765,478.62 410,507.24 1,354,971.38 1,354,971.38
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,345,579.86 302,437.78 1,043,142.08 1,043,142.08
W.I.P.-Capita - 131,779.16 2,660.50 129,118.66 129,118.66
W.I.P.-Capita - 54,415.68 - 54,415.68 54,415.68
W.I.P.-Capita - 275,198.33 - 275,198.33 275,198.33
W.I.P.-Capita - 15,851.93 15,851.93 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,763.45 2,763.45 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,500.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
W.I.P.-Capita 26,921,239.02 - - 26,921,239.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.42 - - 0.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita 444,720.76 - - 444,720.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 5,007.75 5,007.75 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 7,122.65 (7,122.65) (7,122.65)
W.I.P.-Capita (3,731,897.76) - - (3,731,897.76) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 53,863.04 14,433.46 39,429.58 39,429.58
W.I.P.-Capita (1,663,974.03) - - (1,663,974.03) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 75,814.96 - 75,814.96 75,814.96
W.I.P.-Capita - 9,205,625.86 4,585,033.32 4,620,592.54 4,620,592.54
W.I.P.-Capita - 26,891.76 13,445.88 13,445.88 13,445.88
W.I.P.-Capita 29,364.50 - - 29,364.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,581.16 - - 14,581.16 -
W.I.P.-Capita 47,823.41 - - 47,823.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita 207,223.28 - - 207,223.28 -
W.I.P.-Capita 167,499.00 - - 167,499.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,100.00 - - 12,100.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 251,792.77 - - 251,792.77 -
W.I.P.-Capita 23,590.17 - - 23,590.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,095.00 - - 5,095.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,399.99 - - 6,399.99 -
W.I.P.-Capita 23,638.06 - - 23,638.06 -
W.I.P.-Capita 8,357.58 - - 8,357.58 -
W.I.P.-Capita 35,697.00 - - 35,697.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 48,857.89 - - 48,857.89 -
W.I.P.-Capita 147,001.91 - - 147,001.91 -
W.I.P.-Capita 67,944.98 - - 67,944.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,079.62 - - 5,079.62 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,320.46 - - 7,320.46 -
W.I.P.-Capita 57,118.08 - - 57,118.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,337.41 - - 7,337.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,900.00 - - 12,900.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 8,907.00 - - 8,907.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,054,872.59 771,119.79 283,752.80 283,752.80
W.I.P.-Capita - 593,019.48 354,485.61 238,533.87 238,533.87
W.I.P.-Capita - 198,957.96 108,507.72 90,450.24 90,450.24
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,080,875.46 1,014,251.70 66,623.76 66,623.76
W.I.P.-Capita - 339,783.32 98,774.24 241,009.08 241,009.08
W.I.P.-Capita - 37,901.00 18,950.50 18,950.50 18,950.50
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,279,271.50 414,273.84 1,864,997.66 1,864,997.66
W.I.P.-Capita 6,522,202.15 - - 6,522,202.15 -
W.I.P.-Capita (72,954.00) - - (72,954.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (41,850.00) - - (41,850.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (49,245.00) - - (49,245.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (147,001.91) - - (147,001.91) -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,710,184.44 - - 5,710,184.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita (112,425.00) - - (112,425.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (513,688.17) - - (513,688.17) -
W.I.P.-Capita (47,757.56) - - (47,757.56) -
W.I.P.-Capita (205,632.37) - - (205,632.37) -
W.I.P.-Capita (625,552.41) - - (625,552.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita (74,038.98) - - (74,038.98) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,551,128.61) - - (4,551,128.61) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,553,060.27) - - (1,553,060.27) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,040,410.32) - - (4,040,410.32) -
W.I.P.-Capita (520,750.83) - - (520,750.83) -
W.I.P.-Capita (162,721.01) - - (162,721.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,376.86) - - (18,376.86) -
W.I.P.-Capita (267,285.36) - - (267,285.36) -
W.I.P.-Capita (23,590.17) - - (23,590.17) -
W.I.P.-Capita (65,020.31) - - (65,020.31) -
W.I.P.-Capita (46,254.00) - - (46,254.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 54,492.76 8,334.14 - 62,826.90 8,334.14
W.I.P.-Capita (85,619.60) - - (85,619.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita (77,261.29) - - (77,261.29) -
W.I.P.-Capita (312,255.54) - - (312,255.54) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,127,277.16) 1,550.85 - (3,125,726.31) 1,550.85
W.I.P.-Capita (221,881.97) - - (221,881.97) -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,100.00) - - (12,100.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (443,692.77) - - (443,692.77) -
W.I.P.-Capita (8,357.58) - - (8,357.58) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,520.00) - - (7,520.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (304,636.60) - - (304,636.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,774.89) - - (7,774.89) -
W.I.P.-Capita (38,116.00) - - (38,116.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,764,677.20) - 1,211.49 (5,765,888.69) (1,211.49)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 465.75 (465.75) (465.75)
W.I.P.-Capita 65,020.31 - - 65,020.31 -
W.I.P.-Capita (29,364.50) - - (29,364.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,581.16) - - (14,581.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,658.69 - - 14,658.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita 191,900.00 - - 191,900.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (23,638.06) - - (23,638.06) -
W.I.P.-Capita (35,697.00) - - (35,697.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (48,857.89) - - (48,857.89) -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.10 - - 0.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita 275,639.76 - - 275,639.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita 60,727.37 - - 60,727.37 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,320.46) - - (7,320.46) -
W.I.P.-Capita 172,927.99 - - 172,927.99 -
W.I.P.-Capita 131,191.00 - - 131,191.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,337.41) - - (7,337.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita 41,850.00 - - 41,850.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 49,245.00 - - 49,245.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 22,777.55 - - 22,777.55 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,906.08 - - 12,906.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 100,431.06 - - 100,431.06 -
W.I.P.-Capita 8,019.90 - - 8,019.90 -
W.I.P.-Capita 53,725.00 - - 53,725.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 666,349.00 - - 666,349.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,604.95 - - 6,604.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita 26,004.66 - - 26,004.66 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,520.00 - - 7,520.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 267,285.34 - - 267,285.34 -
W.I.P.-Capita 31,776.00 - - 31,776.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 46,254.00 - - 46,254.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,005.44 - - 14,005.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 49,813.10 - - 49,813.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita 304,636.60 - - 304,636.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,774.89 - - 7,774.89 -
W.I.P.-Capita 38,116.00 - - 38,116.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 30,291.23 - - 30,291.23 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 5,779.24 4,102.00 1,677.24 1,677.24
W.I.P.-Capita 656,516.97 - - 656,516.97 -
W.I.P.-Capita 269,369.68 - - 269,369.68 -
W.I.P.-Capita 18,682.82 - - 18,682.82 -
W.I.P.-Capita 130,512.16 - - 130,512.16 -
W.I.P.-Capita 30,982.80 - - 30,982.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 71,980.00 35,990.00 35,990.00 35,990.00
W.I.P.-Capita 543,167.45 - - 543,167.45 -
W.I.P.-Capita (10,384.31) - - (10,384.31) -
W.I.P.-Capita 29,730.95 - - 29,730.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita (30,982.80) - - (30,982.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita 327,829.24 - - 327,829.24 -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,567.42) - - (18,567.42) -
W.I.P.-Capita (183,635.78) - - (183,635.78) -
W.I.P.-Capita (793,969.71) - - (793,969.71) -
W.I.P.-Capita (8,298.51) - - (8,298.51) -
W.I.P.-Capita (29,730.95) - - (29,730.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,115,819.03 - - 1,115,819.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita 149,444.04 - - 149,444.04 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,565.09 - - 14,565.09 -
W.I.P.-Capita 310,078.98 - - 310,078.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita 24,270,414.17 - - 24,270,414.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita 279,720.00 - - 279,720.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 32,079.79 - - 32,079.79 -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,547.70 - - 17,547.70 -
W.I.P.-Capita 231,879.99 - - 231,879.99 -
W.I.P.-Capita 230,906.38 - - 230,906.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,702,488.80 - - 5,702,488.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,026,102.38 - - 2,026,102.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 233,371.69 - - 233,371.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita 64,183.18 - - 64,183.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita 880,337.81 9,781.02 9,781.02 880,337.81 -
W.I.P.-Capita 555,341.97 - - 555,341.97 -
W.I.P.-Capita 213,000.00 - - 213,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,658.71 - - 6,658.71 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,634,762.53 1,630,604.43 1,004,158.10 1,004,158.10
W.I.P.-Capita - 726,651.00 439,587.00 287,064.00 287,064.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 753,766.08 421,742.39 332,023.69 332,023.69
W.I.P.-Capita - 2,081.32 - 2,081.32 2,081.32
W.I.P.-Capita - 331,120.00 331,120.00 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,251,405.36 982,649.00 268,756.36 268,756.36
W.I.P.-Capita - 444,266.28 222,133.14 222,133.14 222,133.14
W.I.P.-Capita (54,238.92) - - (54,238.92) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,250,946.58) - - (4,250,946.58) -
W.I.P.-Capita (414,243.00) - - (414,243.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,497,952.48) - - (3,497,952.48) -
W.I.P.-Capita 396,756.00 - - 396,756.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,301,600.00) - - (2,301,600.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (27,977,887.88) - - (27,977,887.88) -
W.I.P.-Capita (279,720.00) - - (279,720.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (983,146.79) - - (983,146.79) -
W.I.P.-Capita (136,016.76) - - (136,016.76) -
W.I.P.-Capita (292,716.99) - - (292,716.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,168,159.42 - - 1,168,159.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita (204,062.82) - - (204,062.82) -
W.I.P.-Capita (69,531.32) - - (69,531.32) -
W.I.P.-Capita (15,841.34) - - (15,841.34) -
W.I.P.-Capita (15,239,816.21) - - (15,239,816.21) -
W.I.P.-Capita (32,354,160.97) - - (32,354,160.97) -
W.I.P.-Capita (240,660.00) - - (240,660.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (437,348.18) - - (437,348.18) -
W.I.P.-Capita (213,453.63) - - (213,453.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita (231,879.99) - - (231,879.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,092,500.11) - - (6,092,500.11) -
W.I.P.-Capita (311,258.95) - - (311,258.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,771,752.38) - - (2,771,752.38) -
W.I.P.-Capita (233,371.69) - - (233,371.69) -
W.I.P.-Capita (229,115.68) - - (229,115.68) -
W.I.P.-Capita (64,183.18) - - (64,183.18) -
W.I.P.-Capita (954,232.65) - - (954,232.65) -
W.I.P.-Capita (129,845.38) - - (129,845.38) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,102,479.15) - - (3,102,479.15) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,163,140.60) - - (1,163,140.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,593,620.50) - - (1,593,620.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (130,512.16) - - (130,512.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita (559,618.33) - - (559,618.33) -
W.I.P.-Capita (27,470.00) - - (27,470.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (47,675.65) - - (47,675.65) -
W.I.P.-Capita (56,075.96) - - (56,075.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (225,288.87) - - (225,288.87) -
W.I.P.-Capita 110,175.76 - - 110,175.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita 498,159.72 - - 498,159.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,096,665.85) - - (1,096,665.85) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,545,366.44) - - (7,545,366.44) -
W.I.P.-Capita (106,269.96) - - (106,269.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,886.00) - - (18,886.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (396,755.97) - 127,963.55 (524,719.52) (127,963.55)
W.I.P.-Capita 3,997,531.38 - - 3,997,531.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita 414,243.00 - - 414,243.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 91,215.96 - - 91,215.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,565.09) - - (14,565.09) -
W.I.P.-Capita 127,269.20 - - 127,269.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,707,473.29 - - 3,707,473.29 -
W.I.P.-Capita (32,079.79) - - (32,079.79) -
W.I.P.-Capita 195,905.93 - - 195,905.93 -
W.I.P.-Capita (230,906.38) - - (230,906.38) -
W.I.P.-Capita 573,647.09 - - 573,647.09 -
W.I.P.-Capita 311,258.95 - - 311,258.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita 745,650.00 - - 745,650.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 106,269.96 - - 106,269.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 305.00 - - 305.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (51,481.80) - - (51,481.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita 398,890.68 - - 398,890.68 -
W.I.P.-Capita 136,016.75 - - 136,016.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 292,716.99 - - 292,716.99 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,288.87 - - 12,288.87 -
W.I.P.-Capita 123,186.67 - - 123,186.67 -
W.I.P.-Capita 43,723.42 - - 43,723.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita 15,841.34 - - 15,841.34 -
W.I.P.-Capita 267,865.84 4,563.15 - 272,428.99 4,563.15
W.I.P.-Capita 3,310,665.32 123,400.40 - 3,434,065.72 123,400.40
W.I.P.-Capita 11,111.40 - - 11,111.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 11,111.40 - - 11,111.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,703.80 - - 3,703.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,163,140.60 - - 1,163,140.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita 27,470.00 - - 27,470.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 121,206.64 - - 121,206.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,758,830.83 - - 1,758,830.83 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,266,951.31 - - 7,266,951.31 -
W.I.P.-Capita 38,651,065.68 - - 38,651,065.68 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,043.94) - - (2,043.94) -
W.I.P.-Capita 154,290.78 - - 154,290.78 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 13,214.00 6,607.00 6,607.00 6,607.00
W.I.P.-Capita 366,647.32 - - 366,647.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,250,946.58 - - 4,250,946.58 -
W.I.P.-Capita 46,074.00 - - 46,074.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 167,499.00 - - 167,499.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 24,638.51 - - 24,638.51 -
W.I.P.-Capita 497,348.22 2,789,068.92 1,470,091.16 1,816,325.98 1,318,977.76
W.I.P.-Capita 1,978,627.43 - - 1,978,627.43 -
W.I.P.-Capita 63,004,269.83 - - 63,004,269.83 -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,713,255.98 - - 3,713,255.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita 11,561.19 - - 11,561.19 -
W.I.P.-Capita 325,091.62 - - 325,091.62 -
W.I.P.-Capita 9,354,626.10 - - 9,354,626.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 81,377,388.18 53,619,908.20 27,757,479.98 27,757,479.98
W.I.P.-Capita - 161,140.00 80,570.00 80,570.00 80,570.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 9,937,250.00 5,150,510.00 4,786,740.00 4,786,740.00
W.I.P.-Capita - 5,140,005.13 2,730,763.51 2,409,241.62 2,409,241.62
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,668.00 834.00 834.00 834.00
W.I.P.-Capita (112,596.30) - - (112,596.30) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,447,764.04) - - (14,447,764.04) -
W.I.P.-Capita (665,963.14) - - (665,963.14) -
W.I.P.-Capita (11,769,510.62) - - (11,769,510.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita (11,854,315.00) - - (11,854,315.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.10 - - 0.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita (46,150,862.06) - - (46,150,862.06) -
W.I.P.-Capita (67,945.08) - - (67,945.08) -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,597,511.33) - - (9,597,511.33) -
W.I.P.-Capita (749,662.35) - - (749,662.35) -
W.I.P.-Capita (57,118.08) - - (57,118.08) -
W.I.P.-Capita (136,657.91) - - (136,657.91) -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,735.27) - - (12,735.27) -
W.I.P.-Capita (15,851,773.70) - - (15,851,773.70) -
W.I.P.-Capita (3,647,331.54) - - (3,647,331.54) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,058,934.52) - - (1,058,934.52) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,095.00) - - (5,095.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,079.62) - - (5,079.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita (17,728,612.16) - - (17,728,612.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,968,242.16) - - (1,968,242.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,825,815.80) - - (1,825,815.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita (167,499.00) - - (167,499.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (167,499.00) - - (167,499.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (325,253.00) - - (325,253.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (268,410.87) - - (268,410.87) -
W.I.P.-Capita (506,297.25) - - (506,297.25) -
W.I.P.-Capita 34,295.72 - - 34,295.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,906.08) - - (12,906.08) -
W.I.P.-Capita (60,727.37) - - (60,727.37) -
W.I.P.-Capita (22,777.55) - - (22,777.55) -
W.I.P.-Capita (100,431.06) - - (100,431.06) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,604.95) - - (6,604.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita (46,074.00) - - (46,074.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (31,776.00) - - (31,776.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (30,291.23) - - (30,291.23) -
W.I.P.-Capita (275,639.76) - - (275,639.76) -
W.I.P.-Capita (172,927.99) - - (172,927.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita (666,349.00) - - (666,349.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (136,008.00) - - (136,008.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,399.99) - - (6,399.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita (47,823.41) - - (47,823.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,900.00) - - (12,900.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (50,812.85) - - (50,812.85) -
W.I.P.-Capita (43.91) - - (43.91) -
W.I.P.-Capita 329,253.00 - - 329,253.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 136,657.91 - - 136,657.91 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,349.98 - - 2,349.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,454,103.38 - - 14,454,103.38 -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,108.94) - - (18,108.94) -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,778.20 - - 17,778.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 340,871.52 - - 340,871.52 -
W.I.P.-Capita 283,140.23 - - 283,140.23 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,094,226.67 - - 2,094,226.67 -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,728,612.16 - - 17,728,612.16 -
W.I.P.-Capita 12,900,535.14 - - 12,900,535.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita 11,854,315.00 - - 11,854,315.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (135,348.30) - - (135,348.30) -
W.I.P.-Capita (34,294.00) - - (34,294.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 80,751.98 - - 80,751.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 6,046,332.28 5,113,068.45 933,263.83 933,263.83
W.I.P.-Capita - 18,434,435.80 14,541,604.84 3,892,830.96 3,892,830.96
W.I.P.-Capita - 16,772,243.21 14,192,340.18 2,579,903.03 2,579,903.03
W.I.P.-Capita - 13,636,868.07 7,614,168.92 6,022,699.15 6,022,699.15
W.I.P.-Capita - 69,582.54 - 69,582.54 69,582.54
W.I.P.-Capita 6,411,041.75 842,615.73 191,320.96 7,062,336.52 651,294.77
W.I.P.-Capita 5,934,881.02 1,673,692.22 - 7,608,573.24 1,673,692.22
W.I.P.-Capita 4,324,106.47 2,164,893.65 - 6,489,000.12 2,164,893.65
W.I.P.-Capita - 883,909.32 101,580.19 782,329.13 782,329.13
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,056,393.18 52,176.68 1,004,216.50 1,004,216.50
W.I.P.-Capita - 653,629.06 653,629.06 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 5,231,786.49 (5,231,786.49) (5,231,786.49)
W.I.P.-Capita - 709,032.69 11,110,654.66 (10,401,621.97) (10,401,621.97)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 8,560,371.26 (8,560,371.26) (8,560,371.26)
Accounts Pay 456,052.00 321,465,746.50 322,989,720.22 (1,067,921.72) (1,523,973.72)
Accounts Pay 8,392.94 - - 8,392.94 -
Accounts Pay 256,036.10 - - 256,036.10 -
Accounts Pay 244,500.00 - - 244,500.00 -
Accounts Pay 7,000.00 - - 7,000.00 -
Accounts Pay 23,644.69 - - 23,644.69 -
Accrued Acc - 1,382,364.31 - 1,382,364.31 1,382,364.31
Retainage - 273,487.99 396,007.99 (122,520.00) (122,520.00)
Due To-Due (266,772,789.06) 12,449,815.19 - (254,322,973.87) 12,449,815.19
Due To-Due (1,004,216.50) 62,248,146.62 274,596,510.66 (213,352,580.54) (212,348,364.04)
Due To-Due 427,590,500.69 18,533,515.01 3,951,978.68 442,172,037.02 14,581,536.33
Due To-Due (73,619.56) - - (73,619.56) -
Due To-Due (78,459.13) - - (78,459.13) -
Due To-Due (5,844.60) - - (5,844.60) -
Due To-Due 142,549.38 - - 142,549.38 -
Due To-Due 78,459.13 - - 78,459.13 -
Due To-Due (181,500.00) - - (181,500.00) -
Due To-Due 401,611.76 - - 401,611.76 -
Due To-Due (5,201.56) - - (5,201.56) -
Due To-Due 553,798.73 - - 553,798.73 -
Due To-Due (5,800.00) - - (5,800.00) -
Due To-Due 96,171.86 - - 96,171.86 -
Due To-Due 144,260.11 - - 144,260.11 -
Due To-Due 127,640.39 - - 127,640.39 -
Due To-Due (243,731.40) - - (243,731.40) -
Due To-Due 3,500.00 - - 3,500.00 -
Due To-Due (34,935.94) - - (34,935.94) -
Due To-Due (18,871.49) - - (18,871.49) -
Due To-Due (2,993,197.01) - - (2,993,197.01) -
Due To-Due (577,312.00) - - (577,312.00) -
Due To-Due (448,027.67) - - (448,027.67) -
Due To-Due (1,842,207.20) - - (1,842,207.20) -
Due To-Due (853,023.38) - - (853,023.38) -
Due To-Due (409,919.05) - - (409,919.05) -
Due To-Due (278,691.02) - - (278,691.02) -
Due To-Due (88,623.17) - - (88,623.17) -
Due To-Due (330,380.80) - - (330,380.80) -
Due To-Due (83,444.55) - - (83,444.55) -
Due To-Due (28,730.00) - - (28,730.00) -
Due To-Due (150,125.87) - - (150,125.87) -
Due To-Due (99,788.24) - - (99,788.24) -
Due To-Due (234,707.73) - - (234,707.73) -
Due To-Due (130,659.52) - - (130,659.52) -
Due To-Due (3,838.26) - - (3,838.26) -
Due To-Due (2,703.84) - - (2,703.84) -
Due To-Due (118,320.35) - - (118,320.35) -
Due To-Due (509,673.57) - - (509,673.57) -
Due To-Due (30,911.25) - - (30,911.25) -
Due To-Due (35,796.00) - - (35,796.00) -
Due To-Due (1,000.00) - - (1,000.00) -
Due To-Due (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) -
Due To-Due (179,151.60) - - (179,151.60) -
Due To-Due (136,567.00) - - (136,567.00) -
Due To-Due (662,009.39) - - (662,009.39) -
Due To-Due (218,781.39) - - (218,781.39) -
Due To-Due 2,101.00 - - 2,101.00 -
Due To-Due 1,740.68 - - 1,740.68 -
Due To-Due 35,701.48 - - 35,701.48 -
Due To-Due 20,120.00 - - 20,120.00 -
Due To-Due (129,120.70) - - (129,120.70) -
Due To-Due 10,522.00 - - 10,522.00 -
Due To-Due 5,291.00 - - 5,291.00 -
Due To-Due 38,876.00 - - 38,876.00 -
Due To-Due 4,060.00 - - 4,060.00 -
Due To-Due 208,312.95 - - 208,312.95 -
Due To-Due (58,420.62) - - (58,420.62) -
Due To-Due 28,730.00 - - 28,730.00 -
Due To-Due 42,554.39 - - 42,554.39 -
Due To-Due 120,272.06 - - 120,272.06 -
Due To-Due (4,192.80) - - (4,192.80) -
Due To-Due 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 -
Due To-Due (5,044.63) - - (5,044.63) -
Due To-Due 2,423,373.53 - - 2,423,373.53 -
Due To-Due 127,963.50 - - 127,963.50 -
Due To-Due 118,435.42 - - 118,435.42 -
Due To-Due 328,297.37 - - 328,297.37 -
Due To-Due 1,469,234.04 - - 1,469,234.04 -
Due To-Due 855,334.53 - - 855,334.53 -
Due To-Due 84,229.00 - - 84,229.00 -
Due To-Due 63,878.26 - - 63,878.26 -
Due To-Due 200,217.82 - - 200,217.82 -
Due To-Due 26,884.45 - - 26,884.45 -
Due To-Due 81,389.10 - - 81,389.10 -
Due To-Due 31,198.96 - - 31,198.96 -
Due To-Due 42,223.00 - - 42,223.00 -
Due To-Due 249,999.32 - - 249,999.32 -
Due To-Due 66,303.00 - - 66,303.00 -
Due To-Due 22,743.75 - - 22,743.75 -
Due To-Due 28,804.02 - - 28,804.02 -
Due To-Due (105,133.50) - - (105,133.50) -
Due To-Due 3,225,702.19 - - 3,225,702.19 -
Due To-Due 606,642.00 - - 606,642.00 -
Due To-Due 981,943.06 - - 981,943.06 -
Due To-Due 2,020,138.82 - - 2,020,138.82 -
Due To-Due 31,000.00 - - 31,000.00 -
Due To-Due 853,487.83 - - 853,487.83 -
Due To-Due 616,778.08 - - 616,778.08 -
Due To-Due 431,919.30 - - 431,919.30 -
Due To-Due 234,139.16 - - 234,139.16 -
Due To-Due 300.00 - - 300.00 -
Due To-Due 441,034.79 - - 441,034.79 -
Due To-Due 277,809.22 - - 277,809.22 -
Due To-Due 1,588,455.80 - - 1,588,455.80 -
Due To-Due 335,898.71 - - 335,898.71 -
Due To-Due 297,941.89 - - 297,941.89 -
Due To-Due 131,459.52 - - 131,459.52 -
Due To-Due (25,476.90) - - (25,476.90) -
Due To-Due 110,083.68 - - 110,083.68 -
Due To-Due 135,900.35 - - 135,900.35 -
Due To-Due 1,578,218.04 - - 1,578,218.04 -
Due To-Due 102,250.00 - - 102,250.00 -
Due To-Due 39,572.00 - - 39,572.00 -
Due To-Due 206,919.22 - - 206,919.22 -
Due To-Due 920,351.93 - - 920,351.93 -
Due To-Due 86,328.00 - - 86,328.00 -
Due To-Due 4,656,607.08 - - 4,656,607.08 -
Due To-Due 40,700.50 - - 40,700.50 -
Due To-Due 807,229.83 - - 807,229.83 -
Due To-Due 1,091,871.70 - - 1,091,871.70 -
Due To-Due 2,280,378.12 - - 2,280,378.12 -
Due To-Due 123,432.41 - - 123,432.41 -
Due To-Due 417,678.35 - - 417,678.35 -
Due To-Due 123,424.35 - - 123,424.35 -
Due To-Due 36,093.75 - - 36,093.75 -
Due To-Due 92,599.75 - - 92,599.75 -
Due To-Due 338,316.00 - - 338,316.00 -
Due To-Due 157,921.80 - - 157,921.80 -
Due To-Due 967,550.00 - - 967,550.00 -
Due To-Due 168.00 - - 168.00 -
Due To-Due (7,130.00) - - (7,130.00) -
Due To-Due 7,130.00 - - 7,130.00 -
Due To-Due 7,130.00 - - 7,130.00 -
Due To-Due 56,649.21 - - 56,649.21 -
Due To-Due (11,405.00) - - (11,405.00) -
Due To-Due (20,273.22) - - (20,273.22) -
Due To-Due (32,131.69) - - (32,131.69) -
Due To-Due (210,240.29) - - (210,240.29) -
Due To-Due (136,279.40) - - (136,279.40) -
Due To-Due (455,909.60) - - (455,909.60) -
Due To-Due (1,978,454.42) - - (1,978,454.42) -
Due To-Due (1,393.75) - - (1,393.75) -
Due To-Due (3,260.00) - - (3,260.00) -
Due To-Due (96,776.33) - - (96,776.33) -
Due To-Due (5,460,130.34) - - (5,460,130.34) -
Due To-Due (120,998.75) - - (120,998.75) -
Due To-Due (170,735.71) - - (170,735.71) -
Due To-Due (93,398.00) - - (93,398.00) -
Due To-Due (132,691.04) - - (132,691.04) -
Due To-Due (1,031,041.16) - - (1,031,041.16) -
Due To-Due (2,167,516.53) - - (2,167,516.53) -
Due To-Due (12,790.50) - - (12,790.50) -
Due To-Due (606,916.18) - - (606,916.18) -
Due To-Due (380,629.38) - - (380,629.38) -
Due To-Due (358,079.57) - - (358,079.57) -
Due To-Due (45,423.40) - - (45,423.40) -
Due To-Due (248,289.74) - - (248,289.74) -
Due To-Due (22,442.03) - - (22,442.03) -
Due To-Due (394,621.18) - - (394,621.18) -
Due To-Due (102,585.84) - - (102,585.84) -
Due To-Due (87,028.15) - - (87,028.15) -
Due To-Due (196,534.39) - - (196,534.39) -
Due To-Due (28,916.10) - - (28,916.10) -
Due To-Due (34,092.75) - - (34,092.75) -
Due To-Due (90,311.80) - - (90,311.80) -
Due To-Due (12,690.00) - - (12,690.00) -
Due To-Due (250,000.00) - - (250,000.00) -
Due To-Due (43,985.00) - - (43,985.00) -
Due To-Due (13,035.62) - - (13,035.62) -
Due To-Due (7,736,569.89) - - (7,736,569.89) -
Due To-Due (626,796.54) - - (626,796.54) -
Due To-Due (47,583.60) - - (47,583.60) -
Due To-Due (6,943.95) - - (6,943.95) -
Due To-Due 11,405.00 - - 11,405.00 -
Due To-Due 20,273.22 - - 20,273.22 -
Due To-Due 32,131.69 - - 32,131.69 -
Due To-Due 343,219.29 - - 343,219.29 -
Due To-Due 264,438.90 - - 264,438.90 -
Due To-Due 455,909.60 - - 455,909.60 -
Due To-Due 2,089,725.82 - - 2,089,725.82 -
Due To-Due 2,787.50 - - 2,787.50 -
Due To-Due 6,520.00 - - 6,520.00 -
Due To-Due 193,552.66 - - 193,552.66 -
Due To-Due (15,403,257.58) - - (15,403,257.58) -
Due To-Due 183,782.50 - - 183,782.50 -
Due To-Due 213,676.75 - - 213,676.75 -
Due To-Due 173,020.00 - - 173,020.00 -
Due To-Due 226,045.25 - - 226,045.25 -
Due To-Due 232,092.83 - - 232,092.83 -
Due To-Due 3,608,974.35 - - 3,608,974.35 -
Due To-Due 25,581.00 - - 25,581.00 -
Due To-Due 2,876,909.37 - - 2,876,909.37 -
Due To-Due 389,742.46 - - 389,742.46 -
Due To-Due 640,402.47 - - 640,402.47 -
Due To-Due 90,846.80 - - 90,846.80 -
Due To-Due 266,194.20 - - 266,194.20 -
Due To-Due 22,442.03 - - 22,442.03 -
Due To-Due 88,091.08 - - 88,091.08 -
Due To-Due 1,764,474.12 - - 1,764,474.12 -
Due To-Due (98,364.12) - - (98,364.12) -
Due To-Due 494,420.07 - - 494,420.07 -
Due To-Due 1,651,261.11 - - 1,651,261.11 -
Due To-Due (755.03) - - (755.03) -
Due To-Due 265,899.96 - - 265,899.96 -
Due To-Due 1,780,230.26 - - 1,780,230.26 -
Due To-Due 22,554.73 - - 22,554.73 -
Due To-Due (40,184.43) - - (40,184.43) -
Due To-Due 482,558.42 - - 482,558.42 -
Due To-Due 2,800.00 - - 2,800.00 -
Due To-Due 294,572.65 - - 294,572.65 -
Due To-Due 607,450.21 - - 607,450.21 -
Due To-Due 8,742.37 - - 8,742.37 -
Due To-Due 1,828,833.77 - - 1,828,833.77 -
Due To-Due (350.00) - - (350.00) -
Due To-Due 64,483.00 - - 64,483.00 -
Due To-Due 43,985.00 - - 43,985.00 -
Due To-Due 18,167.62 - - 18,167.62 -
Due To-Due 255,863.96 - - 255,863.96 -
Due To-Due 305,805.40 - - 305,805.40 -
Due To-Due 118,238.56 - - 118,238.56 -
Due To-Due 41,371.29 - - 41,371.29 -
Due To-Due 74,742.13 - - 74,742.13 -
Due To-Due 345,085.21 - - 345,085.21 -
Due To-Due 225,501.76 - - 225,501.76 -
Due To-Due 433,987.25 - - 433,987.25 -
Due To-Due 1,488,881.18 - - 1,488,881.18 -
Due To-Due 132,929.03 - - 132,929.03 -
Due To-Due 1,731,854.71 - - 1,731,854.71 -
Due To-Due 1,400,239.87 - - 1,400,239.87 -
Due To-Due 1,010,849.07 - - 1,010,849.07 -
Due To-Due 922,519.39 - - 922,519.39 -
Due To-Due 642,827.27 - - 642,827.27 -
Due To-Due 103,817.96 - - 103,817.96 -
Due To-Due 21,455.44 - - 21,455.44 -
Due To-Due 1,722,261.91 - - 1,722,261.91 -
Due To-Due (4,735,810.93) - - (4,735,810.93) -
Due To-Due 622,020.50 - - 622,020.50 -
Due To-Due (29,364.50) - - (29,364.50) -
Due To-Due (14,581.16) - - (14,581.16) -
Due To-Due (47,823.41) - - (47,823.41) -
Due To-Due (207,223.28) - - (207,223.28) -
Due To-Due (167,499.00) - - (167,499.00) -
Due To-Due (12,100.00) - - (12,100.00) -
Due To-Due (43,892.77) - - (43,892.77) -
Due To-Due (207,900.00) - - (207,900.00) -
Due To-Due (23,590.17) - - (23,590.17) -
Due To-Due (5,095.00) - - (5,095.00) -
Due To-Due (6,399.99) - - (6,399.99) -
Due To-Due (23,638.06) - - (23,638.06) -
Due To-Due (8,357.58) - - (8,357.58) -
Due To-Due (35,697.00) - - (35,697.00) -
Due To-Due (48,857.89) - - (48,857.89) -
Due To-Due (147,001.91) - - (147,001.91) -
Due To-Due (67,944.98) - - (67,944.98) -
Due To-Due (5,079.62) - - (5,079.62) -
Due To-Due (7,320.46) - - (7,320.46) -
Due To-Due 23,644.69 - - 23,644.69 -
Due To-Due (57,118.08) - - (57,118.08) -
Due To-Due (7,337.41) - - (7,337.41) -
Due To-Due (12,900.00) - - (12,900.00) -
Due To-Due (8,907.00) - - (8,907.00) -
Due To-Due (49,813.10) - - (49,813.10) -
Due To-Due (6,522,202.15) - - (6,522,202.15) -
Due To-Due 6,603.75 - - 6,603.75 -
Due To-Due 47,823.41 - - 47,823.41 -
Due To-Due 7,655.17 - - 7,655.17 -
Due To-Due 24,200.00 - - 24,200.00 -
Due To-Due 23,590.17 - - 23,590.17 -
Due To-Due 6,399.99 - - 6,399.99 -
Due To-Due 16,715.16 - - 16,715.16 -
Due To-Due 58,729.00 - - 58,729.00 -
Due To-Due 22,558.57 - - 22,558.57 -
Due To-Due 199,568.11 - - 199,568.11 -
Due To-Due 167,499.00 - - 167,499.00 -
Due To-Due 43,892.77 - - 43,892.77 -
Due To-Due 207,900.00 - - 207,900.00 -
Due To-Due 5,095.00 - - 5,095.00 -
Due To-Due 47,276.12 - - 47,276.12 -
Due To-Due 71,394.00 - - 71,394.00 -
Due To-Due 6,582.00 - - 6,582.00 -
Due To-Due 33,567.90 - - 33,567.90 -
Due To-Due 147,001.91 - - 147,001.91 -
Due To-Due 67,944.98 - - 67,944.98 -
Due To-Due 5,079.62 - - 5,079.62 -
Due To-Due 7,500.00 - - 7,500.00 -
Due To-Due 14,640.92 - - 14,640.92 -
Due To-Due (23,644.69) - - (23,644.69) -
Due To-Due 57,118.08 - - 57,118.08 -
Due To-Due (58,237.00) - - (58,237.00) -
Due To-Due 7,337.41 - - 7,337.41 -
Due To-Due 12,900.00 - - 12,900.00 -
Due To-Due 8,907.00 - - 8,907.00 -
Due To-Due 277,615.33 - - 277,615.33 -
Due To-Due (1,875.00) - - (1,875.00) -
Due To-Due 49,813.10 - - 49,813.10 -
Due To-Due 7,782.21 - - 7,782.21 -
Due To-Due 54,943.77 - - 54,943.77 -
Due To-Due 6,995.00 - - 6,995.00 -
Due To-Due 19,950.00 - - 19,950.00 -
Due To-Due 7,201.00 - - 7,201.00 -
Due To-Due 18,956.00 - - 18,956.00 -
Due To-Due 22,966.64 - - 22,966.64 -
Due To-Due 117,229.28 - - 117,229.28 -
Due To-Due 64,270.47 - - 64,270.47 -
Due To-Due 7,683,655.34 - - 7,683,655.34 -
Due To-Due 79,318.26 - - 79,318.26 -
Due To-Due 37,605.00 - - 37,605.00 -
Due To-Due 141,038.18 - - 141,038.18 -
Due To-Due 3,050,057.23 - - 3,050,057.23 -
Due To-Due (269,369.68) - - (269,369.68) -
Due To-Due (18,682.82) - - (18,682.82) -
Due To-Due (130,512.16) - - (130,512.16) -
Due To-Due (30,982.80) - - (30,982.80) -
Due To-Due 269,086.86 - - 269,086.86 -
Due To-Due 20,543.63 - - 20,543.63 -
Due To-Due 130,512.16 - - 130,512.16 -
Due To-Due 3,921.90 - - 3,921.90 -
Due To-Due 61,965.60 - - 61,965.60 -
Due To-Due 9,756.00 - - 9,756.00 -
Due To-Due 37,134.84 - - 37,134.84 -
Due To-Due 5,269.65 - - 5,269.65 -
Due To-Due 222,410.19 - - 222,410.19 -
Due To-Due 16,822.01 - - 16,822.01 -
Due To-Due (1,809,458.50) - - (1,809,458.50) -
Due To-Due (149,444.04) - - (149,444.04) -
Due To-Due (14,565.09) - - (14,565.09) -
Due To-Due (310,078.98) - - (310,078.98) -
Due To-Due (24,523,587.15) - - (24,523,587.15) -
Due To-Due (279,720.00) - - (279,720.00) -
Due To-Due (32,079.79) - - (32,079.79) -
Due To-Due (17,547.70) - - (17,547.70) -
Due To-Due (231,879.99) - - (231,879.99) -
Due To-Due (230,906.38) - - (230,906.38) -
Due To-Due (5,702,488.80) - - (5,702,488.80) -
Due To-Due (2,026,102.38) - - (2,026,102.38) -
Due To-Due (233,371.69) - - (233,371.69) -
Due To-Due (64,183.18) - - (64,183.18) -
Due To-Due (627,164.83) - - (627,164.83) -
Due To-Due (555,341.97) - - (555,341.97) -
Due To-Due (213,000.00) - - (213,000.00) -
Due To-Due (6,658.71) - - (6,658.71) -
Due To-Due (6,623.53) - - (6,623.53) -
Due To-Due (99,938.00) - - (99,938.00) -
Due To-Due (99,314.17) - - (99,314.17) -
Due To-Due (208,186.17) - - (208,186.17) -
Due To-Due (54,587.38) - - (54,587.38) -
Due To-Due (121,206.64) - - (121,206.64) -
Due To-Due (20,972.98) - - (20,972.98) -
Due To-Due (356,763.66) - - (356,763.66) -
Due To-Due (39,992.34) - - (39,992.34) -
Due To-Due (1,168,159.42) - - (1,168,159.42) -
Due To-Due 54,587.38 - - 54,587.38 -
Due To-Due 44,996.03 - - 44,996.03 -
Due To-Due 396,756.00 - - 396,756.00 -
Due To-Due (2,814,390.03) - - (2,814,390.03) -
Due To-Due 149,444.04 - - 149,444.04 -
Due To-Due 14,565.09 - - 14,565.09 -
Due To-Due 263,216.05 - - 263,216.05 -
Due To-Due (647,652.52) - - (647,652.52) -
Due To-Due 279,720.00 - - 279,720.00 -
Due To-Due 64,159.58 - - 64,159.58 -
Due To-Due 17,547.70 - - 17,547.70 -
Due To-Due 231,879.99 - - 231,879.99 -
Due To-Due 461,812.76 - - 461,812.76 -
Due To-Due 5,635,668.26 - - 5,635,668.26 -
Due To-Due (311,258.95) - - (311,258.95) -
Due To-Due 2,026,102.38 - - 2,026,102.38 -
Due To-Due 233,371.69 - - 233,371.69 -
Due To-Due 64,183.18 - - 64,183.18 -
Due To-Due 1,035,464.59 - - 1,035,464.59 -
Due To-Due 555,341.97 - - 555,341.97 -
Due To-Due 3,500.00 - - 3,500.00 -
Due To-Due 200,711.13 - - 200,711.13 -
Due To-Due (22,821.00) - - (22,821.00) -
Due To-Due (11,390.35) - - (11,390.35) -
Due To-Due 274,432.22 - - 274,432.22 -
Due To-Due 6,505,900.33 - - 6,505,900.33 -
Due To-Due 1,766,710.35 - - 1,766,710.35 -
Due To-Due 736,443.02 - - 736,443.02 -
Due To-Due (196,331.22) - - (196,331.22) -
Due To-Due 92,103.66 - - 92,103.66 -
Due To-Due 189,069.86 - - 189,069.86 -
Due To-Due 119,658.43 - - 119,658.43 -
Due To-Due (426,389.27) - - (426,389.27) -
Due To-Due 134,213.36 - - 134,213.36 -
Due To-Due (1,572,647.52) - - (1,572,647.52) -
Due To-Due 9,838.00 - - 9,838.00 -
Due To-Due 40,171.50 - - 40,171.50 -
Due To-Due 14,000.00 - - 14,000.00 -
Due To-Due 26,453.05 - - 26,453.05 -
Due To-Due 65,290.25 - - 65,290.25 -
Due To-Due 156,288.75 - - 156,288.75 -
Due To-Due (7,266,951.31) - - (7,266,951.31) -
Due To-Due (11,979,327.49) - - (11,979,327.49) -
Due To-Due 2,043.94 - - 2,043.94 -
Due To-Due (20,488.29) - - (20,488.29) -
Due To-Due (366,647.32) - - (366,647.32) -
Due To-Due (4,250,946.58) - - (4,250,946.58) -
Due To-Due 32,926.03 - - 32,926.03 -
Due To-Due 265,450.83 - - 265,450.83 -
Due To-Due 4,218,020.55 - - 4,218,020.55 -
Due To-Due (24,638.51) - - (24,638.51) -
Due To-Due (497,348.22) - - (497,348.22) -
Due To-Due (1,978,627.43) - - (1,978,627.43) -
Due To-Due (63,004,269.83) - - (63,004,269.83) -
Due To-Due (3,713,255.98) - - (3,713,255.98) -
Due To-Due (11,561.19) - - (11,561.19) -
Due To-Due (325,091.62) - - (325,091.62) -
Due To-Due (9,354,626.10) - - (9,354,626.10) -
Due To-Due 3,569,721.88 - - 3,569,721.88 -
Due To-Due 47,815.00 - - 47,815.00 -
Due To-Due 24,638.51 - - 24,638.51 -
Due To-Due 1,287,400.32 - - 1,287,400.32 -
Due To-Due 1,978,627.43 - - 1,978,627.43 -
Due To-Due 46,689,963.67 - - 46,689,963.67 -
Due To-Due 161,643.04 - - 161,643.04 -
Due To-Due 2,222,704.32 - - 2,222,704.32 -
Due To-Due (225,107.78) - - (225,107.78) -
Due To-Due 9,318,916.40 - - 9,318,916.40 -
Due To-Due 2,099,497.30 - - 2,099,497.30 -
Due To-Due (4,873,799.10) - - (4,873,799.10) -
Due To-Due (6,045,700.65) - - (6,045,700.65) -
Due To-Due (80,751.98) - - (80,751.98) -
Due To-Due 98,800.00 - - 98,800.00 -
Due To-Due 922,500.00 - - 922,500.00 -
Due To-Due 12,038,828.22 - - 12,038,828.22 -
Due To-Due 25,941,223.23 - - 25,941,223.23 -
Due To-Due 18,341,638.48 - - 18,341,638.48 -
Due To-Due 222,795.00 - - 222,795.00 -
Due To-Due 4,974,047.78 - - 4,974,047.78 -
Due To-Due 733,340.44 - - 733,340.44 -
Due To-Due 498,810.93 - - 498,810.93 -
Due To-Due 47,275.63 - - 47,275.63 -
Due To-Due 8,222.97 - - 8,222.97 -
Due To-Due 6,100,908.37 - - 6,100,908.37 -
Due To-Due 2,133,286.84 - - 2,133,286.84 -
Due To-Due 4,002,923.92 - - 4,002,923.92 -
Due To-Due 1,456,853.42 - - 1,456,853.42 -
Unreserved- 189,094,347.30 - - 189,094,347.30 -
Capital Cont - 2,446,894.10 31,730,609.21 (29,283,715.11) (29,283,715.11)
Capital Cont - - 200,000.00 (200,000.00) (200,000.00)
Other Servic - 2,194.50 2,194.50 - -
Other Servic - 1,677.24 1,677.24 - -
Other Servic - 2,194.50 2,194.50 - -
Non Capital - 8,416.04 8,416.04 - -
Airfare - Tra - 410.22 - 410.22 410.22
Airfare - Tra - 410.22 410.22 - -
Lodging - 410.22 - 410.22 410.22
Lodging - 479.22 410.22 69.00 69.00
Travel - Othe - 356.14 - 356.14 356.14
Travel - Othe - 427.83 356.14 71.69 71.69
Other Miscel - 6,074.24 6,074.24 - -
P-Card Defau - 1,129.00 - 1,129.00 1,129.00
P-Card Defau - 6,343.87 6,343.87 - -
Capital Expe - 48,492.87 48,492.87 - -
Capital Expe - 66,987.84 66,987.84 - -
Capital Expe - 96,985.74 96,985.74 - -
Capital Expe - 208.21 99.98 108.23 108.23
Capital Expe - 99.98 208.21 (108.23) (108.23)
Capital Expe - 25,151.50 25,151.50 - -
Capital Expe - 99,494.53 99,494.53 - -
Capital Expe - 2,167,220.31 2,167,220.31 - -
Capital Expe - 9,965.20 9,965.20 - -
Capital Expe - 54,074.84 54,074.84 - -
Capital Expe - 1,740,825.39 1,740,825.39 - -
Capital Expe - 770,159.47 770,159.47 - -
Capital Expe - 941.77 941.77 - -
Capital Expe - 190,755.00 190,755.00 - -
Capital Expe - 28,378.95 28,378.95 - -
Capital Expe - 239,992.11 239,992.11 - -
Capital Expe - 16,214.61 16,214.61 - -
Capital Expe - 50,303.00 50,303.00 - -
Capital Expe - 88,921.80 88,921.80 - -
Capital Expe - 21,000.00 21,000.00 - -
Capital Expe - 935,170.00 935,170.00 - -
Capital Expe - 56,757.90 56,757.90 - -
Capital Expe - 145,096.08 145,096.08 - -
Capital Expe - 48,792.96 48,792.96 - -
Capital Expe - 744,005.30 744,005.30 - -
Capital Expe - 179,251.80 179,251.80 - -
Capital Expe - 180,965.19 180,965.19 - -
Capital Expe - 749,654.48 749,654.48 - -
Capital Expe - 186,332.46 186,332.46 - -
Capital Expe - 47,900.89 47,900.89 - -
Capital Expe - 36,259.04 36,259.04 - -
Capital Expe - 508,345.20 508,345.20 - -
Capital Expe - 12,758.95 12,758.95 - -
Capital Expe - 151,634.42 151,634.42 - -
Capital Expe - 311,362.23 311,362.23 - -
Capital Expe - 2,950,194.20 2,950,194.20 - -
Capital Expe - 2,973,914.51 2,973,914.51 - -
Capital Expe - 609,704.01 609,704.01 - -
Capital Expe - 108,767.67 108,767.67 - -
Capital Expe - 667,461.00 667,461.00 - -
Capital Expe - 47,555.79 47,555.79 - -
Capital Expe - 8,290.35 8,290.35 - -
Capital Expe - 6,909,264.76 6,909,264.76 - -
Capital Expe - 15,023.25 15,023.25 - -
Capital Expe - 7,741.62 7,741.62 - -
Capital Expe - 207,703.90 207,703.90 - -
Capital Expe - 289,234.14 289,234.14 - -
Capital Expe - 423,727.53 423,727.53 - -
Capital Expe - 4,890.51 4,890.51 - -
Capital Expe - 232,555.42 232,555.42 - -
Capital Expe - 44,859.35 44,859.35 - -
Capital Expe - 165,560.00 165,560.00 - -
Capital Expe - 105,792.60 105,792.60 - -
Capital Expe - 99,683.49 99,683.49 - -
Capital Expe - 69,582.54 69,582.54 - -
Capital Expe - 3,179,141.96 3,179,141.96 - -
Capital Expe - 4,896,002.03 4,896,002.03 - -
Capital Expe - 5,713,065.26 5,713,065.26 - -
Capital Expe - 1,022,086.40 1,022,086.40 - -
Capital Expe - 156,530.04 156,530.04 - -
Capital Expe - 1,960,887.18 1,960,887.18 - -
Solicitation - 151,000.00 151,000.00 - -
Solicitation - 299,265.54 299,265.54 - -
Solicitation - 177,201.18 123,496.20 53,704.98 53,704.98
Solicitation - 147,351.00 147,351.00 - -
Capital Proj - 48,492.87 48,492.87 - -
Capital Proj - 66,987.84 66,987.84 - -
Capital Proj - 96,985.74 96,985.74 - -
Capital Proj - 25,151.50 25,151.50 - -
Capital Proj - 99,494.53 99,494.53 - -
Capital Proj - 2,167,220.31 2,167,220.31 - -
Capital Proj - 9,965.20 9,965.20 - -
Capital Proj - 54,074.84 54,074.84 - -
Capital Proj - 1,740,825.39 1,740,825.39 - -
Capital Proj - 770,159.47 770,159.47 - -
Capital Proj - 941.77 941.77 - -
Capital Proj - 190,755.00 190,755.00 - -
Capital Proj - 28,378.95 28,378.95 - -
Capital Proj - 239,992.11 239,992.11 - -
Capital Proj - 50,303.00 50,303.00 - -
Capital Proj - 88,921.80 88,921.80 - -
Capital Proj - 21,000.00 21,000.00 - -
Capital Proj - 935,170.00 935,170.00 - -
Capital Proj - 56,757.90 56,757.90 - -
Capital Proj - 145,096.08 145,096.08 - -
Capital Proj - 48,792.96 48,792.96 - -
Capital Proj - 744,005.30 744,005.30 - -
Capital Proj - 179,251.80 179,251.80 - -
Capital Proj - 180,965.19 180,965.19 - -
Capital Proj - 749,654.48 749,654.48 - -
Capital Proj - 186,332.46 186,332.46 - -
Capital Proj - 47,900.89 47,900.89 - -
Capital Proj - 36,259.04 36,259.04 - -
Capital Proj - 508,345.20 508,345.20 - -
Capital Proj - 12,758.95 12,758.95 - -
Capital Proj - 151,634.42 151,634.42 - -
Capital Proj - 310,907.23 310,907.23 - -
Capital Proj - 2,950,194.20 2,950,194.20 - -
Capital Proj - 2,973,914.51 2,973,914.51 - -
Capital Proj - 609,704.01 609,704.01 - -
Capital Proj - 108,767.67 108,767.67 - -
Capital Proj - 667,461.00 667,461.00 - -
Capital Proj - 47,555.79 47,555.79 - -
Capital Proj - 8,290.35 8,290.35 - -
Capital Proj - 6,907,764.76 6,907,764.76 - -
Capital Proj - 15,023.25 15,023.25 - -
Capital Proj - 207,703.90 207,703.90 - -
Capital Proj - 289,234.14 289,234.14 - -
Capital Proj - 423,727.53 423,727.53 - -
Capital Proj - 4,890.51 4,890.51 - -
Capital Proj - 226,809.35 226,809.35 - -
Capital Proj - 44,859.35 44,859.35 - -
Capital Proj - 165,560.00 165,560.00 - -
Capital Proj - 105,792.60 105,792.60 - -
Capital Proj - 99,683.49 99,683.49 - -
Capital Proj - 69,582.54 69,582.54 - -
Capital Proj - 3,179,141.96 3,179,141.96 - -
Capital Proj - 4,896,002.03 4,896,002.03 - -
Capital Proj - 5,713,065.26 5,713,065.26 - -
Capital Proj - 1,022,086.40 1,022,086.40 - -
Capital Proj - 156,530.04 156,530.04 - -
Capital Proj - 1,960,887.18 1,960,887.18 - -
AX - Fund Ca (29,575.69) - - (29,575.69) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,305.00 - - 1,305.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 382.00 - - 382.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 688.00 - - 688.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 3,050.00 - - 3,050.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,025.00 - - 1,025.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 55,151.75 - - 55,151.75 -
AX - Fund Ca 40,022.00 - - 40,022.00 -
GASB 87 - Le - 901,656.20 - 901,656.20 901,656.20
GASB 87 - Ac - 1,011,193.85 - 1,011,193.85 1,011,193.85
Receivables - - 45,742.10 (45,742.10) (45,742.10)
Receivables - 317,731.55 275,000.00 42,731.55 42,731.55
W.I.P.-Capita (127,959.55) 1,132,184.05 1,132,184.05 (127,959.55) -
W.I.P.-Capita (35,264.20) - - (35,264.20) -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.02) - - (0.02) -
W.I.P.-Capita (101,615.96) - - (101,615.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita 28,610,333.68 2,335,108.42 1,167,554.21 29,777,887.89 1,167,554.21
W.I.P.-Capita (112,425.00) 224,850.00 112,425.00 - 112,425.00
W.I.P.-Capita (54,275.67) 108,551.34 54,275.67 - 54,275.67
W.I.P.-Capita (205,632.37) 411,264.74 205,632.37 - 205,632.37
W.I.P.-Capita (184,408.81) 300,151.16 150,075.58 (34,333.23) 150,075.58
W.I.P.-Capita 3,650,097.96 - - 3,650,097.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,252.00 - - 5,252.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (279,966.35) 559,932.70 279,966.35 - 279,966.35
W.I.P.-Capita (119,610.68) - - (119,610.68) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,055.52 - - 2,055.52 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,553,060.27) 3,106,120.54 1,553,060.27 - 1,553,060.27
W.I.P.-Capita (1,774,220.73) - - (1,774,220.73) -
W.I.P.-Capita 98,213.23 - - 98,213.23 -
W.I.P.-Capita 554,658.01 - - 554,658.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,210,804.90) 7,472,596.56 3,736,298.28 (474,506.62) 3,736,298.28
W.I.P.-Capita 7,230.60 - - 7,230.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita (465,804.08) - - (465,804.08) -
W.I.P.-Capita 119,263.00 - - 119,263.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (289,298.74) - - (289,298.74) -
W.I.P.-Capita (248,308.07) - - (248,308.07) -
W.I.P.-Capita 36,734.63 - - 36,734.63 -
W.I.P.-Capita 17,989.96 - - 17,989.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (64,483.00) - - (64,483.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 43,985.00 - - 43,985.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 33,442.64 - - 33,442.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita (255,863.96) - - (255,863.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (671,649.40) - - (671,649.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita (180,349.38) - - (180,349.38) -
W.I.P.-Capita (122,643.02) - - (122,643.02) -
W.I.P.-Capita (345,085.21) - - (345,085.21) -
W.I.P.-Capita (257,829.36) - - (257,829.36) -
W.I.P.-Capita (697,732.59) - - (697,732.59) -
W.I.P.-Capita (12,758.95) - - (12,758.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,552,387.72) - - (1,552,387.72) -
W.I.P.-Capita 75,868.62 - - 75,868.62 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,182,221.53 - - 1,182,221.53 -
W.I.P.-Capita (17,231.18) - - (17,231.18) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,259,785.35 - - 1,259,785.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita (281,745.79) 240,544.12 120,272.06 (161,473.73) 120,272.06
W.I.P.-Capita 9,268.14 - - 9,268.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,858.70 - - 14,858.70 -
W.I.P.-Capita (22,985.20) - - (22,985.20) -
W.I.P.-Capita (45,077.03) - - (45,077.03) -
W.I.P.-Capita (72,790.75) 615,846.20 307,923.10 235,132.35 307,923.10
W.I.P.-Capita (206,919.22) - - (206,919.22) -
W.I.P.-Capita 359,975.79 - - 359,975.79 -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,068,049.32) 291,501.00 291,501.00 (9,068,049.32) -
W.I.P.-Capita (81,935.00) - - (81,935.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (807,229.83) 1,699,827.86 849,913.93 42,684.10 849,913.93
W.I.P.-Capita (1,093,233.40) - - (1,093,233.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,052,735.48 - - 2,052,735.48 -
W.I.P.-Capita (241,867.83) - - (241,867.83) -
W.I.P.-Capita 81,228.23 87,615.84 43,807.92 125,036.15 43,807.92
W.I.P.-Capita (2,049,509.17) - - (2,049,509.17) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,346,854.39) - - (1,346,854.39) -
W.I.P.-Capita (120,322.75) - - (120,322.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita 21,758.40 - - 21,758.40 -
W.I.P.-Capita (201,159.59) - - (201,159.59) -
W.I.P.-Capita (26,884.45) - - (26,884.45) -
W.I.P.-Capita (92,599.75) - - (92,599.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (249,999.32) - - (249,999.32) -
W.I.P.-Capita (404,619.00) - - (404,619.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (28,378.95) - - (28,378.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita (397,913.91) - - (397,913.91) -
W.I.P.-Capita (22,743.75) - - (22,743.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (20,411.08) - - (20,411.08) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1.72 - - 1.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) - - (0.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita (56,539.95) - - (56,539.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita 16,926.90 - - 16,926.90 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,627.80 - - 7,627.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.02) - - (0.02) -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,005.44 - - 14,005.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 49,813.10 - - 49,813.10 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,782.21) - - (7,782.21) -
W.I.P.-Capita (54,943.77) 109,887.54 54,943.77 - 54,943.77
W.I.P.-Capita (8,237,998.58) 15,417,019.08 7,708,509.54 (529,489.04) 7,708,509.54
W.I.P.-Capita (184,977.20) - - (184,977.20) -
W.I.P.-Capita (37,605.00) - - (37,605.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (537,107.87) - - (537,107.87) -
W.I.P.-Capita (967,718.00) - - (967,718.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,411,041.66 - - 6,411,041.66 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,934,881.05 - - 5,934,881.05 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,324,106.60 - - 4,324,106.60 -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,757,082.21) 391,653.91 391,653.91 (5,757,082.21) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,456,853.42) - - (1,456,853.42) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,298,479.75) 43,015.68 43,015.68 (5,298,479.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4,077,964.53) - - (4,077,964.53) -
W.I.P.-Capita (184,476.69) - - (184,476.69) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,298,389.18) - - (1,298,389.18) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,012,698.93) - - (1,012,698.93) -
W.I.P.-Capita (738,826.32) - - (738,826.32) -
W.I.P.-Capita (103,817.96) - - (103,817.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (21,455.44) - - (21,455.44) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,646,816.81) - - (5,646,816.81) -
W.I.P.-Capita 10,645,871.41 3,890,474.60 1,945,237.30 12,591,108.71 1,945,237.30
W.I.P.-Capita 4.00 - - 4.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (147,479.03) 197,000.00 98,500.00 (48,979.03) 98,500.00
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) - - (0.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita 541,883.14 - - 541,883.14 -
W.I.P.-Capita (138,200.61) 276,401.22 138,200.61 - 138,200.61
W.I.P.-Capita (6,687,193.62) 342,217.97 342,217.97 (6,687,193.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita (335,915.98) 1,335,005.10 667,502.55 331,586.57 667,502.55
W.I.P.-Capita 4,286.20 13,650.40 6,825.20 11,111.40 6,825.20
W.I.P.-Capita 5,675.08 10,872.64 5,436.32 11,111.40 5,436.32
W.I.P.-Capita (36,776.13) 80,959.86 40,479.93 3,703.80 40,479.93
W.I.P.-Capita (1,249,386.80) - - (1,249,386.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita 121,206.64 - - 121,206.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,928,308.48) 4,187,037.62 2,093,518.81 165,210.33 2,093,518.81
W.I.P.-Capita (165,560.00) - - (165,560.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,838.00) - - (9,838.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (40,171.50) - - (40,171.50) -
W.I.P.-Capita (10,000.00) - - (10,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (26,453.05) - - (26,453.05) -
W.I.P.-Capita (73,212.41) - - (73,212.41) -
W.I.P.-Capita (124,974.15) 226,930.52 113,465.26 (11,508.89) 113,465.26
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) - - (0.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita (401,611.76) - - (401,611.76) -
W.I.P.-Capita 300,000.00 - - 300,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (117,652.74) - - (117,652.74) -
W.I.P.-Capita 262,049.41 - - 262,049.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 212,871.65 (212,871.65) (212,871.65)
W.I.P.-Capita 48,490.87 161,958.13 226,930.52 (16,481.52) (64,972.39)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 354,712.28 (354,712.28) (354,712.28)
W.I.P.-Capita 22,329.28 22,329.28 118,501.14 (73,842.58) (96,171.86)
W.I.P.-Capita (401,846.47) - - (401,846.47) -
W.I.P.-Capita 76,479.28 - 48,492.87 27,986.41 (48,492.87)
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 401,611.76 - - 401,611.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita (300,000.00) - - (300,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 95,323.46 22,329.28 44,658.56 72,994.18 (22,329.28)
W.I.P.-Capita 139,797.06 - - 139,797.06 -
W.I.P.-Capita (8,030.00) - - (8,030.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 33,467.71 48,492.87 48,492.87 33,467.71 -
W.I.P.-Capita 29,575.69 8,978,336.22 8,978,336.22 29,575.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 615,846.20 307,923.10 307,923.10 307,923.10
W.I.P.-Capita (1,191,914.14) - - (1,191,914.14) -
W.I.P.-Capita - 615,846.20 615,846.20 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 166,316.65 332,633.30 (166,316.65) (166,316.65)
W.I.P.-Capita 30.00 - - 30.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 998,070.34 (998,070.34) (998,070.34)
W.I.P.-Capita 25,151.50 145,423.56 240,544.12 (69,969.06) (95,120.56)
W.I.P.-Capita 99,494.53 99,494.53 - 198,989.06 99,494.53
W.I.P.-Capita - 615,846.20 1,231,692.40 (615,846.20) (615,846.20)
W.I.P.-Capita (674.99) - - (674.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,167,220.31 2,167,220.31 13,502,666.40 (9,168,225.78) (11,335,446.09)
W.I.P.-Capita (2,226.00) - - (2,226.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 9,965.20 9,965.20 - 19,930.40 9,965.20
W.I.P.-Capita 54,074.84 97,882.76 87,615.84 64,341.76 10,266.92
W.I.P.-Capita 580,275.13 580,275.13 158,599.20 1,001,951.06 421,675.93
W.I.P.-Capita 368,095.51 368,095.51 - 736,191.02 368,095.51
W.I.P.-Capita 941.77 941.77 - 1,883.54 941.77
W.I.P.-Capita - - 66,303.00 (66,303.00) (66,303.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 28,378.95 28,378.95 - 56,757.90 28,378.95
W.I.P.-Capita 239,992.11 239,992.11 - 479,984.22 239,992.11
W.I.P.-Capita - - 158,599.20 (158,599.20) (158,599.20)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 20,411.08 (20,411.08) (20,411.08)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 313,282.96 (313,282.96) (313,282.96)
W.I.P.-Capita (684,815.94) - - (684,815.94) -
W.I.P.-Capita (482,245.25) - - (482,245.25) -
W.I.P.-Capita (65,594.12) - - (65,594.12) -
W.I.P.-Capita (200,178.00) - - (200,178.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,808.00) - - (18,808.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (75,868.62) - - (75,868.62) -
W.I.P.-Capita 51,226.00 - - 51,226.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,878.00) - - (6,878.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,687,351.28) - - (2,687,351.28) -
W.I.P.-Capita 120,272.06 - 25,151.50 95,120.56 (25,151.50)
W.I.P.-Capita 22,985.20 - - 22,985.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,114,836.45) - 99,494.53 (1,214,330.98) (99,494.53)
W.I.P.-Capita (89,023.59) - - (89,023.59) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,244,221.93 - 2,167,220.31 77,001.62 (2,167,220.31)
W.I.P.-Capita 4,267.00 - 9,965.20 (5,698.20) (9,965.20)
W.I.P.-Capita 118,435.42 - - 118,435.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita (539,118.92) - 54,074.84 (593,193.76) (54,074.84)
W.I.P.-Capita 1,469,234.04 580,275.13 1,160,550.26 888,958.91 (580,275.13)
W.I.P.-Capita 855,334.53 201,031.98 569,127.49 487,239.02 (368,095.51)
W.I.P.-Capita 84,229.00 - - 84,229.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (21,758.40) - - (21,758.40) -
W.I.P.-Capita 200,217.82 - 941.77 199,276.05 (941.77)
W.I.P.-Capita 26,884.45 - - 26,884.45 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 95,377.50 95,377.50 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 249,999.32 - - 249,999.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita 66,303.00 - - 66,303.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 28,378.95 (28,378.95) (28,378.95)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 239,992.11 (239,992.11) (239,992.11)
W.I.P.-Capita 22,743.75 - - 22,743.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 20,411.08 - - 20,411.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita (98,800.00) - - (98,800.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (33,467.71) - - (33,467.71) -
W.I.P.-Capita 684,815.94 - - 684,815.94 -
W.I.P.-Capita 18,778.00 - - 18,778.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,233,447.53) - - (1,233,447.53) -
W.I.P.-Capita 24,109.18 - - 24,109.18 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,427,565.93 - - 1,427,565.93 -
W.I.P.-Capita 136,322.23 25,151.50 25,151.50 136,322.23 -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,268.14) - - (9,268.14) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,858.70) - - (14,858.70) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,060,418.95 44,460.90 44,460.90 1,060,418.95 -
W.I.P.-Capita 72,790.75 10,500.00 10,500.00 72,790.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 206,919.22 - - 206,919.22 -
W.I.P.-Capita 921,636.93 - - 921,636.93 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,656,607.08 467,585.00 467,585.00 4,656,607.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 84,161.00 - - 84,161.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 807,229.83 - - 807,229.83 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,079,001.20 - - 1,079,001.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 933,552.79 - - 933,552.79 -
W.I.P.-Capita 123,432.41 - - 123,432.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita 403,815.85 - - 403,815.85 -
W.I.P.-Capita 123,424.35 - - 123,424.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita 36,093.75 - - 36,093.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 92,599.75 - - 92,599.75 -
W.I.P.-Capita 338,316.00 - - 338,316.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 28,378.95 28,378.95 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 157,921.80 - - 157,921.80 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 72,548.04 72,548.04 - -
W.I.P.-Capita 967,550.00 - - 967,550.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 168.00 - - 168.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 10,768,133.66 10,768,133.66 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 112,425.00 224,850.00 (112,425.00) (112,425.00)
W.I.P.-Capita - 54,275.67 108,551.34 (54,275.67) (54,275.67)
W.I.P.-Capita - 205,632.40 411,264.80 (205,632.40) (205,632.40)
W.I.P.-Capita - 27,311.58 54,623.16 (27,311.58) (27,311.58)
W.I.P.-Capita - 279,966.35 559,932.70 (279,966.35) (279,966.35)
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,553,060.27 3,106,120.54 (1,553,060.27) (1,553,060.27)
W.I.P.-Capita - 3,736,298.34 7,472,596.68 (3,736,298.34) (3,736,298.34)
W.I.P.-Capita - 54,943.77 109,887.54 (54,943.77) (54,943.77)
W.I.P.-Capita (478,628.17) - - (478,628.17) -
W.I.P.-Capita (74,140.98) - - (74,140.98) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,221,418.75) - - (1,221,418.75) -
W.I.P.-Capita (351,828.28) - - (351,828.28) -
W.I.P.-Capita (45,477.00) - - (45,477.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (17,989.96) - - (17,989.96) -
W.I.P.-Capita (22,966.64) - - (22,966.64) -
W.I.P.-Capita (19,950.00) - - (19,950.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 31,519.60 31,519.60 - 63,039.20 31,519.60
W.I.P.-Capita 449,922.74 449,922.74 - 899,845.48 449,922.74
W.I.P.-Capita 59,750.60 59,750.60 - 119,501.20 59,750.60
W.I.P.-Capita 82,934.85 82,934.85 - 165,869.70 82,934.85
W.I.P.-Capita (78,833.77) - - (78,833.77) -
W.I.P.-Capita 218,765.74 218,765.74 - 437,531.48 218,765.74
W.I.P.-Capita 62,110.82 62,110.82 - 124,221.64 62,110.82
W.I.P.-Capita 47,900.89 47,900.89 - 95,801.78 47,900.89
W.I.P.-Capita 32,327.60 32,327.60 - 64,655.20 32,327.60
W.I.P.-Capita 263,745.34 263,745.34 - 527,490.68 263,745.34
W.I.P.-Capita 12,758.95 12,758.95 - 25,517.90 12,758.95
W.I.P.-Capita 63,506.54 63,506.54 - 127,013.08 63,506.54
W.I.P.-Capita 310,907.23 8,019,416.77 15,417,019.08 (7,086,695.08) (7,397,602.31)
W.I.P.-Capita 1,354,971.38 1,354,971.38 - 2,709,942.76 1,354,971.38
W.I.P.-Capita 1,043,142.08 1,043,142.08 - 2,086,284.16 1,043,142.08
W.I.P.-Capita 287,540.11 287,540.11 - 575,080.22 287,540.11
W.I.P.-Capita 72,533.01 72,533.01 - 145,066.02 72,533.01
W.I.P.-Capita 95,999.05 95,999.05 - 191,998.10 95,999.05
W.I.P.-Capita 3,931,554.90 3,931,554.90 - 7,863,109.80 3,931,554.90
W.I.P.-Capita (7,930,770.68) - - (7,930,770.68) -
W.I.P.-Capita 19,215.67 - - 19,215.67 -
W.I.P.-Capita (47,757.56) - - (47,757.56) -
W.I.P.-Capita 115,799.87 - - 115,799.87 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,310,269.34 - - 2,310,269.34 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,111,569.74 - - 1,111,569.74 -
W.I.P.-Capita 88,091.08 8,636.68 40,156.28 56,571.48 (31,519.60)
W.I.P.-Capita 4,235,332.96 - - 4,235,332.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,055.52) - - (2,055.52) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,324,297.99 147,041.28 596,964.02 874,375.25 (449,922.74)
W.I.P.-Capita 26,913.64 - - 26,913.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,332,062.73 59,750.60 119,501.20 1,272,312.13 (59,750.60)
W.I.P.-Capita 465,804.08 - - 465,804.08 -
W.I.P.-Capita 206,363.89 49,015.17 131,950.02 123,429.04 (82,934.85)
W.I.P.-Capita 600,136.35 - - 600,136.35 -
W.I.P.-Capita 8,742.37 - - 8,742.37 -
W.I.P.-Capita 78,833.77 - - 78,833.77 -
W.I.P.-Capita 64,483.00 - - 64,483.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 5,132.00 - - 5,132.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 255,863.96 - - 255,863.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 452,883.66 265,444.37 484,210.11 234,117.92 (218,765.74)
W.I.P.-Capita 118,238.56 62,110.82 124,221.64 56,127.74 (62,110.82)
W.I.P.-Capita 38,553.21 - - 38,553.21 -
W.I.P.-Capita 74,742.13 - 47,900.89 26,841.24 (47,900.89)
W.I.P.-Capita 345,085.21 - - 345,085.21 -
W.I.P.-Capita 225,501.76 1,965.72 34,293.32 193,174.16 (32,327.60)
W.I.P.-Capita 433,987.25 122,299.93 386,045.27 170,241.91 (263,745.34)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 12,758.95 (12,758.95) (12,758.95)
W.I.P.-Capita 1,488,881.18 44,063.94 107,570.48 1,425,374.64 (63,506.54)
W.I.P.-Capita 307,802.03 - 310,907.23 (3,105.20) (310,907.23)
W.I.P.-Capita 3,210,167.93 2,038,827.51 3,393,798.89 1,855,196.55 (1,354,971.38)
W.I.P.-Capita 2,536,011.52 2,574,363.23 3,617,505.31 1,492,869.44 (1,043,142.08)
W.I.P.-Capita 1,010,849.07 161,081.95 448,622.06 723,308.96 (287,540.11)
W.I.P.-Capita 940,165.92 18,117.33 90,650.34 867,632.91 (72,533.01)
W.I.P.-Capita 642,827.27 571,461.95 667,461.00 546,828.22 (95,999.05)
W.I.P.-Capita 103,817.96 47,555.79 47,555.79 103,817.96 -
W.I.P.-Capita 21,455.44 8,290.35 8,290.35 21,455.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,715,261.91 1,488,104.93 5,419,659.83 (2,216,292.99) (3,931,554.90)
W.I.P.-Capita - 15,023.25 15,023.25 - -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) - - (0.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita 3,731,897.76 - - 3,731,897.76 -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,252.00) - - (5,252.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,663,974.03 - - 1,663,974.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita (16,926.90) - - (16,926.90) -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 7,782.21 (7,782.21) (7,782.21)
W.I.P.-Capita 110,506.98 110,506.98 - 221,013.96 110,506.98
W.I.P.-Capita 96,411.38 96,411.38 - 192,822.76 96,411.38
W.I.P.-Capita 396,069.69 396,069.69 - 792,139.38 396,069.69
W.I.P.-Capita (117,229.28) - - (117,229.28) -
W.I.P.-Capita 112,425.00 - - 112,425.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 513,688.17 - - 513,688.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita 47,757.56 - - 47,757.56 -
W.I.P.-Capita 205,632.37 - - 205,632.37 -
W.I.P.-Capita 550,854.19 - - 550,854.19 -
W.I.P.-Capita 74,038.98 - - 74,038.98 -
W.I.P.-Capita (831,603.39) - - (831,603.39) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,553,060.27 - - 1,553,060.27 -
W.I.P.-Capita 4,040,410.32 - - 4,040,410.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,230.60) - - (7,230.60) -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,627.80) - - (7,627.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita (49,813.10) - - (49,813.10) -
W.I.P.-Capita (29,575.69) - - (29,575.69) -
W.I.P.-Capita (9,566,206.16) - - (9,566,206.16) -
W.I.P.-Capita (620,777.66) - - (620,777.66) -
W.I.P.-Capita (38,574.64) - - (38,574.64) -
W.I.P.-Capita (38,553.21) - - (38,553.21) -
W.I.P.-Capita (70,193.63) - - (70,193.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita 102.00 - - 102.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,343,068.44 - - 1,343,068.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.02 - - 0.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,782.21 - - 7,782.21 -
W.I.P.-Capita 54,943.77 - - 54,943.77 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,995.00 - - 6,995.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 19,950.00 - - 19,950.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,201.00 - - 7,201.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 18,956.00 - - 18,956.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 22,966.64 - - 22,966.64 -
W.I.P.-Capita 117,229.28 - - 117,229.28 -
W.I.P.-Capita 70,193.63 - - 70,193.63 -
W.I.P.-Capita 7,508,782.34 48,598.46 159,105.44 7,398,275.36 (110,506.98)
W.I.P.-Capita 88,565.82 96,411.38 192,822.76 (7,845.56) (96,411.38)
W.I.P.-Capita 37,605.00 - - 37,605.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 141,038.18 13,828.92 409,898.61 (255,031.51) (396,069.69)
W.I.P.-Capita 73,212.41 - - 73,212.41 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 4,154,253.72 4,154,253.72 - -
W.I.P.-Capita - 1,001,237.56 2,002,475.12 (1,001,237.56) (1,001,237.56)
W.I.P.-Capita 7,266,951.30 1,945,237.28 3,890,474.56 5,321,714.02 (1,945,237.28)
W.I.P.-Capita 4,890.51 103,390.51 197,000.00 (88,718.98) (93,609.49)
W.I.P.-Capita 0.02 138,200.61 276,401.22 (138,200.59) (138,200.61)
W.I.P.-Capita 215,317.21 215,317.21 7,963,780.71 (7,533,146.29) (7,748,463.50)
W.I.P.-Capita - 667,502.55 1,622,069.10 (954,566.55) (954,566.55)
W.I.P.-Capita - 6,825.20 13,650.40 (6,825.20) (6,825.20)
W.I.P.-Capita - 5,436.31 10,872.62 (5,436.31) (5,436.31)
W.I.P.-Capita - 40,479.93 80,959.86 (40,479.93) (40,479.93)
W.I.P.-Capita 44,859.35 44,859.35 1,972,940.48 (1,883,221.78) (1,928,081.13)
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) - - (0.01) -
W.I.P.-Capita (0.01) 2,093,518.81 4,187,037.62 (2,093,518.82) (2,093,518.81)
W.I.P.-Capita 165,560.00 165,560.00 165,560.00 165,560.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 9,838.00 (9,838.00) (9,838.00)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 40,171.50 (40,171.50) (40,171.50)
W.I.P.-Capita (4,000.00) - - (4,000.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (21,102.12) - - (21,102.12) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,005.44) - - (14,005.44) -
W.I.P.-Capita (134,213.35) - - (134,213.35) -
W.I.P.-Capita (119,263.00) - - (119,263.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (5,056,739.63) - - (5,056,739.63) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,343,068.44) - - (1,343,068.44) -
W.I.P.-Capita (35,059,081.71) - - (35,059,081.71) -
W.I.P.-Capita (4.00) - - (4.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (568,865.29) - - (568,865.29) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,851,107.95) - - (1,851,107.95) -
W.I.P.-Capita (736,443.02) - - (736,443.02) -
W.I.P.-Capita (82,160.03) - - (82,160.03) -
W.I.P.-Capita (180,515.11) - - (180,515.11) -
W.I.P.-Capita (68,652.46) - - (68,652.46) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,168,159.42) - - (1,168,159.42) -
W.I.P.-Capita (43,985.00) - - (43,985.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,900.20 - - 1,900.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 44,996.03 - - 44,996.03 -
W.I.P.-Capita (20,679,562.99) - - (20,679,562.99) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,229.83) - - (14,229.83) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,229.83) - - (14,229.83) -
W.I.P.-Capita (14,229.84) - - (14,229.84) -
W.I.P.-Capita 127,963.55 - - 127,963.55 -
W.I.P.-Capita 64,106,962.78 - - 64,106,962.78 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,043.94) - - (2,043.94) -
W.I.P.-Capita 296,879.30 - 4,890.51 291,988.79 (4,890.51)
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,013.88) - - (18,013.88) -
W.I.P.-Capita 138,200.59 - - 138,200.59 -
W.I.P.-Capita 6,406,586.16 5,746.07 221,063.28 6,191,268.95 (215,317.21)
W.I.P.-Capita 2,187,023.93 - - 2,187,023.93 -
W.I.P.-Capita 736,443.02 - - 736,443.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita 92,103.66 - - 92,103.66 -
W.I.P.-Capita 189,069.86 - - 189,069.86 -
W.I.P.-Capita 119,658.43 - - 119,658.43 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,370,786.67 - 44,859.35 2,325,927.32 (44,859.35)
W.I.P.-Capita 13,006.72 - - 13,006.72 -
W.I.P.-Capita 539,033.17 - - 539,033.17 -
W.I.P.-Capita - - 165,560.00 (165,560.00) (165,560.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 9,838.00 - - 9,838.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 40,171.50 - - 40,171.50 -
W.I.P.-Capita 14,000.00 - - 14,000.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 26,453.05 - - 26,453.05 -
W.I.P.-Capita 65,290.25 - - 65,290.25 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,389,275.32 - - 1,389,275.32 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,266,951.31) - - (7,266,951.31) -
W.I.P.-Capita (38,651,065.68) - - (38,651,065.68) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,043.94 - - 2,043.94 -
W.I.P.-Capita (154,290.78) - - (154,290.78) -
W.I.P.-Capita (411,558.86) 8,664,768.24 9,623,093.90 (1,369,884.52) (958,325.66)
W.I.P.-Capita - - 8,629,504.04 (8,629,504.04) (8,629,504.04)
W.I.P.-Capita - 122,764.00 245,528.00 (122,764.00) (122,764.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 1,042,686.79 - - 1,042,686.79 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 849,913.93 1,699,827.86 (849,913.93) (849,913.93)
W.I.P.-Capita (922,500.00) - 2,985,557.00 (3,908,057.00) (2,985,557.00)
W.I.P.-Capita 56,539.95 56,539.95 - 113,079.90 56,539.95
W.I.P.-Capita (1,042,686.79) - - (1,042,686.79) -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,401.00 - - 2,401.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,821,180.93) - - (2,821,180.93) -
W.I.P.-Capita (678,913.97) - - (678,913.97) -
W.I.P.-Capita (165,107.34) - - (165,107.34) -
W.I.P.-Capita (962,030.51) - - (962,030.51) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,058,934.52 - - 1,058,934.52 -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.02 - - 0.02 -
W.I.P.-Capita (468,582.69) - - (468,582.69) -
W.I.P.-Capita (2,099,497.30) - - (2,099,497.30) -
W.I.P.-Capita (352,921.80) - - (352,921.80) -
W.I.P.-Capita (98,213.23) - - (98,213.23) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,061,335.52) - - (1,061,335.52) -
W.I.P.-Capita (52,434.78) - - (52,434.78) -
W.I.P.-Capita (1,624,768.02) - - (1,624,768.02) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,995.00) - - (6,995.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita 799,744.86 35,264.20 70,528.40 764,480.66 (35,264.20)
W.I.P.-Capita 2,211,143.13 - - 2,211,143.13 -
W.I.P.-Capita 2,099,497.30 - - 2,099,497.30 -
W.I.P.-Capita (1.72) - - (1.72) -
W.I.P.-Capita 0.01 - - 0.01 -
W.I.P.-Capita 98,800.00 - - 98,800.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita 922,500.00 - - 922,500.00 -
W.I.P.-Capita - 21,571.77 78,111.72 (56,539.95) (56,539.95)
W.I.P.-Capita (7,201.00) - - (7,201.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (18,956.00) - - (18,956.00) -
W.I.P.-Capita (8,435,250.84) 720,877.31 - (7,714,373.53) 720,877.31
W.I.P.-Capita (9,077,372.82) 1,673,692.22 - (7,403,680.60) 1,673,692.22
W.I.P.-Capita (7,802,784.87) 2,164,893.65 - (5,637,891.22) 2,164,893.65
W.I.P.-Capita 782,329.13 782,329.13 - 1,564,658.26 782,329.13
W.I.P.-Capita - - 69,582.54 (69,582.54) (69,582.54)
W.I.P.-Capita 7,934,337.68 2,527,847.19 3,179,141.96 7,283,042.91 (651,294.77)
W.I.P.-Capita 629,614.93 3,222,309.81 4,896,002.03 (1,044,077.29) (1,673,692.22)
W.I.P.-Capita 7,686,535.68 3,548,171.61 5,713,065.26 5,521,642.03 (2,164,893.65)
W.I.P.-Capita 4,974,753.08 239,757.27 1,022,086.40 4,192,423.95 (782,329.13)
W.I.P.-Capita 733,340.44 - - 733,340.44 -
W.I.P.-Capita 709,899.85 - - 709,899.85 -
W.I.P.-Capita 184,476.69 - - 184,476.69 -
W.I.P.-Capita (847,437.81) - - (847,437.81) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,551,411.15 156,530.04 156,530.04 1,551,411.15 -
W.I.P.-Capita 11,562,632.45 - - 11,562,632.45 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,994,276.20 1,960,887.18 1,960,887.18 1,994,276.20 -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,456,853.42 - - 1,456,853.42 -
W.I.P.-Capita (211,088.92) - - (211,088.92) -
W.I.P.-Capita 847,437.81 - - 847,437.81 -
W.I.P.-Capita (7,461,539.65) - - (7,461,539.65) -
W.I.P.-Capita (10,650,753.03) - - (10,650,753.03) -
W.I.P.-Capita (6,202,133.61) - - (6,202,133.61) -
W.I.P.-Capita 1,600,997.42 - - 1,600,997.42 -
Operating Ya - 66,043.88 - 66,043.88 66,043.88
Operating Ya 415,937.28 - - 415,937.28 -
Operating Ya 8,030.00 - - 8,030.00 -
Operating Ya 242,327.76 - - 242,327.76 -
Operating Ya 147,001.91 - - 147,001.91 -
Operating Ya 548,557.24 - - 548,557.24 -
Operating Ya 52,156.35 - - 52,156.35 -
Operating Ya 571,877.97 - - 571,877.97 -
Operating Ya 51,594.00 - - 51,594.00 -
Engine House - 9,838.00 - 9,838.00 9,838.00
Engine House 138,200.61 138,200.61 276,401.22 - (138,200.61)
Engine House - - 739,084.28 (739,084.28) (739,084.28)
Engine House 19,890.00 - - 19,890.00 -
Engine House 172,927.99 - - 172,927.99 -
Engine House 622,670.14 - - 622,670.14 -
Engine House 2,723,501.74 - - 2,723,501.74 -
Engine House 17,127.00 - - 17,127.00 -
Engine House - 7,782.21 - 7,782.21 7,782.21
Engine House 164,049.00 - - 164,049.00 -
Engine House 117,229.28 - - 117,229.28 -
Engine House 123,208.61 - - 123,208.61 -
Engine House 77,261.29 - - 77,261.29 -
Engine House 23,590.17 - - 23,590.17 -
Engine House 111,274.31 - - 111,274.31 -
Engine House 1,078,237.03 - - 1,078,237.03 -
Engine House - 138,200.59 - 138,200.59 138,200.59
Engine House 46,467.00 - - 46,467.00 -
Engine House 14,005.44 - - 14,005.44 -
Engine House 323,325.82 - - 323,325.82 -
Engine House 85,372.66 - - 85,372.66 -
Engine House 587,088.33 - - 587,088.33 -
Engine House 47,675.65 - - 47,675.65 -
Engine House 707,984.80 - - 707,984.80 -
Engine House 7,117,091.22 - - 7,117,091.22 -
Engine House - 41,810.00 - 41,810.00 41,810.00
Engine House 142,272.43 - - 142,272.43 -
Engine House 57,118.08 - - 57,118.08 -
Engine House 4,430,399.25 - - 4,430,399.25 -
Engine House 334,998.00 - - 334,998.00 -
Engine House 2,738,538.32 - - 2,738,538.32 -
Engine House 12,906.08 - - 12,906.08 -
Engine House 13,599.95 - - 13,599.95 -
Engine House 46,074.00 - - 46,074.00 -
Engine House 31,776.00 - - 31,776.00 -
Engine House 941,988.76 - - 941,988.76 -
Engine House 30,291.23 - - 30,291.23 -
Engine House 6,399.99 - - 6,399.99 -
Engine House 68,498.30 - - 68,498.30 -
Engine House 1,256,249.40 - - 1,256,249.40 -
Engine House 221,286.13 - - 221,286.13 -
General Admi (4.00) - - (4.00) -
General Admi 113,467.26 113,465.26 226,930.52 2.00 (113,465.26)
General Admi 19,750.00 - - 19,750.00 -
General Admi - 113,465.26 - 113,465.26 113,465.26
General Admi 1,355,288.07 - - 1,355,288.07 -
General Admi 2.00 - - 2.00 -
General Admi 31,525.69 - - 31,525.69 -
General Admi - - 1,141,969.53 (1,141,969.53) (1,141,969.53)
General Admi 32,371.35 - - 32,371.35 -
General Admi 28,062.50 - - 28,062.50 -
General Admi 84,484.91 - - 84,484.91 -
General Admi 5,800.00 - - 5,800.00 -
General Admi 24,990.20 - - 24,990.20 -
General Admi 9,563.00 - - 9,563.00 -
General Admi 8,900.00 - - 8,900.00 -
General Admi 6,288.75 - - 6,288.75 -
General Admi 100,551.59 - - 100,551.59 -
General Admi 1,616,001.85 - - 1,616,001.85 -
General Admi 53,725.00 - - 53,725.00 -
General Admi 830,303.25 - - 830,303.25 -
General Admi 72,007.64 - - 72,007.64 -
General Admi 39,083,930.33 - - 39,083,930.33 -
General Admi (529.00) - - (529.00) -
General Admi 175,177.30 - - 175,177.30 -
General Admi 604,510.48 - - 604,510.48 -
General Admi 212,725.26 - - 212,725.26 -
General Admi 26,727,076.53 - - 26,727,076.53 -
General Admi 609,751.91 - - 609,751.91 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 278,292.95 - 278,292.95 - (278,292.95)
Rev. Veh. Mo 1,047,218.28 1,047,218.28 2,094,436.56 - (1,047,218.28)
Rev. Veh. Mo 43,960.57 43,960.57 87,921.14 - (43,960.57)
Rev. Veh. Mo 1,945,237.30 1,945,237.30 3,890,474.60 - (1,945,237.30)
Rev. Veh. Mo 98,500.00 98,500.00 197,000.00 - (98,500.00)
Rev. Veh. Mo - 418,302.37 89,737.82 328,564.55 328,564.55
Rev. Veh. Mo - 55,880.72 - 55,880.72 55,880.72
Rev. Veh. Mo 5,304,050.55 - - 5,304,050.55 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 25,124.00 - - 25,124.00 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 1,442,970.86 - - 1,442,970.86 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 275,828.39 - - 275,828.39 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 44,707.95 - - 44,707.95 -
Rev. Veh. Mo - 3,028,763.83 - 3,028,763.83 3,028,763.83
Rev. Veh. Mo 1,991,455.65 - - 1,991,455.65 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 3,519,054.60 - - 3,519,054.60 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 53,835,039.71 - - 53,835,039.71 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 14,847,185.84 - - 14,847,185.84 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 3,869,667.04 - - 3,869,667.04 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 1,713,300.72 - - 1,713,300.72 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 55,713.64 - - 55,713.64 -
Rev. Veh. Mo 160,348.30 - - 160,348.30 -
Passenger St (278,292.95) 278,292.95 - - 278,292.95
Passenger St 112,425.00 112,425.00 224,850.00 - (112,425.00)
Passenger St 54,275.67 54,275.67 108,551.34 - (54,275.67)
Passenger St 205,632.37 205,632.37 411,264.74 - (205,632.37)
Passenger St 27,311.58 27,311.58 54,623.16 - (27,311.58)
Passenger St 236,005.78 236,005.78 472,011.56 - (236,005.78)
Passenger St 1,553,060.27 1,553,060.27 3,106,120.54 - (1,553,060.27)
Passenger St 3,736,298.28 3,736,298.28 7,472,596.56 - (3,736,298.28)
Passenger St 24,118.95 24,118.95 48,237.90 - (24,118.95)
Passenger St - 347,502.69 112,071.05 235,431.64 235,431.64
Passenger St - 5,380,553.59 - 5,380,553.59 5,380,553.59
Passenger St 1,998,702.63 - - 1,998,702.63 -
Passenger St 20,268,974.35 - - 20,268,974.35 -
Passenger St 1,263,258.99 - - 1,263,258.99 -
Passenger St 3,227,597.12 - - 3,227,597.12 -
Passenger St 10,701,197.33 - - 10,701,197.33 -
Passenger Pa - 52,457.26 - 52,457.26 52,457.26
Passenger Pa 401,846.47 - - 401,846.47 -
Passenger Pa 11,405.00 - - 11,405.00 -
Passenger Pa 699,217.00 - - 699,217.00 -
Passenger Pa 35,945.94 - - 35,945.94 -
Passenger Pa 8,116,001.95 - - 8,116,001.95 -
Passenger Pa 31,719,702.82 - - 31,719,702.82 -
Passenger Pa 589,173.23 - - 589,173.23 -
Passenger Pa 28,508,677.62 - - 28,508,677.62 -
Revenue Veh - 20,244,565.08 8,629,504.04 11,615,061.04 11,615,061.04
Revenue Veh 122,764.00 122,764.00 245,528.00 - (122,764.00)
Revenue Veh 120,272.06 120,272.06 240,544.12 - (120,272.06)
Revenue Veh 849,913.93 849,913.93 1,699,827.86 - (849,913.93)
Revenue Veh 22,239.59 - - 22,239.59 -
Revenue Veh 360,450.00 - - 360,450.00 -
Revenue Veh (403,822.53) 412,692.53 1,394,210.10 (1,385,340.10) (981,517.57)
Revenue Veh - 120,272.06 - 120,272.06 120,272.06
Revenue Veh - 165,560.00 - 165,560.00 165,560.00
Revenue Veh 37,519,840.13 - - 37,519,840.13 -
Revenue Veh 29,507,061.77 - - 29,507,061.77 -
Revenue Veh 922,500.00 1,895,177.93 922,500.00 1,895,177.93 972,677.93
Revenue Veh 64,895.00 - - 64,895.00 -
Revenue Veh 41,533,012.08 - - 41,533,012.08 -
Revenue Veh 46,172,902.06 - - 46,172,902.06 -
Revenue Veh 33,584,644.62 - - 33,584,644.62 -
Revenue Veh 165,107.34 - - 165,107.34 -
Revenue Veh 76,175,761.41 - - 76,175,761.41 -
Revenue Veh 17,728,612.16 - - 17,728,612.16 -
Revenue Veh 10,928,471.98 - - 10,928,471.98 -
Revenue Veh 440,738.32 - - 440,738.32 -
Revenue Coll (16,845.00) - - (16,845.00) -
Revenue Coll 9,900.00 9,900.00 19,800.00 - (9,900.00)
Revenue Coll 7,306,194.55 - - 7,306,194.55 -
Revenue Coll 952,867.95 - - 952,867.95 -
Revenue Coll 100,659.00 - - 100,659.00 -
Revenue Coll - 9,900.00 - 9,900.00 9,900.00
Revenue Coll 10,080.00 - - 10,080.00 -
Revenue Coll 10,080.00 - - 10,080.00 -
Service Vehi 446,823.06 - - 446,823.06 -
Service Vehi - 212,871.65 - 212,871.65 212,871.65
Service Vehi 222,684.05 - - 222,684.05 -
Service Vehi 198,505.00 - - 198,505.00 -
Service Vehi - - 17,632.10 (17,632.10) (17,632.10)
Service Vehi 64,028.00 - - 64,028.00 -
Service Vehi 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 -
Service Vehi 25,174.50 - - 25,174.50 -
Service Vehi - 1,398,602.92 446,823.06 951,779.86 951,779.86
Service Vehi 166,835.22 - - 166,835.22 -
Service Vehi 494,470.00 - - 494,470.00 -
Service Vehi 26,117.00 - - 26,117.00 -
Service Vehi 1,058,622.40 - - 1,058,622.40 -
Service Vehi 60,727.37 - - 60,727.37 -
Service Vehi 136,008.00 - - 136,008.00 -
Freight Rail - 10,331,604.97 - 10,331,604.97 10,331,604.97
Freight Rail 667,502.55 667,502.55 1,335,005.10 - (667,502.55)
Freight Rail 6,825.20 6,825.20 13,650.40 - (6,825.20)
Freight Rail 5,436.32 5,436.32 10,872.64 - (5,436.32)
Freight Rail 40,479.93 40,479.93 80,959.86 - (40,479.93)
Freight Rail 2,093,518.81 2,093,518.81 4,187,037.62 - (2,093,518.81)
Freight Rail - 52,741.44 - 52,741.44 52,741.44
Freight Rail 706,169.88 - - 706,169.88 -
Freight Rail 29,730.95 - - 29,730.95 -
Freight Rail 77,389,356.34 - - 77,389,356.34 -
Freight Rail - 3,048,085.36 - 3,048,085.36 3,048,085.36
Freight Rail 414,243.00 - - 414,243.00 -
Freight Rail 57,486,434.26 - - 57,486,434.26 -
Freight Rail 61,202,311.23 - - 61,202,311.23 -
Freight Rail 130,512.16 - - 130,512.16 -
Data Proces - 12,059,345.15 - 12,059,345.15 12,059,345.15
Data Proces 110,435.93 110,435.93 220,871.86 - (110,435.93)
Data Proces 307,923.10 307,923.10 615,846.20 - (307,923.10)
Data Proces 43,807.92 43,807.92 87,615.84 - (43,807.92)
Data Proces 157,133.88 - - 157,133.88 -
Data Proces - 43,807.92 307,923.10 (264,115.18) (264,115.18)
Data Proces - 1,744,763.55 - 1,744,763.55 1,744,763.55
Data Proces 40,290,691.54 - - 40,290,691.54 -
Data Proces 16,845.00 - - 16,845.00 -
Data Proces 136,016.76 - - 136,016.76 -
Data Proces 129,845.38 - - 129,845.38 -
Data Proces 225,288.87 - - 225,288.87 -
Land 7,708,509.54 7,708,509.54 15,417,019.08 - (7,708,509.54)
Land - 15,417,019.08 15,417,019.08 - -
Land - 7,708,509.54 - 7,708,509.54 7,708,509.54
Land 16,513,096.62 - - 16,513,096.62 -
Land 16,158,171.09 - - 16,158,171.09 -
Land 5,710,184.44 - - 5,710,184.44 -
Land 9,454,019.88 - - 9,454,019.88 -
Land 4,250,946.58 - - 4,250,946.58 -
Land 1,696,423.98 - - 1,696,423.98 -
Land 270,692.03 - - 270,692.03 -
Land Improv 30,824.82 30,824.82 61,649.64 - (30,824.82)
Land Improv 43,310.00 - - 43,310.00 -
Land Improv - 30,824.82 - 30,824.82 30,824.82
Land Improv 561,843.17 - - 561,843.17 -
Land Improv 2,968,737.01 - - 2,968,737.01 -
Land Improv 1,897,810.33 - - 1,897,810.33 -
Land Improv 620,777.66 - - 620,777.66 -
Land Improv 9,729,316.83 - - 9,729,316.83 -
Land Improv 14,791.82 - - 14,791.82 -
Land Improv 100,060.96 - - 100,060.96 -
Land Improv 1,431,096.95 - - 1,431,096.95 -
Leasehold I 391,482.27 - - 391,482.27 -
Other Assets 1,131,047.41 - - 1,131,047.41 -
Other Assets 24,810.30 - - 24,810.30 -
Other Assets 7,322.00 - - 7,322.00 -
GASB 87 - La - 3,182,257.18 - 3,182,257.18 3,182,257.18
GASB 87 - Bu - 8,946,461.09 - 8,946,461.09 8,946,461.09
Accumulated (1,131,147.02) 1,896,364.04 4,342,544.02 (3,577,327.00) (2,446,179.98)
Accumulated (189,269.32) 378,538.64 189,269.32 - 189,269.32
Accumulated (86,192.50) 172,385.00 86,192.50 - 86,192.50
Accumulated (18,996.60) 37,993.20 18,996.60 - 18,996.60
Accumulated (157,651.66) 315,303.32 157,651.66 - 157,651.66
Accumulated (22,592.03) 45,184.06 22,592.03 - 22,592.03
Accumulated (182,981.00) 365,962.00 182,981.00 - 182,981.00
Accumulated (849,949.16) 1,699,898.32 849,949.16 - 849,949.16
Accumulated (1,110,278.56) 2,220,557.12 1,110,278.56 - 1,110,278.56
Accumulated (28,063.42) 56,126.84 28,063.42 - 28,063.42
Accumulated (123,169.20) 246,338.40 123,169.20 - 123,169.20
Accumulated (30,730.21) 61,460.42 30,730.21 - 30,730.21
Accumulated (27,015.18) 54,030.36 27,015.18 - 27,015.18
Accumulated (6,209.05) 12,418.10 6,209.05 - 6,209.05
Accumulated (307,143.18) 614,286.36 307,143.18 - 307,143.18
Accumulated (20,522.00) 41,044.00 20,522.00 - 20,522.00
Accumulated (16,123.24) 32,246.48 16,123.24 - 16,123.24
Accumulated (13,781.67) 27,563.34 13,781.67 - 13,781.67
Accumulated (1,137.60) 2,275.20 1,137.60 - 1,137.60
Accumulated (906.00) 1,812.00 906.00 - 906.00
Accumulated (6,745.60) 13,491.20 6,745.60 - 6,745.60
Accumulated (55,827.20) 111,654.40 55,827.20 - 55,827.20
Accumulated (1,891.09) 3,782.18 1,891.09 - 1,891.09
Accumulated (856,492.24) - - (856,492.24) -
Accumulated (19,750.00) - - (19,750.00) -
Accumulated - - 13,833.43 (13,833.43) (13,833.43)
Accumulated (134,211.00) - - (134,211.00) -
Accumulated (11,405.00) - - (11,405.00) -
Accumulated (1,486,053.76) - - (1,486,053.76) -
Accumulated (163,900.00) - - (163,900.00) -
Accumulated (300,155.41) - - (300,155.41) -
Accumulated 403,822.53 18,465,254.60 59,366,979.60 (40,497,902.47) (40,901,725.00)
Accumulated (6,285,941.08) - - (6,285,941.08) -
Accumulated (32,371.35) - - (32,371.35) -
Accumulated (28,062.50) - - (28,062.50) -
Accumulated - - 383,927.11 (383,927.11) (383,927.11)
Accumulated (24,907,654.96) - - (24,907,654.96) -
Accumulated (25,124.00) - - (25,124.00) -
Accumulated (50,329.50) - - (50,329.50) -
Accumulated (677,971.50) - - (677,971.50) -
Accumulated (5,800.00) - - (5,800.00) -
Accumulated (24,990.20) - - (24,990.20) -
Accumulated (16,845.00) - - (16,845.00) -
Accumulated (9,563.00) - - (9,563.00) -
Accumulated (8,900.00) - - (8,900.00) -
Accumulated (31,099.05) - - (31,099.05) -
Accumulated - - 3,226,640.06 (3,226,640.06) (3,226,640.06)
Accumulated (64,028.00) - - (64,028.00) -
Accumulated (366,443.00) - - (366,443.00) -
Accumulated (27,023,263.62) - - (27,023,263.62) -
Accumulated (1,487,917.91) - - (1,487,917.91) -
Accumulated (88,668.98) - - (88,668.98) -
Accumulated (4,976,481.76) - - (4,976,481.76) -
Accumulated - - 4,496,630.55 (4,496,630.55) (4,496,630.55)
Accumulated (83,028.00) - - (83,028.00) -
Accumulated (3,776.00) - - (3,776.00) -
Accumulated (2,604.00) - - (2,604.00) -
Accumulated (14,005.00) - - (14,005.00) -
Accumulated (150,718.91) - - (150,718.91) -
Accumulated (24,681,756.57) - - (24,681,756.57) -
Accumulated (22,208.00) - - (22,208.00) -
Accumulated (5,152.00) - - (5,152.00) -
Accumulated (197.00) - - (197.00) -
Accumulated (74,727.64) - - (74,727.64) -
Accumulated (18,079,406.35) - - (18,079,406.35) -
Accumulated (104,846.00) - - (104,846.00) -
Accumulated (4,676,112.00) - - (4,676,112.00) -
Accumulated (76,993,414.23) - - (76,993,414.23) -
Accumulated - - 628,865.04 (628,865.04) (628,865.04)
Accumulated (1,991,455.65) - - (1,991,455.65) -
Accumulated (2,925,869.00) - - (2,925,869.00) -
Accumulated (1,993,252.00) - - (1,993,252.00) -
Accumulated (16,814,724.05) - - (16,814,724.05) -
Accumulated (82,680.00) - - (82,680.00) -
Accumulated (35,528.00) - - (35,528.00) -
Accumulated (24,544,448.27) - - (24,544,448.27) -
Accumulated (64,233.00) - - (64,233.00) -
Accumulated (43,674.00) - - (43,674.00) -
Accumulated (225,288.87) - - (225,288.87) -
Accumulated (97,886,141.04) - - (97,886,141.04) -
Accumulated (7,613.21) - - (7,613.21) -
Accumulated (52,156.35) - - (52,156.35) -
Accumulated (24,527.20) 24,527.20 148,024.95 (148,024.95) (123,497.75)
Accumulated (102,447.00) - - (102,447.00) -
Accumulated (64,895.00) - - (64,895.00) -
Accumulated (12,344,259.35) - - (12,344,259.35) -
Accumulated (22,855,249.18) - - (22,855,249.18) -
Accumulated (21,020,991.10) - - (21,020,991.10) -
Accumulated (41,400.00) - - (41,400.00) -
Accumulated (71,268,858.73) - - (71,268,858.73) -
Accumulated (6,072,685.00) - - (6,072,685.00) -
Accumulated (9,047,110.19) - - (9,047,110.19) -
Accumulated (959,005.05) - - (959,005.05) -
Accumulated (256,329.00) - - (256,329.00) -
Accumulated (557,825.00) - - (557,825.00) -
Accumulated (4,752.00) - - (4,752.00) -
Accumulated (62,282.00) - - (62,282.00) -
Accumulated (1,644.00) - - (1,644.00) -
Accumulated (18,282.00) - - (18,282.00) -
Accumulated (7,854.00) - - (7,854.00) -
Accumulated (17,947.60) - - (17,947.60) -
Accumulated (7,296.00) - - (7,296.00) -
Accumulated (399,016.00) - - (399,016.00) -
Accumulated (7,854.00) - - (7,854.00) -
Accumulated (2,772.00) - - (2,772.00) -
Accumulated (59,912.00) - - (59,912.00) -
Accumulated (1,836.00) - - (1,836.00) -
Accumulated (42,426.00) - - (42,426.00) -
Accumulated (140.00) - - (140.00) -
Accumulated (68.00) - - (68.00) -
Accumulated (10,080.00) - - (10,080.00) -
Accumulated (13,588,488.72) - - (13,588,488.72) -
Accumulated (2,800.00) - - (2,800.00) -
Accumulated (10,080.00) - - (10,080.00) -
Accumulated (15,899,728.52) - - (15,899,728.52) -
Accumulated (646,680.39) - - (646,680.39) -
Accumulated - - 4,101,923.17 (4,101,923.17) (4,101,923.17)
GASB 96 - Su - 10,004,450.13 - 10,004,450.13 10,004,450.13
Accumulated - - 3,971,341.84 (3,971,341.84) (3,971,341.84)
GASB 87 - Lo - 75,638,816.07 - 75,638,816.07 75,638,816.07
GASB 87 - In - - 3,562.36 (3,562.36) (3,562.36)
GASB 96 - In - - 163,746.71 (163,746.71) (163,746.71)
Due To-Due 22,406,908.42 - - 22,406,908.42 -
Due To-Due - 4,012,844.01 9,522,246.28 (5,509,402.27) (5,509,402.27)
Due To-Due (427,590,500.69) 3,951,978.68 18,533,515.01 (442,172,037.02) (14,581,536.33)
Due To-Due (22,882.92) - - (22,882.92) -
Due To-Due (302,881.46) - - (302,881.46) -
Due To-Due (33,919.68) - - (33,919.68) -
Due To-Due 46,678.63 - - 46,678.63 -
Due To-Due (47,900.89) - - (47,900.89) -
Due To-Due (30,361.88) - - (30,361.88) -
Due To-Due (141,445.41) - - (141,445.41) -
Due To-Due (12,758.95) - - (12,758.95) -
Due To-Due (19,442.60) - - (19,442.60) -
Due To-Due (55,033.63) - - (55,033.63) -
Due To-Due 10,500.00 - - 10,500.00 -
Due To-Due 674.99 - - 674.99 -
Due To-Due (1,699,635.31) - - (1,699,635.31) -
Due To-Due (9,965.20) - - (9,965.20) -
Due To-Due (54,074.84) - - (54,074.84) -
Due To-Due (167,063.53) - - (167,063.53) -
Due To-Due (941.77) - - (941.77) -
Due To-Due 95,377.50 - - 95,377.50 -
Due To-Due (239,992.11) - - (239,992.11) -
Due To-Due 72,548.04 - - 72,548.04 -
Due To-Due (34,968.18) - - (34,968.18) -
Due To-Due 16,926.90 - - 16,926.90 -
Due To-Due (372,815.75) - - (372,815.75) -
Due To-Due (382,240.77) - - (382,240.77) -
Due To-Due (782,329.13) - - (782,329.13) -
Due To-Due (911,366.69) - - (911,366.69) -
Due To-Due (399,551.28) - - (399,551.28) -
Due To-Due (126,458.16) - - (126,458.16) -
Due To-Due (54,415.68) - - (54,415.68) -
Due To-Due (275,198.33) - - (275,198.33) -
Due To-Due (2,443,449.97) - - (2,443,449.97) -
Due To-Due (4,890.51) - - (4,890.51) -
Due To-Due (209,571.14) - - (209,571.14) -
Due To-Due (44,859.35) - - (44,859.35) -
Due To-Due (165,560.00) - - (165,560.00) -
Due To-Due 4,000.00 - - 4,000.00 -
Due To-Due (12,615,655.66) - - (12,615,655.66) -
Due To-Due - 95,377.50 95,377.50 - -
Due To-Due - 28,378.95 - 28,378.95 28,378.95
Due To-Due - 239,992.11 - 239,992.11 239,992.11
Due To-Due (127,963.55) - - (127,963.55) -
Due To-Due - 12,758.95 - 12,758.95 12,758.95
Due To-Due - 28,378.95 28,378.95 - -
Due To-Due - 72,548.04 72,548.04 - -
Due To-Due - 78,111.72 21,571.77 56,539.95 56,539.95
Due To-Due - 165,560.00 - 165,560.00 165,560.00
Due To-Due - 10,015.50 10,015.50 - -
Due To-Due 5,844.60 - - 5,844.60 -
Due To-Due (154,932.22) 48,492.87 - (106,439.35) 48,492.87
Due To-Due (401,611.76) - - (401,611.76) -
Due To-Due (553,798.73) - - (553,798.73) -
Due To-Due (96,171.86) 44,658.56 22,329.28 (73,842.58) 22,329.28
Due To-Due (145,641.66) - - (145,641.66) -
Due To-Due (33,467.71) 48,492.87 48,492.87 (33,467.71) -
Due To-Due 75,868.62 - - 75,868.62 -
Due To-Due 330,380.80 - - 330,380.80 -
Due To-Due 18,980.00 - - 18,980.00 -
Due To-Due 103,584.87 - - 103,584.87 -
Due To-Due 3,838.26 - - 3,838.26 -
Due To-Due 511,406.38 - - 511,406.38 -
Due To-Due 30,911.25 - - 30,911.25 -
Due To-Due 35,796.00 - - 35,796.00 -
Due To-Due 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 -
Due To-Due 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 -
Due To-Due 179,151.60 - - 179,151.60 -
Due To-Due 2,226.00 - - 2,226.00 -
Due To-Due 136,567.00 - - 136,567.00 -
Due To-Due 662,009.39 - - 662,009.39 -
Due To-Due 218,781.39 - - 218,781.39 -
Due To-Due 8,392.94 - - 8,392.94 -
Due To-Due (11,684.48) - - (11,684.48) -
Due To-Due (38,876.00) - - (38,876.00) -
Due To-Due (51,226.00) - - (51,226.00) -
Due To-Due 6,878.00 - - 6,878.00 -
Due To-Due (18,980.00) - - (18,980.00) -
Due To-Due (44,887.95) - - (44,887.95) -
Due To-Due (120,272.06) 25,151.50 - (95,120.56) 25,151.50
Due To-Due (261.82) 99,494.53 - 99,232.71 99,494.53
Due To-Due (1,452.00) - - (1,452.00) -
Due To-Due (1,000.00) - - (1,000.00) -
Due To-Due 89,023.59 - - 89,023.59 -
Due To-Due (2,423,373.53) 2,167,220.31 - (256,153.22) 2,167,220.31
Due To-Due (127,963.50) 9,965.20 - (117,998.30) 9,965.20
Due To-Due (118,435.42) - - (118,435.42) -
Due To-Due (328,297.37) 54,074.84 - (274,222.53) 54,074.84
Due To-Due (1,469,234.04) 1,160,550.26 580,275.13 (888,958.91) 580,275.13
Due To-Due (855,334.53) 569,127.49 201,031.98 (487,239.02) 368,095.51
Due To-Due (84,229.00) - - (84,229.00) -
Due To-Due (63,878.26) - - (63,878.26) -
Due To-Due (200,217.82) 941.77 - (199,276.05) 941.77
Due To-Due (26,884.45) - - (26,884.45) -
Due To-Due (81,389.10) - - (81,389.10) -
Due To-Due (31,198.96) - - (31,198.96) -
Due To-Due (42,223.00) - - (42,223.00) -
Due To-Due (249,999.32) - - (249,999.32) -
Due To-Due (66,303.00) - - (66,303.00) -
Due To-Due (22,743.75) - - (22,743.75) -
Due To-Due (28,804.02) - - (28,804.02) -
Due To-Due (18,778.00) - - (18,778.00) -
Due To-Due (75,868.62) - - (75,868.62) -
Due To-Due (506,050.07) - - (506,050.07) -
Due To-Due (24,109.18) - - (24,109.18) -
Due To-Due (1,531,150.80) - - (1,531,150.80) -
Due To-Due (136,322.23) 25,151.50 25,151.50 (136,322.23) -
Due To-Due 9,268.14 - - 9,268.14 -
Due To-Due 11,020.44 - - 11,020.44 -
Due To-Due (1,571,825.33) 44,460.90 44,460.90 (1,571,825.33) -
Due To-Due (102,250.00) 10,500.00 10,500.00 (102,250.00) -
Due To-Due (35,796.00) - - (35,796.00) -
Due To-Due (206,919.22) - - (206,919.22) -
Due To-Due (921,636.93) - - (921,636.93) -
Due To-Due (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) -
Due To-Due (4,656,607.08) 467,585.00 467,585.00 (4,656,607.08) -
Due To-Due (84,161.00) - - (84,161.00) -
Due To-Due (807,229.83) - - (807,229.83) -
Due To-Due (1,091,871.70) - - (1,091,871.70) -
Due To-Due (2,280,378.12) - - (2,280,378.12) -
Due To-Due (123,432.41) - - (123,432.41) -
Due To-Due (413,815.85) - - (413,815.85) -
Due To-Due (123,424.35) - - (123,424.35) -
Due To-Due (36,093.75) - - (36,093.75) -
Due To-Due (92,599.75) - - (92,599.75) -
Due To-Due (338,316.00) - - (338,316.00) -
Due To-Due (157,921.80) - - (157,921.80) -
Due To-Due (967,550.00) - - (967,550.00) -
Due To-Due (168.00) - - (168.00) -
Due To-Due 2,024,160.28 - - 2,024,160.28 -
Due To-Due 266.00 - - 266.00 -
Due To-Due 44,302.36 - - 44,302.36 -
Due To-Due 504,599.54 - - 504,599.54 -
Due To-Due 78,563.53 - - 78,563.53 -
Due To-Due 1,365.84 - - 1,365.84 -
Due To-Due 343,065.25 - - 343,065.25 -
Due To-Due 196,534.39 - - 196,534.39 -
Due To-Due 273,416.10 - - 273,416.10 -
Due To-Due 34,092.75 - - 34,092.75 -
Due To-Due 90,311.80 - - 90,311.80 -
Due To-Due 12,690.00 - - 12,690.00 -
Due To-Due 328,833.77 - - 328,833.77 -
Due To-Due 43,985.00 - - 43,985.00 -
Due To-Due 13,035.62 - - 13,035.62 -
Due To-Due 7,000.00 - - 7,000.00 -
Due To-Due 5,906,610.40 - - 5,906,610.40 -
Due To-Due (19,481.67) - - (19,481.67) -
Due To-Due 47,757.56 - - 47,757.56 -
Due To-Due (160,102.23) - - (160,102.23) -
Due To-Due (2,814,868.88) - - (2,814,868.88) -
Due To-Due (88,091.08) 40,156.28 8,636.68 (56,571.48) 31,519.60
Due To-Due (78,563.53) - - (78,563.53) -
Due To-Due 2,055.52 - - 2,055.52 -
Due To-Due (1,365.84) - - (1,365.84) -
Due To-Due (1,667,363.24) 596,964.02 147,041.28 (1,217,440.50) 449,922.74
Due To-Due (223,448.03) - - (223,448.03) -
Due To-Due (1,605,478.83) 119,501.20 59,750.60 (1,545,728.23) 59,750.60
Due To-Due (499,896.83) - - (499,896.83) -
Due To-Due (296,675.69) 131,950.02 49,015.17 (213,740.84) 82,934.85
Due To-Due (612,826.35) - - (612,826.35) -
Due To-Due (8,742.37) - - (8,742.37) -
Due To-Due (328,833.77) - - (328,833.77) -
Due To-Due (64,483.00) - - (64,483.00) -
Due To-Due (43,985.00) - - (43,985.00) -
Due To-Due (18,167.62) - - (18,167.62) -
Due To-Due (255,863.96) - - (255,863.96) -
Due To-Due (452,883.66) 484,210.11 265,444.37 (234,117.92) 218,765.74
Due To-Due (118,238.56) 124,221.64 62,110.82 (56,127.74) 62,110.82
Due To-Due (38,553.21) - - (38,553.21) -
Due To-Due (74,742.13) 47,900.89 - (26,841.24) 47,900.89
Due To-Due (345,085.21) - - (345,085.21) -
Due To-Due (225,501.76) 34,293.32 1,965.72 (193,174.16) 32,327.60
Due To-Due (433,987.25) 386,045.27 122,299.93 (170,241.91) 263,745.34
Due To-Due (1,488,881.18) 107,570.48 44,063.94 (1,425,374.64) 63,506.54
Due To-Due (307,802.03) 310,907.23 - 3,105.20 310,907.23
Due To-Due (3,210,167.93) 2,862,057.95 1,507,086.57 (1,855,196.55) 1,354,971.38
Due To-Due (2,536,011.52) 2,973,914.50 1,930,772.42 (1,492,869.44) 1,043,142.08
Due To-Due (1,010,849.07) 448,622.06 161,081.95 (723,308.96) 287,540.11
Due To-Due (940,165.92) 90,650.34 18,117.33 (867,632.91) 72,533.01
Due To-Due (642,827.27) 417,240.59 321,241.54 (546,828.22) 95,999.05
Due To-Due (103,817.96) 31,703.86 31,703.86 (103,817.96) -
Due To-Due (21,455.44) 5,526.90 5,526.90 (21,455.44) -
Due To-Due (1,722,261.91) 5,419,659.83 1,488,104.93 2,209,292.99 3,931,554.90
Due To-Due 49,813.10 - - 49,813.10 -
Due To-Due (3,185.00) - - (3,185.00) -
Due To-Due (49,813.10) - - (49,813.10) -
Due To-Due (7,782.21) - - (7,782.21) -
Due To-Due (54,943.77) - - (54,943.77) -
Due To-Due (6,995.00) - - (6,995.00) -
Due To-Due (19,950.00) - - (19,950.00) -
Due To-Due (7,201.00) - - (7,201.00) -
Due To-Due (18,956.00) - - (18,956.00) -
Due To-Due (22,966.64) - - (22,966.64) -
Due To-Due (117,229.28) - - (117,229.28) -
Due To-Due (70,193.64) - - (70,193.64) -
Due To-Due (7,508,782.34) 159,105.44 48,598.46 (7,398,275.36) 110,506.98
Due To-Due (88,565.82) 192,822.76 96,411.38 7,845.56 96,411.38
Due To-Due (37,605.00) - - (37,605.00) -
Due To-Due (141,038.18) 409,898.61 13,828.92 255,031.51 396,069.69
Due To-Due (73,212.41) - - (73,212.41) -
Due To-Due 693,639.47 - - 693,639.47 -
Due To-Due 6,623.53 - - 6,623.53 -
Due To-Due 99,938.00 - - 99,938.00 -
Due To-Due 99,314.17 - - 99,314.17 -
Due To-Due 208,186.17 - - 208,186.17 -
Due To-Due 54,587.38 - - 54,587.38 -
Due To-Due 121,206.64 - - 121,206.64 -
Due To-Due 20,972.98 - - 20,972.98 -
Due To-Due (1,142.77) - - (1,142.77) -
Due To-Due (56,487.58) - - (56,487.58) -
Due To-Due (44,996.03) - - (44,996.03) -
Due To-Due (6,785,129.36) - - (6,785,129.36) -
Due To-Due (142,588.52) 4,890.51 - (137,698.01) 4,890.51
Due To-Due 11,390.35 - - 11,390.35 -
Due To-Due (266,511.56) - - (266,511.56) -
Due To-Due (6,505,900.33) 221,063.28 5,746.07 (6,290,583.12) 215,317.21
Due To-Due (2,395,210.10) - - (2,395,210.10) -
Due To-Due (736,443.02) - - (736,443.02) -
Due To-Due (44,153.35) - - (44,153.35) -
Due To-Due (92,103.66) - - (92,103.66) -
Due To-Due (189,069.86) - - (189,069.86) -
Due To-Due (119,658.43) - - (119,658.43) -
Due To-Due (2,370,786.67) 44,859.35 - (2,325,927.32) 44,859.35
Due To-Due (134,213.36) - - (134,213.36) -
Due To-Due (560,006.15) - - (560,006.15) -
Due To-Due (9,838.00) - - (9,838.00) -
Due To-Due (40,171.50) - - (40,171.50) -
Due To-Due (14,000.00) - - (14,000.00) -
Due To-Due (26,453.05) - - (26,453.05) -
Due To-Due (65,290.25) - - (65,290.25) -
Due To-Due (1,389,275.32) - - (1,389,275.32) -
Due To-Due 1,674,546.18 - - 1,674,546.18 -
Due To-Due (799,744.86) 70,528.40 35,264.20 (764,480.66) 35,264.20
Due To-Due (2,211,143.13) - - (2,211,143.13) -
Due To-Due (3,774,043.48) - - (3,774,043.48) -
Due To-Due (98,800.00) - - (98,800.00) -
Due To-Due (922,500.00) - - (922,500.00) -
Due To-Due (0.01) - - (0.01) -
Due To-Due - 69,582.54 - 69,582.54 69,582.54
Due To-Due (7,934,337.68) 2,336,526.23 1,685,231.46 (7,283,042.91) 651,294.77
Due To-Due (1,373,811.79) 3,821,898.76 2,148,206.54 299,880.43 1,673,692.22
Due To-Due (6,942,338.81) 4,530,341.39 2,365,447.74 (4,777,445.16) 2,164,893.65
Due To-Due (4,974,753.08) 942,167.31 159,838.18 (4,192,423.95) 782,329.13
Due To-Due (733,340.44) - - (733,340.44) -
Due To-Due (709,899.85) - - (709,899.85) -
Due To-Due (184,476.69) - - (184,476.69) -
Due To-Due 847,437.81 - - 847,437.81 -
Due To-Due (1,551,411.15) 104,353.36 104,353.36 (1,551,411.15) -
Due To-Due (11,562,632.45) - - (11,562,632.45) -
Due To-Due (1,994,276.20) 1,307,258.12 1,307,258.12 (1,994,276.20) -
Due To-Due (1,456,853.42) - - (1,456,853.42) -
Due To-Due 211,088.92 - - 211,088.92 -
Due To-Due (847,437.81) - - (847,437.81) -
Due To-Due 7,461,539.65 - - 7,461,539.65 -
Due To-Due 10,650,753.03 - - 10,650,753.03 -
Due To-Due 6,202,133.61 - - 6,202,133.61 -
Due To-Due (1,600,997.42) - - (1,600,997.42) -
GASB 87 Liabi - - 1,663,488.26 (1,663,488.26) (1,663,488.26)
GASB 96 Liabi - - 2,379,829.91 (2,379,829.91) (2,379,829.91)
GASB 87 Liab - - 6,673,921.48 (6,673,921.48) (6,673,921.48)
GASB 96 Liab - - 3,254,992.50 (3,254,992.50) (3,254,992.50)
GASB 87 - Def - - 75,032,840.43 (75,032,840.43) (75,032,840.43)
Unreserved- 100,830,261.40 12,761.97 - 100,843,023.37 12,761.97
GASB 87 Lea - - 462,640.26 (462,640.26) (462,640.26)
GASB 87 - In - - 2,254,619.66 (2,254,619.66) (2,254,619.66)
Gain On Sale - 275,000.00 317,731.55 (42,731.55) (42,731.55)
Gain On Sale - 42,731.55 - 42,731.55 42,731.55
Loss Account - 3,097,864.67 3,097,864.67 - -
Capital Expe - 226,930.52 226,930.52 - -
Capital Expe - 332,633.30 332,633.30 - -
Capital Expe - 240,544.12 240,544.12 - -
Capital Expe - 615,846.20 615,846.20 - -
Capital Expe - 54,623.16 54,623.16 - -
Capital Expe - 15,417,019.08 15,417,019.08 - -
Capital Expe - 2,002,475.12 2,002,475.12 - -
Capital Expe - 197,000.00 197,000.00 - -
Capital Expe - 1,335,005.10 1,335,005.10 - -
Capital Expe - 4,187,037.62 4,187,037.62 - -
Capital Expe - 446,823.06 446,823.06 - -
Capital Expe - 245,528.00 245,528.00 - -
Capital Expe - 1,699,827.86 1,699,827.86 - -
Capital Expe - 922,500.00 922,500.00 - -
Interest Exp - 245,567.77 - 245,567.77 245,567.77
Interest Exp - 176,427.77 7,427.94 168,999.83 168,999.83
Railroad Rig - 619,240.59 - 619,240.59 619,240.59
Railroad Rig - 6,420.08 - 6,420.08 6,420.08
Railroad Rig - 755,017.22 - 755,017.22 755,017.22
Depreciation - 746,715.60 - 746,715.60 746,715.60
Depreciation - 4,105,765.92 - 4,105,765.92 4,105,765.92
Depreciation - 86,192.50 172,385.00 (86,192.50) (86,192.50)
Depreciation - 30,756.68 61,513.36 (30,756.68) (30,756.68)
Depreciation - 157,651.66 315,303.32 (157,651.66) (157,651.66)
Depreciation - 18,207.60 36,415.20 (18,207.60) (18,207.60)
Depreciation - 157,337.20 314,674.40 (157,337.20) (157,337.20)
Depreciation - 943,467.80 1,886,935.60 (943,467.80) (943,467.80)
Depreciation - 1,905,598.07 3,699,794.22 (1,794,196.15) (1,794,196.15)
Depreciation - 2,612.87 5,225.74 (2,612.87) (2,612.87)
Depreciation - 896,984.63 40,090.26 856,894.37 856,894.37
Depreciation - 98,979.72 - 98,979.72 98,979.72
Depreciation - 80,367.36 - 80,367.36 80,367.36
Depreciation - 115,772.39 - 115,772.39 115,772.39
Depreciation - 3,257.22 - 3,257.22 3,257.22
Depreciation - 312,921.36 - 312,921.36 312,921.36
Depreciation - 1,600,090.44 - 1,600,090.44 1,600,090.44
Depreciation - 29,458.68 - 29,458.68 29,458.68
Depreciation - 1,425,433.80 - 1,425,433.80 1,425,433.80
Depreciation - 72,090.00 - 72,090.00 72,090.00
Depreciation - 52,117.83 - 52,117.83 52,117.83
Depreciation - 28,063.42 56,126.84 (28,063.42) (28,063.42)
Depreciation - 3,016,151.64 - 3,016,151.64 3,016,151.64
Depreciation - 1,180,282.20 - 1,180,282.20 1,180,282.20
Depreciation - 4,131,905.40 - 4,131,905.40 4,131,905.40
Depreciation - 3,838,170.44 - 3,838,170.44 3,838,170.44
Depreciation - 2,874,962.16 - 2,874,962.16 2,874,962.16
Depreciation - 33,020.64 - 33,020.64 33,020.64
Depreciation - 3,664,129.70 - 3,664,129.70 3,664,129.70
Depreciation - 1,697,448.48 - 1,697,448.48 1,697,448.48
Depreciation - 1,212,043.72 15,375.00 1,196,668.72 1,196,668.72
Depreciation - 222,875.29 - 222,875.29 222,875.29
Depreciation - 4,384.43 8,768.86 (4,384.43) (4,384.43)
Depreciation - 31,483.29 61,836.96 (30,353.67) (30,353.67)
Depreciation - 74,128.30 - 74,128.30 74,128.30
Depreciation - 44,536.32 - 44,536.32 44,536.32
Depreciation - 43,613.93 - 43,613.93 43,613.93
Depreciation - 6,779.88 - 6,779.88 6,779.88
Depreciation - 10,149.30 - 10,149.30 10,149.30
Depreciation - 203,693.82 9,152.20 194,541.62 194,541.62
Depreciation - 6,072.60 - 6,072.60 6,072.60
Depreciation - 13,601.28 - 13,601.28 13,601.28
Depreciation - 27,008.04 - 27,008.04 27,008.04
Depreciation - 55,490.83 - 55,490.83 55,490.83
Depreciation - 803.04 - 803.04 803.04
Depreciation - 2,593.08 - 2,593.08 2,593.08
Depreciation - 42,488.76 - 42,488.76 42,488.76
Depreciation - 3,195.60 - 3,195.60 3,195.60
Depreciation - 6,858.72 - 6,858.72 6,858.72
Depreciatio - 26,682.60 - 26,682.60 26,682.60
Depreciatio - 7,815.24 - 7,815.24 7,815.24
Depreciatio - 129,308.45 - 129,308.45 129,308.45
Depreciatio - 4,767.60 - 4,767.60 4,767.60
Depreciatio - 4,799.49 - 4,799.49 4,799.49
Depreciatio - 49,482.84 - 49,482.84 49,482.84
Depreciatio - 16,123.24 32,246.48 (16,123.24) (16,123.24)
Depreciatio - 7,803.72 - 7,803.72 7,803.72
Depreciatio - 16,737.48 - 16,737.48 16,737.48
Depreciatio - 177,927.24 - 177,927.24 177,927.24
Depreciatio - 31,366.44 - 31,366.44 31,366.44
Depreciatio - 33,499.92 - 33,499.92 33,499.92
Depreciatio - 273,854.16 - 273,854.16 273,854.16
Depreciatio - 1,290.60 - 1,290.60 1,290.60
Depreciatio - 12,320.88 - 12,320.88 12,320.88
Depreciatio - 906.60 - 906.60 906.60
Depreciatio - 3,327.24 - 3,327.24 3,327.24
Depreciatio - 1,428.00 - 1,428.00 1,428.00
Depreciatio - 2,643.48 - 2,643.48 2,643.48
Depreciatio - 3,608.16 - 3,608.16 3,608.16
Depreciatio - 110,397.28 - 110,397.28 110,397.28
Depreciatio - 1,428.00 - 1,428.00 1,428.00
Depreciatio - 507.96 - 507.96 507.96
Depreciatio - 320.04 - 320.04 320.04
Depreciatio - 4,782.36 - 4,782.36 4,782.36
Depreciatio - 348.41 - 348.41 348.41
Depreciatio - 125,625.00 - 125,625.00 125,625.00
Depreciatio - 2,002.32 - 2,002.32 2,002.32
Depreciation - 470,748.84 - 470,748.84 470,748.84
Depreciation - 494,642.41 - 494,642.41 494,642.41
Depreciation - 18,629.00 37,258.00 (18,629.00) (18,629.00)
Depreciation - 103,143.86 206,287.72 (103,143.86) (103,143.86)
Depreciation - 25,643.80 51,287.60 (25,643.80) (25,643.80)
Depreciation - - 55,658.99 (55,658.99) (55,658.99)
Depreciation - 144,939.11 55,327.61 89,611.50 89,611.50
Depreciation - 725,848.98 - 725,848.98 725,848.98
Depreciation - 132,178.32 264,356.64 (132,178.32) (132,178.32)
Depreciation - 483,570.49 - 483,570.49 483,570.49
Depreciation - 307,143.18 614,286.36 (307,143.18) (307,143.18)
Depreciation - 24,629.00 43,097.50 (18,468.50) (18,468.50)
Depreciation - 3,589,002.48 - 3,589,002.48 3,589,002.48
Depreciation - 315,606.72 - 315,606.72 315,606.72
Depreciation - 27,069.72 - 27,069.72 27,069.72
Depreciatio - 28,643.52 - 28,643.52 28,643.52
Depreciatio - 5,112,099.21 - 5,112,099.21 5,112,099.21
Depreciatio - 377,086.32 133,433.34 243,652.98 243,652.98
Depreciatio - 36,812.00 73,624.00 (36,812.00) (36,812.00)
Depreciatio - 123,169.20 246,338.40 (123,169.20) (123,169.20)
Depreciatio - 27,015.18 54,030.36 (27,015.18) (27,015.18)
Depreciatio - 27,203.52 - 27,203.52 27,203.52
Depreciation - 131,208.96 - 131,208.96 131,208.96
Depreciation - 124,229.60 - 124,229.60 124,229.60
Depreciation - 2,640.00 - 2,640.00 2,640.00
Depreciation - 1,650.00 3,300.00 (1,650.00) (1,650.00)
Depreciatio - 249,864.03 - 249,864.03 249,864.03
Depreciatio - 1,891.09 3,782.18 (1,891.09) (1,891.09)
Depreciatio - 8,284.20 - 8,284.20 8,284.20
Depreciatio - 10,278,012.70 10,278,012.70 - -
Depreciatio - 1,463,257.53 - 1,463,257.53 1,463,257.53
Depreciatio - 668,007.00 - 668,007.00 668,007.00
Depreciatio - 4,146.84 - 4,146.84 4,146.84
Depreciatio - 1,351.37 - 1,351.37 1,351.37
Depreciatio - 69,909.36 - 69,909.36 69,909.36
Depreciatio - 4,415.28 - 4,415.28 4,415.28
Depreciatio - 415.68 - 415.68 415.68
Depreciatio - 13,842.72 - 13,842.72 13,842.72
Depreciation - 26,593.37 - 26,593.37 26,593.37
Depreciation - 144,707.28 - 144,707.28 144,707.28
Depreciation - 435,348.36 - 435,348.36 435,348.36
Depreciation - 808,252.06 - 808,252.06 808,252.06
Depreciation - 55,827.20 111,654.40 (55,827.20) (55,827.20)
Depreciation - 4,021,114.35 - 4,021,114.35 4,021,114.35
Depreciation - 13,781.67 27,563.34 (13,781.67) (13,781.67)
Depreciation - 1,137.60 2,275.20 (1,137.60) (1,137.60)
Depreciation - 906.00 1,812.00 (906.00) (906.00)
Depreciation - 6,745.60 13,491.20 (6,745.60) (6,745.60)
Depreciation - 464,250.84 - 464,250.84 464,250.84
Amortizatio - 78,296.40 - 78,296.40 78,296.40
Depreciatio - 4,331.04 - 4,331.04 4,331.04
Depreciatio - 306,923.29 - 306,923.29 306,923.29
Depreciatio - 6,209.08 12,418.16 (6,209.08) (6,209.08)
Depreciatio - 546,644.16 - 546,644.16 546,644.16
Depreciatio - 1,479.24 - 1,479.24 1,479.24
Depreciatio - 14,404.56 - 14,404.56 14,404.56
Depreciatio - 71,554.80 - 71,554.80 71,554.80
Amortization - 1,728,019.17 - 1,728,019.17 1,728,019.17
Interest Exp - 183,855.71 183,855.71 - -
Amortization - 2,351,624.55 - 2,351,624.55 2,351,624.55
Interest Exp - 245,567.77 245,567.77 - -
AX - Fund Ca 3,301,394,019.53 5,272,906.19 - 3,306,666,925.72 5,272,906.19
AX - Fund Ca (491,654.52) - - (491,654.52) -
AX - Fund Ca (6,962.54) - - (6,962.54) -
AX - Fund Ca (13,336.59) - - (13,336.59) -
AX - Fund Ca (12,721.68) - - (12,721.68) -
AX - Fund Ca (184.52) - - (184.52) -
AX - Fund Ca (12,900.27) - - (12,900.27) -
AX - Fund Ca (9,495.90) - - (9,495.90) -
AX - Fund Ca (9,906.94) - - (9,906.94) -
AX - Fund Ca (30,306.47) - - (30,306.47) -
AX - Fund Ca (478.56) - - (478.56) -
AX - Fund Ca (17,171.71) - - (17,171.71) -
AX - Fund Ca (23,905.07) - - (23,905.07) -
AX - Fund Ca (3,035.43) - - (3,035.43) -
AX - Fund Ca (9,090.94) - - (9,090.94) -
AX - Fund Ca (22,090.88) - - (22,090.88) -
AX - Fund Ca (17,846.39) - - (17,846.39) -
AX - Fund Ca (16,065.78) - - (16,065.78) -
AX - Fund Ca (4,525.89) - - (4,525.89) -
AX - Fund Ca (3,205.58) - - (3,205.58) -
AX - Fund Ca (49,197.45) - - (49,197.45) -
AX - Fund Ca (24,931.37) - - (24,931.37) -
AX - Fund Ca (19,328.60) - - (19,328.60) -
AX - Fund Ca (55,159.41) - - (55,159.41) -
AX - Fund Ca (32,389.66) - - (32,389.66) -
AX - Fund Ca (690,299.20) - - (690,299.20) -
AX - Fund Ca (2,955.15) - - (2,955.15) -
AX - Fund Ca (885.00) - - (885.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 831.86 - - 831.86 -
AX - Fund Ca (3,889,453.36) - - (3,889,453.36) -
AX - Fund Ca (42,349.00) - - (42,349.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (597.12) - - (597.12) -
AX - Fund Ca 395,130.89 - - 395,130.89 -
AX - Fund Ca 194,195.88 - - 194,195.88 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,215,965.28 - - 1,215,965.28 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,645.00) - - (1,645.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 106,539.82 - - 106,539.82 -
AX - Fund Ca (135.95) - - (135.95) -
AX - Fund Ca 169,051.26 - - 169,051.26 -
AX - Fund Ca (4,265.71) - - (4,265.71) -
AX - Fund Ca 342,460.80 - - 342,460.80 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,815.00) - - (1,815.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (474,342.00) - - (474,342.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,403,000.94 - - 1,403,000.94 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,305.00) - - (1,305.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 239,127.34 - - 239,127.34 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,693,958,067.00) - - (1,693,958,067.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 51,336.84 - - 51,336.84 -
AX - Fund Ca 69,370,138.84 - - 69,370,138.84 -
AX - Fund Ca (4,227.42) - - (4,227.42) -
AX - Fund Ca (172,278.28) - - (172,278.28) -
AX - Fund Ca 2,441,022.70 - - 2,441,022.70 -
AX - Fund Ca (22.66) - - (22.66) -
AX - Fund Ca (2,380.74) - - (2,380.74) -
AX - Fund Ca 568,792.70 - - 568,792.70 -
AX - Fund Ca (95.00) - - (95.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 42,325.80 - - 42,325.80 -
AX - Fund Ca (656,068.00) - - (656,068.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (847,757.00) - - (847,757.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,132,123.92 - - 1,132,123.92 -
AX - Fund Ca (5,385,468.28) - - (5,385,468.28) -
AX - Fund Ca (59,775.93) - - (59,775.93) -
AX - Fund Ca 700,393.32 - - 700,393.32 -
AX - Fund Ca 117,908.07 - - 117,908.07 -
AX - Fund Ca 1,260.00 - - 1,260.00 -
AX - Fund Ca 673,216.55 - - 673,216.55 -
AX - Fund Ca (12.34) - - (12.34) -
AX - Fund Ca 576,793.44 - - 576,793.44 -
AX - Fund Ca (251.92) - - (251.92) -
AX - Fund Ca (3,404.67) - - (3,404.67) -
AX - Fund Ca (379,624.00) - - (379,624.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,428.24) - - (1,428.24) -
AX - Fund Ca 224,223.38 - - 224,223.38 -
AX - Fund Ca (382.00) - - (382.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (632.50) - - (632.50) -
AX - Fund Ca (6,431.00) - - (6,431.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 355,421.09 - - 355,421.09 -
AX - Fund Ca (7.16) - - (7.16) -
AX - Fund Ca (173,391.00) - - (173,391.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (448,587.00) - - (448,587.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,401,740.00) - - (1,401,740.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (200,000.00) - - (200,000.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 478,729.27 - - 478,729.27 -
AX - Fund Ca (38,332.92) - - (38,332.92) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,400.00) - - (1,400.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (92,044.00) - - (92,044.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (10,356.12) - - (10,356.12) -
AX - Fund Ca (859,665.83) - - (859,665.83) -
AX - Fund Ca (219,300.36) - - (219,300.36) -
AX - Fund Ca 337,853.30 - - 337,853.30 -
AX - Fund Ca (2,500.00) - - (2,500.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (26,069,029.27) - - (26,069,029.27) -
AX - Fund Ca (282,071.00) - - (282,071.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (53,647.00) - - (53,647.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 249,605.35 - - 249,605.35 -
AX - Fund Ca (930,368.99) - - (930,368.99) -
AX - Fund Ca (9,852,429.50) - - (9,852,429.50) -
AX - Fund Ca (6,311,036.00) - - (6,311,036.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 609,010.05 - - 609,010.05 -
AX - Fund Ca 250.00 - - 250.00 -
AX - Fund Ca (16,931,026.00) - - (16,931,026.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (286,825.00) - - (286,825.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (5,880,126.52) - - (5,880,126.52) -
AX - Fund Ca 90,945.34 - - 90,945.34 -
AX - Fund Ca (2,613,091.50) - - (2,613,091.50) -
AX - Fund Ca (6,971,976.00) - - (6,971,976.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (220,000.00) - - (220,000.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (7,841,476.70) - - (7,841,476.70) -
AX - Fund Ca 479,478.40 - - 479,478.40 -
AX - Fund Ca 279,523.44 - - 279,523.44 -
AX - Fund Ca 722.03 - - 722.03 -
AX - Fund Ca 18.76 - - 18.76 -
AX - Fund Ca (121,700.54) - - (121,700.54) -
AX - Fund Ca (2,352.00) - - (2,352.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,889,025.47) - - (1,889,025.47) -
AX - Fund Ca (360,105.39) - - (360,105.39) -
AX - Fund Ca (154,352.00) - - (154,352.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (10,465.50) - - (10,465.50) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,160.92 - - 1,160.92 -
AX - Fund Ca (2,587.00) - - (2,587.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,898.24 - - 1,898.24 -
AX - Fund Ca 52,264.62 - - 52,264.62 -
AX - Fund Ca 188,605.16 - - 188,605.16 -
AX - Fund Ca (184.45) - - (184.45) -
AX - Fund Ca (732.96) - - (732.96) -
AX - Fund Ca (789.80) - - (789.80) -
AX - Fund Ca (9,301.69) - - (9,301.69) -
AX - Fund Ca (422.72) - - (422.72) -
AX - Fund Ca (3,750.00) - - (3,750.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 1,332.87 - - 1,332.87 -
AX - Fund Ca (98,699.20) - - (98,699.20) -
AX - Fund Ca (231.00) - - (231.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 91,209.98 - - 91,209.98 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,287.00) - - (1,287.00) -
AX - Fund Ca 149,732.52 - - 149,732.52 -
AX - Fund Ca 195,689.14 - - 195,689.14 -
AX - Fund Ca 632,259.37 - - 632,259.37 -
AX - Fund Ca 75.03 - - 75.03 -
AX - Fund Ca 265,803.26 - - 265,803.26 -
AX - Fund Ca (1,581,287.00) - - (1,581,287.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (84,267.00) - - (84,267.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (300.00) - - (300.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (5,363.51) - - (5,363.51) -
AX - Fund Ca (2,900.00) - - (2,900.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (300.00) - - (300.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (50.00) - - (50.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (1,450.00) - - (1,450.00) -
AX - Fund Ca (63,943.00) - - (63,943.00) -
Cash - Payab (1,506,318,003.57) - - (1,506,318,003.57) -
Cash - Payab 231.00 - - 231.00 -
Cash - Payab 5.00 - - 5.00 -
Cash - Payrol (134,657,959.47) 5,272,906.19 5,272,906.19 (134,657,959.47) -
Cash - Payrol 13,271.41 - - 13,271.41 -
Cash - Payrol 12,721.68 - - 12,721.68 -
Cash - Payrol 184.52 - - 184.52 -
Cash - Payrol 12,900.27 - - 12,900.27 -
Cash - Payrol 9,495.90 - - 9,495.90 -
Cash - Payrol 9,906.94 - - 9,906.94 -
Cash - Payrol 30,306.47 - - 30,306.47 -
Cash - Payrol 478.56 - - 478.56 -
Cash - Payrol 17,171.71 - - 17,171.71 -
Cash - Payrol 23,905.07 - - 23,905.07 -
Cash - Payrol 3,035.43 - - 3,035.43 -
Cash - Payrol 9,090.94 - - 9,090.94 -
Cash - Payrol 20,337.59 - - 20,337.59 -
Cash - Payrol 17,846.39 - - 17,846.39 -
Cash - Payrol 16,065.78 - - 16,065.78 -
Cash - Payrol 4,525.89 - - 4,525.89 -
Cash - Payrol 3,205.58 - - 3,205.58 -
Cash - Payrol 49,197.45 - - 49,197.45 -
Cash - Payrol 24,931.37 - - 24,931.37 -
Cash - Payrol 19,328.60 - - 19,328.60 -
Cash - Payrol 54,484.41 - - 54,484.41 -
Cash - Payrol 31,488.66 - - 31,488.66 -
Cash - Payrol (28,133.56) - - (28,133.56) -
Cash - Payrol 2,955.15 - - 2,955.15 -
Cash - Payrol (2,381.54) - - (2,381.54) -
Cash - Payrol (347,051.97) - - (347,051.97) -
Cash - Payrol (192,861.48) - - (192,861.48) -
Cash - Payrol (166,225.28) - - (166,225.28) -
Cash - Payrol (107,092.76) - - (107,092.76) -
Cash - Payrol (170,046.21) - - (170,046.21) -
Cash - Payrol (342,460.80) - - (342,460.80) -
Cash - Payrol (1,418,288.01) - - (1,418,288.01) -
Cash - Payrol (244,748.27) - - (244,748.27) -
Cash - Payrol (111,393.10) - - (111,393.10) -
Cash - Payrol (793,201.85) - - (793,201.85) -
Cash - Payrol (2,197,986.92) - - (2,197,986.92) -
Cash - Payrol (569,909.99) - - (569,909.99) -
Cash - Payrol (43,013.91) - - (43,013.91) -
Cash - Payrol (1,131,950.93) - - (1,131,950.93) -
Cash - Payrol (689,563.26) - - (689,563.26) -
Cash - Payrol (121,136.84) - - (121,136.84) -
Cash - Payrol (673,216.55) - - (673,216.55) -
Cash - Payrol (583,954.81) - - (583,954.81) -
Cash - Payrol (227,552.52) - - (227,552.52) -
Cash - Payrol (404,703.37) - - (404,703.37) -
Cash - Payrol (493,222.46) - - (493,222.46) -
Cash - Payrol (390,031.77) - - (390,031.77) -
Cash - Payrol (60,022.27) - - (60,022.27) -
Cash - Payrol (610,834.49) - - (610,834.49) -
Cash - Payrol (207,195.24) - - (207,195.24) -
Cash - Payrol (483,621.79) - - (483,621.79) -
Cash - Payrol (279,523.44) - - (279,523.44) -
Cash - Payrol (52,264.62) - - (52,264.62) -
Cash - Payrol (188,605.16) - - (188,605.16) -
Cash - Payrol (90,180.61) - - (90,180.61) -
Cash - Payrol (149,764.08) - - (149,764.08) -
Cash - Payrol (195,689.14) - - (195,689.14) -
Cash - Payrol (632,259.37) - - (632,259.37) -
Cash - Payrol (265,803.26) - - (265,803.26) -
Accounts Rec (774,498.74) - - (774,498.74) -
Other Receiv 550.00 - - 550.00 -
A-R And A-P (495.00) - - (495.00) -
Due from AT 2,513,016.65 - - 2,513,016.65 -
Accounts Pay (1,310,056.70) - - (1,310,056.70) -
Accounts Pay (294.18) - - (294.18) -
Accounts Pay (65.00) - - (65.00) -
Accounts Pay (195.41) - - (195.41) -
Accounts Pay (29.54) - - (29.54) -
Accounts Pay (398.11) - - (398.11) -
Accounts Pay (136.94) - - (136.94) -
Due To-Due (124,999.88) - - (124,999.88) -
Due To-Due 68,691,124.97 - 5,272,906.19 63,418,218.78 (5,272,906.19)
Unreserved- 335.20 - - 335.20 -

Month Fund Dept Main Progect Program Interfund Future1 Future2

9/30/2023 200 000 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 141 1010101 000000 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1010101 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1010101 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1010101 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 542 1010101 000000 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 1010101 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 1010101 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 546 1010101 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 546 1010101 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 1010101 000000 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 1010101 000000 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 1010101 000000 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 1020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 320 1050201 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1050201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1050201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 1050201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 921 1050201 000000 XUB2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 921 1050201 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 2050413 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 141 2050413 161998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 141 2050413 176998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 2050413 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 540 2050413 176998 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 542 2050413 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 173998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 176998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 176998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 544 2050413 177998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 546 2050413 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 550 2050413 176998 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 2050413 176998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 2050413 176998 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 2050413 176998 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 2050413 176998 BPS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 2050580 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 3050111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 3050610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 000 3050620 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB0060 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB7015 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB8023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 220 4090201 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 4090201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 4090201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 4090201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 4090201 000000 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 4090201 000000 BPS2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 320 4090205 000000 XPL2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 4090301 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 600 4090301 000000 BPS2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 5100310 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 5100310 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 5909000 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 200 530 5909000 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010101 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010101 000501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010101 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 1010101 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 1010101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010101 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1010101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1010101 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1010101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 1010101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1010101 000000 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1010101 000000 XMC1830 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010101 165998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010101 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 451 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1010101 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1010101 176998 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1010101 176998 XCP1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 541 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 1010101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 1010101 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1010101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1010101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 081405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 051423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 051425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 051449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 176299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 1010101 011516 XIM1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1010101 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 1010101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 1010101 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 1010101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 000000 XPL1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 000000 XPL1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 177998 XPL1912 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1010101 180998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010116 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010117 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010118 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 1010118 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 1010118 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 1010118 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1010118 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 1010118 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010118 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010118 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010118 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010118 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1010118 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1010118 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1010118 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1010118 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 1010118 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 1010118 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1010118 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 1010118 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 1010118 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010118 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1010118 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010118 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010118 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010118 176400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1010118 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010119 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010121 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010122 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010123 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010222 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1010222 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1010223 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 1020102 176000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 1020102 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 1020102 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 1020102 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020102 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1020102 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1020102 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 1020102 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 1020102 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1020102 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 1020102 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 1020102 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 1020102 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 1020102 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1020102 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1020102 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 1020102 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 011400 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 061400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1020102 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1020102 176299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 1020102 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020102 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020102 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020102 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020102 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1020102 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1020102 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 1020102 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 1020102 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 1020102 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 1020102 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1020102 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 1020102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020103 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020103 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020103 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 1020103 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020107 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020107 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020108 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020109 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 1020110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020110 171999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1020110 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1020110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1020110 176998 CPG1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1020110 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1020110 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 1020115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020116 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 1020116 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020150 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020150 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020150 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1020301 000000 XPL1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020310 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020315 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020601 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020601 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020601 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020602 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 041000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030101 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 041000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030101 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030151 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030201 000600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1030201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 1030201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 1030201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1030301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030998 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1030999 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1040112 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1040112 000000 CPG1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1050201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1050201 170998 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1050201 170998 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1050201 173998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1050201 176998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 1050201 176998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 1050201 177998 XPC2306 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 1050201 000000 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 1110115 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1110115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110140 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 1110145 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110200 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110305 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110400 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1110405 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1310500 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1310501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1310505 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1310507 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1310508 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1311000 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1311001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1311005 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1311007 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1319000 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1319001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1319002 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1319099 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1510105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1510110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 1510110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1510220 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 1510220 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610402 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610403 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610412 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1610413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 1710110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010111 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010111 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 2010111 166000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2010111 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2010111 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2010111 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2010111 163998 XMC1815 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2010111 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 2010111 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2010111 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2010111 176998 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 031433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 031443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 041000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010111 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2010111 031518 XIM1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010111 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010111 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010111 041500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 2010111 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010112 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010112 000000 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010112 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2010112 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010112 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010112 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010113 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010114 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010114 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010120 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010121 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010121 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010121 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010121 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010122 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010127 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010127 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010127 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010128 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010128 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010128 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 021504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010128 180998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010128 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010129 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010129 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010129 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2010129 180998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2010129 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010129 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010129 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010132 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010133 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 2010137 176000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 2010137 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 2010137 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 135 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2010137 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 2010137 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2010137 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2010137 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2010137 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 2010137 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 2010137 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 2010137 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2010137 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 2010137 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 2010137 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2010137 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2010137 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2010137 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 451 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2010137 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 2010137 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 2010137 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 546 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 000400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 011400 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 061400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 2010137 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 2010137 176299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2010137 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2010137 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2010137 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 2010137 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 2010137 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 2010137 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 2010137 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010137 000000 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2010137 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010141 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010151 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2010152 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020103 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020114 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020205 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020206 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020206 180000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020206 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020206 180000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2020302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020308 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020308 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020308 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2020309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2020309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020310 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020310 000000 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020310 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020310 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020310 000000 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2020310 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2020310 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020316 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 2020316 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020316 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2020316 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020317 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020318 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020325 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020325 000998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2020325 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2020325 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2030101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2030104 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2030104 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2030104 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2030200 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2030200 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2050101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2050101 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 200 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 900 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050413 000000 0000000 999 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2050413 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 170998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2050413 163998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2050413 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2050413 180998 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 2050413 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 2050413 176998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1417 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050413 176998 XCP1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 127998 PAM1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 127998 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 127998 PAM1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 127998 PAM1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 2050413 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050413 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050413 031214 RRC1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2050413 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 2050413 011518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050415 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 2050510 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2050510 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 2050510 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 160198 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 160998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050510 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050510 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 2050510 176998 XMC1816 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2050510 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 2050510 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 2050510 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 2050510 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 2050510 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 2050510 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2050510 160998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 2050510 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2050510 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2050510 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 2050510 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 2050510 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050510 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 2050510 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 2050510 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2050510 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 2050510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050540 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 2050540 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050580 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050580 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050590 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2050590 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2050999 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2060205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2060205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2071001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2072001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210443 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210515 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210516 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210522 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 2210610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 2210610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 2210610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210730 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2210830 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220402 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220403 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220412 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220500 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220512 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220600 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220711 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2220800 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 2230602 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050313 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050512 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050610 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 3050610 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 3050610 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 3050610 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 3050610 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 3050610 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050610 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050610 171400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050610 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050610 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 3050610 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 3050610 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 3050610 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 3050610 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 3050610 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050610 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050610 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 3050610 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 3050610 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 3050610 169214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 3050610 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 3050610 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 3050610 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 3050610 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050610 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050610 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 3050610 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050610 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050610 081214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050610 171214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 545 3050610 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 3050610 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 3050610 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050610 081400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 011423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031431 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 031449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 041441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 051423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 051425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 051449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 081400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 081425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 081441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050610 176400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 031520 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 041540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 081500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050610 081540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 3050610 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 3050610 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 3050610 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 3050610 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050610 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050610 021501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050610 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 3050610 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 3050610 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 950 3050610 166997 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 950 3050610 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 3050620 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 3050620 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 115 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 3050620 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 3050620 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 3050620 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 3050620 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050620 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050620 171400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050620 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 3050620 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 3050620 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 3050620 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 3050620 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 3050620 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 3050620 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050620 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050620 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 3050620 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 3050620 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 3050620 169214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 3050620 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 3050620 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 3050620 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 3050620 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050620 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050620 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 3050620 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050620 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050620 081214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 3050620 171214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 545 3050620 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 3050620 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 3050620 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 3050620 081400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 011299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 011423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031431 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 031449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 041441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 051423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 051425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 051449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 081400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 081425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 081441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 610 3050620 176400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 031520 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 041540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 081500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 3050620 081540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 3050620 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 630 3050620 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 3050620 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 3050620 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050620 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050620 021501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 3050620 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 3050620 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 3050620 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 950 3050620 166997 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 950 3050620 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 4010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 4010102 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 4010105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010137 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010138 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010142 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010300 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4010315 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 4010315 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4020503 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4020507 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4020508 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4020510 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 4070302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070303 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 4070303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070304 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 4070304 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 4070304 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070305 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070306 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070307 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 4070308 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 4070309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070402 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070410 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4070415 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079905 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079905 000000 0000000 900 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079912 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079914 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 4079914 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079920 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 4079925 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 4079925 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 4079925 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079925 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 4079925 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 4079925 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 4079926 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4079935 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4080201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 4080210 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4080210 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 4090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 4090201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090201 000000 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090205 000000 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090205 000000 XUB7015 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090205 000000 XUB8023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090205 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 4090205 000000 XPL2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 4090205 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 4090205 000000 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 4090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 4090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 4090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 4090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090210 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB0060 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4090250 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB0060 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB3057 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 4090250 000000 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4101002 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4101002 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 4101002 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4160100 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4160300 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4160400 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 4160500 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5010201 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5010201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5010201 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5010201 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5010201 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010201 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010201 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010201 171998 XUB8023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5010201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5010201 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5010201 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5010201 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5010201 177998 XUB7015 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5010201 177998 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5010201 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5010201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5010201 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5010201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5010201 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5010201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5010201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5010201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5010201 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5010201 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5010201 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5010201 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5010201 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5010201 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5010201 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5010201 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5010201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5010201 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5010201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5010201 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5010201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5010201 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5010201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5010201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5010201 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5010201 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5010201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5010201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5010201 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5010203 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5010203 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5010203 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010203 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010203 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5010203 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5010203 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5010203 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5010203 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5010203 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5010203 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5010203 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5010203 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5010203 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5010203 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5010203 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5010203 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5010203 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5010203 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5010203 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5010203 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5010203 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5010203 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5010203 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5010203 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5010203 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5010203 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010206 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010208 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5010301 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5010301 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5010304 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5010304 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020101 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020101 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020101 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020101 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020101 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020101 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020200 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020201 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020201 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020202 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020203 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020204 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020204 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020204 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020204 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020204 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020204 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020204 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020204 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020204 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020204 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020204 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020204 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020204 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020204 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020204 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020204 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020204 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020204 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020204 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020204 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020204 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020204 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020204 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020204 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020204 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020204 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020208 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020208 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020208 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020208 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020208 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020208 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020208 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020208 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020208 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020208 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020208 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020208 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020208 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020208 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020208 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020208 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020208 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020208 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020208 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020208 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020208 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020208 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020208 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020301 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020301 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020301 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020301 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020301 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020301 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020301 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020301 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020301 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020301 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020301 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020301 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020301 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020301 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020301 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020301 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020301 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020301 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020301 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020301 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020301 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020301 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020301 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020301 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020301 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020301 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020301 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020305 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020305 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020306 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020306 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020306 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020306 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020306 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020306 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020306 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020306 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020306 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020311 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020311 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020311 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020311 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020311 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020311 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020311 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020311 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020311 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020311 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020311 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020311 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020311 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020311 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020311 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020311 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020311 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020311 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020311 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020311 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020311 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020311 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020311 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020311 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020311 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020311 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020311 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020311 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020401 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020401 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020401 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020401 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020401 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020401 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020401 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020401 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020401 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020401 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020401 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020401 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020401 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020401 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020401 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020401 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020401 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020401 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020401 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020401 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020401 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020401 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020401 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020401 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020401 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020401 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020401 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020401 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020411 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020411 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020411 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020411 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020411 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020411 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020411 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020411 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020411 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020411 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020411 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020411 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020411 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020411 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020411 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020411 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020411 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020411 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020411 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020411 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020411 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020411 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020411 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020411 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020411 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020411 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5020421 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5020421 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5020421 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020421 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020421 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5020501 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020501 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020501 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020501 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020501 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020501 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020501 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020501 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020501 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020501 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020501 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020501 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020501 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020501 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020501 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020501 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020501 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020501 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020501 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020501 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020501 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020501 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020501 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020501 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020501 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020501 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020501 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020701 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020701 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020701 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020701 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020701 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020701 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020701 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020701 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020701 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020701 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020701 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020701 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020701 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020701 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020701 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020701 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020701 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020701 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020701 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020701 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020701 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020701 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020701 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020701 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020701 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020701 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020701 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020701 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020701 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020701 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020701 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020701 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020701 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020701 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020701 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020701 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020701 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020701 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020832 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020845 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5020901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5020901 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020901 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5020901 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5020901 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020901 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5020901 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5020901 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5020901 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5020901 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020901 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5020901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5020901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5020901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5020901 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5020901 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5020901 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020901 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020901 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020901 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5020901 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020901 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020901 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020901 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5020901 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020901 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020901 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020901 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5020901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5020901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5020904 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5020904 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5020904 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5020904 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5020904 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5020904 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5020904 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021001 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021001 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021001 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021001 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5021001 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5021001 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021001 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021001 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021001 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5021001 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5021001 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021001 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021001 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5021001 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5021001 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021001 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021001 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5021001 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021001 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021001 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021001 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021001 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5021001 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021001 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021001 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5021001 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021001 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021001 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5021001 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5021001 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021001 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021001 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5021101 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5021101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5021101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5021101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5021101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5021101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5021101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021101 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5021101 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021101 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021101 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5021101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5021101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5021101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021201 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5021201 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021201 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021201 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5021201 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021201 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021201 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5021201 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021201 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021201 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5021201 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021201 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021201 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5021201 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021301 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021301 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021302 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021302 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021302 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021302 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021302 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021302 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021302 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021302 160400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021302 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021304 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021307 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021406 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021406 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021406 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021406 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021406 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021406 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021406 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021411 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5021411 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021411 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021411 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021411 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5021411 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021411 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021411 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5021411 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5021411 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5021411 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021411 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021411 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021411 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5021411 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021411 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021411 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5021411 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5021411 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021411 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021411 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5021411 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5021411 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021415 000198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021415 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021415 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021415 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021430 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021443 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 100 5021443 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5021444 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5021444 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5021444 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5021444 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5021444 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021444 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5021444 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5021444 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5021444 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5021444 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5021444 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5021444 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5021444 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5021444 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5021444 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5021444 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5021444 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5021444 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021444 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5021444 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5021444 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5021444 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5021444 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5021444 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5021444 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5021444 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5021444 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030301 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5030302 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5030302 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5030302 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5030303 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5030303 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5030303 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5030303 176998 XEP2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5030303 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5030303 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5030303 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5030303 160998 XSA2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5030303 160998 XSA2303 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030303 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030303 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030303 000000 XIT2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030303 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030303 170998 XIT2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030303 176998 XIT2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 000000 XPL2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2001 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2306 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2307 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2308 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030303 177998 XPL2404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1825 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1826 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 000000 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1825 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1826 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 163998 XMC2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1825 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1826 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 167998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1825 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1826 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030303 176998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 000000 XMC1832 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 162998 XMC1832 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030303 176998 XMC1832 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 000000 XMC2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 167998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 167998 XHR2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030303 176998 XMC2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5030303 999910 XRF1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030303 031214 XPL1811 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030303 031214 XRC1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030303 031214 XRC2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030303 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030303 011421 XOM2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030303 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030303 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030303 041421 XOM2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030303 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030303 000000 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030303 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030303 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030305 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030305 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030306 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030307 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5030309 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 5030309 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5030309 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5030309 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5030309 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5030309 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030309 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030309 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5030309 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030309 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030309 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030309 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030309 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030309 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030309 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030309 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030309 177998 XPL2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5030309 177998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 000000 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 000000 XMC1815 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 000000 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 000000 XMC1910 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1815 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1821 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC1910 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 163998 XMC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 167998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 167998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 167998 XMC1910 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 176998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030309 176998 XMC1910 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 000999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 162998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 176998 XMC1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 176998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 176998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 177998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 177998 XMC1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 177998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 177998 XMC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5030309 177998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030309 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030309 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030309 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030309 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030309 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030309 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 174998 CPG2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 174998 CPG2216 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 174998 PAM0234 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 174998 PAM0238 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 011421 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5030309 011515 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030309 031519 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5030309 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030309 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030309 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5030309 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5030309 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5030311 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030311 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030311 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030311 041000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030311 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5030401 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5030401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030401 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030401 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030401 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5030401 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5030401 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5030401 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5030401 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030401 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030401 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030401 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030401 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5030401 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5030401 021500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5030401 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030401 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030401 177998 XMC1831 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030401 177998 XPC2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030401 177998 XPC2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030501 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030501 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030501 127999 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030506 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030507 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030507 041214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030507 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030507 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5030507 041518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5030507 041519 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5030507 041521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030507 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030507 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030507 041519 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030507 041535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5030507 041540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030509 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030509 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030509 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030509 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030509 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030509 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030509 123998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 000999 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 000999 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 127999 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030509 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5030509 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 000000 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 011400 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 011421 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 041214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5030509 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5030509 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030511 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030511 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030511 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030511 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030511 170998 ITS2401 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030511 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030511 170998 XPC2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5030511 177998 XPC2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5030512 160998 XSA2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5030512 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 170998 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 170998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 170998 ITS2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 170998 XIT2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5030512 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5030512 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5030512 031214 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030515 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030515 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030601 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5030601 123998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5030701 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5039901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5039901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039903 000113 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039903 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039903 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039903 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5039909 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5039909 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5039909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5039909 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5039909 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5039909 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5039909 176998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5039909 176998 XPL2303 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5039909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5039909 177998 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5039909 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5039909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 162998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 162998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 162998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 176998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5039909 176998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5039909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5039909 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5039909 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5039909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5039909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5039909 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5039909 123998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5039909 176998 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5039909 176998 XCP2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5039909 176998 XMC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 042400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 127998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5039909 176998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5039909 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 000400 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 041421 BPS2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 042400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5039909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5039909 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5039909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5039909 011521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5039909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5039909 021500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5039909 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5039909 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5039909 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5039909 177998 XPC2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5039909 177998 XPC2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5039910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5039910 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5039910 170998 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5039910 170998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5039910 170998 ITS2213 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5039926 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5039926 163998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5039960 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040105 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040109 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5040111 163998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5040111 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5040111 081214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 031299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 081540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040111 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040111 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040111 031518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040111 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040111 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040111 081518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5040111 081521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5040111 081540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5040111 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5040111 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5040111 081535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5040111 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5040111 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040121 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040121 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040121 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040121 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040121 031518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5040121 081518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5040121 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5040121 081535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5040131 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040131 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040131 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5040145 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5040148 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5040148 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040150 031299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040150 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040150 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040150 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040151 031299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5040201 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5049901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5049901 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5049901 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5049901 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5049901 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5049901 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5049901 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5049901 175000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049901 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5049901 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5049901 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5049901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5049901 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5049901 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5049901 021998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5049901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049901 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049901 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049901 163998 XMC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049901 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049901 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049901 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5049901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5049901 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5049901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049901 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049901 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5049901 173998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049901 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049901 173998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5049901 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5049901 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5049901 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 041600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049901 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5049901 163500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5049901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049901 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049901 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049901 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5049901 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049901 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5049901 000998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5049901 177998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049902 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049902 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049903 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 000000 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 163998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 167998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049903 176998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5049904 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049904 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049904 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049904 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049906 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049906 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049907 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049907 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049907 091421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5049908 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5049909 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5049909 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5049909 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049909 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049909 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5049909 176999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049909 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5049909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 000000 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 000000 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 162998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 163998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 167998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5049909 176998 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 162998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 163998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5049909 177998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5049909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 420 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049909 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049909 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049909 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 041400 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5049909 091500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5049909 091521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5049909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5049909 091521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5049909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5049909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049909 091500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5049909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5049909 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049909 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049909 163998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5049909 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5049910 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049910 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049910 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049910 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5049910 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049915 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049915 127998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049915 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049915 127999 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049915 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049920 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049920 123998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5049920 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049920 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5049920 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049920 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049920 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049920 061113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049920 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5049920 091521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049931 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5049932 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5049932 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5049932 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049932 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049932 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049932 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5049932 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5049932 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5049932 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049932 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5049933 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5049975 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5050110 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5050110 081421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050202 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050203 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5050204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5050204 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5050204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5050204 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5050204 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5050204 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5050204 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5050204 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5050204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5050204 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5050204 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5050204 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5050204 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5050204 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5050204 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5050204 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050204 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5050204 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5050204 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5050204 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5050204 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5050204 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5050204 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5050204 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5050204 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5050204 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5050204 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050206 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050207 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5050208 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060210 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060302 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060801 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5060801 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060802 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060809 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5060809 177998 XPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5060809 177998 XPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5070501 081214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 031299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 081540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5070501 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5070501 081521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5070501 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5070501 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5080111 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5080200 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5080202 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031433 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 031443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041433 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 041443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160433 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080300 160443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5080325 127998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080325 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080325 031535 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080325 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080325 031540 COV2019 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080325 031540 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5080325 177998 XPC2307 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 031443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 041443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160422 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160433 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080330 160443 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080335 031435 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5080350 127998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080350 031431 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5080350 031439 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080350 031535 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5080350 031540 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5080400 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5080400 177998 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5080410 031516 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5080411 031518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5080411 031519 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5080411 177998 XPC2307 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5080413 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090101 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090101 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090101 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090101 176198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090101 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090101 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090101 176998 XPL1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090101 163998 XMC1827 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 162998 XMC1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 162998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 176998 XMC1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 176998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090101 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090101 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 000400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090101 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090101 011521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090101 167998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090201 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090201 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090201 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090201 000999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090201 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090201 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090201 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090201 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090201 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090201 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090201 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090201 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090201 177998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090201 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090201 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090201 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090201 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 160198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 176400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090201 011521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090201 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5090201 041500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090201 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090201 176998 XMC1831 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090205 000998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090205 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090205 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090205 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090205 161998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090205 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090205 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090205 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090205 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090205 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090205 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090205 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090205 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090205 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090205 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090205 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090205 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090205 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090205 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 160198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090205 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090205 011521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090205 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5090205 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090205 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090205 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090205 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090205 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090206 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090206 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090208 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090208 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090208 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090208 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090208 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090208 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090208 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090208 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090208 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090208 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090208 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090208 176600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090208 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090208 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090208 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090208 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090208 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5090208 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090208 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090208 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090208 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090208 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090211 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090211 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090211 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090211 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090211 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090211 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090211 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090211 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5090211 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090211 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090211 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090211 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090211 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090211 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090211 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090211 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090211 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090211 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090211 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090211 176998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090211 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090211 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090211 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090211 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 160198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090211 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090211 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5090211 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090211 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090211 176998 XMC1831 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090211 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090211 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090215 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090215 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090215 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090215 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090215 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090215 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090215 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090215 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090215 161998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090215 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090215 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090215 170998 XPC2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090215 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090215 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090215 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090215 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090215 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1827 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 163998 XMC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 162998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 162998 XMC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090215 162998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090215 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090215 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090215 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090215 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090215 000000 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090215 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090215 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090215 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090215 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090215 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5090215 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090215 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090215 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090215 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090215 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5090250 176998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090250 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090250 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090250 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090250 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5090250 176998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5090250 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090250 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090250 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090250 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5090250 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090250 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090250 177998 XPL2306 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 XMC1812 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 163998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090250 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090250 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090250 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090250 162998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090250 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090250 177998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5090250 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5090250 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090250 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090250 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5090250 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5090250 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090250 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090250 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090250 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090250 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090250 177998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090250 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5090250 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5090801 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5090801 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090801 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090801 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090801 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090801 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090801 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090801 167998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090804 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090804 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090804 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5090804 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090804 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090804 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090804 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5090804 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5090804 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5090804 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5090804 163998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 XMC1827 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 000000 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1820 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1827 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1831 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 163998 XMC2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 167998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 167998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 176998 XMC1829 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 176998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5090804 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090804 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090804 000998 XMC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5090804 162998 XMC2023 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090804 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090804 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090804 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5090804 167998 XMC2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090804 000501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090804 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090804 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090804 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5090804 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5090804 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5090804 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5090804 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 000000 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 000998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5090804 177998 XMC1831 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 103 5099901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099901 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099901 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099901 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099901 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5099901 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099901 021998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099901 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099901 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099901 163998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099901 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099901 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099901 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099901 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099901 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099901 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099901 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099901 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099901 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5099901 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099902 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099904 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099904 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099904 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099904 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099904 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099904 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099907 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099907 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5099909 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099909 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099909 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099909 166998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099909 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 161998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5099909 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099909 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099909 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099909 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099909 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099909 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5099909 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099909 000400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099909 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099909 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 000000 XMC1834 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 163998 XMC1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 163998 XMC1824 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 163998 XMC1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099909 163998 XMC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 162998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 162998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 163998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 167998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 177998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 177998 XMC1823 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099909 177999 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099909 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099909 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099909 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099909 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099909 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5099909 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099909 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099909 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5099909 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5099909 176501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 000113 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 160000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 160198 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099909 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099909 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5099909 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5099909 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5099909 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5099909 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5099909 081500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5099909 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5099909 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5099909 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5099909 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099909 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099909 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099909 177998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5099910 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5099910 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099910 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099910 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099910 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099910 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099910 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099910 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099910 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099910 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099910 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099910 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099910 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099910 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099910 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099910 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099910 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099910 000998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099910 000998 XPL2303 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099910 177998 XPL2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099910 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099910 000000 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099910 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099910 000998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099910 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099910 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099910 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099910 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 000000 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 000000 PAM2333 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 127999 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 127999 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 127999 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099910 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099910 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099910 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099910 011298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099910 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099910 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099910 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5099910 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5099910 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099910 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099911 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099912 041405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099925 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5099950 000998 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099950 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099950 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099950 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099950 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099950 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099950 160298 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099950 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099950 176998 XMC1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099950 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099950 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099950 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099950 167998 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099950 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 160421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 160421 SPC2301 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099950 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5099950 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5099950 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099950 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 102 5099992 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099992 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 110 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 118 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 119 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 125 5099992 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099992 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 130 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099992 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 140 5099992 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5099992 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 142 5099992 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 150 5099992 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099992 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099992 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099992 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5099992 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 250 5099992 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 275 5099992 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5099992 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5099992 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099992 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5099992 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5099992 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5099992 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099992 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 542 5099992 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 544 5099992 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099992 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5099992 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5099992 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5099992 176521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5099992 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 640 5099992 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 650 5099992 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 940 5099992 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 000 5099999 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099999 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5099999 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 230 5100310 000000 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5100310 163998 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5120201 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5120301 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5120301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5120301 177998 XPC2305 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 330 5120601 163998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 331 5120601 177998 XMC1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5120601 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5120601 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5120601 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5120801 160405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 615 5120801 031518 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5120801 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5120801 011521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5120801 011998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5120801 031521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 620 5120801 031535 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 920 5120801 177998 XPC2307 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5121201 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 457 5121201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5121201 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5121201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 616 5121201 174521 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 105 5121202 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5121202 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 332 5121202 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5121202 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5121202 000998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 340 5121202 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5121202 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5121202 160000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5131880 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 550 5131885 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5131890 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5131895 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5140101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 120 5140101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5140101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5140101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 540 5140101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5140101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5160205 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5200500 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5200540 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5200600 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5200640 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5400101 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5700202 177998 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5700202 999998 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB0031 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB0060 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB3057 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 921 5700202 999998 XUB9048 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5803000 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5803000 000000 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5803000 177998 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5803000 177998 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 600 5803000 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 141 5804000 161998 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5804000 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5804000 000000 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5804000 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 320 5804000 177998 XPL1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5804000 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5804000 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5804000 000000 PLN2107 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 530 5804000 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 510 220 5805000 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1010101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1010101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1010101 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1010101 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1010101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 176441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1010118 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1010118 176998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1030101 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1040112 176998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 OMO1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2026 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2203 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC0009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 1050201 000000 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC0009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 000000 SEC2003 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161441 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 161998 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 166998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 176998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 176998 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 176998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 1050201 176998 SEC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 151998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 1050201 151998 ITS1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS0265 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1305 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS1901 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2213 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2401 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000000 ITS2403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 000998 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 BPS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1305 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1606 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 170998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 171998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 171998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 1050201 176998 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 320 1050201 000000 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 330 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 1050201 000000 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 1050201 176998 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 1050201 180998 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 000000 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123425 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123441 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123998 CPG1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123998 CPG1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 123998 CPG1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 127998 PAM1710 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 457 1050201 127998 PAM1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1412 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1413 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1417 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1712 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2113 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2212 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2213 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2214 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2215 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 CPG2306 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PAM0234 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 PLN2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 000000 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 127441 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 127998 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 127998 CPG1807 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 173998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1412 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1413 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1417 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1712 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1715 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 176998 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 1050201 177998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM0234 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM0238 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM0239 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1608 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1613 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1705 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1708 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1711 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2225 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2332 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 PAM2333 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 041998 PAM1710 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 041998 PAM1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 041998 PAM1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 081998 PAM1613 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 PAM1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 123998 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 125998 PAM1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127540 PAM1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127540 PAM2022 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 CPG1412 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 CPG1417 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM2042 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM2043 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 127998 PAM2050 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1608 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1705 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1710 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1711 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1814 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1906 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2020 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2022 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2026 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2042 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2043 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2050 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 PAM2333 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 1050201 176998 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 000000 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 000000 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 000000 RRF1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 000000 RRF1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 000000 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176998 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176998 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176998 RRF1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176998 RRF1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 176999 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 999910 RRC1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 999910 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 999910 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 1050201 999910 RRF1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1509 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1511 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1512 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1615 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1707 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 000000 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 011214 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 011214 REA1419 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 011214 RRC1302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 012214 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 031214 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 051214 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 061214 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 061214 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1511 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1615 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1707 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 121214 RRF1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 125214 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 125214 RRC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 127214 CPG1413 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 127214 CPG1715 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 170214 RRC1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 173998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176198 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176214 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176214 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176214 RRC1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176214 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1302 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1509 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1510 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1512 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1615 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1707 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 1050201 176998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 1050201 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 1050201 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 1050201 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 1050201 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 1050201 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 1050201 000000 REA1419 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 1050201 176998 REA1506 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 1050201 176998 REA1512 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 BPS2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 OMO2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 000000 OMO2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 011441 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031421 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031421 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031421 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031421 BPS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031423 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031423 PAM1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031425 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031425 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031425 PAM1708 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 BPS1405 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 BPS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 PAM1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031441 PAM1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031449 BPS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031540 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031540 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031540 PAM1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031540 REA1512 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 031998 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 041998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 041998 OMO1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 051540 PAM1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 051998 PAM1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 051998 PAM1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 051998 PAM1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 061421 PAM1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 061441 REA1506 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081421 PAM2020 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081421 PAM2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081423 PAM1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081423 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081423 PAM1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 081998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 125441 PAM1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 125998 PAM1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 125998 PAM1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176425 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1405 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 BPS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 CPG1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 OMO1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 1050201 176998 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 176998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 1050201 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 999 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 999 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 999 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2010111 170998 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2010111 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2010111 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2010111 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2010111 176998 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2010112 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2010113 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2050413 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 2050413 000000 0000000 900 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 000000 SEC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 000000 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 161998 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 176998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 2050413 176998 SEC1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1404 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000998 ITS1304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000998 ITS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 000998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 171998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS0402 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 2050413 176998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 320 2050413 176998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 320 2050413 177998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 2050413 000000 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 2050413 176998 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 420 2050413 180998 CPG1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1417 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1601 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 000000 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 173998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1409 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1413 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1601 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 2050413 176998 RRC1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1507 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1608 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1613 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 127998 PAM1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1504 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1608 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1609 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1613 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1705 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1706 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1708 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1710 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1711 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1812 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2020 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2110 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2115 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2117 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2120 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2125 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 2050413 176998 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 000000 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 000000 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 000000 RRF1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 000000 RRF1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 176999 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 999910 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 542 2050413 999910 RRF1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1511 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1615 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1707 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 031214 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 031214 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 173998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176198 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1503 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1507 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1508 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1509 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1510 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1512 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1513 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1514 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1515 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1615 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1703 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1707 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 176998 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 177998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 2050413 177998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 2050413 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 2050413 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 2050413 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 546 2050413 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 2050413 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 2050413 000000 REA1419 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 2050413 174998 REA1419 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 2050413 176998 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 550 2050413 176998 REA1419 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 000000 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 000000 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 000998 BPS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 051998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
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9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 BPS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 OMO2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 2050413 176998 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177998 PLN2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177999 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 2050413 177999 PLN2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 000 3050111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 220 4101001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 4400100 000000 PLN2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5039909 176998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5039909 176998 PAM2333 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5039909 176998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5049915 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090201 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090201 123998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090211 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090211 123998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090215 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5090215 123998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5099909 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5099910 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5099910 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5100310 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5100310 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5100310 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 000000 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 000000 ITS2304 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 170998 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5100310 176998 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 177998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5100310 177998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5100310 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5100310 176998 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5100310 176998 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5100310 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5100310 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5100310 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5100310 176998 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 5100310 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 5100310 176998 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 176998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5100310 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5140101 000000 SEC0009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5140101 000000 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5140101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 5140101 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5909000 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5909000 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 141 5909000 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 170998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 230 5909000 176998 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 530 5909000 177998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5909000 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5909000 176998 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 540 5909000 176998 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5909000 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5909000 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5909000 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 544 5909000 176998 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 5909000 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 600 5909000 176998 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 176998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 600 920 5909000 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 420 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1010101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1010101 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1010101 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1010101 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1020105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1020315 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1020501 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 OMO1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2026 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1050201 000000 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 000000 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 000000 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161425 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 161998 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 176998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1050201 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1050201 151998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2209 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 000000 ITS2403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 OMO2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 170998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1050201 176998 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 320 1050201 176998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 320 1050201 177998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 000000 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 CPG2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 123441 PAM2117 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1050201 127998 PAM2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1050201 177998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 CPG1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 000000 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 051540 PAM2120 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 CPG1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 PAM1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 123998 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 CPG2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 127998 PAM2125 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 CPG1522 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM1909 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2115 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2117 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2120 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2125 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1050201 176998 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1050201 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 000000 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 012214 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 031214 PAM2026 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 031214 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 051214 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 121214 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 127214 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 173998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176198 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176214 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176214 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176214 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176214 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1701 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 176998 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 177998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1050201 177998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 546 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 546 1050201 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 546 1050201 176998 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 546 1050201 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 BPS2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 CPG1713 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031421 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031421 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031425 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031429 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031441 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031441 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031540 BPS1406 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031540 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031540 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 031998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 041998 CPG1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 051421 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 051421 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 051421 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 061421 PAM2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 OMO1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 OMO2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 OMO2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 PAM2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1050201 176998 PAM2115 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 000000 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 000000 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 000000 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 176998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177998 PLN2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 1050201 177999 PLN2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 1050201 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 1050201 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 1050201 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 1050201 177999 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110105 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110105 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110105 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110105 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110105 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110105 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 560 1110105 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110105 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110105 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110110 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110110 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110110 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110110 127441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110110 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 041998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 125214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 127540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110110 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 051214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 061214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 125214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 127214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 061441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 081421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 081423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 125441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110110 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110115 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 120 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110115 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110115 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110115 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110115 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110115 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 310 1110115 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 331 1110115 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 332 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 340 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 420 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110115 127441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110115 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110115 127999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1110115 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110115 127540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110115 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110115 160998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110115 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110115 041998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110115 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110115 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110115 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110120 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110120 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110120 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110120 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110120 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110120 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110120 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110120 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110120 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110120 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110120 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110120 012214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110120 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110120 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110120 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110120 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110120 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110120 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110125 000000 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110125 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110125 123425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110125 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110125 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110125 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110125 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110130 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110130 161425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110130 161441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110130 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110130 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110130 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110130 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110130 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110130 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110135 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110135 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110135 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110135 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110135 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110135 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110135 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110135 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110135 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110135 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110135 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031411 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110135 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110140 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110140 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110140 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110140 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110140 176442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110140 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110140 151442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110140 176442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110145 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110145 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110145 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110145 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110145 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110145 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110145 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110145 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110145 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110150 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110150 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110150 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110150 121910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110150 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110150 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110150 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110150 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110150 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110150 999214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110155 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110155 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110155 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110155 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110155 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110155 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110155 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110155 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 332 1110155 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110155 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110155 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110155 170214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110160 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110160 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1110160 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110160 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110160 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110160 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110160 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110160 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110160 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110160 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110165 000000 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110165 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110165 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110165 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110165 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110165 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110165 124998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110165 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110165 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110165 127214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110165 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110175 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 110 1110180 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 420 1110180 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110180 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110200 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110205 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110301 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 110 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 120 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 161425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 161441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110301 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110301 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110301 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110301 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110301 176442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 310 1110301 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 331 1110301 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 332 1110301 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 332 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 340 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 420 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 123425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 127441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 1110301 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 1110301 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 041998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 124998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 125214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 127540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 1110301 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 000214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 012214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 051214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 061214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 125214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 127214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 170214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 1110301 999214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 560 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031411 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 041998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 061423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 061425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 061441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 081421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 081423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 081425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 081441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 125441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 127441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 151442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 176441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 176442 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 176540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 1110301 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110305 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110400 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1110405 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 1710110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2010132 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2010133 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 0000000 600 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PAM1813 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 000000 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 170998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 170998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 170998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 CPG2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 ITS2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 ITS2304 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 OMO2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 176998 RRC2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2050413 177998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 000000 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 161998 SEC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 161998 SEC2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 161998 SEC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 161998 SEC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 2050413 176998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 000000 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1604 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1804 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2009 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2014 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2210 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 170998 ITS2217 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1502 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1601 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1605 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1607 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2106 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 2050413 176998 ITS2208 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 320 2050413 176998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 320 2050413 177998 PLN1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1712 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1519 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1709 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1712 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1803 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1807 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1901 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2013 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2016 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2017 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2018 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2205 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 CPG2211 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2114 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2201 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2204 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 2050413 176998 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 000000 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM1611 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2039 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2104 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2110 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2112 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2115 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2117 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2120 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2125 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2220 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2221 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 2050413 176998 PAM2222 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 2050413 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 031214 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 173998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176198 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2007 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2010 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2203 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 176998 RRC2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 177998 RRC1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 2050413 177998 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 000000 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 176998 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 176998 BPS1602 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 176998 BPS1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 176998 OMO2101 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 2050413 176998 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 176998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2103 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2107 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2109 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177998 PLN2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2105 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2108 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 920 2050413 177999 PLN2206 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 2050413 177998 PLN2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 2050413 177998 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 2050413 177998 PLN2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 999 2050413 177999 PLN2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2071001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2072001 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2210730 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2210830 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 2220800 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 000 3050111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 4070411 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 4070415 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 4079905 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 4079905 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 4079912 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5100310 000000 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5100310 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5100310 000000 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5100310 000000 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5100310 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 5100310 000000 PAM2219 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5100310 000000 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5100310 000000 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5100310 000000 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5100310 000000 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5100310 000000 BPS1403 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5100310 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5100310 000000 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5100310 000000 OMO2202 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 5110201 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 550 5110201 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 5130150 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130150 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130150 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1517 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1520 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1805 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130225 123998 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130225 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130225 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130330 161425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130330 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130330 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130330 123441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130330 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 5130330 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130330 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130435 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130435 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130435 176998 ITS1606 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130435 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130435 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031429 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031998 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 031998 ITS2001 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130435 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130545 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130545 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130545 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130545 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130545 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130545 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130545 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 110 5130605 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130605 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5130605 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130605 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130605 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130605 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130605 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130710 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130710 081998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130710 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 051214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 051214 RRC1903 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 061214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 125214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130710 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 051540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 051998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 061421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 061423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 061425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 061441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 081421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 081423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 081425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 081441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 125441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 125998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130710 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130920 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130920 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130920 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5130920 176998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130920 123998 CPG1704 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5130920 123998 CPG1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5130920 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 012214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 012214 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 031214 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 031214 RRC1614 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5130920 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5130920 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5131055 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131055 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131055 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131055 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131055 176998 ITS1802 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131055 176998 ITS2008 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131055 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 5131140 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 230 5131140 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131140 012214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131140 012214 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5131215 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5131215 161998 SEC1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5131215 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 530 5131215 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5131215 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5131215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 041998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 176425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 176441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 600 5131215 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5131450 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 542 5131450 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 011214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 031214 RRC2012 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 121214 RRC1905 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 121214 RRC2004 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 121214 RRC2005 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 121214 RRC2006 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131450 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5131470 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 141 5131560 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5131560 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 457 5131560 123998 PAM2102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 540 5131560 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131560 121214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131560 127214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 544 5131560 176214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 550 5131880 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 550 5131885 174998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 5131890 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 900 220 5131895 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1010101 000000 REA1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1010101 000501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010101 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 102 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 102 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 103 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 105 1010101 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 110 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 110 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 115 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 118 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 119 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 120 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 125 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 125 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 130 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 130 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 141 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 141 1010101 000000 SEC1702 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 141 1010101 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 141 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 150 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010101 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010101 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010101 999998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 230 1010101 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 230 1010101 175998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 250 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 250 1010101 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 275 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 275 1010101 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 320 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 320 1010101 000000 XPL1902 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 320 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 330 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 330 1010101 000000 XMC1830 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 330 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 331 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 331 1010101 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 332 1010101 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 340 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 340 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 165998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 166998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 451 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 457 1010101 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 457 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 457 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 000000 CPG1518 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 000000 CPG1521 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 000000 PLN2207 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 176998 CPG1516 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 176998 CPG2003 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010101 176998 XCP1806 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 1010101 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 1010101 127998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 541 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 1010101 000000 RRF1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 1010101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 1010101 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010101 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010101 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010101 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010101 999910 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 546 1010101 000000 RRC1102 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 546 1010101 000000 RRC1407 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 550 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 550 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 000000 BPS1501 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 000000 BPS1603 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 000000 BPS2002 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031540 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 031998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 081405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 176441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 051421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 051423 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 051425 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 051441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 051449 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 176299 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 615 1010101 011516 XIM1904 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 620 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 620 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 620 1010101 176500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 630 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 640 1010101 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 640 1010101 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 640 1010101 031500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 650 1010101 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 000000 XPL1808 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 000000 XPL1908 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 177998 XMC1810 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 177998 XPL1912 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 920 1010101 180998 ATP2021 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 921 1010101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1010118 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 120 1010118 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010118 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1010119 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 100 1010119 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 102 1010119 180998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 110 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 115 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 118 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 120 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 125 1010119 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 130 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 141 1010119 161998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 150 1010119 168998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010119 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 1010119 171998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 230 1010119 170998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 250 1010119 172998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 275 1010119 011600 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 320 1010119 177998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 330 1010119 163998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 331 1010119 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 332 1010119 162998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 340 1010119 167998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 420 1010119 169998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 457 1010119 123998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 530 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 1010119 999999 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 544 1010119 031214 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 550 1010119 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010119 011400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 1010119 011405 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010119 011421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 610 1010119 011441 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 620 1010119 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 630 1010119 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 640 1010119 011500 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 640 1010119 011504 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 650 1010119 011501 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1020101 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1020103 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1020110 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 1020601 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 2010111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 220 2010111 151998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 540 2010111 176998 PAM2120 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 542 2010111 176998 RRF1801 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 550 2010111 176998 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 2010111 041400 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 600 2010111 041421 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 2050413 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 2050413 000000 0000000 510 000000 000000
9/30/2023 999 000 3050111 000000 0000000 000 000000 000000
Assets (1000)
Current Assets (1100)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (1110) 408,111,728
Accounts Receivable (1120) 27,811,754
Inventory (1130) 10,013,980
Prepaid Expenses (1140) 1,436,972
Current Investments and Current Portions of Long-Term Investments (1150) 21,612,404
Other Current Assets (1190) 65,994,845

Total Current Assets 534,981,683

Noncurrent Assets (1200)

Capital Assets (1210) 418,861,158
Intangible Assets (1220) -
Capital Leases Receivable (1230) -
Special Funds (1240) -
Work in Progress (1250) 90,778,156
Investments (1260) 65,259,684
Other Noncurrent Assets (1290) 63,344,128
Total Noncurrent Assets 638,243,126
Total Assets 1,173,224,809
Deferred Outflows of Resources (3100) 6,957,991

Liabilities (2000)
Current Liabilities (2100)
Current Accounts Payable (2110) 408,541
Short-Term Debt and Current Portions of Long-Term Debt (2120) -
Accrued Liabilities (2130) 67,823,932
Other Current Liabilities (2190) 680,053
Total Current Liabilities 68,912,526
Noncurrent Liabilities (2200)
Long-Term Debt (2210) -
Noncurrent Accounts Payable (2220) -
Capital Lease Obligations (2230) 6,015,890
Long-Term Pension Liabilities (2240) 33,964,195
Estimated Liabilities (2250) -
Other Noncurrent Liabilities (2290) 9,730,113
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 49,710,198
Total Liabilities 118,622,724
Deferred Inflows of Resources (3200) 81,392,465

Net Position (3000)

Net Position (3000) 980,167,611


Published Audit Adj

408,111,728 (275,000,000) 133,111,728

27,811,754 27,811,754 3,7,8
10,013,980 10,013,980
1,436,972 1,436,972
21,612,404 275,000,000 296,612,404
65,994,845 65,994,845

534,981,683 534,981,683

418,861,158 418,861,158
- -
- - GASB
- -
90,778,156 (21,795,475) 68,982,681 write off PLN2001, PLN2002, PL
65,259,684 65,259,684
1710110 Gasb 87 LT Receivables + 63,344,128 63,344,128
638,243,126 638,243,126
1,173,224,809 1,173,224,809
6,957,991 3,185,872 10,143,863
408,541 408,541
- - entered FY21 for both FY21 and F
67,823,932 67,823,932 (405,986)
unvalidated passes not calculated 680,053 680,053
68,912,526 68,912,526
- -
- -
2210660 Gasb87 Lease Liability $6 6,015,890 6,015,890
33,964,195 33,964,195
- -
9,730,113 9,730,113
49,710,198 49,710,198
118,622,724 118,622,724
2220800 Gasb 87 Deferred inflow of 81,392,465 4,000,769 85,393,234
980,167,611 979,352,714



NEW ATP Liabilities - $30m - O

before software was onsite, now items are in the cloud


we are lessor for Plaza Saltillo and portions of Tillery

2023 2023 v2
Current assets:
47,144,040 47,144,040 Cash and cash equivalents
67,827,814 67,827,814 Investments

11,654,108 11,654,108 Due from federal governments

534,209 534,209 Fuel hedge asset
297,660,910 297,660,910 Materials and supplies inventory, net
65,837,271 65,837,271 Prepaid transit expense and other

490,658,352 490,658,352 Intergovernmental receivables-Project Connect

Other receivables
410,566,411 410,566,411 Sales and use taxes receivable
- - Total current assets
- -
- - Non-current assets:
249,224,241 249,224,241 Investments – designated for system expansion
66,814,836 66,814,836 Capital assets:
75,638,816 75,638,816 Land and improvements
802,244,304 802,244,304 Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciatio
1,292,902,656 1,292,902,656 Projects in process
22,638,655 15,147,304 1,308,049,960 Lease assets:
Land and buildings, net of depreciation
Lease receivables

10,310,514 10,310,514 Total non-current assets

- -
60,167,705 60,167,705 Total assets
3,922,524 3,922,524
74,400,743 74,400,743 Deferred outflow of resources – OPEB
Deferred outflow of resources – pension plan
- - Deferred outflow of resources – fuel hedge
- - Total deferred outflows of resources
9,924,014 9,924,014
50,736,687 50,736,687 Total assets and deferred outflows of
10,750,097 Liabilities
9,730,113 40,750,097 Current liabilities:
81,140,911 101,410,798 Accounts payable
155,541,654 175,811,541 Accrued expenses
81,392,465 84,536,524 260,348,065 Benefits payable
Accrued salary and wages
Accrued sick and vacation
1,078,607,192 1,047,701,895 1,047,701,895 Lease liability
Payable from restricted assets
Total current liabilities

Long-term liabilities:
Accrued sick and vacation

ATP Liabilities - $30m - Other Non Current Liabilies Other post employment liability
Other rent liability

Unearned grant revenue – commuter rail cars an

Lease liability
Pension liability
Total long-term liabilities

Total liabilities

Deferred inflow of resources – OPEB

Deferred inflow – fuel hedge
Deferred inflow of resources – fuel hedge
Deferred inflow of resources – pension plan
Deferred inflow – lease liability
Total deferred inflows of resources

Total liabilities and deferred inflow of

Net position:
Net investment in capital assets

Total net position

See notes to the financial statements.

FY22 RSM FY22 RSM Formula

$ 133,111,730 $ 133,111,730 1 $ -
296,612,404 296,612,404 2 $ -
982,268 982,268 3 $ -
1,272,452 1,272,452 4 $ -
10,013,980 10,013,980 5 $ -
1,436,972 1,436,972 6 $ -
24,784,825 24,784,825 7 $ -
2,044,661 2,044,661 8 $ -
64,722,393 64,722,393 9 $ -
534,981,685 534,981,685 -

65,259,684 65,259,684 10

79,160,614 79,160,614 11
332,425,352 332,425,352 12
68,982,681 68,982,681 13

7,275,193 7,275,193 14
63,344,128 63,344,128

616,447,652 616,447,652 -

1,151,429,337 1,151,429,337

666,324 666,324 14
10,143,863 10,143,863 15
- -
10,810,187 10,810,187

$ 1,162,239,524 $ 1,162,239,524 -

$ 408,541 $ 408,541 16
67,422,846 67,422,846 17
368,461 368,461 18
1,159,835 1,159,835 19
3,757,944 3,757,944 20
1,254,404 1,254,404 21
917,036 912,136 22 4,900
- - 23
75,289,067 75,284,167 24

3,358,473 3,358,473 25

3,417,623 3,417,623 26
- -
- -
- -
6,015,890 6,020,790 27
30,546,572 30,546,572 28
43,338,558 43,343,458 (4,900)

118,627,625 118,627,625

1,821,847 1,821,847 29
3,600,068 3,600,068 30
- - 31
18,321,673 18,321,673 32
61,649,646 61,649,646 33
85,393,234 85,393,234

204,020,859 204,020,859 -

28,866,195 28,866,195 -
478,562,155 478,562,155 -

$ 507,428,350 $ 507,428,350 -
Cash and Cash Equivalents (1110)

Current Investments and Current Portions of Long-Term Investments (1150)

Accounts Receivable (1120)
Other Current Assets (1190)
Inventory (1130)
Prepaid Expenses (1140)
Accounts Receivable (1120)
Accounts Receivable (1120)
Other Current Assets (1190)

Investments (1260)

Capital Assets (1210)

Capital Assets (1210)
Work in Progress (1250)

Capital Assets (1210)

Other Noncurrent Assets (1290)

Deferred Outflows of Resources (3100)

Deferred Outflows of Resources (3100)

Current Accounts Payable (2110)

Long-Term Pension Liabilities (2240)

Long-Term Pension Liabilities (2240)

Deferred Inflows of Resources (3200)

Deferred Inflows of Resources (3200)

Deferred Inflows of Resources (3200)

Deferred Inflows of Resources (3200)
RSM TB Financials

Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Year End: September 30, 2022
Trial Balance


5000 Cash and cash equivalents

5000.100 Cash and cash equivalents

1010117 ENT01 Concentration Account - Chase
1010118 ENT01 Operating Account - Chase
1010119 ENT01 Payroll Account - Chase
1010125 ENT01 United Health Care
1010223 ENT01 Change Fund - Customer Service
1310500 ENT01 CMTA Investments PFM-00
1310501 ENT01 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA
1310505 ENT01 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05
1310507 ENT01 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07
Enterprise Fund 1

1001 PEN01 Cash held by trustee

1001 PEN02 Cash held by trustee

5000.200 Restricted cash

1310506 ENT01 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06
Enterprise Fund 1

5100 Investments

5100.100 Debt or equity securities - current

1310508 ENT01 TexasTerm Investments
1311007 ENT01 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-0170(07)
Enterprise Fund 1

1006 PEN02 Corporate Bonds

1008 PEN02 Accrued Interest and other

5100.800 Restricted investments

1020310 ENT01 Accrued Interest
1311000 ENT01 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00)

1311001 ENT01 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01)

1311005 ENT01 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05)
1319099 ENT01 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securities
Enterprise Fund 1

5100.900 Other investments

1002 PEN01 Fixed income mutual funds
1003 PEN01 International equity mutual funds
1005 PEN01 Domestic equity mutual funds
1006 PEN01 Group fixed annuity
1002 PEN02 Common Stock
1003 PEN02 Government Securities
1004 PEN02 Mutual funds
1005 PEN02 Money Market funds

5110 Derivatives

5110.200 Fuel Hedge Asset

1319000 ENT01 Fuel Risk Management Investment
1319001 ENT01 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
1319002 ENT01 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted
Enterprise Fund 1

5154 Pension asset

5154.200 Deferred outflows - pension related

1610110 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
1610115 ENT01 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
1610200 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/
1610210 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization P
1610350 ENT01 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610351 ENT01 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience Changes amo
1610357 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
1610358 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes a
1610400 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes
1610401 ENT01 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption changes or inp
1610402 ENT01 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
1610410 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization
1610500 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Changes 15
1610510 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated Amortz. Exp C
1610600 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes 16
1610610 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortiz Pensi
2220401 ENT01 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes amor
2220402 ENT01 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes
2220417 ENT01 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption changes or i
2220418 ENT01 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortizat
Enterprise Fund 1

5155 Other post employment benefit (OPEB) asset

5155.200 Deferred outflows - OPEB related

2220610 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB
Enterprise Fund 1

5200 Accounts receivable

5200.100 Other Receivables, Net

1020101 ENT01 Accounts Receivable-Trade
1020102 ENT01 Employee Advances Receivable
1020103 ENT01 Other Receivables
1020107 ENT01 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments
1020110 ENT01 A/R And A/P Offset
1020115 ENT01 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated
1020116 ENT01 Perry Plus to be allocated
1020125 ENT01 Rail Claim Service Escrow
1020150 ENT01 Allow For Doubtful Accts
Enterprise Fund 1

5200.200 Due from Federal and other governments

1020301 ENT01 Receivables Grant Accrual
1020501 ENT01 Receivables Clearing
1020611 ENT01 Fta Capital Grants
Enterprise Fund 1

5200.400 Intergovernmental receivables

1020601 ENT01 Due from ATP
1020602 ENT01 Due from CMTA
Enterprise Fund 1

5200.500 Sales and use taxes receivable

1020701 ENT01 Sales Tax Receivable
Enterprise Fund 1

5300 Materials and supplies inventory, net

1030101 ENT01 Spare Parts
1030125 ENT01 Tickets & Pass Inventory
1030151 ENT01 Spare Parts - Freight Rail
1030199 ENT01 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1030201 ENT01 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St
1030202 ENT01 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St
1030211 ENT01 Diesel Fuel - North Ops
1030212 ENT01 Gasoline - North Ops
1030221 ENT01 Diesel - Thompson Lane
1030222 ENT01 Gasoline - Thompson Lane
Enterprise Fund 1

5400 Prepaid expenses and other current assets

5400.100 Prepaid transit expense and other

1040112 ENT01 Other Deposits
1510105 ENT01 Other Prepaid Expenses
1510110 ENT01 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr
1510220 ENT01 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev
Enterprise Fund 1

5510 Capital assets and intangibles

5510.100 Depreciable capital assets

1110105 ENT01 Operating Yards
1110110 ENT01 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages
1110115 ENT01 General Administration
1110120 ENT01 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip
1110125 ENT01 Passenger Stations
1110130 ENT01 Passenger Parking
1110135 ENT01 Revenue Vehicles
1110140 ENT01 Revenue Collection
1110145 ENT01 Service Vehicles
1110150 ENT01 Freight Rail - Right Of Way
1110155 ENT01 Data Processing Equipment
1110175 ENT01 Leasehold Improvements
1110180 ENT01 Other Assets
1110301 ENT01 Accumulated Depreciation
Enterprise Fund 1

5510.200 Land and improvements

1110160 ENT01 Land
1110165 ENT01 Land Improvements
Enterprise Fund 1

5510.300 Projects in Process

1050201 ENT01 W.I.P.-Capital Projects
Enterprise Fund 1

5650 Lease assets

5650.100 Lease right of use assets

1110200 ENT01 GASB 87 - Land
1110205 ENT01 GASB 87 - Buildings
1110210 ENT01 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization
Enterprise Fund 1

5650.200 Lease receivables - non-current

1710110 ENT01 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
Enterprise Fund 1

5650.300 Lease receivables - current

1020901 ENT01 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable - Current
Enterprise Fund 1

6100 Accounts payable

6100.100 Trade payables
2010111 ENT01 Accounts Payable
Enterprise Fund 1

6100.200 Other payables

2001 PEN01 Plan fees payable
2002 PEN01 Investment trade payable
2002 PEN02 Plan fees payable

6100.500 Retainage payable

2010113 ENT01 Retainage
Enterprise Fund 1
Financial statement reports retainage as $917,036 which is $4,900 more than report - this amount matches what is reported in 2050415 Rent Deposit

6200 Accrued expenses and other liabilities

6200.100 Accrued expenses and other liabilities - current

2010112 ENT01 Accrued Accounts Payable
2010122 ENT01 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable
2010126 ENT01 PCard Liability
2020325 ENT01 Sales Tax Payables
2030200 ENT01 Accrued Legal Liability
2050102 ENT01 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Tokens
2050540 ENT01 Rail Claim Insurance Liability
2050590 ENT01 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees
2210522 ENT01 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV
Enterprise Fund 1

6200.904 Deferred inflows of resources

2220800 ENT01 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability
Enterprise Fund 1

6210 Accrued payroll

6210.100 Accrued salary and wages

2020101 ENT01 Accrued Salaries & Wages
2030101 ENT01 Accrued FICA
Enterprise Fund 1
6210.200 Benefits payable
2010120 ENT01 Liability Dental Insurance
2010121 ENT01 Liability Health Insurance
2010127 ENT01 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll
2010128 ENT01 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
2010129 ENT01 Health Savings Account Contributions
2020204 ENT01 Union Dues Payable
2020205 ENT01 Vision Plan
2020206 ENT01 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable
2020301 ENT01 FICA Withheld
2020302 ENT01 FIT Withheld
2020308 ENT01 Garnishments Withheld
2020309 ENT01 401K Loan Payments Withheld
2020310 ENT01 401K Withheld
2020311 ENT01 Cancer And Critical Care Deduction
2020316 ENT01 Flex Reduction Withheld
2020317 ENT01 Flex Dependent Care Withheld
2020318 ENT01 Flex Early Retirement
2030104 ENT01 Accrued SUTA
2050510 ENT01 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money
2060205 ENT01 Employee Emergency Relief Fund
Enterprise Fund 1

6210.300 Accrued compensated absences - current

2020103 ENT01 Accrued Vacation
2020105 ENT01 Accrued Sick Leave
Enterprise Fund 1

6210.301 Accrued compensated absences - non current

2210515 ENT01 Long Term - CMTA Sick
2210516 ENT01 Long Term - CMTA Vacation
Enterprise Fund 1

6354 Pension liability

6354.100 Pension liability

2220110 ENT01 CMTA Net Pension Liability
2220115 ENT01 StarTran Net Pension Liability
Enterprise Fund 1

6354.200 Deferred inflows - pension related

1610300 ENT01 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Ga
1610310 ENT01 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortizat
1610311 ENT01 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Investment
1610312 ENT01 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amort invest ga
1610315 ENT01 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Invest Gai
1610316 ENT01 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort Invest gain
1610352 ENT01 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension Investment Ga
1610353 ENT01 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort Invest ga
1610355 ENT01 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gai
1610356 ENT01 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort Invest gai
2220200 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension
2220210 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization P
2220300 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assumption Changes
2220310 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pension Assum
2220311 ENT01 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investments CMTA inve
2220312 ENT01 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Amortizatio
2220400 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Change 16
2220410 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Experience Ch
2220411 ENT01 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change CMT
2220412 ENT01 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortiza
2220415 ENT01 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or
2220416 ENT01 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - amortizat
2220419 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Ga
2220420 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Amortization changes
2220421 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortizat
2220422 ENT01 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or
2220423 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses
2220424 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes
2220425 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change
2220426 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/
2220427 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes o
2220428 ENT01 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experien
2220510 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Inves Gain/Loss 16
2220512 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Lo
2220700 ENT01 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gains/loss
2220710 ENT01 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr Inv Ga
2220720 ENT01 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Investmen
2220730 ENT01 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amort
2220740 ENT01 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Ga
2220750 ENT01 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amort
Enterprise Fund 1

6355 Other post employment benefit (OPEB) liability

6355.100 OPEB liability
2210443 ENT01 Retirees Health Benefits
Enterprise Fund 1

6355.200 Deferred inflows - OPEB related

2220600 ENT01 CMTA Deferred Inflow OPEB
Enterprise Fund 1

6400 Deferred revenue

6400.400 Deferred inflows - Fuel hedge

2220500 ENT01 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow
Enterprise Fund 1

6500 Lease liabilities

6500.100 Lease liabilities - current

2020601 ENT01 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current
Enterprise Fund 1

6500.200 Other rent liability

2050415 ENT01 Rent Deposit
2210610 ENT01 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI
2210630 ENT01 Deferred Rent - Calles Street
2210660 ENT01 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent
Enterprise Fund 1

6810 Interfund and intra-entity liability

6810.100 Due to other funds

2050413 ENT01 Due To/Due From Other Funds
Enterprise Fund 1

6900 Equity

6900.104 Net position

3001 PEN01 Net Position Restricted for Pensions
3002 PEN02 Net Position Restricted for Pensions
6900.124 Net investment in capital assets
RSM 2 ENT01 Net investment in capital assets
3050111 ENT01 Unreserved/Undesignated
3050202 ENT01 Encumbrances Control
3050610 ENT01 Appropriations
Enterprise Fund 1

6900.164 Net position - unrestricted

RSM 3 ENT01 Net position - unrestricted
3050301 ENT01 Reserve For Self Insurance
3050313 ENT01 Reserve - Statutory Operating
3050512 ENT01 Reserve for Encumbrances
3050620 ENT01 Budgetary Fund Balance
Enterprise Fund 1

7000 Revenues
4001 PEN01 Interest and dividends
4002 PEN02 Interest and dividends

7000.124 Sales and use taxes

4080201 ENT01 Sales Tax Revenue
4080210 ENT01 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.144 Transportation fares

4010101 ENT01 Fixed Route-Farebox
4010102 ENT01 Fixed Route-Passes Bus
4010105 ENT01 Rideshare - In Service Area
4010106 ENT01 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
4010115 ENT01 Metro Plus/Regional RF
4010116 ENT01 Local – Single Ride
4010117 ENT01 Local - Single Ride Reduced
4010118 ENT01 Local - Day Pass
4010119 ENT01 Local - Day Pass Reduced
4010120 ENT01 Local - 7 Day
4010121 ENT01 Local - 31 Day
4010122 ENT01 Local - 31 Day Reduced
4010123 ENT01 Commuter - Single Ride
4010124 ENT01 Commuter - Single Ride Reduced
4010125 ENT01 Commuter - Day Pass
4010126 ENT01 Commuter - Day Ride Reduced
4010127 ENT01 Commuter - 7 Day
4010128 ENT01 Commuter - 31 Day
4010129 ENT01 Commuter - 31 Day Reduced
4010130 ENT01 TVM Cash- ECC over/under
4010131 ENT01 Outlet Discount
4010132 ENT01 Payment Discount
4010134 ENT01 Access - Single Ride
4010135 ENT01 Access - 10 Ride Booklet
4010136 ENT01 Access - Monthly Pass
4010137 ENT01 Stored Value Card $20
4010138 ENT01 Stored Value Card $40
4010140 ENT01 Metroworks Discounts
4010142 ENT01 Stored value WALLET
4010152 ENT01 Local Single Ride FAREBOX
4010153 ENT01 Local Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
4010154 ENT01 Local Day Pass FAREBOX
4010155 ENT01 Local Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
4010156 ENT01 Commuter Single Ride FAREBOX
4010157 ENT01 Commuter Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
4010158 ENT01 Commuter Day Pass FAREBOX
4010159 ENT01 Commuter Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
4010165 ENT01 DPP Local Day Pass
4010166 ENT01 DPP Local Day Pass Reduced
4010167 ENT01 DPP Local 7 Day Pass
4010168 ENT01 DPP Local 31 Day
4010169 ENT01 DPP Local 31 Day Reduced
4010170 ENT01 DPP Commuter Day Pass
4010173 ENT01 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass
4010174 ENT01 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass Reduced
4010177 ENT01 DPP Access Monthly
4010178 ENT01 DPP Access 10 Ride
4010180 ENT01 Local Day Pass Metrobike
4010181 ENT01 Local Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
4010182 ENT01 Local 31 Day Pass Metrobike
4010183 ENT01 Local 31 Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
4010184 ENT01 Commuter Day Pass Metrobike
4010186 ENT01 Commuter 31 Day Pass Metrobike
4010202 ENT01 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets
4010315 ENT01 Innovative Mobility Fares
4019990 ENT01 Sales Mobile Apps
4019995 ENT01 Sales POS Intuit
Enterprise Fund 1
7000.164 Other federal grants
4090202 ENT01 Grant Revenue - Cares Act
4090205 ENT01 Grant Revenue - Operating
4090208 ENT01 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
4090210 ENT01 Grant Revenue - Usda
4090250 ENT01 Grants-Pass Through
4090260 ENT01 FEMA Grant Revenue
4400100 ENT01 Capital Contribution
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.184 Federal grants and other capital contributions

4090201 ENT01 Grant Revenue - Capital
4090301 ENT01 Grant Revenue - State Capital
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.244 Other income, net

4070301 ENT01 Downtown Lease
4070405 ENT01 Sale Of Schedule Book
4070520 ENT01 Metro Bike Card Program
4079901 ENT01 Photo I.D. Revenue
4079902 ENT01 Cash Over / Under
4079903 ENT01 Touch Passes
4079904 ENT01 Shipping & Handling Fees
4079905 ENT01 Gain On Sale - Assets
4079909 ENT01 Other Nontransit Revenue
4079912 ENT01 Loss on Property Disposal
4079914 ENT01 Advertising Revenue
4079917 ENT01 Fuel Tax Reimbursement
4079925 ENT01 Childcare Revenue
4079935 ENT01 Special Merchandise Sale
4079939 ENT01 Adv Advertising Agency Discount
5160205 ENT01 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.264 Capital contributions / capital grants and gifts

4101001 ENT01 Capital Contributions from ATP
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.364 Rental income

4070411 ENT01 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
4070412 ENT01 GASB 87 Interest Income
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.384 Contract revenue

4020503 ENT01 University Of Texas
4020504 ENT01 Guaranteed Ride Home
4020507 ENT01 City Of Austin - ILA
4020508 ENT01 Acc - ILA
4020510 ENT01 Travis County ILA
4160100 ENT01 Round Rock Purchased Transportation
4160300 ENT01 Travis County Purchased Transportation
4160400 ENT01 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
4160500 ENT01 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.404 Rail - freight

4070302 ENT01 Mainline Revenue
4070303 ENT01 Row License Application
4070304 ENT01 Row EIC Services
4070305 ENT01 Row License Agreement Annual Fee
4070306 ENT01 Row Permit Application
4070307 ENT01 Row Permit Fees
4070308 ENT01 Row 45G Tax Credit
Enterprise Fund 1

7000.604 Contribution / donation revenues

4002 PEN01 Employer Contributions
4003 PEN02 Employer Contributions

7200 Expenses

7200.100 Mobility interlocal agreements

5400101 ENT01 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
5700202 ENT01 Grant Reimbursement Expense
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.364 Capital contributions - other jurisdictions

5804000 ENT01 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.444 Amortization
5140000 ENT01 GASB 87 - Amortization Expense
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.464 Long-term mobility planning

5805000 ENT01 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.484 Contribution expense

5030310 ENT01 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.524 Depreciation
5130150 ENT01 Railroad Right Of Way
5130225 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
5130330 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
5130435 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
5130545 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
5130605 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
5130710 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Garages
5130920 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
5131055 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
5131140 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
5131215 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-General Admin
5131450 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
5131470 ENT01 Amortization-Lh Improvements
5131560 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
5131680 ENT01 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.604 Purchased transportation

5080111 ENT01 GRH Reimbursement
5080200 ENT01 Commuter Rail Services
5080202 ENT01 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
5080300 ENT01 E. Fifth Bus
5080325 ENT01 North Base Paratransit
5080330 ENT01 North Ops Bus
5080335 ENT01 Georgetown Paratransit
5080350 ENT01 Rural Service Bus
5080360 ENT01 South Base Paratransit
5080400 ENT01 RideShare
5080410 ENT01 Pickup CARTS
5080411 ENT01 Pickup North
5080413 ENT01 BikeShare
Enterprise Fund 1

5001 PEN01 Benefits paid to participants

5002 PEN01 Administrative Expenses
5002 PEN02 Benefits paid to participants
5003 PEN02 Administrative Expenses

7200.644 Insurance
5060101 ENT01 Property Insurance Premiums
5060201 ENT01 Physical Damage Recoveries
5060210 ENT01 Rail Liability Claim Payments
5060301 ENT01 Vehicle Liability Premiums
5060302 ENT01 Auto Liablity Loss
5060801 ENT01 Public Officals Liab. Premiums
5060802 ENT01 Crime Insurance Premium
5060809 ENT01 Other Business Insurance
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.664 Leases and other

5090101 ENT01 Dues And Subscriptions
5090201 ENT01 Airfare - Transportation
5090205 ENT01 Travel - Per Diem
5090206 ENT01 Toll Road Charges
5090208 ENT01 Seminar, Conferences, Registration
5090211 ENT01 Lodging
5090215 ENT01 Travel - Other
5090250 ENT01 Business Meals - Local
5090701 ENT01 Bad Debt Expense
5090801 ENT01 Newspaper Media
5090804 ENT01 Advertising/Promotion Media
5099901 ENT01 Postage
5099902 ENT01 Bank Charges
5099904 ENT01 Tools And Equipment
5099905 ENT01 Computer Software
5099907 ENT01 Safety Equipment
5099908 ENT01 Computer Hardware
5099909 ENT01 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
5099925 ENT01 Other Misc. Expense-Vans
5099950 ENT01 Food and Ice
5099992 ENT01 Recognition Program
5099999 ENT01 AP Prompt Pay Discount
5110201 ENT01 Interest Expense
5120201 ENT01 Lease-Passenger Stations
5120301 ENT01 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
5120601 ENT01 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
5120801 ENT01 Lease-Vehicles
5121201 ENT01 Lease-Administrative Facility
5121202 ENT01 Office Equipment
5121209 ENT01 Other Equipment
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.724 Payroll and related benefits

5010201 ENT01 Salaries & Wages - Admin.
5010203 ENT01 Overtime - Administrative
5010206 ENT01 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
5010207 ENT01 Executive Compensation
5010208 ENT01 Overtime - APD Officers
5010301 ENT01 Salary & Wages - Temp
5010304 ENT01 Intern Pay
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.744 Employee benefits

5020101 ENT01 FICA-Admin
5020200 ENT01 401k Fees
5020201 ENT01 401K
5020202 ENT01 Pension - Bargain
5020203 ENT01 Pension - Admin
5020204 ENT01 L/T Disability - Admin.
5020206 ENT01 L/T Disability-IUE
5020208 ENT01 S/T Disability
5020301 ENT01 Health Plans-Admin
5020305 ENT01 Health Plan - Fees
5020306 ENT01 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution
5020311 ENT01 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020401 ENT01 Dental Plans-Admin
5020411 ENT01 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020421 ENT01 Wellness Center Exp
5020501 ENT01 Life Insurance-Admin
5020701 ENT01 State Unemployment-Admin
5020832 ENT01 Expense For W/C Claims
5020842 ENT01 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
5020845 ENT01 Premiums For W/C Losses
5020901 ENT01 Sick Leave-Admin
5020904 ENT01 Supplemental Sick
5021001 ENT01 Holiday Leave-Admin
5021101 ENT01 Vacation Leave-Admin
5021201 ENT01 Other Paid Leave-Admin
5021301 ENT01 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
5021302 ENT01 Uniform Allowance-Admin.
5021304 ENT01 Boot Allowance-Admin
5021307 ENT01 Other Clothing Allow-Admin
5021406 ENT01 Relocation Reimb.
5021411 ENT01 Other Benefits - Admin
5021412 ENT01 Other Benefits - Operators
5021415 ENT01 Rideshare Subsidy
5021430 ENT01 Tuition Reimbursement
5021443 ENT01 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.764 Professional services

5030301 ENT01 Audit Fees
5030302 ENT01 General Legal Services
5030303 ENT01 Consultation Fees
5030305 ENT01 Medical Services
5030306 ENT01 Technical Services
5030307 ENT01 Other Services - Ctecc
5030309 ENT01 Other Professional Fees
5030311 ENT01 Permits And Fees
5030401 ENT01 Temporary Help
5030501 ENT01 Maintenance-Office Equipment
5030506 ENT01 Phone System Maintenance
5030507 ENT01 Maintenance-Radios
5030509 ENT01 Repair & Maintenance-Other
5030511 ENT01 Hardware Maintenance Contracts
5030512 ENT01 Computer Systems Subscriptions and Maintenance
5030515 ENT01 Electrical Services
5030601 ENT01 Custodial Services
5030701 ENT01 Security Services
5039901 ENT01 Courier And Delivery Services
5039903 ENT01 Vehicle Towing
5039909 ENT01 Other Services
5039910 ENT01 Non-Capital Training
5039926 ENT01 Advertising Installation Expense
5039960 ENT01 Row Herzog Transit Services
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.824 Fuel and fluids

5040104 ENT01 Transmission Fluid
5040111 ENT01 Diesel
5040121 ENT01 Gasoline
5040131 ENT01 Oil
5040145 ENT01 Fuel-North Ops .
5040150 ENT01 Fuel Risk Management
5070501 ENT01 Diesel Fuel Tax
5070502 ENT01 Gasoline Fuel Tax
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.854 Materials and supplies - other

5049901 ENT01 Office Supplies
5049902 ENT01 Passes And Tickets
5049903 ENT01 Maps And Schedules
5049904 ENT01 Training Materials
5049906 ENT01 Cleaning Supplies
5049907 ENT01 Expendable Tools & Equipment
5049908 ENT01 Supplies-Board Of Directors
5049909 ENT01 Other Supplies
5049915 ENT01 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture
5049920 ENT01 Maintenance Materials
5049975 ENT01 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
5049979 ENT01 Non-Capital Projects
5070401 ENT01 Inspection Certificates
5100310 ENT01 Capital Expense - Non Labor
5803000 ENT01 Expense Reimbursements
5909000 ENT01 Capital Project Expense to WIP
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.924 Utilities
5050110 ENT01 Electricity - Propulsion Power
5050201 ENT01 Electric
5050202 ENT01 Water And Sewer
5050203 ENT01 Gas
5050204 ENT01 Telephone-Local
5050206 ENT01 Drainage Service
5050207 ENT01 Garbage Collection
5050208 ENT01 Street Service
Enterprise Fund 1

7200.984 Build Central Texas program

5200101 ENT01 Annual Transit Street Maint.
5200500 ENT01 Suburban Comm - Manor
5200520 ENT01 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
5200540 ENT01 Suburban Comm - San Leanna
5200560 ENT01 Suburban Comm - Point Venture
5200640 ENT01 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1
Enterprise Fund 1

4003 PEN01 Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of a

4004 PEN01 Investment expense
4004 PEN02 Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of a
4005 PEN02 Investment expense

7200.994 Other expenses - area by function

5200641 ENT01 Asset disposal
Enterprise Fund 1

7400 Dividend and interest income

7400.200 Investment income

4070402 ENT01 Interest Income-Investments
4070410 ENT01 Investment Income - Unrealized
Enterprise Fund 1

Net Income (Loss)

10:37 AM

1010117 Concentration Account - Chase

Prelim Adj's Rep 1010118 Operating Account - Chase
1010119 Payroll Account - Chase
408,294,845.00 (275,000,000.00) 133,294,845.00 1010125 United Health Care
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service
408,294,845.00 (275,000,000.00) 133,294,845.00 1310500 CMTA Investments PFM-00
609,650.00 - 609,650.00 1310501 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA
(906,646.00) - (906,646.00) 1310505 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05
(1,074.00) - (1,074.00) 1310507 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07
132,000.00 - 132,000.00
1,200.00 - 1,200.00
405,575,945.00 (275,000,000.00) 130,575,945.00
1,479,772.00 - 1,479,772.00
270,974.00 - 270,974.00
949,909.00 - 949,909.00
408,111,730.00 (275,000,000.00) 133,111,730.00 1

140,317.00 - 140,317.00 1310506 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06

42,798.00 - 42,798.00
183,115.00 - 183,115.00

- - -
- - -
- - - 1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08
1311007 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-01

183,235,565.00 275,000,000.00 458,235,565.00

25,429,992.00 275,000,000.00 300,429,992.00

- 275,000,000.00 275,000,000.00
21,612,404.00 - 21,612,404.00
21,612,404.00 275,000,000.00 296,612,404.00 2

3,769,920.00 - 3,769,920.00 1020310 Accrued Interest

47,668.00 - 47,668.00 1311000 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00)
3,817,588.00 - 3,817,588.00 1311001 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01)
1311005 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(0
1319099 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Secu
65,259,684.00 - 65,259,684.00
121,753.00 - 121,753.00
19,894,975.00 - 19,894,975.00

6,299,688.00 - 6,299,688.00
40,657,364.00 - 40,657,364.00
(1,714,096.00) - (1,714,096.00)
65,259,684.00 - 65,259,684.00 10

92,545,889.00 - 92,545,889.00
12,266,650.00 - 12,266,650.00
7,476,204.00 - 7,476,204.00
29,028,588.00 - 29,028,588.00
4,491,381.00 - 4,491,381.00
- - -
5,331,116.00 - 5,331,116.00
33,713,154.00 - 33,713,154.00
238,796.00 - 238,796.00
92,545,889.00 - 92,545,889.00 1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment
1319001 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Res
1319002 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Un
1,272,452.00 - 1,272,452.00

1,272,452.00 - 1,272,452.00
272,452.00 - 272,452.00
950,000.00 - 950,000.00
50,000.00 - 50,000.00
1,272,452.00 - 1,272,452.00 4 1610110 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contrib
1610115 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Cont
1610200 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investm
9,941,419.00 202,444.00 10,143,863.00 1610210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Am
1610350 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experienc
9,941,419.00 202,444.00 10,143,863.00 1610351 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience
2,349,520.00 202,444.00 2,551,964.00 1610357 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experienc
2,999,997.00 - 2,999,997.00 1610358 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experienc
1,729,968.00 - 1,729,968.00 1610400 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Ch
(1,729,968.00) - (1,729,968.00) 1610401 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption chan
720,052.00 - 720,052.00 1610402 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amor
(597,552.00) - (597,552.00) 1610410 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated A
2,513,864.00 - 2,513,864.00 1610500 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Cha
(1,085,902.00) - (1,085,902.00) 1610510 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated A
5,067,915.00 - 5,067,915.00 1610600 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Ch
3,035,050.00 - 3,035,050.00 1610610 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated A
(2,537,464.00) - (2,537,464.00) 2220401 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience C
(5,067,915.00) - (5,067,915.00) 2220402 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience C
1,984,816.00 - 1,984,816.00 2220417 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption c
(1,984,816.00) - (1,984,816.00) 2220418 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs
209,630.00 - 209,630.00
(196,836.00) - (196,836.00)
(787,675.00) - (787,675.00)
1,231,398.00 - 1,231,398.00
5,792,670.00 - 5,792,670.00
(3,705,333.00) - (3,705,333.00)
9,941,419.00 202,444.00 10,143,863.00 15 2220610 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPE

666,324.00 - 666,324.00

666,324.00 - 666,324.00
666,324.00 - 666,324.00
666,324.00 - 666,324.00 14 1020101 Accounts Receivable-Trade
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable
1020103 Other Receivables
94,765,258.00 (2,231,111.00) 92,534,147.00 1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustment
1020110 A/R And A/P Offset
14,303,059.00 (12,258,398.00) 2,044,661.00 1020115 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated
13,153,972.00 (12,533,398.00) 620,574.00 1020116 Perry Plus to be allocated
13,339.00 - 13,339.00 1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow
1,524,145.00 - 1,524,145.00 1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts
2,050.00 - 2,050.00
(278,812.00) 275,000.00 (3,812.00)
- - -
(1,290.00) - (1,290.00)
63,863.00 - 63,863.00 1020301 Receivables Grant Accrual
(174,208.00) - (174,208.00) 1020501 Receivables Clearing
14,303,059.00 (12,258,398.00) 2,044,661.00 8 1020611 Fta Capital Grants

1,257,268.00 (275,000.00) 982,268.00

982,268.00 - 982,268.00
275,000.00 (275,000.00) - 1020601 Due from ATP
- - - 1020602 Due from CMTA
1,257,268.00 (275,000.00) 982,268.00 3

14,482,538.00 10,302,287.00 24,784,825.00

14,109,949.00 10,302,287.00 24,412,236.00 1020701 Sales Tax Receivable
372,589.00 - 372,589.00
14,482,538.00 10,302,287.00 24,784,825.00 7

64,722,393.00 - 64,722,393.00 1030101 Spare Parts

64,722,393.00 - 64,722,393.00 9 1030125 Tickets & Pass Inventory
64,722,393.00 - 64,722,393.00 1030151 Spare Parts - Freight Rail
1030199 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
1030201 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St
10,013,980.00 - 10,013,980.00 1030202 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St
6,264,737.00 - 6,264,737.00 1030211 Diesel Fuel - North Ops
439,259.00 - 439,259.00 1030212 Gasoline - North Ops
33,397.00 - 33,397.00 1030221 Diesel - Thompson Lane
2,517,852.00 - 2,517,852.00 1030222 Gasoline - Thompson Lane
324,456.00 - 324,456.00
4,273.00 - 4,273.00
343,850.00 - 343,850.00
33,105.00 - 33,105.00
25,509.00 - 25,509.00
27,542.00 - 27,542.00
10,013,980.00 - 10,013,980.00 5 1040112 Other Deposits
1510105 Other Prepaid Expenses
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr
1,804,684.00 (367,712.00) 1,436,972.00 1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev

1,804,684.00 (367,712.00) 1,436,972.00

8,042.00 - 8,042.00
1,428,930.00 - 1,428,930.00
(14,167.00) 14,167.00 -
381,879.00 (381,879.00) -
1,804,684.00 (367,712.00) 1,436,972.00 6 1110105 Operating Yards
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages
1110115 General Administration
497,399,482.00 (16,830,835.00) 480,568,647.00 1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip
1110125 Passenger Stations
332,972,244.00 (546,892.00) 332,425,352.00 1110130 Passenger Parking
2,037,483.00 - 2,037,483.00 1110135 Revenue Vehicles
24,650,574.00 - 24,650,574.00 1110140 Revenue Collection
71,806,255.00 (4.00) 71,806,251.00 1110145 Service Vehicles
90,175,403.00 322,253.00 90,497,656.00 1110150 Freight Rail - Right Of Way
42,936,146.00 194,419.00 43,130,565.00 1110155 Data Processing Equipment
70,081,970.00 - 70,081,970.00 1110175 Leasehold Improvements
295,695,092.00 120,272.00 295,815,364.00 1110180 Other Assets
8,389,782.00 - 8,389,782.00 1110301 Accumulated Depreciation
2,904,995.00 - 2,904,995.00
200,172,515.00 6.00 200,172,521.00
41,374,180.00 43,808.00 41,417,988.00
391,482.00 - 391,482.00
1,163,180.00 - 1,163,180.00 1110160 Land
(518,806,813.00) (1,227,646.00) (520,034,459.00) 1110165 Land Improvements
332,972,244.00 (546,892.00) 332,425,352.00

79,160,614.00 - 79,160,614.00
61,762,044.00 - 61,762,044.00 1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects
17,398,570.00 - 17,398,570.00
79,160,614.00 - 79,160,614.00 11

85,266,624.00 (16,283,943.00) 68,982,681.00

85,266,624.00 (16,283,943.00) 68,982,681.00
85,266,624.00 (16,283,943.00) 68,982,681.00 13 1110200 GASB 87 - Land
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings
1110210 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization
60,044,836.00 10,574,485.00 70,619,321.00

7,275,193.00 - 7,275,193.00
3,182,915.00 - 3,182,915.00
6,466,182.00 - 6,466,182.00 1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
(2,373,904.00) - (2,373,904.00)
7,275,193.00 - 7,275,193.00 14

52,674,096.00 10,670,032.00 63,344,128.00 1020901 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable - Current

52,674,096.00 10,670,032.00 63,344,128.00
52,674,096.00 10,670,032.00 63,344,128.00

95,547.00 (95,547.00) -
95,547.00 (95,547.00) -
95,547.00 (95,547.00) - 2010111 Accounts Payable

(1,237,579.00) (169,191.00) (1,406,770.00)

(408,541.00) - (408,541.00)
(408,541.00) - (408,541.00)
(408,541.00) - (408,541.00) 16

(86,093.00) - (86,093.00)
(45,000.00) - (45,000.00)
(16,337.00) - (16,337.00) 2010113 Retainage
(24,756.00) - (24,756.00)
(86,093.00) - (86,093.00)

(742,945.00) (169,191.00) (912,136.00)

(742,945.00) (169,191.00) (912,136.00)
(742,945.00) (169,191.00) (912,136.00) 22 2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable
what is reported in 2050415 Rent Deposit 2010122 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable
2010126 PCard Liability
(119,093,993.00) (9,978,499.00) (129,072,492.00) 2020325 Sales Tax Payables
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability
(66,324,351.00) (1,098,495.00) (67,422,846.00) 2050102 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Tok
(57,877,942.00) (1,099,493.00) (58,977,435.00) 2050540 Rail Claim Insurance Liability
(75,000.00) - (75,000.00) 2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees
- 998.00 998.00 2210522 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV
(8.00) - (8.00)
- - -
(144.00) - (144.00)
(2,000,000.00) - (2,000,000.00)
383.00 - 383.00 2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liabil
(6,371,640.00) - (6,371,640.00)
(66,324,351.00) (1,098,495.00) (67,422,846.00) 17

(52,769,642.00) (8,880,004.00) (61,649,646.00)

(52,769,642.00) (8,880,004.00) (61,649,646.00)
(52,769,642.00) (8,880,004.00) (61,649,646.00) 33 2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages
2030101 Accrued FICA

(8,665,627.00) 20,914.00 (8,644,713.00)

(1,159,835.00) - (1,159,835.00)
(1,272,375.00) - (1,272,375.00) 2010120 Liability Dental Insurance
112,540.00 - 112,540.00 2010121 Liability Health Insurance
(1,159,835.00) - (1,159,835.00) 19 2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions
(389,375.00) 20,914.00 (368,461.00) 2020204 Union Dues Payable
(11,000.00) - (11,000.00) 2020205 Vision Plan
(325,000.00) - (325,000.00) 2020206 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable
(10,735.00) 200.00 (10,535.00) 2020301 FICA Withheld
27,449.00 3,871.00 31,320.00 2020302 FIT Withheld
(6,828.00) 3,313.00 (3,515.00) 2020308 Garnishments Withheld
(190.00) - (190.00) 2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld
(1,605.00) - (1,605.00) 2020310 401K Withheld
1,060.00 - 1,060.00 2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction
112,442.00 - 112,442.00 2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld
199,235.00 - 199,235.00 2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld
(9,540.00) - (9,540.00) 2020318 Flex Early Retirement
(9,799.00) - (9,799.00) 2030104 Accrued SUTA
(43,507.00) 13,530.00 (29,977.00) 2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Mone
(83,134.00) - (83,134.00) 2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund
77,124.00 - 77,124.00
(217,574.00) - (217,574.00)
(60,666.00) - (60,666.00)
(84.00) - (84.00)
(7,862.00) - (7,862.00) 2020103 Accrued Vacation
(19,161.00) - (19,161.00) 2020105 Accrued Sick Leave
(389,375.00) 20,914.00 (368,461.00) 18

(3,757,944.00) - (3,757,944.00)
(2,455,394.00) - (2,455,394.00) 2210515 Long Term - CMTA Sick
(1,302,550.00) - (1,302,550.00) 2210516 Long Term - CMTA Vacation
(3,757,944.00) - (3,757,944.00) 20

(3,358,473.00) - (3,358,473.00)
(1,662,272.00) - (1,662,272.00)
(1,696,201.00) - (1,696,201.00)
(3,358,473.00) - (3,358,473.00) 25 2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability

(48,868,245.00) - (48,868,245.00)

(30,546,572.00) - (30,546,572.00)
(9,133,454.00) - (9,133,454.00) 1610300 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Inve
(21,413,118.00) - (21,413,118.00) 1610310 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated
(30,546,572.00) - (30,546,572.00) 28 1610311 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension
1610312 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amor
1610315 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension
(18,321,673.00) - (18,321,673.00) 1610316 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort
3,074,823.00 - 3,074,823.00 1610352 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension In
(3,074,824.00) - (3,074,824.00) 1610353 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Am
4,786,198.00 - 4,786,198.00 1610355 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Inv
(3,828,960.00) - (3,828,960.00) 1610356 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amo
(4,451,575.00) - (4,451,575.00) 2220200 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension
2,670,945.00 - 2,670,945.00 2220210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Am
4,016,296.00 - 4,016,296.00 2220300 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assump
(3,213,036.00) - (3,213,036.00) 2220310 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pe
(4,130,560.00) - (4,130,560.00) 2220311 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investment
2,478,336.00 - 2,478,336.00 2220312 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated
(319,936.00) - (319,936.00) 2220400 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Chang
319,936.00 - 319,936.00 2220410 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Exp
(1,415,858.00) - (1,415,858.00) 2220411 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience
1,415,858.00 - 1,415,858.00 2220412 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulate
(2,407,449.00) - (2,407,449.00) 2220415 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption
2,407,450.00 - 2,407,450.00 2220416 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs
(86,781.00) - (86,781.00) 2220419 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Inv
81,486.00 - 81,486.00 2220420 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption
(288,769.00) - (288,769.00) 2220421 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amo
241,445.00 - 241,445.00 2220422 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum amo
(920,415.00) - (920,415.00) 2220423 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains
763,828.00 - 763,828.00 2220424 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption
(3,323,864.00) - (3,323,864.00) 2220425 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience
(3,616,413.00) - (3,616,413.00) 2220426 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amo
1,329,545.00 - 1,329,545.00 2220427 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amo
1,562,165.00 - 1,562,165.00 2220428 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Am
(2,658,980.00) - (2,658,980.00) 2220510 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Inves Gain/Loss 1
- (6,739,458.00) (6,739,458.00) 2220512 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inve
(1,338,527.00) - (1,338,527.00) 2220700 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Ga
1,798,611.00 (1,266,815.00) 531,796.00 2220710 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Am
(6,739,458.00) 8,006,273.00 1,266,815.00 2220720 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension I
251,603.00 - 251,603.00 2220730 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumula
(234,754.00) - (234,754.00) 2220740 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension I
234,754.00 - 234,754.00 2220750 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumula
(2,233,254.00) - (2,233,254.00)
2,233,255.00 - 2,233,255.00
(2,961,910.00) - (2,961,910.00)
1,184,764.00 - 1,184,764.00
(2,409,560.00) - (2,409,560.00)
481,912.00 - 481,912.00
(18,321,673.00) - (18,321,673.00) 32 2210443 Retirees Health Benefits

(5,239,470.00) - (5,239,470.00)
(3,417,623.00) - (3,417,623.00) 2220600 CMTA Deferred Inflow OPEB
(3,417,623.00) - (3,417,623.00)
(3,417,623.00) - (3,417,623.00) 26

(1,821,847.00) - (1,821,847.00)
(1,821,847.00) - (1,821,847.00)
(1,821,847.00) - (1,821,847.00) 29 2220500 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow

(3,600,068.00) - (3,600,068.00)

(3,600,068.00) - (3,600,068.00)
(3,600,068.00) - (3,600,068.00)
(3,600,068.00) - (3,600,068.00) 30 2020601 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current

(7,286,088.00) 15,794.00 (7,270,294.00)

(1,254,404.00) - (1,254,404.00) 2050415 Rent Deposit

(1,254,404.00) - (1,254,404.00) 2210610 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI
(1,254,404.00) - (1,254,404.00) 21 2210630 Deferred Rent - Calles Street
2210660 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent

(6,031,684.00) 15,794.00 (6,015,890.00)

4,900.00 - 4,900.00
(18,798.00) 18,798.00 -
3,004.00 (3,004.00) -
(6,020,790.00) - (6,020,790.00) 27
(6,031,684.00) 15,794.00 (6,015,890.00) 2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds

- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -

(816,533,637.00) (1.00) (816,533,638.00)

(84,919,621.00) - (84,919,621.00)
(45,536,891.00) - (45,536,891.00)
(39,382,730.00) - (39,382,730.00) 3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated
(84,919,621.00) - (84,919,621.00) 3050202 Encumbrances Control
3050610 Appropriations

(482,689,873.00) 101,288.00 (482,588,585.00)

- - -
(687,310,016.00) 101,288.00 (687,208,728.00)
105,360,284.00 - 105,360,284.00
99,259,859.00 - 99,259,859.00 3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance
(482,689,873.00) 101,288.00 (482,588,585.00) 3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance
(248,924,143.00) (101,289.00) (249,025,432.00)
- - -
(1,252,000.00) (101,289.00) (1,353,289.00)
(43,052,000.00) - (43,052,000.00)
(105,360,284.00) - (105,360,284.00)
(99,259,859.00) - (99,259,859.00)
(248,924,143.00) (101,289.00) (249,025,432.00)

(626,924,165.00) (3,418,876.00) (630,343,041.00)

(3,746,907.00) - (3,746,907.00) 4080201 Sales Tax Revenue
(690,716.00) - (690,716.00) 4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
(4,437,623.00) - (4,437,623.00)

(366,924,492.00) - (366,924,492.00)
(366,926,110.00) - (366,926,110.00) 4010101 Fixed Route-Farebox
1,618.00 - 1,618.00 4010102 Fixed Route-Passes Bus
(366,924,492.00) - (366,924,492.00) 4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area
4010106 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
4010115 Metro Plus/Regional RF
(8,840,307.00) - (8,840,307.00) 4010116 Local – Single Ride
(7,006.00) - (7,006.00) 4010117 Local - Single Ride Reduced
432.00 - 432.00 4010118 Local - Day Pass
(798,683.00) - (798,683.00) 4010119 Local - Day Pass Reduced
(3,006.00) - (3,006.00) 4010120 Local - 7 Day
(186.00) - (186.00) 4010121 Local - 31 Day
(257,736.00) - (257,736.00) 4010122 Local - 31 Day Reduced
(3,103.00) - (3,103.00) 4010123 Commuter - Single Ride
(618,782.00) - (618,782.00) 4010124 Commuter - Single Ride Reduced
(11,413.00) - (11,413.00) 4010125 Commuter - Day Pass
(541,625.00) - (541,625.00) 4010126 Commuter - Day Ride Reduced
(1,172,021.00) - (1,172,021.00) 4010127 Commuter - 7 Day
(182,779.00) - (182,779.00) 4010128 Commuter - 31 Day
(199,483.00) - (199,483.00) 4010129 Commuter - 31 Day Reduced
(36,422.00) - (36,422.00) 4010130 TVM Cash- ECC over/under
(375,034.00) - (375,034.00) 4010131 Outlet Discount
(2,992.00) - (2,992.00) 4010132 Payment Discount
(84,573.00) - (84,573.00) 4010134 Access - Single Ride
(411,353.00) - (411,353.00) 4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet
(16,438.00) - (16,438.00) 4010136 Access - Monthly Pass
- - - 4010137 Stored Value Card $20
45,152.00 - 45,152.00 4010138 Stored Value Card $40
44.00 - 44.00 4010140 Metroworks Discounts
(22,262.00) - (22,262.00) 4010142 Stored value WALLET
(193,637.00) - (193,637.00) 4010152 Local Single Ride FAREBOX
(204,304.00) - (204,304.00) 4010153 Local Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
(10,663.00) - (10,663.00) 4010154 Local Day Pass FAREBOX
(9,400.00) - (9,400.00) 4010155 Local Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
52,282.00 - 52,282.00 4010156 Commuter Single Ride FAREBOX
(42,719.00) - (42,719.00) 4010157 Commuter Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
(1,011,719.00) - (1,011,719.00) 4010158 Commuter Day Pass FAREBOX
(7,929.00) - (7,929.00) 4010159 Commuter Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
(1,908,010.00) - (1,908,010.00) 4010165 DPP Local Day Pass
(140,274.00) - (140,274.00) 4010166 DPP Local Day Pass Reduced
(2,573.00) - (2,573.00) 4010167 DPP Local 7 Day Pass
(156.00) - (156.00) 4010168 DPP Local 31 Day
(78,253.00) - (78,253.00) 4010169 DPP Local 31 Day Reduced
(2,969.00) - (2,969.00) 4010170 DPP Commuter Day Pass
(88,415.00) - (88,415.00) 4010173 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass
(70.00) - (70.00) 4010174 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass Reduced
(61,509.00) - (61,509.00) 4010177 DPP Access Monthly
(242,736.00) - (242,736.00) 4010178 DPP Access 10 Ride
(8,281.00) - (8,281.00) 4010180 Local Day Pass Metrobike
(377.00) - (377.00) 4010181 Local Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
(25,987.00) - (25,987.00) 4010182 Local 31 Day Pass Metrobike
- - - 4010183 Local 31 Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
(84,374.00) - (84,374.00) 4010184 Commuter Day Pass Metrobike
(18,734.00) - (18,734.00) 4010186 Commuter 31 Day Pass Metrobike
(7,545.00) - (7,545.00) 4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets
- - - 4010315 Innovative Mobility Fares
(6,685.00) - (6,685.00) 4019990
(89.00) - (89.00) 4019995 Sales POS Intuit
(2,165.00) - (2,165.00)
(1,440.00) - (1,440.00)
(350.00) - (350.00)
(25,684.00) - (25,684.00)
(6,309.00) - (6,309.00) 4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act
36.00 - 36.00 4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
(8,840,307.00) - (8,840,307.00) 4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contractin
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda
4090250 Grants-Pass Through
(202,317,534.00) - (202,317,534.00) 4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue
(194,450,351.00) - (194,450,351.00) 4400100 Capital Contribution
(1,082,450.00) - (1,082,450.00)
(5,670,995.00) - (5,670,995.00)
(10,504.00) - (10,504.00)
(891,527.00) - (891,527.00)
(11,707.00) - (11,707.00) 4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital
(200,000.00) - (200,000.00) 4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital
(202,317,534.00) - (202,317,534.00)

(8,057,913.00) - (8,057,913.00)
(8,057,913.00) - (8,057,913.00) 4070301 Downtown Lease
- - - 4070405 Sale Of Schedule Book
(8,057,913.00) - (8,057,913.00) 4070520 Metro Bike Card Program
4079901 Photo I.D. Revenue
4079902 Cash Over / Under
(1,916,876.00) (455,736.00) (2,372,612.00) 4079903 Touch Passes
674,732.00 381,279.00 1,056,011.00 4079904 Shipping & Handling Fees
(411.00) - (411.00) 4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets
(114.00) - (114.00) 4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue
(7,242.00) - (7,242.00) 4079912 Loss on Property Disposal
(913.00) - (913.00) 4079914 Advertising Revenue
(1,165.00) - (1,165.00) 4079917 Fuel Tax Reimbursement
(814.00) - (814.00) 4079925 Childcare Revenue
(259,668.00) - (259,668.00) 4079935 Special Merchandise Sale
(26,016.00) (837,015.00) (863,031.00) 4079939 Adv Advertising Agency Discount
5,147.00 - 5,147.00 5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
(1,654,751.00) - (1,654,751.00)
- - -
(645,422.00) - (645,422.00)
(738.00) - (738.00)
- - - 4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP
499.00 - 499.00
(1,916,876.00) (455,736.00) (2,372,612.00)

(10,008,127.00) (2,138,232.00) (12,146,359.00) 4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue

(10,008,127.00) (2,138,232.00) (12,146,359.00) 4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income
(10,008,127.00) (2,138,232.00) (12,146,359.00)

(1,718,779.00) (824,908.00) (2,543,687.00)

(92,733.00) (547,350.00) (640,083.00) 4020503 University Of Texas
(1,626,046.00) (277,558.00) (1,903,604.00) 4020504 Guaranteed Ride Home
(1,718,779.00) (824,908.00) (2,543,687.00) 4020507 City Of Austin - ILA
4020508 Acc - ILA
4020510 Travis County ILA
(8,323,625.00) - (8,323,625.00) 4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation
(6,177,500.00) - (6,177,500.00) 4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation
10.00 - 10.00 4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
(118,612.00) - (118,612.00) 4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
(93,815.00) - (93,815.00)
(10,115.00) - (10,115.00)
(1,127,887.00) - (1,127,887.00)
(369,263.00) - (369,263.00)
(167,582.00) - (167,582.00) 4070302 Mainline Revenue
(258,861.00) - (258,861.00) 4070303 Row License Application
(8,323,625.00) - (8,323,625.00) 4070304 Row EIC Services
4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee
4070306 Row Permit Application
(6,773,719.00) - (6,773,719.00) 4070307 Row Permit Fees
(4,598,556.00) - (4,598,556.00) 4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit
(34,500.00) - (34,500.00)
(278,400.00) - (278,400.00)
(1,160,595.00) - (1,160,595.00)
(40,575.00) - (40,575.00)
(116,600.00) - (116,600.00)
(544,493.00) - (544,493.00)
(6,773,719.00) - (6,773,719.00)

(7,605,170.00) - (7,605,170.00)
(3,605,170.00) - (3,605,170.00)
(4,000,000.00) - (4,000,000.00)
(7,605,170.00) - (7,605,170.00) 5400101 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense

370,054,405.00 22,182,588.00 392,236,993.00

1,719,123.00 (375,723.00) 1,343,400.00

803,256.00 (375,723.00) 427,533.00 5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
915,867.00 - 915,867.00
1,719,123.00 (375,723.00) 1,343,400.00

645,501.00 - 645,501.00 5140000 GASB 87 - Amortization Expense

645,501.00 - 645,501.00
645,501.00 - 645,501.00

1,203,707.00 - 1,203,707.00 5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership

1,203,707.00 - 1,203,707.00
1,203,707.00 - 1,203,707.00

23,365,670.00 - 23,365,670.00 5030310 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing

23,365,670.00 - 23,365,670.00
23,365,670.00 - 23,365,670.00

728.00 - 728.00 5130150 Railroad Right Of Way

728.00 - 728.00 5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
728.00 - 728.00 5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
49,132,195.00 1,227,648.00 50,359,843.00 5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
1,506,170.00 - 1,506,170.00 5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages
2,438,501.00 982,191.00 3,420,692.00 5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntr
3,567,229.00 - 3,567,229.00 5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
22,118,907.00 27,687.00 22,146,594.00 5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
203,678.00 - 203,678.00 5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin
145,758.00 - 145,758.00 5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
1,011,223.00 - 1,011,223.00 5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements
5,774,048.00 188,141.00 5,962,189.00 5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
3,533,365.00 27,016.00 3,560,381.00 5131680 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
264,086.00 - 264,086.00
2,503,961.00 - 2,503,961.00
5,061,725.00 - 5,061,725.00
78,300.00 - 78,300.00
925,244.00 2,613.00 927,857.00 5080111 GRH Reimbursement
- - - 5080200 Commuter Rail Services
49,132,195.00 1,227,648.00 50,359,843.00 5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
5080300 E. Fifth Bus
5080325 North Base Paratransit
172,258,330.00 - 172,258,330.00 5080330 North Ops Bus
48.00 - 48.00 5080335 Georgetown Paratransit
19,491,509.00 - 19,491,509.00 5080350 Rural Service Bus
(42,700.00) - (42,700.00) 5080360 South Base Paratransit
78,560,020.00 - 78,560,020.00 5080400 RideShare
12,013,003.00 - 12,013,003.00 5080410 Pickup CARTS
35,787,976.00 - 35,787,976.00 5080411 Pickup North
299,872.00 - 299,872.00 5080413 BikeShare
817,073.00 - 817,073.00
13,585,115.00 - 13,585,115.00
1,529,334.00 - 1,529,334.00
677,560.00 - 677,560.00
2,751,061.00 - 2,751,061.00
1,432.00 - 1,432.00
165,471,303.00 - 165,471,303.00

1,535,273.00 - 1,535,273.00
56,516.00 - 56,516.00
4,976,012.00 - 4,976,012.00 5060101 Property Insurance Premiums
219,226.00 - 219,226.00 5060201 Physical Damage Recoveries
6,787,027.00 - 6,787,027.00 5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments
5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums
5060302 Auto Liablity Loss
(429,677.00) 837,015.00 407,338.00 5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums
116,990.00 - 116,990.00 5060802 Crime Insurance Premium
(2,361.00) - (2,361.00) 5060809 Other Business Insurance
(837,015.00) 837,015.00 -
49,188.00 - 49,188.00
12,875.00 - 12,875.00
62,146.00 - 62,146.00
10,131.00 - 10,131.00 5090101 Dues And Subscriptions
158,369.00 - 158,369.00 5090201 Airfare - Transportation
(429,677.00) 837,015.00 407,338.00 5090205 Travel - Per Diem
5090206 Toll Road Charges
5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration
5,361,014.00 (38,991.00) 5,322,023.00 5090211 Lodging
476,143.00 - 476,143.00 5090215 Travel - Other
75,172.00 2,914.00 78,086.00 5090250 Business Meals - Local
23,167.00 - 23,167.00 5090701 Bad Debt Expense
41,372.00 - 41,372.00 5090801 Newspaper Media
214,428.00 - 214,428.00 5090804 Advertising/Promotion Media
88,791.00 1,107.00 89,898.00 5099901 Postage
14,951.00 - 14,951.00 5099902 Bank Charges
35,076.00 - 35,076.00 5099904 Tools And Equipment
18,432.00 - 18,432.00 5099905 Computer Software
19,650.00 - 19,650.00 5099907 Safety Equipment
640,382.00 (12,493.00) 627,889.00 5099908 Computer Hardware
30,658.00 - 30,658.00 5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
144,574.00 - 144,574.00 5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans
11,333.00 - 11,333.00 5099950 Food and Ice
74,391.00 - 74,391.00 5099992 Recognition Program
1,370.00 - 1,370.00 5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount
1,032,908.00 - 1,032,908.00 5110201 Interest Expense
101,131.00 (4,424.00) 96,707.00 5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations
- - - 5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
119,761.00 - 119,761.00 5120601 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
165,072.00 - 165,072.00 5120801 Lease-Vehicles
(4,465.00) - (4,465.00) 5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility
172,881.00 - 172,881.00 5121202 Office Equipment
71,100.00 - 71,100.00 5121209 Other Equipment
173,044.00 (32,964.00) 140,080.00
113,675.00 - 113,675.00
860,775.00 - 860,775.00
526,147.00 6,869.00 533,016.00
118,382.00 - 118,382.00 5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin.
713.00 - 713.00 5010203 Overtime - Administrative
5,361,014.00 (38,991.00) 5,322,023.00 5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
5010207 Executive Compensation
5010208 Overtime - APD Officers
36,991,269.00 46,883.00 37,038,152.00 5010301 Salaries & Wages - Temp
35,075,295.00 46,883.00 35,122,178.00 5010304 Intern Pay
646,942.00 - 646,942.00
1,114,196.00 - 1,114,196.00
- - -
43,007.00 - 43,007.00
16,418.00 - 16,418.00 5020101 FICA-Admin
95,411.00 - 95,411.00 5020200 401k Fees
36,991,269.00 46,883.00 37,038,152.00 5020201 401K
5020202 Pension - Bargain
5020203 Pension - Admin
23,112,853.00 (1,458,905.00) 21,653,948.00 5020204 L/T Disability - Admin.
3,146,787.00 2,830.00 3,149,617.00 5020206 L/T Disability-IUE
29,662.00 - 29,662.00 5020208 S/T Disability
16,667.00 (8,464.00) 8,203.00 5020301 Health Plans-Admin
238,661.00 - 238,661.00 5020305 Health Plan - Fees
3,809,698.00 (1,071,418.00) 2,738,280.00 5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribu
137,444.00 (1,041.00) 136,403.00 5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
(8,800.00) - (8,800.00) 5020401 Dental Plans-Admin
151,781.00 - 151,781.00 5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5,885,606.00 - 5,885,606.00 5020421 Wellness Center Exp
1,307,945.00 - 1,307,945.00 5020501 Life Insurance-Admin
43,105.00 - 43,105.00 5020701 State Unemployment-Admin
(963,705.00) - (963,705.00) 5020832 Expense For W/C Claims
341,430.00 - 341,430.00 5020842 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
(45,497.00) - (45,497.00) 5020845 Premiums For W/C Losses
18,299.00 - 18,299.00 5020901 Sick Leave-Admin
135,936.00 1,041.00 136,977.00 5020904 Supplemental Sick
123,077.00 - 123,077.00 5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin
17,017.00 - 17,017.00 5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin
34.00 - 34.00 5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin
34,909.00 - 34,909.00 5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
2,652,854.00 (213,164.00) 2,439,690.00 5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin.
66,707.00 - 66,707.00 5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin
1,991,752.00 - 1,991,752.00 5021307 Other Clothing Allowance-Admin
3,127,362.00 (184,562.00) 2,942,800.00 5021406 Relocation Reimb.
109,298.00 - 109,298.00 5021411 Other Benefits - Admin
4,320.00 - 4,320.00 5021412 Other Benefits - Operators
39,164.00 - 39,164.00 5021415 Rideshare Subsidy
2,234.00 - 2,234.00 5021430 Tuition Reimbursement
723.00 - 723.00 5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Paymen
323,000.00 15,873.00 338,873.00
- - -
60,000.00 - 60,000.00
2,385.00 - 2,385.00
10,890.00 - 10,890.00 5030301 Audit Fees
302,108.00 - 302,108.00 5030302 General Legal Services
23,112,853.00 (1,458,905.00) 21,653,948.00 5030303 Consultation Fees
5030305 Medical Services
5030306 Technical Services
36,863,549.00 148,591.00 37,012,140.00 5030307 Other Services - Ctecc
258,537.00 - 258,537.00 5030309 Other Professional Fees
346,583.00 51,529.00 398,112.00 5030311 Permits And Fees
8,085,602.00 - 8,085,602.00 5030401 Temporary Help
10,439.00 - 10,439.00 5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment
59,655.00 - 59,655.00 5030506 Phone System Maintenance
545,406.00 (97,763.00) 447,643.00 5030507 Maintenance-Radios
6,752,696.00 (70,712.00) 6,681,984.00 5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other
9,336.00 - 9,336.00 5030511 Hardware Maintenance Contracts
1,268,500.00 164,721.00 1,433,221.00 5030512 Computer Systems Subscriptions and Main
6,446.00 - 6,446.00 5030515 Electrical Services
425,049.00 - 425,049.00 5030601 Custodial Services
693,549.00 - 693,549.00 5030701 Security Services
3,680,259.00 - 3,680,259.00 5039901 Courier And Delivery Services
503,496.00 - 503,496.00 5039903 Vehicle Towing
6,051,528.00 - 6,051,528.00 5039909 Other Services
162,689.00 - 162,689.00 5039910 Non-Capital Training
1,184,669.00 - 1,184,669.00 5039926 Advertising Installation Expense
1,018,056.00 - 1,018,056.00 5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services
36,873.00 - 36,873.00
218,442.00 - 218,442.00
3,909,793.00 100,816.00 4,010,609.00
59,051.00 - 59,051.00
- - - 5040104 Transmission Fluid
1,576,895.00 - 1,576,895.00 5040111 Diesel
36,863,549.00 148,591.00 37,012,140.00 5040121 Gasoline
5040131 Oil
5040145 Fuel-North Ops .
10,851,344.00 - 10,851,344.00 5040150 Fuel Risk Management
122,635.00 - 122,635.00 5070501 Diesel Fuel Tax
10,071,975.00 - 10,071,975.00 5070502 Gasoline Fuel Tax
1,563,248.00 - 1,563,248.00
246,361.00 - 246,361.00
5,361,405.00 - 5,361,405.00
(7,440,934.00) - (7,440,934.00)
867,342.00 - 867,342.00 5049901 Office Supplies
59,312.00 - 59,312.00 5049902 Passes And Tickets
10,851,344.00 - 10,851,344.00 5049903 Maps And Schedules
5049904 Training Materials
5049906 Cleaning Supplies
6,770,905.00 595.00 6,771,500.00 5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment
136,679.00 595.00 137,274.00 5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors
137,316.00 - 137,316.00 5049909 Other Supplies
189,805.00 - 189,805.00 5049915 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture
10,523.00 - 10,523.00 5049920 Maintenance Materials
3,874.00 - 3,874.00 5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
- - - 5049979 Non-Capital Projects
211.00 - 211.00 5070401 Inspection Certificates
1,055,237.00 - 1,055,237.00 5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor
117,849.00 - 117,849.00 5803000 Expense Reimbursements
5,257,446.00 - 5,257,446.00 5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP
296.00 - 296.00
- - -
225.00 - 225.00
64,077,496.00 6,023,096.00 70,100,592.00
(138,556.00) - (138,556.00) 5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power
(64,077,496.00) (6,023,096.00) (70,100,592.00) 5050201 Electric
6,770,905.00 595.00 6,771,500.00 5050202 Water And Sewer
5050203 Gas
5050204 Telephone-Local
3,546,716.00 - 3,546,716.00 5050206 Drainage Service
93,837.00 - 93,837.00 5050207 Garbage Collection
978,894.00 - 978,894.00 5050208 Street Service
256,673.00 - 256,673.00
158,365.00 - 158,365.00
1,547,598.00 - 1,547,598.00
256,597.00 - 256,597.00
88,262.00 - 88,262.00 5200101 Annual Transit Street Maint.
166,490.00 - 166,490.00 5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor
3,546,716.00 - 3,546,716.00 5200520 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna
5200560 Suburban Comm - Point Venture
(1,338,822.00) - (1,338,822.00) 5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct
186,790.00 - 186,790.00
84,500.00 - 84,500.00
21,000.00 - 21,000.00 4003 PE
- - - 4004 PE
39,000.00 - 39,000.00 4004 PE
4,615,000.00 - 4,615,000.00 4005 PE
4,946,290.00 - 4,946,290.00 Pension

(2,089,927.00) - (2,089,927.00)
45,303.00 - 45,303.00
(4,376,220.00) - (4,376,220.00) 5200641 Asset Disposal Expense
135,732.00 - 135,732.00
(6,285,112.00) - (6,285,112.00)

- 21,795,475.00 21,795,475.00
- 21,795,475.00 21,795,475.00
- 21,795,475.00 21,795,475.00 4070402 Interest Income-Investments
4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized

(44,378.00) - (44,378.00)

(44,378.00) - (44,378.00)
(2,089,363.00) - (2,089,363.00)
2,044,985.00 - 2,044,985.00
(44,378.00) - (44,378.00)

- - -

256,914,138.00 238,150,426.00
ation Account - Chase
Account - Chase
count - Chase

und - Customer Service

estments PFM-00
serve PFM-01 COA
Operating Reserve PFM-05
abilization Reserve PFM-07

il Transit Proj PFM-06

ance Reserve PFM-08

Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-0170(07)
CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00)
COA 4587 PFM-0160(01)
Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05)
d (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securities

Management Investment
or Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
or Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted

ferred Outflows - Pension Contributions

Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
ferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
ferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
TA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
TA Deferred Outflows Experience Changes amortization
TA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
TA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes amortizatio
ferred Outflows - Assumption Changes
erred Outflows - Assumption changes or inputs
umption changes or inputs - amortization
ferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
ferred Outflows – Experience Changes 15
ferred Outflows – Accumulated Amortz. Exp Changes 15
ferred Outflows - Assumption Changes 16
ferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortiz Pension 16
TA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes amortization
TA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes
TA Deferred Inflows Assumption changes or inputs
TA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortization

ferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB

Advances Receivable

Receivable - Payroll Adjustments

P to be Allocated
to be allocated
Service Escrow
Doubtful Accts

es Grant Accrual
Pass Inventory
ts - Freight Rail
ts - Commuter Rail
2910 E. 5Th St
2910 E. 5Th St
el - North Ops

Thompson Lane
Thompson Lane

paid Expenses
ent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr
llo Straight Line Rev

ouses, Car Shops & Garages

Movement Cntrl Equip

ail - Right Of Way

essing Equipment
d Improvements

ted Depreciation

pital Projects

Accum Amortization

Long Term Receivable

Lease Receivable - Current

Accounts Payable
Comp. Claims Payable

egal Liability
not Used TVM Unredeemed Tokens
Insurance Liability
TxDOT Earned Int and Fees
ryover from RATPDEV to MV

Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability

alaries & Wages

ental Insurance
ealth Insurance
m Disability Buy up – Payroll
Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
vings Account Contributions
egal W/H Payable

ents Withheld
n Payments Withheld

d Critical Care Deduction

ction Withheld
ndent Care Withheld

Funds - Vending Machine Money

Emergency Relief Fund

m - CMTA Sick
m - CMTA Vacation

t Pension Liability
Net Pension Liability

Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses

Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
Tran Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gain/loss
Tran Def Outflows - Accum Amort invest gain/loss
Tran Deferred Outflows Pension Invest Gains/ Losses
Tran Def Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
TA Deferred Outflows -Pension Investment Gains/losses
TA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
TA Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gains/Losses
TA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
ferred Inflows - Pension
ferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
ferred Inflows – Pension Assumption Changes 15
ferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pension Assump Chang 15
TA Deferred Inflows - Investments CMTA investment g/l
TA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Amortization inv g/l
ferred Inflows - Experience Change 16
ferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Experience Change 16
TA Deferred Inflows - Experience change CMTA
TA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization exp.
TA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
TA Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
TA Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/losses
TA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
TA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort - Invest Gains/Losses
TA Deferred Inflows - Accum amort changes or inputs -
TA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses
TA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
TA Deferred Inflows - Experience change
TA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/L
TA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes or Assumpti
TA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experience Change
ferred Inflows - Inves Gain/Loss 16
ferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16
Tran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gains/losses
Tran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr Inv Gains/losses
Tran Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/lo
Tran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization In
Tran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Gain/Loss
Tran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amortization

Health Benefits
ferred Inflow OPEB

el Hedging Deferred Inflow

Lease Liability - Current

Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI

Rent - Calles Street
Lease Liability - Noncurrent

ue From Other Funds

ances Control
or Self Insurance
Statutory Operating
or Encumbrances
y Fund Balance

Recovery Fees

te-Passes Bus
- In Service Area
ral Service-Demand Response
s/Regional RF

gle Ride Reduced

y Pass Reduced

Day Reduced
r - Single Ride
r - Single Ride Reduced
r - Day Pass
r - Day Ride Reduced

r - 31 Day Reduced
- ECC over/under

0 Ride Booklet
Monthly Pass
lue Card $20
lue Card $40
rks Discounts
le Ride Reduced FAREBOX
Pass Reduced FAREBOX
r Single Ride FAREBOX
r Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
r Day Pass FAREBOX
r Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX

Day Pass Reduced

31 Day Reduced
muter Day Pass
muter 31 Day Pass
muter 31 Day Pass Reduced

Pass Metrobike
Pass Reduced Metrobike
Day Pass Metrobike
Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
r Day Pass Metrobike
r 31 Day Pass Metrobike
ess - Passes & Tickets
e Mobility Fares

enue - Cares Act

enue - Operating
enue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
enue - Usda

nt Revenue

enue - Capital
enue - State Capital

hedule Book
e Card Program

& Handling Fees

ntransit Revenue
roperty Disposal


erchandise Sale
rtising Agency Discount
posal Exp And Admin Fees

ontributions from ATP

Lease Revenue
nterest Income
ed Ride Home

ck Purchased Transportation
unty Purchased Transportation
wn Purchased Transportation
e Purchased Transportation

nse Application

nse Agreement Annual Fee

mit Application

Sales Tax Posts

mbursement Expense

ontributions-Other Jurisdictions

Amortization Expense
ontr - Austin Transit Partnership

Vaccine and Testing

Right Of Way
tion Expense-Passenger Stations
tion Expense-Passenger Parking
tion Expense-Revenue Vehicles
tion Expense-Service Vehicles
tion Expense-Operating Yards
tion Expense-Garages
tion Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
tion Expense-Dp Equipment
tion Expense-Revenue Collection
tion Expense-General Admin
tion Expense-Light Rail
tion-Lh Improvements
tion Expense-Land Improvements
tion Expense-Other Assets

r Rail Services
nce Deficiency Credits PDC

e Paratransit

wn Paratransit

e Paratransit
nsurance Premiums
Damage Recoveries
ty Claim Payments
ability Premiums

fficals Liab. Premiums

urance Premium
iness Insurance


Conferences, Registration

Meals - Local

ng/Promotion Media


cellaneous Expenses
c. Expense-Vans

t Pay Discount
senger Stations
senger Parking Facilities
erating Yard/Storage

ministrative Facility

Wages - Admin.
- Administrative
Wages - Apd Officers
- APD Officers
Wages - Temp

lity - Admin.

vings Account Employer Contribution

an Employee Contribution-Admin

an Employee Contribution-Admin

or W/C Claims
in Fees (2% Of Claims)
s For W/C Losses

d Leave-Admin
thing Allowance-Admin

nefits - Admin
nefits - Operators

nt Medicare Supplement Payments

egal Services

vices - Ctecc
fessional Fees

nce-Office Equipment
stem Maintenance

Maintenance Contracts
r Systems Subscriptions and Maintenance

nd Delivery Services

ng Installation Expense
og Transit Services

le Tools & Equipment

Board Of Directors

al Equipment and Furniture

nce Materials
harge-Inventory Parts

n Certificates
pense - Non Labor
oject Expense to WIP

- Propulsion Power

ansit Street Maint.

Comm - Manor
Comm - Lago Vista
Comm - San Leanna
Comm - Point Venture
Comm - Williamson County Pct 1

posal Expense

nt Income - Unrealized
Will book the $30M ATP contribution to the Liability account shown in the email below - SM 11/3/23

5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership 30,000,000.00

2230602 Intergovernmental Payable 30,000,000.00
Will use coding from reversed contribution

AX Main Main account Name

1 1010101 Fund Cash
2 1010117 Concentration Account - Chase
3 1010118 Operating Account - Chase
4 1010119 Payroll Account - Chase
5 Insert for new Oracle account
6 Insert for new Oracle account
8 1010125 United Health Care
9 1010222 Petty-Cash Treasury
10 1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service
11 1020101 Accounts Receivable-Trade
12 1020102 Employee Advances Receivable
15 Insert for new Oracle account
16 Insert for new Oracle account
17 1020103 Other Receivables
18 1020901 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable - Current
19 1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments
20 1020110 A/R And A/P Offset
21 1020115 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated
22 1020116 Perry Plus to be allocated
23 1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow
24 1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts
25 Insert for new Oracle account
26 1020301 Receivables Grant Accrual
27 1020310 Accrued Interest
28 Insert for new Oracle account
29 1020501 Receivables Clearing
30 1020601 Due from ATP
31 1020602 Due from CMTA
32 1020611 Fta Capital Grants
33 1020701 Sales Tax Receivable
34 1030101 Spare Parts
35 Insert for new Oracle account
36 Insert for new Oracle account
37 1030125 Tickets & Pass Inventory
38 Insert for new Oracle account
39 Insert for new Oracle account
40 1030151 Spare Parts - Freight Rail
41 1030199 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail
42 1030201 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St
43 1030202 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St
44 1030211 Diesel Fuel - North Ops
45 1030212 Gasoline - North Ops
46 1030221 Diesel - Thompson Lane
47 1030222 Gasoline - Thompson Lane
48 Insert for new Oracle account
49 Insert for new Oracle account
50 Insert for new Oracle account
51 1040112 Other Deposits
52 1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects
53 1110105 Operating Yards
54 1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages
55 1110115 General Administration
56 1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip
57 1110125 Passenger Stations
58 1110130 Passenger Parking
59 1110135 Revenue Vehicles
60 1110140 Revenue Collection
61 1119900 Asset Clearing Account
62 1119940 Clearing Account - Revenue Collection
63 1110145 Service Vehicles
64 1110150 Freight Rail - Right Of Way
65 Insert for new Oracle account
66 1110155 Data Processing Equipment
67 1110160 Land
68 1110165 Land Improvements
69 1110175 Leasehold Improvements
70 1110180 Other Assets
71 Insert for new Oracle account
72 1110200 GASB 87 - Land
73 1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings
74 1110301 Accumulated Depreciation
75 1110210 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization
76 1310500 CMTA Investments PFM-00
77 1310501 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA
78 1310505 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05
79 1310506 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06
80 1310507 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07
81 1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08
82 1311000 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00)
83 1311001 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01)
84 1311005 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05)
85 1311007 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-0170(07)
86 1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment
87 1319001 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restricted
88 1319002 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unrestricted
89 1319099 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securities
90 1510105 Other Prepaid Expenses
91 1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr
92 1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev
93 1610110 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
94 1610115 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Contributions
95 1610200 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
96 1610210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
97 1610300 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Investment Gains/Losses
98 1610310 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Invest
99 1610311 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gain/loss
100 1610312 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amort invest gain/loss
101 1610315 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Invest Gains/ Losses
102 1610316 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
103 1610350 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
104 1610351 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience Changes amortization
105 1610352 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension Investment Gains/losses
106 1610353 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
107 1610355 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Investment Gains/Losses
108 1610356 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort Invest gains/losses
109 1610357 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes
110 1610358 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience Changes amortizatio
111 1610400 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes
112 1610401 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption changes or inputs
113 1610402 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
114 1610403 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortization
115 1610410 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
116 1610500 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Changes 15
117 1610510 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated Amortz. Exp Changes 15
118 1610600 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Changes 16
119 1610610 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amortiz Pension 16
120 1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
121 2010111 Accounts Payable
122 Insert for new Oracle account
123 Insert for new Oracle account
124 Insert for new Oracle account
125 Insert for new Oracle account
126 Insert for new Oracle account
127 Insert for new Oracle account
128 Insert for new Oracle account
129 2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable
130 2010113 Retainage
131 2010120 Liability Dental Insurance
132 2010121 Liability Health Insurance
133 2010122 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable
134 2010126 PCard Liability
135 2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll
136 2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
137 2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions
138 Insert for new Oracle account
139 2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages
140 2020103 Accrued Vacation
141 2020105 Accrued Sick Leave
142 Insert for new Oracle account
143 2020204 Union Dues Payable
144 2020205 Vision Plan
145 2020206 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable
146 2020301 FICA Withheld
147 2020302 FIT Withheld
148 2020308 Garnishments Withheld
149 2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld
150 2020310 401K Withheld
151 2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction
152 2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld
153 2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld
154 2020318 Flex Early Retirement
155 2020325 Sales Tax Payables
156 Insert for new Oracle account
157 2030101 Accrued FICA
158 2030104 Accrued SUTA
159 2030200 Accrued Legal Liability
160 2050101 Unredeemed Passes And Tickets
161 Insert for new Oracle account
162 2050102 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Tokens
163 2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds
164 2050414 Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program)
165 2050415 Rent Deposit
166 2050501 Unearned Lease Revenue
167 2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money
168 2050540 Rail Claim Insurance Liability
169 2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue
170 2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees
171 2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund
172 2020601 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current
173 2210443 Retirees Health Benefits
174 2210515 Long Term - CMTA Sick
175 2210516 Long Term - CMTA Vacation
176 2210522 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV
177 2210610 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI
178 2210630 Deferred Rent - Calles Street
179 2210660 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent
180 2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability
181 2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability
182 2220200 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension
183 2220210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization Pension
184 2220300 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assumption Changes 15
185 2220310 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pension Assump Chang 15
186 2220311 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investments CMTA investment g/l
187 2220312 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Amortization inv g/l
188 2220400 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Change 16
189 2220401 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes amortization
190 2220402 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Changes
191 2220410 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Experience Change 16
192 2220411 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change CMTA
193 2220412 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization exp.
194 2220415 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
195 2220416 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - amortization
196 2220417 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption changes or inputs
197 2220418 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - Amortization
198 2220419 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/losses
199 2220420 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs
200 2220421 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort - Invest Gains/Losses
201 2220422 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum amort changes or inputs -
202 2220423 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses
203 2220424 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs -
204 2220425 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change
205 2220426 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/L
206 2220427 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes or Assumpti
207 2220428 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experience Change
208 2220500 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow
209 2220510 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Inves Gain/Loss 16
210 2220512 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves Gain/Loss 16
211 2220600 CMTA Deferred Inflow OPEB
212 2220610 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB
213 2220700 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gains/losses
214 2220710 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr Inv Gains/losses
215 2220720 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Investment Gains/lo
216 2220730 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amortization In
217 2220740 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Gain/Loss
218 2220750 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amortization
219 2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability
220 3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated
221 3050202 Encumbrances Control
222 3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance
223 3050311 Reserve - Mobility Planning
224 3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating
225 3050314 Reserve - Budget Stabilization
226 3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances
227 3050610 Appropriations
228 3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance
229 Main account Name
230 4010101 Fixed Route-Farebox
231 4010102 Fixed Route-Passes Bus
232 Insert for new Oracle account
233 4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area
234 4010106 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
235 4010115 Metro Plus/Regional RF
236 4010116 Local – Single Ride
237 4010117 Local - Single Ride Reduced
238 4010118 Local - Day Pass
239 4010119 Local - Day Pass Reduced
240 4010120 Local - 7 Day
241 4010121 Local - 31 Day
242 4010122 Local - 31 Day Reduced
243 4010123 Commuter - Single Ride
244 4010124 Commuter - Single Ride Reduced
245 4010125 Commuter - Day Pass
246 4010126 Commuter - Day Ride Reduced
247 4010127 Commuter - 7 Day
248 4010128 Commuter - 31 Day
249 4010129 Commuter - 31 Day Reduced
250 4010130 TVM Cash- ECC over/under
251 4010131 Outlet Discount
252 4010132 Payment Discount
253 4010134 Access - Single Ride
254 4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet
255 4010136 Access - Monthly Pass
256 4010137 Stored Value Card $20
257 4010138 Stored Value Card $40
258 4010140 Metroworks Discounts
259 4010142 Stored value WALLET
260 4010151 Fixed Route - Farebox North Ops.
261 4010152 Local Single Ride FAREBOX
262 4010153 Local Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
263 4010154 Local Day Pass FAREBOX
264 4010155 Local Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
265 4010156 Commuter Single Ride FAREBOX
266 4010157 Commuter Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX
267 4010158 Commuter Day Pass FAREBOX
268 4010159 Commuter Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX
269 4010160 Farebox CARTS - City of Georgetown
270 4010165 DPP Local Day Pass
271 4010166 DPP Local Day Pass Reduced
272 4010167 DPP Local 7 Day Pass
273 4010168 DPP Local 31 Day
274 4010169 DPP Local 31 Day Reduced
275 4010170 DPP Commuter Day Pass
276 4010171 DPP Commuter Day Pass Reduced
277 4010173 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass
278 4010174 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass Reduced
279 4010175 DPP Stored Value $20
280 4010177 DPP Access Monthly
281 4010178 DPP Access 10 Ride
282 4010180 Local Day Pass Metrobike
283 4010181 Local Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
284 4010182 Local 31 Day Pass Metrobike
285 4010183 Local 31 Day Pass Reduced Metrobike
286 4010184 Commuter Day Pass Metrobike
287 4010186 Commuter 31 Day Pass Metrobike
288 4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets
289 4010300 Commuter Rail TVM Cash
290 4010315 Innovative Mobility Fares
291 4019990
292 4019995 Sales POS Intuit
293 Insert for new Oracle account
294 Insert for new Oracle account
295 Insert for new Oracle account
296 Insert for new Oracle account
297 Insert for new Oracle account
298 Insert for new Oracle account
299 Insert for new Oracle account
300 Insert for new Oracle account
301 4020503 University Of Texas
302 4020504 Guaranteed Ride Home
303 4020507 City Of Austin - ILA
304 4020508 Acc - ILA
305 4020510 Travis County ILA
306 4020511 CAMPO - ILA
307 4030100 Special Events Charter Service
308 4070301 Downtown Lease
309 4070302 Mainline Revenue
310 4070303 Row License Application
311 4070304 Row EIC Services
312 4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee
313 4070306 Row Permit Application
314 4070307 Row Permit Fees
315 4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit
316 4070402 Interest Income-Investments
317 4070405 Sale Of Schedule Book
318 4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized
319 4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
320 4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income
321 4070520 Metro Bike Card Program
322 4079901 Photo I.D. Revenue
323 4079902 Cash Over / Under
324 4079903 Touch Passes
325 4079904 Shipping & Handling Fees
326 4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets
327 4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue
328 4079912 Loss on Property Disposal
329 4079914 Advertising Revenue
330 4079917 Fuel Tax Reimbursement
331 4079920 Wellness Center Fees
332 4079925 Childcare Revenue
333 4079926 Advertising Installation Fees
334 4079935 Special Merchandise Sale
335 4079939 Adv Advertising Agency Discount
336 4080201 Sales Tax Revenue
337 4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
338 4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital
339 4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act
340 4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
341 4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
342 4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda
343 4090250 Grants-Pass Through
344 4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue
345 4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital
346 4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP
347 Insert for new Oracle account
348 4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation
349 4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services
350 4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation
351 4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
352 4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
353 4400100 Capital Contribution
354 5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin.
355 5010203 Overtime - Administrative
356 5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
357 5010207 Executive Compensation
358 5010208 Overtime - APD Officers
359 5010301 Salaries & Wages - Temp
360 5010304 Intern Pay
361 5020101 FICA-Admin
362 5020200 401k Fees
363 5020201 401K
364 5020202 Pension - Bargain
365 5020203 Pension - Admin
366 5020204 L/T Disability - Admin.
367 5020206 L/T Disability-IUE
368 5020208 S/T Disability
369 5020301 Health Plans-Admin
370 5020305 Health Plan - Fees
371 5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution
372 5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
373 5020401 Dental Plans-Admin
374 5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
375 5020421 Wellness Center Exp
376 5020501 Life Insurance-Admin
377 5020701 State Unemployment-Admin
378 5020832 Expense For W/C Claims
379 5020842 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
380 5020845 Premiums For W/C Losses
381 5020901 Sick Leave-Admin
382 5020904 Supplemental Sick
383 5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin
384 5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin
385 5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin
386 5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
387 5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin.
388 5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin
389 5021307 Other Clothing Allowance-Admin
390 5021403 Automobile
391 5021405 Housing
392 5021406 Relocation Reimb.
393 5021411 Other Benefits - Admin
394 5021412 Other Benefits - Operators
395 5021415 Rideshare Subsidy
396 5021417 B-Cycle Subsidy
397 5021430 Tuition Reimbursement
398 5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments
400 5030301 Audit Fees
401 5030302 General Legal Services
402 5030303 Consultation Fees
403 5030305 Medical Services
404 5030306 Technical Services
405 5030307 Other Services - Ctecc
406 5030309 Other Professional Fees
407 5030310 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing
408 5030311 Permits And Fees
409 5030401 Temporary Help
410 5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment
411 5030506 Phone System Maintenance
412 5030507 Maintenance-Radios
413 5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other
414 5030511 Hardware Maintenance Contracts
415 5030512 Computer Systems Subscriptions and Maintenance
416 5030515 Electrical Services
417 5030601 Custodial Services
418 5030701 Security Services
419 5039901 Courier And Delivery Services
420 5039903 Vehicle Towing
421 5039905 Sp Right of Way Maintenance
422 5039909 Other Services
423 5039910 Non-Capital Training
424 5039926 Advertising Installation Expense
425 5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services
426 5040104 Transmission Fluid
427 5040105 Coolant
428 5040109 Other Fluids
429 5040111 Diesel
430 5040121 Gasoline
431 5040131 Oil
432 5040145 Fuel-North Ops .
433 5040145 Fuel-North Ops .
434 5040145 Fuel-North Ops .
435 Insert for new Oracle account
436 Insert for new Oracle account
437 Insert for new Oracle account
438 5040150 Fuel Risk Management
439 Insert for new Oracle account
440 Insert for new Oracle account
441 Insert for new Oracle account
442 Insert for new Oracle account
443 Insert for new Oracle account
444 5049901 Office Supplies
445 5049902 Passes And Tickets
446 5049903 Maps And Schedules
447 5049904 Training Materials
448 5049906 Cleaning Supplies
449 5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment
450 5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors
451 5049909 Other Supplies
452 5049915 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture
453 5049920 Maintenance Materials
454 Insert for new Oracle account
455 Insert for new Oracle account
456 Insert for new Oracle account
457 Insert for new Oracle account
458 5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
459 5049978 Emergency Spills
460 5049979 Non-Capital Projects
461 5049992 Awards - Recognition Program
462 5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power
463 5050201 Electric
464 5050202 Water And Sewer
465 5050203 Gas
466 5050204 Telephone-Local
467 5050206 Drainage Service
468 5050207 Garbage Collection
469 5050208 Street Service
470 5060101 Property Insurance Premiums
471 5060201 Physical Damage Recoveries
472 5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments
473 5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums
474 5060302 Auto Liablity Loss
475 5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums
476 5060802 Crime Insurance Premium
477 5060809 Other Business Insurance
478 5070401 Inspection Certificates
479 5070501 Diesel Fuel Tax
480 5070502 Gasoline Fuel Tax
481 5070503 Fuel Surcharge
482 5079901 Battery Surcharge
483 5080111 GRH Reimbursement
484 5080112 Innovative Mobility
485 5080200 Commuter Rail Services
486 5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
487 5080300 E. Fifth Bus
488 5080325 North Base Paratransit
489 5080330 North Ops Bus
490 5080335 Georgetown Paratransit
491 5080350 Rural Service Bus
492 5080360 South Base Paratransit
493 5080400 RideShare
494 5080410 Pickup CARTS
495 5080411 Pickup North
496 5080412 Pickup South
497 5080413 BikeShare
498 5090101 Dues And Subscriptions
499 5090201 Airfare - Transportation
500 5090205 Travel - Per Diem
501 5090206 Toll Road Charges
502 5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration
503 5090211 Lodging
504 5090215 Travel - Other
505 5090250 Business Meals - Local
506 5090701 Bad Debt Expense
507 5090702 Contingency Reserve
508 5090801 Newspaper Media
509 5090804 Advertising/Promotion Media
510 5090809 Other Media
511 5099901 Postage
512 5099902 Bank Charges
513 5099904 Tools And Equipment
514 5099905 Computer Software
515 5099907 Safety Equipment
516 5099908 Computer Hardware
517 5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
521 Insert for new Oracle account
522 5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans
523 5099950 Food and Ice
524 5099992 Recognition Program
525 5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount
526 5100300 Capitalization of Salaries and Wages
527 5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor
528 5100320 Allocated Overhead-General
529 5110201 Interest Expense
530 5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations
531 5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
532 5120601 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
533 5120707 Rent-Event Space
534 5120801 Lease-Vehicles
535 5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility
536 5121202 Office Equipment
537 5121209 Other Equipment
538 5140000 GASB 87 - Amortization Expense
539 Insert for new Oracle account
540 5130150 Railroad Right Of Way
541 5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
542 5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
543 5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
544 5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
545 5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
546 5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages
547 5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
548 5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
549 5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
550 5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin
551 5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
552 5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements
553 5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
554 5131680 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
555 Insert for new Oracle account
556 5160201 Extraordinary Items
557 5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
558 Insert for new Oracle account
559 Insert for new Oracle account
560 5200101 Annual Transit Street Maint.
561 5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor
562 5200520 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
563 5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna
564 5200560 Suburban Comm - Point Venture
565 5200580 Suburban Comm - Volente
566 5200600 Suburban Comm - Jonestown
567 5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1
568 5200641 Asset Disposal Expense
569 5400101 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
570 5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense
571 5803000 Expense Reimbursements
572 5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
573 5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership
574 5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP
575 5999945 Asset Expenditure - Service Vehicles
576 999990
577 9999991
Oracle Account Name
1010101 AX - Fund Cash
1010117 Cash - General
1010118 Cash - Payables
1010119 Cash - Payroll
1010120 Cash Clearing Account
1010121 Bytemark Clearing Account
1010122 Via Clearing Account
1010125 United Health Care
1010222 Petty-Cash Treasury
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service
1020101 Accounts Receivable - Trade
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable
1020106 On Account Receipts
1020108 Unapplied Receipts
1020109 Unidentified Receipts
1020111 AR - Manual adjustments
1020103 Other Receivables
1020105 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments
1020110 A/R And A/P Offset
1020115 Office Services Allocation - Ricoh
1020116 Office Services Allocation - Perry
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts
1020211 Interorganization Fare Media Receivable
1020301 Accrued Grant Receivable
1020310 Accrued Interest Receivable
1020315 GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable
1020501 Receivables Clearing
1020601 Due from ATP
1020602 Intergovernmental Receivable
1020301 Accrued Grant Receivable
1020701 Accrued Sales Tax Receivable
1030101 EAM Parts
1030126 Cycle Count Variances
1030501 Default Expense Clearing - EAM
1030301 Fare Media - Treasury
1030302 Fare Media - Downtown
1030303 Fare Media - HEB
1030151 Rail Spare Parts
1030151 Rail Spare Parts
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030201 Fuel Inventory
1030311 In-Transit - Fare Media
1030998 Trade Clearing - Fare Media
1030999 Receiving Inspection - Fare Media
1040112 Deposits
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects
1110105 Operating Yards
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages
1110115 General Administration
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip
1110125 Passenger Stations
1110130 Passenger Parking
1110135 Revenue Vehicles
1110140 Revenue Collection
1119900 Asset Clearing Account
1110140 Revenue Collection
1110145 Service Vehicles
1110150 Freight Rail
1110153 Commuter Rail
1110155 Data Processing Equipment
1110160 Land
1110165 Land Improvements
1110175 Leasehold Improvements
1110180 Other Assets
1110190 GASB 87 Assets - Leases
1110200 GASB 87 - Land
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation
1110305 Accumulated amortization - GASB 87
1310500 Texas Term - General
1310501 Texas Term - Reserve Account
1310505 Texas Term - Statutory Operating Reserve
1310506 Texas Term - Tx Dot Rail Transit
1310507 Texas Term - Budget Stabilization Reserve
1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08
1311000 PFM - General
1311001 PFM - City of Austin Mobility Port
1311005 PFM - Statutory Operating Reserve
1311007 PFM - Budget Stabilization Reserve
1319000 Fuel Hedge Allocation
1319001 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Restricted
1319002 Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Unrestricted
1319099 Unrealized Investment Gain
1510105 Prepaid Expenses
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev
1610110 CMTA Pension - Contributions
1610115 StarTran Pension - Contributions
1610401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610311 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610311 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610301 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610311 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610402 CMTA Pension - Experience
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
1610401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
1610411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
1610402 CMTA Pension - Experience
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
1610402 CMTA Pension - Experience
1610412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
1610403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
1610413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
2010111 Accounts Payable - Trade
2010131 AP - Manual adjustments
2010141 Inventory Purchase - Clearing
2010151 Inventory Transfer - Clearing
2010152 Interorganization Fare Media Payable
2010153 Interorganization Fare Media Clearing
2010114 P-card Liability Clearing
2010115 Spend Authorization Liabililty
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable
2010113 Retainage
2010120 Dental Insurance
2010121 Health Insurance
2010122 Workers Compensation
2010137 P-Card Default Coding
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions
2010132 GASB 87 - Interest Payable
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages
2020103 Accrued Vacation
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave
2020114 Payroll Liability Clearing
2020204 Union Dues Payable
2020205 Vision Insurance
2020206 Prepaid Legal Withholding
2020301 FICA Withheld
2020302 FIT Withheld
2020308 Garnishments Withheld
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld
2020310 401K Withheld
2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld
2020318 Flex Early Retirement
2020325 Sales Tax Payable
2020999 Payroll Suspense
2030101 Accrued FICA
2030104 Accrued SUTA
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability
2050101 Deferred Fare Revenue
Unidentified Cash Receipts
2050102 TVM - Change Issued
2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds
2050414 Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program)
2050415 Rent Deposits
2050501 Deferred Lease Revenue
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money
2050540 Litigation Liability
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue
2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund
2071001 GASB 87 Liability - Current
2210443 Net OPEB Liability
2210515 Long Term - Sick
2210516 Long Term - Vacation
2210522 MV Vacation and Sick
2210610 Deferred Rent Revenue
2210610 Deferred Rent Revenue
2210730 GASB 87 Liability - Non Current
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220403 CMTA Pension - Assumption
2220402 CMTA Pension - Experience
2220411 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220413 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
2220412 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience
2220500 Fuel Hedging
2220401 CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220512 CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220600 Other Post Employment Benefits
2220610 Accum Amort - OPEB
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220701 StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
2220711 StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability
3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated
3050202 Encumbrances Control
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance
3050311 Reserve - Mobility Planning
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating
3050314 Reserve - Budget Stabilization
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances
3050610 Appropriations
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance
Account Name
4010112 Farebox Revenue - CMTA
4010901 Chargebacks - Clearing Account
4010905 Farebox overrides
4010105 Rideshare Revenue
4010107 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010130 TVM Cash- ECC over/under
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010137 Stored Value Card $20
4010138 Stored Value Card $40
4010101 Fare revenue
4010142 Stored value WALLET
4010113 Farebox Revenue - North Ops
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010160 Farebox CARTS - City of Georgetown
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010101 Fare revenue
4010300 Commuter Rail TVM Cash
4010101 Fare revenue
4019990 Web/App Sales Clearing
4019995 POS Clearing
4010201 Metroworks Discount
4010202 Payment Discount
4010203 Discount Pass Program Discount
4010204 Reduced Fare Discount
4010205 HEB Discount
4010206 Randalls Discount
4010207 Event/Holiday Discount
4010208 Promotional Discount
4020503 The University Of Texas
4070304 Other Revenue
4020507 City Of Austin - ILA
4020508 Acc - ILA
4020510 Travis County ILA
4020511 CAMPO - ILA
4030100 Special Events Charter Service
4070301 Rental Income
4070302 Freight Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070303 Right of Way Revenue
4070402 Investment Income
4070304 Other Revenue
4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized
4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
4070415 GASB 87 - Interest Income
4070304 Other Revenue
4070304 Other Revenue
4070304 Other Revenue
4070304 Other Revenue
4070304 Other Revenue
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets
4070304 Other Revenue
4079912 Loss Account
4079914 Advertising Revenue
4070304 Other Revenue
4079920 Wellness Center Fees
4079925 Childcare Revenue
4079926 Advertising Installation Revenue
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale
4079939 Adv Advertising Agency Discount
4080201 Sales Tax Revenue
4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital
4090202 Grant Revenue - Supplemental
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda
4090250 Grants-Pass Through
4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue
4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital
4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP
4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP
4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation
4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services
4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation
4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
4400100 Capital Contribution Revenue
5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin.
5010203 Overtime - Administrative
5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
5010207 Executive Compensation
5010208 Overtime - APD Officers
5010301 Salaries & Wages - Temp
5010304 Intern Pay
5020101 FICA-Admin
5020200 401k Fees
5020201 401K
5020202 Pension - Bargain
5020203 Pension - Admin
5020204 L/T Disability - Admin.
5020206 L/T Disability-IUE
5020208 S/T Disability
5020301 Health Plans-Admin
5020305 Health Plan - Fees
5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution
5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020401 Dental Plans-Admin
5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
5020421 Wellness Center Exp
5020501 Life Insurance-Admin
5020701 State Unemployment-Admin
5020832 Expense For W/C Claims
5020842 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
5020845 Premiums For W/C Losses
5020901 Sick Leave-Admin
5020904 Supplemental Sick
5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin
5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin
5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin
5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin.
5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin
5021307 Other Clothing Allowance-Admin
5021403 Automobile
5021405 Housing
5021406 Relocation Reimb.
5021411 Other Benefits - Admin
5021412 Other Benefits - Operators
5021415 Rideshare Subsidy
5021417 B-Cycle Subsidy
5021430 Tuition Reimbursement
5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments
5021444 Employee Assistance Program
5030301 Audit Fees
5030302 General Legal Services
5030303 Consultation Fees
5030305 Medical Services
5030306 Technical Services
5030307 Other Services - Ctecc
5030309 Other Professional Fees
5030310 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing
5030311 Permits And Fees
5030401 Temporary Help
5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment
5030506 Phone System Maintenance
5030507 Maintenance-Radios
5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other
5030511 Computer Hardware
5030512 Computer Software
5030515 Electrical Services
5030601 Custodial Services
5030701 Security Services
5039901 Courier And Delivery Services
5039903 Vehicle Towing
5039905 Sp Right of Way Maintenance
5039909 Other Services
5039910 Non-Capital Training
5039926 Advertising Installation Expense
5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services
5040104 Transmission Fluid
5040105 Coolant
5040109 Other Fluids
5040111 Diesel
5040121 Gasoline
5040131 Oil
5040111 Diesel
5040121 Gasoline
5040131 Red Dye
5040141 Fuel - Count Adjust
5040145 Fare Media - Count Adjust
5040148 SpareParts - Count Adjust
5040150 Fuel Risk Management
5040151 Fuel Price Variance
5040152 Fare Purchase Variance
5040158 SpareParts Price Variance
5040199 Inventory Transfer Gain/Loss
5040201 Tires and Tubes
5049901 Office Supplies
5049902 Passes And Tickets
5049903 Maps And Schedules
5049904 Training Materials
5049906 Cleaning Supplies
5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment
5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors
5049909 Other Supplies
5049915 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture
5049920 Maintenance Materials
5049931 Treasury Room Pass Consumption
5049932 Transit Store POS Pass Consumption
5049933 HEB Pass Consumption
5049974 Core Deposit Credit
5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
5049978 Emergency Spills
5049979 Non-Capital Projects
5049992 Awards - Recognition Program
5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power
5050201 Electric
5050202 Water And Sewer
5050203 Gas
5050204 Telephone-Local
5050206 Drainage Service
5050207 Garbage Collection
5050208 Street Service
5060101 Property Insurance Premiums
5060201 Physical Damage Recoveries
5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments
5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums
5060302 Auto Liablity Loss
5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums
5060802 Crime Insurance Premium
5060809 Other Business Insurance
5070401 Inspection Certificates
5070501 Diesel Fuel Tax
5070502 Gasoline Fuel Tax
5070503 Fuel Surcharge
5079901 Battery Surcharge
5080111 GRH Reimbursement
5080112 Innovative Mobility
5080200 Commuter Rail Services
5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
5080300 Bus Purchased Transportation
5080325 Paratransit Purchased Transportation
5080300 Bus Purchased Transportation
5080335 Georgetown Paratransit
5080350 Rural Service Bus
5080325 Paratransit Purchased Transportation
5080400 RideShare
5080410 Pickup CARTS
5080411 Pickup
5080411 Pickup
5080413 Metrobike
5090101 Dues And Subscriptions
5090201 Airfare - Transportation
5090205 Travel - Per Diem
5090206 Toll Road Charges
5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration
5090211 Lodging
5090215 Travel - Other
5090250 Business Meals - Local
5090701 Bad Debt Expense
5090702 Contingency Reserve
5090801 Newspaper Media
5090804 Advertising/Promotion Media
5090809 Other Media
5099901 Postage
5099902 Bank Charges
5099904 Tools And Equipment
5030512 Computer Software
5099907 Safety Equipment
5030511 Computer Hardware
5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses
5099910 P-Card Default Expense
5099911 P-Card Issuer Expense
5099912 Default Employee Expense
5099913 Default Contingent Worker Expense
5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans
5099950 Food and Ice
5099992 Recognition Program
5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount
5100300 Capitalization of Salaries and Wages
5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor
5100320 Allocated Overhead-General
5110201 Interest Expense
5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations
5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
5120601 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
5120707 Rent-Event Space
5120801 Lease-Vehicles
5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility
5121202 Office Equipment
5121209 Other Equipment
5131880 Amortization - GASB 87 Assets
5131885 Interest Expense - GASB 87 Assets
5130150 Railroad Right Of Way
5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages
5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin
5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements
5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
5131680 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
5140101 Solicitation Requisition
5160201 Extraordinary Items
5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
5160206 Loss on Asset Disposal
5160207 Loss on Inventory Transfer
5200101 Build Greater Austin
5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor
5200520 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna
5200560 Suburban Comm - Point Venture
5200580 Suburban Comm - Volente
5200600 Suburban Comm - Jonestown
5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1
5200641 Asset Disposal Expense
5400101 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense
5803000 Expense Reimbursements
5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership
5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP
5999945 Asset Expenditure - Service Vehicles

Group Account CAFR

Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Deposits Prepaid transit expense and other
Deposits Prepaid transit expense and other
Deposits Prepaid transit expense and other
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Grant Receivable Due from federal and other governments
Other Receivables Investments - designated for system expansion
Other Receivables Other receivables
Other Receivables Other receivables
Intercompany Receivable Intercompany Receivable
Intercompany Receivable Intercompany Receivable
Grant Receivable Due from federal and other governments
Sales and use taxes receivable Sales and use taxes receivable
Parts Materials and supplies inventory, net

Parts Materials and supplies inventory, net

Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Parts Materials and supplies inventory, net
Parts Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fuel Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Deposits Prepaid transit expense and other
Work in Process Projects in Process
Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Passenger Parking and Stations Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Passenger Parking and Stations Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation

Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation

Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Railroad Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Railroad Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Land and Improvements Land and improvements
Land and Improvements Land and improvements
Leasehold Improvements Land and improvements
Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Leased Assets Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation

Accumulated depreciation and amortization Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation

Accumulated depreciation and amortization Depreciable capital assets, net of depreciation
Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents

Investments Investments - designated for system expansion

Investments Investments - designated for system expansion
Investments Investments - designated for system expansion
Investments Investments - designated for system expansion
Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Investments Investments - designated for system expansion
Prepaid Expense Prepaid transit expense and other
Prepaid Rent Prepaid transit expense and other
Prepaid Rent Prepaid transit expense and other
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Retainage Retainage
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable

Benefits Payable Benefits Payable

Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Unearned Revenue Unearned Revenue

Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses

Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Other rent liability Other rent liability
Other rent liability Other rent liability
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Deferred Grant Revenue Unearned grant revenue commuter rail cars and station
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Total OPEB liability Total OPEB liability
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Deferred Rent Revenue Other rent liability
Deferred Rent Revenue Other rent liability
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
CMTA Pension Pension liability
StarTran Pension Pension liability

CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan

CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
Fuel Hedge Liability Deferred inflow of resources - fuel hedge
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
Other Post Employment Benefits Deferred inflow or resources - OPEB
Other Post Employment Benefits Deferred inflow or resources - OPEB
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan
StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pension plan

Fund Equity Fund Equity

Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity
Fund Equity Fund Equity

Transportation Fares Transportation fares

Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Institutional Contract revenue
Other Revenue Other income, net
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
Charter Contract revenue
Other Revenue Other income, net
Freight Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Investment income Investment income
Other Revenue Other income, net
Investment income Investment income

Other Revenue Other income, net

Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Sales and use tax revenue Sales and use tax revenue
Sales and use tax revenue Sales and use tax revenue
Capital Grants Federal grants and other capital contributions
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Capital Grants Federal grants and other capital contributions
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions
Operating Contributions Operating Contributions
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization

Lease Leases and other

Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Build Greater Austin Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program

Mobility interlocal agreements Mobility interlocal agreements

Mobility interlocal agreements Mobility interlocal agreements
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization

Class Statement Other Revenue

Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Current Assets
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet

Current Assets Balance Sheet

Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet

Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Non-current assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Current Assets Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Outflow of Resources Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet

Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet
Long-term Liabilities Balance Sheet

Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet

Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet
Deferred Inflow of Resources Balance Sheet

Equity Balance Sheet

Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet

Operating Revenue Income Statement

Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Guaranteed Ride Home
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Sale Of Schedule Book
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement

Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement

Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Metro Bike Card Program
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Photo I.D. Revenue
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Cash Over / Under
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Touch Passes
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Shipping & Handling Fees
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Other Nontransit Revenue
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement Fuel Tax Reimbursement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Federal grants and other capital coIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Federal grants and other capital coIncome Statement
Capital Contributions Income Statement
Operating Contributions Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
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Operating Expenses Income Statement

Operating Expenses Income Statement
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Operating Expenses Income Statement
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Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement
Expense Income Statement

Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement

Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expensesIncome Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
ROW Revenue Misc Group Account
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Accrued Expenses
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Transportation Fares
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Fare Discounts
Other Revenue
InterLocal Agreeements
InterLocal Agreeements
InterLocal Agreeements
InterLocal Agreeements
Other Revenue
Freight Revenue
License Application Right of Way Revenue
EIC Services Right of Way Revenue
License Agreement Annual Fee Right of Way Revenue
Permit Application Right of Way Revenue
Permit Fees Right of Way Revenue
45G Tax Credit Right of Way Revenue
Investment income
Other Revenue
Investment income

Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Other Revenue
Sales and use tax revenue
Sales and use tax revenue
Capital Grants
Operating Grants
Operating Grants
Operating Grants
Operating Grants
Operating Grants
Operating Grants
Capital Grants
Capital Contributions
Operating Contributions
Outside Service Area
Outside Service Area
Outside Service Area
Outside Service Area
Outside Service Area
Capital Contributions
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
Salary and wages
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
General and Administrative
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Fuel and Fluid Expense
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Materials and supplies
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability
Tax Expense
Tax Expense
Tax Expense
Tax Expense
Tax Expense
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
North Ops Purchased Transportation
South Ops Purchased Transportation
North Base Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
South Base Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Purchased Transportation
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization

Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization
Build Greater Austin
Build Central Texas
Build Central Texas
Build Central Texas
Build Central Texas
Build Central Texas
Build Central Texas

Mobility interlocal agreements

Mobility interlocal agreements
Materials and supplies
Capital Contributions
Capital Contributions
Depreciation and amortization
ACFR Class
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Accrued Expenses Current Liabilities
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Transportation fares Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Rail-freight Operating Revenue
Investment income Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Investment income Non-operating revenues (expenses)

Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)

Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other income, net Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Sales and use tax revenue Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Sales and use tax revenue Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Federal grants and other capital contributions Federal grants and other capital contributions
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Other federal grants Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Federal grants and other capital contributions Federal grants and other capital contributions
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions
Operating Contributions Operating Contributions
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Contract revenue Operating Revenue
Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Salary and wages Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Employee Benefits Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Professional Services Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Utilities Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Casualty and liability Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Purchased transportation Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses

Leases and other Operating Expenses

Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Leases and other Operating Expenses
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense
Build Central Texas Program Expense

Mobility interlocal agreements Non-operating revenues (expenses)

Mobility interlocal agreements Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Materials and supplies - other Operating Expenses
Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions Non-operating revenues (expenses)
Depreciation and amortization Operating Expenses
Income Statement
Income Statement
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Income Statement
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Balance at
Main account Name Sept 30, 2021 Account
1010101 Fund Cash $ - 1010101
1010117 Concentration Account - Chase $ 914,435 1010117
1010118 Operating Account - Chase $ (600,162) 1010118
1010119 Payroll Account - Chase $ - 1010119
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 1010120
Insert for new Oracle account 1010121
1010125 United Health Care $ 113,000 1010125
1010222 Petty-Cash Treasury 1010222
1010223 Change Fund - Customer Service $ 1,200 1010223
1020101 Accounts Receivable-Trade $ 87,746,715 1020101
1020102 Employee Advances Receivable $ 1,466 1020102
Insert for new Oracle account 1020109
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 1020111
1020103 Other Receivables $ 307,634 1020103
1020901 GASB 87 - Lease Receivable - Current $ - 1020105
1020107 Employee Receivable - Payroll Adjustments $ - 1020107
1020110 A/R And A/P Offset $ (6,024) 1020110
1020115 Ricoh - AP to be Allocated $ 4,172 1020115
1020116 Perry Plus to be allocated $ - 1020116
1020125 Rail Claim Service Escrow $ 226,848 1020125
1020150 Allow For Doubtful Accts $ (185,079) 1020150
Insert for new Oracle account 1020211
1020301 Receivables Grant Accrual $ (468,543) 1020301
1020310 Accrued Interest $ 218,240 1020310
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 1020315
1020501 Receivables Clearing $ - 1020501
1020601 Due from ATP $ (36,950,496) 1020601
1020602 Due from CMTA 1020602
1020611 Fta Capital Grants $ 24,081,156 1020301
1020701 Sales Tax Receivable $ 57,583,273 1020701
1030101 Spare Parts $ - 1030101
Insert for new Oracle account 1030126
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 1030501
1030125 Tickets & Pass Inventory $ 174,322 1030301
Insert for new Oracle account 1030302
Insert for new Oracle account 1030303
1030151 Spare Parts - Freight Rail $ 59,093 1030151
1030199 Spare Parts - Commuter Rail $ 2,533,527 1030151
1030201 Diesel - 2910 E. 5Th St $ 226,908 1030201
1030202 Gasoline - 2910 E. 5Th St $ 17,565 1030201
1030211 Diesel Fuel - North Ops $ 234,070 1030201
1030212 Gasoline - North Ops $ 37,493 1030201
1030221 Diesel - Thompson Lane $ 33,591 1030201
1030222 Gasoline - Thompson Lane $ 28,806 1030201
Insert for new Oracle account 1030311
Insert for new Oracle account 1030998
Insert for new Oracle account 1030999
1040112 Other Deposits $ 25,637 1040112
1050201 W.I.P.-Capital Projects $ 33,361,072 1050201
1110105 Operating Yards $ 2,076,315 1110105
1110110 Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages $ 24,623,553 1110110
1110115 General Administration $ 71,699,783 1110115
1110120 Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip $ 90,203,067 1110120
1110125 Passenger Stations $ 42,915,025 1110125
1110130 Passenger Parking $ 70,430,670 1110130
1110135 Revenue Vehicles $ 295,859,653 1110135
1110140 Revenue Collection $ 8,379,882 1110140
1119900 Asset Clearing Account 1119900
1119940 Clearing Account - Revenue Collection $ - 1110140
1110145 Service Vehicles $ 2,105,250 1110145
1110150 Freight Rail - Right Of Way $ 197,356,821 1110150
Insert for new Oracle account 1110153
1110155 Data Processing Equipment $ 40,640,392 1110155
1110160 Land $ 54,053,535 1110160
1110165 Land Improvements $ 17,481,749 1110165
1110175 Leasehold Improvements $ 391,482 1110175
1110180 Other Assets $ 1,189,066 1110180
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 1110190
1110200 GASB 87 - Land 1110200
1110205 GASB 87 - Buildings 1110205
1110301 Accumulated Depreciation $ (471,025,338) 1110301
1110210 GASB 87 - Accum Amortization $ - 1110305
1310500 CMTA Investments PFM-00 $ 157,829,481 1310500
1310501 CMTA Reserve PFM-01 COA $ 1,685,030 1310501
1310505 Statutory Operating Reserve PFM-05 $ 150,601 1310505
1310506 Tx Dot Rail Transit Proj PFM-06 $ 46 1310506
1310507 Budget Stabilization Reserve PFM-07 $ 644,464 1310507
1310508 Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08 1310508
1311000 US Bank CMTA 4586 PFM-0120(00) $ - 1311000
1311001 US Bank COA 4587 PFM-0160(01) $ 6,001,157 1311001
1311005 US Bank Oper. Reserve 4588 PFM-0150(05) $ 40,286,454 1311005
1311007 US Bank Budget Stabilization 4627 PFM-017 $ 21,634,583 1311007
1319000 Fuel Risk Management Investment $ 1,125,559 1319000
1319001 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Restr $ 950,000 1319001
1319002 Security for Fuel Risk Management Prg Unres$ 50,000 1319002
1319099 Unrealized (Gain)/Loss on Marketable Securi $ 330,889 1319099
1510105 Other Prepaid Expenses $ 1,311,620 1510105
1510110 Prepaid Rent - Triangle Park $850K 50 Yr $ 579,416 1510110
1510220 Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev $ 1,056,001 1510220
1610110 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Contribut $ 2,613,051 1610110
1610115 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Contri $ 2,999,997 1610115
1610200 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Pension Investme $ 1,729,968 1610401
1610210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amort$ (1,729,968) 1610411
1610300 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Pension Inves $ 3,074,823 1610301
1610310 StarTran Deferred Outflows - Accumulated A $ (3,074,824) 1610311
1610311 2018 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension In $ 4,786,198 1610301
1610312 2018 StarTran Def Outflows - Accum Amort in$ (2,871,720) 1610311
1610315 2019 StarTran Deferred Outflows Pension Inv$ (4,451,575) 1610301
1610316 2019 StarTran Def Outflows Accum Amort Inv$ 1,780,630 1610311
1610350 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience $ 720,052 1610402
1610351 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows Experience Ch$ (448,164) 1610412
1610352 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Pension Inve $ 4,016,296 1610401
1610353 2018 CMTA Deferred Outflows -Accum Amort$ (2,409,777) 1610411
1610355 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Pension Inves$ (4,130,560) 1610401
1610356 2019 CMTA Deferred Outflows Accum Amort $I 1,652,224 1610411
1610357 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience $ 2,513,864 1610402
1610358 2020 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Experience $ (542,951) 1610412
1610400 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Chan $ 5,067,915 1610403
1610401 2017 Deferred Outflows - Assumption change$ 3,035,050 1610403
1610402 2017 Assumption changes or inputs - amorti $ (2,029,931) 1610413
1610403 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - $ - 1610413
1610410 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amor $ (5,067,915) 1610413
1610500 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Experience Chan $ 1,984,816 1610402
1610510 CMTA Deferred Outflows – Accumulated Amo$ (1,984,816) 1610412
1610600 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Assumption Chan $ 209,630 1610403
1610610 CMTA Deferred Outflows - Accumulated Amor$ (164,030) 1610413
1710110 GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable 1710110
2010111 Accounts Payable $ (32,681,846) 2010111
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 2010131
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 2010141
Insert for new Oracle account 2010151
Insert for new Oracle account 2010152
Insert for new Oracle account 2010153
Insert for new Oracle account 2010114
Insert for new Oracle account 2010115
2010112 Accrued Accounts Payable $ (19,394,780) 2010112
2010113 Retainage $ (49,949) 2010113
2010120 Liability Dental Insurance $ (10,000) 2010120
2010121 Liability Health Insurance $ (265,000) 2010121
2010122 Workers' Comp. Claims Payable $ (75,000) 2010122
2010126 PCard Liability $ 12,638 2010137
2010127 Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll $ (457) 2010127
2010128 Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded $ 6,349 2010128
2010129 Health Savings Account Contributions $ 0 2010129
Insert for new Oracle account $ - 2010132
2020101 Accrued Salaries & Wages $ (1,174,877) 2020101
2020103 Accrued Vacation $ (2,276,611) 2020103
2020105 Accrued Sick Leave $ (757,769) 2020105
Insert for new Oracle account 2020114
2020204 Union Dues Payable $ 113 2020204
2020205 Vision Plan $ 872 2020205
2020206 Prepaid Legal W/H Payable $ (3,280) 2020206
2020301 FICA Withheld $ - 2020301
2020302 FIT Withheld $ - 2020302
2020308 Garnishments Withheld $ - 2020308
2020309 401K Loan Payments Withheld $ - 2020309
2020310 401K Withheld $ 0 2020310
2020311 Cancer and Critical Care Deduction 2020311
2020316 Flex Reduction Withheld $ 35,041 2020316
2020317 Flex Dependent Care Withheld $ (155,627) 2020317
2020318 Flex Early Retirement $ (64,987) 2020318
2020325 Sales Tax Payables $ - 2020325
Insert for new Oracle account 2020999
2030101 Accrued FICA $ (86,197) 2030101
2030104 Accrued SUTA $ - 2030104
2030200 Accrued Legal Liability $ - 2030200
2050101 Unredeemed Passes And Tickets $ - 2050101
Insert for new Oracle account
2050102 ECC Cards not Used TVM Unredeemed Toke $ (144) 2050102
2050413 Due To/Due From Other Funds $ (4,785) 2050413
2050414 Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program) $ - 2050414
2050415 Rent Deposit $ 4,900 2050415
2050501 Unearned Lease Revenue $ (0) 2050501
2050510 Employee Funds - Vending Machine Money $ (2,355) 2050510
2050540 Rail Claim Insurance Liability $ (1,000,000) 2050540
2050580 Deferred Grant Revenue $ - 2050580
2050590 Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees $ 217 2050590
2060205 Employee Emergency Relief Fund $ (18,886) 2060205
2020601 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Current $ - 2071001
2210443 Retirees Health Benefits $ (3,439,936) 2210443
2210515 Long Term - CMTA Sick $ (967,040) 2210515
2210516 Long Term - CMTA Vacation $ (1,572,696) 2210516
2210522 Leave carryover from RATPDEV to MV $ (6,371,640) 2210522
2210610 Deferred Rent - Triangle Park Adj CPI $ (559,006) 2210610
2210630 Deferred Rent - Calles Street $ (22,532) 2210610
2210660 GASB 87 - Lease Liability - Noncurrent $ - 2210730
2220110 CMTA Net Pension Liability $ (19,362,988) 2220110
2220115 StarTran Net Pension Liability $ (26,129,995) 2220115
2220200 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension $ (319,936) 2220403
2220210 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated Amort$ 319,936 2220413
2220300 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Pension Assumpti $ (1,415,858) 2220403
2220310 CMTA Deferred Inflows – Accum Amort. Pen $ 1,415,858 2220413
2220311 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Investments $ (2,407,449) 2220401
2220312 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows-Accumulated Am $ 1,925,960 2220411
2220400 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience Change $ (86,781) 2220402
2220401 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Cha $ (525,116) 2220412
2220402 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Experience Ch $ 1,231,398 2220402
2220410 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amortx. Exper $ 67,905 2220412
2220411 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience $ (288,769) 2220402
2220412 2017 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accumulated $ 193,156 2220412
2220415 2018 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption ch$ (920,415) 2220403
2220416 2018 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - $ 572,871 2220413
2220417 2019 CMTA Deferred Inflows Assumption cha$ 5,792,670 2220403
2220418 2019 CMTA Assumption changes or inputs - $ (2,470,222) 2220413
2220419 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Pension Inves $ (3,323,864) 2220401
2220420 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption ch$ (3,616,413) 2220403
2220421 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort $- 664,773 2220411
2220422 2020 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum amort c$ 781,083 2220413
2220423 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Invest Gains/Losses 2220401
2220424 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Assumption changes or inputs - 2220403
2220425 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Experience change 2220402
2220426 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Invest G/L 2220411
2220427 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Changes or Assumpti 2220413
2220428 2021 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accum Amort Experience Change 2220412
2220500 CMTA Fuel Hedging Deferred Inflow $ (4,785,325) 2220500
2220510 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Inves Gain/Loss 16 $ (234,754) 2220401
2220512 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. Inves $ 176,064 2220512
2220600 CMTA Deferred Inflow OPEB $ (1,028,956) 2220600
2220610 CMTA Deferred Inflows - Accu Amorti. OPEB $ 131,845 2220610
2220700 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Inv Gain $ (2,233,254) 2220701
2220710 2017 StarTran Def Inflows - Pension Acc Amr $ 1,786,604 2220711
2220720 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension In $ (2,961,910) 2220701
2220730 2020 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulate$ 592,382 2220711
2220740 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Pension Invest Gain/Loss 2220701
2220750 2021 StarTran Deferred Inflows - Accumulated amortization 2220711
2220800 GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability 2220800
3050111 Unreserved/Undesignated $ (691,308,495) 3050111
3050202 Encumbrances Control $ 7,147,521 3050202
3050301 Reserve For Self Insurance $ (1,252,000) 3050301
3050311 Reserve - Mobility Planning $ - 3050311
3050313 Reserve - Statutory Operating $ (43,052,000) 3050313
3050314 Reserve - Budget Stabilization $ - 3050314
3050512 Reserve for Encumbrances $ (7,147,521) 3050512
3050610 Appropriations $ 99,259,859 3050610
3050620 Budgetary Fund Balance $ (99,259,859) 3050620

Note 1: AX population of accounts was 989

Note 2: 451 out of the 989 had activitity within the last two fiscal years
Note 3: These 451 were looked at line by line and assigned corresponding Oracle information

Name Group Account CAFR

AX - Fund Cash Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash - General Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash - Payables Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash - Payroll Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash Clearing Account Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Bytemark Clearing Account Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
Via Clearing Account Cash Cash and Cash equivalents
United Health Care Deposits Prepaid transit expense and othe
Petty-Cash Treasury Deposits Prepaid transit expense and othe
Change Fund - Customer Service Deposits Prepaid transit expense and othe
Accounts Receivable - Trade Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Employee Advances Receivable Accounts Receivable Other receivables
On Account Receipts Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Unapplied Receipts Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Unidentified Receipts Accounts Receivable Other receivables
AR - Manual adjustments Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Other Receivables Other Receivables Other receivables
GASB 87 - Lease Receivable Other Receivables Other receivables
Employee Receivable - Payroll AdjustmentsOther Receivables Other receivables
A/R And A/P Offset Other Receivables Other receivables
Office Services Allocation - Ricoh Other Receivables Other receivables
Office Services Allocation - Perry Other Receivables Other receivables
Rail Claim Service Escrow Other Receivables Other receivables
Allow For Doubtful Accts Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Interorganization Fare Media Receivable Accounts Receivable Other receivables
Accrued Grant Receivable Grant Receivable Due from federal and other gov
Accrued Interest Receivable Other Receivables Investments - designated for sy
GASB 87 - Accrued Interest Receivable Other Receivables Other receivables
Receivables Clearing Other Receivables Other receivables
Due from ATP Intercompany Receivable Intercompany Receivable
Intergovernmental Receivable Intercompany Receivable Intercompany Receivable
Accrued Grant Receivable Grant Receivable Due from federal and other gov
Accrued Sales Tax Receivable Sales and use taxes receivable Sales and use taxes receivable
EAM Parts Parts Materials and supplies inventory,
Cycle Count Variances
Default Expense Clearing - EAM Parts Materials and supplies inventory,
Fare Media - Treasury Fare Media Materials and supplies inv
Fare Media - Downtown Fare Media Materials and supplies inv
Fare Media - HEB Fare Media Materials and supplies inv
Rail Spare Parts Parts Materials and supplies inventory,
Rail Spare Parts Parts Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
Fuel Inventory Fuel Materials and supplies inventory,
In-Transit - Fare Media Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Trade Clearing - Fare Media Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Receiving Inspection - Fare Media Fare Media Materials and supplies inventory, net
Deposits Deposits Prepaid transit expense and othe
W.I.P.-Capital Projects Work in Process Projects in Process
Operating Yards Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Engine Houses, Car Shops & Garages Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
General Administration Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Rev. Veh. Movement Cntrl Equip Building and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Passenger Stations Passenger Parking and Stations Depreciable capital assets, net o
Passenger Parking Passenger Parking and Stations Depreciable capital assets, net o
Revenue Vehicles Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Revenue Collection Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Asset Clearing Account
Revenue Collection Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Service Vehicles Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Freight Rail Railroad Depreciable capital assets, net o
Commuter Rail Railroad Depreciable capital assets, net o
Data Processing Equipment Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
Land Land and Improvements Land and improvements
Land Improvements Land and Improvements Land and improvements
Leasehold Improvements Leasehold Improvements Land and improvements
Other Assets Buses and Equipment Depreciable capital assets, net o
GASB 87 Assets - Leases Leased Assets Depreciable capital assets, net o
GASB 87 - Land
GASB 87 - Buildings
Accumulated Depreciation Accumulated depreciation and amo
Depreciable capital assets, net o
Accumulated amortization - GASB 87 Accumulated depreciation and amortizatiDepreciable capital assets, net of deprec
Texas Term - General Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Texas Term - Reserve Account Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Texas Term - Statutory Operating Reserve Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Texas Term - Tx Dot Rail Transit Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Texas Term - Budget Stabilization Reserve Cash Investments Cash and Cash equivalents
Self Insurance Reserve PFM-08
PFM - General Investments Investments - designated for sy
PFM - City of Austin Mobility Port Investments Investments - designated for sy
PFM - Statutory Operating Reserve Investments Investments - designated for sy
PFM - Budget Stabilization Reserve Investments Investments - designated for sy
Fuel Hedge Allocation Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Restricted Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Fuel Risk Mgmt Program - Unrestricted Fuel Hedge Asset Fuel Hedge Asset
Unrealized Investment Gain Investments Investments - designated for sy
Prepaid Expenses Prepaid Expense Prepaid transit expense and othe
Prepaid Rent - Triangle Prepaid Rent Prepaid transit expense and othe
Plaza Saltillo Straight Line Rev Prepaid Rent Prepaid transit expense and othe
CMTA Pension - Contributions CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Contributions StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest StarTran Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
GASB 87 - Long Term Receivable
Accounts Payable - Trade Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
AP - Manual adjustments Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Inventory Purchase - Clearing Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Inventory Transfer - Clearing Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Interorganization Fare Media Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Interorganization Fare Media Clearing Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
P-card Liability Clearing Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Spend Authorization Liabililty Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
Accrued Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Retainage Retainage Retainage
Dental Insurance Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Health Insurance Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Workers Compensation Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
P-Card Default Coding Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Long Term Disability Buy up – Payroll Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Voluntary Life Insurance - Payroll Ded Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Health Savings Account Contributions Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
GASB 87 - Interest Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Accrued Salaries & Wages Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued Vacation Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued Sick Leave Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Payroll Liability Clearing Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Union Dues Payable Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Vision Insurance Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Prepaid Legal Withholding Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
FICA Withheld Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
FIT Withheld Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Garnishments Withheld Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
401K Loan Payments Withheld Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
401K Withheld Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Cancer and Critical Care Deduction
Flex Reduction Withheld Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Flex Dependent Care Withheld Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Flex Early Retirement Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
Sales Tax Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Payroll Suspense Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Accrued FICA Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued SUTA Accrued salary and wages Accrued salary and wages
Accrued Legal Liability Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Deferred Fare Revenue Unearned Revenue Unearned Revenue
Unidentified Cash Receipts
TVM - Change Issued Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Due To/Due From Other Funds Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Due to Bike Share (MetroBike program) Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Rent Deposits Other rent liability Other rent liability
Deferred Lease Revenue Other rent liability Other rent liability
Employee Funds - Vending Machine MoneyBenefits Payable Benefits Payable
Litigation Liability Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Deferred Grant Revenue Deferred Grant Revenue Unearned grant revenue commuter
Deferred TxDOT Earned Int and Fees Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Employee Emergency Relief Fund Benefits Payable Benefits Payable
GASB 87 Liability - Current Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Net OPEB Liability Total OPEB liability Total OPEB liability
Long Term - Sick Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Long Term - Vacation Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
MV Vacation and Sick Accrued sick and vacation Accrued sick and vacation
Deferred Rent Revenue Deferred Rent Revenue Other rent liability
Deferred Rent Revenue Deferred Rent Revenue Other rent liability
GASB 87 Liability - Non Current Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
CMTA Net Pension Liability CMTA Pension Pension liability
StarTran Net Pension Liability StarTran Pension Pension liability
CMTA Pension - Assumption
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
CMTA Pension - Assumption
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Assumption
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred outflow of resources -
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Assumption CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - AssumptionCMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Experience CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
Fuel Hedging Fuel Hedge Liability Deferred inflow of resources - fu
CMTA Pension - Invest Gain/Loss CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
CMTA Pension - Accum Amort - Invest CMTA Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
Other Post Employment Benefits Other Post Employment Benefits Deferred inflow or resources - O
Accum Amort - OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits Deferred inflow or resources - O
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest StarTran Pension Deferred inflow of resources - pe
StarTran Pension - Invest Gain/Loss
StarTran Pension - Accum Amort - Invest
GASB 87 - Deferred Inflow for Lessor Liability
Unreserved/Undesignated Fund Equity Fund Equity
Encumbrances Control Fund Equity Fund Equity
Reserve For Self Insurance Fund Equity Fund Equity
Reserve - Mobility Planning Fund Equity Fund Equity
Reserve - Statutory Operating Fund Equity Fund Equity
Reserve - Budget Stabilization Fund Equity Fund Equity
Reserve for Encumbrances Fund Equity Fund Equity
Appropriations Fund Equity Fund Equity
Budgetary Fund Balance Fund Equity Fund Equity

Class Statement
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Equity Balance Sheet

Equity Balance Sheet
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Equity Balance Sheet
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Equity Balance Sheet
Equity Balance Sheet
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Main account Name Account

4010101 Fixed Route-Farebox 4010112
4010102 Fixed Route-Passes Bus 4010901
Insert for new Oracle account 4010905
4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area 4010105
4010106 CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response 4010107
4010115 Metro Plus/Regional RF 4010101
4010116 Local – Single Ride 4010101
4010117 Local - Single Ride Reduced 4010101
4010118 Local - Day Pass 4010101
4010119 Local - Day Pass Reduced 4010101
4010120 Local - 7 Day 4010101
4010121 Local - 31 Day 4010101
4010122 Local - 31 Day Reduced 4010101
4010123 Commuter - Single Ride 4010101
4010124 Commuter - Single Ride Reduced 4010101
4010125 Commuter - Day Pass 4010101
4010126 Commuter - Day Ride Reduced 4010101
4010127 Commuter - 7 Day 4010101
4010128 Commuter - 31 Day 4010101
4010129 Commuter - 31 Day Reduced 4010101
4010130 TVM Cash- ECC over/under 4010130
4010131 Outlet Discount 4010101
4010132 Payment Discount 4010101
4010134 Access - Single Ride 4010101
4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet 4010101
4010136 Access - Monthly Pass 4010101
4010137 Stored Value Card $20 4010137
4010138 Stored Value Card $40 4010138
4010140 Metroworks Discounts 4010101
4010142 Stored value WALLET 4010142
4010151 Fixed Route - Farebox North Ops. 4010113
4010152 Local Single Ride FAREBOX 4010101
4010153 Local Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX 4010101
4010154 Local Day Pass FAREBOX 4010101
4010155 Local Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX 4010101
4010156 Commuter Single Ride FAREBOX 4010101
4010157 Commuter Single Ride Reduced FAREBOX 4010101
4010158 Commuter Day Pass FAREBOX 4010101
4010159 Commuter Day Pass Reduced FAREBOX 4010101
4010160 Farebox CARTS - City of Georgetown 4010160
4010165 DPP Local Day Pass 4010101
4010166 DPP Local Day Pass Reduced 4010101
4010167 DPP Local 7 Day Pass 4010101
4010168 DPP Local 31 Day 4010101
4010169 DPP Local 31 Day Reduced 4010101
4010170 DPP Commuter Day Pass 4010101
4010171 DPP Commuter Day Pass Reduced 4010101
4010173 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass 4010101
4010174 DPP Commuter 31 Day Pass Reduced 4010101
4010175 DPP Stored Value $20 4010101
4010177 DPP Access Monthly 4010101
4010178 DPP Access 10 Ride 4010101
4010180 Local Day Pass Metrobike 4010101
4010181 Local Day Pass Reduced Metrobike 4010101
4010182 Local 31 Day Pass Metrobike 4010101
4010183 Local 31 Day Pass Reduced Metrobike 4010101
4010184 Commuter Day Pass Metrobike 4010101
4010186 Commuter 31 Day Pass Metrobike 4010101
4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets 4010101
4010300 Commuter Rail TVM Cash 4010300
4010315 Innovative Mobility Fares 4010101
4019990 4019990
4019995 Sales POS Intuit 4019995
Insert for new Oracle account 4010201
Insert for new Oracle account 4010202
Insert for new Oracle account 4010203
Insert for new Oracle account 4010204
Insert for new Oracle account 4010205
Insert for new Oracle account 4010206
Insert for new Oracle account 4010207
Insert for new Oracle account 4010208
4020503 University Of Texas 4020503
4020504 Guaranteed Ride Home 4070304
4020507 City Of Austin - ILA 4020507
4020508 Acc - ILA 4020508
4020510 Travis County ILA 4020510
4020511 CAMPO - ILA 4020511
4030100 Special Events Charter Service 4030100
4070301 Downtown Lease 4070301
4070302 Mainline Revenue 4070302
4070303 Row License Application 4070303
4070304 Row EIC Services 4070303
4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee 4070303
4070306 Row Permit Application 4070303
4070307 Row Permit Fees 4070303
4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit 4070303
4070402 Interest Income-Investments 4070402
4070405 Sale Of Schedule Book 4070304
4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized 4070410
4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue 4070411
4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income 4070415
4070520 Metro Bike Card Program 4070304
4079901 Photo I.D. Revenue 4070304
4079902 Cash Over / Under 4070304
4079903 Touch Passes 4070304
4079904 Shipping & Handling Fees 4070304
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets 4079905
4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue 4070304
4079912 Loss on Property Disposal 4079912
4079914 Advertising Revenue 4079914
4079917 Fuel Tax Reimbursement 4070304
4079920 Wellness Center Fees 4079920
4079925 Childcare Revenue 4079925
4079926 Advertising Installation Fees 4079926
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale 4079935
4079939 Adv Advertising Agency Discount 4079939
4080201 Sales Tax Revenue 4080201
4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees 4080210
4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital 4090201
4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act 4090202
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating 4090205
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting 4090208
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda 4090210
4090250 Grants-Pass Through 4090250
4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue 4090260
4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital 4090301
4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP 4101001
Insert for new Oracle account 4101002
4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation 4160100
4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services 4160200
4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation 4160300
4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation 4160400
4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation 4160500
4400100 Capital Contribution 4400100
5010201 Salaries & Wages - Admin. 5010201
5010203 Overtime - Administrative 5010203
5010206 Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers 5010206
5010207 Executive Compensation 5010207
5010208 Overtime - APD Officers 5010208
5010301 Salaries & Wages - Temp 5010301
5010304 Intern Pay 5010304
5020101 FICA-Admin 5020101
5020200 401k Fees 5020200
5020201 401K 5020201
5020202 Pension - Bargain 5020202
5020203 Pension - Admin 5020203
5020204 L/T Disability - Admin. 5020204
5020206 L/T Disability-IUE 5020206
5020208 S/T Disability 5020208
5020301 Health Plans-Admin 5020301
5020305 Health Plan - Fees 5020305
5020306 Health Savings Account Employer Contribution 5020306
5020311 Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin 5020311
5020401 Dental Plans-Admin 5020401
5020411 Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin 5020411
5020421 Wellness Center Exp 5020421
5020501 Life Insurance-Admin 5020501
5020701 State Unemployment-Admin 5020701
5020832 Expense For W/C Claims 5020832
5020842 W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims) 5020842
5020845 Premiums For W/C Losses 5020845
5020901 Sick Leave-Admin 5020901
5020904 Supplemental Sick 5020904
5021001 Holiday Leave-Admin 5021001
5021101 Vacation Leave-Admin 5021101
5021201 Other Paid Leave-Admin 5021201
5021301 Uniform Allowance-Bargaining 5021301
5021302 Uniform Allowance-Admin. 5021302
5021304 Boot Allowance-Admin 5021304
5021307 Other Clothing Allowance-Admin 5021307
5021403 Automobile 5021403
5021405 Housing 5021405
5021406 Relocation Reimb. 5021406
5021411 Other Benefits - Admin 5021411
5021412 Other Benefits - Operators 5021412
5021415 Rideshare Subsidy 5021415
5021417 B-Cycle Subsidy 5021417
5021430 Tuition Reimbursement 5021430
5021443 Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments 5021443
5030301 Audit Fees 5030301
5030302 General Legal Services 5030302
5030303 Consultation Fees 5030303
5030305 Medical Services 5030305
5030306 Technical Services 5030306
5030307 Other Services - Ctecc 5030307
5030309 Other Professional Fees 5030309
5030310 COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing 5030310
5030311 Permits And Fees 5030311
5030401 Temporary Help 5030401
5030501 Maintenance-Office Equipment 5030501
5030506 Phone System Maintenance 5030506
5030507 Maintenance-Radios 5030507
5030509 Repair & Maintenance-Other 5030509
5030511 Hardware Maintenance Contracts 5030511
5030512 Computer Systems Subscriptions and Maintenance 5030512
5030515 Electrical Services 5030515
5030601 Custodial Services 5030601
5030701 Security Services 5030701
5039901 Courier And Delivery Services 5039901
5039903 Vehicle Towing 5039903
5039905 Sp Right of Way Maintenance 5039905
5039909 Other Services 5039909
5039910 Non-Capital Training 5039910
5039926 Advertising Installation Expense 5039926
5039960 Row Herzog Transit Services 5039960
5040104 Transmission Fluid 5040104
5040105 Coolant 5040105
5040109 Other Fluids 5040109
5040111 Diesel 5040111
5040121 Gasoline 5040121
5040131 Oil 5040131
5040145 Fuel-North Ops . 5040111
5040145 Fuel-North Ops . 5040121
5040145 Fuel-North Ops . 5040131
Insert for new Oracle account 5040141
Insert for new Oracle account 5040145
Insert for new Oracle account 5040148
5040150 Fuel Risk Management 5040150
Insert for new Oracle account 5040151
Insert for new Oracle account 5040152
Insert for new Oracle account 5040158
Insert for new Oracle account 5040199
Insert for new Oracle account 5040201
5049901 Office Supplies 5049901
5049902 Passes And Tickets 5049902
5049903 Maps And Schedules 5049903
5049904 Training Materials 5049904
5049906 Cleaning Supplies 5049906
5049907 Expendable Tools & Equipment 5049907
5049908 Supplies-Board Of Directors 5049908
5049909 Other Supplies 5049909
5049915 Non Capital Equipment and Furniture 5049915
5049920 Maintenance Materials 5049920
Insert for new Oracle account 5049931
Insert for new Oracle account 5049932
Insert for new Oracle account 5049933
Insert for new Oracle account 5049974
5049975 Freight Charge-Inventory Parts 5049975
5049978 Emergency Spills 5049978
5049979 Non-Capital Projects 5049979
5049992 Awards - Recognition Program 5049992
5050110 Electricity - Propulsion Power 5050110
5050201 Electric 5050201
5050202 Water And Sewer 5050202
5050203 Gas 5050203
5050204 Telephone-Local 5050204
5050206 Drainage Service 5050206
5050207 Garbage Collection 5050207
5050208 Street Service 5050208
5060101 Property Insurance Premiums 5060101
5060201 Physical Damage Recoveries 5060201
5060210 Rail Liability Claim Payments 5060210
5060301 Vehicle Liability Premiums 5060301
5060302 Auto Liablity Loss 5060302
5060801 Public Officals Liab. Premiums 5060801
5060802 Crime Insurance Premium 5060802
5060809 Other Business Insurance 5060809
5070401 Inspection Certificates 5070401
5070501 Diesel Fuel Tax 5070501
5070502 Gasoline Fuel Tax 5070502
5070503 Fuel Surcharge 5070503
5079901 Battery Surcharge 5079901
5080111 GRH Reimbursement 5080111
5080112 Innovative Mobility 5080112
5080200 Commuter Rail Services 5080200
5080202 Performance Deficiency Credits PDC 5080202
5080300 E. Fifth Bus 5080300
5080325 North Base Paratransit 5080325
5080330 North Ops Bus 5080300
5080335 Georgetown Paratransit 5080335
5080350 Rural Service Bus 5080350
5080360 South Base Paratransit 5080325
5080400 RideShare 5080400
5080410 Pickup CARTS 5080410
5080411 Pickup North 5080411
5080412 Pickup South 5080411
5080413 BikeShare 5080413
5090101 Dues And Subscriptions 5090101
5090201 Airfare - Transportation 5090201
5090205 Travel - Per Diem 5090205
5090206 Toll Road Charges 5090206
5090208 Seminar, Conferences, Registration 5090208
5090211 Lodging 5090211
5090215 Travel - Other 5090215
5090250 Business Meals - Local 5090250
5090701 Bad Debt Expense 5090701
5090702 Contingency Reserve 5090702
5090801 Newspaper Media 5090801
5090804 Advertising/Promotion Media 5090804
5090809 Other Media 5090809
5099901 Postage 5099901
5099902 Bank Charges 5099902
5099904 Tools And Equipment 5099904
5099905 Computer Software 5030512
5099907 Safety Equipment 5099907
5099908 Computer Hardware 5030511
5099909 Other Miscellaneous Expenses 5099909
Insert for new Oracle account 5099913
5099925 Other Misc. Expense-Vans 5099925
5099950 Food and Ice 5099950
5099992 Recognition Program 5099992
5099999 AP Prompt Pay Discount 5099999
5100300 Capitalization of Salaries and Wages 5100300
5100310 Capital Expense - Non Labor 5100310
5100320 Allocated Overhead-General 5100320
5110201 Interest Expense 5110201
5120201 Lease-Passenger Stations 5120201
5120301 Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities 5120301
5120601 Lease-Operating Yard/Storage 5120601
5120707 Rent-Event Space 5120707
5120801 Lease-Vehicles 5120801
5121201 Lease-Administrative Facility 5121201
5121202 Office Equipment 5121202
5121209 Other Equipment 5121209
5140000 GASB 87 - Amortization Expense 5131880
Insert for new Oracle account 5131885
5130150 Railroad Right Of Way 5130150
5130225 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations 5130225
5130330 Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking 5130330
5130435 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles 5130435
5130545 Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles 5130545
5130605 Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards 5130605
5130710 Depreciation Expense-Garages 5130710
5130920 Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip 5130920
5131055 Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment 5131055
5131140 Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection 5131140
5131215 Depreciation Expense-General Admin 5131215
5131450 Depreciation Expense-Light Rail 5131450
5131470 Amortization-Lh Improvements 5131470
5131560 Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements 5131560
5131680 Depreciation Expense-Other Assets 5131680
Insert for new Oracle account 5140101
5160201 Extraordinary Items 5160201
5160205 Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees 5160205
Insert for new Oracle account 5160206
Insert for new Oracle account 5160207
5200101 Annual Transit Street Maint. 5200101
5200500 Suburban Comm - Manor 5200500
5200520 Suburban Comm - Lago Vista 5200520
5200540 Suburban Comm - San Leanna 5200540
5200560 Suburban Comm - Point Venture 5200560
5200580 Suburban Comm - Volente 5200580
5200600 Suburban Comm - Jonestown 5200600
5200640 Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1 5200640
5200641 Asset Disposal Expense 5200641
5400101 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts 5400101
5700202 Grant Reimbursement Expense 5700202
5803000 Expense Reimbursements 5803000
5804000 Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions 5804000
5805000 Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership 5805000
5909000 Capital Project Expense to WIP 5909000
5999945 Asset Expenditure - Service Vehicles 5999945
999990 999990
9999991 9999991

Note 1: AX population of accounts was 989

Note 2: 451 out of the 989 had activitity within the last two fiscal years
Note 3: These 451 were looked at line by line and assigned corresponding Oracle information
Name Other Revenue ROW Revenue
Farebox Revenue - CMTA
Chargebacks - Clearing Account
Farebox overrides
Rideshare Revenue
CARTS Rural Service-Demand Response
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
TVM Cash- ECC over/under
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Stored Value Card $20
Stored Value Card $40
Fare revenue
Stored value WALLET
Farebox Revenue - North Ops
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Farebox CARTS - City of Georgetown
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Fare revenue
Commuter Rail TVM Cash
Fare revenue
Web/App Sales Clearing
POS Clearing
Metroworks Discount
Payment Discount
Discount Pass Program Discount
Reduced Fare Discount
HEB Discount
Randalls Discount
Event/Holiday Discount
Promotional Discount
The University Of Texas
Other Revenue Guaranteed Ride Home
City Of Austin - ILA
Acc - ILA
Travis County ILA
Special Events Charter Service
Rental Income
Freight Revenue
Right of Way Revenue License Application
Right of Way Revenue EIC Services
Right of Way Revenue License Agreement Annual Fee
Right of Way Revenue Permit Application
Right of Way Revenue Permit Fees
Right of Way Revenue 45G Tax Credit
Investment Income
Other Revenue Sale Of Schedule Book
Investment Income - Unrealized
GASB 87 Lease Revenue
GASB 87 - Interest Income
Other Revenue Metro Bike Card Program
Other Revenue Photo I.D. Revenue
Other Revenue Cash Over / Under
Other Revenue Touch Passes
Other Revenue Shipping & Handling Fees
Gain On Sale - Assets
Other Revenue Other Nontransit Revenue
Loss Account
Advertising Revenue
Other Revenue Fuel Tax Reimbursement
Wellness Center Fees
Childcare Revenue
Advertising Installation Revenue
Special Merchandise Sale
Adv Advertising Agency Discount
Sales Tax Revenue
Sales Tax Recovery Fees
Grant Revenue - Capital
Grant Revenue - Supplemental
Grant Revenue - Operating
Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting
Grant Revenue - Usda
Grants-Pass Through
FEMA Grant Revenue
Grant Revenue - State Capital
Capital Contributions from ATP
Operating Contributions from ATP
Round Rock Purchased Transportation
CARTS Purchased Transportation Services
Travis County Purchased Transportation
Georgetown Purchased Transportation
Pflugerville Purchased Transportation
Capital Contribution Revenue
Salaries & Wages - Admin.
Overtime - Administrative
Salaries & Wages - Apd Officers
Executive Compensation
Overtime - APD Officers
Salaries & Wages - Temp
Intern Pay
401k Fees
Pension - Bargain
Pension - Admin
L/T Disability - Admin.
L/T Disability-IUE
S/T Disability
Health Plans-Admin
Health Plan - Fees
Health Savings Account Employer Contribution
Health Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
Dental Plans-Admin
Dental Plan Employee Contribution-Admin
Wellness Center Exp
Life Insurance-Admin
State Unemployment-Admin
Expense For W/C Claims
W/C Admin Fees (2% Of Claims)
Premiums For W/C Losses
Sick Leave-Admin
Supplemental Sick
Holiday Leave-Admin
Vacation Leave-Admin
Other Paid Leave-Admin
Uniform Allowance-Bargaining
Uniform Allowance-Admin.
Boot Allowance-Admin
Other Clothing Allowance-Admin
Relocation Reimb.
Other Benefits - Admin
Other Benefits - Operators
Rideshare Subsidy
B-Cycle Subsidy
Tuition Reimbursement
Retirement Medicare Supplement Payments
Employee Assistance Program
Audit Fees
General Legal Services
Consultation Fees
Medical Services
Technical Services
Other Services - Ctecc
Other Professional Fees
COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing
Permits And Fees
Temporary Help
Maintenance-Office Equipment
Phone System Maintenance
Repair & Maintenance-Other
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Electrical Services
Custodial Services
Security Services
Courier And Delivery Services
Vehicle Towing
Sp Right of Way Maintenance
Other Services
Non-Capital Training
Advertising Installation Expense
Row Herzog Transit Services
Transmission Fluid
Other Fluids
Red Dye
Fuel - Count Adjust
Fare Media - Count Adjust
SpareParts - Count Adjust
Fuel Risk Management
Fuel Price Variance
Fare Purchase Variance
SpareParts Price Variance
Inventory Transfer Gain/Loss
Tires and Tubes
Office Supplies
Passes And Tickets
Maps And Schedules
Training Materials
Cleaning Supplies
Expendable Tools & Equipment
Supplies-Board Of Directors
Other Supplies
Non Capital Equipment and Furniture
Maintenance Materials
Treasury Room Pass Consumption
Transit Store POS Pass Consumption
HEB Pass Consumption
Core Deposit Credit
Freight Charge-Inventory Parts
Emergency Spills
Non-Capital Projects
Awards - Recognition Program
Electricity - Propulsion Power
Water And Sewer
Drainage Service
Garbage Collection
Street Service
Property Insurance Premiums
Physical Damage Recoveries
Rail Liability Claim Payments
Vehicle Liability Premiums
Auto Liablity Loss
Public Officals Liab. Premiums
Crime Insurance Premium
Other Business Insurance
Inspection Certificates
Diesel Fuel Tax
Gasoline Fuel Tax
Fuel Surcharge
Battery Surcharge
GRH Reimbursement
Innovative Mobility
Commuter Rail Services
Performance Deficiency Credits PDC
Bus Purchased Transportation
Paratransit Purchased Transportation
Bus Purchased Transportation
Georgetown Paratransit
Rural Service Bus
Paratransit Purchased Transportation
Pickup CARTS
Dues And Subscriptions
Airfare - Transportation
Travel - Per Diem
Toll Road Charges
Seminar, Conferences, Registration
Travel - Other
Business Meals - Local
Bad Debt Expense
Contingency Reserve
Newspaper Media
Advertising/Promotion Media
Other Media
Bank Charges
Tools And Equipment
Computer Software
Safety Equipment
Computer Hardware
Other Miscellaneous Expenses
P-Card Default Expense
P-Card Issuer Expense
Default Employee Expense
Default Contingent Worker Expense
Other Misc. Expense-Vans
Food and Ice
Recognition Program
AP Prompt Pay Discount
Capitalization of Salaries and Wages
Capital Expense - Non Labor
Allocated Overhead-General
Interest Expense
Lease-Passenger Stations
Lease-Passenger Parking Facilities
Lease-Operating Yard/Storage
Rent-Event Space
Lease-Administrative Facility
Office Equipment
Other Equipment
Amortization - GASB 87 Assets
Interest Expense - GASB 87 Assets
Railroad Right Of Way
Depreciation Expense-Passenger Stations
Depreciation Expense-Passenger Parking
Depreciation Expense-Revenue Vehicles
Depreciation Expense-Service Vehicles
Depreciation Expense-Operating Yards
Depreciation Expense-Garages
Depreciation Expense-Rev Veh Mvmt Cntrl Equip
Depreciation Expense-Dp Equipment
Depreciation Expense-Revenue Collection
Depreciation Expense-General Admin
Depreciation Expense-Light Rail
Amortization-Lh Improvements
Depreciation Expense-Land Improvements
Depreciation Expense-Other Assets
Solicitation Requisition
Extraordinary Items
Asset Disposal Exp And Admin Fees
Loss on Asset Disposal
Loss on Inventory Transfer
Build Greater Austin
Suburban Comm - Manor
Suburban Comm - Lago Vista
Suburban Comm - San Leanna
Suburban Comm - Point Venture
Suburban Comm - Volente
Suburban Comm - Jonestown
Suburban Comm - Williamson County Pct 1
Asset Disposal Expense
1/4 Cent Sales Tax Posts
Grant Reimbursement Expense
Expense Reimbursements
Capital Contributions-Other Jurisdictions
Capital Contr - Austin Transit Partnership
Capital Project Expense to WIP
Asset Expenditure - Service Vehicles

Oracle information

Misc Group Account ACFR

Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Accrued Expenses Accrued Expenses
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Transportation Fares Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Fare Discounts Transportation fares
Institutional Contract revenue
Other Revenue Other income, net
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
InterLocal Agreeements Contract revenue
Charter Contract revenue
Other Revenue Other income, net
Freight Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
ment Annual Fee Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Right of Way Revenue Rail-freight
Investment income Investment income
Other Revenue Other income, net
Investment income Investment income

Other Revenue Other income, net

Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Other Revenue Other income, net
Sales and use tax revenue Sales and use tax revenue
Sales and use tax revenue Sales and use tax revenue
Capital Grants Federal grants and other capital contributions
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Operating Grants Other federal grants
Capital Grants Federal grants and other capital contributions
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions
Operating Contributions Operating Contributions
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Outside Service Area Contract revenue
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Salary and wages Salary and wages
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
Benefits Employee Benefits
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
General and Administrative Professional Services
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Fuel and Fluid Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Utilities Utilities
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Casualty and liability Casualty and liability
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Tax Expense Materials and supplies - fuel and fluid
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
North Ops Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
South Ops Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
North Base Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
South Base Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Purchased Transportation Purchased transportation
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization

Lease Leases and other

Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Lease Leases and other
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Administrative Leases and other
Build Greater Austin Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program
Build Central Texas Build Central Texas Program

Mobility interlocal agreements Mobility interlocal agreements

Mobility interlocal agreements Mobility interlocal agreements
Materials and supplies Materials and supplies - other
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Capital Contributions Capital Contributions - Other Jurisdictions
Depreciation and amortization Depreciation and amortization
Class Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
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Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Current Liabilities Balance Sheet Liability
Operating Revenue Income Statement
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Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
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Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement

Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement

Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Federal grants and other capital contributioIncome Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Federal grants and other capital contributioIncome Statement
Capital Contributions Income Statement
Operating Contributions Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Operating Revenue Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
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Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement

Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Non-operating revenues (expenses) Income Statement
Operating Expenses Income Statement





















Below this line accounts are not as closely tied to NTD reporting OK


2018 2019 2020

4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area (962,450.64) (1,393,090.31) (1,456,472.05)

Out of Pocket (570,440.00) (396,527.00)
(962,450.64) (1,963,530.31) (1,852,999.05)
Reported - Why Variance 1,966,570.00 1,855,320.00
City of Austin Allocation; Guarnateed Ride Home 3,039.69 2,320.95

4010134 Access - Single Ride 0.00 (13,573.35) (10,905.50)

4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet 0.00 (284,690.74) (185,565.75)

4010136 Access - Monthly Pass 0.00 (365,422.07) (240,866.25)

4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets (773,414.73) (7,659.48) (1,610.29)
(773,414.73) (671,345.64) (438,947.79)

4010101 Fare revenue

4070405 Sale Of Schedule Book -516.00
4070520 Metro Bike Card Program
4079901 Photo I.D. Revenue -7,625.00
4079903 Touch Passes -1,607.69

4079904 Shipping & Handling Fees -2,771.59


4079914 Advertising Revenue

4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation 0.00 (991,842.29) (915,081.88)

4010132 Payment Discount (913.95) (8,792.27) 0.00

4070301 Downtown Lease (Plaza Saltillo - FY22 GASB 8 (10,664.32) (21,533.04) (2,189,560.00)
4070302 Mainline Revenue (4,133,175.81) (4,165,277.35) (4,330,853.97)

4070303 Row License Application (12,003.98) (22,500.00) (25,688.00)

4070304 Row EIC Services (117,990.00) (306,993.00) (330,596.73)
4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee (517,446.67) (562,780.23) (535,567.35)

4070306 Row Permit Application (23,611.00) (30,000.00) (50,500.00)

4070307 Row Permit Fees (78,723.00) (22,500.00) (124,000.00)

4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit (570,150.00) 0.00 (1,088,985.60)

4070402 Interest Income-Investments (2,681,440.27) (4,136,297.42) (3,768,945.02)
4070403 Gain On Sale - Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00
4070406 Unrealized Gain On Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00

4070410 Investment Income 691,440.48 (1,523,451.80) (671,743.44)

4079902 Cash Over / Under (4,518.28) 1,659.07 279.60
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets (240,336.93) (264,560.76) (158,342.00)
4079912 Loss Account
4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue (12,877.23) (47,721.42) (51,819.66)
4079920 Wellness Center Fees (202,575.00) (172,023.45) (53,495.89)
4079925 Childcare Revenue (787,341.38) (827,225.48) (656,318.98)
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale (784.46) (756.63) (856.25)
4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income
(8,703,111.80) (12,110,753.78) (14,036,993.29)

4080201 Sales Tax Revenue (243,581,317.65) (261,812,037.44) (262,511,979.88)

4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees 10,026.00 271,448.46 77,350.01
(243,571,291.65) (261,540,588.98) (262,434,629.87)
CAPEX 81,006,948.00 70,320,753.00
OPEX (180,533,640.98) (192,113,876.87)

4020512 CARTS-ILA-Del Valle (36,162.05) 0.00 0.00

4090740 Local Match Rev Georgetown (462,087.57) 0.00 0.00
4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services 0.00 (12,367.65) 0.00
4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation 0.00 (186,074.20) (307,348.31)
4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation 0.00 (438,323.85) (430,758.07)

4160500 Pflugerville Purchased Transportation

(498,249.62) (636,765.70) (738,106.38)

4020515 Round Rock -ILA (947,643.07) 0.00 0.00

4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP

4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP

4400100 Capital Contribution 0.00 0.00 0.01

4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital (1,688,132.45) (8,343,308.62) (10,784,511.29)
(1,688,132.45) (8,343,308.62) (10,784,511.29)

4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital (25,753,839.00) (10,855,223.00) (10,613,933.50)

4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act (101,901,480.00)
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating (1,832,294.93) (397,292.00) (384,538.00)
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting (49,936,755.00) (35,807,683.00) (13,388,326.00)
4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda (13,831.89) (9,151.33) (9,758.83)
4090230 Federal Grant Rev Kyle 0.00 0.00 0.00

4090240 Federal Grant Rev Georgetown 0.00 0.00 0.00

4090250 Grants-Pass Through (1,177,378.00) (4,520,491.65) (1,406,049.35)
4090255 TDP Federal Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00
4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue 0.00 (64,000.00) 0.00
(78,714,098.82) (51,653,840.98) (127,704,085.68)

47,133,349.00 126,298,036.00
4,520,491.65 1,406,049.35
(0.33) (0.33)


FY17 Capital Cost of Contracting 4,364,966

FY18 Capital Cost of Contracting 31,442,718
TOD Planning Pilot Program 225,337

4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue

4070412 GASB 87 Interest Income
4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP
GAIN = 4150 Other Agency Revenues
LOSS = 4600 Non-Added Revenues
2018 2019 2020
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets (240,336.93) (264,560.76) (158,342.00)
4079912 Loss on Property Disposal 90,713.22 289,869.50 0.00
(149,623.71) 25,308.74 (158,342.00)
2021 2022 Acct Changes

(707,045.92) (798,682.50) 4010105 Rideshare Revenue

(233,142.00) (379,982.00) Vanpool Exp
(940,187.92) (1,178,664.50)
973,429.00 1,226,765.00
33,241.08 48,100.50

(13,807.75) (22,262.10)

(174,412.67) (193,636.65)

(189,421.10) (204,303.85)
(796.25) (350.00)
(378,437.77) (420,552.60)

Waiting for information

includes to calcuate unvalidated
unvalidated passe passes 02.23.2023
4010101 Fare revenue

To: Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Mail

To: Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Processing
To: Auxiliary Transportation Funds -
4010137 - 4020510
does not include VanPool Exo
W Vanpool Expense
Entered on F10

From 4010101:
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)
From 4010101: OTHER - MAIL
From 4010101: OTHER - PROCESSING
From 4010101:
From 4010101:
4079935 Special Merchandise Sale
(609.00) (411.00)
(6,588.00) (7,242.00)
(967.60) (1,164.90)

(132.00) (814.02)
(8,296.60) (9,745.92)

(690,368.00) (1,654,751.00) 4079914 Advertising Revenue

(1,061,755.57) (1,127,886.60) 4160100 Round Rock Purchased Transportation

GL $1,259,453.08 vs Report $1,332,738 = $72k Fares CMTA Rece

0.00 44.00
(2,187,640.00) 1,056,011.21 4070301 Rental Income
(4,037,541.18) (4,598,556.05) 4070302 Freight Revenue

(44,232.00) (34,500.00) 4070303 ROW License Application

(198,958.00) (278,400.00) 4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee
(795,561.29) (1,160,594.83) 4070306 Row Permit Application

(38,750.00) (40,575.00) 4070307 Row Permit Fees

(97,500.00) (116,600.00) 4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit

(544,493.00) (544,493.00) 4070309 Row EIC Services

(1,209,891.35) (2,089,362.56) 4070402 Investment Income
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

836,140.94 2,044,985.37 4070410 Investment Income - Unrealized

(153.95) (913.20) 4070304 Other Revenue
(93,748.75) (259,668.00) 4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets
4079912 Loss Account
(2,601.04) (26,016.07) 4070304 Other Revenue
0.00 0.00 4079920 Wellness Center Fees
(652,131.94) (645,421.79) 4079925 Childcare Revenue
(935.01) (738.10)
(640,083.09) 4070411 GASB 87 Lease Revenue
(1,903,603.77) 4070415 GASB 87 - Interest Income
(9,067,996.57) (9,238,484.88)

(301,460,499.76) (382,622,967.03) 4080201 Sales Tax Revenue

40,895.86 8,040.24 4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees
(262,434,629.87) (382,614,926.79)
45,158,194.00 45,894,139.00
(217,276,435.87) (336,720,787.79)

4079912 Loss Account

4010102 MetroBike Revenue

0.00 #N/A
0.00 #N/A
0.00 4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services
(177,470.25) (369,262.86) 4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation
(427,165.91) (167,582.17) 4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation

(98,383.23) (258,860.66) #N/A

(703,019.39) (795,705.69)

0.00 0.00 #N/A Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a

(12,146,358.62) 4101001 Capital Contributions from ATP

4101002 Operating Contributions from ATP

0.00 (200,000.00) 4400100 Capital Contribution Revenue

TX Dot project
completed in FY21
(5,241,476.40) 0.00 4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital
(5,241,476.40) 0.00

(3,109,783.00) (8,057,912.63) 4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital

0.00 (194,450,351.00) 4090202 Grant Revenue - Supplemental
(130,605.43) (1,082,450.00) 4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
(47,745,383.00) (5,670,995.00) 4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracti
(10,098.46) (10,503.98) 4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda
0.00 0.00 #N/A

0.00 0.00 #N/A

(588,378.00) (891,527.00) 4090250 Grants-Pass Through
0.00 0.00 #N/A
0.00 (11,707.35) 4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue
(51,584,247.89) (210,175,446.96) Includes Pass Thru
Reported on NTD - No Pass Thru

50,995,869.89 209,283,919.96
588,378.00 891,527.00
0.00 0.00

4010102 MetroBike Revenue

Rideshare - vanpool out of pocket

City of Round Rock
4090250 Grants-Pass Through
2021 2022
FY 2023

(1,578,785.41) All Rev

(9,103,182.59) CB / YR pt information doesn't look right

(7,239,594.38) 0.00

(1,400.00) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other
(678.25) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other 7
(101.00) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other
(1,248.00) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other
(10,354.05) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other

(13,781.30) 4149 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other 02

(1,828,955.18) 4141 - Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenue 9

(1,332,738.00) 7
eport $1,332,738 = $72k Fares CMTA Received

27,994.83 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(4,813,546.80) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(506,028.23) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(236,259.15) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues
(38,850.00) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(99,250.00) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues 03

(544,493.25) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(99,200.00) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(17,689,835.49) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues 10

(850,668.65) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues 2,361 ATP

(614,523.30) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues Photo ID? 4149 - Other Transportation Funds
(51,675.69) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues
4150 - Other Agency Revenues
4150 - Other Agency Revenues
(10.00) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues
(623,814.96) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(462,640.26) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues

(2,292,098.33) 4150 - Other Agency Revenues
(28,894,899.28) (49,988,508.89) 6


(382,622,967.03) 4220 -Sales Taxes 11

8,040.24 4220 -Sales Taxes
(382,614,926.79) 382,614,927.00

528,361.48 Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)

(669,234.53) N/A

(434,795.76) 4310 - General Revenues of the Local Government D
(244,534.51) 4310 - General Revenues of the Local Government E

(679,330.27) G
gh a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency J

(29,283,715.11) Property Taxes (4323) L

(7,266,110.77) Property Taxes (4323) M
(36,549,825.88) 9 (7,945,441.04) N
(29,483,715.11) O
(200,000.00) (37,429,156.15) Q
37,429,156.00 E
(0.15) R

(1,392,569.22) T
(1,392,569.22) 11 U
1,392,569.00 V
(0.22) W
(23,563,126.79) Grant WorkPaper $23,563,112.90 - Variance 13.89 X
(198,821.00) Z
(41,205,061.28) C AA
(10,012.53) AB
-13.890000000596 AC

(1,154,333.00) (1,154,333.00) AE
(66,131,354.60) (1,154,348.6000000000) AH
(64,977,021.60) 64,977,007.00 AI

(14.60) AJ

(537,301,399.21) 536,421,194.00 (880,205.21)



Total Recoveries???

CB PT / YR PT - Darrell upload sales into
Oracle - Charlie reconcilies to Jennifer
Govea report, Darrell pulls form?
Known issue with overrides, bus driver
has to key in a number at a box - rider
changes pass type - bus driver allows
people to ride to ride for free, fare box
broken, - Darrell was suppose to check
numbers / excess cash coming in as
sales / both tied to farebox - are there
fareboxes on CB? yes except Metro
Access, CB is not as bad, CB should be
good - our issue / our issue is with CB;
our Revue is higher than it should be -
when TTP3 override
Passenger Fares (4100)


Total Passenger Fares

NOTE: Our payment to City of Austin is inlcuded below (7) Revenues Accrued thru a Purchased Agreement; this is City of Round
Rock's number (should match or be close to CMTA); also need to record the fares that they received. Issue arrose that the B-30
MB PT fares was higher than the F10 - $47,647 which is reported on the B-30. This will also be an adjustment outside of our
system AX.
going to include under Passenger Fares

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Total Passenger Fares (4110)

Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)

Other Agency Revenues (4150)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190)
Total Directly Generated Funds

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Income Taxes (4210)

Sales Taxes (4220)
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

General Revenues of the Local Government (4310)

Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds

State Gov't Funds (4400)

General Revenues of the State Government (4410)

State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds
General Revenues of the State Government (4410) - Texas Clean Fleet Program

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources
FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307)
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309) - Capital Investment Grant (CIG) $10,421,341 PLN2107 & PLN2108
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)

FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Program (§5310) Column G Pass thru -
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310) - Column D program administration
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337)
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339) - Bus and Facility Discretionary - $4,570,435

Other USDOT Grants - Highway planning and Construction and Railroad Safety Technology Grant
ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds - Child and Adult Care Food Program


Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Contributed Services (4610)

Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)

Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)

Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Dedicated Funds (4200)
Local Gov't Funds (4300)
State Gov't Funds (4400)
Federal Funds (4500)
Non-Added Revenues (4600)
Total F-10 Funds


F20 Capital Expenditures


In Nov2020, City of Austin passed a proposition regarding Project Connect. Project Connect is a comprehensive transit plan
including new rail service, new and expanded bus service with an anticipated all-electric bus fleet, and new park and rides and

The funding for Project Connect is a voter-approval property tax rate of $0.5335 per $100. ATP (Austin Transportation
Partnership) was set up to collect these funds. CMTA has project costs related to the Project Connect Program that are
reimbursed by ATP.

Passenger-Paid Fares Organization-Paid Fares

(4111) (4112) Total
299,219.00 25,227.00
856,284.00 -
6,785,937.00 7,063,475.00
1,578,785.00 41,735.00
1,175,625.00 110,875.00

10,695,850.00 7,241,312.00 17,937,162.00

5,287,566.00 47,647.00 5,335,213.00

City of Round Rock Adj Value


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital




50,007,535 50,007,535

State Sales Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


382,614,927 162,429,071
does not have to match to J

City of Austin Property Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

37,429,156 7,945,441 29,483,715


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

1,392,569 1,392,569

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

47,106,337 5,901,276

10,421,341 10,421,341

D program administration 159,465
4,570,435 4,570,435

2,670,061 2,670,061

39,355 39,355

10,012 10,012
64,977,006 41,413,893 23,563,113


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

528,361.48 528,361.48

528,361.48 528,361.48 -

50,007,535 50,007,535 -

382,614,927 290,872,118 162,429,071

37,429,156 7,945,441 29,483,715

1,392,569 - 1,392,569

64,977,006 41,413,893 23,563,113

528,361.48 528,361.48 -

536,421,193.00 390,767,348 216,868,468


537,626,173.54 (0.52) 0
Tony Lynch report for IM Revenue

City of Austin VanPool



Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card Program, Photo ID,
Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical passes
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application, ROW EIC Services,
ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees,
ROW 45G Tax Credit, Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non
Transit Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare Revenue, Special
Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets



F20 (20,203,020)



FR.CRS.0053 RRC1102 Positive Train Control

COVID related expenditures.

2005b TOD Planning Pilot Program

USDA Child Care



3) No special events for 2022













2022 publis
Passenger Fares (4100)


Total Passenger Fares

NOTE: Our payment to City of Austin is inlcuded below (7) Revenues Accrued thru a Purchased Agreement; this is City of Round
Rock's number (should match or be close to CMTA); also need to record the fares that they received. Issue arrose that the B-30
MB PT fares was higher than the F10 - $47,647 which is reported on the B-30. This will also be an adjustment outside of our
system AX.
going to include under Passenger Fares

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Total Passenger Fares (4110)

Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)

Other Agency Revenues (4150)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190)
Total Directly Generated Funds

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Income Taxes (4210)

Sales Taxes (4220)
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

General Revenues of the Local Government (4310)

Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds

State Gov't Funds (4400)

General Revenues of the State Government (4410)

State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources
FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307)
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309)
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)

FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Program (§5310)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310)
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337)
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339)

Other USDOT Grants

ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Other FTA Funds
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds



Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Contributed Services (4610)

Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)

Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)

Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Dedicated Funds (4200)
Local Gov't Funds (4300)
State Gov't Funds (4400)
Federal Funds (4500)
Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Form F-10 as of 12.29.21 NOT COMPLETE


F20 Capital Expenditures


In Nov2020, City of Austin passed a proposition regarding Project Connect. Project Connect is a comprehensive transit plan
including new rail service, new and expanded bus service with an anticipated all-electric bus fleet, and new park and rides and

The funding for Project Connect is a voter-approval property tax rate of $0.5335 per $100. ATP (Austin Transportation
Partnership) was set up to collect these funds. CMTA has project costs related to the Project Connect Program that are
reimbursed by ATP.
2022 published

Passenger-Paid Fares Organization-Paid Fares

(4111) (4112) Total
214,017.00 20,795.00
733,970.00 -
6,057,911.00 6,296,245.00
1,178,665.00 48,100.00
1,022,592.00 87,304.00

9,207,155.00 6,452,444.00 15,659,599.00

5,287,566.00 47,647.00 5,335,213.00

City of Round Rock Adj Value


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital





State Sales Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


does not have to match to J
143,152,440.81 8,056,660.84

City of Austin Property Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

12,942,065 795,706 12,146,359.00

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

- -

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


128,229,309 128,229,309
66,221,042 66,221,042

275,377 275,377

7,781,284 7,781,285

898,627 898,627

103,462 103,462 0
209,283,920 201,227,259 8,056,662
0 52,052,792.00 (52,052,792.00)

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

5,147.00 5,147.00

- - -

27,746,253 - -

366,924,492 291,765,067 31,951,277

12,942,065 795,706 12,146,359

- - -

209,283,920 201,227,259 8,056,662

- - -

616,896,729.87 493,788,032 52,154,298


Tony Lynch report for IM Revenue



Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card Program, Photo ID,
Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical passes
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application, ROW EIC Services,
ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees,
ROW 45G Tax Credit, Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non
Transit Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare Revenue, Special
Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets



F20 (20,203,020)



FR.CRS.0053 RRC1102 Positive Train Control, Highway Planning and construction
(FHWA) 1,003,195.00

COVID related expenditures.

2005b TOD Planning Pilot Program

USDA Child Care, FEMA Transit Security Grant Program, FEMA thru TDEM (disaster
grant for 2021 winter storm), Highway Planning and construction (FHWA) 1,003,195.00



3) No special events for 2022













Passenger Fares (4100)


Total Passenger Fares

NOTE: Our payment to City of Austin is inlcuded below (7) Revenues Accrued thru a Purchased Agreement; this is City of Round
Rock's number (should match or be close to CMTA); also need to record the fares that they received. Issue arrose that the B-30
MB PT fares was higher than the F10 - $47,647 which is reported on the B-30. This will also be an adjustment outside of our
system AX.
going to include under Passenger Fares

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Total Passenger Fares (4110)

Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)

Other Agency Revenues (4150)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190)
Total Directly Generated Funds

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Income Taxes (4210)

Sales Taxes (4220)
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

General Revenues of the Local Government (4310)

Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds

State Gov't Funds (4400)

General Revenues of the State Government (4410)

State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources
FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307)
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309)
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)

FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Program (§5310)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310)
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337)
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339)

Other USDOT Grants

ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Other FTA Funds
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds



Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Contributed Services (4610)

Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)

Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)

Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Dedicated Funds (4200)
Local Gov't Funds (4300)
State Gov't Funds (4400)
Federal Funds (4500)
Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Form F-10 as of 12.29.21 NOT COMPLETE


F20 Capital Expenditures


In Nov2020, City of Austin passed a proposition regarding Project Connect. Project Connect is a comprehensive transit plan
including new rail service, new and expanded bus service with an anticipated all-electric bus fleet, and new park and rides and

The funding for Project Connect is a voter-approval property tax rate of $0.5335 per $100. ATP (Austin Transportation
Partnership) was set up to collect these funds. CMTA has project costs related to the Project Connect Program that are
reimbursed by ATP.

Passenger-Paid Fares Organization-Paid Fares

(4111) (4112) Total
214,017.00 20,795.00
733,970.00 -
6,057,911.00 6,243,832.00
1,178,665.00 48,100.00
1,022,592.00 87,304.00

9,207,155.00 6,400,031.00 15,607,186.00

5,287,566.00 47,647.00 5,335,213.00

City of Round Rock Adj Value


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital





State Sales Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


does not have to match to J
143,152,440.81 8,056,660.84

City of Austin Property Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

12,942,065 795,706 12,146,359.00

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

- -

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


128,229,309 128,229,309
66,221,042 66,221,042

275,377 275,377

6,778,089 6,778,089

898,627 898,627

1,106,657 103,462 1,003,195

209,283,920 201,227,259 8,056,661
0 52,052,792.00 (52,052,792.00)

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

5,147.00 5,147.00

- - -

27,693,840 - -

366,924,492 291,765,067 31,951,277

12,942,065 795,706 12,146,359

- - -

209,283,920 201,227,259 8,056,661

- - -

616,844,316.87 493,788,032 52,154,297


Tony Lynch report for IM Revenue



Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card Program, Photo ID,
Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical passes
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application, ROW EIC Services,
ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees,
ROW 45G Tax Credit, Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non
Transit Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare Revenue, Special
Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets



F20 (20,203,020)



FR.CRS.0053 RRC1102 Positive Train Control

COVID related expenditures.

2005b TOD Planning Pilot Program

USDA Child Care, FEMA Transit Security Grant Program, FEMA thru TDEM (disaster
grant for 2021 winter storm), Highway Planning and construction (FHWA)














Passenger Fares (4100)


Total Passenger Fares

NOTE: Our payment to City of Austin is inlcuded below (7) Revenues Accrued thru a Purchased Agreement; this is City of Round
Rock's number (should match or be close to CMTA); also needtto record the fares that they received. Issue arrose that the B-30
MB PT fares was higher than the F10 - $47,647 which is reported on the B-30. This will also be an adjustment outside of our
system AX.
going to include under Passenger Fares

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Total Passenger Fares (4110)

Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)

Other Agency Revenues (4150)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190)
Total Directly Generated Funds

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Income Taxes (4210)

Sales Taxes (4220)
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

General Revenues of the Local Government (4310)

Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds

State Gov't Funds (4400)

General Revenues of the State Government (4410)

State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources
FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307)
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309)
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)

FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Program (§5310)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310)
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337)
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339)

Other USDOT Grants

ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Other FTA Funds
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds



Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Contributed Services (4610)

Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)

Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)

Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Dedicated Funds (4200)
Local Gov't Funds (4300)
State Gov't Funds (4400)
Federal Funds (4500)
Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Form F-10 as of 12.29.21 NOT COMPLETE


F20 Capital Expenditures


In Nov2020, City of Austin passed a proposition regarding Project Connect. Project Connect is a comprehensive transit plan
including new rail service, new and expanded bus service with an anticipated all-electric bus fleet, and new park and rides and

The funding for Project Connect is a voter-approval property tax rate of $0.5335 per $100. ATP (Austin Transportation
Partnership) was set up to collect these funds. CMTA has project costs related to the Project Connect Program that are
reimbursed by ATP.

Passenger-Paid Fares Organization-Paid Fares

(4111) (4112) Total
131,774.00 11,650.00
499,389.00 -
5,335,213.00 5,507,987.00
940,189.00 33,240.00
456,438.00 58,330.00

7,363,003.00 5,611,207.00 12,974,210.00

5,287,566.00 47,647.00 5,335,213.00

City of Round Rock Adj Value


Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital





State Sales Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


does not have to match to J

City of Austin Property Tax

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

5,558,676 703,019 4,855,657.00

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

5,241,477 5,241,477

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


35,442 35,442

1,122 1,122

3,074,341 3,074,341

10,099 10,099
50,995,870 47,886,087 3,109,783
51,584,248 52,052,792.00 (468,544.00)

Funds Earneds Expended on Operations nds Expended on Capital

- - -

23,859,132 - -

301,419,604 291,765,067 31,951,277

5,558,676 703,019 4,855,657

5,241,477 - 5,241,477

50,995,870 47,886,087 3,109,783

- - -

387,074,759.00 340,354,173 45,158,194




Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card Program, Photo ID,
Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical passes
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application, ROW EIC Services,
ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees,
ROW 45G Tax Credit, Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non
Transit Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare Revenue, Special
Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets



FR.CRS.0053 RRC1102 Positive Train Control

COVID related expenditures.

2005bMAP21TOD Planning Pilot Program

USDA Child Care, SEC1702 Property Perimeter Hardening and Enhancements

Passenger Fares (4100)

Mode Passenger-Paid Fares (4111)

CB PT 882,246.00
DR PT 643,427.00
MB PT 6,403,542.00
VP PT 1,774,330.00
YR PT 747,532.00

Total Passenger Fares 10,451,077.00

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Funds Earned
Total Passenger Fares (4110) 15,298,332
Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130) 97,921
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141) 772,761
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149) 12,651

Other Agency Revenues (4150) 14,036,993
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - w 981,030
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190) 16,158
Total Directly Generated Funds 31,215,846

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Funds Earned
Income Taxes (4210)
Sales Taxes (4220) 262,434,630
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds 262,434,630

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

Funds Earned
General Revenues of the Local Government (4310) 738,106
Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds 738,106

State Gov't Funds (4400)

Funds Earned
General Revenues of the State Government (4410) 10,784,511
State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds 10,784,511

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources Funds Earned

FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307) 13,388,326
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) 101,901,480

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309) 25,997
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)
FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula 47,857
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310)
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337) 2,848,227
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339) 2,600,000

Other USDOT Grants 4,829,063

ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Other FTA Funds 336,681
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds 320,405

Total 126,298,036

Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Funds Earned
Contributed Services (4610)
Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)
Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)
Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues -

Directly Generated Funds (4100) 31,215,846

Dedicated Funds (4200) 262,434,630

Local Gov't Funds (4300) 738,106

State Gov't Funds (4400) 10,784,511
Federal Funds (4500) 126,298,036
Non-Added Revenues (4600) -




Funds were related to a planning study under the TOD planning pilot program. 02.11.2021 CP

FY19 Other FTA funds was used on Capital - TX-2018-008 Positve Train Control.
In FY19, the MAP21 was coded to a different segment in error.

Not 5307 and should have

been 28*Other FTA Funds per
02*5307 FTA URBANIZED ARE FORMULA PROGRAM discussion with Alex

Fares (4112) Total
217,013.00 1,099,259.00
- 643,427.00
4,548,708.00 10,952,250.00
80,990.00 1,855,320.00
544.00 748,076.00

4,847,255.00 15,298,332.00

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Operations Capital
ting agency

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Operations Capital

125,530,857 70,320,753

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Operations Capital

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Operations Capital


xpended on Operationsds Expended on Capital







9,759 310,646
115,684,103 10,613,933

xpended on Operationsds Expended on Capital

- -

- -

125,530,857 70,320,753

738,106 -
- 10,784,511

115,684,103 10,613,933

- -

241,953,066 91,719,197

257,615,939.00 100,205,480.00



06*4150 Other Agency Rev

Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card

Program, Photo ID, Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application,
ROW EIC Services, ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW
Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees, ROW 45G Tax Credit,
Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non Transit
Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare
Revenue, Special Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets

06*4150 Other Agency Rev Total

09*4220 Sales Tax

09*4220 Sales Tax Total

10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov
10*4310 Gen Revenue Local Gov Total

11*4410 General Rev of State Gov't
11*4410 General Rev of State Gov't Total


Grant Revenue

Issue 2652050 - CARES Act; full

grant amount entered in error

Grant Revenue Total

FR.CRS.0053 RRC1102 Positive Train Control

COVID related expenditures. Issue 2652050 - CARES Act

2005bMAP21TOD Planning Pilot Program ISSUE 2652083 - where was this coded 2019? 2019 FTA Ur

USDA Child Care, SEC1702 Property Perimeter Hardening and



06*4150 Other Agency Rev

99*4630 Sales and Disposal of Asset
was this coded 2019? 2019 FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (5307)
4010105 Rideshare - In Service Area
Out of Pocket

Reported - Why Variance

City of Austin Allocation; Guarnateed Ride Home

4010134 Access - Single Ride

4010135 Access - 10 Ride Booklet

4010136 Access - Monthly Pass

4010202 Metroaccess - Passes & Tickets

4010132 Payment Discount

4070301 Downtown Lease
4070302 Mainline Revenue
4070303 Row License Application
4070304 Row EIC Services

4070305 Row License Agreement Annual Fee

4070306 Row Permit Application
4070307 Row Permit Fees
4070308 Row 45G Tax Credit
4070402 Interest Income-Investments
4070403 Gain On Sale - Investments
4070406 Unrealized Gain On Investments
4070410 Investment Income
4079902 Cash Over / Under
4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets

4079909 Other Nontransit Revenue

4079920 Wellness Center Fees

4079925 Childcare Revenue

4079935 Special Merchandise Sale

4080201 Sales Tax Revenue

4080210 Sales Tax Recovery Fees


4020512 CARTS-ILA-Del Valle

4090740 Local Match Rev Georgetown
4160200 CARTS Purchased Transportation Services

4160300 Travis County Purchased Transportation

4160400 Georgetown Purchased Transportation
4090301 Grant Revenue - State Capital

4090201 Grant Revenue - Capital

4090202 Grant Revenue - Cares Act
4090205 Grant Revenue - Operating
4090208 Grant Revenue - Capital Cost Of Contracting

4090210 Grant Revenue - Usda

4090230 Federal Grant Rev Kyle
4090240 Federal Grant Rev Georgetown
4090250 Grants-Pass Through
4090255 TDP Federal Revenue
4090260 FEMA Grant Revenue


FY17 Capital Cost of Contracting

FY18 Capital Cost of Contracting
TOD Planning Pilot Program

GAIN = 4150 Other Agency Revenues

LOSS = 4600 Non-Added Revenues

4079905 Gain On Sale - Assets

4079912 Loss on Property Disposal
2018 2019 2020

(962,450.64) (1,393,090.31) (1,456,472.05)

(570,440.00) (396,527.00)
(962,450.64) (1,963,530.31) (1,852,999.05)
1,966,570.00 1,855,320.00
3,039.69 2,320.95

0.00 (13,573.35) (10,905.50)

0.00 (284,690.74) (185,565.75)

0.00 (365,422.07) (240,866.25)

(773,414.73) (7,659.48) (1,610.29)
(773,414.73) (671,345.64) (438,947.79)

(913.95) (8,792.27) 0.00

(10,664.32) (21,533.04) (2,189,560.00)
(4,133,175.81) (4,165,277.35) (4,330,853.97)
(12,003.98) (22,500.00) (25,688.00)
(117,990.00) (306,993.00) (330,596.73)

(517,446.67) (562,780.23) (535,567.35)

(23,611.00) (30,000.00) (50,500.00)
(78,723.00) (22,500.00) (124,000.00)
(570,150.00) 0.00 (1,088,985.60)
(2,681,440.27) (4,136,297.42) (3,768,945.02)
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
691,440.48 (1,523,451.80) (671,743.44)
(4,518.28) 1,659.07 279.60
(240,336.93) (264,560.76) (158,342.00)

(12,877.23) (47,721.42) (51,819.66)

(202,575.00) (172,023.45) (53,495.89)

(787,341.38) (827,225.48) (656,318.98)

(784.46) (756.63) (856.25)

(8,703,111.80) (12,110,753.78) (14,036,993.29)


(243,581,317.65) (261,812,037.44) (262,511,979.88)

10,026.00 271,448.46 77,350.01
(243,571,291.65) (261,540,588.98) (262,434,629.87)
81,006,948.00 70,320,753.00

(180,533,640.98) (192,113,876.87)

(36,162.05) 0.00 0.00

(462,087.57) 0.00 0.00
0.00 (12,367.65) 0.00

0.00 (186,074.20) (307,348.31)

0.00 (438,323.85) (430,758.07)
(498,249.62) (636,765.70) (738,106.38)

(1,688,132.45) (8,343,308.62) (10,784,511.29)

(1,688,132.45) (8,343,308.62) (10,784,511.29)

(25,753,839.00) (10,855,223.00) (10,613,933.50)

(1,832,294.93) (397,292.00) (384,538.00)
(49,936,755.00) (35,807,683.00) (13,388,326.00)

(13,831.89) (9,151.33) (9,758.83)

0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
(1,177,378.00) (4,520,491.65) (1,406,049.35)
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 (64,000.00) 0.00

(78,714,098.82) (51,653,840.98) (127,704,085.68)

47,133,349.00 126,298,036.00
4,520,491.65 1,406,049.35
(0.33) (0.33)


2018 2019 2020

(240,336.93) (264,560.76) (158,342.00)
90,713.22 289,869.50 0.00
(149,623.71) 25,308.74 (158,342.00)
Passenger Fares (4100)


Total Passenger Fares

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Total Passenger Fares (4110)

Park and Ride Parking Revenues (4120)
Non-Public Transportation Revenues (4130)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds (4140)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Advertising Revenues (4141)
Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Concessions (4142)

Auxiliary Transportation Funds - Other (4149)

Other Agency Revenues (4150)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement (4160)
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a NTD reporting agency
Revenues Accrued through a Purchased Transportation Agreement - with a non-NTD reporting agency
Subsidy from Other Sectors of Operation (4170)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4180)
Total Recoveries (4190)
Total Directly Generated Funds

Dedicated Funds (4200)

Income Taxes (4210)

Sales Taxes (4220)
Property Taxes (4230)
Fuel Taxes (4240)
Other Taxes (4250)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4260)
High Occupancy Tolls (4270)
Other Dedicated Funds (4290)
Total Directly Generated Dedicated Funds

Local Gov't Funds (4300)

General Revenues of the Local Government (4310)

Income Taxes (4321)
Sales Taxes (4322)

Property Taxes (4323)

Fuel Taxes (4324)
Other Taxes (4325)
Bridge, Tunnel and Highway Tolls (4326)
High Occupancy Tolls (4327)
Other Dedicated Funds (4329)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4330)
Other Local Funds (4390)
Total Local Government Funds

State Gov't Funds (4400)

General Revenues of the State Government (4410)

State Transportation Funds (4420)
Extraordinary and Special Items (4430)
Total State Government Funds

Federal Funds (4500)

Funding Sources
FTA Metropolitan Planning (§5303)
FTA Urbanized Area Formula Program (§5307)
FTA Urbanized Area Program Funds: Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
ARRA Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307) - Capital

CARES Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)

CRRSA Act Urbanized Area Program Funds (§5307)
FTA Clean Fuels Program (§5308)
FTA Capital Investment Grants (§5309)
ARRA Major Capital Investment (New Starts) Funds (§5309)
ARRA Fixed Guideway Modernization Funds (§5309)
FTA Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Program (§5310)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5310)
CRRSA Act Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Funds (§5310)
FTA Formula Grants for Rural Areas (§5311)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA ARRA Other than Urbanized Area (§5311)
FTA ARRA Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5311)
FTA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Funds (§5311)

CARES Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CARES Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Rural Area Program Funds (§5311)
CRRSA Act Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program Funds (§5311)
FTA Job Access and Reverse Commute Formula Program (§5316)
FTA New Freedom Program (5317)
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (§5317)
FTA Transit in Parks (§5320)
FTA State of Good Repair Program (§5337)
FTA Bus and Bus Facilities (§5339)

Other USDOT Grants

ARRA TIGGER (Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction) Funds
ARRA TIGER Multimodal Discretionary Program
Extraordinary and Special Items
Other FTA Funds
Capital Assistance Spent on Operations (including maintenance expenses) (Other FTA Funds)

Other Federal Funds


Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Contributed Services (4610)

Voluntary Non-Exchange Transactions (4620)
Sales and Disposals of Assets (4630)
Transportation Development Credits (4640)
Total Non-Added Revenues

Directly Generated Funds (4100)

Dedicated Funds (4200)
Local Gov't Funds (4300)
State Gov't Funds (4400)
Federal Funds (4500)
Non-Added Revenues (4600)

Passenger-Paid Fares (4111) Fares (4112) Total
1,759,385.00 354,454.00 2,113,839.00
749,550.00 - 749,550.00
9,728,234.00 6,787,360.00 16,515,594.00
1,841,440.00 125,130.00 1,966,570.00
1,524,866.00 1,563.00 1,526,429.00

15,603,475.00 7,268,507.00 22,871,982.00

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital




eporting agency

37,268,658 36,592,221 0

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital


261,540,589 184,720,283 81,006,948

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

Funds Expended on Funds Expended on

Funds Earned Operations Capital

8,343,309 8,343,309

Funds Earnedxpended on Operationsds Expended on Capital

36,033,020 0

534,368 534,368

70,246 70,246

3,098,894 3,098,894
2,692,532 2,692,532

4,137,185 4,137,185

64,000 64,000
152,414 152,414

248,981 9,151 239,830

47,133,349 36,278,126 10,855,223

Funds Earnedxpended on Operationsds Expended on Capital

25,309.00 25,309.00

25,309.00 25,309.00 -

37,268,658 36,592,221 -

261,540,589 184,720,283 81,006,948

636,766 - -
8,343,309 - 8,343,309

47,133,349 36,278,126 10,855,223

25,309.00 25,309.00 -

354,922,671 257,615,939 100,205,480

354,922,671.00 257,615,939.00 100,205,480.00

- - -

Special Event Charter Service

Sale of Schedule Book, Fare Enforcement, Metro Bike Card

Program, Photo ID, Touch Pass, Shipping and Handling of physical
Downtown Lease, Mainline Revenue, ROW License Application,
ROW EIC Services, ROW License Agreement Annual Fee, ROW
Permit Application, ROW Permit Fees, ROW 45G Tax Credit,
Interest Income Investments, Cash Over/Under, Other Non Transit
Revenue, Investment Income, Wellness Center, Childcare
Revenue, Special Merchandise Sale; Gain on Sale of Assets



TX-79-002 Tiger Grant; FRA-PTC Federal Rail Road Administration
for Postive Train Control

TX-2019-030 Emergency Relief Hurricane Harvey

TX-2018-008 Positve Train Control

USD Thru TxAG (USDA Childcare Grant); EMW-2016-RA-00040

Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)


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