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Awellsstoppeered thermos flask containing some ice cubes is an example of
(a) closed system
b) open system
(c) isolated system
(d) none of these
Internal energy and pressure of a gas of unit volume are related as:
b) P-U ()P=
P-U (d) P=2U
in ar refrigerator causes cooling on expansion because:
14. The work done by
the gas is converted into heat
(a) work

heat of the gas i

is lost as work is done by the
(b) gas
c) the heat is spread over a large space
(d) none of the above
15, Which statement(s):is/are correct?
OU = R (BU
aT )v
d for ideal gas is zero (d) All of the above

16. Temperature and heat are:

(a) extensive properties
(b) intensive properties
(c) intensive and extensive properties respectively
(d) extensive and intensive properties respectively
17. If saturated vapours are
compressed slowly (temperature remains constant) to half the
initial volume, their will:
(a) become four times
(b) become double
(c) remain unchanged (d) becomes half
18. Aclosed flask contains water in all its three states, solids, liquid and vapour at 0°C. In this
Situation the average K.E. of the water molecule will be:
(a) maximum in vapour state
(6) maximum in solid state
(C)greater in the liquid than in vapour state
(d) same in all the three states
Which one of the following statements is talse?
a) Work is a state function
Temperature is a state function
(c) and final states are specified
t in the state is completely defined when the initial
( d) Work appears at the boundary of the system
In thermodyr
dynamics, a process is called reversible when:
uTOundings and system change with eachsurroundings
ere is no boundary between system and
GRB Advanced Problems in Physical
henistry for Et
(c) the surroundings are always in cquilibriun with the system
the system changes into the surroundings spontaneously

21. Ifa gas at constant temperature expands, then its:

(a) intermal energy increases
b) intermal energy remains same
(c) intermal energy decreases
(d) entropy increases and then decreases
22. Which ofthe following statement is wrong?
(a) The two sulphur atoms in the thiosulphate ions occupy equivalent positio
b) lce results from cooling of water whereas snow results from tions
coolino of
cooling of vapou
(c) Formation of ice is solidification whereas formation of snow is
Hoar froct
(d) lce sublimes on moon
23. Which of the following statements is wrong?
(a) Water in a beaker be made to boil by placing it in a bath of boiling water
6) Water can be made to boil without heating
(c) Two pieces of ice stick to each other ifthey are pressed against each other
due to regelation and releaser
(d) Ice can be made to sublimate
24. The relation between the volume and
temperature of a sample of water in the range 0°Cto
100°C is best represented as:


Temp Temp

Temp Temp
25. Which species
possesses negative value of specific
(a) Saturated vapours heat
(b) Ice
(c) Water
(d) Vapours rovidng

0ne temperature increase is not noticed in which

heat to system? followingof the pro
(I) Fusion at
(I) Phase transition atpoint
transition temperature
(LIT) Boiling at boiling
(IV) In chemical reaction
(a) I, II, III b) I, III
27. In which casest
temperature increase is (c) II, IV 355
in thermos flask noticed without
MAdiabatic compression of gas providing heat(d) toII, IV
() Adiabatic expansion of
(V) Digestion of food
(a) I, I, IV (b) I,II
specific heateat(c)II, IV
28. For a gas having molar mass M,
( a ) Y R at constant (d) I, II, II
b) pressure can be
M(Y-1) RM (C) M given as
(d) RM
0 In which of the
following process, there occurs a
R(Y-1) Y+1
(a) Isothermal change in internal
(c) Free expansion b) Adiabatic energy of system?
30, A block of ice at -10°C is (d) cyclic
following curves representsslowly
heated and converted to
steam at 100°C.
phenomenon correctly. Which of the

(a) Temp
Heat supplied
Heat supplied

Heat supplied
. Heat supplied
mixture contains moles
n of monoatomic gas and n moles of
for mixture, the ratio diatomic gas. Ify =1.5
(a) 1:1 of n
:n2 1S
32. Which process is (b) 1:2 (c) 2:1 (d) 2:3
la) Free isothermal and adiabatic both ?
expansion of ideal gas
Work done by gas at constant
Work temperature
d) Cyclic done
on gas at
constant temper
The molar
a) 8.31
(a) heat
eat capacity of a
8.314 JKmol cap diatomic gas at constant pressure is:

) 29.1 (b) 20.8 JK mol

JK mol
(d) 28.0 JKmol
RB Advanced Problems in Physical Cher
yfor I1EE
34. The change in internal energy (in J mol ) o f l mole of a dia
temperature increases by 15°C. omic gas
(b) 311.75 (c) 41.59
when it
(a) 75
35. Enthalpy change (AH) and internal energy change (AU) aree equal for
(d) 83.14
equal for a given
when reaction
(a) Are) =0
(b) reaction is carried out in closed vessel
(c) all the reactants and products are in solution state
either of these
36. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated container against a consto
pressure of 2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final volumeofdnThe
change in internal energy AU of the gas in joule will be
(a) 1136.25 J b)-500 J (c)-505J (d) +505J
37. AU is equal to:
(a) Isochoric work (b) Isobaric work
(c) Adiabatic work (d) Isothermal work
38. Select the incorrect statement(s):
(a) Cp -C, for N2 and H2 is equal to R at low pressure
(b) H +0 H,0;AG highly -ve but reaction is very slow

(c) reversible adiabatic process are isoentropic whereas irreversible process are not
(d) all expansion process lead for work
39. Internal energy does not include:
(a) nuclear energy (b) rotational energy
(c) vibration energyy (d) energy arising by gravitational pull
[B] Laws of Thermodynamics
40. Which of the
following is incorrect regarding the first law of thermodynamicocs?
(a) It is not applicable to any cyclic
(6) It is a restatement of the principle of
conservation of energy
) Itintroduces the concept of the internal
(d) It introduces the concept of the energy
41. Select the incorrect statement: entropy
(a) work can be
(6) heat can be
completely converted into heat
(C) chemical
completely converted into work energ
energy a part of internal energy intokinetic
(d) during can be convertcu
42. It is not condensation, kinetic energy remains constant pollation.This

possible to
be deduced from construct a heat engine which is free
(a) zeroth law
(b) I lawv (d)
varia temperature is defincd by:
zeroth law (b) I law
(a) (d) l law
(c) law

state quantity among the following:
(b) - W (c) qt w
d) q/w
heat engine operates in Carnot cycle between 227°C
and 127°C. It absorbs
Anideal gas
5 6x10 cal of heat at high temperature. Mass of heat converted to work is:

()1.2x10 cal b) 48 x10'cal

(c)6x10 cal (d) 2.4x10' cal
a given process on an ideal gas, dw = 0 and d y = - ve. Then for gas:

(a) the temperature will decrease (b) the volume will increase
(C) the pressure will remain constant (d) the temperature will increase
47. The eficiency of an engine operating between 110°C and an unknown temperature T is
23.3%. What is T?
(a) 394 K (b) 294 K (c) 194 KK (d) 494 K

IC) Expansion and Compression Work

48. A monoatomic ideal gas at temperature 71, is enclosed in a cylinder with a frictionless
piston. The gas is allowed to expanded adiabatically to a temperature T, by releasing the
piston suddenly. If L and L2 are lengths of the gas columns before and after expansion
then 1,/T2 1s given by:
L L (d)

4A kettle containing 1 kg of water is heated open to atmosphere untill evaporation

complete. The work done during this process is
(a) 172.28 J b) 172.28 kJ
(c) 126.09 kJ (d) 126.09J

Foran adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas AP/P is equal to:

(a)A AV AV
V (b) () (d)-
51. Thes slopes of isotherma and adiabatic curves are related as:
(a) Isothermal curve slope Adiabatic curve slope
0) 1sothermal curve slope = y x Adiabatic curve slope
Adiabatic curve slope = y x Isothermal curve slope

Adiabatic curve slope = - x Isothermal curve slope

52. During e an adiabatic process, the pressure ofa gas is found to be proportional to cube of its

absolute tempererature. The Poisson's ratio of gas is

(a) 3/2 (d) 9/7
b) 7/2 (c) 5/3
GRB Advanced Problems in Physical
Chemistry for JEE
shown in Fioure
for two gases during
adiabatic process are Figure. Plot I and
P.V plots
53. corespondrespectively to: plot2

(b) Oa and He
(a) He and 0;
He and Ar
(d) O and Na
54. How many times a diatomic gas should be expanded adiabatically to reduce its ront
square speed to half?
(a) 16 b) 40 (c) 32 (d) 8
55. Two thermally insulated vessels 1 and 2 are filled with air at temperatures (G.7i
volume (,Vz) and pressure (P, P2) respectively. Ifthe valve joining the two vessels is
opened, the temperature inside the vessel at equilibrium will be:

(a) T +T2 (b)7


(c)TTPK +P:V2) (d) TTBV+ PV2)

PVT2+PV271 PV +PzV272
56. The following curves
represents adiabatic expansions of gases He, 0, and O, O
necessarily in order. Which curve represents for O3

log P

(a) I
(c) II (b) II
The intemal energy (d) any one of these the

system goes from change when a system goes from

A to B from state
statc 4 to B is 40
What would by a reversible nath EOeS i r r e v e r s i b l e p a

Dbe e the netohareversible

the net path and returns to state A by an
state A
(a) 40 kJ change internal energy?
in o
S8. b) > 40 kJ
For a
litre reversible (c)<40k
(d) Zero
to 10 process at T 300

K, the
(a) 11.47 k the AH for isothermal volume of2 of 2 mole of ideal gasis
(b) 4.98 k change 15 mo (d) 114.7
(c) zero
ideal gas expands reversibly 50.0 mL to 375 mL at
with 0.04 mol of an
n filled
of 37.0°C. As it does so, it absorbs 208 J of heat. The values ofq
9 .


will be:
a the process
andwfor 7.5 =
8.314 J/mol K)
(R w=+208 J (b) q= +208 J, w = +208 J
q-208 J,
(a) (d) q=-208 J, w=-208 J
(c)9=+208 J, w =-208 J
s0 kJwhen its internal energy is increased by
Theenthalpy ofa system increases by
IWhat is the pressure in k Nmof the systemif
ifthe volume of gas is reduced by 10m3

constant pressure
(a) 16.13
(b) 6.3 (c) 5 (d) 30.2

A> B>C>A as shown in

a. Anideal gas is taken throughthe cycle
to gas in the cycle is 5 J, then work V, 14
thefigure. Ifthe net heat supplied
C A is:
done by the gas in the process

(a)-5J (b) -10J

(c) -15J (d)-20J 10
P N/m
62. An ideal gas expands isothernmally from volume V, to V2 and then compressed to original
volume adiabatically. Initial pressure is P and final pressure is P3. The total work done
isw then:
(a) P> P, w= +ve (b) Ps<P, w=-ve
(c) P> P , W=-ve (d) P = P. w=0

63. One mole ofan ideal gas at 300K is expandedisothermally from an initial volume ofl litre
to 10 litre. The AU for this process is: (R 2cal K mol") =

(a) 163.7cal (b) 1381.lcal (c) 9 litre-atm (d) zero

1hevolume of a monoatomic gas is decreased by 10% on increasing pressure from
X10° Pa to 1.122 x10 Pa at constant temperature. If the compression is caried out

adiabatically, the value of % reduction in volume would be:

(a) 39% (b) 4% (c) 5% (d) 6%
and surroundings.
anadiabatic process, no transfer of heat takes place between systemadiabatic condition
OOSe the correct option for free expansion of an ideal gas under
from the following
(a) q =0, AT +0, w=0 (b) q *0, AT =0, w=0
(c)q=0, AT =0, w=0 (d) q =0, AT <0, w*0
the expression
66. The preressure-volume work for an ideal gas can be calculated by using

Vf the area under

W also be calculated from the
PV-plot by using
et. ay. The work

reversibly or (1)
When an ideal gas is
compressed (i)
im e Within the specified limits.Choose the corect opion.
ESIbly from volume V, to V1.
GRB Advanced Problems in Physical
360 Chemistry for JEE
(a) reversible irreversible (b) Wreversibleireversible
(c) Wreversibleireversible (d) reversible irreversible +
67. Starting with same initial conditions, an ideal gas expands from volumeK toV.
different ways. The work done by gas is if the process is pure isothermal, ws if n
m three
is purely isobaric and wa if purely adiabatic then:

(a) w>> W3 (b) w> W3>

(c) > " > W3 (d) m>Wa> W2
68. The PT diagram for an ideal gas is shown in the figure where AC is an adiabatic pr

The corresponding PV diagram is

(a) P b) P


(c) (d)

V at
to raise the temperature of 2 mole
of ideal gas consial
69. 70 calories of heat is required same
ol a
to raise the temperature
pressure from 30°C to 35°C. The amount of heat required
gas through 30°C to 35°C at constant volume is:
(d) 90
70. (a) 30 at 100°C is passed
Steam (b)in50 (c) in
1.1 kg water placed 70a calorimeter of water equivalent

rises to 80
g 1C, till the temperature of calorinmeter and its content

steam condensed in calorimeter is:

(d) 0.135
(a) 0.130 b) 0.065 (c) 0.260 ter

71. One calorie is defined as the heatrequired to raise the temperature Or 1

I atm pressure in the temperature range of:

(a) 9.5°C to 10.5°C (b) 13.5°C to 14.5°C
(c) 14.5°C to 15.5°C (d) 98.5°C to 99.5°C
ct statement
S e l e c tt h e i n c o r r e c t

negligible for
solid and liquid
is usually work only, an isobaric process that has q =+ve mu
Pl with P -V
(a)P system
F o ra

(b)h a v e A 7 = + v e
process q =0
For a of P but H =0 for white phosphonus
is m o s t stable form
Black 300 K
from 10 m to 10 m at against a constant
expands in volume

ideal gas
work done is:
of10° N m". The
p r e s s u r e

(b) -900 kJ (c) 270 kJ (d) -900J

(a) 900 kJ
constant external pressure of l atm to
ofa gas occupying
3dm" expands against
4. work done is:
volume of
13 dm". The
a (b) -20 atm dm (c) -39 atm dm (d) -48 atm dm3
(a)-10 atmdm"
insulated container a liquid is stirred with a paddle to increase the temperature.
a l
5 ln is true?
Which of the following
=0 (b) AU =W=q #0
(a) AU +W*0,g
AU =0, W=q #0
(d) W=0, AU q +0 =

(c) is raised from 298 to 308 K.

I mole of gas is heated at constant volume, temperature
6. When
is 500 J. Then which statement is correct?
Heat supplied to the gas (b) q =AU = 500 J,w =0
(a)q-w500 J, AU =0
500 J, AU =0 (d) AU= 0, q=w=-500 J
(c) q=w=
at constant pressure P, is 75 JK-'mol. When 1.0 kJ of
7. The molarheat capacity of water of
is free to expand, the increase in temperature
heat is supplied to 100 g of water which
water is:
(c) 4.8 K (d) 6.6 K
(a) 1.2 K (b) 2.4 K
shown in figure. The work
round the cycle ABCDA as
8. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken
done during the cycle is

(d) zero

(a)-PV (b) -2PVV ()-PY

is not given by:
an adiabatic
9. The work done by one mole of
ideal gas during
(b) W=
(a) w=C,(T, -T) Y-1
362 GRB Advanced Problems in i Physical Chemit
mistry for IEE

(c) w=-PV (d) w=- P P


80. Ifthe pressure on density ofa diatomic gas in adiabatic process changes from (P

to (P, e), where P =32P, then is equal to:

128 6) (c) 128

81. The work done in changingthe state from (P%,V%) to (P.)in the following systemi
ystem is

1 2 3 4
V in m3

(a) -7.5 x105J (b) -7.5x10J

(d) -7.5x10 erg
(c)-7.5x10 erg at the end ofcycle for an
series of changes reported in figure
82. The net work done through a
ideal gas is equal to:
B(4P 3V)


(a) zero
(c)-3PY 1s:
series of changes reported in figure for ideal gas
83. The net work done through a

V (m)
(d) +12x10°J

(a)-6x105J b) -7x103J (c) -12x10J


net work done is zero?

In which process
(a) Compression (b) Isochoric
(c) Free expansion (d) Adiabatic
If20 kJ work is done by the water fall per unit volume of water and 30 kJ heat was lost per
it volume, the energy change per unit volume of water is:
(a)-5kJ (b) -50kJ (c)-10kJ (d) +50 kJ
n ideal gas is taken through the cycle A> B>C> A as shown in figure. If net heat
86 anplied to the gas in the cycle is 5 J, the work done by the gas in the process C> A is:


5 10
P (N/m)

(a) -5J
(b) - 10 J (c) - (d) 20 J
15 J

ideal gas TK undergoes reversible adiabatic change under

87. When one mole of monoatomic volume from 1 litre to 2 litre. The final
a constant external pressure of 1 atm changes

temperature in kelvin would be

T 2 3
(c) T (d) T- 2x0.0821
(2)23 b)T3x0.081
8. A gas expands adiabatically such that its temperature 7 oe.The value of poisson's
ratio (y) for gas is
(a) 1.30 (b) 1.50 (c) 1.70 (d) 2

ne mole sample of a monoatomic ideal gas is allowed to proceed for a given cycle as
shown in the figure:

1.0- A
(in atm)

22.44 44.88

(in litre)
temperatures at A, B and C (in K) are respectively 273
(a) 273,
546, 273 (b) 546, 273,
(c) 273, 273
273, 273 (d) 546, 546,
GRB Advanced Problems in Physical Chemi
364 stry for IEt
undergo a process
ABC as shown in figure. Mavi
90. n mole of an ideal gas mum temperaure
the processAB is:
ofthe gas during
A (1, Y1)
B(2 Y2)

Vo 3Vo

(c) 2Po (d) 3P

4Poo (b) nR nR
(a) nR
water vapour is given by the equation:
between H2 ando, to produce
91. The reaction
2H2(g)+O2(8) 2H,0(g)
at STP is (d) +2.27 kJ
The work done (c) 2.27 kJ
(b) +2.27J
(a)-2.27J about
correct statement
92. Select the +
CH(g)+20,(g) work done is negative
(a) work is done on
work is done
(d) no

work done is positive shown in figure. Net workdone

(c) cyclic process
heat energy througha
93. A system absorbs
during the process
10 30
Pin kPa)
b) 10T J
(a) 10'T J
(d) 10m J
(c) 10 J
94. A cyclic process for P-T diagram is shown in figure given

Which ofthe following shows the same process on V-T diagra


) v

eA B

ormodvnamic process, helium gas obeys the law TP" = constant. The heat given
temperature from Tto 2T is:
ton mole of He in order to

(a) 8 RT
b) zero (c) 4 RT (d) 16 RT
contined in a piston fitted cylinder. Figure shows an
6 An ideal gas is
increase in temperature with increase in pressure from state A to o
state B. B
Thework done during the process is
a) negative (b) positive
(d) can't be predicted
(C) 7ero Temperature
absorbed by gas ?
97. In which ofthe P-Vdiagram, the heat may not be

(a (b)


C) (d)

98. The magnitude of work done in the given cyclic process is


P-P), -V,) (d) either of these

GRB Advanced Problems in Physical Chemis
366 hemistry for IEE
capacity (C) ofa solid is given as c
KT3, ahere Kis
99. At very low temperatures,
in enthalpy during heating I mol ofthe
3 x10J mol'K'.The change

200 K is
from OK
(b) 12 Jmol
(a) 60.75 J mol (d) 6J mol
(c) 48 J mol
(diatomic) and C3 (triatomic) are placed s
100. Three gases A (monoatomic), B2 ately a
is compressed adiabatically from volume Vt.
same P and Tinitially. Each one Which
will show higher temperature?
(a) 4 (b) B2
(d) All will show same T
(c) C3 when a bubble ofvolume Vis formed from a given solution How
101. Let Wbe the work done,
to fom a bubble of volume 2V?
much work is required to be done
(b) 2 w (c) 2 w (d) W
(a) 43 w

D] Spontaneity
102. Select the correct statement(s)

ideal gas, AH and AU, both are zero

(a) for isothermal expansion of
dimerisation is always exothermic
(b) spontaneous
(c) for a process x + y xyif AH =0, it will never be spontaneous
(d) all of these
when liquid water boils at 1 atm and 100°C:(Latent
103. The Gibbs energy change in kJ/mole
heat of vaporization is 2072.3 J/mole)
(c) 37.3 (d) 0
(a) 2.072 b) 1.0
104. For the process
Dry ice >CO,(g)
(a) Both AH and AS are positive (6) AH is -

ve and AS +ve

() AH is +ve and AS -ve (d) Both AH and AS are v e

105. AH
for solid liquid
to transition for two substances A and B is 2.73 k cal mol
The itropy
cal mol respectively. The melting points are 0°C and 30°C respectively. enuv
changes ASa and AS, at two transition temperatures are related as :
(a) AS AS
(b) AS <AS
(c)AS>ASg (d) 300AS
AS =

106. In
which of the following cases entropy decreases?
(a) Solid changing to
(c) Crystals dissolve liquid b)Expansion of a gas
In which case, a spontaneous (d) Polymerisation
(a) AH ve, AS +ve reaction is possible at any temperarur e?
(c) AH +ve AS ,
(b) AH- ve, AS- ve
(d) None of these

ae In a reaction,
AH and As both are
positive. In
would not be spontaneous? which of the
following cases, the reaction
(a) AH> TAS
(b) AH =TAS
(c) AS= a
(d) All of these
109. The unit of entropy is:
(a) JKmol (b) kJmol
(c) kJ mol (d) JKl mol
110. Change in entropy for a reaction is given by:

(a)ES,-S (b) nR log. V2

(c) nRlog. P (d) all of these

111. The Gibbs energy change for a reversible reaction at equilibrium is:
(a) zero b) small positive
(c) small negative (d) large positive
112. Which one ofthe followings has AS° positive?
(a) CaO(s)+CO,(g) CacO,(s)
(b)NaCl(aq) NaC)
(c) NaNO (s) + H,O =Nat(ag) +NOG(aq)
(d) N (g)+3H, (g) 2NH,(8)
113. Identify the correct statement regarding entropy:
substance is +ve.
(a) At absolute zero oftemperature, the entropy of perfectly crystalline
substance is taken to
(6) At absolute zero of temperature entropy of perfectly crystalline
be zero.
(C) At 0°C the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance
is taken to be zero.
substances is taken to be
(d) At absolute zero of temperature, the entropy of crystalline
the physical significance of Gibbs energy
nich correctly represents
(a) -AG = b) AG= Wexpansion
(c) AG=-Wnansion =
Wcompression (d) -AG=Wexpansion
115. In an
Teversibleprocess, the value of AS"em +AuT 15
(a) +ve b)-ve
(c) 0 (d) all of these becomes
116. If an of water and
at freezing point
end tnermic reaction is non-spontaneous
feasible at its boiling point, then:
368 GRB Advanced Problems in Physical
Chemistry for iEt
(a) AH is-ve, AS is +ve (b) AH and AS both are tve
(c)AH and AS both are -ve (d) All is tve, AS is ve
117. Standand state Gibbs energy changes for the isomerization reaction.
cis-2pentene trans-2-pentene is -3.67 kJ/mol at 400 K. If more trans
added to the reaction vessel, then:

(a) cquilibrium remains unatfected

b) additional rans-2-pentene is formed
(c) more cis-2-pentene is formed
(d) equilibrium is shifted in forward direction
118.The change in entropy, AS is positive for an endothemic reaction. If enthalpy chano.
occurs at the same temperature T, then the reaction is feasible: AH
(a) at all temperatures (b) when AH> TAS
(c) when AH < 7AS (d) not feasible at all
119. In an irreversible process taking place at constant Tand P and in which only P.Vwort i
being done, the change in Gibbs energy (dG) and change in entropy (dS) satisfy te
(a) (dS)yu =0, (dG)T,p = 0 (b) (ds)yy =0, (dG)T,P = +ve
(d) (ds)yu = +ve, (dG)r,P = -ve
(c) (as)yu =-ve, (dG)r,p =-ve

120. Considering entropy (S) as a thermodynamic parameter, the criterion for thespontanei
of any process is:
(a) ASsysem +
ASuroundings be+ ve (b) ASystem-quroundings be *ve
c) ASysem be zero (d) AS auroundings De Zero
121. The entropy change for vaporisation of water to steam at 100°C is. JKmol".Given

that heat of vaporisation is 40.8 kJ mol

(c) 110.38 (d) 120.38
(a) 109.38 (b) 100.38
122. 2 mole ofideal gas at 27°C temperature is expanded reversibly from 2 litre to 20 hire. ru

entropy change:
(R 2cal/mol K)
(d) 9.2
(a) 92.1 (b) 0 (c) 4
123. At 27°Clatent heat of fusion ofa compound is 2930 J/mol. Entropy change un
(a) 9.77 J/mol K (b) 10.77 J/mol K
(c) 9.07 J/mol K (d) 0.977 J/mol K
124. At l atm pressure, AS = 75 J K-' mol: AH =30 kJ mol. The temper
at equilibrium is:
(d) 110K waler

(a) 400 K (b) 330 K (c) 200 K I8 converted into

125. Whatis the entropy change (inJK-'mol-l) when one mole of 1Ce

at 0°C? molat
6 . 0 kJ
n e enthalpy change for the conversion of ice to liquid walc
hermodynamics 369

b) 2.013 (c) 2.198 (d) 21.98

() enthalpy and standard entropy change for the oxidation of NH, at 298 K, are
( 0 )2 0 . 1 3

2 6 .S t a n d a r de n

382.64 oland 145.6 J

mol respectively. Standard Gibbs energy change for the

same (b) -339.3 kJ mol

(a)-221.1kJ mol
(d)-523.2 kJ mol

27. H,O" +X are given for HR, HCI, HBr and HI. Which acid will show
the forward reaction?

- 61
+16 -46 -59
AG -57
-13 -59 -63
-13 4 +4
TAS -29
b) Only HI
(a) Only HF and HI
(d) HF, HCI, HBr
HCl and HBr shown in the graph. Curve
(c) Only at the rate of 0.4 kJ min as
substance is cooled start of
128. One mole ofa the cooling of the liquid,
CD represent respectively, The entropy of
B and C'and curve solid based on thisdata.
AB, points of the
of freezing and cooling
ezing, completion
fusion in J mol K is:

0 30 35 40 45 50
5 10 15 20 25
(Time in min-)
(d) 40
(c) 30
(a) 10 (b) 20
0r&process to be in equilibrium (b) ASsem =0
(a) ASem+AST
System =0 (d) A S =0
130 he ASem Asur =

is carried out as
direct conver hence it
Conversion of A to B is difficult,
D B e l is entropy
Given AS(AC)
A C ASD) =20 eU;

unit. Thec) ASD =30 eU;

50 eU: ;
it Thus
change in entropy in (A B) is:
370 GRB Advanced Problems in Physical
(a) 100 eU (b) 60 elU (c) -100 eU
Chemistry for
131. One mole of an ideal gas at 300 K in thermal contact with (d) 60 eU
isothermally firom 1.0L to 2.0 L against a constant ndings expar
pressure of 3.0 atm. In this process,pands
ange in entropy ofsurroundings (ASRT) in JKis: (1
L atm = 101.3 J
(a) 5.763 (b) 1.013 (c) - 1.013
(d) -5.763
132 For the process
HO)> H,O(8)
at T 100°Cand 1 atmosphere pressure, the correct choice is
(a) Assem >0 and AS urounding >0
(6)ASytem>0 and AS
(c) AS m <0 and AS Rurounding >0
(d) AS,em 0 and uTounding <0
133 Assuming complete dissociation of l mole each of
H2, N2, 0,
ASo 0
atoms i.e., in monoatomic gaseous atoms under identical
and Cl into
Cl2 into respect
will show conditions of
of p.
P, V and :T,
greater entropy? V and
(a) CI (b) O (c) N
134. One mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermmally to half of d) H
heated to twice of its temperature under 1sochoric its initial volume
condition, the change in then
(a) C, In 2 entropy is.
(b) C, In 2
(c) R In2
(d) (C, -R)In2
135. A sample of an ideal gas at pressure P and volume V
proceed for an isothermal process
showing an entropy change of AS. The work done by the is gas

nR (b)-nRAS (c)-PV (d)


136. Given: Fe^0,(s) +3C0 2Fe(s) +3CO nR

I mole
What is the value of
AG2sc for
2Fe(s) +3C0, Fe,0,(9)
2 mole +3CO
2 mole
(a) +10 kJ (b) +11.717 kJ c) 8.28 kJ (d) 9.45 k
137. For the reaction, 2CI(g)>Cl,(g), the signs of AH and AS respectively are
(a)+, (b)+,+
138. What is AG for the (c) (d)
reaction X,0,()-
cal 2X0,(g); at 27°C Given AU and AS are2.
mol and 20 cal
(a) 2.7 k cal
(b) 1.5 k cal (c) 3.3 k cal (d) 4.4k cal
For water AH ap=540 cal g.AS for water at its mol ris
(a) 540 boiling point 10C
b) 1.45(c) 26.06 (d) 35.60
140. Enthalpy of vaporisation a of
e n t r o p y

of certain liauid is 24.914 kJ moland tne coexistis

vaporisation is 94.684 JKmol.
The temperature at
(a) 263.12 K whicn bo*
(b) 363.12 K (c) 10 K (d) 1K

correct statement
standard Gibb's energy has no effect on equilibrium constant
ii) standard Gibb's energy is proportional to logarithm of equilibrium oconstant
Gi) quilibrium constant can be obtained from standard Gibb's energy
Gv) only K, can beoobtained from standard Gibb's energy
and (v) (b) (ii) and (ii)
(a) ()
( ) i )and (ii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
is an isoentropic process ?
142. Which of the following
(a) Isothermal process (b) Adiabatic process
(c) Isobaric process (d) Isochoric process
correct statement
143. Select the
chlorine is not at 0 K
(a) Entropy of solid

solids is not zero at 0 K

(b) Entropy of glassy
(c) Freezing of liquid to a solid shows a decrease in entropy

(d) All of these

144. Correct order ofincreasing randomness for the following
1. 1 mol of H2
2. 1 mol of completely dissociated H2 in H
3. 1 mol of completely converted from O, to O
4. 1 mol of completely dissociated 0, in O atoms
(a) 1>2 >3>4 (b) 4>2>3>1
(d) 2>4>3>1
145. Selectthe correct statements
(a) S" values for all aqueous ions are positive
(b) AS°=0at equilibrium
(c) AS° is positive for all spontaneous process
(d) all of these The reaction is

reaction AH 35.5 kJ mol and AS 83.6JKmol".

For a given
(Assume that AH and AS do not vary with temperature) T>298 K
(c)all temperatures
(a) T< 425 K b) T> 425 K and C (diamond)
147 200ndard state Gibbs free energies of formation of C(graphite)
298 K are
a°[C (graphite)] = 0 kJ mol

a,G°[C (diamond)] =2.9kl mol

and substance
should be pureat
The standard State
state means
r should be 1 bar, [C(diamond)]
that the pressure [C(graphite)]
to diamond
given t emperature. The conversion ofgraphite
is converted to
If C(graphite)
reduces its volum by
GRB Advanced Problems in
372 Chemistryf
at T= 298 K,
the pressure at which C(graphite) is
C(diamond), is: equilibrium with
Useful information: 1 J=1 kgm?s; 1 Pa=1 kg m"s7;1 bar =105Pal
(b) 29001 bar (c) 58001 bar Pa
(a) 14501 bar (d) 1450 bar
for a system and its surTounding increases i
148. The total entropy change endothermic
(6) (c) reversible (d) irreversible
(a) exothermic
sublimation, which one takes place ?
149. During the process of (b) AH is +ve and AS is -ve
and AS are tve
(a) Both AH
Both AH and AS are - v e (d) AH is -ve and AS is tve
One mole of ice is converted to water at 213 K. Ine entropies of H,O(s) and H.o
nd H,O() are
38.20 and 60.1 J mol K" respectively. Ihe enthalpy change for the conversion is

(a) +5.98kJ b)+2.19 *10 kJ

(d) -2.19 x 10 kJ
151. The entropy change can be calculated by using the expression, AS = rev
T When

freezes in a glass beaker, choose the correct statement amongst the following:
(a) AS sysem decreases but AS auroundings remains the same
(6) ASsystem increases but Aaaroundings decreases
(c) ASvstcm decreases but ASrroundines increases
(d) ASpyatem decreases but AS uToundings also decreases

E] Miscellaneous Problems
152.The temperature coefficient of e.m.f. of a cell can be given by:

(eT nF (b)
C)- T2-T1 )p
(d) All of these

153. The van't Hoff equation is:

(a) -AG RT log,

K, a dIn Kp_AH
dT RT2
(c) AG= RT* In K, (d) none of these
4. The correct relationship between free energy change in a tion and the correspondin
equilibrium constant K, is:
(a) AG°= RT
(c) AG
In Ke b) -AG° = RT In Ke
K (d) -AG= RT In K
D. Among the following number of extensive AU,AS bondmomen
properties Dd
h e a t

Eof cell, EMF of cell, dielectric constant,

is Ss, length, molar

capacity temperarurc

(b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 7

(a) 6
Among the following, number of most stable form are
156. Cpraphite PBlack Rhombic Br2(g)
2C28), Pwhites Pred
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
the incorrect statement:
157, Select
(a) In aqueous solution of Mg*" ions, entropy decreases due to hydration of Mg ion
(b) Entropy change at equilibrium is zero
(c) Melting of wax leads to increase in randomness and increase in enthalpy
(d) For an adiabatic process, AH =0
158.Which one is correct for the reaction:
BaCl +K2CrO- BaCrO+2KCI
(a) AG°=0 b) AG=-ve (c) AG=0 (d) AG=AH
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c)
7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (d)
19. (a) 20. (c) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (d)
25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (d) 30. (c)

37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (c)
43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d)
49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (c) 52 (a) 53. (b) 54. (c)
55. (c) 56. (a) 57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (b)
61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (d) 64. (d) 65. (c) 66. (c)
67. (a) 68. () 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (c) 72. b)
75. (a) 76. 77. (b) 78. (d)
73. (d) 74. (a) (b
79. (d) 80. (a) 81. (b) 82. (c) 83. (b) 84. (c)
85. 86. (c) 87. (a) 88. (b) 89. (a) 90. (a)
91. (c) 92. (d) 93. (b) 94. (c) 95. (b) 96. (b)
97. (d) 98. (d) 99. (b) 100. (a) 101. (a) 102. (d)
103. (d) 104. (a) 105. (c) 106. (d) 107. (a) 108. (d)
109. (a) 110. (d) 111. (a) 112. (c) 113. (b) 114. (d)
115. (a) 116. (b) 117. (c) 118. (c) 119. (d) 120. (a)
121. (a) 122. (d) 123. (a) 124. (a) 125. (d) 126. (b)
127. (d) 128. (c) 129. (a) 130. (b) 131. (c) 132. (b)
133. (d) 134. (d) 135. (a) 136. (a) 137. (c) 138. (a)
139. (c) 140. (a) 141. (b) 142. (b) 143. (d) 144. (b)
145. (d) 146. (b) 147. (a) 150. (a)
148. (d) 149. (a)
151. (c) 152. (d) 156. (a)
157. (d)
153. (b) 154. (b) 155. (d)
158. (b)

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