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SHSPE4 Final Examination (1st term,1st Sem)

Total questions: 50
Worksheet time: 8mins
Instructor name: maychell g

1. Trekking is an activity in which people take multi-day hiking trips through rural, often rugged

a) Kayaking b) Trekking

c) Orienteering d) Hiking

2. Is a recreational activity that is simply walking for recreational purpose

a) Hiking b) Trekking

c) Biking d) Camping

3. Hiking is usually done in beautiful natural environments, natural trails, hills. In areas where there is
means of transportation

a) True b) False

4. Hiking and trekking are just the same.

a) False b) True

5. Both hiking and trekking have physical and mental health benefits. Which of the following
conditions describe mental health benefits?

a) Cardiovascular Strength b) Muscle agility

c) Improve Lung Capacity d) Improve mental and brain function

6. A PE teacher wants to take his students in a long vigorous hike in wild natural environment for
multiple days. Which of the following activities should the teacher plan for?

a) Zip-Lining b) Trekking

c) Fishing d) Hiking

7. Which of the following statements explains how hiking and trekking develop cardiovascular

a) By walking up and down hills and mountains, b) Hiking and trekking often requires the hikers
the heart has to pump harder to keep with be focused on their activity.
the oxygen demand.

c) Hiking and trekking strengthen the muscles d) These physical activities help shed
of the diaphragm and muscles of the ribs unwanted fat and water weight.
that work together to power inhaling and

8. You wanted to go on trekking with your friends but your parents refused to let you join, what
should you do?

a) Make a camp in your backyard and ask your b) Reschedule you’re trip until your parents
family and friends to join you. agree

c) Go with your friends without your parents d) Plan another activity with friends.

9. Which of the following statements BEST describes the difference between hiking and trekking?

a) Hiking is physically, mentally, emotionally b) Hiking involves a long energetic walk in a

and spiritually challenging than trekking. natural environment on hiking trails for a day
or overnight, while trekking involve long
vigorous hike for multiple days.

c) Hiking is done in mountainous area while d) You need more equipment in hiking than
trekking in a beautiful natural environment. trekking.

10. A recrational activity that usually in mountainous area.

a) Fishing b) Camping

c) Hiking d) Trekking
11. is the sport or activity rock faces, especially with the aid of ropes and special equipment.

a) Trekking b) Camping

c) Rock climbing d) Hiking

12. It is called by different names around the world: tramping in New Zealand, bush-walking in
Australia, trekking in Nepal.

a) Trekking b) Kayaking

c) Rock Climbing d) Hiking

13. What benefits of hiking and trekking by walking up and down hills and mountains, the heart has
to pump harder to keep with the oxygen demand. The heart rate does maintain a steady,
increased rate, increasing blood flow to the muscle and brain?

a) Builds Strong Bones b) Weight Loss

c) Improves Lung Capacity d) Cardiovascular Strength

14. What benefits of trekking and hiking ,It is a great way to reduce the stress in your life, because of
the release of endorphins, which are known to make us happy?

a) Builds a Robust Heart b) Mental Health Benefits

c) Agile Muscles d) Improves Lung Capacity

15. What kind of benefits of hiking and trekking require optimum effort from the human body, as it
requires stretching, jumping, climbing and dodging at several intervals.

a) Builds Strong Bones b) Mental Health Benefits

c) Builds a Robust Heart d) Agile Muscles

16. A recreational activity in which participants take up temporary residence in the outdoors, usually
using tents or specially designed or adapted vehicles for shelter.

a) Camping b) Trekking

c) Orienteering d) Hiking

17. RV camping does not require a tent.

a) True b) False
18. Camping can also be done indoors.

a) False b) True

19. Camping can also be done indoors.

a) False b) True

20. Camping requires extensive preparation

a) True b) False

21. One should always have a tent when going camping.

a) False b) True

22. Bike camping focuses more in the destination rather than the ride,

a) False b) True

23. Camping reduces stress by increasing oxygen levels in the body.

a) False b) True

24. One can do extreme activities during camping

a) False b) True

25. Camping improves health in a more enjoyable way

a) False b) True

26. It is ideal to do work report when in camping.

a) True b) False
27. Alvin, a basketball coach took his athlete to a camping trip to improve their endurance. Which of
the following activities should the athletes do?

a) Zip-Lining b) Kayaking

c) Fishing d) Hiking

28. Which of the following instances shows how glampers cook their food?

a) roasting wild duck on top of a campfire b) roasting potatoes underground

c) roasting chicken on instant pot d) hanging chicken over a fire pit

29. How does camping reduced stress?

a) Camping offers a peaceful place to do your b) Camping brings you close to nature.

c) Camping offers a lot of activities that make d) Camping puts less strain on your mental
you forget work. and physical facilities.

30. You wanted to go camping with your friends but your parents refused to let you join,
What should you do?

a) Make a camp in your backyard and ask b) Reschedule you’re trip until your parents
your family and friends to join you. agree.

c) Plan another activity with friends. d) Go with your friends without your parents

31. How would you plan the activities you will do during a camping trip?

a) Choose extreme activities you’ve never b) Choose fun activities that fits your physical
done before capability.

c) Choose common camping activities that are d) Choose activities your friends have chosen.

32. In orienteering, a map is used to search for correct navigation.

a) True b) False
33. The relay orienteering is the most popular team orienteering competition wherein the number of
legs in the relay depends on the number of persons on a team.

a) False b) True

34. The pair work is a method by which teams can work in group and it is up to the leader to decide
which members of the team should be sent to find which controls.

a) True b) False

35. There is a high chance that an inexperience orienteer can win a certain orienteering event

a) True b) False

36. Involves paddling a small craft through water. This low-impact activity can improve your aerobic
fitness, strength and flexibility.



37. Without the map, an orienteer cannot locate the exact position of the points.

a) False b) True

38. Sprain and blisters are common injuries in orienteering.

a) False b) True

39. Shortcut method is allowed in an orienteering event.

a) False b) True

40. Orienteering sharpens our mind when it comes to choosing which path will you take in order to
reach the next point.

a) True b) False

41. Orienteering event can boost your decision making and can make to become more self-reliant.

a) True b) False
42. A map is still functional without a compass.

a) False b) True

43. The difference between a cross country orienteering and line orienteering is they don’t have
controls in the map.

a) True b) False

44. Falling on steep, rocky, slippery or loose terrain are called as impact injuries.

a) True b) False

45. Orienteering can improve your fitness level because it provides the perfect environment for
athletes and nonathletes to develop strong heart, legs, and lungs.

a) True b) False

46. In orienteering, the compass is used to prove that you have visited all the control points in the
right order.

a) False b) True

47. is the sport of navigation, using a highly detailed map. Whether you’re an experienced hiker,
competitive runner, or just a family or group out for an activity in a park, this sport helps you
improve your navigation each time.

a) Orienteering b) Camping

c) Hiking d) Trekking

48. Falling on steep, rocky, slippery or loose terrain are called as impact injuries.

a) False b) True

49. Involves paddling a small craft through water. This low-impact activity can improve your aerobic
fitness, strength and flexibility.



50. Involves paddling a small craft through water. This low-impact activity can improve your aerobic
fitness, strength and flexibility.



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